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Jennifer T. Gosselin
Sacred Heart University,

James E. Maddux
George Mason University

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Gosselin, Jennifer T. and Maddux, James E., "Self-Efficacy" (2003). Psychology Faculty Publications. 17.

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S e l f - E f f i c a c y

J A M E S E. M A D D U X
J E N N I F E R T. G O S S E L I N

"Self" and "identity" are concerned largely ory to a number of areas of human adapta-
with the question, "Who am I?" So often tion and adjustment.
people answer the question, "Who am I?" We begin with some "big picture" infor-
by asking, "What am I good at?" The study mation that may provide a context for a
of self-efficacy is concerned with under- better understanding of self-efficacy. Under-
standing this important aspect of self and standing what self-efficacy beliefs are and
identity—people's beliefs about their per- how they develop requires understanding its
sonal capabilities and how these beliefs in- theoretical foundation. Self-efficacy is best
fluence what they try to accomplish, how understood in the context of social cognitive
they try to accomplish it, and how they react theory—an approach to understanding hu-
to successes and setbacks along the way. man cognition, action, motivation, and
Since the publication of Albert Bandura's emotion that assumes that people actively
"Self-Efficacy: Toward A Unifying Theory shape their environments, rather than sim-
of Behavior Change" (1977), the term "self- ply react to them (Bandura, 1986, 1997,
efficacy" has become ubiquitous in psychol- 2001; Barone, Maddux, & Snyder, 1997).
ogy and related fields. Hundreds of articles Social cognitive theory has at least four ba-
on every imaginable aspect of self-efficacy sic premises.
have appeared in journals devoted to psy- First, people have powerful cognitive or
chology, sociology, kinesiology, public symbolizing capabilities that allow them to
health, medicine, nursing, and other fields. create internal models of experience. Be-
This research can be only summarized here cause of this capacity, people can observe
and cannot be discussed in detail. Thus the and evaluate their own thoughts, behavior,
goal of this chapter is breadth of coverage, and emotions. They also can develop new
not depth. The first section of this chapter plans of action, make predictions about out-
discusses the definition and measurement of comes, test and evaluate their predictions,
self-efficacy. The second section discusses and communicate complex ideas and expe-
how self-efficacy beliefs develop. The third riences to others.
section discusses the importance of self-effi- Second, environmental events, inner per-
cacy and the application of self-efficacy the- sonal factors (cognition, emotion, and bio-
1 1. Self-Efficacy 219

logical events), and behaviors are reciprocal and the relationship between these percep-
influences. People respond cognitively, emo- tions and personal effectiveness, achieve-
tionally, and behaviorally to environmental ment, and psychological well-being (see also
events. Also, through cognition, people can Skinner, 1995). Most of these models did
exercise control over their own behavior, not distinguish clearly between beliefs that
which then influences not only the environ- specific behaviors will lead to specific out-
ment but also their cognitive, emotional, comes and the belief that one will be able to
and biological states. perform successfully the behaviors in ques-
Third, self and identity are socially em- tion, although this distinction had been al-
bedded. They are perceptions (accurate or luded to before Bandura's 1977 article
not) of one's own and others' patterns of so- (Kirsch, 1985). One of the Bandura's major
cial cognition, emotion, and action as they contributions in his 1977 article was that he
occur in patterns of situations. Because they offered relatively specific definitions of
are socially embedded, self and identity are these familiar and commonsense notions
not simply what people bring to their inter- and embedded them in a comprehensive
actions with others; they are created in these theory of behavior. The essential idea of
interactions, and they change through these self-efficacy was not new; what were new
interactions. were the concept's theoretical grounding
Fourth, the self-reflective capacities noted and the empirical rigor with which it could
here set the stage for self-regulation. People now be examined.
choose goals and regulate their behavior in
the pursuit of these goals. At the heart of
Defining Self-Efficacy
self-regulation is the ability to anticipate or
develop expectancies—to use past knowl- One way to get a clearer sense of how self-
edge and experience to form beliefs about efficacy is defined and measured is to under-
future events or states, one's abilities, and stand how it differs from other concepts
one's behavior. (The role of self-efficacy be- that deal with the self, identity, and percep-
liefs in self-regulation is addressed in greater tions of competence and control.
detail in a later section.) Self-efficacy beliefs are not competencies.
Competencies are what people know about
the world and what they know how to do in
What Is Self-Efficacy? the world. They include "the quality and
range of the cognitive constructions and be-
Self-efficacy beliefs are beliefs about the havioral enactments of which the individual
ability to "organize and execute the courses is capable" (Mischel, 1973, p. 266) and the
of action required to produce given attain- ability to "construct (generate) diverse be-
ments" (Bandura, 1997, p. 3). Thus self- haviors under appropriate conditions"
efficacy theory and research are concerned (Mischel, 1973, p. 265). Self-efficacy beliefs
with people's beliefs about personal control are beliefs (accurate or not) about one's
and agency. Of course, notions about per- competencies and one's ability to exercise
sonal control and agency were not un- these competencies in certain domains and
known before 1977 but had been discussed situations.
by philosophers and psychologists for many Self-efficacy beliefs are not concerned
years. Spinoza, Hume, Locke, William with perceptions of skills and abilities di-
James, and (more recently) Gilbert Ryle vorced from situations; they are concerned,
have all struggled with understanding the instead, with what people believe they can
role of "volition" and "the will" in human do with their skills and abilities under cer-
behavior (Russell, 1954; Vessey, 1967). In tain conditions. In addition, they are con-
psychology, effectance motivation (White, cerned not simply with the ability to per-
1959), achievement motivation (McClel- form trivial motor acts but with the ability
land, Atkinson, Clark, &c Lowell, 1953), lo- to coordinate and orchestrate skills and
cus of control (Rotter, 1966), learned help- abilities in changing and challenging situa-
lessness (Abramson, Seligman, &c Teasdale, tions.
1978), and other constructs are concerned Self-efficacy beliefs are not simply predic-
with perceptions of personal competence tions about behavior. They are concerned

