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IMPACT: International Journal of Research in

Engineering & Technology

ISSN(P): 2347-4599; ISSN(E): 2321-8843
Vol. 5, Issue 12, Dec 2017, 15-28
© Impact Journals



Assistant Professor, Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management University,
Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India


The phrase Information Technology refers to the creation gathering processing storage and delivery of
information and the process and devices that make all this possible information technology can do at least three things.
Information Technology can process raw data in to useful information, information technology can recycle processed
information and use it as data in another processing step and information technology can package information in a new
form so it’s easier to understand, more attractive, or more useful. Information technology stands firmly on two legs
hardware and software. The term hardware is applied to any of the physical equipment in a system, usually containing
electronic components and performing some kind of function in information processing. Hardware includes not only the
computer and devices such as screens printers but also all the elements used to tie information systems together. In this
study I have chosen these four objectives i.e. to examine the growth and development of School Education in India, to
study the usage of Information Technology in Government Schools in the state of Andhra Pradesh, to assess the impact of
Information Technology on students in Government schools and to analyze the perceptions of respondents regarding usage
of Information Technology in Government Schools in Andhra Pradesh.

KEYWORDS: Information Communication Technology, E-Learning, Computer Based Training, Computer Based
Multimedia, Internet and web Design


Information and Information Technology are the key drivers of the information age. The information age has
ushered in a knowledge based industrial revolution. Marketing executives experience radical changes in advertising, real
time promotion of new products, manufacturing and production executives face changes in EDI (Electronic Data Inter
channel) and in supply chain management and integrated logistics finance executive appreciate development in electronic
currency, electronic payments, e-banking, buying and selling products and services in the electronic world, etc. Now all
business and Industrial organizations are dynamic. Information is a valuable and costly asset that must be planned,
protected, preserved and controlled as other valuable assets such as people, money, machines, facilities etc. A major shift
of the power of technologies is to focus on the power of information content. As we reach the threshold of 21st century,
managing information involves professional approach to deal with the global dynamic interactive environment with the
new policy of liberalization and globalization the professional in an information-based society. Information Technology is
the technology portrayed as a major force for managerial and organizational changes.i

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16 Ch.Seetha Ram

The world today is in transition from industrial age to information age. Computer and communication systems
combined to be called as Information Technology are critical in the operation of every business today. The IT revolution is
making a tremendous impact on the industry and trade by relentless technology innovation, massive growth in computer
power world wide net works and ever – growing electronic factories. The convergence of telecom and computers in
networks has further advanced the scope of communication equipment by bringing a wide range of improved products.ii
The relationship between information and socio economic development was ignored until the 1970s in many developed
countries and is still not recognized even today in some of the developing countries. Nonetheless information is one of the
major yardsticks to measure socio economic development of the country and hence its effective management using the
latest technological tools in prerequisite for any nation. Information Technologies now the hold potential to change our
working and learning patterns, our business, social relationships, academic research institutions and even our cultural
spheres. As a part of IT, telecommunication has become a major business and its hold the key for the growing and
emerging service industries for all countries of the world.iii

Efficient utilization of all resources is essential to maintain good academic quality with cost effectiveness.
Truly collaborative knowledge management system using Internet in naturally suited for ensuring this in Open Distance
Education System (ODES) due to its wide and low cost access without any geographic, distance time barrier.
With Internet, ODES can easily ensure quality education for all, with cost effectiveness, at the doorsteps of learners.iv
The use of Information Technology promises improved performance for organizations. The benefits of information
technology can usually be measured in terms of enhanced processing speed, transmission rates and access time.
The introduction of micro and minicomputers had enabled greater decentralization of information systems. Recent
innovations such as Local Area Network (LAN) make possible the linking of task groups and managerial work processes.
These capabilities likely to impact culture, structure and work practices.v

Need for the Study

The present study is intended to cover the research gap in the existing literature on usage information technology
in government schools in India. The study helps for effective and efficient implementation of information technology
concepts and the need for development of education competencies/resources Viz., knowledge, skills, discipline and will

Objectives of the Study

• To examine the growth and development of School Education in India

• To study the usage of Information Technology in Government Schools in the state of Andhra Pradesh

• To assess the impact of Information Technology on students in Government schools.

• To analyze the perceptions of respondents regarding usage of Information Technology in Government Schools in
Andhra Pradesh.

