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CODE: 3030002301


COURSE-DESCRIPTION: Pediatric Oral diseases.

CONTEXT: This subject, given on the first semester of the third year of dentistry,
gives a global vision of the oral changes that children experiment during their growth.
The knowledge and competences developed in this subject will be essential to
understand basic aspects of subjects such as Orthodontics or Pediatric dentistry. It will
also enable the student to adapt different dental treatments to the pediatric patient.

This subject competences will be evaluated during the theory lessons and every day on
an individual basis during the fulfilled practices.
The evaluated competences will be:
• Responsibility
• Comprehension and communication skills
• Team work
• Ability to summarize and integrate information


• Know the internal and external morphology of the different primary teeth

• Know the different systems of dental nomenclature and identify the different
stages of dental development

• Describe the different stages of the eruptive process and the occlusal
characteristics in each one of them

• Identify the different clinical profiles that a pathological eruption may produce

• Be able to explain correctly how the transition from primary to permanent

dentition happens on the maxillary and mandibular arches

• Know how cavities type I and II are designed and be able to put it into practice

• Know the different dental materials used in pediatric dentistry and their use in

• Be able to work in a team

• Identify and have organized all the instruments necessary for the clinical

1. Introduction to pediatric dentistry
- Concept
- History
- Association with other subjects
- The pediatric patient
- The professional
- Subject organization

2. Nomenclature and dental maturity

- Primary and permanent dentition identification
- Nomenclature systems
o Handerup system
o Two digits system
o Nominal system
o Zigsmondi system
- Dental maturity
o Nolla and Demirjian development stages
o Identification of the development stage in dental germs

3. Primary dentition morphology I

- General anatomic characteristics of primary teeth
- Internal and external morphology of primary upper incisors
- Internal and external morphology of primary upper canines
- Internal and external morphology of primary upper molars

4. Primary dentition morphology II

- Internal and external morphology of primary lower incisors
- Internal and external morphology of primary lower canines
- Internal and external morphology of primary lower molars
- Biochemical characteristics of primary teeth
- Histological characteristics of primary teeth

5. Tooth isolation on pediatric dentistry

- Needs in pediatric patient of tooth isolation
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Necessary instrumental and materials
- Different types and techniques

6. Dental caries treatment in children I

- Primary teeth restoration basics: pediatric patient, primary teeth
(anatomical characteristics, lesion locations, restorative materials)
- Restoration of primary teeth: General considerations
- Restorative material selection

7. Dental caries treatment in children II

- Primary molars restoration treatment. General considerations
- Class I cavities for amalgam restorations: cavity design and filling
- Class II cavities for amalgam restorations: cavity design and filling
- Young permanent molars restoration: Preventive criterion
- Basics of restorative dentistry
- Restorative material selection
- Dental amalgam: indications and contraindications

8. Dental development
- Dental development stages
- Formation of primary and permanent dentition
- Root formation
- Support tissues formation
- Hard tissues calcification: amelogenesis, dentinogenesis, cementogenesis

9. Dental eruption
- Eruption stages
- Eruption mechanisms
- General and local symptomatology
- Precocious and late eruption concepts
- Sequence and chronology of temporary dentition eruption

10. Eruption pathology

- Hematomas and eruption cysts
- Operculum, eruption sequestrum
- Ankylosis, ectopic eruption
- Dental inclusions and impacted teeth
- Other causes

11. Primary dentition occlusion and articulation

- Primary dentition development
- New born dentition
- First year´s postnatal development
- Second year´s development
- Diastemas
- Interdental relationships
- Terminal plane
- Articulation in primary dentition

12. Physiology during the primary dentition to permanent dentition change

- Primary teeth reabsorption
- Root reabsorption theories
- Dental development stages
o First transitional stage
o Second transitional stage
- First molar eruption
- Lower incisors transition
o Preeruption stage
o Eruption after surface
- Lower posterior teeth
o Medium-big apical area
o Medium apical area
o Small apical area
- Transition patterns
- Upper incisors transition
o Big apical area
o Medium apical area
o Small apical area
o Preeruption stage
o Eruption after surface
- Upper posterior teeth transition
o Preeruption stage
o Erution after surface
o Transition patterns
- Permanent dentition
o Occlusal characteristics
o Ideal occlusion keys

Lectures: Pediatric dentristry basic knowledge will be given by the teacher in his/her
lectures so that they can be put later into practice.