not with what people believe they will do external factors rather than to personal ca-
but with what they believe they can do un- pabilities (Bandura, 1986, 1989; Schunk,
der certain circumstances, especially chal- 1995).
lenging and changing circumstances. Self-efficacy is not self-concept or self-
Self-efficacy beliefs are not intentions to esteem. Self-concept is what people believe
behave or intentions to attain particular about themselves, and self-esteem is how
goals. Intentions are what people say they people feel about what they believe about
are committed to doing or accomplishing, themselves. Self-efficacy beliefs are an im-
not just expectations or predictions of fu- portant aspect of self-concept (e.g., Deci &c
ture actions (Bandura, 2001). Intentions are Ryan, 1995), but self-concept includes
influenced by a number of factors, including many other beliefs about the self that are
but not limited to self-efficacy beliefs (Mad- unrelated to self-efficacy, such as beliefs
dux, 1999a; Maddux & DiiCharme, 1997). about physical attributes and personality
In addition, self-efficacy beliefs can influ- traits. Self-efficacy beliefs in a given domain
ence behavior both directly and through will contribute to self-esteem only in direct
their influence on intentions (Bandura, proportion to the importance one places on
1997; Maddux &c DuCharme, 1997). that domain. My (J. E. M.) self-efficacy be-
Self-efficacy beliefs are not outcome ex- liefs for playing basketball are very low
pectancies (Bandura, 1997) or behavior- (and accurately so), but my self-efficacy for
outcome expectancies (Maddux, 1999b). playing basketball rarely affects my self-
Self-efficacy is an evaluation of how well esteem, because I usually care very little
one can mobilize one's resources to accom- about whether or not I am good at playing
plish goals. An outcome expectation is a basketball. My self-efficacy for teaching
"judgment of the likely consequence such and writing chapters and articles, however,
performances will produce" (Bandura, is an entirely different matter. The impact
1997, p. 21). Thus, as people contemplate a of self-efficacy beliefs on self-esteem also
goal and approach a task, they consider will depend on their accessibility under giv-
what behaviors and strategies are necessary en circumstances (Showers, 1995). Take me
to produce the outcome they want, and out of the classroom and put me on a bas-
they evaluate to what extent they can per- ketball court, and my self-esteem probably
form those behaviors and implement, those will be temporarily somewhat deflated (see
strategies. also the chapters in Part II of this volume,
Self-efficacy is not perceived control. The on content, structure, and organization of
perception of control depends on the belief the self).
that (1) certain behaviors will allow one to Self-efficacy is not a trait. Most concep-
control what one wants to control (behav- tions of competence and control—locus of
ior-outcome expectancies) and (2) that one control (Rotter, 1966), optimism (Carver &
can enact those behaviors (self-efficacy ex- Scheier, 2002), hope (Snyder, Rand, & Sig->
pectancies; Kirsch, 1999; Maddux, 1999b; mon, 2002), hardiness (Kobasa, 1979),
see also Baumeister tk. Vohs, Chapter 10, learned resourcefulness (Rosenbaum, 1990)
this volume, and Ryan &c Deci, Chapter 13, —are conceived of as traits or trait-like.
this volume). Self-efficacy beliefs are important in all of
Self-efficacy beliefs are not causal attribu- these constructs, but self-efficacy is defined
tions. Causal attributions are explanations and measured not as a trait but as beliefs
for events, including one's own- behavior about the ability to coordinate skills and
and its consequences. Self-efficacy beliefs abilities to attain desired goals in particular
can influence causal attributions and vice domains and circumstances. Self-efficacy
versa because beliefs about competencies beliefs can generalize from one situation or
can influence explanations of success and task to another, depending on the similari-
failure and because explanations for success ties between the task demands and the skills
and failure will, in turn, influence percep- and resources required to meet those de-
tions of competence. For example, people mands (e.g., Samuels &C Gibbs, in press),
with low self-efficacy for an activity are but self-efficacy in a specific domain does
more likely than people with high self-effi- not emanate from a general sense of effica-
cacy to attribute success in that activity to cy. Measures of traits, such as optimism and
1 1. Self-Efficacy 221

perceived control, seem to predict behavior of behaviors and performances in different

only to the extent to which they overlap domains and situations, ranging from rela-
with the measurement of self-efficacy (Coz- tively simple motor acts (Kirsch's task self-
zarelli, 1993; Dzewaltowski, Noble, & efficacy) to complex and challenging behav-
Shaw, 1990). In addition, measures of glob- ioral sequences and orchestrations (Kirsch's
al efficacy beliefs have been developed (e.g., coping self-efficacy). For example, "ham-
Schwarzer, Baessler, Kwiatek, Schroder, &c mering nails" and "sawing wood" may be
Zhang, 1997; Sherer at al., 1982; Tipton & simple (but not always easy) motor acts, but
Worthington, 1984) and are used frequently "building a house" is a complex undertak-
in research, but they have not demonstrated ing that requires abilities beyond the effec-
predictive value above that of domain-spe- tive manipulation of tools. One can have a
cific self-efficacy measures (Martin &c Gill, self-efficacy belief for each of these motor
1991; Pajares & Johnson, 1996). acts, and one can have self-efficacy beliefs
for building a house. Each requires some
generative capability, although the genera-
Are There Different Types of Self-Efficacy? tive capability required for hammering a
The variety of ways in which self-efficacy nail is relatively small, whereas the genera-
beliefs have been measured by various re- tive capability required for building a house
searchers and the various domains and lev^ is relatively large. Likewise, "self-efficacy
els of specificity or generality with which for condom use" could have two very dif-
self-efficacy has been measured might lead ferent meanings—one trivial, one impor-
one to conclude that there are different tant. A person could have strong self-effica-
"types" of self-efficacy (e.g., Cervone, cy for slipping a condom over a penis but
2000; Mone, 1994; Schwarzer & Renner, weak self-efficacy for "using a condom."
2000). The confusion arises partly because Convincing a resistant partner to wear a
the term "self-efficacy" has been used in at condom requires complex social skills and
least two different ways in research: (1) as self-management skills that go far beyond
the perceived ability to perform a particular the ability to slip a vinyl casing over a shaft
behavior, which Kirsch (1995) has called of flesh (e.g., Siegel, Mesagno, Chen, 6c
task self-efficacy; and (2) the perceived abil- Christ, 1989). Beliefs concerning the ability
ity to prevent, control, or cope with poten- to execute these different behaviors and se-
tial difficulties that might be encountered quences are not different types of self-effica-
when engaged in a performance, which cy; rather, they are self^efficacy beliefs for
Kirsch called coping self-efficacy (see also different types of performances.
Schwarzer S>c Renner, 2000; Williams, Is the belief that one can attain one's goal,
1995). Kirsch's task self-efficacy is similar as opposed to the belief that one can exe-
to Bandura's original (1977) definition of cute certain strategies for attaining goals, a
self-efficacy as "the conviction that one can type of self-efficacy, as some suggest (e.g.,
successfully execute the behavior required Cervone, 2000)? Should researchers use the
to produce the outcomes" (p. 193). Kirsch's term "self-efficacy" to refer to expectancies
coping self-efficacy is more similar to Ban- for attaining outcomes and goals and to ex-
dura's more recent (1997) definition of self- pectancies for engaging in behaviors and
efficacy as the ability to "organize and exe- performances to attain outcomes and goals
cute the courses of action required to (e.g, Bandura, 1995; Mone, 1994)? The an-
produce given attainments" (p. 3). swer depends on how the terms "perfor-
Of course, the names researchers give mance," "goal," and "outcome" are de-
measures can be misleading. Just because fined. For example, getting an A in a course
two researchers use the term "self-efficacy" is neither a behavior nor a performance; it is
for two different measures does not mean an outcome that results from engaging in
that those measures are measuring two dif- many behaviors and performances. Because
ferent "types" of self-efficacy or even that a goal is a desired outcome, getting an A
they are measuring self-efficacy at all. Self- can certainly be a goal. Furthermore, getting
efficacy should not be viewed as a construct an A is a marker of performance attainment
with different "types"; rather, measures of (Bandura, 1995) because the A is the mark-
self-efficacy are tailored for different types er that indicates that one's performances

