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Abdominal compartment syndrome

Linda Maerz, MD, FACS; Lewis J. Kaplan, MD, FACS, FCCM, FCCP

Acute renal failure frequently occurs in the intensive care unit acute kidney injury and acute renal failure with regard to intra-
as a primary or secondary event in association with trauma, abdominal pressure dynamics, preload limitation, and afterload
surgery, or comorbid medical disease. An increasingly common augmentation. Diagnostic modalities and therapeutic interven-
thread linking surgical and medical disease management is the tions will be addressed as a means of reducing the frequency of
abdominal compartment syndrome. In particular, the rise of early acute kidney injury and acute renal failure in the critically ill. (Crit
goal-directed therapy for the initial resuscitation and manage- Care Med 2008; 36[Suppl.]:S212–S215)
ment of severe sepsis and septic shock is associated with an KEY WORDS: abdominal compartment syndrome; intra-abdomi-
increased frequency of secondary abdominal compartment syn- nal pressure; intra-abdominal hypertension; abdominal perfusion
drome. This paper will explore the pathophysiology underpinning pressure; metabolic acidosis; hypovolemia; bladder pressure; de-
the abdominal compartment syndrome and its contribution to compressive laparotomy

R ⬎12 mm Hg defines intra-abdominal hy-

ecognition of the abdominal extrinsic compression, with decreased
compartment syndrome and end-organ oxygen delivery and utiliza- pertension. IAH may be conveniently di-
its genesis, complications, tion. The resultant pressure-volume dys- vided into 4 grades (Table 1) that are
and therapy has it roots in regulation syndrome is known as the ab- further subdivided according to the ra-
damage control trauma surgery for pa- dominal compartment syndrome (ACS) pidity of onset (6). The grades range from
tients in extremis after injury. The term (2). While originally described in trauma grade 1 (12–15 mm Hg) to grade II
damage control was coined in 1993 by patients as the result of recurrent hem- (16 –20 mm Hg) to grade III (20 –24 mm
Dr. Rotondo and colleagues (1) at the orrhage and visceral edema, the ACS is Hg) to grade IV (⬎25 mm Hg); the onset
University of Pennsylvania to describe a ubiquitous in nature and surfaces in both times range from chronic (which is rare)
novel management strategy designed to surgical and medical critical care units. to acute to subacute to hyperacute. The
abbreviate operative times for injured pa- This section will focus on the impact of vast majority of intra-abdominal hyper-
tients with nearly exsanguinating hemor- IAH and the ACS on acute kidney injury tension that is associated with acute kid-
rhage. While clearly saving many lives and acute renal failure. To appreciate how ney injury or acute renal failure exceeds
that would have otherwise been lost to IAH and the ACS influence renal function, grade III and is associated with acute or
prolonged operative interventions in the it is essential to understand the pathophys- hyperacute onset. Recognizing that host
setting of hypothermia, acidosis, and co- iology that underpins the ACS. Unfortu- factors will interact with organ pressure–
agulopathy, damage control techniques nately, the ACS and its consequences are volume dynamics, an individualized ap-
presaged an era of new management not universally appreciated across different proach may be entertained in determin-
problems for the saved patients. These specialties, leading to disparate rates of rec- ing the contribution of mean arterial
clinical challenges stemmed from in- ognition and therapy (3). pressure and IAP to organ blood flow. In
creased intra-abdominal pressure, termed a fashion similar to that of cerebral per-
intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH). Ex- Intra-Abdominal Pressure and fusion pressure, the interplay of inflow
cessive IAH leads to devastating abnor- Intra-Abdominal Hypertension (mean arterial pressure) and egress pres-
malities in diverse organ systems, many sure (IAP) is related via the abdominal
of which are readily discoverable with In healthy individuals, a normal intra- perfusion pressure (7). The formula for
routine monitoring in the critical care abdominal pressure (IAP) is ⬍5 to 7 mm abdominal perfusion pressure is as follows:
unit, and all of which are related to de- Hg according to the consensus definition abdominal perfusion pressure ⫽ mean ar-
creased preload, increased afterload, and of the World Society of Abdominal Com- terial pressure ⫺ IAP (normal ⫽ 60 mm
partment Syndrome, and is generally in- Hg). The abdominal perfusion pressure is
terrogated as a patient’s intravesical pres- useful in precisely defining the ACS.
From the Department of Surgery, Section of Trauma, sure (Fig. 1) (4). The upper limit of IAP is
Surgical Critical Care, and Surgical Emergencies, Yale generally accepted to be 12 mm Hg by the Abdominal Compartment
University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT (LM, LJK). World Society, reflecting the expected in-
The authors have not disclosed any potential con- Syndrome
crease in normal pressure from clinical
flicts of interest.
For information regarding this article, E-mail: conditions that exert external pressure A sustained IAP ⬎20 mm Hg and ab- against the peritoneal envelope or dia- dominal perfusion pressure ⬍60 mm Hg
Copyright © 2008 by the Society of Critical Care phragm, including obesity and chronic occurring in association with a new and
Medicine and Lippincott Williams & Wilkins obstructive pulmonary disease (5). In attributable organ dysfunction or failure
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0b013e318168e333 contrast, a constant increased pressure describes the ACS (4). Table 1 depicts