Oral presentations: Students will present different topics related to the subject.

Seminars and clinical cases: Students will do literature reviews of relevant articles and
will solve clinical cases presented in class.

Practices program: It will be done at the laboratory. Radiographies, cast models and
simulators will be used so the student will be able to put into use and understand the
theory concepts.
Practice contents and its description will be previously available in Moodle.

• Micromotor 181 de KAVO
• Contrángulo 20 CN KAVO
• Cabeza de Contrángulo 68 LDN Low speed and high speed
• Pieza de mano de micromotor handpieces
• Turbina 640 c
• Adaptador
• Aceite spray KAVO para engrasar el instrumental rotatorio Handpieces
• Tipodonto para dientes temporales (se darán en préstamo
durante el periodo de prácticas)
• . Dientes temporales para el tipodonto AK6 Prymary teeth.
• . Dientes 53, 54, 55 y 85 de AK62Z PUW
• . 2 Diente 85 AK62ZPUL Teeth
• Taza y espátula de alginato Alginate spatula and bowl
• Taza y espátula de escayola Plaster spatula and bowl
• Espátula y espatulín de cera Big and small wax spatulas
• Espátula de batir cemento Cement spatula
• 1 Loseta de vidrio Glass tile
• Cámara de humedad tipo Tupper Ware Tupper Ware
• 1 Bandeja metálica grande con tapa Big metal dental container with lid
• 2 Mangos de espejo Mirror handles
• 2 Espejos planos Mirror heads
• 2 Sondas dobles two-sided probes
• 2 Pinzas clínicas tweezers
• Excavador doble 17,18 y 19 Hu Friedy (pequeño, mediano y
• grande) two-sided excavators
• Atacador de amalgama (pequeño, mediano y grande) Amalgam
• Instrumento cleoide-discoide Hu Friedy Cleoid-discoid
• Instrumento de Pich 30-34 HF
• Conformador de surcos para amalgama pit conformator
• Bruñidor 21 - 27/29 Hu Friedy Ball Burnisher
• Instrumento plástico para composite Plastic instrument
• Tijeras de recortar coronas scissors for cutting metal
• Mandril para pieza de mano Straight handpiece burs
• Porta-amalgamas Amalgam carrier
• Vaso Dapen Dappen glass
• 1 Porta matrices Tofflemire Junior Tofflemire junior matrix retainer
• 1 Fresero esterilizable Bur stand
• 3 fresas de carburo de tungsteno para contraángulo H7
• 3 fresas de carburo de tungsteno para Turbina H7 Carbide
• 3 fresas de carburo de tungsteno para contraángulo 169 L burs
• 3 fresas de carburo de tungsteno para turbina 169 L.
• Fresas de Pulido de Amalgama contraángulo redonda
pequeña y mediana (milhojas) . Amalgam burnisher bur
• Fresas de Pulido de composite Bellota color rojo y amarillo. composite
• Fresas de Pulido de composite en forma de punta color rojo burnishing
• y amarillo. burs
• Mandril de contraángulo para discos de pulir low-speed handpiede
• Arco de Young metálico Rubber dam frame
• Perforador Cofferdam tipo Ivory rubber dam punch
• Porta Clamps Brewer forceps
• Clamps Ivory nº 14, 14A,8, 8A, 0,00, 27 de Hu Friedy Clamps
• Alicate para bombear coronas Crown contouring pliers
• 3 Paquetes de plastilina de diferentes colores excepto color negro
plasticine (any color except black)


