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Acta Astronautica Vol. 7, pp.

Pergamon Press Ltd., 1980. Printed in Great Britain

Plane Marangoni-Poiseuille flow of two immiscible fluids

L. G. N A P O L I T A N O
Polytechnic of Naples, Naples, Italy
(Received 18 December 1979)

Abstract--Plane Poiseuille flowof two immisciblefluidsin a non-isothermal"capillary" channel under

the combined action of pressure gradients, gravitational fields and surface tension gradients is
studied. Conditions for attaining a Poiseuille-type regime are derived. Closed form solutions are
obtained and discussed.

FLOW FIELDS exhibiting Marangoni effects play an important role in many
problems of practical importance and have recently enjoyed renewed interest in
view of their relevance in a number of materials science and space processing
experiments. While the physico-mathematical modelling has progressed con-
siderably there are still too few instances of actual solutions of relevant
problems and many important points still need to be assessed.
The present paper offers a contribution along these lines by solving and
analysing a flow field which is simple enough to lead to a closed form solution
and yet exhibits all complexities associated with flow fields coupled through
boundary conditions at a non-isothermal interface.
The problem studied is the plane Poiseuille type flow (i.e. flows with velocity
profiles independent of length-wise coordinate) of two immiscible fluids in a
non-isothermal "capillary" channel under the combined action of pressure
gradients, gravitational fields and surface tension gradients. The general case in
which the flow fields of the two fluids are coupled is considered. All known
classical results (Levitch, 1962) (Couette-type flows, uncoupled flow of a falling
thin liquid film) and other flow fields (e.g. flow of a thin liquid film over a
non-isothermal plate) are recovered as particular cases.
The geometry of the problem is shown in Fig. 1. A two-dimensional channel
of height H and length L is placed at an angle (/3) with respect to the gravity
vector g and contains two immiscible fluids (subscripts 1 and 2) with the
interface being located at the distance hi from the lower wall. The lower fluid is
the heavier of the two and its properties are characterized by the subscript 1.
The walls are not isothermal, the angle (/3) and the pressure difference (Ap) are
arbitrary. The interface is assumed to be a massless pure surface in thermal and
mechanical equilibrium with the two fluid layers (Napolitano, 1979) and surface
irreversibility is neglected.
It is among the objectives of the analysis to determine: (1) the restrictions
that the Poiseuille nature of the velocity field places on the wall thermal
boundary conditions and how the latter influence the interface temperature; (2)
the a priori criteria, in terms of problems' data, for negligibility of one or more
462 L.G. Napolitano

Fig. 1. Geometry of the problem.

of the acting forces (in particular negligibility of the Marangoni effect) when the
pressure difference Ap or the total flow rate Q are prescribed; (3) the conditions
for the flow fields in the two layers to be uncoupled.

Mathematical formulation of the problem

We look for a particular solution of the field equations such that U = 0 and
V = V(x), where U and V are the x and y components of the velocity. The
continuity equation is identically satisfied and the other volume balance equa-
tions reduce, with the hypothesis of constant properties, to:

p , = - lag cos 13

py = pg sin/3 +/x Vx~ (1)

VT~ = o~Txx + T . ) + & W


where a is the thermal diffusivity coefficient, g the magnitude of the gravitational

vector and all other symbols have their standard meanings.
The wall boundary conditions for eqns (1) are the non-slip conditions for the
velocity and prescribed temperatures or heat fluxes at the walls.
With U --- 0 the interface, being a streamline, is parallel to the walls and con-
sequently the surface field equations reduce to (Napolitano, 1979):

8p = ,ST = 8 V = 8(ATD = 0

- o'rT0y + 8(/~Vx) = 0 (2)

where 8 [ = [ ( h l + , y ) - [ ( h l - , y ) = ( [ + - [ -) denotes the jump of [ across the

Plane Marangoni-Poiseuille flow o[ two immiscible fluids 463

interfaces, a subscript (0) denotes values on S, o- is the interracial tension and:

- art = ~ = const. > 0.

