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Bayesian Analysis of Rank Data With Application to

Primate Intelligence Experiments

Valen E. Johnson, Robert O. Deaner, and Carel P. van Schaik

A model for analyzing rank data obtained from multiple evaluators, possibly using different ranking criteria, is proposed. The model is
speciŽ ed hierarchically within the Bayesian paradigm and includes parameters that represent the probabilities that two items are assigned
equal rankings. Also included are parameters that account for the relative precision of rankings obtained from distinct evaluation schemes.
The model is illustrated through a meta-analysis of rank data collected to compare the cognitive abilities of various primate genera.
KEY WORDS: Hierarchical Bayes; Markov chain Monte Carlo; Meta-analysis; Paired-comparisons; Thurstonian model.

1. INTRODUCTION Consequently, the proposed model should ultimately permit

substantial progress toward elucidating the organization and
In this article we propose a Bayesian latent variable model
evolution of animal cognition, especially regarding the ques-
for analyzing rank data obtained from several observers or
tion of whether and to what extent domain-general abilities
studies. The resulting model is closely related to Thurstonian
models for rank data (Thurstone 1927, 1931) as developed by, exist in nonhuman primates.
among others, Daniels (1952), Stern (1990), and Böckenholt The meta-analysis considered here includes several dozen
(1992, 1993) and summarized, along with other methods for studies, which are grouped into paradigms and procedures.
analyzing rank data, by Marden (1995). The model is also Paradigms are general types of “intelligence” tests, whereas
related to classical paired-comparison models (e.g., Bradley procedures refer to different methodologies used in investigat-
and Terry 1952; Bradley 1984; David 1988) and the more ing these paradigms. Taxonomic rankings within a procedure
recent work on paired-comparison models for time-varying usually derive from a single study, but in some cases, two
data by Glickman and Stern (1998) and Glickman (1999). or more studies with extremely similar methods were con-
From a Bayesian perspective, the model is closely related to ducted and hence were combined. To familiarize readers with
multirater ordinal data models as described by Johnson (1996, these studies, we provide a brief description of each paradigm.
1997) and Johnson and Albert (1999). Details on the procedures within the paradigms are provided
The major innovations of this model are the inclusion of in earlier work (Deaner et al. 2001). Rank data for this meta-
parameters to accommodate ties and a hierarchical structure analysis appear in Table 1. The following paradigms were
that facilitates the estimation of variances and correlations included in the meta-analysis:
arising from related studies. (See Davidson 1970 for an alter- ¡ Detour. In detour problems, the subject is required to
native formulation for tied data in standard paired-comparison manually move an object through a spatial Ž eld containing
models.) In addition, posterior probabilities concerning the rel-
obstacles. Detour problems investigate the ability to form
ative values of ranked items and other model parameters are
and act on spatial representations.
easily assessed using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) ¡ String. In patterned string problems, the subject is shown
an array of interlaced strings, one of which is tethered
To illustrate the features of the methodology, the model
to a desirable food. The subject is allowed to pull only
is deŽ ned in the context of a meta-analysis of historical
one of the strings, and hence must determine which string
data collected to rank nonhuman primate taxa according to
is actually attached to the reward. Patterned string prob-
their “intelligence.” (We use the term “intelligence” as a
lems also investigate the ability to form and act on spatial
theoretical construct meaning that some cognitive abilities
are relatively domain general or applicable to many situ-
¡ Displace. In studies of invisible displacement, the subject
ations. The use of the term does not imply that all pro-
cessing can necessarily be reduced to a single unidimen- views an object being placed into a container that is sub-
sional axis. For further discussion of this issue, see Deaner, sequently moved behind one or more barriers. The subject
van Schaik, and Johnson 2001.) Although the extent and is then shown the empty container. If the subject searches
nature of taxonomic differences in cognitive abilities is of only the barriers behind which the container passed, this
long-standing interest for evolutionary biologists, few statisti- indicates that the subject can track the spatial movements
cal tools are available for assessing performance differences of unperceived objects.
across multiple problem types (Balda, Kamil, and Bednekoff ¡ Tool. Tool use, in which the subject must move an inter-
1996; Lefebvre and Giraldeau 1996; Rumbaugh, Savage- mediate object (a tool) in relation to another object or
Rumbaugh, and Washburn 1996; Tomasello and Call 1997). substrate, involves aspects of causal reasoning, spatial
representation, and motor coordination.
¡ Discriminate. In the object discrimination learning set
Valen E. Johnson is a Technical Staff Member, Statistical Sciences, paradigm, the subject is Ž rst confronted with the prob-
MS F600, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 (E-mail:, and is on leave from the Institute of Statistics and Deci-
sion Sciences, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708, where he is a Profes-
sor. Robert O. Deaner is a Research Associate, Department of Neurobiology, © 2002 American Statistical Association
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC 27710. Carel P. van Schaik is a Journal of the American Statistical Association
Professor, Department of Biological Anthropology, Duke University, Durham,
March 2002, Vol. 97, No. 457, Applications and Case Studies
NC 27708.
Table 1. Studies Included in the Meta-Analysis of Primate Intelligence