S212 Crit Care Med 2008 Vol. 36, No. 4 (Suppl.)

compartment syndrome is increasingly
Intra-vesical Pressure Monitoring common after the early goal directed
therapy period for sepsis resuscitation
Pressure bag management (9). There is some contro-
versy whether the secondary compart-
ment syndrome is iatrogenic or unavoid-
able in patients with peritonitis requiring
60 cc syringe emergency general surgery (10). Recur-
rent ACS was formerly called tertiary ACS
and reflects an ACS that recurs after ini-
tial medical or surgical treatment of sec-
ondary compartment syndrome. A com-
Balloon mon theme with organ edema is tissue
Urinary port ischemia.
bladder As end organs experience ischemia
(venous or arterial), local release of vaso-
dilatory substances including lactate and
Bladder Transducer adenosine represents a local attempt to

catheter augment oxygenated flow. As ischemia


Zeroing stopcock progresses, loss of capillary integrity


leads to extravasation of fluid, electro-

Measure bladder pressure after instilling 25 cc 0.9% NSS lytes, and proteins via hydrostatic pres-
sure and loss of membrane integrity (11).
Figure 1. The intravesical method of monitoring intra-abdominal pressure. NSS, normal saline The increased distance from capillary
solution. beds to metabolically active cells on the
basis of tissue edema from extravascular
organ water further cripples organ met-
Table 1. Abdominal compartment syndrome– Due to the absence of valves in the abolic integrity. This viscous cycle com-
associated signs and organ failures right-sided venous return system, the in- promises organ viability. In the case of
creased intra-thoracic pressure is re- the kidney, the clinician is unfortunately
Hypovolemic shock
Systolic hypotension, narrow pulse pressure, flected down the inferior vena cava, lead- blind to this process until gross measures
lactic acidosis, tachycardia ing to increased hepatic and renal vein of organ injury are apparent.
Increased core to peripheral temperature pressure and diminished transhepatic
gradient, weak pulses and transrenal flux of oxygenated blood.
Abnormal mentation Renal Injury
The increased renal vein pressure is like-
Acute kidney injury/acute renal failure
Oliguria, increased serum creatinine
wise increased by extrinsic retroperito- Clinically, one identifies the onset of
Acute respiratory failure (new or worsened if neal compression from increased intra- renal injury in the setting of increased
pre-existing) peritoneal pressure. Furthermore, the intra-abdominal pressure as oliguria with
Hypoxia and hypercarbia decreased venous return leads to arterial a rise in serum creatinine. This process
Increased peak airway pressures (volume hypotension (decreased mean arterial was originally articulated by Dr. Richards
cycled ventilation) pressure), leading to decreased inflow to
Decreased resultant tidal volumes (pressure- and colleagues (12). According to the RI-
cycled ventilation)
the end organs. The net effect of compro- FLE criteria (a mnemonic for the pro-
Decreased release volumes (airway pressure mised inflow as well as increased after- gression of risk of renal dysfunction, in-
release ventilation) load is further compounded by the unto- jury to the kidney, failure of kidney
Acute hepatic failure ward effects of organ edema, which function, loss of kidney function, and
Increased liver function tests contributes to extrinsic compression and end-stage kidney disease), oliguria with a
Jaundice, coagulopathy
intra-abdominal hypertension. rise in serum creatinine ⬍0.3 mg consti-
tutes acute kidney injury (13). Greater
Organ Edema rises in creatinine coupled with oliguria
objective data in conjunction with organ constitute acute renal failure. Progres-
dysfunction and failure that typify the Organ edema is a common accompa- sion along the RIFLE continuum also
ACS. Regardless of etiology, increased niment of all three forms of the ACS: correlates with mortality risk (14). Rec-
IAP compromises venous return, cardiac primary, secondary, and recurrent (8). ognizing that the clinician’s goal is to
output, and systemic oxygen delivery. Primary ACS typically occurs in the set- minimize risk and maximize outcome,
Visceral edema further limits diaphrag- ting of injury and stems from hemor- recognition of IAH and an impending
matic movement. Decreased diaphragm rhage and visceral edema. Secondary ACS is essential. A related syndrome in
movement limits alveolar recruitment, ACS occurs in both surgical and medical which excessive cavity pressure reduces
and inappropriately elevates endobron- patients and is associated with vigorous venous return and cardiac performance is
chial, pleural, and intra-peritoneal pres- volume resuscitation with the acute for- cardiac tamponade. However, unlike car-
sures. The increased intra-thoracic pres- mation of ascites as well as visceral diac tamponade, in which supplemental
sure further reduces venous return, edema, leading to increased intra-abdom- fluid does reverse the sequelae of the
further limiting cardiac performance. inal pressure and the ACS. The secondary tamponade (at least temporarily), once