The coupling between velocity and temperature fields introduced by the surface
tangential momentum equation defines the classes of wall thermal boundary
conditions which are consistent with the subject particular solution for the
velocity field.
The constancy of Toy = Ty(hl, y) required by eqn (2)2 implies that the
temperature field be of the form T(x, y)= C(x)y +Z(x). Hence Tyy = 0 and,
upon the energy equation and the interface flux continuity condition Txxy =
0[~C"(x) = 0] and 8(AC') = 0. Consequently: temperatures and heat fluxes at the
walls can be at most linear functions of y; the heat fluxes on the two walls
J~ = -;ti(ST[Sx)w differ at most by a constant and the temperature field can be
represented as:

T(x,y) = T ( x , y ) + Z ( x )

with T(x, y) linear in x and y.

As the interface condition (2)2 does not involve Z(x), an appropriate choice of
the wall boundary conditions makes it possible to completely uncouple the
velocity field from the thermal field Z(x) as detailed in what follows. Let the
total temperature field Ti(x, y) in the ith fluid be given by:

T~(x, y) = ¢o(y)s~ + ~w(y)(1 - s~,) + Z~(x) (3)


El = x/h,; ~2- h2

To(y)- ~'~ + A:,h,:7":w. (fi, = f / ) (4)

1 + A21h12 ' fi

where the subscript (w) denotes values at the wail, 7~iw(y) are at most linear
functions of y and the expression (4) for 7~0(y) follows from the continuity
The temperatures and heat fluxes at the walls are given by:

~= ~,~ + z ~
. /a~\
464 L.G. Napolitano

where, upon eqns (3) and (4):

L --- _- + A,
\ Ox },,. - ~/( T,,.-

= +-(hl/XO+(hJh2)' (j~i=1,2). (6)

The plus sign applies for i = l and the last equality follows upon elimination of
I"0 by means of eqn (4).
Since, as said and as evidenced by eqns (5), the wall heat fluxes differ at most
by a constant, it suffices, upon the superposition principle, to consider only two
types of thermal boundary conditions. In the first case the termperatures are
prescribed on both walls, in the second the temperature is prescribed on one wall
and the heat flux on the other. Thus:

(a) T~., = 7~(y); (i = 1,2)

(b) T~ = T~(y); Jj~, = ~-(y) (iS i = !, 2)

where the prescribed values ~ and .~ are at most linear function of (y). The
temperature field ~(x, y) and, consequently, the velocity field will be completely
determined by the thermal boundary conditions by letting, for the two cases

(a) L~ = ~(Y) (i = 1,2)

(b) Ti., = T~(y); J., = ~-(y) (j~ i = 1,2). (7)

Substitution of eqns (3) and (4) into eqns (1) and (2) yields the equations and the
boundary conditions satisfied by the functions Zi(x):

ViT0~ = aZ" + ~ V~2


~ z = ~( ;~z) = o

(a) Z,~ = 0 (i = 1,2)

(b) Ziw = 0 Z~w = 0 ( j # i = 1,2).

The total temperature field has thus been split into two parts. The first part
7"(x, y), linear in x and y, satisfies the thermal boundary conditions and deter-
mines the velocity field. The second part, to be determined after the solution of the
velocity field has been obtained, satisfies homogeneous boundary conditions at
the walls and accounts for the convection of energy and the viscous dissipation
in the two fluids. For thermal boundary conditions of type (a) the temperature
field ~'(x, y) determines, through eqn (4), the heat fluxes at the walls unless the
Plane Marangoni-Poiseuille flow of two immiscible fluids 465

constant value, A~Z~w. For thermal boundary conditions of type (b) the total
temperature and heat flux at the walls where they are not prescribed are given

Ji~ = ~ - *,Z',w

r,~ = L w + z ~ = t , ~ + +Z~w (8)

where the first equation follows from eqn (5)2 with .]w = ~ and the second from
eqns (5)1 and (6) with T~w= ~ and • = .~.
In this paper only the velocity field will be determined. The determination of
the complete temperature field will be presented in a forthcoming paper. The
pertinent field equations (1) and (2) are non-dimensionalized and normalized by