Paradigm Detour String Displace Tool Discriminate Reversal Odd Sort Delay

Genus 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

Pan 1 1 2 105 2 105 1 1 1 5

Pongo 1 1 1 105 4 3 1 1
Gorilla 4 1 105 3 105 805 205
Hylobates 5 2 605 5
Presbytis 1
Macaca 2 2 1 605 205 2 3 1 105 1 2 1 1 1 205 1 4 2 3 205 2 5 205
Mandrillus 605 5
Cercopithecus 2 605 1 5 6 5
Papio 10 2
Cercocebus 605 805
Johnson, Deaner, and van Schaik: Primate Intelligence Experiments

Miopithecus 2 11
Ateles 3 1 1
Aotus 3
Lagothrix 3 1 11
Callithrix 3 2 4
Saimiri 2 2 3 4 4 2
Cebus 4 9 205 105 3 2 105 2 205 2 1 605 2 1 205 11
Eulemur 205
Nycticebus 2
Phaner 9
Varecia 11
Microcebus 10
Galago 3
Lemur 5 3 3 1 3 205 8 5

NOTE: Entries denote rankings obtained under each procedure (columns) for genera considered in the procedure. The ’ rst grouping within the table consist of great apes, the third group Old World monkeys, the fourth New World monkeys, and the last
Prosimians. Hylobates are not so categorized. Original data on which the rankings are based have been given in the following references: 1, Davis, McDowell, and Nissen (1957); 2, McDowell and Nissen (1959); 3, Davis and Leary (1968); 4, Harlow and Settlage
(1934), Finch (1941), Reisen, Greenberg, Granston, and Fantz (1953), Fischer and Kitchener (1965), Balasch, Sabater-Pi, and Padrosa (1974); 5, Natale, Antinucci, Spinozzi, and Poti (1986), Natale and Antinucci (1989a); 6, de Blois, Novak, and Bond (1998);
7, de Blois, Novak, and Bond (1999); 8, Natale and Antinucci (1989b); 9, Visalberghi, Rumbaugh, and Fragaszy (1995); 10, Miles and Meyer (1956), Miles (1957a,b); 11, Shell and Riopelle (1958); 12, Stevens (1965); 13, Stevens (1965); 14, Manocha (1967);
15, Rumbaugh and McCormack (1967); 16, Schrier (1972); 17, Ohta (1983), Ohta, Ishida, and Matano (1984, 1987); 18, Meyer (1951), Cotterman, Meyer, and Wickens (1956); 19, Crawford (1962); 20, Stevens (1965); 21, Gossette and Inman (1966), Gossette and
Slonim (1969), Gossette (1970); 22, Rumbaugh and Arnold (1971); 23, Rumbaugh (1997); 24, Strong and Hedges (1966); 25, Davis, Leary, Stevens, and Thompson (1967); 26, Thomas and Boyd (1973); 27, Garcha and Ettlinger (1979); 28, Tinklepaugh (1932);
29, Harlow, Uehling, and Maslow (1932), Maslow and Harlow (1932); 30, Miles (1957a,b).
10 Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 2002

