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Journal of Economic Literature

Vol. XLII (March 2004) pp. 72–115

Trade Liberalization and Poverty:

The Evidence So Far

1. Introduction reduced or increased poverty.2

M ost economists accept that, in the long If trade liberalization and poverty were
run, open economies fare better in both easily measured, and if there were
aggregate than do closed ones, and that rela- many historical instances in which liberaliza-
tively open policies contribute significantly to tion could be identified as the main eco-
development. Many commentators fear, how- nomic shock, it might be easy to derive
ever, that in the shorter run, one of the steps simple empirical regularities linking the two.
towards openness—trade liberalization— Unfortunately, these conditions do not hold,
harms poorer actors in the economy, and that, so there is relatively little direct evidence on
even in the longer run, successful open this question. Analysts therefore are obliged
regimes may leave some people behind in to try to decompose the link into steps and
poverty. Liberalization by its nature implies compile the evidence on each of them indi-
adjustment and so is likely to have distribu- vidually. A conceptual framework decom-
tional impacts, but to what extent are the posing the links between trade policy and
poor likely to suffer adverse effects? This poverty has been developed by L. Alan
paper takes these concerns seriously by exam- Winters (2000a, 2002a), and the review in
ining the evidence about whether developing this paper is based on an examination of the
countries’ own trade liberalizations have evidence linking these components. 3 Even

The paper does not address the issue of global trade
reform (through the WTO) on poverty or poorer countries.
For evidence of this see, for example, Oxfam (2002),
World Bank (2002), and L. Alan Winters (2003). However,
Winters: School of Social Sciences, University of the approach and much of the analysis mostly generalizes
Sussex. McCulloch: Institute of Development Studies, to other real-side shocks such as other countries’ trade-pol-
University of Sussex. McKay: University of Bath and icy shocks, commodity-price booms and slumps, and
University of Nottingham.We are grateful to Enrique exchange-rate changes.
Blanco de Armas, Xavier Cirera, Abbi Mamo Kedir, and In related papers we have examined a subset of rele-
Carolina Villegas Sanchez for research assistance, to Rosie vant empirical results (Andrew McKay, L. Alan Winters,
Bellinger, Janet Ellis, Amy Sheehan and Reto Speck for and Abbi Mamo Kedir 2000), explored policy responses to
logistical help, to innumerable colleagues for help and the possibility that liberalization causes poverty (Winters
advice and to the editor and three anonymous referees for 2002b) and provided an extended treatment for policy
comments on an earlier version of this paper. Naturally makers, including discussion of specific trade negotiation
none of these people is responsible for the paper’s remain- issues (Neil McCulloch, L. Alan Winters, and Xavier
ing imperfections. Cirera 2001).

Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 73

this, it turns out, can only be partial, for and the economic environment in which
often there are no direct studies of the they take place. Given the variety of factors
poverty effects of trade and trade liberaliza- to take into account, it will hardly be surpris-
tion. In these cases we have sought evidence ing that there are no general comparative
from experiences that might have parallels static results about whether trade liberaliza-
with trade liberalization, such as domestic tion will increase or reduce poverty. Simple
market liberalization and public sector statements about “the poor” will lose infor-
retrenchments. This latter process, however, mation, at best, and simple generalizations
has sometimes threatened to open up too about all countries will just be wrong.
large a literature, so a good deal of selection An important aspect of any analysis of
and judgement has been exercised to keep poverty is the definition and measurement of
the output manageable. poverty itself. Poverty is a complex and mul-
The paper is explicitly empirical in focus. tidimensional phenomenon, and there is
We report theoretical work if it informs considerable controversy in the literature
empirical studies, but our emphasis is prima- about how it should be defined and meas-
rily on the study of ex post data pertaining to ured.4 However, the majority of the empiri-
actual instances of trade liberalization and cal economic literature on poverty, especially
related shocks. We include a little of the com- in relation to this issue, adopts an absolute
putable general equilibrium (CGE) model- income or consumption metric. Therefore,
ling literature, which, while fundamentally while recognizing that there are many legiti-
theoretical, does at least rely on some data. mate approaches to the measurement of
The paper starts with a brief account of poverty, the evidence that we review focuses
our analytical framework, which provides on this approach. Much of the methodologi-
the organizational framework for the paper. cal discussion is likely to generalize to other
We then survey the evidence on trade liber- dimensions of poverty.
alization and poverty under four headings: Finally, it is worth emphasizing that our
macro-economic aspects (growth and fluctu- concern is with poverty, not inequality. Since
ations), households and markets, wages and trade liberalization tends to increase the
employment, and government revenue and opportunities for economic activity, it can
spending. While for each component trade very easily increase income inequality while
liberalization can facilitate poverty allevia- at the same time reducing poverty.
tion, in none of them can an unambiguous Consequently, statements about its effects
generalization be made either in theory or on inequality cannot be translated directly
empirically. into statements about its impact on absolute
The ambiguity arises partly because of the poverty. There may be sound positive and
heterogeneity of poverty: there are many normative reasons for interest in inequality,
reasons why people are poor; and even with- but they are not the concerns of this paper.
in broadly defined groups there are huge dif-
ferences in the circumstances of individual 2. An Analytical Framework
households. The conclusions of much of the
As argued already, we approach the ques-
work surveyed below are conditional on
tion of trade liberalization and poverty by
these circumstances, so a crucial part of any
constructing an analytical framework into
specific analysis must be to identify the dif-
which to slot the various pieces of theory and
ferent characteristics of the poor including
evidence. This section briefly outlines such a
information about their consumption, pro-
duction and employment activities. 4
Amartya Sen (1993) discusses many of the central
Outcomes will also depend on the specific issues and World Bamk (2001) provides a discussion of dif-
trade reform measures being undertaken, ferent concepts.
74 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

framework—developed by Winters (2000a, Strauss 1986). An increase in the price of

2002a)—and from it extracts twelve key something of which the household is a net
questions around which we organize our sur- seller (labor, goods, services) increases its
vey of empirical results. It considers, in turn, real income, while a decrease reduces it.
economic growth and stability, the behavior Poor households typically have several
of households and markets, wages and sources of income, including transfers,
employment, and the government. remittances from absent family members,
Economic Growth and Stability. The key and income in kind, as well as wages and
to sustained poverty alleviation is economic profits from production. The framework
growth, as is widely accepted by economists needs to ask how trade liberalization affects
and development practitioners. Although all of these, as well as considering consump-
growth can be unequalizing, it has to be very tion. We also note that shocks to a household
strongly so if it is to increase absolute pov- can impinge differently on different family
erty. This appears not to be the case either in members. Thus, women might bear the bur-
general or for growth associated with freer den of adjustment if they have to start to
trade. The link that has seen the most sus- work outside the home while continuing to
tained debate among economists, however, is bear family responsibilities. Similarly, one
that between greater openness and growth. needs to consider whether trade liberaliza-
While there is a good deal of empirical sup- tion affects household investments in child
port for the argument that trade liberalization welfare, such as basic education and health.
and openness stimulate long-run growth and If price changes are an important pathway
income, the case has certainly not yet been through which liberalization affects the poor,
completely proven; there is no evidence, then we must ask how a trade liberalization
however, that they are harmful to growth. affects prices. Even simple economies have
Sustained growth requires increases in pro- several stages between the border, where
ductivity, and most of the evidence suggests trade policy operates, and the poor house-
that trade liberalization operates through this hold, so one consideration is how much of
route. This link, however, warns us that in the any price change gets passed through to the
short run some factor owners could suffer if poor. Unchanged internal distribution costs
productivity increases faster than output. attenuate proportionate border price shocks
Finally, openness is likely to influence the as they pass through to households for
sort of shocks that affect an economy, so we importables, but exacerbate them for
need to consider macroeconomic volatility exportables. Shocks can even get lost com-
and its effects on growth. pletely if distribution is monopolized, as, for
Section 3 of this paper addresses these example, with official marketing boards or
issues under three broad headings. the private monopolies that sometimes
• Does liberalization stimulate growth replace them.
and relieve poverty? More important than price changes is
• Does trade liberalization boost produc- whether markets exist at all: trade reform
tivity? can both create and destroy markets.
• Are open economies less stable? Extreme adverse poverty shocks are often
Households and Markets. Given that the associated with the disappearance of a mar-
majority of the poor in most countries are ket, while strong poverty alleviation can arise
self-employed, the best way of thinking when markets are created for previously
about poor households is in terms of the untraded or unavailable goods. Another crit-
“farm household,” which produces goods or ical issue is how households are able to
services, sells its labor and consumes respond to the price (and other) changes
(Inderjit Singh, Lyn Squire, and John that reach them: Can households respond to
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 75

