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1, JANUARY 2011 115

Application of a Simple Adaptive Estimator

for an Atmospheric Doppler Radar
Mark Pinsky, Jordi Figueras i Ventura, Tobias Otto, Alexander Sterkin,
Alexander Khain, and Herman W. J. Russchenberg

Abstract—A simple method for estimating parameters of the reflected by meteorological scatterers usually have a relatively
Doppler spectrum of atmospheric signals is described. The method narrow spectral band, which, in terms of the Doppler velocity,
is based on an adaptive filter processing that has been widely corresponds to the range of about 1–2 m/s. The width of the
used in telecommunications but rarely applied in measurements
using atmospheric radars. The method has been tested using signal spectrum is determined by turbulent fluctuations of the
both synthetic and real data obtained by the radar profiler— wind velocity, by the antenna beamwidth, and by other factors.
Transportable Atmospheric Radar (TARA)—and the weather The useful radar signals are mixed with the receiver broadband
radar—International Research Centre for Telecommunications noise so that the signal at the entrance of an estimator falls
and Radar (IRCTR) Drizzle Radar (IDRA)—both developed by within the frequency bandwidth of 10–50 m/s while the signal
IRCTR. The method is compared with the traditional pulse-pair
method and fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based methods, as well spectrum width is of 1–2 m/s. Methods based on FFT or on
as with the IRCTR FFT-based method implemented in the TARA autocovariance processing (the PP estimation) do not take into
and IDRA processing including an additional noise clipping stage. consideration this specific feature of meteorological radar oper-
The tests have demonstrated high efficiency of the adaptive fil- ation (i.e., that the narrow-band signal is mixed with the wide-
tering estimator under low signal-to-noise ratio conditions. The band noise) and, therefore, are not optimal from the statistical
applicability of adaptive estimations in radar meteorology and the
limitations associated with a sample length are discussed. point of view. The FFT processing can be further improved by
applying noise clipping, i.e., suppressing the Doppler bins that
Index Terms—Adaptive estimation, atmospheric measure- are close to the noise power level. However, this clipping has
ments, Doppler radar, spectral moments.
two main drawbacks, i.e., it increases the complexity of the
algorithm and suppresses part of the useful spectrum, which
can lead to an underestimation of the reflectivity or, in the case

T WO MAIN types of estimators of the first- and second-

order moments of the atmospheric signal spectrum are
widely used in radar meteorology: pulse-pair (PP) estimators
of very weak atmospheric signals, to a complete suppression of
the useful signal.
Several studies dedicated to the application of optimal statis-
and estimators based on the fast Fourier transform (FFT) [3]. tical methods to Doppler meteorological signal processing have
These estimators yield low errors in spectrum moment estima- been published in the past decades (see, e.g., [1] and [2]). These
tion under conditions of relatively high signal-to-noise ratio studies describe algorithms based on the maximum likelihood
(SNR) Q (10–20 dB). However, at lower SNR estimation, criterion for both parametric and nonparametric estimations of
errors increase rapidly, making it hardly possible to perform spectra and spectrum moments. These algorithms are highly ac-
any reasonable measurement at negative Q (from −10 to 0 dB). curate but, at the same time, complicated and require significant
This increase in errors is due to the fact that radar signals computer time.
In this context, methods based on adaptive filtering process-
ing of signals received by Doppler meteorological radar offer
Manuscript received June 14, 2009; revised November 25, 2009 and an interesting perspective [5], [7]–[9]. In these methods, both
March 22, 2010; accepted April 25, 2010. Date of publication August 5, 2010; the current signal spectrum parameters estimated in the course
date of current version December 27, 2010. This work was supported in part
by the Israel Academy of Science Foundation under Grant 950/07 and in
of the radar measurement and the noise parameters are used not
part by the Israel Ministry of Science (German–Israel collaboration in Water only for obtaining data on a meteorological scatterer but also for
Resources) under Grant WT 0403. The work of J. Figueras i Ventura was automatic tuning of the optimal filter. Computationwise, these
supported by the Dutch Climate Change Spatial Planning Program.
M. Pinsky and A. Khain are with the Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew
methods are quite efficient, since estimations are performed by
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem 91904, Israel. recursive algorithms, while being as accurate as other methods
J. Figueras i Ventura was with the International Research Centre for based on the maximum likelihood criterion. Filtering out the re-
Telecommunications and Radar, Delft University of Technology, 2600 Delft,
The Netherlands. He is now with Meteo France, Toulouse 31100, France.
ceiver noise increases the SNR by a factor that is approximately
T. Otto is with the Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz 09107, equal to the ratio between the widths of the noise spectrum
Germany, and also with the Delft University of Technology, 2600 Delft, and the useful signal spectrum. For Transportable Atmospheric
The Netherlands.
A. Sterkin was with the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Radar (TARA) used for measurements in stratocumulus clouds,
Israel. He is now with Intel Corporation, Haifa 31015, Israel. the signal spectrum width is around 1 m/s, and the radar covers
H. W. J. Russchenberg is with the International Research Centre for the Doppler velocity spectrum of ±22 m/s. Hence, the factor
Telecommunications and Radar, Delft University of Technology, 2600 Delft,
The Netherlands. can be as high as 40 (on the linear scale). Being widely applied
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TGRS.2010.2052055 in automatic regulation and control systems (see, e.g., [17]), the