lem of discriminating between two objects. One of the lying, continuous-valued latent variables: a global trait vari-
objects is arbitrarily designated correct, and the subject is able and a paradigm–genus bias effect. In the context of the
rewarded for selecting it. The subject is given several tri- primate intelligence study, the global trait variables represent
als under these conditions and learns to consistently make each genus’s underlying cognitive ability—here assumed to
the correct choice. The learning set phenomenon refers to be unidimensional—and the paradigm-genus bias represents
the observation that if the subject is given another dis- variations in the measurement of the global trait according to
crimination problem, with two novel stimuli, then it will paradigm. Large values of paradigm-bias effects may be used
tend to learn this second problem more quickly than it to diagnose violations of the assumption of a unidimensional
did the Ž rst one. The degree to which the subject “learns global trait variable. The combination of these variables is
how to learn” is thought to re ect on its ability to form assumed to be observed with error.
and use abstract rules or “hypotheses.” To make these assumptions more precise, let yi1 j denote the
¡ Reversal. The reversal learning paradigm investigates rank of the ith genus obtained from the jth procedure, and let
the ability to reverse a previously learned discrimination. g4j5 denote the paradigm to which the jth procedure belongs.
Most commonly, over the course of several trials, the We assume that yi1 j > yk1 j implies zi1 j > zk1 j , where the latent
subject learns to make one object discrimination to get procedure variable, zi1 j , can be expressed as
a reward (e.g., picking one object rather than another).
Then, without warning, the values of the objects change zi1 j D ˆi C ‡i1 g4j5 C …i1 j 0 (1)
so that the previously unrewarded object is rewarded for
In the context of primate intelligences, ˆi denotes the global
a run of trials. intelligence measure of the ith genus, ‡i1 g4j5 denotes the
¡ Odd. The oddity paradigm addresses the ability to use a paradigm–genus bias effect, and …i1 j is a random error. Let
relational or abstract concept. In most studies, the subject K denote the number of paradigms under which procedures
is simultaneously provided with three visual stimuli, two are deŽ ned, and let I denote the total number of genera
of which are identical and one that differs; the subject is ranked. To establish a measurement scale for the latent vari-
rewarded for choosing the differing or odd stimulus. ables, we assume that the variables ˆi are independent and
¡ Sort. The sorting paradigm examines the ability to form identically distributed a priori as standard normal variables.
abstract concepts and to use them to categorize stimuli The paradigm–genus bias effects are also assumed to be inde-
accordingly. Tests usually require the subject to place sim- pendently distributed according to a normal distribution, but
ilar objects in the same container. with mean 0 and precision ’g4j5 . The precision parameter ’g4j5
¡ Delay. The delayed response paradigm investigates the is assumed to be constant for procedures within the same
subject’s memory. In most studies, the subject observes a paradigm. The random errors …i1 j are assumed to be indepen-
reward being hidden in one of two spatial locations, there dently distributed according to normal distributions with mean
is a delay, and then the subject is allowed to search one 0 and precision ƒj , where ƒj is unique to procedure j. The pri-
of the locations. The questions of interest are “For any mate intelligence study includes 9 paradigms, 30 procedures,
given time interval, what percentage of Ž rst searches are and 24 genera.
correct?” and “What is the maximum delay at which a In the second stage of the hierarchical model, we assume
subject can still score above chance?” that the ƒj ’s are drawn independently from a gamma distribu-
2. MODEL SPECIFICATION tion with mean and variation parameters Œ1 and 1 , and that
the ’g4j5 ’s are drawn independently from a gamma distribution
A general question that arises in the interpretation of with mean Œ2 and variation parameter 2 .
rank data obtained from multiple paradigms (i.e., studies or The Ž nal stage of the model comprises prior distributions
observers) is whether or not there exists a single underlying on the hyperparameters Œ1 1 Œ2 1 1 , and 2 . In this stage of the
trait that can explain each paradigm’s rankings. This ques- model, we re ect vague prior information concerning the val-
tion is especially important in the meta-analysis considered ues of the precision parameters in the second stage, while also
here because of the controversy surrounding the existence of maintaining propriety of the posterior and avoiding degener-
domain-general abilities (intelligence) and the fact that sev- ate peaks in the posterior that can occur when a subset of
eral distinct paradigms were used. Thus it is important that the precision parameters becomes arbitrarily large. This difŽ culty
statistical model used for the analyses of these data include occurs when one or more procedure’s ranks exactly agree with
parameters to represent paradigm–genus biases (or, in more the estimated consensus ranking, a conŽ guration that can eas-
general terms, biases of rankings obtained from studies con- ily arise in small studies.
ducted under paradigms for which particular items are differ- A further consideration that arises in setting the prior
entially assigned higher or lower rankings). These parameters distributions in the third stage of the model concerns the
aid the detection of biases associated with given paradigms identiŽ ability of both the paradigm–genus precision parame-
when they exist, and also permit such effects to be disre- ters, Ò D 4’1 1 : : : 1 ’K 5, and the procedure precision parameters,
garded when they are not supported by data. When present, Ã D 4ƒ1 1 : : : 1 ƒJ 5. When paradigm–genus bias terms are uni-
the inclusion of paradigm–genus bias parameters provides a formly small, or if only a small number of procedures are per-
simple mechanism for accounting for the correlation between formed under each paradigm, differentiating paradigm–genus
rankings obtained from procedures within the same paradigm. bias effects from procedure errors is problematic. This sug-
With these considerations in mind, we assume that the gests a two-step Ž tting procedure in which support for includ-
ranks obtained under each procedure are based on two under- ing paradigm–genus biases in the model is Ž rst assessed by
Johnson, Deaner, and van Schaik: Primate Intelligence Experiments 11