• Diques de goma rubber dams
• Seda dental dental floss
• Coronas de metálicas para dientes temporales:
ELR 3- ELL3- EUR3- DLL3 (una caja que contiene 5
coronas se puede compartir entre 5 alumnos.) metalic crowns
• Coronas metálicas para molares permanentes:
Para el primer molar superior izquierdo e inferior
derecho (ambas del número 3)
• Jeringas de composite composite syringes
• Cemento de vidrio ionómero para cementar(Fuji, Ketac
Cem,etc) ionomer-glass cement
• 5 kg de alginato con sus dosificadores polvo-agua alginate
• 6 kg de escayola Fuji Roch oro plaster
• Cepillos de limpieza para micromotor lowspeed handpiece cleaning
• Matriz de celuloide celluliod strip
• Cuñas de madera wooden wedges
• Matriz metálica 0,045 rollo Discos de soft-lex metal strip
• Tiras de pulir composite composite burnishing strips
• Cápsulas de amalgama amalgam capsules
• Bolitas de algodón cotton pellets

General rules.
This subject will be evaluated by a continuous assessment by theory tests and
the fulfillment of the different clinical practices during the first semester.
Seminars and literature reviews will take place in class and the Simulator room.
The evaluation system will be divided in three parts.
- Tests: 30%
- Seminars and literature reviews: 20%
- Clinical practices: 50%
The final grade will be obtained from the addition of the three different parts as
long as each and every one of them has achieved at least a 5.

Tests evaluation: Tests may be in a multiple choice form, short questions or any
other kind of test where theory knowledge can be evaluated.
At the end of the subject a multiple choice test will take place. Every wrong
answer will be penalized with 0.33. The mark achieved in this test must be at
least 5. If this minimum mark is not achieved, the student will have to take a
new test in July.

Seminars and literature reviews evaluation: The mark achieved in this part must
be at least 5. If this minimum mark is not achieved, a new activity will be
evaluated in July.

Clinical practices evaluation: It will be a continuous evaluation where each

practice will be marked individually at the end of it. Those practices presented
out of time will not be evaluated. Evaluation will be based on the practice
presented and possible questions related to it.
The mark achieved in this part must be at least 5. If this minimum mark is not
achieved, the student will have to take a test of all the clinical practices

Specific rules: It is mandatory to bring all the necessary materials to do the

clinical practice. The non-fulfillment of this rule will count as a non-fulfilled
clinical practice.
It is also mandatory to bring to every clinical practice a clean white coat, gloves,
protection glasses and face mask. The non-fulfillment of this rule may determine
the non-fulfillment of the clinical practice.

MENDOZA A. Odontopediatría. 2ª ed. Ed. Masson. 2001


Odontopediatría. Ed. Masson. 2004

- RE MCDONALD,DR AVERY: Odontología pediátrica y del

adolescente,Buenos Aires,Editorialk médica panamericana,1990

- RJ.ANDLAW,WP.ROCK. Manual de Odontopediatría,México,Nueva

editorial interamericana,1989.

- TK.BARBER,LS:LUQUE. Odontología Pediátrica,México,El manual


- RL.BRAHAM,ME MORRIS.Odontología Pediátrica,Buenos Aires,Editorial


- JM.DAVIS,DB LAW,TM.LEWIS. An atlas of pedodontics.2ª

ed,Philadelphia,WB Saunders Company,1981.

- HS.DUTERLOO. An Atlas of dentition in chilhood.Orthodontic diagnosis and

panoramic radiology,London,Wolfe PublishingLtd,1991.

- SB.FINN. Odontología Pediátrica,México,Nueva editorial


- JP.FORTIER,CH.DEMARS. Manual de dontopediatría,Barcelona,Masson


- RP.HOTZ. Odontopediatría,Odontología para niños y adolescentes,Buenos

Aires,Editorial médica panamericana,1977.
Pedodontics,a clinical approach,Copenhagen,1991 - DB.LAW,TM.LEWIS,.
Un atlas de odontopediatría,Buenos Aires,Mundi Saic y f,1972.

- S.LEYT. Odontología pediátrica,Buenos Aires,Mundi,1980.

Fundamentals of pediatric dentistry,2ª ed.,Chicago,Quintessence Publishing

- SK.NANDA.The development al basis of occlusion and

malocclusion,Chicago,Quintessence Publishing Co,1983.

- SF.PARKIN. Notes on paediatric dentistry,London,Wright,1991.

- ABRAMOVICH. Embriología de la región maxilofacial, 3ª ed, Médica

Panamericana, 1997.

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