0196-2892/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE


adaptive methods are rarely used in atmospheric radar systems The equation that establishes the relationship between the mea-
[13], [16]. sured and the useful signals in two consecutive time instants
In this paper, the performance of a simple adaptive algorithm can be written as
(adaptive PP algorithm) is formulated and implemented for
processing real atmospheric radar data. The algorithm is based Xt+1 = aZt + εt+1 + ηt+1 . (6)
on the assumption that the Doppler spectrum of backscattered
signals is symmetrical and unimodal. Some comments are needed concerning the application of
AR(1) model for description of atmospheric signals. First, since
parameter a is assumed to be constant, the model implies that
II. A DAPTIVE F ILTERING P ROCESSING signals are stationary within the measuring time interval. This
A. Signal and Noise Models assumption is more valid for wind profilers that use 0.5–5-s
intervals for measurements and less valid for continuously scan-
We assume that, after discretization, a backscattered signal ning radars with a 50–100-ms measuring interval. Second, the
from atmospheric objects Zt has the form of a complex au- AR(1) model introduces a simple one-mode symmetric spec-
toregressive series of the first order, with an unknown complex trum. Although, in most cases, atmospheric signals have such
coefficient a kind of spectrum, there are cases of more complicated spectra,
  for example, if scatterers are hydrometeors of different types or
Zt+1 = aZt + εt+1 εt  = 0 εi ε∗j = σε2 δij (1) when ground clutter exists. Third, if one is interested in measur-
ing finer characteristics of Doppler spectra such as asymmetry,
where t = 1, 2, . . . is the discrete time, εt is a normal white it is impossible to use AR(1). Therefore, the simplicity of the
random series with variance σε2 , a is a complex parameter spectrum shape may limit the application of the model.
characterizing the signal, symbol “∗ ” denotes conjugation, the
brackets   mean averaging over the number of samples, and
δij is the Kronecker symbol. The spectrum of signal (1) is B. Adaptive Filter Estimator Design
symmetric relative to the average Doppler frequency and can
The adaptive filter estimator consists of two parts—the esti-
be represented as [18]
mation part and the filtering part. If both signals Xt and Zt are
σε2 σε2 known, the estimation of parameter a, which is optimal in terms
Fz (ω) = σz2 = (2) of maximum a posteriori probability, can be obtained using the
|1 − a exp(−iω)|2 1 − |a|2
following recursive equations [12, p. 65]:
where σz2 is the power (variance) of the signal Zt and ω is Zt∗ (Xt+1 − ât Zt )
the angular frequency which lies within the range [−π, π]. The ât+1 = ât + θt
σε2 + ση2 + θt |Zt |2
frequency of the discrete signal, which is equal to −π or π,
corresponds to the Nyquist frequency of the continuous signal |Zt |2
and determines the maximum unambiguous velocity. When θt+1 = θt − θt2 (7)
σε2 + ση2 + θt |Zt |2
|a| → 1, and is less than 1, the signal can be approximated
by a quasi-sinusoidal series with a random phase. As shown in where the symbol “∧ ” denotes estimation. θt can be interpreted
Appendix A, the mean frequency of the spectrum ω coincides as the variance of estimation of ât . If there is no white noise,
with the frequency of its maximum. The standard deviation of ση = 0, Zt = X t , and the solution
 of (7) provides a regular PP
the spectrum (spectrum width Δω) depends solely on |a| estimation â = Zt∗ Zt+1 / |Zt |2 , the proposed method can
thus be interpreted as an adaptive PP algorithm.
ω = Λ = arg(a)
If we assume now that a is known, the optimal recursive