Ž tting a model including such effects, and then, if necessary, Y

reŽ tting a reduced model without them. € n4zi1 j 3 ˆi C ‡i1 g4j5 1 ƒj 5 € n4ˆi 3 01 15
jD1 i2Cj i
An additional relevant consideration in specifying the
third-stage model involves scaling the trait variables. Because Y

the latent intelligence variables È D 4ˆ1 1 : : : 1 ˆI 5 are deŽ ned € n4‡i1 g4j5 3 01 ’g4j5 5 € gamma4ƒj 3 1 1 1 =Œ1 5
jD1 i2Cj jD1
on a standard normal scale, procedure precisions smaller
than 1 imply that the ranking procedures are relatively unin- Y

formative. Similarly, values of the paradigm–genus precision € gamma4’k 3 2 1 2 =Œ2 5 € gamma4Œ1 3 11 5

variables (Ò) smaller than 1 imply substantial disagreement
between paradigms. Because the prior means of the ƒj and ’k € gamma4Œ2 3 11 5 € inv-gamma41 3 „1 ‚5
are Œ1 and Œ2 , and their prior variances are parameterized to € inv-gamma42 3 „1 ‚50 (4)
be Œ21 =1 and Œ22 =2 , we thus assume a common exponential
prior distribution on Œ1 and Œ2 with parameters Ž xed so that Here 41 ‚1 „5 D 40051 0651 101751 n4¢3 a1 b5 denotes a normal
the prior mean of each is 20 and the prior variance is 400. This density with mean a and precision b1 gamma4¢3 c1 d5 denotes
prior has its mode at the origin but places substantial weight a gamma density with shape and scale parameters c and
on values of Œ1 and Œ2 greater than 10. d (mean c=d), and inv-gamma denotes the corresponding
The prior on the variation parameters 1 and 2 was cho- inverse-gamma density.
sen to be an inverse gamma distribution that placed 80% of
its weight between .25 and 4. In other words, the coefŽ cient
of variation for the second-stage precision parameters was
assigned an 80% probability of being between 1/2 and 2. The The normal-gamma conjugate structure assumed for the
sensitivity of the model to these third-stage model assump- Ž rst- and second-stage models makes implementation of a
tions is addressed in Section 4. hybrid Gibbs–Metropolis sampling scheme straightforward.
To model information contained in ties, let z4i1 j5 1 i 2 Cj , After the model is initialized so that the parameter conŽ gu-
denote the ordered values of the observed traits of genera ration is consistent with the data (i.e., all precision parame-
ranked in procedure j, with Cj denoting the set of genera ters and Š are positive, and the estimated procedure values
ranked in study j and Cjü denoting the set Cj with the genus zij are consistent with the observed rank data), the follow-
estimated as having the largest value of zi1 j omitted. Let ing steps may be used to generate samples from the posterior
y4i1 j5 denote the corresponding ordered values of the observed distribution:
ranks. DeŽ ne 1. For i D 11 : : : 1 I, sample ˆi from a normal distribution
with mean c=d and precision d, where
p4i1 j5 4Š5 X X
( cD ƒj 4zij ƒ ‡i1 g4j5 5 and d D 1C ƒj 0
exp6ƒ4z4iC11 j5 ƒ z4i1 j5 5=Š7 if y4iC11 j5 D y4i1 j5 j2i2C j j2i2Cj
D (2)
1 ƒ exp6ƒ4z4iC11 j5 ƒ z4i1 j 5 5=Š7 if y4iC11 j5 6D y4i1 j5 2. For k D 11 : : : 1 K and i D 11 : : : 1 I, sample ‡i1 k from a
normal distribution with mean c=d and precision d, where
for a given value of the parameter Š. The function p4i1 j5 4Š5 X X
deŽ nes a parametric model for the probability that two genera cD ƒj 4zij ƒ ˆi 5 and d D ’g4j5 C ƒj 0
are tied, given their latent procedure variables. The prior dis- j2g4j5Dk j2g4j5Dk

