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Delay variation (Jitter)—The difference in the end-to-end delay between packets.

For example, if one

packet requires 100 ms to traverse the network from the source endpoint to the destination endpoint and
the following packet requires 125 ms to make the same trip, then the delay variation is 25 ms.

Extrem de important este sa se faca diferenta intre delay si throughput. Delay-ul reprezinta timpul (in
secunde, milisecunde etc) necesar unui pachet sa ajunga de la sursa la destinatie, iar throughput-ul
reprezinta cantitatea de informatie reala care se transmite/primeste. Se masoara in bps (biti pe
secunda). Bandwidth/banda reprezinta cantitatea teoretica de informatie ce se poate transmite/primi.

Un tip de trafic care necesita delay scazut nu implica si throughput mare. De exemplu in cazul ssh-ului
fiecare tasta apasata reprezinta un pachet transmis. Acesta trebuie sa ajunga instant la destinatie pentru
a vedea in consola caracterul reprezentat de tasta apasata in timp real. Deci ssh-ul necesita delay scazut.
Throughput-ul nu trebuie sa fie mare. Cativa kbps sunt suficienti. De asemenea traficul de tip VoIP
necesita delay scazut, iar throughput-ul nu trebuie sa fie foarte mare. In cazul de delay mare vocea nu
se va auzi corect. Acesta este traficul interactiv.
Un alt exemplu este e-mailul: delay-ul practic nu conteaza. Daca un e-mail trimis ajunge la destinatie in
10 secunde sau 30 de secunde efectul este acelasi. Ne intereseaza eventual throughput-ul.

Unlike the data on IP networks that can tolerate delay-sensitivity well VoIP is vastly different. VoIP is
latency-sensitivity driven. The definition of Latency is as follows: · The time it takes for a packet to
cross a network connection, from sender to receiver. · The period of time that a frame is held by a
network device before it is forwarded.11 There are ample problems within IP networks and the Internet
specifically. Packets can get lost resulting in latency and poor service levels. While other “low-
bandwidth” applications, such as email, may not suffer small delays equates to a major nuisance in
VoIP. 250 milliseconds are considered by many to be the maximum acceptable latency allowable in a
VoIP network. 12 In two-way phone conversations latency can be very undesirable. To achieve high
quality voice the maximum desired one-way latency is 150ms if round trip delays exceed 250ms voice
users will notice delays, and callers will start to talk over each other. Anything beyond 500ms deems
the call impractical. With a delay over 500ms it would be like asking a question and not hearing the
answer until hours later. Due to network congestion packet loss

What is DSRC?

DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) is a two-way short- to- medium-range wireless
communications capability that permits very high data transmission critical in communications-based
active safety applications. In Report and Order FCC-03-324, the Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) allocated 75 MHz of spectrum in the 5.9 GHz band for use by Intelligent Transportations
Systems (ITS) vehicle safety and mobility applications.
DSRC based communications is a major research priority of the Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) at the
U.S. Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) Research and Innovative Technology Administration
(RITA). The cross-modal program is conducting research using DSRC and other wireless
communications technologies to ensure safe, interoperable connectivity to help prevent vehicular
crashes of all types and to enhance mobility and environmental benefits across all transportation system

The U.S. DOT’s commitment to DSRC for active safety communications contributes to safer driving.
Vehicle safety applications that use vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I)
communications need secure, wireless interface dependability in extreme weather conditions, and short
time delays; all of which are facilitated by DSRC.

Who can develop DSRC technologies?

Device manufacturers, application developers, representatives from the automotive,

telecommunications, consumer electronics and other industries whose products communicate alerts to
vehicles, the infrastructure or traveler’s personal communication devices.

How is DSRC being used?

V2V and V2I applications utilizing DSRC may have the potential to significantly reduce many of the
most deadly types of crashes through real time advisories alerting drivers to imminent hazards–such as
veering close to the edge of the road; vehicles suddenly stopped ahead; collision paths during merging;
the presence of nearby communications devices and vehicles; sharp curves or slippery patches of
roadway ahead.

Convenience V2I services like e-parking and toll payment are also able to communicate using DSRC.
Anonymous information from electronic sensors in vehicles and devices can also be transmitted over
DSRC to provide better traffic and travel condition information to travelers and transportation

A Connected, Safer Transportation System includes, Crash Prevention and Mobility Applications

Connected Vehicle ITS applications provide connectivity

 Among vehicles to help prevent crashes

 Between vehicles and infrastructure to enable safety, mobility and environmental sustainability
 Among vehicles, infrastructure, and passengers’ wireless devices to provide continuous real-
time connectivity to all system users

DSRC Technology Behind Crash Prevention and Mobility Supports

 Active safety transportation applications

 Reliable, secure communications
 Fast communication speed low latency
 Invulnerability to extreme weather
 Tolerance of multi-path transmissions
 Technology based on standards to enable interoperability
Why was DSRC developed and to what benefit?

DSRC was developed with a primary goal of enabling technologies that support safety applications and
communication between vehicle-based devices and infrastructure to reduce collisions. DSRC is the
only short-range wireless alternative today that provides:

 Designated licensed bandwidth: For secure, reliable communications to take place. It is

primarily allocated for vehicle safety applications by FCC Report and Order FCC 03-324.
 Fast Network Acquisition: Active safety applications require the immediate establishment of
communication and frequent updates.
 Low Latency: Active safety applications must recognize each other and transmit messages to
each other in milliseconds without delay.
 High Reliability when Required: Active safety applications require a high level of link
reliability. DSRC works in high vehicle speed mobility conditions and delivers performance
immune to extreme weather conditions (e.g. rain, fog, snow, etc.).
 Priority for Safety Applications: Safety applications on DSRC are given priority over non-
safety applications.
 Interoperability: DSRC ensures interoperability, which is the key to successful deployment of
active safety applications, using widely accepted standards. It supports both V2V and V2I
 Security and Privacy: DSRC provides safety message authentication and privacy.

DSRC enables the most reliable, high speed vehicle-based technology for crash prevention safety

DSRC provides for a broad cross-section of dedicated connectivity options for surface transportation

DSRC based communications serves as the basis for connected vehicle safety and mobility application

Potential DSRC Transportation Applications for Public Safety and Traffic Management

 Blind spot warnings

 Forward collision warnings
 Sudden braking ahead warnings
 Do not pass warnings
 Intersection collision avoidance and movement assistance
 Approaching emergency vehicle warning
 Vehicle safety inspection
 Transit or emergency vehicle signal priority
 Electronic parking and toll payments
 Commercial vehicle clearance and safety inspections
 In-vehicle signing
 Rollover warning
 Traffic and travel condition data to improve traveler information and maintenance services

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