  π2 (−1)k+1 k filtering of the signal is described by the following difference
(Δω)2 = (ω − Λ)2 = −4 |a| . (3) equations representing a particular case of the Kalman filter
3 k2
([12, p. 67]):
To estimate the mean Doppler frequency and the Doppler  2 
σε + |a|2 Rt (Xt+1 − aẐt )
spectrum width, it is enough to estimate the complex variable a. Ẑt+1 = aẐt +
We assume now that the useful atmospheric signal at the σε2 + ση2 + |a|2 Rt
estimator input Zt is measured while being mixed with an  2
uncorrelated additive normal complex white noise ηt (in the   σε2 + |a|2 Rt
Rt+1 = σε2 2
+ |a| Rt − 2 (8)
bandwidth of ± Nyquist frequency) having variance ση2 . The σε + ση2 + |a|2 Rt
measured signal Xt is therefore
where Rt is an average square of the filtering error. The
Xt = Zt + ηt (4) equations in (8) actually represent a digital linear filter with one
complex pole and an amplification coefficient which is variable
where in time.
  The mutual substitution of (7) and (8) leads to a system of
εt  = ηt  = 0 ηi ηj∗ = ση2 δij εi ηj  = Zi ηj  = 0. (5) equations for the adaptive filter estimator. The complete system

of equations that describes the adaptive estimator is represented TABLE I

by the following formulas: D IFFERENT D OPPLER S PECTRUM W IDTHS AND SNR S

ât+1 = ât + γt+1 Ẑt∗ (Xt+1 − ât Ẑt ) (9a)

γt+1 = (9b)
1 + γt |Ẑt |2

Ẑt+1 = ât Ẑt + Pt+1 (Xt+1 − ât Ẑt ) (9c)

Q̂t 1 − |ât |2 + Pt |ât |2
Pt+1 = (9d)
1 + Q̂t (1 − |ât |2 ) + Pt |ât |2

where γt = θt /(σz2 + ση2 ) and Pt = Rt /ση2 . In (9), we replace

the SNR Q = σz2 /ση2 = σε2 /ση2 (1 − |a|2 ) by its estimation Q̂t
which can be measured in advance or obtained during the
ongoing measurements
Q̂t = |Xi | |ηi |2 − 1 (10)
i=1 i=1

where ηi ’s are independently measured noise samples. In order

to use (9), the following initial conditions should be applied:
â0 = 0, Ẑ0 = 0, γ0 = |X0 |−2 , and P0 = 1. These initial condi- of |â| ≤ 0.75 correspond to a Doppler spectrum width that is
tions correspond to absence of filtration at the first time. In some larger than that of natural atmospheric signals and indicates that
cases, one can use the value of â estimated by using the previous the filter is not tuned to the signal spectrum.
signal sequence as an initial condition for the next estimation. The root-mean-square (rms) errors in estimation of the mean
Equation (9) provides a simultaneous optimal estimation of a frequency and the spectrum width normalized by the Nyquist
and performs signal filtering. Therefore, using (9), a recursive frequency were also computed for different SNRs and for three
estimation of a can be carried out while new data are being different spectrum widths. The results can be seen in Fig. 1.
acquired by the radar. After reasonable averaging, the mean The main conclusion is that the proposed adaptive algorithm
Doppler frequency and spectrum width can be computed ac- allows a good estimation of the Doppler spectrum parameters
cording to (3). It is shown in Appendix B that if the signal down to −13 dB SNR, in the case that the amount of time sam-
is described by an autoregressive equation of the first order, ples is sufficient to form the required narrow filter frequency
the estimation (9) is asymptotically nonbiased (ât → a, when characteristic. For the same number of samples, the error in the
t → ∞). Note that the estimation (9) was obtained without estimation of the Doppler spectrum width is higher than that
any optimization of the correlation between the autoregression of the mean Doppler velocity. Moreover, the error increases for
parameter â and the filtered magnitude of the signal Ẑ. Further narrower spectra. The algorithm is particularly efficient in cases
calculations showed that taking this correlation into account by of small SNRs, as indicated by the fact that the slope of error
using a more complicated nonlinear algorithm actually does not curves increases when SNR decreases.
affect the results but makes the algorithm more complicated. A detailed analysis showed that the convergence period can
be divided into two different intervals (see Fig. 2). The first
one is a transient period when the formation of the filter fre-
quency characteristic takes place. During this period, estimation
Testing of the proposed algorithm and error estimation was experiences large variations. This transient period is followed
carried out using synthetic signals mixed with white noise. by the second period, where the characteristics of the filter
Three tests were performed. In Test 1, the autoregressive sig- are largely established, and further accumulation of the signal
nals were obtained by applying (1) and (4) and were further leads to continuous improvement of the estimation. The length
processed as described by (9). The goal of Test 1 was to study of the transient period is important in the application of the
the accuracy of parameter a estimation. It was observed that, algorithm to real atmospheric signals. Since these signals can be
whereas, generally, a can be properly estimated with a small considered stationary for a limited period of time, the faster the
variance, there are cases where the narrow-band filter is not convergence, the less the bias and the variance of the estimation
formed, thus making the estimation of a not reliable. The of the spectrum parameters are.
percentage of estimation failures depends on the length of the In Test 2, the mean frequency estimation was performed in
time series, on the SNR, and on the Doppler spectrum width. order to compare the proposed approach to estimation with
Table I shows the length of the time series that leads to a 10% the traditional methods. White noise was added to a quadratic
failure for different normalized Doppler spectrum widths and monochromatic signal, and then, the mixed signal was
SNRs. The estimation is considered to be a failure if the values processed by estimators (9) and (10) and two other estimators,