Methodology of the Study

The present study is confined to the selected respondents in the different stages of the students who are residing in
Andhra Pradesh. The data was collected from both Primary and secondary sources. Primary data was collected with the

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Usage of Information Technology in Government Schools(A Study on Selected Government Schools in Andhra Pradesh) 17

help of a structured questionnaire. Secondary data was collected from different textbooks, journals, magazines,
newspapers, records and reports are the major sources.


Quota sampling method was adopted to select a sample of selected five stages of the students. On the basis of
quota sampling method about 100 respondents from each stage representing 600 in total are interviewed.

Data Analysis

Table 1: ITC has made the Life Easier

Strongly Somewhat We don’t Can’t
S.No. Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree know Say
Visakhapatnam &
1 57 44 7 5 7 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 70 33 7 4 6 120
3 East & west Godavari 54 40 10 5 11 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 64 35 9 4 8 120
5 Nellore 59 37 11 6 7 120
Total 304 189 44 24 39 600
Percentage 56.8 33.8 0.48 0.01 0.38 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.1 it was clearly proved that ITC had made the life easier. 56.8% of the
respondents strongly agreed and 33.8% of them agreed that ITC had made the life easier. 0.48% don’t know whether ITC
has changed the life. 0.01% of the respondents disagree with the statement ITC made the life easier. There may be some
valid reasons like unaware of technology and 0.38 % was unable to say.

Table 2: Availability of Proper Facility of ICT in your Locality

Strongly Somewhat We don’t Can’t
S.No Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree know Say
Visakhapatnam &
1 52 41 9 6 12 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 60 36 11 8 5 120
3 East & west Godavari 48 54 16 4 5 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 41 48 13 13 5 120
5 Nellore 43 45 14 12 6 120
Total 244 220 59 43 33 600
Percentage 44.8 40.0 7.8 4.6 2.6 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.2, majority of the respondents strongly agreed that there was availability of
proper facility of ITC in their locality. 44.8% strongly agreed and 40% agreed that there was availability. 7.8% don’t know
about the availability of proper facility of ITC in their locality. 4.6 % disagreed with the above statement. 2.6% of the
respondents were unable to say regarding the availability of proper facility of ITC in their locality.

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18 Ch.Seetha Ram

Table 3: Use of ICT

Analysis:From the above 4.3, nearly 75% of the respondents said that they use ITC for communication.
They communicate through mails, video calls, Face book etc. 8% of the respondents use ITC for information through
search engines like Google, Firefox and many more to know the information about anything. 5% of the respondents use the
internet for ticket bookings for movies, train tickets, flight tickets hotel bookings etc. 7.7% of the respondents uses ITC for
different aspects of information. 3.7% of the respondents use ITC for banking and insurance purposes like online
transactions etc. 3.6% of the respondents uses ITC for other purposes.

Table 4: Best Source of Getting Information

S.No. Place TV Internet Print Media Radio Any Other Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 65 16 11 22 6 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 51 45 14 6 4 120
3 East & west Godavari 35 28 44 8 5 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 70 23 14 9 4 120
5 Nellore 61 19 27 8 5 120
Total 282 131 110 53 24 600
Percentage 47 22 18.2 8.8 4 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.4 it was clear that the best source of the information was television. 47% of
respondents felt that TV was the best source of information. 22% of the respondents felt that internet was the best source of
getting information. The percentage is less than that of the TV because many of them were not aware of present technology
and they don’t know how to operate and utilize the internet. 18.2% of the respondents found that print media was the best
source of getting Information this was because of their way of thinking, some of the print media are newspapers magazines
etc. 8.8% of the respondents found that radio was best source of getting information. Now a days while travelling radio and
FM stations are available for giving updates frequently. 4% of the respondents felt that there were other sources of getting

Table 5: Internet made Life Easier

Strongly Somewhat Do not Can’t
S.N. Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree know Say
Visakhapatnam &
1 46 44 13 8 9 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 56 35 11 8 10 120
3 East & west Godavari 40 65 4 4 7 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 47 54 6 8 5 120
5 Nellore 61 44 4 5 6 120
Total 250 242 38 33 37 600
Percentage 42 40.2 6.3 5.4 6.1 100

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Analysis: From the above table 4.5 it was clear that internet has made the life easier. 42% of the respondents
strongly agreed that internet has made life easier. 40.2% of the respondents agreed that internet has made the life easier.
6.3% don’t know about it and 5.4% disagreed with the statement and 6.1% of the respondents felt that they cannot say
whether the internet has made life easier or more complicated. Depending on their own perceptions some felt that internet
has made life complicated.