favorable price movements (e.g. in the price (when a job is lost). Thus the effects of trade
of an agricultural output); are poorer house- reform on wages and employment are
holds less able to respond than richer house- important, especially those of unskilled
holds; and are they less able to protect workers. If reform boosts the demand for
themselves against adverse movements? labor-intensive products, it boosts the
Obviously a household’s ability to adjust to demand for labor, and either wages or
a trade shock affects the size of any impact employment (or both) will increase. How-
it suffers, but not generally its sign. ever, if the poor are mostly in completely
Adjustment, however, is also the mechanism unskilled families, while it is semi-skilled
by which shocks in one market spill over into labor that receives the boost, poverty will be
another. If these spillovers are particularly unaffected—or, possibly, worsened. If pover-
deep and narrow, they can be very significant ty is measured by counting individuals below
locally. For example, a major attraction of the poverty line—the headcount index—it is
liberalizations that increase agricultural also important where the various wage rates
prices is argued to be that the direct benefi- lie relative to the poverty line. If wages are
ciaries—farmers—spend much of their extra pushed up from poverty line to higher levels,
income on goods and services provided or the expanding sectors offer above poverty-
locally by the poor, such as construction, line wages, then headcount poverty will fall.
personal services, and simple manufactures. If, on the other hand, wages do not cross crit-
A common worry is that opening up an ical thresholds, recorded poverty could be
economy will expose it and its component unaffected, despite changes in welfare.
households to increased risk. Certainly, it will While simple Hechscher-Ohlin trade the-
expose them to new risks, but the net effect ory suggests that in relatively unskilled-
can be to reduce overall risk because world labor-abundant countries trade liberalization
markets (which have many players) are often will relieve poverty, in practice other factors
more stable than domestic ones, or because may need to be considered. For instance,
they offer portfolio benefits. On the other trade liberalization may be accompanied by
hand, trade liberalization can increase risk skill-biased technical change, which can
either by undermining existing stabilization mean that skilled labor may benefit relative
mechanisms (either autonomous or policy- to unskilled labor. Also, not all developing
based) or because residents consciously countries are abundant in unskilled labor.
switch to a portfolio that offers higher average For example, many Latin American and
rewards but greater variability. some African countries have very strong
Section 4 takes up these issues under five endowments of mineral and agricultural
headings. resources, and so liberalization will stimulate
• Do border price shocks get transmitted these sectors rather than labor-intensive
to poor households? ones. Similarly, if the unskilled are primarily
• Are markets created or destroyed? employed in nontraded sectors, while
• How well do households respond? exports draw mainly on the semi-skilled, a
• Do the spillovers benefit the poor? liberalization accompanied by a real-
• Does trade liberalization increase vul- exchange-rate depreciation could have
nerability? adverse effects.
Wages and Employment. In all countries Even if favorable in the long run, static
some of the poor, and in some countries most gains from trade rely largely on adjusting a
of the poor, rely on labor markets for the country’s output bundle. Hence some peo-
bulk of their income. Labor markets are also ple are likely to suffer temporary adverse
often an important route out of poverty shocks, most specifically in the form of
(when an individual obtains a job) or into it unemployment. The initially nonpoor can
76 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

generally tide themselves over these periods, 3.1 Does Trade Liberalization Enhance
so poverty statistics will—and public policy Growth and Hence Alleviate Poverty?
should—respond mainly to those who are
initially relatively poor but who suffer such In the long run, economic growth is the
temporary setbacks. key to the alleviation of absolute poverty. It
Section 5 of this paper considers these creates the resources to raise incomes, and
issues under two key headings: even if “trickle-down” is insufficient to bring
• Does liberalization raise wages or the benefits to the poor, governments will
employment? have scope for stronger redistributive meas-
• Is transitional unemployment concen- ures when income is higher and growing
trated on the poor? faster. This section considers the question in
Government Revenue and Spending. the title in two parts.
Trade reform can affect government rev- From Openness to Growth. Economic
enue, but actually does so less frequently and theory offers many reasons to expect trade
less adversely than is popularly imagined, liberalization to stimulate economic growth.
because, for example, trade volume and col- In the medium term, reaping the static (effi-
lection rates increase as tariffs fall or because ciency) benefits of trade could look rather
tariff exemptions are removed. Even where like growth. In the long run, the potential
revenue falls (as eventually must be true as positive forces include access to technology
tariffs fall to zero), it is not inevitable that the and to appropriate intermediate and capital
poor suffer. Even recognizing the adminis- goods; the benefits of scale and competition;
trative constraints faced by poor-country the flexibility induced by relying on market
governments, it is ultimately a political deci- signals, and the constraints on government
sion whether the new taxes necessary to incompetence or corruption (see Gene M.
make up the shortfall, or the cuts in govern- Grossman and Elhanan Helpman 1991, or
ment expenditure that result from falling Robert Lucas 1988, for discussion).
revenue, impinge heavily on the poor. Unfortunately, none of the benefits is guar-
Thus the final substantive section of the anteed, and it is not difficult to construct
paper asks: models in which openness pushes countries
• Does liberalization actually cut govern- into less dynamic sectors (e.g. primary
ment revenue? extraction) and harms growth—see, for
• Do falling revenues from trade taxation example, Francisco Rodriguez and Dani
hurt the poor? Rodrik (2001). Therefore, ultimately the
openness–growth link is an empirical matter,
and it is that literature which this section
3. Economic Growth and Stability
briefly surveys.
This section examines the macroeconomic Over the 1990s the conviction that open-
links between trade liberalization, openness, ness is good for economic growth was fos-
and growth. It identifies the growth pathway tered by several highly visible and
as the most critical—and the most con- well-promoted cross-country studies, for
tentious—asking whether liberalization aids instance by David Dollar (1992), Jeffrey
growth and whether growth aids poverty Sachs and Andrew Warner (1995), and
alleviation. In both cases the answer is “yes,” Sebastian Edwards (1998). Recently, how-
but not unconditionally. The section then ever, these were subjected to searching criti-
discusses the effects of liberalization on pro- cism and reworking by Rodriguez and
ductivity growth, which are generally strong, Rodrik (2001), who argue that their conclu-
and its consequences for macroeconomic sions rest on very weak empirical foundations
stability, which appear to be mixed. such as flawed measures of openness and
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 77

serious econometric shortcomings. More- the instruments might be correlated with

over, liberal trade is usually only one of sev- factors that boost growth independently of
eral indicators of openness used, and one trade—for example, health and institu-
that often seems to weigh rather lightly in the tions—and that adding geographical vari-
overall result. (See also Ann Harrison 1996.) ables directly to the growth equation
The difficulty of establishing an empirical undermines the result. Deeper investigation
link between a liberal trade regime and of these concerns, however, by Jeffrey
income or growth arises from at least three Frankel and Andrew Rose (2002) suggests
sources. First, once one comes inside the that these worries are misplaced, and so
boundary of near autarchy, measuring trade imply that there is evidence for a positive
stances is difficult: for example, tariffs need causal relationship between openness and
to be aggregated, quantitative restrictions income, and hence between liberalization
assessed and then aggregated, and the levels and medium-term growth.
of credibility and enforcement measured.5 The third complication is that if it is to
These different dimensions of trade restric- have a long-lived or even permanent effect
tion are far from perfectly correlated (see, on growth, trade liberalization almost cer-
for example, Lant Pritchett 1996) and need tainly requires combination with other
to be aggregated into a single index for appropriate policies as well. The sort of poli-
econometric purposes. James Anderson and cies envisaged here are those that encourage
Peter Neary’s (1996) Trade Restrictiveness investment, allow effective conflict resolu-
Index provides a coherent way of aggregat- tion, and promote human-capital accumula-
ing tariffs (given highly restrictive assump- tion. Unfortunately, the linear regression
tions about behavior and a pile of data), but model, which is standard to this literature, is
can handle nontariff barriers only once their not equipped to identify the necessity of vari-
tariff equivalents are known. The latter are ables rather than their additivity in the
difficult to establish (even conceptually) on a growth process. Hints of the importance of
case-by-case basis, and quite impossible for these policies, however, can be found in
all goods in a broad range of countries. exercises identifying the structural relation-
Second, causation is difficult to establish. ships through which openness affects growth.
Rodriguez and Rodrik (2001) rightly observe For example, Alan Taylor (1998) and Romain
that actual openness, usually measured by Wacziarg (2001) both find that investment is
imports plus exports relative to GDP, is like- a key link and thus that poor investment poli-
ly to be endogenous, but there is also con- cies could undermine trade benefits. Rodrik
cern that even policy-based measures, e.g. (1999) shows how the negative effects of
average tariffs, could be so. Recently, Jeffrey external shocks on growth are mitigated by
Frankel and David Romer (1999) and better institutions for managing distribu-
Douglas Irwin and Marko Tervio (2002) tional conflict. Robert Baldwin (2002), how-
have tried to address this problem by instru- ever, argues that since trade liberalization is
menting openness in the income equation, never recommended or applied in isolation,
with populations, land areas, borders and trying to isolate its effects from those of
distances between trading partners. This associated policies makes little sense.
appears to be successful, although A further avenue for growth effects is the
Rodriguez and Rodrik (2001) point out that possibility that openness is correlated with
changes in other policies; see Anne Krueger
(1978, 1990). Perhaps the most important
5 dimension is corruption: recent evidence
Effective openness requires predictability, trans-
parency, and convenience of the trade regime, as well as from Alberto Ades and Rafael Di Tella
low barriers per se. (1997, 1999) shows a clear cross-country
78 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