Fig. 1. RMS errors in estimation of the (left column) mean Doppler velocity and (right column) Doppler spectrum width for different values of Doppler spectrum
widths Δω and SNRs. The errors are normalized by the Nyquist frequency ΩN .

namely, the standard PP and FFT (error analysis of the latter to the traditional PP algorithm and, particularly, as compared
two can be found in [14] and [10]). A 1024-sample-long series with the FFT spectrum integration approach. If the SNR is less
was used in the test. The mean Doppler frequency was com- than −8 dB, only the proposed adaptive algorithm provides
puted under different SNRs, ranging from 1 down to −12 dB. a satisfactory quality (error of ∼0.5–1.0 m/s) of the mean
The FFT estimation of the mean frequency was performed frequency estimation. The minimum errors achievable when
using the FFT algorithm without clipping and the appropriate processing the signal with the ideal theoretical algorithm, eval-
summation of the spectral components. uated according to the Cramer–Rao inequality that determines
The results of Test 2 are shown in Fig. 3. One can see the theoretical minimum estimation errors (see [15]), are shown
significant advantages of the adaptive algorithm as compared in Fig. 3 as well.

shows the errors in the spectrum width. The left panels show the
bias, and the right panels show standard deviation (STD) of es-
timation. The method demonstrates the ability of measurement
of the mean frequency for samples typical of profilers (several
hundreds of samples) up to SNR = −10 dB. The bias of esti-
mation is negligible so that the errors can be attributed to STD.
For short samples typical of continuously scanning radars, the
satisfactory results are obtained only for SNR > 0 dB. The
errors in estimation of the spectrum width are substantially
bigger. The estimations have a large positive bias. Application
of short samples does not allow one to measure the spectrum
width at high enough accuracy. At long (∼1000) samples,
SNR > 15−20 dB are required for getting reasonable results.
Nevertheless, in our opinion, it would not be correct to state that
the method cannot be used for measurements of spectrum width
at all.
To compare the different methods, more realistic signals of
Fig. 2. Example of convergence of synthetic signal spectrum parameters to
their true values. SNR is equal to 0.5, the mean frequency (normalized by Test 3 were processed by the PP and the FFT-based methods.
Nyquist) is equal to 0.5, and the Doppler spectrum width (normalized) is equal The comparison is shown in Fig. 5 which presents dependences
to 0.4. of the bias and the STD on SNR for sample lengths equal to
512 (upper row) and 32 (lower row). The results show that
the bias introduces negligible errors in all the cases for all the
methods. The STD error of the adaptive method is smaller than
that of other methods, which is particularly pronounced for the
smallest values of SNR. This illustrates the main advantages
of the adaptive method. It is noteworthy that both the PP and
FFT-based methods actually indicate the same STD errors.
This result can be explained by the existing of a theoretical
dependence between the first spectral moment and the first
derivative of the correlation function. The comparison of Figs. 3
and 5 allows one to see different errors arising in the FFT-based
method. This can be attributed to the difference in summation.
In Test 2, standard summation was used, while in Test 3, we
implemented circular summation that brings about nonbiased


