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1. I love working for a cause. I want to bring change in thinking of common man.

I want to
transform them to be an entrepreneur and instead of hunting for a job everyone should
generate job. So i collect information from various sources, and whenever or wherever I get an
opportunity I speak success stories of small entrepreneurs making great changes. I play flute and
talk atleast with one new person daily.
2. I have read some great man saying "don't do different things, Do things differently". My
narration may leave you think differently, as in my story My hero is not a billionaire but how a
very poor orphan whom i met in a tribal village started transformed his life from a regular street
tea vendor to an entrepreneur. Mr. kalua Badaraita, an orphan with no access to any support
from his creed survived on other's leftover till he was 14. He was then employed by a tea vendor
in the nearby village to visit all weekly hatta (traditional weekly village market). But
inquisitiveness nature of kalua (then a child of 15) make him learn the tricks of tea making very
fast. He noticed the shortage of milk supply many times for which his business was affected. but
he never gave up after a lot of experiments he later succeeded in creating a condensed form of
caramel / milk added with sugar and tea water. During the days of shortage of milk, now kalua
offered this condensed mixture in a cup of hot water which suffice the need of tea. Now he
started extracting more such mixture and started selling it to other vendors too. I learnt from
him a very big lesson, innovation can breed in a cup of tea too. It needs perseverance, patience
and determination to succeed as an individual and as an entrepreneur. So he became a role
model for me. I think only Ambani's, Jobs, Jack Ma, should always be the role models. There are
people around us who may not have a great job but their endeavor is significantly appreciable.
Now apart from being self employed Kalua is employing 3 sales people to deliver the mixtures to
some stores and to manage his store too. In all my thought I have evaluated these uncommon
people, among common men to give them a face.

3. As a person, I want to create a mass impact of positive work within society. I have selected, solar
power as a mazor field to work within. I love educating people, working with in the group,
meeting, mobilising them for certain cause. I also love to push people to complete tasks in time
and get the necessary outcomes. At times I am also a task master, and do handle multiple task
at a time. I am passionate about accomplishing tasks in time, taking calculated risks, defining
robust assumptions before planning and execution. I believe in perseverance, working smartly,
buying opinions of experts, using technology to utmost, creating transparent levels of delegation
and ownerships.

The thing that matters me most is How my activity is going to leave a mark in the society. What I
am doing at present and how it would have been done so that the next time it would give more
results than this time. The next time the impact should have to effect more people in geometric
progression. I think and work on the principles where I am connected to more people and my
activity is impacting a community / section of society. For example, the recent project which I
am working on is Solar Santree. I want to educate and get youth employed in their village with
the help of solar technology. It would create mass employment, financial literacy, protect
environment, impact education and livelihood. By 2020 we have a mandate to meet, Almost
10000 families are benefited from it.

Freedom of thought-flow, creative ideas, execution strategies in guided environment are few of
the terms that I prefer and value. The most that matters to me is the answer for the question: "
did I impact a life today?". And the answer keeps me driving the right way.
4. I feel there are multiple reason, based on my on-field experiences. there are three creed of
people in the country.
5. 1st Who do nothing and still criticise others on whether they are right or wrong
6. 2nd who follow the achievers, love to serve others and are content with the life they live
7. 3rd who create new rules, work differently and lead people
8. I believe the 3rd group is among the 10% of Indians who have 76.3% of country's wealth. As a
social enterprise there is lot work to be done to change the tone and mindset of people in the
second group of people who are followers. Nothing can be done for 1st group as they don't have
the willingness to do anything.
10. The reason for this disparity is somewhat traditional, to some extent the environmental and
inheritance too. As there is less number of risk takers, so the spectrum is narrowed to lesser part
of the community. Rest follows the creed who built the enterprise. I feel there is huge
opportunity in the second section of people who need proper advice and hand holding to
elevate them a level up. And there the social enterprise plays a very important role. Because of
the absence of such enterprise concept and linkage of this to social esteem people are less
attracted towards it. The lacking of incentives, esteem and higher risk restrains common man to
explore new fields and business. Mostly adjust themselves to the monotonous jobs that kill their
12. I think among other reasons skill gap is also a major area of challenge. Due to an education
system that was build 40yrs back we still depend on it rather updating it. The challenges are
vast, and multifold as India has people who still fight for their religions, caste, creed forgetting
education, employment, environment.
13. The reason for this disparity is somewhat traditional, to some extent the environmental and
inheritance too. As there is less number of risk takers, so the spectrum is narrowed to lesser part
of the community. Rest follow the creed who built the enterprise. I feel there is huge
opportunity in the second section of people who need proper advice and hand holding to
elevate them a level up.
2. As a person, I want to create a mass impact of positive work within society. I have selected,
solar power as a mazor field to work within. I love educating people, working with in the group,
meeting, mobilising them for certain cause. I also love to push people to complete tasks in time
and get the necessary outcomes. At times I am also a task master, and do handle multiple task
at a time. I am passionate about accomplishing tasks in time, taking calculated risks, defining
robust assumptions before planning and execution. I believe in perseverance, working smartly,
buying opinions of experts, using technology to utmost, creating transparent levels of delegation
and ownerships.

The thing that matters me most is How my activity is going to leave a mark in the society. What I
am doing at present and how it would have been done so that the next time it would give more
results than this time. The next time the impact should have to effect more people in geometric
progression. I think and work on the principles where I am connected to more people and my
activity is impacting a community / section of society. For example, the recent project which I
am working on is Solar Santree. I want to educate and get youth employed in their village with
the help of solar technology. It would create mass employment, financial literacy, protect
environment, impact education and livelihood. By 2020 we have a mandate to meet, Almost
10000 families are benefited from it.

Freedom of thought-flow, creative ideas, execution strategies in guided environment are few of
the terms that I prefer and value. The most that matters to me is the answer for the question : "
did I impact a life today?". And The answer keeps me driving the right way.

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