Table 6: Easy Access to Internet

S.No Place Yes No Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 78 42 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 93 27 120
3 East & west Godavari 100 20 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 85 35 120
5 Nellore 82 38 120
Total 438 162 600
Percentage 76.6 22.4 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.6 majorities agreed that there was easy access to internet. 76.6% of the
respondents said that there was easy access to internet whereas other 22.45 of the respondents said there was no easy
access to internet. This may depend n their area of living, knowledge etc.

Table 7: Source of Accesses

S.No. Place Home Office Cyber Cafe Another Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 15 39 53 13 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 33 32 43 12 120
3 East & west Godavari 24 35 48 13 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 26 32 47 15 120
5 Nellore 26 30 50 14 120
Total 124 168 241 67 600
Percentage 20.6 28 40.2 11.2 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.7 it was clear that cyber café was the most accessing source of internet. 40.2%
of the respondents said that cyber café was easy access to internet while compared to other available source such as offices,
home etc. 28% of the respondents felt that office was the source of accessing internet and 20.6% felt that home was the
source of accessing internet. Remaining 11. % of the respondents felt other sources for accessing internet.

Table 8: Frequency of Use of Internet

S.No. Place Rarely Once a Week Daily When Necessary Never Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 15 28 36 27 14 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 23 43 34 11 9 120
3 East & west Godavari 12 17 24 31 36 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 27 21 19 39 14 120
5 Nellore 21 45 24 16 14 120
Total 98 154 137 124 87 600
Percentage 16.3 25.7 22.9 20.6 14.5 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.8, the result was clear that there was no huge difference between their usage
frequencies. 25.7% of the respondents uses internet once in a week and 22.9% of the respondents uses internet daily and
20.6% of the respondents uses internet when necessary and 16.3% of the respondents uses internet rarely and the least was
14.5 % of the respondents never used the internet.

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20 Ch.Seetha Ram

Table 9: Reasons for not having Easy Accesses

No Cyber Limited Any other
S.No. Place Café Total
Cafe Cyber Cafe Please Specify
Visakhapatnam &
1 27 43 45 15 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 22 35 38 25 120
3 East & west Godavari 24 29 29 38 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 33 22 27 38 120
5 Nellore 30 28 28 34 120
Total 136 157 167 150 600
Percentage 22 26 27 25 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.9, the percentages were near to each other. The reasons for not accessing the
internet were different. The major reason for not accessing internet was cost of the cyber café and 27% of the respondents
felt the same. 26% of the respondents felt that there were limited cyber cafes. 25% of the respondents felt that other reasons
and 22% of the respondents felt that there were no cyber cafes and this was the reason for not having easy access of

Table 10: Purpose of use of Internet

S.No Place e-mail News Study Shopping Booking Tickets Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 77 14 8 6 5 10 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 87 7 10 4 4 8 120
3 East & west Godavari 58 32 18 10 0 2 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 71 20 13 7 6 3 120
5 Nellore 76 10 12 9 9 4 120
Total 369 83 61 36 24 27 600
Percentage 61.5 13.8 10.1 6 4 4.6 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.10, it was clear that the main purpose of internet was email. 61.5% of the
respondents said that they mostly use the internet for email accessing. 13.8% of the respondents said that the news was the
purpose of using the internet. They can know any information any updates around the world through the internet. 10.1% of
the respondents use the internet for studying. It was very helpful to the students. 6% of the respondents uses internet for
shopping. Now days, everything can be purchased through online websites. 4% of the respondents uses internet for
booking tickets like movie tickets, flight, bus, train tickets and cricket stadium tickets etc. 4.6% of the respondents uses
internet for other purposes.

Table 11: Facility of Cable Television

S.No. Place Yes No Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 106 14 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 95 25 120
3 East & west Godavari 94 26 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 88 32 120
5 Nellore 77 43 120
Total 460 140 600
Percentage 76.6 23.4 100

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Analysis: From the above table 4.11, it was clear that majority of the respondents have cable television. 76.6% of
the respondents have cable television and 23.4% of the respondents don’t have cable televisions.