In order to check the performance on real data, the algorithm
was implemented in signal processing of the radars, namely,
TARA and IDRA. Table II presents the main parameters of
Fig. 3. Comparison between the adaptive filtering method and the traditional
methods. The minimal errors, in processing performed by the ideal theoretical the radars. The results obtained by the proposed algorithm
algorithm and evaluated according to the Cramer–Rao inequality, are shown by were compared with those obtained by the FFT-based algorithm
the dashed line. The errors are normalized by the Nyquist frequency. A 1024- combined with clipping and implemented in the same systems.
sample-long series is used in the test.
In this section, the implementation of the two algorithms is
In the third test, the algorithm was applied to signals that described, and the results obtained are discussed.
correspond better to the atmospheric ones. Quadratic signals Implementation of the Algorithms: The adaptive approach
generated by the method proposed in [19] were represented as was implemented for off-line processing of the TARA data. For
sums of different harmonics with random phases and ampli- both the standard FFT-based TARA processing and the off-line
tudes. The signals had symmetric spectrum of Gaussian shape processing, there is a preprocessing stage. At this stage, the
which is often used in the meteorological radar practice. The raw radar data are read from binary files and put into a matrix
signals were mixed with quadratic white noise and processed form where the columns are the samples of each sweep and
using the adaptive filtering method. There are 1000 noncorre- the rows are the time series of the signal being processed. The
lated realizations used in this test. first step in this preprocessing stage implies performing an
The results are shown in Fig. 4. The upper row shows the FFT along the columns to obtain the range dependence of the
errors in measurements of the mean frequency. The lower row signal. This preliminary step is necessary because in frequency

Fig. 4. Errors in estimation of the (upper row) mean Doppler velocity and (lower row) Doppler spectrum width for Gaussian Doppler spectrum under different
SNRs. The left columns introduce bias, while the right columns introduce STD. The errors are normalized by the Nyquist frequency ΩN . The mean normalized
frequency is equal to 0.16, and the normalized spectrum width is equal to 0.3.

modulation-continuous wave (FM-CW) radars, unlike in pulse a priori from the measured signal power and then applying the
radars, the range information is contained in the frequency calibration factor.
domain. In addition, the mean of each row is removed, which is The implementation of the adaptive signal processing and
equivalent to suppressing the 0-Doppler bin and consequently the PP signal processing in IDRA is done off-line as well. It
suppressing the signals from static ground clutter. is only slightly different from the TARA processing. In the
The first step in the FFT-based algorithm is to perform an first place, the raw data in the raw data files in IDRA were
FFT on the rows in order to obtain the Doppler spectrum windowed with a 2-D Hamming window in order to decrease
and to calculate the power per a Doppler bin. Doppler cells the sidelobes when FFT is performed. Therefore, the first step
below the preestablished clipping level (usually 10 dB above of the adaptive processing is to multiply the rows by an inverse
the estimated noise threshold) are then eliminated in order to Hamming window to compensate the windowing. FFT is then
diminish the influence of noise spikes in the calculation of performed along the columns to get the range information
the Doppler parameters. The Doppler parameters are there- and the subtraction of the mean of the rows to suppress the
fore calculated using only the Doppler cells with the power 0-Doppler as in TARA. The rest of the processing is analogous
above the clipping level. As for the adaptive algorithm, the to that of TARA.
Doppler parameters are calculated directly from the time series As for FFT-based processing in IDRA, a well-known issue
using (9) and (10) developed in Section II. The reflectivity is is the presence of internal distortion lines at all ranges at a
calculated by subtracting the estimated noise power measured particular Doppler frequency [6]. This distortion lines are

Fig. 5. Dependences of (left) the bias and (right) the STD of the estimated mean velocity on SNR. The normalized mean velocity and the spectrum width are
equal to 0.16 and 0.1, respectively. The sample lengths are equal to (upper row) 512 and (lower row) 32.