connection between higher rents, stemming variety of causes and channels for growth,
from things such as active industrial policy but frequently find openness at the heart of
and trade restrictions, and higher corrup- the matter, as, for example, with Michael
tion. The latter, in turn, reduces investment Michaely, Demetris Papageorgiou, and
and hence growth.6 On standard macroeco- Armeane Choksi (1991); Ritva Reinikka and
nomic policy, inflation appears to be lower in Paul Collier (2001), and Sebastian Edwards
open economies. Romer (1993) suggests and Daniel Lederman (2002).
that this is because real depreciation is more A second alternative approach is to specify
costly in terms of inflation in open the links between openness and growth and
economies, so that such economies are less examine them separately. Some studies asso-
likely to run the risks of excessive money ciate openness strongly with higher accumu-
creation. lation—Ross Levine and David Renelt
The majority of this evidence in the recent (1992), Taylor (1998), Wacziarg (2001)—and
growth literature relies on cross-country hence stronger growth, especially over rela-
studies. The weight borne by such studies is tively short periods (five years or so). Others
remarkable, particularly since so many econ- examine the link to productivity using sec-
omists profess to distrust them. The cross- toral- or firm-level data for particular coun-
sectional (or panel) assumption that the same tries, as well as cross-country methods. The
model and parameter set applies to Austria latter are discussed in section 3.2 below.
and Angola is heroic; so too is the neglect of Despite the econometric and conceptual
dynamics and path dependency implicit in difficulties of establishing beyond doubt that
the view that the data reflect stable steady- openness enhances income levels, the
state relationships. There are huge cross- weight of experience and evidence seems
country differences in the measurement of strongly in that direction. Charles Jones
many of the variables used. Obviously impor- (2001, p. 337) argues that despite the uncer-
tant idiosyncratic factors are ignored, and tainty about the size of the effect, “our best
there is no indication of how long it takes for estimate is that trade restrictions are harm-
the cross-sectional relationship to be ful to long-run incomes.” And Rodriguez
achieved.7 Nonetheless the attraction of sim- and Rodrik concede that there is no “credi-
ple generalizations has seduced most of the ble [post-war] evidence … that trade restric-
profession into taking their results seriously. tions are systematically associated with
One exception is T. N. Srinivasan and Jagdish higher growth” (p. 317).
Bhagwati (2001), who chide economists for From Growth to Poverty. Economists
forgetting the problems and neglecting other have long maintained that economic growth
approaches to the openness–growth link. generally reduces poverty. Many have
The latter include detailed case studies of argued that, on average, growth does not
particular countries, which consider a wide have identifiable systematic effects on
income distribution—see, for example,
Gary Fields (1989), Ravallion (1995), or
6 Michael Bruno, Martin Ravallion, and Lyn
Shang-Jin Wei (2000), on the other hand, suggests
that the losses from corruption increase with openness, Squire (1998). These early studies were
because corruption impinges disproportionately on foreign based on rather small samples, but recent
transactions, and as a result that open countries have work has extended the sample and reached
greater incentives to develop better institutions.
Brock and Durlauf (2001) also question the ability of exactly the same conclusions, although at
economic theory to specify growth equations tightly the expense of great controversy. Most con-
enough to permit traditional classical statistical inference troversial has been the study by David
in cross-country regressions, especially given that the
determinants of growth might genuinely be highly corre- Dollar and Aart Kraay (2002), which exam-
lated. ines the relationship between growth and
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 79

poverty both in levels across countries and many cases Dollar and Kraay had to infer the
in changes through time (national growth share of the lowest quintile from a broader
rates). Dollar and Kraay relate the mean measure of income distribution. The World
income of the poor (bottom 20 percent of Bank’s sample of income and expenditure
the income distribution) to overall mean Gini coefficients (e.g. Klaus Deininger and
income plus some additional variables.8 Lyn Squire 1996 and later extensions) has
They never reject the hypotheses that the been criticized for severe implausibility—
mean income of the poor moves proportion- e.g. by Tony Atkinson and Andrea
ally with mean income and, with the excep- Brandolini (2001). Stephen Knowles (2001)
tion of inflation, that a variety of other shows that the relationship between inequal-
variables (including measures of openness) ity and growth can change once one distin-
affect it only via mean income. The residual guishes between data based on income
errors of Dollar and Kraay’s equations are measures of inequality and those based on
large and so are perfectly consistent with consumption data.
there being instances in which growth hurts There is also an increasing body of evi-
the poor. On average, however, these are dence that income distribution (and by asso-
offset by those in which the poor benefit ciation, poverty) determines growth rates
disproportionately. (and hence mean incomes)—see Philippe
Howard White and Edward Anderson Aghion, Eve Caroli, and Cecilia Garcia-
(2001) categorize growth histories into such Peñalosa (1999)—implying a potential endo-
“pro” and “anti” poor experiences, and find geneity problem. Alternatively, the share of
that in over one-quarter of cases, distribu- the poor and mean incomes could be jointly
tional changes offset growth effects—i.e., determined by some third factor. Finally, the
that the mean and “poor” incomes moved in average income of the poorest quintile is a
different directions. They are not very suc- very crude indicator of poverty—especially
cessful, however, at identifying the factors absolute poverty.
that make growth pro- or anti-poor. They Ravallion (2001) offers a more widely
run “standard” growth equations for the accepted discussion of the poverty–growth
income growth of each quintile and examine link. By regressing the change in the $-a-day
differences in the resulting coefficients. It is poverty ratio on the change in mean income,
hard to detect clear patterns, but one stark he finds that a 1-percent increase in mean
result is that openness is associated with sig- income results, on average, in a fall of 2.5
nificantly higher income growth everywhere percent in the proportion of people in
except in the top quintile, and that the absolute poverty, or 2 percent if the mean
greatest effects proportionally are for lower income measure is instrumented to allow for
quintiles; that is, openness appears to be errors of observation. Of course, individual
progressive. experience will vary around this average
Several concerns have been raised about growth elasticity of poverty, with one of the
the robustness of these studies of growth, most important determinants being initial
openness, and poverty (in addition to those levels of inequality. The more compact the
raised above in relation to cross-country income distribution, the greater the share of
regressions). The data on the incomes of the population likely to be clustered about the
poor are clearly subject to error.9 Reporting poverty line, and hence the greater the
errors and sample biases are likely to be seri- effect of moving the distribution in one
ous at the bottom of the distribution, and in direction or the other.10

8 9
This specification was first used by Montek .S. So too, of course, are those on mean income, but
Ahluwalia (1976). probably less so.
80 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

As with the openness–growth relation- because of its distributional implications, its

ships, more convincing insights may be beneficial effects on poverty could be less
derived from country case studies. Martin than those of growth emanating from other
Ravallion and Gaurav Datt (2002) explore sources. Thus, for example, if higher pro-
the factors behind pro-poor growth more ductivity reflected declining inputs rather
thoroughly in the context of differences than increasing outputs, its short-term effect
between Indian states. Higher farm yields, could be to reduce employment and hence
higher development spending, and lower exacerbate poverty. Moreover, despite the
inflation all appear to reduce poverty. Most strong presumption in modern growth theo-
interesting, however, is higher nonfarm out- ry, with its references to increased competi-
put: this also helps to reduce poverty but tion, access to new technology, better
much more strongly where farm productiv- intermediate goods and so on, the response
ity is higher, the rural-urban divide smaller of productivity to trade liberalization is ulti-
and rural education better (all of which indi- mately ambiguous.11 Thus, as ever, there is
cate higher initial levels of rural income). an empirical issue to be settled.
Translated into terms of national growth, An influential cross-country analysis of
pro-poor growth seems more likely to occur trade and aggregate productivity is David
where initial conditions (including openness) Coe, Elhanan Helpman, and Alexander
give the poor the ability to take advantage of Hoffmaister (1997). They construct an index
the opportunities it generates. of total knowledge capital (measured by accu-
Despite the methodological challenges to mulated investment in R&D) in each indus-
the recent literature, there is no evidence to trial country. Trading partners get access to a
overturn the traditional conclusion that country’s stock of knowledge in proportion to
growth, on average, benefits the poor, nor to their imports of capital goods from that coun-
suggest that growth generated by greater try. Using import-weighted sums of industrial
openness is any worse than other growth in countries’ knowledge stocks to reflect devel-
this respect (and may even be better). It is oping countries’ access to foreign knowledge,
quite clear, however, that on occasions they find that, interacted with the importing
growth has been accompanied by worsening country’s openness, the latter has a statisti-
poverty and the challenge is to identify why. cally significant positive effect on total factor
Indeed, much of this paper can be seen as productivity (TFP). Their sample comprises
trying to answer precisely this question in quinquennial observations on 77 developing
the case of trade liberalization. countries over 1971–90.
Intuitive as these results are, they leave
3.2 Trade Liberalization and Productivity
some questions unanswered. First, they do
An alternative approach to the links not seriously consider competing explana-
between trade liberalization, growth, and tions of access to knowledge capital. Second,
poverty is to consider the first’s effects on they imply an excessive bilateralism in access
productivity. By universal agreement, to knowledge. Coe, Helpman, and
improved productivity is necessary for sus- Hoffmaister’s measure implies that the only
tained economic growth and development. way for, say, Ghana to obtain French knowl-
However, it may not be sufficient and, edge is to import equipment from France.
But if Germany imports from France (and
Ravallion (2001) suggests the robust empirical rule of so, by hypothesis, accesses French knowl-
thumb that the elasticity of the poverty headcount with edge), and then Ghana imports from
respect to mean incomes is roughly proportional to
(1–index of inequality). He also notes that if the income of
the poor is proportional to mean income, economic growth Howard Pack (1988) takes a sceptical view of the
benefits the poor far less than average in absolute terms. early literature on the links.
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 81