V x. H-x
rl = -~; ,fl = h~' ,~2 = h2

Viv, = vi(,~i); rT~ = Oi(,~i, rl) (i = 1, 2) (9)

a~i LAi
= - A, -~x - ~ ]TrlrJ'(rl)

Pi + Pig cos fl(x - hi) - Pro

]py]L = n

where Tn is the initial temperature profile, eqn (3), for y = 0 and Vr is a still
unspecified reference velocity. ITylr is the largest (constant) value of the
longitudinal temperature gradient to be determined from the problem's data
~(y); .~(y). The independence from (~i) of the heat flux ],- follows from eqn (3).
The last equation expresses the constancy of the longitudinal pressure gradient
and accounts for the first of eqns (1) and for the continuity of p across the
interface y = hi with Pro the value of the pressure at the interface for y = 0.
The equations for the determination of the velocity field then read:

v'~ = const. = Pi
vi(O) = 0; vi(1) = v0 (i = 1,2)
mlCo = -/z21ht2v6(1) - vl(1)


p, = p~hT. _ ¢,); m, = °~IT'IA --I=,I~,

lp~ = p~g sin/3lip, J; Co = e6. (10)
466 L . G . Napolitano

The constant Co is the non-dimensional temperature gradient at the interface and

it is determined from the thermal boundary conditions at the wall, according to
eqns (9), (4), (6) and (7):

(a) Co = C + Xi~hiiG = G + r~sCs

1 + Aiihij 1 + r~i
(b) Co=Ci+-rijDi ( j ~ i = 1,2) (ll)

where the plus sign applies for i = 1 (temperature prescribed on the lower wall)

ri = h~/A~; C, -ITy[, dy

Dj = -irilr,
y dJ/dy. (12)

The constants C~ and Dj are the non-dimensional gradients of temperatures (Ci)

and flux (Di) imposed at the walls; ri the resistivity of the ith layer.

The velocity field is clearly that of two plane Couette-flows where the
interface y = ha plays the role of the "moving wall", its velocity v0 being
determined by the interface boundary condition (2).
Hence the velocity profile in the ith liquid is given by:

v = ~ + G~(1 - ~,.) (13)


Gi = 2v0

miCo +-~(1 + hji~ji)

- Vo - 1 + ixiihij (14)
C,.= 1 - l,~.

The non-dimensional flow rate qi = QJh~V, in the ith liquid and the total flow
rate q = Q / H V , are given by:

qi = ~ ( 1 + - - ~ ) ( i = 1,2)

Vo ~ ( h i G , H h--2 G 2 .) .
q =-~-+ (15)
Plane Marangoni-Poiseuille flow of two immiscible fluids 467

The solution for the temperature field 0~ is given, for thermal boundary con-
ditions of type (a), by:

0i (Ci + rqCj) + rq(Cj - Ci)(~i - I)

= 1 + r~j n (16)

upon eqns (3), (7), (9), (11) and (12) and, for thermal boundary conditions of type
(b) by:

0 i "~- [(C/4- rijDj) ± r#Di(~i - 1)]7

0s = [(C~ ± riiDj) ± Ds(~i - 1)],7 (17)

upon eqns (3), (6), (7), (8) and (12) with the plus sign applying for i = 1.

We consider the temperature field first and recall that all statements refer
only to the part ]P(x, y) directly affecting the velocity field.
The problems to be addressed are: (i) determination of the reference tem-
perature gradient ITy[r; (ii) influence of the thermal boundary conditions on the
interface thermal gradient; (iii) discussion of particular cases. The two types of
thermal boundary conditions will be considered separately.