effectively removed using polarimetric Doppler filtering. How- the most demanding in terms of sensitivity. The measurement
ever, the adaptive Doppler processing algorithm cannot take was performed using the horizontal polarization in the high-
advantage of polarimetry. Therefore, to ensure a fair compar- resolution (3-m) mode. The maximum Doppler velocity was
ison, the polarimetric Doppler filtering was removed from the 22.7 m/s. In Fig. 7, a light-rain event measured by IDRA on
standard data processing. August 3, 2008 at 12:00 P. M . UTC is shown. This measurement
The number of real operations required to obtain the Doppler was performed using the standard IDRA resolution (30 m). The
parameters using the FFT method is roughly 6N log2 N , where maximum Doppler velocity was 9.5 m/s. The example offers an
N is the number of sweeps used. The number of operations interesting case of aliasing, i.e., the actual Doppler velocity of
required for the adaptive processing is just 41N . Therefore, the the atmospheric scatterers exceeded the unambiguous interval
adaptive processing is much faster, particularly when a large of the system. This showcases the performance of each algo-
number of sweeps are used to compute the parameters. This rithm in the case of aliasing.
represents a significant advantage in the case when real-time In the three algorithms, it is assumed that the atmospheric
processing is required. At the same time, the PP algorithm has signals are stationary and symmetrical with respect to the mean
the largest computational efficiency since it requires 12N real Doppler velocity. However, atmospheric signals can be consid-
operations only. ered stationary just for a limited period of time, after which
Data Analysis and Comparison of the Algorithms: Two statistical characteristics of a signal change. For example, in
sets of measurements are presented as an illustration of the the case of TARA which is an S-band radar, the signals are
algorithms’ capabilities. The data sets shown in Fig. 6 were considered to remain stationary for a period of approximately
obtained by TARA during a clear air measurement, which is half a second (512 samples with a sweep period of 1 ms).


That limitation constitutes a serious drawback for the adaptive where the variance of the scattering plot is much higher for
processing. Equation (3) shows that the mean Doppler velocity lower values of reflectivity than for higher ones.
depends only on the phase of parameter a while the Doppler Interestingly, the mean Doppler velocity in the low-
spectrum width depends on the modulus of a. While the phase reflectivity areas retrieved by the adaptive processing is 0
tends relatively fast to the asymptotic value and, therefore, a (Fig. 7), whereas the velocity retrieved by the FFT-based al-
good estimation of the mean Doppler velocity can be obtained, gorithm is the expected one. This could be due to the influence
this is not true for the modulus of a. Small errors in estima- of the aforementioned distortion lines present in the IDRA. If
tion of modulus lead to significant errors in estimation of the that were the case, it would mean that the adaptive processing is
Doppler spectrum width, particularly in the case of a narrow less robust to artifacts. At the same time, the Doppler spectrum
spectrum. As a result, in most cases, an overestimation of the width is correctly retrieved by the adaptive processing in areas
Doppler spectrum width was observed, particularly for narrow where there is aliasing, whereas it is not the case for the
spectra, as can be seen in Fig. 2. FFT-based processing. This is more clearly seen in Fig. 10,
Since the adaptive processor filters out most of the noise that where the differences between the two Doppler spectrum
contaminates the measurements, the performance of the adap- widths are plotted in a plan position indicator (PPI).
tive processor is substantially better than that of the FFT-based The comparison of the results of signal processing of IDRA
algorithm without clipping. However, if the latter algorithm is estimated by the proposed method, the standard FFT, and the
combined with clipping, the performances are similar, since the classical PP algorithm is shown in Fig 7. The analysis shows
clipping of the signal acts as efficiently as an adaptive filter. In that the difference between the fields is very small. The dif-
case the SNR is very low, or the spectrum is wide, i.e., all the ference between the mean velocities does not exceed 20 cm/s.
Doppler cells are below the clipping level, the estimation of the This is not surprising since the measurements were performed
Doppler parameters cannot be performed using the FFT-based for quite strong signals with SNR > 10−20 dB. At such SNR,
method, whereas the adaptive method is still able to estimate the all the algorithms provide close values. It is noteworthy that, at
mean Doppler velocity (see Table III and Fig. 8). The areas that very low SNR when the adaptive filter has no time to form,
were completely suppressed by the noise clipping are marked the values provided by the proposed and the PP algorithms
white in Figs. 6 and 7. Moreover, due to the suppression of the should be expected to lead to close results as follows from (9).
Doppler cells that are below the clipping level in the FFT-based However, when the spectrum width is estimated, the PP algo-
algorithm, there is an underestimation of the signal power and, rithm often shows larger nonrealistic values (up to 10 m/s) as
hence, of the reflectivity. This can be clearly seen in Fig. 9, compared with the algorithm proposed in this paper. This fact

Fig. 6. Data sets obtained by the two algorithms: (left column) Adaptive processing and (right column) FFT-based processing. The white areas in the FFT-based
processing are areas where information is suppressed as a result of clipping.

reflects the advantages of the presented method over the PP sented. The essential feature of this method is the presence of
method. a feedback connection which defines the adaptation of the filter
(change of frequency characteristics and amplification coeffi-
cient) for a particular signal. The method provides estimation of
the Doppler spectrum in the parametric form. The performance
A new method based on an adaptive procedure and aimed at of the new method was compared with the traditional PP and
calculation of the Doppler spectrum parameters has been pre- FFT-based methods. The comparison shows that including both

Fig. 7. IDRA parameters measured during a light-rain event. The left column presents reflectivity, the mean Doppler velocity, and the Doppler spectrum width
retrieved by the adaptive processing algorithm. The middle column presents the values of the same parameters retrieved by the standard FFT processing algorithm.
The right column presents the same parameters retrieved by the PP algorithm.