were ultimately successful. The A, however, carried too far. Therefore, the researcher
is a measure of the success of the perfor- must "know the territory" and have a thor^
mance, not the performance itself. There- ough understanding of the behavioral do-
fore, talking about "self-efficacy for getting main in question, including the types of abil-
an A" expands the meaning of self-efficacy ities called on and the range of situations in
from beliefs about performing behaviors which they might be used (Bandura, 1997).
and mobilizing resources to beliefs about at- Self-efficacy measures can err in the direc-
taining goals and outcomes. We should not tion of being not specific enough. For exam-
use the term "self-efficacy" to refer to the ple, a poor measure of self-efficacy for diet-
expectancy for attaining an outcome (goal, ing would be, "How confident are you that
performance marker) if we also use the term you will be able to stick to your diet when
"self-efficacy" to refer to the expectancy en- tempted to break it?" (Typically a scale of 1
gaging in the performances that lead to the to 7, 1 to 10, or 1 to 100 is used.) A good
goal. What we call this expectancy for at- measure would be, "How confident are you
taining a goal is less important than ac- that you will be able to stick to your diet
knowledging that it is not the same as the when watching television?"(also "when de-
expectancy for performing behavior or mo- pressed," "when someone offers you high
bilizing the resources that might lead to the fat food," "when eating breakfast at a
goal. Kirsch's (1995) "personal outcome ex- restaurant"). These items should include a
pectancy" and McClelland's (1984) "proba- range of situations that offer a range of
bility of success" are reasonable names for
challenge from very easy to very difficult.
the former construct.
Self-efficacy measures also can err in the di-
rection of excessive specificity. For example,
an assessment of self-efficacy for engaging
Measuring Self-Efficacy Beliefs
in safe sex might include the item, "How
To be useful in research and practice, con- confident are you that you could resist your
cepts need to be translated into operational partner's insistence that using a condom
definitions or measurement strategies. In isn't necessary?" But an item that asks,
addition, concepts will be most useful when "How confident are you that you could
their operational definitions are consistent open the wrapper?" probably is neither nec-
across studies. Unfortunately, self-efficacy essary nor useful. Likewise, a good measure
has been measured in such a variety of ways of self-efficacy for exercise might include an
that comparing findings from one study item concerning confidence in "your ability
with those of another often is difficult, as to fit a short walk or run into a busy day,"
Forsyth and Carey (1998) point out regard- but asking about confidence in "your ability
ing research on self-efficacy and safe sex be- to tie your running shoes" probably is going
havior. For this reason, a few guidelines for a little too far.
measuring self-efficacy beliefs might be use- The information about behaviors and sit-
ful. uations that is essential for constructing
As noted previously, self-efficacy is not a1 good self-efficacy measures can be acquired
trait and should measured as such. In- through interviews and surveys with people
stead, self-efficacy measures should be spe- for whom the problem domain at hand is
cific to the domain of interest (e.g., social relevant, such as people who are trying to
skills, exercise, dieting, safe sex, arithmetic lose weight or engage in regular exercise
skills). Within a given domain, self-efficacy (Bandura, 1997). (For additional guidelines,
beliefs can be measured at varying degrees of see Bandura, 1997, pp. 42-50, and Ban-
behavioral and situational specificity, de- dura, 1995.)
pending on what one is trying to predict.
Thus the measurement of self-efficacy
should be designed to capture the multifac- How Self-Efficacy Beliefs Develop
eted nature of behavior and the context in
which it occurs. Specifying behaviors and Major Sources of Self-Efficacy Beliefs
contexts improves the predictive power of Self-efficacy beliefs are the result of infor-
self-efficacy measures, but such specificity mation integrated from five sources: perfor-
can reach a point, of diminishing returns if mance experience, vicarious experience,
1 1. Self-Efficacy 223

imaginal experience, verbal persuasion, and ciate poor performance or perceived failure
affective and physiological states. with aversive physiological arousal and suc-
One's own performance experiences are cess with pleasant emotions. Thus, when
the most powerful source of self-efficacy in- people become aware of unpleasant physio-
formation (Bandura, 1977, 1997). Success- logical arousal, they are more likely to
ful attempts at control that one attributes to doubt their competence than if their physio-
one's own efforts will strengthen self-effica- logical states are pleasant or neutral. Like-
cy for that behavior or domain. Perceptions wise, comfortable physiological sensations
of failure at control attempts usually dimin- are likely to lead people to feel confident in
ish self-efficacy. their ability to deal with the situation at
Self-efficacy beliefs also are influenced by hand. Physiological indicants of self-efficacy
vicarious experiences—observations of the expectancy, however, extend beyond auto-
behavior of others and the consequences of nomic arousal. For example, in activities in-
that behavior. People use these observations volving strength and stamina, such as exer-
to form expectancies about their own be- cise and athletic performances, perceived
havior and its consequences, depending pri- efficacy is influenced by such experiences as
marily on the extent to which a person be- fatigue and pain (Bandura, 1997).
lieves that he or she is similar to the person Self-efficacy beliefs for a given perfor-
he or she is observing. Vicarious experiences mance in a given situation will be the result
generally have weaker effects on self-effica- of the confluence of proximal (current) and
cy expectancy than do performance experi- distal (past) information from these five
ences (Bandura, 1997). sources. For example, social self-efficacy
People can influence their self-efficacy be- during an ongoing interaction, such as a
liefs by imagining themselves or others be- job interview or conversation with someone
having effectively or ineffectively in hypo- to whom one is attracted, will be deter-
thetical situations. Such images can be mined by a variety of proximal and distal
inadvertent ruminations, or they can be an sources of information about one's social
intentional self-efficacy enhancement strate- self-efficacy. Distal sources include past per-
gy. These images may be derived from actu- ceived successes and failures in similar in-
al or vicarious experiences with situations teractions, evaluations about one's social
similar to the one anticipated, or they may skills made by important others, and recol-
be induced by verbal persuasion, as when a lection of one's physiological and emotional
psychotherapist guides a client through states during these similar interactions.
imagination-based interventions such as sys- Thus the person enters the new situation
tematic desensitization and covert modeling with well-formed beliefs about his or her
(Williams, 1995). Simply imagining oneself ability to negotiate the situation successful-
doing something well, however, is not likely ly—beliefs that can lead to emotional com-
to have as strong an influence on self-effica- fort or to distress. Proximal sources of so-
cy as will an actual success experience cial self-efficacy might include one's
(Williams, 1995). physiological and emotional states (e.g., re-
laxed vs. anxious, happy vs. sad); one's
Self-efficacy beliefs are influenced by ver-
own evaluation of one's ongoing perfor-
bal persuasion—what others say to one
mance; comments from others in the inter-
about one's abilities and probability of suc-
action; and interpretations of the reactions
cess. The potency of verbal persuasion as a
of others, which together may suggest, on a
source of self-efficacy beliefs is influenced
moment-to-moment basis, whether or not
by such factors as the expertness, trustwor-
one is moving toward achieving one's goals
thiness, and attractiveness of the source, as
in the situation, including self-presentation-
suggested by decades of research on verbal
al goals (Leary & Kowalski, 1995; Mad-
persuasion and attitude change (e.g., Eagly
dux, Norton, &c Leary, 1988). Just as prox-
& Chaiken, 1993). Verbal persuasion is a
imal consequences usually exert greater
less potent source of enduring change in
control over behavior than distal (future)
self-efficacy than are performance experi-
consequences, proximal information about
ences and vicarious experiences.
self-efficacy is likely to have a more power-
Physiological and emotional states influ- ful immediate effect on current self-efficacy
ence self-efficacy when people learn to asso-