T e m p e r a t u r e p r e s c r i b e d on b o t h wall
The relevant problems' data are the prescribed wall temperature gradients
Tl(i = l, 2). The reference temperature gradient is equal to the largest one of the
two so that in eqn (16) one of the C'~s is equal to plus or minus one and the other
is at most of order one. The non-dimensional temperature gradient at the
interface, Co, is equal to the weighted average of the imposed wall temperature
gradients, the weighting factors being the inverse resistivities rT ~ of the two fluid
layers. For the Marangoni effect to be present at least one of the two imposed
wall temperature gradients must be different from zero. When they are equal
(C~ = C2) the temperature field T(x, y) varies only with y (linearly) and both
walls are "adiabatic". In the general case, the heat flux is constant across the
channel and its non-dimensional values at the walls J~w= -+ 0',(0) are given, upon eqn
(16) by:

i,w = ± 1 ~Jri~( G - C ) ~ (18)

where the plus sign applies for i = 1 (lower wall) (the constancy of .f amounts to
the equality r/j 1 ~- r2j2).
The particular cases depend upon the orders of magnitude of the resistivity
ratio rij and it suffices to discuss only the case r;~ < 0(1) [where here and in what
follows the notation < 0(1) means: much less than, of the order of and much
468 L.G. Napolitano

greater than one]. In this case eqns (16) and (18) reduce to:

o, = c i n ; oj = [ C + ( C - ci)(¢~- l)]n

Jiw = o: j,~ = _+ ( c , - G ) n

( j ¢ i = 1,2).

The iff(x, y) temperature distribution is transmitted unaltered across the layer

having the smallest resistivity (ith fluid) and the interface has the same tem-
perature as the ith wall, which is "adiabatic". The T(x, y) field in the ith fluid is
uncoupled from that of the other fluid. The latter must now satisfy only the
condition of temperature continuity at the interface.

Temperature prescribed on the ith wall and heat flux prescribed on the jth wall
The determination of the reference temperature gradient ]Tyl, is no longer
independent, as before, from the order of magnitude of the resistivity ratio and
all three possible cases must be considered since the subscript (i) identifies the
wall on which the temperature is prescribed.
For r,i = 0(1), ITyl~ is equal to either 12P~Ior Ir'~;I, whichever is larger. The 0
(resp. T) field is constant across the channel when the heat flux on the ]th wall is
constant (D i = 0) (resp. the wall is "adiabatic"), so that the temperature dis-
tribution on the interface differs at most by a constant (due to the Z solution)
from that imposed on the ith wall.
The heat fluxes at the walls are given by:

~.=~n; ~ = ~n.
When rij <0(1), ITyl, is determined as before, eqns (17) reduce to:

0i = Cm Ji~. = 0
0j = [C, _+Dj(scj - l)]n

and the features of the 0-field are similar to those discussed for the boundary
conditions of type (a).
When rij > 0(1), the determination of ITylr depends on the order of magnitude
of the ratio
a = tr,P , I __ IrJ)l
IC,I I¢',f"
Thus, ITylr is to be taken equal to either If~[ or [rill, whichever is larger, and
eqns (17) reduce to:

Oi = [ C i ± riiDi +- rljDi(~i - 1)]7/

Oi = [Ci ± r i i D j ] ~ .
Plane Marangoni-Poiseuille flow of two immiscible fluids 469

When the resistivity of the flh-layer is very small it is as if the imposed heat flux
were directly applied on the interface. Its temperature gradient T0y depends on
the o.m. of the parameter (a) which can be interpreted as the ratio (T~JT;) of two
temperature gradients where T6e = r~J) is an interface temperature gradient
equivalent to the heat-flux rate considered as applied on the interface.
Thus, in general, 2f'oy= T~+ T~e with 7~0y= TI or T0y = T0e according to
whether a < 0(1) or a > 0(1).

Velocity fields
The following items will be discussed: (i) general features of the velocity
profiles; (ii) choice of the reference velocity; (iii) particular cases.
In each layer there are two driving forces: one due to the constant pressure
gradient and the other due to the relative orientation of the gravitational field.
Their combined effect is measured, in terms of the viscous forces, by the
numbers P~ which involve the reference velocity Vr. The other driving force is
the Marangoni force, due to the gradient of interfacial tension and measured, in
terms of the tangential viscous stress of the ith fluid, by the numbers mi which
also involve the reference velocity Vr.
When referred to the interface velocity v0, the velocity profiles in the two
layers are independent of V, and are given by the classical combination of linear
and second order curves weighted through the factors G~. As it will be discussed
later, the factors G~ depend, in turn, upon the relative orders of magnitude of the
different driving forces and on other non-dimensional ratios which can be
considered as measures of the coupling between the two velocity fields.
Lower-layer velocity profiles (vJvo) are shown in Fig. 2 for several indicative
values of G1. Entire profiles are shown in Figs. 3(a), 3(b) and 4 for indicative
values of (hi/H), Gt and G2.