tribution on Š is assumed to be uniform on the positive real

3. For j D 11 : : : 1 J , sample ƒj from a gamma distribution
with shape c and scale d, where
Given the aforementioned assumptions, the sampling den-
sity assumed for the observed rank data is assumed to take the X1 1 X 4zij ƒ ˆi ƒ ‡i1 g4j5 52
form c D 1 C and dD C 0
i2Cj 2 Œ1 i2C j 2

f 4y — z1 Š1 È1 Ò1 Ã1 Ç1 1 ‚1 ‹5 4. For k D 11 : : : 1 K, sample ’k from a gamma distribution

with shape c and scale d, where
D p4i1 j5 4Š5 Ind4y4iC11 j5 ¶ y4i1 j5 50 (3) X X1 2 X X ‡i12 g4j5
jD1 i2Cjü c D 2 C and dD C 0
j2g4j5Dk i2C j
2 Œ2 j 2g4j5Dk i2Cj 2
The normalizing constant of this sampling density is indepen-
5. Generate a candidate draw for Œ1 , say Œü , from an
dent of Š. It then follows that the posterior distribution on the
inverse gamma with shape parameter c and scale parameter d,
model parameters can be expressed as
p4z1 Š1 È1 Ò1 Ã1 Ç1 1 ‚1 ‹ — y5 c D 1 C J1 and d D 1 ƒj 0
/ p4i1 j5 4Š5 Ind4y4iC11 j5 ¶ y4i1 j5 5 Accept the candidate draw with probability equal to the
jD1 i2Cjü minimum of 1 and exp6ƒ4Œü ƒ Œ1 57.
12 Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 2002

6. Generate a candidate draw for Œ2 , say Œü , from an 4. ANALYSIS OF PRIMATE INTELLIGENCE DATA
inverse gamma with shape parameter c and scale parameter d,
The model described earlier for the analysis of correlated
XK rank data was applied to the primate intelligence data reported
c D 1 C K2 and dD 2 ’k 0 in Table 1 by running the MCMC algorithm described in
kD1 Section 3 for 40,000 burn-in iterations, followed by 4,000,000
Accept the candidate draw with probability equal to the min- parameter updates. The number of updates was determined
imum of 1 and exp6ƒ4Œü ƒ Œ2 57. using the coupling-regeneration scheme described by Johnson
7. Generate a candidate draw for 1 , say ü , according to (1998), which indicated that for this total sample size, iterates
separated by 40,000 updates in the chain could be considered
ü D 1 exp4s51 effectively independent. More speciŽ cally, the probability that
the distribution of 100 iterates separated by 40,000 updates in
where s N 401 t5 and t, the precision of the Metropolis– this MCMC chain would couple with the distribution of 100
Hastings proposal density, was chosen to be 1.1. Accept ü as independent draws from the posterior distribution exceeds .98.
the new value of 1 with probability equal to The coupling-regeneration scheme is probably conservative in
this setting because of the difŽ culty associated with couplings
³ of the zi1 j , which are drawn from truncated normal distribu-
ü ƒ„ exp4ƒ‚=ü 5
min 11 ƒ„ tions with truncation points determined by other latent proce-
1 exp4ƒ‚=1 5
dure variables. Nonetheless, the MCMC algorithm is relatively
4ƒj ü =Œ1 5ü exp4ƒƒj ü =Œ1 5â 41 5 fast, requiring only 1.5 hours when executed on a 4-year-old
€ 0
4ƒj 1 =Œ1 51 exp4ƒƒj 1 =Œ1 5â 4ü 5 Unix workstation.
As discussed in Section 3, the magnitudes of the paradigm–
8. Generate a candidate draw for 2 , say ü , according to genus bias terms and the values Ò1 Œ2 , and 2 were exam-
ined to assess support for paradigm–genus bias terms in the
ü D 1 exp4s51 Ž nal model. The posterior means of the paradigm–genus pre-
cision parameters Ò ranged from 36 to 65, whereas the poste-
where s N 401 t5, and t D 05. Accept ü as the new value of rior mean of Œ2 was 32. In comparison, the posterior means
2 with probability equal to of the precision parameters à ranged from 1.8 to 5.9, and the
posterior mean of Œ1 was 4.6. Only two paradigm–genus bias
³ estimates had posterior means exceeding .5 in magnitude, and
ü ƒ„ exp4ƒ‚=ü 5
min 11 ƒ„ neither could be reliably distinguished as being either posi-
2 exp4ƒ‚=2 5
tive or negative. Both effects occurred within the discrimina-
4’k ü =Œ2 5ü exp4ƒ’k ü =Œ2 5â 42 5 tion learning paradigm; the posterior mean of the discrimina-
€ 0
ƒ tion learning–Macaca bias was ƒ053 with a posterior standard
kD1 4’k 2 =Œ2 5 2 exp4 ’k 2 =Œ2 5â 4ü 5