Table 12: Programs you Watch in TV

Family Any
S.No. Place Movies News Sports Education Music Total
serials Other
Visakhapatnam &
1 44 25 21 7 5 15 3 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 34 21 26 9 10 17 3 120
3 East & west Godavari 41 22 25 7 11 8 6 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 55 21 23 5 8 5 3 120
5 Nellore 53 25 21 7 8 4 2 120
Total 227 114 116 35 42 49 17 600
Percentage 37.8 19 19.3 5.8 7 8.1 2.8 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.12, majority of the respondents watches serials on the television. 37.8% of the
respondents watch serials and 19.3% and 19% of the respondents watches news and movies respectively. 8.1 % of the
respondents watch music channels on television. 7% and 5.8% of the respondents watches education and sports channels
on television respectively and remaining 2.8% watches some other channels on television.

Table 13: Use of Channels for News and Educational Purposes

S.No. Place Rarely Once a Week Daily Never Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 31 28 61 0 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 31 18 62 9 120
3 East & west Godavari 40 17 54 9 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 20 33 60 7 120
5 Nellore 24 32 57 7 120
Total 146 128 294 32 600
Percentage 24.4 21.3 49 5.3 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.13, it was clear that the majority of the respondents uses the channels for the
news and educational purpose daily. 24.4% of the respondents uses the channels for news and educational purpose rarely
and 21.3% of respondents’ uses once in a week and 49% of the respondents uses the channels for news and educational
purposes daily. 5.3% of the respondents never watch the television for education and news purposes.

Table 14: The Necessity of ICT in Job Sector

S.No. Place Yes No Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 89 31 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 93 27 120
3 East & west Godavari 94 26 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 75 45 120
5 Nellore 79 41 120
Total 430 170 600
Percentage 71.6 28.3 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.14, it was clear that majority of the respondents agreed that ICT was necessary
in job sector. For example, now a days everything was made online like online applications, online interview, customer
care service through online etc. 71.6% of the respondents said that ICT was required in job sector and 28.3% of the
respondents said that ICT was not necessary for job sector.

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22 Ch.Seetha Ram

Table 15: Training or Exposure in the Field of Computer

S.No. Place Yes No Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 80 40 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 83 37 120
3 East & west Godavari 85 35 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 89 31 120
5 Nellore 77 43 120
Total 414 186 600
Percentage 69 31 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.15 majority of the respondents felt that training and exposure was very effective
in the field of computer, by using latest technology we can train the employees in efficient manner. 69% of the respondents
felt that training and exposure was effective in the field of computer. 31% of the respondents felt that there was no
difference in training and exposure in the field of computer.

Table 16: Computer Training

S.No. Place Formal Informal Not Applicable Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 58 35 27 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 59 25 36 120
3 East & west Godavari 85 23 12 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 62 42 16 120
5 Nellore 70 38 12 120
Total 334 163 103 600
Percentage 55.8 27.1 17.1 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.16, majority of the respondents felt that computer training was a formal method
and 55.8% of the respondents felt it was formal where as 27.1% of the respondents felt the computer training was an
informal one that does not require much time to train and can be trained easily. 17.1% of the respondents felt that it was not

Table 17: Government is Giving Sufficient Support to Provide ICT Education to the Students in your Area
Strongly Somewhat Do Not Can’t
S.No. Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree Know say
Visakhapatnam &
1 42 36 12 12 18 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 26 40 15 28 11 120
3 East & west Godavari 30 58 13 10 9 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 39 24 25 14 18 120
5 Nellore 28 29 33 22 8 120
Total 165 187 98 86 64 600
Percentage 27.5 31.2 16.4 14.3 10.6 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.17, majority of the respondents agreed that the government was giving
sufficient support to provide ICT education in their area. Recent days some government schools providing computer
training to students and they are conducting special classes. 31.2% of the respondents agreed that the government was
providing sufficient support and 27.5% of the respondents strongly agreed that the government was giving sufficient
support to provide ICT education to students. 16.4% of the respondents don’t know and 14.3% of the respondents
disagreed that there was no support and 10.6% of the respondents can’t say.

