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Die Mainacht. The May-night. (Orig. Bsdur) aaity) Schr langsam und ausdrucksvoll. OP-43 N02. Largo ed espressivo. -ber-ne Mond durchdie Ge- When the sil-ver-y moon gtinm-reth throwh striiu che blinkt, und sein schlum-mern-des Licht i ber den tang! - ed boughs, and fer slum der-ous light streameth a - sen streut, und die Nach-ti-gall fl > tet the brakes, and the night-in-gale chant- «eth, Edition Peters 10190 49 wwandPich trau-rig von Busch sed F wan-derfrom glade —. " —-pliieere|” su = che dunk = le-re Schat = Sin Td bide me in sha + — _ — sy Eaition Peters 10190 40 die cin- sn he there gath’ - — rcth a eapressive aS dimin. ritard. Ii, - chelndes Bild, wel - cheswie Mor- gen - rot smile of the face, like” to the ro - sy morn — Se 7° durch die See - Le mir strahlt,find ich auf Er - den dich? stroam-ing in - tomy soul, earth Knoweth nought of thee. fey tes fet —— Evition Peters 10190 aL die ein- - sa there steal = eth p erese. legato = ne bebé = some tear e dim. ritard. Edition Peters 10190 Pr

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