Germany, this should give Ghana at least vides a comprehensive view of Mexican
some access to French knowledge. Olivier manufacturing firms over the liberalization
Lumenga-Neso, Marcelo Olarreaga, and of 1984–90. Among its more important find-
Maurice Schiff (2001), who advance this ings are that rationalization gains (the
explanation, show that recognizing such shrinking or elimination of inefficient firms)
indirect knowledge flows offers a better are an important contributor to sectoral pro-
explanation of TFP than the earlier studies. ductivity gains, that cheaper intermediates
A second approach to the link between provide significant productivity and prof-
trade liberalization and productivity is cross- itability stimuli, and that competition from
sectoral studies for individual countries. imports seems to stimulate increases in tech-
Many of these have shown that reductions in nical efficiency (with the strongest effects in
trade barriers were followed by significant industries that are already most open).
increases in productivity, generally because Firm-level data also allow one to test the
of increased import competition; see, for perennial claim that exporting is the key to
example, Donald Hay (2001) and Pedro technological advance. While macro studies
Ferreira and José Luis Rossi (2001) on or case studies have suggested links to pro-
Brazil; Gunnar Jonsson and Arvind ductivity, enterprise level data have shown a
Subramanian (2001) on South Africa12 ; and much more nuanced picture. Arne Bigsten
Jong-Wha Lee (1996) on Korea. On the et al. (2000) find a positive stimulus from
other hand, Euysung Kim (2000), also on exports to productivity in Africa, and Kraay
Korea, suggests that most of the apparent (1997) is ambiguous for China, but Tybout
TFP advance is actually due to the compres- and Westbrook (1995) and Bee Yan Aw,
sion of margins and to economies of scale. Sukkyun Chung, and Mark Roberts (1999)
Import competition makes some contribu- find little evidence for it in Latin America
tion via these effects, and also directly on and Asia respectively. The fundamental
“technology,” but overall Kim argues that it problem is that of causation: efficiency and
was not the major force. Trade liberalization exporting are highly correlated because effi-
plays a similarly minor role in Kishor cient firms export. 13 Hence researchers
Sharma, Sisira Jayasuriya, and Edward must first identify this link (by careful mod-
Oczkowski’s (2000) results on Nepal, elling of the timing of changes in exports and
although its effects are small mainly, the productivity) if they are then to isolate the
authors argue, because necessary comple- reverse one. Tybout’s (2000) excellent survey
mentary policies such as infrastructure suggests that the positive results for Africa
investment were absent. and China may have arisen because data
The sectoral studies relate TFP to a sec- shortages obliged their authors to use much
tor’s own trade barriers and thus imply that simpler dynamic structures than the Asian
competition is the causal link. But for gener- and American exercises.
al liberalizations it is likely that barriers on The strong positive relationship between
imported inputs also fall and this could be openness and productivity generally found at
equally important. At an aggregate and sec- the sectoral level and the somewhat weaker
toral level, Hadi Esfahani (1991) and Robert one at the firm level may be reconciled by
Feenstra et al. (1997) suggest such a link, as noting that exporting will allow more effi-
do James Tybout and Daniel Westbrook cient firms to grow faster than less efficient
(1995) at the firm level. The last study pro- ones and that import competition may pick
The same causation difficulty arises in interpreting
Jonsson and Subramanian also conduct a time series the observation that where a region exports heavily, all
exercise which links TFP positively to the openness ratio— firms are more productive: is it positive spillovers or com-
(exports plus imports)/GDP. parative advantage?
82 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

off the weaker domestic firms. Firm turnover productivity will be of the most direct inter-
is significant in developing countries (Mark est. Historically there has been considerable
Roberts and James Tybout 1996) and evi- debate about whether agricultural produc-
dence for the beneficial rationalization tivity improvements are good for the poor,
effects of trade liberalization may be found in but recently the tendency has been on the
Tybout and Westbrook (1995) and inferred optimistic side; see, for example, Gaurav
from the lower productivity dispersion across Datt and Martin Ravallion (1998).
plants in open economies (James Tybout, What is less clear is how agricultural pro-
Jaime de Melo, and Vittorio Corbo 1991). ductivity is related to openness and trade lib-
Rationalization effects highlight the eralization. In section 4.2 below we note that
poverty concerns about openness. the liberalization of farm-input markets
Particularly in Africa, significant numbers of stimulated output per head in Bangladesh,
industrial enterprises have been unable to but, of course, not all this is productivity gain
cope with increased import competition, in the TFP sense. Will Martin and
and, in places, this has resulted in a substan- Devashish Mitra (2001) show that TFP
tial contraction in industrial employment. increases are generally higher in agriculture
Sanjaya Lall’s (1999) study of technological than in industry, but do not seek to explain
adaptation in the Kenyan, Tanzanian, and them. They do note, however, a strong ten-
Zimbabwean engineering and garment sec- dency for international convergence of pro-
tors finds the majority of firms responding to ductivity levels, which suggests effective
pressure by contracting rather than upgrad- transmission forces, although whether these
ing aggressively. Among the reasons Lall are via trade or via technology transfer is
advances for this are the lack of preparation unclear.14
of firms for competition, the absence of poli- Of course, openness in a broad sense—
cies to promote technological improvement openness to foreign technology—lay behind
(especially among SMEs), and the poor the greatest leap in agricultural productivity
technological and human infrastructure in in recent times—the Green Revolution. The
these very poor countries. That adjustment huge increase in grain productivity benefited
is a key consideration is confirmed by direct farmers directly and also, in different pro-
evidence on micro and small enterprises portions in different places, consumers,
from five African countries (Ronald Parker, wage laborers and rural nonfarm workers.
Randall Riopelle, and William Steel 1995); Mitch Renkow (2000) makes the obvious
this shows that firms that adapted quickly point that the distribution of the gains
were net beneficiaries of import liberaliza- depends very much on whether the country
tion, while those ill-prepared to face compe- is open: if trade determines the price of a
tition lost out. Both these studies show that food product, productivity increases mainly
open trade by itself may not be associated benefit producers, whereas in closed
with increased productivity if other essential economies the benefits come mostly as price
elements, often including an appropriate declines for consumers. Moreover, despite
policy environment, are not present. fears expressed at the time, poor farmers
Sectoral analyses are applied almost exclu- were able to take advantage of the advances
sively to industrial sectors. In many cases by learning appropriate technologies and
these will lie at the heart of development because some high yield varieties were
strategies and the generally positive link developed for low-input cultivation (IFAD
between productivity and openness is a
cause for long-run optimism. For most of the 14
Their work also raises the general issue that it is actu-
poor, however, even if productivity in rural ally rather difficult to get accurate measures of productiv-
nonfarm activities is important, agricultural ity or even of factor inputs.
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 83

2001). positive correlation between openness and

One complication in virtually all this liter- government size in such terms—but this is
ature is actually measuring TFP. The prevail- not particularly well-grounded empirically.
ing methodology—e.g. Andrew Bernard and As Assaf Razin and Andrew Rose (1992)
Charles Jones (1996)—assumes perfect elaborated, more open capital markets
competition and equates marginal products should be associated with smoother con-
with factor shares as is implied by Cobb- sumption but more volatile investment,
Douglas technology. Attempts to relax these whereas more open goods markets should be
assumptions by, say, estimating production associated with greater output volatility. This
or cost functions econometrically have is because goods market integration allows
proved disappointing especially for develop- economies to specialize and thus reduces
ing countries, with apparently implausible risk spreading in production.15 Moreover, if
estimates very common (e.g. see Zvi export markets display random undiversifi-
Griliches and Jacques Mairesse 1998). able shocks, greater openness increases
Besides, measuring factor inputs (especially exposure. In their empirical tests over
capital) is difficult, not only conceptually, but 1980–88, however, they find no significant
even merely in terms of obtaining data—see, correlations between openness and volatili-
for example, Donald Larson et al. (2000) on ty—mainly because many shocks appear to
agricultural inputs. be common across countries.
Overall the recent empirical evidence William Easterly and Aart Kraay (2000),
seems to suggest that openness and trade on the other hand, find that small states,
liberalization have a strong influence on pro- which are generally more open than larger
ductivity and its rate of change. In many states, tend to have more volatile growth
cases the latter will be immediately and rates, albeit around higher averages. The
directly poverty alleviating and in the long reason is not that their terms of trade are
run they are a necessary part of any viable more volatile, but that a given terms of trade
poverty-reduction strategy. As we noted at volatility has greater effects on output the
the outset, however, the immediate effect of more open the economy.
an increase in productivity could be to Turning to the literature linking openness
reduce inputs as well as to raise output. The to terms of trade (ToT) volatility and the
net effect on employment will then depend impact of such volatility on growth, the
on the relative sizes of the output and pro- Prebisch-Singer hypothesis suggests that, if
ductivity shocks and will be influenced by the supply of primary products is relatively
factors such as the flexibility of labor and price inelastic (compared to that of manu-
credit markets. It is not difficult to imagine factures) fluctuations in world demand will
adverse short-term implications for jobs and make primary commodity prices more
poverty, and so we review the evidence on volatile than those of manufactures. If trade
these in section 5 below. liberalization encourages specialization
towards primary commodities, this suggests
3.3 Are Open Economies Less Stable?
that it will increase the volatility of develop-
Macroeconomic volatility is one of the ing countries’ terms of trade (ToT). In fact,
most important sources of risk for all house- however, Matthias Lutz and Hans Singer
holds, both poor and non-poor. Hence we (1994) find the very opposite—a mild ten-
examine briefly the links from trade liberal- dency for openness to reduce volatility—
ization to output volatility and terms of trade while Easterly and Kraay (2000) find no
volatility. The presumption is usually that relationship between ToT volatility and
open economies are less stable—see, for
example, Rodrik (1998), who explains the 15
These results do depend on the nature of the shocks.
84 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