deviation of 1.11, and the posterior mean of the discrimination

9. For j D 11 : : : 1 J and i 2 Cj , generate candidate draws learning–Presbytis bias was ƒ052 with a standard deviation
for zi1 j from a truncated normal distribution with mean of 1.44. Note that Presbytis was rated only once and in that
ˆi C ‡i1 g4j 5 and precision ƒj , truncated to the interval 4c1 d5, study was ranked highest. Mathematically, the fact that Pres-
where c is the largest value of zk1 j for which yk1 j < yi1 j and d bytis received the highest rating from this study implies that
is the smallest value of zm1 j for which ym1 j > yi1 j . Accept the the likelihood function does not provide a lower bound for the
candidate draw as the new value of zi1 j with probability equal value of its latent procedure variables zi1 j . Thus a negative, but
to the minimum of 1 and the ratio of statistically insigniŽ cant, bias effect is not unexpected. Similar
comments apply also to the discrimination learning–Macaca
p4i1 j5 4Š51 interaction. In Ž ve of the six procedures in this paradigm for
i2Cjü which Macaca was ranked, it received the top rating. The pos-
terior mean of each genera’s latent intelligence variables based
evaluated at the candidate and the current values of zi1 j . on the Ž t of the full model are provided in the Ž rst column of
10. Generate a candidate draw for Š, Šü , according to Figure 1.
The lack of signiŽ cant bias terms suggests that a reduced
Šü D Š exp4s51 model without paradigm–genus bias parameters is adequate
for describing these data. Thus we reŽ tted a reduced model
where s N 401 t5 and t D 101. Accept Šü as the updated value using a simple modiŽ cation of the MCMC algorithm described
of Š with probability equal to the minimum of 1 and the ratio earlier; the proportion of times that each genus’s global intel-
ligence variable, ˆi , was greater than every other genus’s intel-
Šü Y
p4i1 j5 4Šü 5
ligence variable was recorded, along with the MCMC sam-
Š jD1 i2C ü p4i1 j 5 4Š5 ple mean and variance of these and related quantities. These
proportions provide an estimate of the posterior odds that the
The values of t chosen for the foregoing proposal densities general intelligence variable for one genus was greater than
resulted in acceptance rates in the range of 25%–35%. another, which in this particular study were the variables of
Johnson, Deaner, and van Schaik: Primate Intelligence Experiments 13

Pongo Pongo Pongo Pongo

Pan Pan Pan Pan

Ateles Ateles Ateles Ateles

Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla

Presbytis Presbytis Presbytis Presbytis

Macaca Macaca Macaca

latent intelligence

Mandrillus Mandrillus Mandrillus Cercopithecus

Mandrillus Cercopithecus
Cercopithecus Cercopithecus
Cercocebus Cercocebus
Cebus Cercocebus Cebus
Cercocebus Lagothrix Cebus
Hylobates Cebus Lagothrix Hylobates Hylobates Hylobates Lagothrix
Papio Lagothrix
Papio Papio