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Table 18: ICT has Provided the Students Opportunity to Work from Home and Earn
Strongly Somewhat Do Not Cannot
S.No. Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree Know Say
Visakhapatnam &
1 49 39 21 5 6 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 33 50 14 11 12 120
3 East & west Godavari 47 54 10 4 5 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 31 48 17 13 11 120
5 Nellore 35 46 20 9 10 120
Total 195 237 82 42 44 600
Percentage 32.5 39.5 13.7 7 7.3 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.18, it was clear that ICT has provided the students opportunity to work from
home and earn. 32.5% and 39.5% of the respondents agreed that ICT has provided work from home for students. They felt
that it was very good opportunity to earn from home. 13.75 of the respondents don’t know about it. 7% of the respondents
disagreed with it. And finally 7.3% of the respondents cannot say whether they were providing such an opportunity or not.

Table 19: Working from Home have Resulted in Curbing the Leisure Hours of the Students
Strongly Somewhat Don’t Can’t
S.No. Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree know Say
Visakhapatnam &
1 41 40 26 8 5 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 19 42 27 18 14 120
3 East & west Godavari 65 40 4 7 4 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 45 34 33 4 4 120
5 Nellore 55 31 15 10 9 120
Total 225 187 105 47 36 600
Percentage 37.6 31.1 17.5 7.8 6 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.20, majority of the respondents strongly agreed that work from home have
resulted in curbing the leisure hours of the students. 37.6% of the respondents strongly agreed to it and 31.1% of the
respondents agreed that the work from home have resulted in curbing leisure hours of the students because they cannot
waste time at home if they were assigned with work. 17.5% of the respondents don’t know about it. 7.8% of the
respondents disagree with it. And 6% of the respondents cannot say whether it was resulted in curbing of leisure of the
students or not.

Table 20: ICT has Helped the Student’s Folk in India about what is Happening in the Country and Outside
Strongly Somewhat Don’t Can’t
S.No. Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree Know Say
Visakhapatnam &
1 62 36 11 6 5 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 36 46 15 8 15 120
3 East & west Godavari 55 30 13 14 8 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 53 34 16 10 7 120
5 Nellore 49 40 13 10 8 120
Total 255 188 68 48 43 600
Percentage 42.4 31.3 11.3 8 7 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.20, it was clear that ICT helped the student’s folk in India about what happening
in the country and outside the country. ICT has provided plenty of opportunities for the career development of the students.

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24 Ch.Seetha Ram

42.4% of the respondents strongly agreed that ICT has helped and 31.3% of the respondents agreed that the ICT has helped
the student’s folk in India what is happening in inside the country and outside. 11.3% of the respondents don’t know about
it. 8% of the respondents don’t agree with it. 7% of the respondents cannot say whether it has helped or not.

Table 21: Rural Student’s Folk are Deprived of ICT Infrastructure

S.No. Place Somewhat Don’t Know Disagree Can’t Say Total
1 Visakhapatnam & Srikakulum 48 36 19 6 11 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 39 29 14 12 26 120
3 East & west Godavari 32 29 30 7 22 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 59 24 13 13 11 120
5 Nellore 61 27 12 11 9 120
Total 239 145 88 49 79 600
Percentage 39.9 24.2 14.7 8.1 13.1 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.21 it was clearly shown that majority of the respondents strongly agreed that the
rural student’s folk was deprived of ICT infrastructure. Some village and remote areas doesn’t have any new technological
updates so in such area ICT infrastructure is impossible. This may be one of the reasons for it. 39.9% of the respondents
strongly agreed and 24.2% of the respondents agreed that the rural student’s folk was deprived from ICT infrastructure.
14.7% of the respondents don’t know about it. 8.1% of the respondents disagree with it. 13.1% of the respondents cannot
say whether ICT infrastructure was deprived to rural student’s folk or not.

Table 22: Students still Want to Make the Use of ICT for their Next Generation Development
Strongly Somewhat Don’t Can’t
S.No. Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree Know Say
Visakhapatnam &
1 70 29 5 12 4 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 68 29 9 6 8 120
3 East & west Godavari 33 40 21 12 14 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 55 32 15 10 8 120
5 Nellore 50 31 15 12 12 120
Total 276 161 65 52 46 600
Percentage 46 26.9 10.8 8.7 7.6 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.22, the majority of the respondents strongly agreed that students still want to
make the use of ICT for their next generation development. It has effective impact on the students. 46% of the respondents
strongly agreed and 26.9% agreed that they still want to make the use of ICT for development of next generations. 10.8%
of the respondents don’t know about it and 7.6% of the respondents disagree with it and 7.6% of the respondents can’t say
whether they still want to use ICT for next generations or not.