TABLE III filter adaptation and noise filtering into the estimation proce-
dure results in much smaller errors in the estimation of the mean
Doppler frequency and the spectrum width. This improvement
is particularly pronounced under small-SNR conditions. How-
ever, the presented method provides comparable performance
with the FFT-based algorithm combined with signal clipping
The two main advantages of the proposed method were
found. First, the number of required operations is proportional
to the sample length N and is thus significantly smaller
compared to the FFT algorithms (where it proportional to
N log2 N ). It makes the new method faster which is important
in real-time applications. Second, the proposed method is
able to estimate the mean Doppler velocity with low bias
and variance even in the case of very low SNRs, where the
FFT method is not applicable for estimation since the signal
is below the clipping level. It is particularly important when

Fig. 8. Synthetic signal spectrum with and without noise. The clipping level
used in the FFT-based processing was 10 dB above the noise floor. The
signal was completely suppressed by the FFT-based algorithm, whereas the
adaptive processing algorithm was still able to determine the mean Doppler

Fig. 10. PPI with the differences in the Doppler spectrum widths obtained by
the adaptive processing and by the FFT-based processing.

since the second-order complex autoregressive series generally

has nonsymmetrical spectrum. It will enable to determine in
which cases the atmospheric signal spectrum is bimodal, as
the second-order complex autoregressive series spectrum can
be one- or two- modal. This bimodality can be formed by the
existence of signals of different nature. In particular, bimodality
detection can help to separate and reject ground clutter signals.
Obtaining this kind of information from FFT-estimated spectra
for weak signals is much more complicated.
In addition, since the model of autoregression of higher order
corresponds to a higher order filter that has a more rectangular
shape of the amplitude-frequency characteristic, utilization of
the high-order algorithm can lead to even more efficient noise
filtering than that reported in the present study.
Fig. 9. Scattering plots for a light-rain event measured by IDRA: Reflectivity
measured by the FFT method versus the adaptive method.
measurements are carried out in nondrizzling weak stratiform M EAN S QUARE OF AN AUTOREGRESSIVE
clouds or in clear air conditions, when the radar reflectivity S PECTRUM W IDTH
does not exceed −30 dBZ. The spectrum of a complex autoregressive process Zt+1 =
The major drawback of the proposed method is a certain aZt + εt+1 is represented as [18]
overestimation of the Doppler spectrum width due to slow
spectrum width convergence to the asymptotic level. As the σε2 σε2
simplest AR data model, we assume that the signal is repre- Fz (ω) = = (A1)
|1−a exp(−iω)|2 1+|a|2 −2|a| cos(ω−Λ)
sented by a complex autoregressive series of the first order (an
adaptive PP method). Despite its simplicity, the algorithm is
highly effective and has serious advantages as compared to the where a = |a|eiΛ . The spectrum variance is denoted as a ratio
traditional algorithms used in radar meteorology. We believe between the two integrals
that this algorithm is the first in the family of parametric adap-
Λ+π π
(ω − Λ)2 Fz (ω)dω ω 2 dω
tive estimators that can be successfully applied in radar mete- 1+|a|2 −2|a| cos ω
  Λ−π −π
orology. For example, utilization of the second-order complex (ω−Λ)2 = = π .
autoregressive series as a model of weak meteorological signals

Fz (ω)dω 1+|a|2 −2|a| cos ω
will provide additional information about the signal spectrum. Λ−π −π
It will enable to correctly evaluate the spectrum asymmetry, (A2)

To calculate the integrals in (A2), ω 2 can be expanded into a samples. For the stationary case solution, we obtain
Fourier series within the range [−π, π]  
P∞ σz2 + σμ2

|Ẑt | =
π2  (−1)k+1 cos(kω) ∞ 1 − (1 − P∞ )2 |a∞ |2
ω2 = −4 . (A3)
3 k2 2P∞ (1 − P∞ )|a||a∞ | ∗
+ Ẑt Zt . (B4)
1 − (1 − P∞ )2 |a∞ |2
The utilization of (A3) and the tabulated integral [4]
Using mutual substitutions (B2)–(B4) and the last equation

π from (B1), one can obtain |a∞ | = |a|. Since the estimation
cos(kω)dω π
= |a|k (A4) of the spectrum width is determined by the absolute value
1 + |a| − 2|a| cos ω 1 − |a|2
−π of the complex number a, the estimation is asymptotically
leads to the equation for the spectrum variance

  π2 (−1)k+1 k ACKNOWLEDGMENT
(ω − Λ)2 = −4 |a| . (A5)
3 k2 The authors would like to thank IRCTR for providing
the data.