and performance than distal past sources from the perception of the causal relation-
(see Kihlstrom, Beer, &c Klein, Chapter 4, ship between events to an understanding
this volume). that actions produce results to the recogni-
tion that one can produce actions that cause
results (Bandura, 1997). As children's un-
Developmental Aspects
derstanding of language increases, so does
of Self-Efficacy Beliefs their capacity fpr symbolic thought and,
Self-efficacy beliefs develop over time therefore, their capacity- for self-awareness
through experience and through the interac- and a sense of personal agency (Bandura,
tions among the factors and forces noted 1997; see also Harter, Chapter 30, this vol-
previously. The process begins in infancy ume).
and continues throughout life. The early de- With each subsequent developmental pe-
velopment of self-efficacy beliefs is influ- riod, the individual faces new demands and
enced primarily by the development of the challenges that can build or diminish self-
capacity for symbolic thought; the develop- efficacy in the major domains of life. For ex-
ment of a sense of a "self" that is separate ample, in childhood, social self-efficacy be-
from others; and the reciprocal interaction liefs are related to greater prosocial coping
of one's own behavior, the environment's re- and less antisocial coping with interpersonal
sponsiveness to one's behavior, and self- difficulties, and they predict how children
appraisal of one's performance (Bandura, manage or regulate their emotions (Den-
1997). ham, 1998). With adolescence comes the
Infants who are only a few months old need to manage the demands of academics
show some understanding of cause-and- and peer relationships, physiological
effect relationships (Leslie, 1982; Mandler, changes that result in sexual urges, and de-
1992). As the infant's capacity for symbolic mands for increasing autonomy and respon-
thought and memory increase, she comes to sibility—such as making decisions about sex
realize that she is distinct from others and and substance use. Making responsible deci-
from objects. He learns that biting his teddy sions requires self-regulatory skills, whereby
bear's hand does not hurt but that biting his individuals guide their own actions by com-
own hand does. She develops a sense of per- paring what they are about to do with self-
sonal agency by performing the few actions standards and develop plans and strategies
of which she is capable, such as flailing her to meet these standards (Bandura, 1997).
arms and legs, cooing, and grabbing and For adolescents, an important aspect of self-
shaking objects. With repeated observations regulation is the ability to think and act in-
of actions and their consequences, he learns dependently of others and to balance this
that he can affect his environment. As it be- ability with strong needs to affiliate. Thus
comes increasingly clear that outcomes are adolescents who have a strong enough sense
contingent on her behavior, the infant will of self-efficacy to overcome peer pressure
attempt novel actions and examine their are less likely to abuse substances or to en-
outcomes. These observations give her an gage in unsafe sexual or in delinquent be-
understanding of the control she has over havior (Caprara et al., 1998; Ludwig &c
her surroundings. Pittman, 1999).
On the other hand, if the. infant repeated- Adulthood brings additional concerns
ly experiences delays in or absence of be- and demands, primarily in the domains of
havior-outcome contingency, such as ob- work and relationships. Beliefs about per-
serving a mechanical mobile that moves sonal abilities influence occupational choic-
regardless of his behavior, he is less likely to es, career paths, job-seeking behavior, and
come to understand and employ cause-and- job performance (Bandura, 1997). Follow-
effect relationships (Watson, 1977). Parents' ing job loss, job-seeking behavior can be en-
responses to a child's attempts at exercising hanced by improving self-regulatory behav-
agency can influence greatly the develop- ior and developing effective coping and
ment of efficacy beliefs (Bandura, 1997; problem-solving techniques (Vinokur, van
Maxwell, 1998). Ryn, Gramlich, 8>c Price, 1991). Individuals
Thus the development of a sense of per^ who have low self-efficacy in the area of vo-
sonal agency begins in infancy and moves cational skills discourage themselves from
1 1. Self-Efficacy 225

applying for more appealing jobs (Wheeler, regulation, (2) psychological well-being and
1983). adjustment, (3) physical health, (4) psy-
Emerging adults also develop beliefs chotherapy, (5) education, (6) occupational
about their ability to fulfill certain roles, choice and performance, and (7) collective
such as parenthood, and these beliefs influ- efficacy among groups and organizations.
ence how these roles are carried out (Ban- We begin by describing the role of self-effi-
dura, 1997). For example, parents with cacy beliefs in self-regulation because it is
higher goals for their children and who feel from self-efficacy's effect of self-regulatory
highly efficacious about their ability to ad- ability that all of its other effects flow.
vance their children's intellectual growth
produce children with greater academic
achievement (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation
Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996). Efficacy be- One of the most important consequences of
liefs can influence emotions experienced the development of self-efficacy beliefs (ei-
while performing adult roles. For example, ther strong ones or weak ones) is the devel-
mothers with higher parenting self-efficacy opment of capacity for self-regulation. Like
report less distress about parenting self-efficacy, the capacity for self-regulation
(Halpern &c McLean, 1997). Parenting effi- is not a fixed and generalized personality
cacy is influenced by a number of factors, trait; instead, it is a set of skills that, like
such as the child's temperament and physi- self-efficacy beliefs, develop in particular
cal health and the social support available domains. As we have all seen in our own be-
to the parent. Hence, the reciprocal inter- havior and that of others, people can be rel-
play of a variety of factors influences the de- atively good self-regulators in some aspects
velopment of parental self-efficacy, which in of their lives and relatively poor self-regula-
turn influences parenting behaviors and the tors in others. Witness the highly disciplined
child's responses (Bandura, 1997). athlete or the driven and committed public
In later life, self-efficacy often diminishes servant who makes a mess of his or her per-
in a wide array of major life domains, in- sonal life or finances through careless, im-
cluding health, relationships, and cognitive pulsive behavior. Yet studies of otherwise
tasks such as memory (McAvay, Seeman, & unexceptional people who have overcome
Rodin, 1996; McDougal, 1995). Self-effica- difficult behavioral problems without pro-
cy for memory in older adults is malleable fessional help provide compelling evidence
through experimental induction, and these for people's capacity for self-regulation un-
induced positive changes in memory self- der even highly challenging circumstances
efficacy can facilitate recall of information (e.g., Prochaska, Norcross, DiClemente,
(Gardiner, Luszcz, &C Bryan, 1997). Al- 1994). Research on self-efficacy has added
though age-related declines in efficacy be- greatly to our understanding of how people
liefs may reflect actual declines in ability, guide their own behavior in the pursuit of
providing incentives to exercise one's mem- their goals and how they sometimes fail to
ory might enhance subsequent memory per- do so effectively.
formance. Among the infirm aged, the Self-regulation (simplified) depends on
structure and organization of institutions four interacting components (Bandura,
(e.g., nursing homes) may actually diminish 1986, 1997; Barone, Maddux, & Snyder,
self-efficacy in important domains by limit- 1997): goals or standards of performance;
ing mastery experiences (Welch &c West, feedback; self-evaluative reactions to perfor-
1995). mance; and self-efficacy beliefs (see also
Baumeister &c Vohs, Chapter 10, this vol-
How and Why Self-Efficacy Goals are essential to self-regulation be-
Beliefs Are Important cause people attempt to regulate their ac-
tions, thoughts, and emotions to achieve de-
Self-efficacy plays a crucial role in our sired outcomes. The ability to envision
everyday lives in countless ways. Seven im- desired future events and states allows peo-
portant areas that have received consider- ple to create incentives that motivate and
able attention from researchers are (1) self- guide their actions. Goals also provide peo-