country size (which, in turn, is correlated Brun (1999) uses cross-country data to argue
with openness). that Africa exhibits higher “primary” insta-
David Bevan, Paul Collier, and Jan bilities (i.e. structural instabilities, including
Gunning (1990) suggest that the causality ToT shocks) than countries from other
between the ToT and openness may operate regions, and that this has negatively affected
in the opposite direction, with ToT shocks its growth by increasing the instability of
giving rise to trade reform. They cite the case investment and the real exchange rate.
of Kenya, in which an increase in the world These latter “intermediate” instabilities
price of coffee raised government revenues affect growth more by reducing the rate of
and consequently public expenditure on total factor productivity growth than through
infrastructure. When prices fell, the govern- reductions in the rate of investment.
ment liberalized in order to access foreign Although such costs of ToT volatility are rel-
finance for their expenditure programmes. evant to open economies, the role of open-
This is a plausible story, and one which could ness in generating these instabilities is not
dominate any empirical relationship between spelled out; hence it is not clear whether,
trade liberalization and the terms of trade. even in the volatility dimension alone,
However, it concerns a single specific change reducing openness would help.
in the terms of trade, not volatility per se. It A third possible link is via financial mar-
is possible that a series of such episodes kets. Helena Svaleryd and Jonas Vlachos
would suggest a connection between repeat- (2002) argue that protection might deter the
ed ToT changes and increasing liberalization, growth of financial markets because govern-
but the case remains to be made. ments use it to shelter firms from shocks. If
Turning to the effects of ToT volatility on so, trade liberalization could promote finan-
growth, the simple presumption would be cial development, as, indeed, their data tend
that volatility causes uncertainty which, in to suggest. In turn, financial development is
turn, reduces investment and therefore often claimed to be an important input to
growth. Empirical tests of this hypothesis growth—see e.g. William Easterly,
however give mixed results, starting with Roumeen Islam, and Joseph Stiglitz (2000).
Alasdair MacBean’s (1966) classic refutation.
Lutz and Singer (1994) provide a fairly 4. Households and Markets
detailed empirical analysis. They find no evi-
This section turns to households and mar-
dence that volatility in the net barter terms
kets. Treating the household as the basic unit
of trade harms growth—indeed, signs of the
over which poverty is defined, it asks how
reverse—but they do find that volatility in
the price changes generated by trade
the income terms of trade does. However,
reforms impinge on poor households given
this is not, apparently, true in low-income or
their consumption and production bundles.
primary product exporting countries, the
The starting point is the observation that,
two groups where poverty levels tend to be
given labor and transfer incomes, the first
highest. Parantap Basu and Darryl McLeod
order approximation of the welfare effect of
(1992) construct a simple open economy sto-
a small change in prices is
chastic growth model and test it using VARs
for twelve developing countries. Their DW = å i (qi—ci) Dpi (1)
results confirm the existence of persistent where qi is production of good i, ci con-
effects of ToT shocks on output levels and sumption of i and Dpi the price change.
suggest that greater ToT variability reduces Angus Deaton (1997, ch. 3) provides the
economic growth. analytical background as well as interesting
A study by Patrick Guillaumont, Sylviane examples of this approach applied to
Guillaumont Jeanneney, and Jean Francois domestic reforms.
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 85

Even in its simplest form, (1) provides a This part of the paper comprises sections
powerful starting point for identifying the on: how prices are transmitted from the bor-
poverty effects of trade liberalization. der to poor households; whether markets for
Christopher Barrett and Paul Dorosh (1996) their output, purchases, or services are
predict the short-run effects of rice price destroyed or created by trade liberalization;
changes in Madagascar (partly induced by how households respond to trade-related
import policy) by applying kernel estimates price shocks; whether spillovers between
to household data on net sales as a share of households exacerbate or alleviate poverty;
income (i.e. (qr-cr)/y, where the subscript r and whether trade reform increases house-
denotes rice). They estimate that one-third hold vulnerability.
of poor rice farmers could lose from higher
4.1 The Transmission of Border-Price
prices or price variability.
David Sahn and Alexander Sarris (1991)
apply basically this methodology to several In any economy there are several steps of
African countries to determine the conse- transmission between changes in (tariff-
quences of structural adjustment pro- inclusive) border prices following external
grammes on rural small-holders. (They liberalization and price changes experienced
consider wages as well as sales of output as by producers or consumers at local levels.
sources of income). Their work is attractive The extent of transmission may be limited by
in its reliance on observed ex post price data a number of factors including transport costs
but unfortunately they do not relate these to and other costs of distribution; the extent of
trade policy changes. James Levinsohn, competition between traders and the func-
Steven Berry, and Jed Friedman’s (1999) tioning of markets more generally; and infra-
study of changes in Indonesian price indices structure, domestic taxes and regulations.
by class of household is essentially (1) with Some of these costs, such as transport costs,
quantities set at zero. They find that the are inevitable (though they may be increased
poor suffered more from price increases in by other factors such as fuel taxes or inade-
1997 than the non-poor, although with sig- quate infrastructure); others represent direct
nificant geographical variations. Theirs are economic inefficiency such as monopoly or
not estimates of the poverty effects of the monopsony power exercised by traders.
crisis per se, however, because they ignore At its simplest, we can represent the local
changes in income, and any induced changes price of an importable good (Pml) as
in consumption. Pml = Pwr (l+tm) + g m (2a)
Duncan Thomas, et al. (1999) and Asep
Where Pw is the world price, r the exchange
Suryahadi, Widyanti Wenefrida, and
rate, tm the proportional tariff or tax and gm
Sudarno Sumarto (2003) also examine the
the transaction costs on importables. For an
consequences of the Indonesian crisis, and
exportable the corresponding equation is
conclude that the greatest challenge in mak-
ing poverty assessments is constructing the Pxl = Pwr (l-tx) - g x (2b)
correct price deflator, i.e. estimating the These equations illustrate four simple
price changes appropriate to each house- points. First, the proportional changes in Pml
hold. The former, very thorough, study are smaller than those in tax-inclusive border
shows that households in agricultural regions prices [Pwr (l+tm)], while those in Pxl are larg-
fared relatively well in real income terms, er than those in Pwr (l-tx). Second, changes in
because the relative prices of their output trade taxes (ti) could be (partially) offset by
increased, while regions with many civil ser- changes in world prices if the country or
vants fared particularly badly because wages countries under consideration are large. For
were held back far behind prices. certain export products this is probably true
86 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

for some developing country producers— to be important by Chris Milner, Oliver

see, for example, Lutz and Singer (1994)— Morrissey, and Nicodemus Rudaheranwa
but we do not pursue it further here. Third, (2001) in Uganda. But such costs also tax
correcting exchange rate distortions can have prospective purchasers of imports (producers
major effects on the prices faced by the poor; and consumers) and prospective suppliers of
see, for example, Krueger (1992). Fourth, exports. Moreover, as just noted, they attenu-
changes in border taxes (ti) can be offset or ate and magnify price changes respectively.
exacerbated by changes in g i. These may be Paul Glewwe and Dennis de Tray (1989)
exogenous—i.e. due to (domestic) policy illustrate the attenuation effect in the potato
changes such as when trade liberalization is market in Peru.
accompanied by marketing reforms—or Price transmission is likely to be particu-
endogenous, as, for example, when an imper- larly ineffective for poor people living in
fectly competitive distribution sector absorbs remote rural areas (where g i will be higher),
some of the border price change into its own in the absence of specific policy interven-
margins. tions to improve it. In extreme instances pro-
The available evidence on the effective- ducers or consumers can be completely
ness of transmission mainly concerns prices insulated from changes taking place at the
in agriculture (where the issue is perhaps border—i.e. goods cease to be tradable.
most important) at the national level. Many Stephan Goetz (1992) reports that high fixed
export crops, especially those of small farm- transport costs prevent some households
ers, are sold through public or private mar- from trading in many parts of sub-Saharan
keting agencies, whose prices are less than Africa, and IFAD (2001) lays the blame sub-
the f.o.b. export price (see, for instance, Yair stantially on poor infrastructure. Nicholas
Mundlak and Donald Larson 1992; Tim Minot (1998) found in Rwanda in the early
Lloyd et al. 1999). The differential reflects 1980s that changes in relative prices at the
transport, marketing and the other costs of border had little effect on predominantly
the agencies (Andrew McKay, Oliver rural low-income households because of
Morrissey, and Charlotte Vaillant 1997), their isolation from the cash economy. This
plus, in many instances, monopsonistic prof- presumably reflects their physical isolation,
its. In the case of public sector marketing which curtails their ability to gain from trade
agencies, the purpose of their operations (even within Rwanda) and trade liberaliza-
was often to insulate farmers from world tion, and thus reduces the level of their
price fluctuations and thus trade liberaliza- income significantly. Thomas et al. (1999)
tion per se would not be transmitted at all. find that isolated regions of Indonesia were
The evidence suggests that this aim was not insulated from much of the 1997 crisis.
always achieved (Mundlak and Larson 1992) Once internal trade, and hence transmis-
but in any case the net effect was usually to sion, is possible, both the level and the
tax farmers on average. In the case of (endogenous) change in transactions costs
Pakistan, Paul Dorosh and Alberto Valdes are relevant. For example, Vietnam experi-
(1990) find that farm gate prices received by enced significant increases in rice producer
farmers increased significantly as a result of prices as export restrictions were lifted over
trade reform, in large measure because of the 1990s, and transformed itself from a net
the reduction in the exchange rate overvalu- importer into a significant exporter
ation that had eroded any benefits from (Nicholas Minot and Francesco Goletti
trade policy. 1998). 16 Nonetheless, rice exports are con-
The mere presence of transactions costs strained by a relatively underdeveloped mar-
provides natural protection to local producers keting system controlled by a small number
of import competing products, a factor found of state enterprises. Measures to enable
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 87

competition between central and local state of credit), and farm income increased appre-
enterprises have helped, but these authors ciably. In Zambia, on the other hand, when
argue that significantly greater liberalization, the government abolished the official
including the entry of the private sector, is monopsony in maize, the activity became
required to enable Vietnam to realise its full dominated by two private firms, which pos-
potential as a rice exporter. This, they argue, sibly colluded to keep prices low and which
will reduce the level of transactions costs abandoned purchasing altogether in remote
and the extent to which border price areas. The last point essentially reflected the
changes can be absorbed into distribution deterioration of critical infrastructure—rural
rather than being passed on to farmers. roads—which raised transaction costs above
The transmission of price shocks to local viable levels. It illustrates the importance of
levels is related, but not identical, to the physical as well as policy-based frictions to
issue of spatial market integration. The trade (see also section 4.2) and the need to
degree of market integration is typically consider both in assessing the poverty
assessed in terms of comovements in spatial impacts of trade reform.
price spreads—the extent to which prices in Ousmane Badiane and Mylène Kherallah
different regions (including the border) (1999) show that the domestic liberalization
move in parallel (see, for example, Stefan of food crop farming in Africa has had a
Dercon 1995). If this is high, border changes strong effect on reducing poverty. They
will be transmitted strongly, but it does not argue that it brought about increased levels
necessarily indicate the competitiveness of of investment by private traders, and an
local markets (Ousmane Badiane 1997) expansion in their activities. This created
because it does not take account of the level employment for low skilled labor in itself,
of costs and so does not demonstrate that but, in addition, it reduced retail prices for
price levels converge (Bob Baulch 1997). In food, and various transactions costs. Thus
the Philippines, Baulch finds arbitrage domestic agricultural reforms can amplify
between markets to be quite efficient the benefits of agricultural trade reform for
despite large constant difference in price poverty, even if it reduces natural protection
levels due to transaction costs. for some.
But introducing private distribution will
4.2 Are Markets Created or Destroyed?
not help if it amounts merely to the creation
of private monopolies 17 (Badiane 1997, The biggest impacts of trade reform are
1998; Minot and Goletti 1998), as recent evi- often associated with the creation or
dence on the privatisation of marketing destruction of markets. Greater openness
arrangements in Zambia and Zimbabwe can result in a wider variety of commodities
illustrates (Oxfam-IDS 1999; L. Alan being available, or create new opportunities
Winters 2000b). In Zimbabwe, three private for production (e.g. by allowing imported
buyers emerged after the privatisation of inputs). At the same time other markets may
cotton purchasing, including one owned by cease to exist, for instance due to the effects
the farmers. There was increased competi- of increased import competition on a local
tion, resulting in higher output prices and market. Often, however, it is the measures
better supplies of inputs (including provision that accompany trade liberalization, such as
the privatisation of marketing arrangements,
Equations (2) do not easily cope with quantitative that eliminate markets, rather than trade
restrictions of this kind, but this case may be thought of as liberalization itself.
the transmission of border policies despite high domestic From a theoretical perspective, Paul
transactions costs.
Unless the private sector is immensely more efficient Romer (1994) argues that the most substan-
technically. tial welfare costs of trade restrictions come
88 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

