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Youth Force • International Aids Conference 2018 • Amsterdam 23-27 July 2018

Call for Submissions for Scientific Articles

The International AIDS Conference is the largest conference on any global
health issue in the world. First convened during the peak of the AIDS epidemic in
1985, it continues to provide a unique forum for the intersection of science,
advocacy, and human rights.
The Amsterdam Youth Force represents youth perspectives during the
AIDS2018 conference. We aim to be the driving force behind an inclusive and
meaningful youth programme that will represent young voices from around the
world. Our goal is to structurally de-stigmatise HIV & AIDS and contribute to the
prevention of new (co-) infections by empowering and educating youth.

Call for Scientific and Medical Articles on HIV/AIDS

In order to approach our mission we wish to use our online media platforms for
sharing up-to-date and relevant scientific and medical information regarding HIV/AIDS.
Therefore we require medical and scientific articles that show the progress that is being
made to treat the virus and improve the lives of those affected.
The scientific articles must act as a straightforward yet educational insight into living
with and treating HIV/AIDS. Furthermore, they should be an access point and
introduction for some to the fight against HIV/AIDS, and should therefore keep in mind
a wider audience whilst still remaining hard science articles.
To complement these scientific articles we will also publish on topics such as activism
and social and physical impact of HIV/AIDS.

Topics for Engagement
We would like the articles to build upon one another so that in the end we have a
complete picture. Therefore, we ask for succinct and explanatory articles focused on
particular themes and topics. Such topics may include:
- Medical definitions of HIV/AIDS
- Life cycle of the virus
- Transmission
- Treatment
- Treatment as prevention - PrEP
- U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable)
- Partner study
- Co-infections

Required format of submissions
- Ideally 2 pages in length, excluding footnotes
- The use of a consistent academic referencing style
Amsterdam Youth Force • International Aids Conference 2018 • Amsterdam 23-27 July 2018

- Full explanations of any scientific language and terminology used
- Focused on a certain theme, topic, treatment or medication and finely detailed in
this focus
- Case studies are welcomed

Please contact us at with the subject title ‘Scientific
Submission’ detailing the topic you wish to cover. We then will then give you a deadline
for your completed submissions. With all submissions we reserve our right to edit the
language and suggest changes if required. If you would like more information please do
not hesitate to ask.

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