pie with personal standards against which hanced by overestimates of personal capa-
to monitor their progress and evaluate both bilities (i.e., positive illusions; Taylor &c
their progress and their abilities. Brown, 1988), which then become self-
Feedback is information about progress fulfilling prophecies when people set their
toward or away from a goal. This informa- sights high, persevere, and surpass their pre-
tion can be provided by the physical envi- vious levels of accomplishments. People
ronment, by other people, or by oneself. with strong efficacy beliefs in a given do-
Feedback is essential to the effectiveness of main will be relatively resistant to the dis-
goals (Locke & Latham, 1990). ruptions in self-regulation that can result
People do not simply perceive informa- from difficulties and setbacks. As a result,
tion; they interpret it. Likewise, feedback they will persevere. Perseverance usually
about progress toward or away from a goal produces desired results, and this success
is interpreted, and different people will in- then increases one's sense of efficacy.
terpret the same feedback in different ways Through the monitoring of their behavior
and react to it in different ways. Thus self- and the situation, people develop beliefs not
evaluative reactions are important in self- only about their current level of competence
regulation because people's beliefs about the but also about the rate of improvement in
progress they are making (or not making) competence and the rate of progress toward
toward their goals are major determinants their goals. Motivation is not static, and at
of their emotional reactions during goal- any given time, self-efficacy, affect, and be-
directed activity. These emotional reactions, havior will be influenced not only by beliefs
in turn, can enhance or disrupt self-regula- about one's current level of competence but
tion. The belief that one is inefficacious and also by the expected rate of change in com-
making poor progress toward a. goal pro- petence or movement toward a goal. For ex-
duces distressing emotional states (e.g., anx- ample, a person learning a new skill will be
iety, depression) that can lead to cognitive concerned not just with whether or not he
and behavioral ineffectiveness and self-regu- or she will attain a certain level of proficien-
latory failure. Strong self-efficacy beliefs cy but also with how quickly he or she will
and strong expectations for goal attain- attain that level of proficiency. People are
ment, however, usually produce adaptive more likely to persist in developing a skill or
emotional states that, in turn, enhance self- persist in efforts toward a goal if they be-
regulation. lieve that proficiency in the skill or attain-
Self-efficacy beliefs influence self-regula- ment of the goal will come sooner rather
tion in several ways. First, they influence the than later.
tasks people decide to tackle. The higher Third, self-efficacy for solving problems
one's self-efficacy in a specific achievement and making decisions influences the effi-
domain, the loftier will be the goals that one ciency and effectiveness of problem solving
sets for oneself in that domain. and decision making. When faced with
Second, self-efficacy beliefs influence peo- complex decisions, people who have confi-
ple's choices of goal-directed activities, ex- dence in their ability to solve problems use
penditure of effort, persistence in the face of their cognitive resources more effectively
challenge and obstacles (Bandura, 1986, than do those people who doubt their cog-
• Locke &c Latham, 1990), and reactions to nitive skills (e.g., Bandura, 1997). Such effi-
perceived discrepancies between goals and cacy usually leads to better solutions and
current performance (Bandura, 1986). In greater achievement. In the face of difficul-
the face of difficulties, people with weak ty, a person with high self-efficacy is more
self-efficacy beliefs easily develop doubts likely to remain task-diagnostic and contin-
about their ability to accomplish the task at ue to search for solutions to problems.
hand, whereas those with strong efficacy be- Those with low self-efficacy, however, are
liefs continue their efforts to master a task more likely to become self-diagnostic and
when difficulties arise. Perseverance usually reflect on their inadequacies, which dis-
produces desired results, and this success tracts them from their efforts to assess and
then strengthens the individual's self-effica- solve the problem (Bandura, 1997).
cy beliefs. Motivation to accomplish diffi- Most of the research on the effect of self-
cult tasks and accomplish lofty goals is en- efficacy on self-regulation suggests that
1 1. Self-Efficacy 227

"more is better"—that is, the higher one's and when behaviors, thoughts, and emo-
self-efficacy, the more effective one's self- tions seem within their control, people are
regulation in pursuit of a goal. But can self- better able to meet life's challenges, build
efficacy be too high? Perhaps so, in at least healthy relationships, and achieve personal
two ways. First, as Bandura (1986) has sug- satisfaction and peace of mind. Feelings of
gested, "a reasonably accurate appraisal of loss of control are common among people
one's capabilities is . . . of considerable val- who seek the help of psychotherapists and
ue in effective functioning" and people who counselors.
overestimate their abilities may "undertake Self-efficacy beliefs play a major role in a
activities that are clearly beyond their number of common psychological prob-
reach" (p. 393). Certainly, an important lems. Low self-efficacy expectancies are an
feature of effective self-regulation is to important feature of depression (Bandura,
know when to disengage from a goal be- 1997; Bandura, Pastorelli, Barbaranelli, &C
cause one's efforts are not paying off. Al- Caprara, 1999; Kavanaugh, 1992; Maddux
though strong self-efficacy beliefs usually & Meier, 1995). Depressed people usually
contribute to adaptive tenacity, if these be- believe they are less capable than other peo-
liefs are unrealistically high, they may result ple of behaving effectively in many impor-
in the relentless pursuit of an obviously (to tant areas of life. They usually doubt their
observers) unattainable goal. Thus high self- ability to form and maintain supportive re-
efficacy beliefs that are not supported by lationships and therefore may avoid poten-
past experience or rewarded by positive tially supportive people during periods of
goal-related feedback can result in wasted depression. Dysfunctional anxiety and
effort and resources that might be better di- avoidant behavior are often the direct result
rected elsewhere. As of yet, however, we of low self-efficacy expectancies for manag-
have no way of determining when self-effi- ing threatening situations (Bandura, 1997;
cacy is "too high" and at what point people Williams, 1995; Williams, Kinney, Harap,
should give up trying to achieve their goals. &C Liebmann, 1997). People who have
Second, the way in which strong self-effi- strong confidence in their abilities to per-
cacy beliefs develop can be important. form and manage potentially difficult situa-
Strong self-efficacy beliefs that are attained tions will approach those situations calmly
too quickly and easily may lead to compla- and will not be unduly disrupted by difficul-
cency and diminished effort and perfor- ties. On the other hand, people who lack
mance. People who develop strong efficacy confidence in their abilities will either avoid
beliefs without effort and struggle may set potentially difficult situations or approach
lower goals than do those who attain strong them with apprehension, thereby reducing
efficacy beliefs through hard work. In addi- the probability that they will perform effec-
tion, those who too easily attain strong effi- tively. Thus they will have fewer success ex-
cacy beliefs may alter their performance periences and fewer opportunities to in-
standards and be too easily satisfied by per- crease their self-efficacy. People with low
formance feedback, including declining per- self-efficacy also will respond to difficulties
formance (Bandura &c Jourdan, 1991). As a with increased anxiety, which usually dis-
result, progress toward a goal may be hin- rupts performance, thereby further lowering
dered. self-efficacy, and so on. Stressful events of-
ten result in physical symptoms (e.g.,
headache), as well as psychological symp-
Psychological Well-Being and Adjustment toms, and self-efficacy beliefs influence the
relationship between stressful events and
The belief that one has good self-regulatory physical symptoms (Arnstein, Caudill, Man-
skills is an important contributor to good die, Norris, & Beasley, 1999; Marlowe,
psychological health and adjustment. Most 1998). Self-efficacy beliefs also predict ef-
philosophers and psychological theorists fective coping with traumatic life events
agree that a sense of control over one's be- such as homelessness (Epel, Bandura, &c
havior, one's environment, and one's own Zimbardo, 1999) and natural disasters (Be-
thoughts and feelings is essential for happi- night, Swift, Sanger, Smith, & Zeppelin,
ness and a sense of well-being. When the 2000).
world seems predictable and controllable,