from the goods and services that they But where trade liberalization, or accom-
exclude from the market and the loss of pro- panying changes in domestic marketing
ductive activities that results from that exclu- arrangements, destroys markets, households
sion. A good or service will not be can become completely isolated from the
produced—or imported—if fixed costs market and suffer substantial income losses
make it unprofitable, as Romer elegantly (L. Alan Winters 2000b). For instance, if offi-
shows by applying Dupuit’s bridge building cial marketing boards provided small farmers
example (Jules Dupuit 1854) to trade policy. with inputs secured against future output,
Even if a bridge is operated as a monopoly whereas, post-liberalization, private agents
by the firm that constructed it, it can still or banks do not, such farmers could lose
provide substantial social benefits in terms even if output prices have risen substantially.
of the surplus it provides—the “Dupuit tri- As noted above, the abolition of the official
angle.” An ad valorem tax on bridge cross- maize purchasing monopsony in Zambia in
ings does not affect the monopolists’ optimal the early 1990s led to the abandonment of
price or output as long as the bridge is still purchasing altogether in remote areas,
built. It does reduce the monopolist’s profits, reportedly causing great hardship.18 In part
however, so that, at some level, profits no this was due to the deterioration of the roads,
longer cover fixed costs and the bridge will which made the transactions costs of collect-
not be built; at this point the welfare cost of ing small consignments in rural Zambia too
the tax to society becomes substantial. high to make any trade worthwhile. But it
This basic point applies widely, including also illustrates a simple, and sometimes neg-
to trade taxes. Substantial welfare benefits lected, methodological point: the effects of
can come from technological change and reform depend on the effects of the policies
diffusion of knowledge, for which (as dis- that it is undoing. In Zambia the marketing
cussed above) trade is often a very impor- board’s policy of pan-seasonal and pan-
tant vehicle. Romer argues that the main regional pricing was essentially a subsidy to
costs of trade restriction may come from its small and remote farmers (a large one in
adverse impact on the adoption of new view of the poor infrastructure in remote
technologies, and on the variety of produc- areas). The liberalization removed the sub-
tive activities, outputs and inputs. The sidy, so it is not surprising that these farmers
growth literature surveyed above is sugges- suffered. The extent of their suffering was
tive, and David Gisselquist and Jean-Marie emphasized, however, by the discontinuous
Grether (2000) report significant direct nature of the change.
benefits to agricultural producers in Finally, in an environment of trade liber-
Bangladesh as liberalization increased the alization, policy interventions can help to
availability of inputs. Consumers too benefit create markets that would be viable for the
from the increased availability of goods. poor but which would otherwise not form.
David Booth et al. (1993), in a participatory One example is the creation of jobs for
study in Tanzania, find that, following liber- young women in the clothing export facto-
alization, the greater availability of goods at ries in Bangladesh. Despite their shortcom-
international prices was regarded as a sub- ings by Western standards, it is widely
stantial improvement compared with the accepted that these jobs have transformed
past, even by quite poor rural people, and the lives of these women—see, for example,
particularly by women. On balance, the Naila Kabeer (2000). Two other examples
communities considered the improved
availability of goods to have more than com- We say “reportedly,” for one commentator has
argued privately to us that farmers in the remote Northern
pensated for the steep rises in real prices Province never sold much to the official buyers, preferring
that had accompanied improved supply. instead to trade informally over the border with Malawi.
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 89

illustrate the gains from trade by highlight- Production. The most plentiful evidence
ing the problems that its removal causes. on production effects concerns responses to
Judith Head (1998) reports the widespread changes in prices, usually in agriculture,
distress of female workers in Paarl, a town based on aggregate time series data. Many
in South Africa, when the EU scaled back such supply response studies, whether for
its imports of their canned fruit. 19 Similarly, individual crops (Marian Bond 1983) or agri-
Spencer Henson et al. (2000) report that culture as a whole (Maurice Schiff and
the near cessation of EU imports of fish Claudio Montenegro 1997), suggest that in
from Tanzania over 1997–98 cut fishermen’s aggregate agricultural producers are quite
incomes by 80 percent. In these examples responsive to price incentives, when they
the loss of trade implies the cessation of the have access to the necessary inputs, informa-
activity concerned. A more modest version tion and credit (McKay, Morrissey, and
of the same story occurs if transactions costs Vaillant 1997), a condition that may well call
cause a product to become nontradable, as for complementary government policies
postulated in the simulation model of Alain such as information and extension services.
de Janvry, Marcel Fafchamps, and But to assess the poverty impact of price
Elisabeth Sadoulet (1991). They show theo- changes, it is necessary to focus on the
retically how such non-tradabilities could responses of individual producers, espe-
affect the responses of other tradables to cially small farmers. This is most easily
market shocks and hence the welfare conse- explored using micro (farm) level data,
quences of the latter. Unfortunately, there though few such studies have been con-
is to our knowledge no empirical (as ducted. Using micro level panel data for
opposed to numerical) implementation of farm households in Zambia over the period
these ideas. 1993/94 to 1994/95, Klaus Deininger and
Pedro Olinto (2000) show that for many
4.3 How Do Households Respond?
households a major constraint on improve-
ments in agricultural productivity following
To the extent that the effects of trade
external liberalization was the absence of
reform are transmitted to local levels, the
key productive assets (draft animals, imple-
next question is how agents respond to them.
ments). Similarly, based on a small panel of
To what extent are agents in general—and
farm households in Mexico, Ramón López,
the poor in particular—able to protect them-
John Nash, and Julie Stanton (1995) find
selves against any potential adverse impacts
that those with low levels of capital inputs
and to take advantage of potentially
were, on average, less responsive to price
favourable effects? Such ability increases the
incentives than those with higher levels.
magnitude of a real income shock—although
But farmers with little capital were also
it does not normally change its sign. Again
those who had more problems obtaining
the nature of local markets and the quality of
credit, were less likely to use purchased
local infrastructure are likely to play an
inputs, were less educated and farmed
important role. Both the production and
poorer quality land, any or all of which
consumption responses of household are
could account for their lower supply
response. Rasmus Heltberg and Finn Tarp
(2002) obtained similar results for
Head writes that “working in the canning lines for 5 Mozambique. These studies highlight the
or 6 months of the year … the women workers…devel- importance of complementary policies tar-
oped…a sense of independence” (p.10) which was the first geted at small farmers to enable them to
casualty of the retrenchment of the canning plant, and that
the workers moved from “a hard but honourable life, to a benefit fully from new opportunities, for
life of despair and destitution” (p. 2). example in fostering asset accumulation,
90 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

improving access to credit, and providing despite the reduction in its costs following
good quality extension services. liberalization.
A case where constrained responses are As well as its impact on production, trade
frequently alleged to have rendered trade liberalization in agriculture frequently pro-
liberalization harmful is the effect of vides incentives for such producers to start
NAFTA on poor corn producers in Mexico. to supply the market—i.e. for commercial-
Several ex ante studies forecast problems for ization. Heltberg and Tarp (2002) find this
small farmers—for instance, Santiago Levy effect to be substantial in the case of
and Sweder Van Wijnbergen (1992)—but Mozambique in 1996-97. They find that the
Alejandro Nadal (2000) is, to our knowl- same factors influence both poor and non-
edge, the only thorough ex post study. He poor farmers’ decisions about whether to
finds that though the corn price fell, small market their output, notably land and capital
and poor farmers maintained their produc- endowments, and the characteristics of the
tion levels of corn, even increasing their farms such as yield and risk. However, the
planted areas.20 In part this presumably non-poor are generally better endowed than
reflected the costs of switching activities, the poor with respect to these factors, and so
but it was also partly because much of their are better placed to respond.
output was for subsistence purposes, and In addition, some agricultural households
because the prices of substitute crops also are better placed than others to deal with the
fell sharply. With so little adjustment, the fall commercialised environment that results
in the price of maize reduced these produc- from trade liberalization. For instance, in
ers’ incomes both directly and through Malawi, trade liberalization encouraged the
reduced nonfarm employment opportuni- emergence of traders who buy food com-
ties; increasing the cultivated area could modities from farmers and sell in urban
only cushion this marginally. The depth of areas or export (Brett Parris 1999). However,
these farmers’ plight, however, seems to lie because most smallholders are unable to
less with trade liberalization per se, than store their output, they tend to sell in the
with how it was done. Following the peso immediate post-harvest period when prices
crisis of 1994 the government abandoned its are low rather than wait until prices would
plans to phase in the liberalization gradually, be higher. This inability to cope with fluctu-
and to provide adjustment support over the ating prices can penalize poor farmers and
transition period. In such a sensitive crop it compromise their food security, for as well as
is not surprising that so sudden a shock selling low they may need to buy in the lean
caused hardship. period when prices are high. One cannot
Two other aspects of this story warrant know a priori, however, whether these diffi-
note. First, one aspect of the response of culties will fully outweigh the gains from
households to the reduced employment opening up the new market. Thus rather
opportunities in rural areas was male labor than being an argument against commercial-
migration, which increased the workloads ization and trade liberalization per se, this
for women and children remaining behind example rather emphasizes the importance
(Kevin Watkins 1997). Second, the prospec- of appropriate institutions to allow farmers
tive consumer gains from corn liberaliza- to cope with fluctuating prices (such as
tion—lower consumer prices—also failed to access to storage or credit).
materialize. Nadal notes that the cartelised One aspect of a move towards more com-
tortilla sector was able to maintain prices mercialised agriculture is the switch from
food to cash crops. A concern frequently
Confusingly, Nadal uses the term “subsistence farm- expressed about this is that it could com-
ers” for such people. promise household food security or health
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 91

