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Traveling Hazards 
You have been hired as a travel agent. One of your jobs is to create travel brochures 
for top destinations around the world. Because of the number of natural disasters in 
recent years, people are traveling less because they don’t want to risk being on 
vacation when the next one strikes, which means you could be out of a job!  
Step 1 
Choose a city anywhere in the world that would be your dream vacation. ​This must 
be a city, not a place like Disney.  
Step 2 
Research the city. You should include information about the following things:  
● Reasons someone might want to travel there 
○ What is great about this city? Does it have natural beauty, is it known 
for its food, museums, or other things? 
● Top hotels, restaurants, and sightseeing activities 
○ Choose one or two of each thing--remember, you only get so much 
● Potential natural hazards for the area  
○ Type of hazard (geological or climate/weather) and the name (volcano, 
flood, tsunami, earthquake, hurricane, etc) 
○ When the last one occurred 
○ How bad was it? (how many people were injured or died, how much 
property damage was there?) 
○ Does this hazard follow any patterns? (Does is have a season like 
hurricanes, tornadoes and wildfires? Or is it pretty random?) 
○ Are there any predictions of when the next one will occur?  
Step 3 
Turn it into a brochure. Your writing must be in complete sentences, and it should 
make me want to travel to your destination! If you copy anything exactly from a 
website (which you probably will when finding your information), you must credit 
your sources. Any work that is listed and uncredited will receive no credit. See the 
attached handouts for more information about avoiding plagiarism.  

It may be helpful for you to look up actual travel brochures to get an idea of what 
they look like. You may draw your brochure or you may create it on the computer, 
but when it is printed, it needs to be able to be folded like a brochure. 
Step 4 
Citing your sources. You can use the attached information to help you cite your 
sources. I am not going to be picky about formatting, as long as you include the 
following information, you will be just fine.  
For everything you use that is not your own thoughts, you must: 
● Underline the words or phrases in your brochure so I know what you 
used from the internet.  
● Your brochure may NOT contain more than 25% work that is not your 
own. I do not want you to just find a bunch of stuff online and cite it all. 
You have to give me your own words.  
● Even if you change some of the words to make the sentences not 
exactly like the ones in the article, you still need to cite it because you 
did not already know the information. This is called paraphrasing.  
● On another sheet of paper you need to write down all of the following 
information for each different person’s work that you use. (These must 
be numbered): 
○ Their name (last name, then first initial) 
○ When it was written (month and year, date if you can find it) 
○ The title of the article you took the words from 
○ The URL (website name)  
● **Wikipedia does not count as a source of information for this project.** 
● All citations should follow APA format if you use the websites provided. 
If you follow my example, then you will be following APA.  
● You can use websites like the following to help you. You just put in the 
information and it will give you a correct citation.  
● KnightCite 
● Citation Machine 

Citing Your Work Example: 
My paragraph:  
The Sun is the main star of our solar system. It works using a type of energy 
created by nuclear fusion. ​Fusion happens when the nuclei of two hydrogen atoms 
join together in the core of the Sun.​ This creates energy that makes its way to the 
surface of the Sun and out into space so it can reach us.  
The part that is underlined is something I did not already know and had to research to 
find the answer. So I will need to give credit to the person who did know it.  
Works Cited 
Layton, J. and Fruedenrich, C. ​How the Sun Works. ​October 17, 2000.  
If I had more sources, I would leave a space and then start the next one here. You 
will have more sources! 

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