Among people recovering from substance cial to health: exercise, diet, stress manage-
abuse, self-efficacy for avoiding relapse in ment, safe sex, smoking cessation,, overcom-
high-risk situations and for recovery from ing alcohol abuse, compliance with treat-
relapse play a powerful role in successful ment and prevention regimens, and
abstinence (Bandura, 1999; DiClemente, detection behaviors such as breast self-
Fairhurst, Sc Piotrowski, 1995; Mudde, lexaminations (AbuSabha 8c Achterberg,
Kok, &c Strecher, 1996; Oei, Fergusson, &C 1997; Bandura, 1997; Bryan, Aiken, &
Lee, 1998). The same is true in the success- West, 1997; Dawson &c Brawley, 2000;
ful treatment of people with eating disor- Ewart, 1995; Holman & Lorig, 1992; Mad-
ders (Goodrick et al., 1999) and of male sex dux et al., 1995; Schwarzer, 1992).
offenders (Pollock, 1996). Second, self-efficacy beliefs influence a
number of biological processes that, in turn,
influence health and disease (Bandura,
Self-Efficacy and Physical Health 1997). Self-efficacy beliefs affect the body's
Health and medical care in our society grad- physiological responses to stress, including
ually has been shifting from an exclusive the immune system (Bandura, 1997;
emphasis on the treatment of disease to an O'Leary & Brown, 1995) and the physio-
emphasis on the prevention of disease and logical pathways activated by physical ac-
the promotion of good health. Most strate- tivity (Rudolph 8c McAuley, 1995). Lack of
gies for preventing health problems, en- perceived control over environmental de-
hancing health, and hastening recovery mands can increase susceptibility to infec-
from illness and injury involve tions and hasten the progression of disease
havior. In addition, psychology and physiol- (Bandura, 1997). Self-efficacy beliefs also
ogy are tightly intertwined such that affec- influence the activation of catecholamines, a
tive and cognitive phenomena are family of neurotransmitters important to
influenced by physiological phenomena and the management of stress and perceived
vice versa (e.g., Bandura, 1986). Thus be- threat, along with the endogenous
liefs about self-efficacy influence health in painkillers referred to as endorphins (Ban-
two ways—through their influence on the dura, 1997; O'Leary 8c Brown, 1995).
behaviors that affect health and through
their direct influence on physiological
Self-Efficacy and Psychotherapy
First, self-efficacy influences the adoption The term "psychotherapy" refers to profes-
of healthy behaviors, the cessation of un- sionally guided interventions designed to
healthy behaviors, and the maintenance of enhance psychological well-being, although
behavioral changes in the face of challenge it must be acknowledged that the client's
and difficulty. Research on selfrefficacy has se//"-regulation plays an important role in all
greatly enhanced our understanding of how such interventions. In fact, most profession-
and why people adopt healthy and un- ally guided interventions are designed to en-
healthy behaviors and of how to change be- hance self-regulation because they are con-
haviors that affect health (Bandura, 1997; cerned with helping people gain or regain a
Maddux, Brawley, &c Boykin, 1995; sense of efficacy over important aspects of
O'Leary & Brown, 1995). All of the major their lives (Frank &c Frank, 1991). Different
theories of health behavior, such as protec- interventions, or different components of an
tion motivation theory (Maddux &c Rogers, intervention, may be equally effective be-
1983; Rogers &c Prentice-Dunn, 1997), the cause they equally enhance self-efficacy for
health belief model (Strecher, Champion, 6c crucial behavioral and cognitive skill's (Ban-
Rosenstock, 1997), and the theory of rea- dura, 1997; Maddux 8c Lewis, 1995).
soned action-planned behavior (Ajzen, Self-efficacy theory emphasizes the im-
1988; Fishbein 8c Ajzen, 1975; Maddux &C portance of arranging experiences designed
DuCharme, 1997) include self-efficacy as a to increase the person's sense of efficacy for
key component (see also Maddux, 1993; specific behaviors in specific problematic
Weinstein, 1993). In addition, self-efficacy and challenging situations. Self-efficacy the-
beliefs are crucial to successful change and ory suggests that formal interventions
maintenance of virtually every behavior cru- should not simply resolve specific problems
1 1. Self-Efficacy 229

but should provide people with the skills gram, Kendall, &C Chen, 1991, for reviews).
and sense of efficacy for solving problems People also rely daily on verbal persuasion as
themselves. Some basic strategies for en- a self-efficacy facilitator by seeking the sup-
hancing self-efficacy are based on the five port of other people when attempting to lose
sources of self-efficacy previously noted. weight, quit smoking, maintain an exercise
program, or summon up the courage to con-
front a difficult boss or loved one.
Performance Experience
In facilitating self-efficacy, few things are
more important than having people provide Vicarious Experience
themselves with tangible evidence of their Vicarious learning strategies can be used to
success. When people actually can see them- teach new skills and enhance self-efficacy
selves coping effectively with difficult situa- for those skills. For example, modeling films
tions, their sense of mastery is likely to be and videotapes have been used successfully
heightened. These experiences are likely to to encourage socially withdrawn children to
be most successful when both goals and interact with other children. The child view-
strategies are specific. Goals that are con- ing the film sees the model child, someone
crete, specific, and proximal (short range) much like himself, experience success and
provide greater incentive, motivation, and comes to believe that he too can do the
evidence of efficacy than goals that are ab- same thing (Conger &C Keane, 1981). Mod-
stract, vague, and set in the distant future eling can be particularly effective if models
(Locke &c Latham, 1990). Specific goals al- demonstrate or describe their struggle and
low people to identify the specific behaviors success with managing difficult task de-
needed for successful achievement and to mands rather than model a seemingly effort-
know when they have succeeded (Locke 8c less, flawless performance (Bandura, 1997).
Latham, 1990). For example, the most ef- In vivo modeling has been used successfully
fective interventions for phobias and fears in the treatment of phobic individuals. This
involve guided mastery—in vivo experience research has shown that changes in self-effi-
with the feared object or situation during cacy beliefs for approach behaviors mediate
therapy sessions, or between sessions as adaptive behavioral changes (Bandura,
"homework" assignments (Williams, 1995). 1986; Williams, 1995). Common everyday
In cognitive treatments of depression, (nonprofessional) examples of the use of
vicarious experiences to enhance self-effica-
clients are provided structured guidance in
cy include advertisements for weight-loss
arranging success experiences that will
and smoking cessation programs that fea-
counteract low self-efficacy expectancies
ture testimonials from successful people.
(Hollon &c Beck, 1994).
The clear message from these testimonials is
that the listener or reader also can accom-
Verbal Persuasion plish this difficult task. Formal and informal
"support groups"—people sharing their
Most formal psychological interventions rely personal experiences in overcoming a com-
strongly on verbal persuasion to enhance a mon adversity such as addiction, obesity, or
client's self-efficacy by encouraging small illness—also provide forums for the en-
risks that may lead to small successes. In cog- hancement of self-efficacy.
nitive and cognitive-behavioral therapies,
the therapist engages the client in a discus-
sion of the client's dysfunctional beliefs, atti-
tudes, and expectancies and helps the client Imaginal Experience
see the irrationality and self-defeating nature Live or filmed models may be difficult to
of such beliefs. The therapist encourages the obtain, but the imagination is an easily har-
client to adopt new, more adaptive beliefs nessed resource. Imagining oneself engaging
and to act on these new beliefs and expectan- in feared behaviors or overcoming difficul-
cies. As a result, the client experiences the ties can be used to enhance, self-efficacy. For
successes that can lead to more enduring example, cognitive therapy for anxiety and
changes in self-efficacy beliefs and adaptive fear problems often involves modifying vi-
behavior (see Hollon & Beck, 1994; and In- sual images of danger and anxiety, including