Table 23: Entry of Student’s Workforce in ITC Industry is Affected by their

Socio-Economic and Educational Background
Strongly Somewhat Don’t Can’t
S.No. Place Disagree Total
Agree Agree Know Say
Visakhapatnam &
1 36 49 16 14 5 120
2 Chittore & Kadapa 34 43 12 20 12 120
3 East & west Godavari 40 41 28 5 6 120
4 Guntur & Krishna 48 42 20 5 5 120

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Table 23 Condt,.
5 Nellore 53 45 12 5 5 120
Total 211 220 88 49 33 600
Percentage 35.2 36.6 14.6 8.1 5.5 100

Analysis: From the above table 4.23, majority agreed that the entry of student’s workforce in ICT industry is
affected by their socio-economic and educational background. 35.2% strongly agreed and 36.6% of respondents agreed
that student’s workforce in ICT was affected and 14.6% of the respondents don’t know about it. 8.1% of the respondents
disagree and 5.5% of the respondents cannot say about it.


Regarding E-learning programme, 77 percent of the respondents are satisfied because it is an important tool to
improve academic quality, effectiveness and efficiency of open and distance education system. But 33 percent of the
respondents expressed dissatisfaction because, it is a complex process. Majority of the respondents (75 percent) opined that
the utility was high because E-learning is a system that can empower students/ teachers and it provides vast knowledge on
numerous topics – something for everyone. Only 15 percent of them felt that it was low utilised because, it is an access
limited based on availability of hardware, software and Internet connection. Half percent of the respondents opined that the
method was good and 33 percent of them felt that it was excellent because knowledge is expanding at lightening speed,
students need to learn more, better and faster and limit in the number of students and location of students is irrelevant.
But 10 percent said that this method was average because, E-learning may be intimidating to students with low computer

Out of the E-mail programme majority of the respondents (60 percent) are satisfied with this programme because
it provides access to the information from anywhere in the world. But 40 percent of them are dissatisfied, because it has
created an information overload. About 52 percent said that the utility was high because, it can enable to stand out in
student service and competitions. But 27 percent of the students felt that it was low uitlised because, it can become a
distraction. Maximum extent of the respondents (80 percent) opined that the method was good because, e-mail ranges from
just curious with no computer background to well experience that have a computer at home and a laptop in their travel bag.

From the Internet programme, 73 percent of the respondents are satisfied with this programme because Internet is
to eliminate the distance between the people, and country wise. But 27 percent of them felt dissatisfaction because, it badly
effects the students and younger people. Majority of the respondents (65 percent) stated that the utility was high because, it
can be effectively used to supplement text book learning. One fourth percent of the respondent and 57 percent of the
respondents opined excellent and good respectively about the method of Internet programme because it facilitates to join in
contests, contribute articles, reading materials and also facilitates to do on-line shopping. About the mobile phone,
Maximum of the students (80 percent) are satisfied with mobile phone because making friendship through it is easy but 20
percent of the respondents are not satisfied because, misuse of students in the educational institutions. About 65 percent of
them felt that it was high utilised because it helps people and is convenient but 17 percent stated that the utility was low
because communication barriers are involved. The respondent (65 percent) stated that the method was good and because it
creates interaction with known persons by avoiding the communication gap.

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26 Ch.Seetha Ram

In the view of the computer based training programmed, the students (68 percent) are satisfied with this
programmed, because it enables learners to study at a time of their own choice. Remaining of the respondents are not
satisfied with this regard because, it is relatively inflexible, depending on a pre-produced programmed. Regarding the
utility of this programmed, 58 percent of the respondents stated that the utility was high because, it is use choice of control
and routing through the programmed that makes the medium sophisticated training tool. But 18 percent of them felt that it
was low utility because it is expensive. About 52 percent of them stated that the method of the programmed was good
because it is a valuable vehicle for learning technical skills. While 23 percent of the respondents opined that it was average
because it does not permit direct personal reinforcement. Regarding the computer based multimedia programmed,
57 percent of the respondents are satisfied with the programmed because it is widely used in the entertainment and
education field. But rests of them were not satisfied because it requires more technical support from the software
personnel. About 52 percent said that the utility was high because, it provided very quick presentation. However, 20
percent of them felt that it has low utility and the respondent (20 percent) indicated that the utility was extremely low
because it is more complex in the software process. Majority of the respondents (60 percent) expressed that the method
was good because, interaction is the advantage of multimedia, and it is being used in movie making very extensively.