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Mark Pinsky received the M.S. degree from Alexander Sterkin received the M.Sc. degree from
the Moscow Telecommunication Institute, Moscow, the Moscow State Institute of Radio-Engineering,
Russia, in 1975 and the Ph.D. degree from the Electronics and Automation, Moscow, Russia, in
Central Aerological Observatory (CAO), Moscow, 1994, specializing in biomedical electronics and
in 1992. His Ph.D. thesis is entitled “Processing of equipment, and the Ph.D. degree in brain research
Doppler meteorological signals.” from the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot,
From 1975 to 1992, he was a Scientific Researcher Israel, in 2002.
with the Departments of Upper Atmosphere and For several years, he was with the Central Aero-
Radar Meteorology, CAO. He is currently a Senior logical Observatory, Moscow, focusing his research
Scientist with the Institute of Earth Sciences, The on Doppler radar data analysis. For a number of
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, years, he was collaborating with the Institute of Earth
where he has been working in the field of cloud physics and cloud modeling Sciences, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, developing
since 1992. His major research interests lie in the fields of cloud physics, cloud software for visualization and analysis of remote sensing information and cloud
modeling, microphysical processes in clouds, atmospheric turbulence, theory modeling results. He is currently a Senior Application Engineer with Intel
of turbulence, radar meteorology, signal processing, and continuous symmetry Corporation, Israel, working on multicore software optimization.

Jordi Figueras i Ventura received the M.S. degree

in telecommunications engineering from the Tech-
nical University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, in
2004 and the Ph.D. degree from the International
Research Centre for Telecommunications and Radar Alexander Khain received the Ph.D. degree from
(IRCTR), Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Moscow Institute of Experimental Meteorology,
The Netherlands, in 2009. His Ph.D. thesis is enti- Obninsk, Russia, in 1975.
tled “Design of a High Resolution X-band Doppler From 1975 to 1991, he was a Senior Researcher
Polarimetric Weather Radar.” with the Scientific Hydrometeorological Center,
While working toward his M.S. degree, he spent Moscow, Russia. Since 1991, he has been a Professor
one year with the IRCTR from 2003 to 2004, where with the Institute of Earth Sciences, The Hebrew
he became a Research Fellow in 2004 to develop a proposal for a new University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. His aca-
P-band synthetic aperture radar system. He was with the U.K. Met Office for demic interests lie in the fields of cloud physics,
a year, implementing polarimetric quantitative precipitation estimation (Pol- theoretical microphysics, cloud–aerosol interaction,
QPE) algorithms. Since 2010, he has been with Meteo France as a Postdoctoral tropical meteorology, tropical cyclones, processes in
Researcher, implementing and evaluating the performance of Pol-QPE algo- the atmospheric boundary layer, convection, breezes, and radar meteorology.
rithms within the French Weather Radar Network.

Tobias Otto received the Dipl.-Ing. degree in

information and communication technology from
the Chemnitz University of Technology, Chemnitz,
Germany, in 2005, where he is currently working
Herman W. J. Russchenberg received the Ph.D.
toward the Ph.D. degree, investigating the influence
of propagation effects on polarimetric weather radar degree from the Delft University of Technology (TU
Delft), Deft, The Netherlands.
He is currently a Professor with the Chair of
Since 2009, he has been with the Group of Re-
Remote Sensing of the Environment, TU Delft. He is
mote Sensing of the Environment, Delft University
of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, working on also currently with the International Research Centre
for Telecommunications and Radar, TU Delft. He
an X-band polarimetric weather radar, with focus on
specializes in the field of atmospheric remote sensing
retrieval of microphysical and precipitation parameters.
and studies rainfall issues and the role of clouds and
Mr. Otto is a member of the German VDE/ITG Commission on Wave
Propagation (FA 7.5) and the American Meteorological Society. aerosols in the climate systems.

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