images of coping effectively with the feared First, people who view competence as a
situation. Imaginal (covert) modeling has set of skills to be performed in specific situa-
been used successfully in interventions to in- tions rather than as a trait and as incremen-
crease assertive behavior and self-efficacy tal (acquirable through effort and experi-
for assertiveness (Kazdin, 1979). Systematic ence) rather than fixed are more likely to
desensitization and implosion are tradition- persist in the face of obstacles (Dweck,
al behavioral therapy techniques that rely 2000). The development of an incremental
on the ability to image coping effectively view of competence can be encouraged by
with a difficult situation (Emmelkamp, the comparison of recent successful behav-
1994). Because maladaptive distorted im- iors with past ineffective behaviors. There-
agery is an important, component of. anxiety fore, therapists need to teach clients to be
and depression, various techniques have eternally vigilant for success experiences
been developed to help clients modify dis- and to actively retrieve past successes in
tortions and maladaptive assumptions con- times of challenge and doubt.
tained in their visual images of danger and Second, changes in causal attributions
anxiety. A client can gain a sense of control can result in changes in self-efficacy. Self-ef-
over a situation by imagining a future self ficacy can be enhanced by attributing suc-
that can deal effectively with the situation. cesses to one's own effort and ability rather
than to environmental circumstances or to
the expertise and insights of others (Forster-
Physiological and Emotional States ling, 1986; Goldfried 8c Robins, 1982;
People usually feel more self-efficacious Thompson, 1991). In addition, an individ-
when calm than they do when aroused and ual who holds strong self-efficacy beliefs
distressed; Thus strategies for controlling will be more resilient when setbacks occur
and reducing emotional arousal (specifically and will be more likely to attribute failure
anxiety) while attempting new behaviors to inadequate effort rather than to personal
should increase self-efficacy and increase inability. Therefore, therapists should en-
the likelihood of successful implementation. courage clients to attribute successful
Hypnosis, biofeedback, relaxation training,, change to their own efforts and abilities, not
meditation, and medication are the most to the therapist's power or expertise.
common strategies for reducing the physio-
logical arousal typically associated with low
self-efficacy and poor performance.
Children's educational efficacy beliefs are
powerful predictors of their educational
Enhancing the Impact of Success
achievements (e.g., Schunk, 1995; Schunk
Success is subjective, and accomplishments 8c Zimmerman, 1997), although the path-
that are judged "successful" by observers ways through which efficacy operates are
are not always judged so by the performer. diverse and complex (Bandura et al., 1996).
People often discount self-referential infor- Measures of academic self-efficacy are more
mation that is inconsistent with current self- powerful predictors of educational achieve-
views (Barone et al., 1997; Fiske &c Taylor, ment than are global measures of academic
1991). Thus, when people feel distressed self-concept (Bong 8c Clark, 1999).
and believe they are incompetent and help- A stronger sense of academic self-efficacy
less, they are likely to ignore or discount in- is associated with a greater likelihood of
formation from therapists, family, friends, seeking help from teachers (Ryan, Gheen, 8c
and their own behavioral successes that is Midgley, 1998). The unfortunate paradox
inconsistent with their negative self-beliefs here is that the students with the least confi-
(Barone et al., 1997; Fiske &c Taylor, 1991). dence in their abilities—the ones who may
Therefore, therapists need to make .concert- be most in need of help—are the least likely
ed efforts t o increase success experiences, to seek help, an avoidance strategy that can
but they also must encourage clients to in- only serve as a barrier to both skill acquisi-
terpret that success as success and as the re- tion and efficacy enhancement.
sult of their own efforts. Success experiences A child's academic success depends not
can be made more effective in two ways. only on his or her sense of efficacy but also
1. Self-Efficacy 231

on the efforts (or lack thereof) of his or her mance in these areas may remain low, lead-
parents. Successful parental involvement in ing to further avoidance of these kinds of
a child's education appears to be influenced tasks.
strongly by the parents' sense of efficacy for In addition, women and minorities have
helping their children succeed academically less access to self-efficacy-enhancing experi-
(Bandura et al., 1996; Hoover-Dempsey 8c ences for traditionally nonfemale and non-
Sandler, 1997). minority careers (Hackett 8c Byars, 1996).
They generally have fewer positive mod-
els—particularly in science and technology
Occupational Choice and Performance careers—through which they can gain vicar-
Few choices have greater impact on life sat- ious efficacy-enhancing experiences, and
isfaction than one's choice of occupation or they may receive less encouragement from
career. These choices are often limited not others to pursue nontraditional careers.
by deficiencies in skills and abilities but by When they encounter potentially efficacy-
deficiencies in one's beliefs about one's skills building experiences, if they believe in nega-
and abilities. Such self-efficacy beliefs are tive gender or ethnic stereotypes, their per-
important predictors of what occupations formances are likely to suffer due to
people choose to enter (the content of career avoidance of tasks, lack of focus on the
choices) and how people go about making task, or negative emotional arousal such as
their choices (the process of career choices; anxiety (Hackett 8c Byars, 1996). Even
Hackett 8c Betz, 1995), above and beyond when members of a minority group develop
what can be predicted from people's voca- strong self-efficacy beliefs, they may main-
tional interests (Donnay 8c Borgen, 1999). tain low expectancies that their perfor-
Most of the research on self-efficacy and oc- mances will lead to desired outcomes due to
cupational or career choice has focused on discrimination (Bandura, 1997). For exam-
understanding the choices of women and ple, African American children hold lower
members of minority groups, partly because outcome expectancies for themselves than
these groups have traditionally been more for Caucasian children, despite their beliefs
restrained in their career and occupational that they can engage in the same behaviors
roles and choices by societal norms (e.g., as middie-class Caucasian children (Mickel-
Byars 8c Hackett, 1998). Men and women son, 1990; Ogbu, 1991).
usually express equivalent efficacy beliefs
Self-efficacy beliefs predict not only what
for most (but not all) traditionally female-
occupations people choose but also how
dominated occupations, but women usually
well they perform those occupations. A re-
express lower self-efficacy for traditionally
cent meta-analysis of 144 studies on self-
male-dominated occupations than for tradi-
efficacy and work-related performance (Sta-
tionally female-dominated occupations
jkovic 8c Luthans, 1998) found a weighted
(Hackett 8c Betz, 1995). Perceptions of self-
average correlation of .38 between self-effi-
efficacy, outcome expectancies, and social
cacy measures and measure of work perfor-
forces (i.e., stereotyping) are associated with
mance. This relationship is stronger than
the underrepresentation of women and eth-
what has been shown for the effect on per-
nic minorities in careers dominated by white
formance of goal-setting, feedback interven-
males (Hackett 8c Betz, 1995). For example,
tions, organizational behavior modifica-
women and African Americans tend to
tions, and personality trait-like constructs
avoid classes and careers involving math
(Stajkovic 8c Luthans, 1998). The effects of
and science, depriving themselves of the ex-
self-efficacy beliefs on work-related perfor-
posure to these areas (Betz, 1997). In addi-
mance seem to operate through their influ-
tion, based on stereotypes that women and
ence on task-related strategies, task focus,
certain ethnic minorities are not as success-
and early skill acquisition (Stajkovic 8c
ful in these areas, they may not perform to
Luthans, 1998).
the best of their ability, creating a "self-ful-
filling prophecy," as they undermine their
own performances in accordance with their Collective Efficacy
expectancies. Without success experiences,
these individuals' self-efficacy for perfor- Accomplishing important goals among
groups, organizations, and societies always