x/h1 1.0I


-0:8-0:6 -0;4 -62 01 012 d . 4 (~.6018 " i i 0 i;2 114 116 "~

Fig. 2. Velocityprofiles in lower fluid for several values of the parameter G~.
470 L . G . Napolitano

~. h~/H - 0 . 4 ; hzlH'O,6

~-4 :5

. . . . . . . l
-06 -04 -02 0 02 04 06 08 I0 12 14 1.6

v/v o

Fig. 3. Velocity profiles in the channel for several values of G~ and G2.

Velocity fields can be classified as being purely Marangoni (linear profiles).

purely Poiseuille-type, Marangoni-Poiseuille (or mixed) type according to
whether the interface velocity v0 is determined only by the Marangoni force,
only by the volume driving forces or by both.
Purely Marangoni flow in the ith layer is attained when Pi = 0 (exactly) or,
more generally, when the volume driving forces are negligible compared to the
Marangoni force. A priori criteria for determining when this occurs will be
discussed later. The condition Pi = 0 means either that the pressure force
balances identically the gravitational force (i.e. hydrostatic pressure distribution)
[and, then, P j # 0 (j# i = 1,2) unless p~ = pi] or that the channel is horizontal
(/3 = 0) and there is no imposed pressure gradient (and then also Pi = 0 and the
flow is purely Marangoni in both layers).
Purely Poiseuille-type flow are attained when the interface is isothermal
(exactly) or when the Marangoni force is negligible with respect to the volume
driving force.
Marangoni-Poiseuille flows are attained when Marangoni and volume driving
forces are of the same order of magnitude. In this case, if they have different
sign, it may happen that their values are such as to yield v0 = 0. The interface
does not move and the velocity profiles in the two layers are strictly Poiseuille
For Gi = - 3 : the flow rate in the ith layer vanishes; the interface velocity is
equal to (PJ6); the flow is reversed near the wall for (0 -< ~i -< 2/3); Marangoni
and volume driving forces have opposite signs. For P~ > 0 the /th fluid flows
upward the channel in the vicinity of the wall. The Marangoni force drives the
flow downwards near the interface where it overcomes the volume force tending
to drive the flow upwards. More generally, for any G~ < 0 there is always a
region, of thickness (1 + G~)/GI, near the wall bounding the ith layer, where the
fluid flows in the direction opposite to that prevailing near the interface.
Plane Marangoni-Poiseuilleflow of two immisciblefluids 411

I ho/H,0.2
i [ h#H=O 8
0.8 t h/H-O 4
21 h2/H=0.6
[ hb/H=O.6
06 31 h/H=0.4
41h/H=O 8
/ ~/H, o.2


0 ! 02 0.4 0.6 08 Rio
V/v 0


1.0 G=3
, Ihl=02
I ~h~/H-0.8

2 i h/H'0"4
| h/H,Q6
3 hzJH=O 4
hl/H=O 8
4 hz/H=02

-0~4 " -0".2 " 0/ ' 0.'2 " 014 " 0'.6 ' 0;8 ' 1.0 " 112 " 114 I.

v/v o

Fig. 4. Velocity profiles in the channel for several values of (hJH) and (h2lH).