status. Diane Elson and Barbara Evers partly on how the government passes the
(1997) write of Uganda: “… adjustment budget shock implied by rice price changes
measures have elicited a positive export onto consumers and on what poverty line is
supply response but the greater demands used. The very poor are net consumers of rice
on female labor time have damaging reper- and so suffer from the price rises, whereas
cussions for the health and well being of farmers just below the standard poverty line
children. Survey data reveal that the expan- are net producers and hence benefit and
sion of NTAE [non-traditional agricultural show positive chances of escaping from
exports] has meant that men work for wages poverty. Given that much of the worst
on others’ farms to the neglect of land poverty is among self-employed farmers,
preparation on their wives’ food farms. changes in input and output prices can be an
Increasing workloads of women have led to important determinant of poverty.
a decline in breast feeding and worsening A major technical problem with empirical
child care practices and food insecurity has demand systems is that, having data for only
been intensified ….” But the effect on one period, researchers have had to rely on
nutrition is not necessarily adverse given the geographical variation of prices to iden-
that commercialisation often leads to signif- tify the price effects. Deaton (1988) shows
icant gains in smallholder income (Joachim that the unit values of purchases reported by
von Braun 1989; von Braun, David individual households will reflect quality,
Hotchkiss, and Maarten Immink 1989). In which is endogenous and correlated with
addition, increased agricultural commer- income as well as with true prices, which are
cialisation often has other favourable exogenous. This will bias the estimates
impacts on poverty, for example on the unless relatively sophisticated methods are
demand for landless workers (Eileen used (see Deaton 1997, for an accessible
Kennedy and Bruce Cogill 1987). account). Deaton uses these methods to dis-
Consumption and Labor Supply. Equation cuss the implications of tax reform in India
(1) provides a first order approximation of and Pakistan. In Pakistan a reduction in the
the welfare effects of a price change. If we effective domestic subsidies to rice and
take outputs as given (determined by a sepa- wheat (due, in the case of rice, to export
rable income-generation model), we can use taxes) would be efficiency enhancing, but in
consumer theory to explore how consump- both cases the burden falls relatively heavily
tion changes in order to take advantage of on the poor, who have high and relatively
the new price vector. Such changes are typi- inflexible expenditure shares on these items.
cally calculated by estimating the demand Ideally, the adverse distributional effects of
system for a (representative) consumer (or such tax reform could be addressed by
class of consumer) and applying predicted or appropriate complementary policies.
observed price changes to it. This is very Jed Friedman and James Levinsohn
much in the tradition of tax reform analysis, (2002) use Deaton’s approach to estimate
some parts of which include trade taxes; see the parameters for their extension of equa-
David Newbery and Nicholas Stern (1987). tion (1) to a second-order approximation of
A pertinent example of this approach, the effects of the 1997 crisis in Indonesia.
although only of a hypothetical policy change, They find that allowing for household
is Martin Ravallion and Dominique van de responses roughly halves the welfare losses
Walle’s (1991) study of Indonesian rice predicted by the first order formulation, as
reform. They use detailed data to estimate well as affecting their distribution over
household demand equations and apply to households a little. They caution, however,
them assumed income and price changes. that using parameters derived solely from
They show, inter alia, that the results depend regional price variations to predict the
92 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

effects of huge price changes over time rep- households concerned are poor, so this is a
resents a massive out-of-sample extrapola- powerful result for our purposes provided
tion and must be treated accordingly. that trade reform explains the price increase.
As hinted above, an important dimension Edmonds and Pavcnik basically just assert
of poor households’ response to shocks is that link, but Yoko Niimi, Puja Vasudeva-
labor supply. Although we consider labor Dutta, and L. Alan Winters (2003) produce
markets in section 5 below, we briefly con- at least circumstantial evidence that it exists.
sider supply responses here. The important A detailed study of short-term adjust-
point is that for poor households with some ment to an external shock is Elizabeth
subsistence activities, wage employment, Frankenberg, James Smith, and Duncan
self employment and consumption are Thomas (2003). As noted above, this team
potentially jointly determined, so that shocks found some households gaining despite the
to one affect the other. De Janvry, 15-percent decline in the Indonesian econ-
Fafchamps, and Sadoulet (1991) model omy over 1997–98. They also found exten-
these interactions numerically and show that sive mitigation of the shock, with falls in
missing markets for, say, wage employment, real family incomes of only about half of
seriously disturb households’ responses to those in individual real earning (James
commodity price shocks. Serious attempts to Smith et al. 2002). Coping strategies includ-
reflect such factors in empirical work ed re-organizing households to locate
include Dwayne Benjamin (1992) on Java, dependants in low-cost locations and work-
and Sylvie Lambert and Thierry Magnac ers in household that could employ them,
(1997) on Côte d’Ivoire, although neither increased hours of work, the postponement
deals specifically with poor households. of “deferrable” expenditure, and dissaving.
These studies conclude that, in general, the In the latter case the role of gold stands out.
separability of consumption and production As an internationally traded asset the gold
decisions cannot be rejected, but probably price increased fourfold in rupiah terms,
more because of poor data quality than permitting strong consumption smoothing
because underlying behavior is separable. opportunities. Interestingly, most of the
A related literature shows that ‘imperfect gold was owned by women (as jewellery),
labor markets’ within the household can con- which arguably affected the uses to which
strain supply responses. Christopher Udry the dissaving was put.
(1996) and Lisa Smith and Jean-Paul Chavas In summary there is plenty of evidence
(1999), for example, show that distortions to that households will respond to the impacts
the allocation of responsibilities among of trade liberalization that affect them as
household members both impose absolute producers or as consumers, both to take
losses (i.e. are inefficient) and prevent optimal advantage of opportunities and to protect
responses to price signals. themselves from adverse effects. But the
An interesting recent analysis of ability to respond varies across households,
Vietnam—Eric Edmonds and Nina Pavcnik so there will often be an important role for
(2002)—suggests that trade reform has complementary policies in helping to ensure
reduced the incidence of child labor via its that poorer as well as richer households are
income effects. Observing an average able to respond appropriately, by, for exam-
increase in the rice price of 29 percent ple, enhancing access to key inputs, markets
between two household surveys in 1992/93 or infrastructure.
and 1997/98, Edmonds and Pavcnik find
4.4 Do the Spillovers Benefit the Poor?
that reductions in child labor are well corre-
lated with rice price increases across house- Even if the poor do not benefit directly
holds and communes. Many of the from increased demand generated by a trade
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 93

liberalization, they may do so indirectly, as nontradeables, such as services, bulky tradi-

those who do benefit directly increase their tional starch items, perishable foods, and
demands for inputs and consumption goods locally processed foods. This means that
and services. For example, John Mellor and expenditure linkages are particularly impor-
Sarah Gavian (1999) argue that one of the tant for the rural poor (Christopher Delgado
main advantages of stimulating agriculture is 1996), although as Barbara Harriss (1987)
that it strongly increases the demand for points out, these results depend heavily on
goods and services produced by the poor. untested assumptions.
The literature on growth linkages distin- Until recently, it was thought that growth
guishes production (or inter-sectoral) link- linkages were weaker in Africa because of
ages (Albert Hirschman 1958) from smaller inter-industry flows (due in part to
expenditure linkages (John Mellor 1976). thin markets and high transaction costs) and
Production linkages can be either the absence of important construction and
“upstream” (or “backward”), which refer to a maintenance expenditures associated with
sector’s demand for factors or intermediate the Asian irrigated agriculture (Steven
inputs, or “downstream” (or “forward”) link- Haggblade, Peter Hazell, and James Brown
ages which occur when the expansion of a 1989). However, a survey of the evidence by
sector induces investments in processing Delgado et al. (1998) drawing on panel data
and distribution in sectors using its output. sets from Burkina Faso, Niger, Senegal,
Expenditure linkages refer to the extent to Zambia, and Zimbabwe finds the contrary. It
which increased incomes in one sector (typ- finds that adding $1.00 of new farm income
ically farming) increase the demand for the could increase total household income by
outputs, and hence factor inputs, of another $2.88 in Burkina Faso, $1.96 in Niger, $2.48
sector (typically the nonfarm sector). This is in the Central Groundnut Basin of Senegal
the standard Keynesian multiplier effect, and $2.57 in Zambia. Peter Hazell and
although for poverty analysis there can be Behjat Hojjati (1995) show that growth mul-
benefits even if the increased demand is tipliers in the Eastern Province of Zambia
reflected in higher factor returns for the are driven primarily by household consump-
poor rather than increased activity. tion demands and are largely intra-agricul-
Given that linkages are often strong in tural because of high marginal propensities
rural areas, a trade liberalization that bene- to consume local non-tradable foods. Bigsten
fits one group is likely to have strong bene- and Collier (1995) also identify strong pecu-
fits for the rest of the rural economy. It is niary multipliers but relatively weak real
now widely accepted that in Asia the multipliers from agriculture in Kenya.
increases in agricultural productivity For policy purposes it is useful to know
brought about by the green revolution in the which sectors yield the largest growth link-
1970s reduced poverty, at least partly ages. Peter Hazell and Steven Haggblade
because an extra dollar of agricultural (1991) show that growth multipliers in India
income was typically associated with an addi- are higher for irrigated than for rainfed agri-
tional 80 cents of nonagricultural income for culture, suggesting that, for example, a
local enterprises (Christopher Delgado et al. boom in rice exports could provide a large
1998). Studies point to the importance of stimulus. Early evidence from Malaysia and
both production (John Mellor and Bruce Nigeria suggested that it is the households
Johnston 1984) and consumption expendi- operating the largest farms which have the
ture (Peter Hazell and Ailsa Roell 1983) expenditure patterns most desirable for the
linkages. In general, surveys show that large generation of indirect labor-intensive growth
shares of rural households’ incomes and con- (Mellor 1983). Hazell and Roell (1983) and
sumption are related to locally produced Haggblade, Hazell, and Brown (1989), on
94 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