Crit Care Med 2008 Vol. 36, No. 4 (Suppl.) S213

IAH and the ACS have led to oliguria, no an acute renal insult before establishing be closed primarily. If the ACS is accom-
amount of fluid resuscitation reverses the acute kidney injury or acute renal failure. panied by intestinal edema, primary clo-
renal injury (15). In one multicenter, To achieve that goal, one must await fur- sure less frequently occurs and is instead
prospective study of 265 patients admit- ther investigation into the roles and util- achieved by a variety of methods that
ted to a critical care unit, IAH was present ity of urinary biomarkers in detecting re- expand the peritoneal envelope to prevent
in 32% (85 patients), of which 4% (11) nal parenchymal ischemia and reversible recurrent ACS. These techniques employ
were admitted with the ACS; 53% (140) had injury (19). Currently, investigated bi- musculo-fascial separation techniques,
a normal IAP (16). IAH on admission was omarkers include serum cystatin C and prosthetic grafts, and skin grafts or flaps
associated with multiple organ dysfunction neutrophil gelatinase–associated lipoca- for abdominal wall reconstruction. While
and failure with nearly all of the patients lin, each of which has been associated operative therapy is readily accepted in
with multiple organ dysfunction experienc- with the onset of acute renal failure in the surgical community, a variety of non-
ing acute renal failure. specifically defined circumstances. To surgical remedies have been explored as
The well-documented renal response date, no single biomarker is universally alternatives within both medical and sur-
to impaired perfusion, regardless of applicable to both medical and surgical gical circles, including catheter drainage,
cause, is activation of the rennin-angio- populations. renal replacement therapy, neuromuscu-
tensin-aldosterone system in addition to lar blockade, and prokinetic agents if in-
up-regulation of antidiuretic hormone to Therapeutic Interventions testinal gaseous distension is present. It
preserve water (17). A profile consistent is important to note than none of the
with acute tubular necrosis commonly The standard of care for intra-abdom- alternatives has been subject to prospec-
follows relief of the ACS and is associated inal hypertension leading to the abdomi- tive, randomized controlled trial analysis
with both renal hypoperfusion and an ox- nal compartment syndrome is decom- to substantiate their efficacy compared
ygenated reperfusion injury. While the pressive laparotomy with temporary with the gold-standard decompressive
renal neurohormonal responses are adap- abdominal wall closure to enlarge the laparotomy. A detailed discussion of all of
tive in the face of hypoperfusion and peritoneal space and reduce the intra- the therapeutic interventions is beyond
reperfusion, they are bereft of the ability abdominal pressure to normal level (Fig. the scope of this manuscript, and the
to reverse the extant renal cellular and 2). This management scheme parallels reader is referred to other works more
subcellular injury (17). These derange- the standard of care for managing an focused on intervention techniques for
ments have been well characterized else- extremity compartment syndrome or a management of the ACS (21).
where in dedicated text (18). Accordingly, thoracic compartment syndrome (20).
relief of the IAH provides the mainstay of Similar to the extremity compartment CONCLUSIONS
therapy. Still, relieving the ACS after re- syndrome, once the cause of the intra-
nal injury has occurred fails to achieve abdominal hypertension is controlled Abdominal hypertension commonly
the ultimate goal—to detect the onset of (hemorrhage, ascites) the abdomen may accompanies critical illness. Our current
understanding of the onset of renal injury
at the cellular level is lacking, and the
Adhesive Sheeting x 2 clinician is left with only gross measures
Jackson-Pratt drains of renal injury, such as oliguria and ris-
ing serum creatinine. Thus, the current
key to minimizing renal risk from intra-
towels abdominal hypertension is to relieve the
hypertension before the onset of the ab-
dominal compartment syndrome. At
present, no known strategies repair the
Subfascial renal injury once the compartment syn-
drome is present. The gold standard for
Intestinal bag
the abdominal compartment syndrome is
decompressive laparotomy and tempo-
rary abdominal wall closure until the
source of the intra-abdominal hyperten-
sion is repaired and the abdomen may be
closed either primarily or in some fashion
that expands the peritoneal envelope to
intestine avoid compartment syndrome recur-
Wall musculature
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