The actual values of v0 and Pi depend on the still unspecified reference

velocity V, which must be defined in terms of problem's data.
When the total flow-rate across the channel Q is given and it is different from
zero then Vr = QIH. In the other cases the pressure gradient Py is given and Vr
must be determined from an order of magnitude analysis by imposing either one
of the following two equivalent criteria: (i) V, is such that the measure of the
largest driving force, in terms of viscous forces, is equal to one; (ii) V, is equal
to the largest characteristic speeds associated with the subject problem. (They
are: the four characteristic speeds related to the pressure and gravitational
472 I,. G. Napolitano

forces in the two fluids and the two Marangoni characteristic speeds pertaining
to the two fluids.)
The ratios of the two volume driving forces (Pj~) and of the two measures of
the Marangoni force (mj~) depend only on problems data since, upon eqns (10):

Pi~ = Aii= h j,,li

;,. mji = ?i, = :h..
~ = _.~-.
_, (19)
Id'ji ~'Zji "~i

where Pk -- will be referred to as the momentum resistivity of the kth layer
and the last equality shows that mjl measures also the relative importance (rJzj)
of the two tangential stresses acting on the interface.
The largest stress on the interface will be referred to as the controlling stress
and the corresponding layer as the controlling layer, which, according to the
second of eqns (19), is the one having the smallest momentum resistivity. The
controlling layer will be denoted by the subscript (l) and the corresponding
measure of the Marangoni force will be denoted by ml. Similarly, the largest
volume force will be referred to as the controlling force and denoted by a
subscript (k).
The physics of the problem requires that both Pk and m~ be at most of order
one, a requirement that can be met by taking either ml = 1; Pk -<0(1) o r IPk[ = l :
m~ < 0(1). The two possible alternatives depend on the order of magnitude of the
ratio ([Pkllml) which leads to the two appropriate definitions of the reference
velocity V,. Upon eqns (10) the ratio [Pk[/mt can be written as:

IPk IP~(1-1p,)lhk j Wekll-GlP~' if lp~O(1)

- " = / (20)

mt O'rlTr[, l - Bo.sin Brkl if 1,k > 0(1)


wek - - Jke-J-hk

pkghk _ p ~ L h (21)

[(act), = (rrl L[rL]

can be referred to as the Weber and Bond numbers of the k-layer.

The number l~k measures the relative importance of gravitational to pressure
forces in the k-layer. When lpk<O(1) the latter prevails and the relevant
characteristic number is the Weber number measuring the relative importance
of pressure to Marangoni forces. When lpk > 0(1) the opposite situation prevails
and the relevant characteristic number is the Bond number times sin/3, measuring
the relative importance of gravitational to Marangoni forces. When lpk =O(1)
gravitational and pressure forces are of the same importance and both Weber
Plane Marangoni-Poiseuille flow of two immiscible fluids 473

and Bond numbers are relevant. The momentum resistivity ratio accounts for the
fact that the controlling volume force and tangential viscous stress may belong
to different layers.
When the controlling volume force is at most of the same order as the
Marangoni force [IP~llm, <-0(1)] the reference velocity is determined from the
condition m, = 1 [so that Pk _<0(1)]:

v = la lr h_,
/zl L =
v.h,Z (22)

i.e. Vr is equal to the Marangoni speed V,,t of the controlling layer times its
slenderness ratio (hJL).
When the controlling volume force is much larger than the Marangani force
[IPkllmt >0(1)] the reference velocity is determined from the condition IPkl--I
[so that m~ < 0(1)]:

hk2lpy(l -- lp~)l/lxk (lpk <--0(1)

vr = (23)
h~g sin [3[vk lpk > 0(1)

where the two alternatives account for the possible different orders of magnitude
of the two contributions to the controlling volume force.
The r.h.s, of eqns (22) and (23) are the characteristic velocities of the problem
and the above mentioned equivalence of criteria based on forces and on
characteristic velocities is thus endorsed.
When the momentum resistivities of the two layers are of the same order of
magnitude either layer can be taken as the controlling layer; the controlling
volume force depends on the order of magnitude of the ratio:

and the controlling ratio is (IPkl/mk). Alternatively and equivalently [since

mij =0(1)] one can take as the controlling layer the layer which has the
numerically smaller momentum resistivity. Then the controlling ratio will be
(IP, llmt) for Bkt <--0(1) and (IPkl[mk) for Bk, 2>0(1) and the approach to analyse all
possible relevant cases can be unified.
The expression for the interface velocity v0 can be written as:

- 2v0 = 2miCo + Pl(1 + Bkt)

1 +~tk

_ 2miC0 + Pkrlk(1 + Blk)

-- 1 + 6k (24)

according to whether the controlling volume force is or is not the one acting on
the controlling layer.
The cases Akt = Bkt/~k :~ 0(1) will be considered separately.
474 L.G. Napolitano

When the volume forces are the same order of magnitude [An = 0(1)] the
flow field is always of the mixed type in both layers but the expression for v0 can
be simplified by neglecting Bkt and ~k in the first equality (24) when the
controlling layer has a much smaller momentum resistivity [rtk < 0(1) and Akt =
0(1) imply Bkt <0(1)]. In this case the flow field in the controlling layer is
completely uncoupled from that in the other layer. The velocity v0 and Gt =
(Pll2vo) depend only on the properties of the interface and of the fluid in the
controlling layer:

-Vo= m,( Co + 2P-~t)

(Pdm~) (25)
Gt = 2Co + (Pt/mt)"
When 1¢ > 0(1) it is, upon eqn (20): Pl = - Bot sin flml.
Then, for IPtl/mt =0(1) eqns (16) and (25) describe the velocity field in a
liquid thin film moving along a plate with a linearly varying temperature, the
direction of the motion depending on the sign of (2m~C0+ Pt). For IPt[/m~> 0(l)
the classical thin film result is recovered whereas for IPtl/mt <0(1) the purely
Marangoni flow prevails..
When A~t < 0(1) (controlling volume force acting in the controlling layer) or
Akt > 0(1) (controlling volume force acting in the non-controlling layer) the first
and second equalities in eqns (24) reduce respectively to:

Akl = ~ < 0(1) -2v°=2mtC°+Ptl+?a

2miCo + Pkra
1 + rlk ' ~k = 0 ( 1 )
Akt > O -- 2Vo =
2m~Co; ~a < 0(1)

since Ak~ < 0(1) implies Bkt < ~tk --<0(I) in the first equality and Akl > 0(1) implies
6kBIk <0(1) in the second equality so that for ~tk =0(1) it is Bt~ <0(1) and for
rl~ < 0(1) the Pk terms can be neglected as Pk can at most be of order one and
both 6k and ~tkBtk are of order less than one. The different possible velocity
profiles are summarized in Fig. 5.
When the volume forces are of the same order of magnitude the velocity
fields in the two layers are similar and tend to be purely Marangoni (linear
velocity profiles) or purely Poiseuille-type as [Pt[lml tends to zero and to infinity
respectively. When the volume force of one of the layers is much greater than
the other the velocity field is always of the Couette-type in the other layer. In the
layer of the controlling force the velocity field tends to a purely Marangoni field
as the appropriate controlling number tends to zero and, in the other limit, to a
-Vo co ~ Ipi I ~ i
*% ........ ~ << I i ~ I
• (|) layer h a v i n g s m a l l e r o, o o m, I ~ I~
momentum resistivity
-Vo ~ 2
~2(1 + rlk ] . . . . . .
IP, i •
I, II > > '1 /.-.'W'l I
I x'~i
rI = h l/~,

• ~ related to either
I1R Weber or B o n d
numbers or both

_,.,., Z,2/,

o~°~ ~kS,-~) / ~,..~,:~,},,~,~/ / ~ ! ..... ~,~.~

~" ~ Vo Co Co I ~ ~"

Gk O 0 ml
! )
-vo o ~ . . . . . . ~>.I {"
1+ r m I
Gk 1 ~ 0
Fig. 5. Schematic summary of possible non-dimensional velocity profiles.
476 L.G. Napolitano

purely Poiseuille-type field with:

1 + rlk 1 + rlk
GI - 1 + Btk or G, - ?tk(l + Btk)

according to whether the controlling force is or is not that of the controlling layer.
The order of magnitude of the momentum resistivity ratio gtk influences only
the "scales" of the velocity profiles when the controlling volume force is that
acting in the controlling layer, as indicated in Fig. 5.
However, when the controlling force is the one acting in the non-controlling
layer then the velocity of the interface tends to zero as IPkl/ml--->~. Thus, for
IPkl/ml > 0(1) the controlling layer is practically quiescent and the velocity field in
the non-controlling layer is a PoiseuiUe profile. This situation is of course
identical to that prevailing in the channel flow of two immiscible liquids when
the walls are isothermal. The velocity at the interface is the weighted average of
the (1/2)P~'s:

r~ ri (j~ i = !,2)

so that when Pi "> Pi but r~ ~ rj the interface velocity v0 - - (I/2)(P~ + P~?~j)< !

since P~ = _+ 1.
As already mentioned, the interface velocity vanishes (exactly) also when
volume forces balance the Marangoni force, i.e. when:

2miCo + Pi(1 + Bi~) = O.

In this case the velocity field in each layer is a Poiseuille profile or, in
particular, a Couette profile in the j-layer if (Pi[Pi)"~ 1.
When the flow rate Q ¢ 0 is given, a similar diversity of cases can occur. The
principles to be used to analyse them are the same although, obviously, the a
priori criteria are different. Now the constant pressure gradient is not known a
priori and must be non-dimensionalized in terms of known problems' data in
such a manner that the usual requirements IPi I ---0(1); (i = 1,2) be met.
If one lets:

Py ~ ~2~k 77"

where fk is the largest momentum resistivity of the two layers and zr-<0(1) is a
constant to be determined, the expression (10) for Pi reads (with Vr = Q/H):

Pi = - ~ r i u rr - Fi

E - P~g sin [3hi2H (26)

Plane Marangoni-Poiseuilleflow o[ two immisciblefluids 477

The non-dimensional numbers Fi depend only on problems' data and measure

the relative importance of the gravitational effects and, upon the very same
definition of V,, F/<- 0(1). Likewise, the first term on the expression for Pi can
be at most of order one since (hi/H), rik and ~r are all at most of order one.
Hence the requirements IPil---0(1), (i = 1, 2) are met.
The still unknown constant 7r is determined from the expression (15) for the
total flow rate with q = (Q/HVr)= 1. Substitution of v0 from eqn (14)2 with the
Pi's given by eqn (26) leads to:

-6[miCo + 2(1 + rlk)] + KtFI + KkFk

¢r = (27)
-~ rlkKI + -~Kk

where, as before, the subscript (l) denotes the layer with the smallest momentum
resistivity, k S l = 1, 2 and:

Kt = 3 + ~__t(1 + ilk)

Kk = 3 ?tk + ~___k(1 + rlk) (28)

VmlH ht

All the numbers appearing on the numerator and denominator of eqn (27) are at
most of order one.
The a priori criteria for the negligibility of Marangoni and gravitational effects
are mt < 0(1), and Fi < 0(1) (i = l, k) respectively, with ml and F/defined by eqns
(26)2 and (28)3. The a priori criteria for the negligibility of pressure gradient
effects are fik < 0(1) and (hdH) < 0(1) [thus (hdH) = 0(1)], as shown by the first
of eqns (26). In this case eqn (27) yields:

- 6(talC0 + 2) + (3 + ht = o

and purely Marangoni flow in both layers is attained for F~ <0(1) with v0 =
- mtCo = 2.
Other particular cases can be analysed in the same manner.

Concluding remarks
The asymptotic plane flow of two immiscible liquids in a non-isothermal
channel under the combined action of pressure gradients, gravitational forces
and Marangoni interface forces has been solved and analysed with the aim of
shedding useful light on the features and methods of analysis of flow fields
coupled through boundary conditions at a non-isothermal interface.
478 L.G. Napolitano

Acknowledgements---This work has been partially supported by the Italian C.N.R. through the
Contract 78-070/SAS. The author wishes to thank Clemy and Miss D'Inverno for typing the several
drafts of the paper and Mr. Gennaro Russo for computing the diagrams and drawing the figures.

Levitch V. G. (1962) Physico Chemical Hydrodynamics. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New
Napolitano L. G. (1979) Thermodynamics and dynamics of surface phases. Acta Astronautica 6(9),

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