Nycticebus Nycticebus Nycticebus Aotus Nycticebus

Aotus Varecia Aotus Varecia Varecia Aotus
Eulemur Eulemur Eulemur Eulemur
Phaner Phaner Phaner Phaner
Lemur Lemur
Galago Lemur Lemur
Galago Galago Galago
Saimiri Microcebus Saimiri Saimiri Microcebus Saimiri
Microcebus Microcebus

Callithrix Callithrix
Callithrix Callithrix

Miopithecus Miopithecus Miopithecus


Full Model Reduced Model 50% interval 95% interval

Figure 1. Posterior Means of Latent Intelligence Variables Under Varying Model Assumptions. The leftmost column depicts estimates obtained
using the full model with paradigm–genus interactions. The next column shows the posterior means obtained under the reduced model for
values of the hyperparameters speci’ ed in Section 2. The third column displays the posterior means of the intelligence variables when the prior
probability on 1 being in the interval (.25, 4) is .5. The ’ nal column are the corresponding means when this prior probability is increased to .95.

primary interest. These odds, as estimated from the reduced 29 yielded an unexpectedly low ranking of Gorilla and ranks
model, are displayed in Figure 2. Papio above Pan. In procedure 25, Lemur is ranked above
From a biological perspective, the odds displayed in Cercopithecus. Had similar discordancies been detected for
Figure 2 conŽ rm a widely-held belief that the great apes other procedures in the same paradigms, it is likely that sig-
[Gorilla, Pan (chimpanzees), and Pongo (orangutan)] have niŽ cant paradigm–genus biases would have been estimated, as
greater cognitive ability than other nonhuman primates. The we illustrate in Section 4.1. However, with only one discrepant
odds cited for Ateles are also of interest, because this genus is procedure found within any paradigm, the model favors a
not closely related to the great apes, but nonetheless appears slightly lower value of the relevant procedure precision param-
to rival Gorilla in terms of intelligence. Presbytis also is eters to a lower value of the paradigm precision parameters
estimated to have high cognitive ability, but, because it was
due to shrinkage effects imposed by the third-stage model.
ranked in only one study, it had a comparatively large poste-
The posterior mean of Š for this model was .26, with a 95%
rior variance. The posterior means of each genus’s intelligence
posterior probability interval extending from .13 to .47. At
variable are displayed in the second column of Figure 1 for
the posterior mean, this implies that latent procedure variables
comparison with results obtained under the full model.
With the exception of procedures 15, 25, and 29, the poste- (zi1 j ’s) separated by .17 units were estimated to have approx-
rior means of the procedure precision parameters ranged from imately a 50% chance of producing a tied ranking.
2.9 to 6.2. The precision parameters for these procedures were As a check on the sensitivity of these results to the choice
.9, .8, and 1.8. The comparatively low precision associated of the third-stage hyperparameters 1 ‚, and „, histogram esti-
with procedures 15 and 29 can be understood through apparent mates of the parameters Œ1 and 1 were plotted against their
discordancies in the rankings of the great apes in these proce- corresponding priors in Figures 3 and 4. These Ž gures sug-
dures. Macaca is ranked higher than Pan, Pongo, and Gorilla gest that the choice of the third-stage hyperparameters 1 ‚,
in procedure 15, despite Macaca’s lower rankings in relation and „ probably weighed signiŽ cantly in the determination of
to these genera in most other procedures. Similarly, procedure the posterior distributions on Œ1 and 1 .
14 Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 2002