Out of the computer assisted instruction programmed the students (67 percent) are satisfied with this programmed
because it produces clear and demonstrable results. It is relatively easy and inexpensive to produce but one third of them
felt dissatisfaction because, wide spread computer illiteracy still exists. Computer networks are costly to develop. About 56
percent of the respondents stated that the utility was high because individual students can learn at their own pace through it.
While 27 percent of them felt that it has low utility because the technology is changing too rapidly. However, 32 percent of
the respondents and 33 percent of the respondents opined excellent and good respectively about the method of the
programmed, because it can turn practice into an entertaining game, it motivates students to practice arithmetic, Spelling,
touch typing, piano playing and other skills. But 24 percent said that it was an average method because it discourages
students to move into new material.


• The continued projection of negative and degrading images of Students in media communications - electronic,
print, visual and audio - must be changed. Violent and degrading or pornographic media products [can also
negatively affect] Students and their participation in society. The worldwide trend towards consumerism has
created a climate in which advertisements and commercial messages often portray Students primarily as
consumers and target girls and Students of all ages inappropriately.

• Students should be empowered by enhancing their skills, knowledge and access to information technology. This
will strengthen their ability to combat negative portrayals of Students internationally and regionally to challenge
instances of abuse of the power of an increasingly important industry.

• Self-regulatory mechanisms for the media need to be created and strengthened and approaches developed to
eliminate gender-based programming. Students need to be involved in decision-making regarding the
development of the new technologies in order to participate fully in their growth and impact.

• One, ICT interventions may start their operations by first focusing on providing basic communication and

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Usage of Information Technology in Government Schools(A Study on Selected Government Schools in Andhra Pradesh) 27

information services rather than more sophisticated applications. Two, kiosk services can be provided more
cheaply than currently available, then the kiosks can improve standards of living for the poor; less expensive
access will directly impact disposable incomes. Three, this demand and the willingness to pay show promise for
the economic sustainability of such projects.

• An exclusive computer should be allotted to students and another system is required for other services for the
public. Likewise a system should be allotted to the school (either by school or through kiosk to facilitate E-School
for the benefit for the children who are foundation of the future society. A kiosk should have two systems in kiosk
– one system for students who learn computer course, another computer for public for providing other services
through kiosks. Apart from these, a separate computer should be used for schools.

• Some school is not having computers, or even electricity connection. We can request the school administration to
get computer from government itself, if they could not do so, they should provide space and freedom to our
operators to place a computer in school premises. Few schools which do not have electricity have taken steps to
get electricity connection; this can be followed by all similar institutions.

• It is widely known that the shortage of IT professionals is on the rise and the problem is likely to become more
acute in the coming millennium. Unless we as a nation address this problem vigorously and diligently, our
national competitive posture may be seriously affected. Schools must assume an action-oriented agenda and
faithfully execute it if we are to make progress on several critical issues raised in this study. We recom-mend a 5-
point action agenda below:

• A well-thought out, mandatory, leading edge computer science curriculum should be implemented throughout the
nation. This curriculum should be developed and implemented in elementary schools, middle schools, and high
schools. Software that is a turn off for either sex does not serve students well. Instead software should be
intellectually challenging, yet appealing to both sexes. Educators can be proactive and demand such software from
software designers and marketers.

• Simply introducing computers and computer-related concepts will not do. Instead, teachers should focus on
computer applications in all subjects. Computer exposure should be intellectually challenging and appealing to
students from all economic and social back-grounds. In particular, more research is needed to understand why
girls tend to under-estimate their skill set and ability to become great scientists.


The use of ICT helps to bridge the gap between people’s opportunities for self-employment in the informal
economy and the high growth sectors of the world economy. In an informal sector, workers can gain easy access to the
Internet through tele-centers and obtain information about markets or administrative procedures, and to publicise their
services to a wider clientele. SEWA has started using telecommunications as a tool for capacity building among the rural
population. SEWA uses a combination of landline and satellite communication to conduct educational programmes on
community development by distance learning. The community development themes covered in the education programs
delivered include: organizing, leadership building, forestry, water conservation, health education, child development, the
Panchayati Raj System and financial services.

Impact Factor(JCC): 3.8965- This article can be downloaded from

28 Ch.Seetha Ram


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