has depended on the ability of individuals to portant to a number of "collectives." The

identify the abilities of other individuals and more efficacious spouses feel about their
to harness these abilities to accomplish com- shared ability to accomplish important
mon goals. Thus a concept of perceived shared goals, the more satisfied they are with
mastery that considers only individuals has their marriages (Kaplan 8c Maddux, 2001).
limited utility. Social cognitive theory recog- The individual and collective efficacy of
nizes that the individual is embedded in a teachers for effective instruction seems to af-
social network and a cultural milieu. Thus fect the academic achievement of school-
self-efficacy theory recognizes that there are children (Bandura, 1993, 1997). The effec-
limits to what individuals can accomplish tiveness of self-managing work teams (Little
alone. This idea is captured in the notion of 8c Madigan, 1997) and group "brainstorm-
collective efficacy, "a group's shared belief ing" (Prussia 8c Kinicki, 1996) also seems to
in its conjoint capabilities to organize and be related to a collective sense of efficacy. In
execute the courses of action required to neighborhoods, lower collective efficacy is
produce given levels of attainments (Ban- associated with violent crime rates above
dura, 1997, p. 477; also Zaccaro, Blair, Pe- and beyond the factors of lower family in-
terson, 8c Zazanis, 1995). Simply stated, come; higher proportions of minorities, im-
collective efficacy is the extent to which migrants, and single-parent families; and
people believe that they can work together previous homicide rates (Sampson, Rauden-
effectively to accomplish their shared goals. bush, 8c Earls, 1997). Finally, collective effi-
Just as personal agency involves beliefs cacy has become an important construct in
about personal abilities, collective agency the study of team sports and has facilitated a
involves a collective sense of efficacy. As shift in research from a focus on individual
does self-efficacy, collective efficacy influ- motivation to group motivation (George 8c
ences collective motivation, planning and Feltz, 1995; Marks, 1999). For example, re-
decision making, effective use of group re- search has found that the collective efficacy
sources, and persistence in goal pursuit of an athletic team can be raised or lowered
(Bandura, 1997; Zaccaro et al., 1995). by false feedback about ability and can sub-
Because collective efficacy is a relatively sequently influence its success in competi-
new term, researchers have not reached a tions (Hodges 8c Carron, 1992).
consensus on its measurement. Some posit As cultural variations become more wide-
that collective efficacy consists of the indi- ly studied, research indicates, collective effi-
viduals' perceptions of the group's abilities cacy may be a more useful predictor of emo-
(e.g, Weldon 8c Weingart, 1993) or the indi- tion and behavior in some cultures than in
vidual's beliefs about the group's beliefs others. For example, collective efficacy is
about its abilities (Paskevich, Brawley, negatively correlated with depression, anxi-
Dorsch, 8c Widmeyer, 1999). Others have ety, and the desire to leave employment for
added together group members' individual workers in Hong Kong, but not among
responses to determine collective efficacy American workers (Schaubroeck, Lam, 8c
(Zacarro et al., 1995). Still others contend Xie, 2000). An explanation for this differ-
that collective efficacy includes beliefs that ence is that collective efficacy may be a
are shared among group members about more important contributor to group
how well the individual members can per- achievements in groups that are higher in
form the actions necessary for success, as collectivism (Gibson, 1995). Nonetheless,
well as beliefs about how well they can or- individuals will differ in their collectivist
chestrate their combined efforts (Zaccaro et and individualist leanings regardless of the
al, 1995). As with all social constructions, a group or cultural norms, and these individ-
consensus on the definition and measure- ual differences may be more important than
ment of collective efficacy will develop the group or cultural norm.
gradually as theorists and researchers de- Researchers also are beginning to under-
bate the merits of the various alternatives stand how people'develop a sense of collec-
(Maddux, 1999a). tive efficacy for promoting social and politi-
Despite a lack of consensus on its mea- cal change (Fernandez-Ballesteros, Diez-
surement (Bandura, 1997; Maddux, 1999a), Nicolas, Caprara, Barbaranelli, 8c Bandura,
collective efficacy has been found to be im- 2000). Of course, personal efficacy and col-
1 1. Self-Efficacy 233

lective efficacy go hand in hand because a derstand them. The concept of self-efficacy
"collection of inveterate self-doubters is not deals with one of these truths—one so simple
easily forged into a collectively efficacious it can be captured in a children's book of 37
force" (Bandura, 1997, p. 480). In addition pages (with illustrations), yet so powerful
to self-efficacy and collective efficacy, other that fully describing its implications has
factors play a role in social change, such as filled thousands of pages in scientific jour-
preexisting sociocultural standards, out- nals and books over the past 25 years. This
come expectations (i.e., perceived benefit or truth is that an unshakable belief in one's
cost of changes to particular groups), and ideas, goals, and capacity for achievement is
perceived obstacles to change (Bandura, essential for success. Strong self-efficacy be-
1997). liefs are important because they lead to effec-
The distinction between self-efficacy and tive self-regulation and persistence, which in
collective efficacy should not be confused turn lead to success. Most people see only the
with the dimension of cultural orientation extraordinary accomplishments of athletes,
usually referred to as individualism-collec- artists, and others but do not see "the unwa-
tivism, the extent to which a culture values vering commitment and countless hours of
the individual relative to the group, compe- perseverant effort that produced them"
tition versus cooperation, and individual (Bandura, 1997, p. 119). They then overesti-
goals and achievements versus collective mate the role of "talent" in these accom-
goals and achievements. In even the most plishments, while underestimating the role
individualistic cultures, collective goals are of determination and self-regulation. Be-
important, and a sense of collective efficacy cause research on self-efficacy is concerned
is essential for the attainment of those goals. with understanding those factors that people
Likewise, in even the most collectivist cul- can control rather than those that they can-
tures, individuals set personal goals that not control, it is the study of human poten-
may not require collective effort and group tial and possibilities, not human limitations.
cooperation, and self-efficacy will be crucial
in the attainment of those goals.
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