Miopithecus given each of the procedures in estimating È. Sensitivity of

Microcebus the posterior on È to 1 is thus of special interest; for that rea-
Saimiri son, we have displayed posterior means of È under values of
Lemur ‚ and „ that placed 95% and 50% of the prior mass of 1 on
Phaner the interval (.25, 4). (The baseline model assigned 80% mass
Varecia to this interval.) The resulting posterior means are displayed,
Aotus along with the results from the full model with paradigm–
Papio genus biases and the reduced, baseline model, in Figure 1.
Hylobates Values of the posterior means of the cognitive ability vari-
Cebus ables in Figure 1 indicate that although the posterior distribu-
Cercocebus tion on 1 is sensitive to the values of the third-stage hyper-
Mandrillus parameter ‚ and „, the posterior distributions on the primary
Macaca variables of interest, È, are relatively insensitive to the choice
Gorilla of this hyperparameter.
Ateles As a cursory check of model Ž t, 500 replications of the
Pongo ranking reported in Table 1 were generated from the posterior
distribution. For each of these posterior-predictive replications,
Figure 2. Posterior Probabilities that Latent Intelligence Variables of the proportion of comparisons within each procedure that were
One Genera Exceeded the Latent Intelligence Variable of Another. Inter-
correctly ranked, according to the posterior mean of È, were
vals describing these posterior probabilities can be found by observ-
ing the density of the plot immediately above or below the middle of
computed. These proportions are compared to the proportion
a genus’s name in the row corresponding to the genus for which a of the observed comparisons that were correctly predicted by
comparison is to be made. Solid regions indicate that the posterior the posterior mean of È in Figure 5. The proportion of ranks
odds that the leftmost genus was “smarter” than the rightmost genus correctly predicted by the posterior means of the cognitive
were less than 9:1. The medium density regions indicate these poste- ability variables was 85% for the observed data. This value fell
rior odds fell in the interval of 9:1 to 19:1. Low-density regions indicate
the corresponding odds fell in the interval of 19:1 to 39:1. Blank regions
in the middle of the range of proportions correctly predicted
indicate the posterior odds that one genus was smarter than the other for data simulated from the posterior, thus providing some
exceeded 39:1. For example, the odds that Gorilla was “smarter” than evidence of model adequacy.
Eulemur were estimated as being between 9:1 and 19:1.
4.1 Detection of Paradigm–Genus Interactions
To assess the sensitivity of the posterior distribution of È A thorough investigation of the power of the proposed
to the choice of the priors on Œ1 and 1 , we reestimated the model in detecting paradigm–genus biases is not possible here
model under differing prior assumptions regarding the values because of space constraints. However, a simple illustration
of 1 ‚, and „. Because the value of 1 controlled the amount that is suggestive of the model’s performance in this regard can
of shrinkage of the procedure precision parameters toward be constructed by creating an artiŽ cial paradigm that contains
their means, its value is important in determining the weights probable paradigm–genus biases. To this end, the data from
Relative Frequency


–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4

Figure 3. Histogram Estimate of the Posterior Distribution of log( Œ1 ) . The (rescaled) prior density is depicted as a solid line for comparison.
Johnson, Deaner, and van Schaik: Primate Intelligence Experiments 15

Relative Frequency


–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 4. Histogram Estimate of the Posterior Distribution of log( 1 ) . The (rescaled) prior density is depicted as a solid line for comparison.

the 15th procedure, which exhibited a small precision and had terior median of the precision parameter of the tenth paradigm
only Ž ve rankings, was artiŽ cially replicated a second and third was estimated to be .04, whereas the posterior medians of
time and appended to the original data as a tenth paradigm. the Ž rst nine paradigm precision parameters ranged from 13
Procedure 15 was also chosen because it was the most inter- to 37. In addition, four of the Ž ve paradigm–genus interaction
esting procedure from a substantive perspective; the great apes terms estimated for this paradigm had posterior means larger
performed uniformly worse than Macaca in this procedure and than 1 in magnitude. The interaction of the tenth paradigm
were not tested in any other procedures in this paradigm. with Hylobates had a posterior mean of 6.5 and a posterior
ReŽ tting the full model with the added paradigm had little standard deviation of 5.0; that with Macaca, a posterior mean
effect on the latent cognitive parameters È. However, the pos- of ƒ708 and standard deviation of 4.7; that with Pan, a mean

0.76 0.78 0.80 0.82 0.84 0.86 0.88 0.90

Posterior-predictive probabilities of correct ranking

Figure 5. Histogram Estimate of the Probabilities That Pairwise Comparisons of Genera Match the Ranking Predicted by the Posterior Mean
of È, for Replications of the Data Generated From the Predictive Distribution. The vertical line depicts the proportion of comparisons correctly
predicted for the observed data.
16 Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 2002

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a mean of 4.0 and a standard deviation of 3.9. The model thus ity in Mandrillus sphinx and Cercopithecus nictitans,” Revista Espanõla de
Fisiologia, 30, 15–20.
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