the other hand, contend that the multipliers household vulnerability in four ways:
are bigger for small to medium-sized farms changes in mean incomes; changes in the
than for very large farms, as does econo- portfolio of activities undertaken by house-
metric evidence from India (Hazell and holds; changes in the variability of existing
Haggblade 1991). income sources (and/or the correlation
The effectiveness of linkages in raising the between them); and poverty traps. The
incomes of the poor also depends upon local impact of trade liberalization on the mean
businesses being able to respond to incomes of the poor is the focus of much of
increased demand. If institutional or other the rest of this article; this section considers
rigidities prevent this then the benefits may the other three effects.
be dissipated in higher inflation. For exam- Portfolio Choice. Household surveys in
ple, Delgado et al. (1998) warn that rising developing countries have shown that
food staple prices have the potential to households often have a large number of dif-
choke off growth from demand-side linkages ferent sources of income (Thomas Reardon
if the conditions for a high supply response 1997). An optimizing household will choose
to prices are not in place. Of course, price a portfolio which maximizes its utility, taking
increases will still raise the incomes of net into account its degree of risk aversion
suppliers of those goods or services and it is (Frank Ellis 1993; Michael Lipton 1968),
still relevant to ask whether these are the and clearly trade liberalization could alter
poor. But the overall impact on growth will the optimal portfolio. The obvious example
be less in such cases and it seems likely that is a liberalization which encourages farmers
its impact upon poverty will also be smaller. to switch from subsistence to cash crops.
The latter may have higher returns but also
4.5 Does Trade Liberalization Increase
a higher variance. Whether this increases
the vulnerability of the household will then
In addition to its impact on mean income, depend on the relative sizes of these shifts.22
it is often claimed that trade liberalization In fact, whether the change is made at all
increases the risks faced by poor households will depend on these things.
and their vulnerability to external shocks. There is an important distinction to be
Vulnerability is a key element of poverty and made here between ex ante and ex post posi-
a major concern of the poor; see for example tions. If households are fully informed of the
World Bank (2001). However, though clear- consequences of changing their portfolios,
ly related, poverty and vulnerability are not the status quo is still feasible, and such
coterminous. Almost by definition, poverty changes are made freely, then we may
reflects well-being status, while vulnerability assume that switches in portfolio will raise
is dynamic and stochastic. Lant Pritchett, welfare ex ante. But, of course, ex post, a
Asep Suryhadi, and Sudarno Sumarto (2000) household may lose from an unlucky realisa-
define vulnerability as having a high proba- tion. Thus increases in observed poverty can
bility of being below the poverty line over a be consistent with ex ante improvements in
three-year period, and thus introduce uncer- welfare if households trade higher mean
tainty of consumption as well as its level.21 incomes for higher variances.
Trade liberalization will typically affect The flip-side of this argument is that
both the means and variances of a house- poorer households may be unable or unwill-
hold’s sources of income, and could affect ing to undertake potentially profitable new
The concept of vulnerability is thus closely related to
the concept of “expected poverty” introduced by Ravallion A similar argument can be made about employment
(1988). Robert Chambers (1989) gives a broader discus- in an export processing zone (EPZ) which may be better
sion of vulnerability in developing countries. paid, but less secure than, say, employment in government.
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 95

activities because of risk aversion. Marcel On the other hand, trade liberalization
Fafchamps and John Pender (1997) show can reduce risk if it increases competition,
that credit constraints faced by poor farmers since this will make households less vul-
in India make them unwilling to make non- nerable to decisions made by individual
divisible and irreversible investments in traders or employers. Liberalization may
risky tubewells despite the substantially also reduce price volatility if it allows
higher returns associated with irrigated pro- households to import goods that would
duction when tubewells are successful. otherwise have been subject to large price
Other studies indicate the impact of risk swings due to the limited size of the local
aversion on poor farmers’ portfolios of agri- market. 25 Consequently whether liberal-
cultural investments (Mark Rosenzweig and ization increases or reduces price risk is an
Kenneth Wolpin 1993) and cultivation pat- empirical rather than a theoretical matter.
terns (Takashi Kurosaki 1995). In each case, Unfortunately, evidence on this issue is
the existence of undiversifiable risk could extremely limited, since it requires time
undermine the potential gains from trade series data on prices before and after lib-
liberalization among the poor and result in eralization. Carlo Del Ninno and Paul
poverty traps. Dorosh (2001) show how trade liberaliza-
In addition, the poor may lack informa- tion helped to mitigate Bangladesh’s post-
tion about the risks associated with new flood food crisis in 1998, with private
activities leading to suboptimal choices. imports stabilising prices and increasing
However, such information problems are supplies. P. V. Srinivasan and Shikha Jha
likely to be short-lived as individuals and (2001) use simulation models to show that
communities learn the true extent of the trade is stabilizing in Indian food-grain
risks faced. Besides, trade liberalization markets (and incidentally for world food
usually involves shifts in the relative returns prices too). On the other hand, Lloyd et al.
of activities that are already being under- (1999) provide evidence that domestic
taken, in which case information will marketing arrangements in Côte d’Ivoire
already exist on the risks associated with the substantially smoothed price fluctuations
activity. (although at very high cost) suggesting
The Variability of Existing Income that liberalization would increase the vari-
Sources or Prices. Trade liberalization could ance of prices. However, whether this
also increase income vulnerability by would increase the vulnerability of poor
increasing the variance of important income farmers is not clear given the likely con-
sources or prices.23 One possibility is that, current increase in prices associated with
say, due to favorable production conditions, liberalization.
the domestic market is typically stable and Even if liberalization does increase price
that opening it up ‘imports’ price variation. volatility at the border, whether household
Similarly, trade liberalization (either domes- vulnerability increases will depend on how
tic or international) may eliminate institu- prices are transmitted through the economy
tions or policies that actually smooth (see section 4.1), and on the ability of
domestic prices.24 For example, abolishing households to insure against income risk
official purchasing has increased cocoa price and to cope with shocks. The large body of
variances in West Africa (Christopher literature on the ways in which households
Gilbert and Panos Varangis 2002). respond to idiosyncratic and covariant risk
in developing countries shows that poor
Barrett and Dorosh (1996) show formally that the households take several steps to insure
costs of variability increase with the share of the commod-
ity or income source in total income.
24 25
Although not all policies designed to do this succeed. Similarly, exporting may also stabilize local prices.
96 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

themselves against bad outcomes, 26 or to have less to lose from reneging on credit
protect themselves ex post from the effects agreements, and consequently find it harder
of negative shocks.27 to borrow and insure (Abhijit Banerjee and
Unsurprisingly, however, the poor are Andrew Newman 1994); this too can create
much less well insured and less able to cope a poverty trap (Oded Galor and Joseph Zeira
with negative shocks than are the non-poor 1993). Alternatively, if households are
(Jyotsna Jalan and Martin Ravallion 1999). forced to curtail investment or deplete pro-
This makes it particularly important to con- ductive assets in order to maintain con-
sider the effectiveness of the mechanisms sumption, this can reduce their permanent
available to the poor to smooth consumption income and create a cycle of poverty.
when introducing trade reforms likely to Overall, however, the little empirical evi-
increase the variability of their incomes. It is dence available does not suggest the wide-
also possible that trade reforms disrupt (or spread existence of poverty traps (i.e.
enhance) the ability of the poor to cope with situations in which, once a household falls
shocks. For example, if trade reforms abol- below the poverty line, it is impossible for
ish an institution responsible for fixing pro- them to escape). For example, Michael
ducer prices at low levels, this may reduce Lokshin and Martin Ravallion (2000) find no
vulnerability even if it increases price volatil- evidence of such non-convexities using a
ity; but if the same institution was responsi- panel of Hungarian households in the 1990s,
ble for providing a social safety net (e.g. by although it generally takes households sever-
allowing deferred payment or providing sub- al years to recover from transient shocks.
sidized inputs), then it is possible that the There is, however, evidence for the existence
trade reform could increase vulnerability of spatial poverty traps. Jyotsna Jalan and
overall. The association of state-owned Martin Ravallion (1997) show that there are
enterprises with the provision of pensions geographical externalities in rural China
and health coverage in transition economies whereby neighbourhood endowments of
is one possible example. physical and human capital affect the pro-
Poverty Traps. Finally, shocks, including ductivity of a household’s own capital.
those induced by trade liberalization, may Similarly there can be inter-generational
give rise to poverty traps: that is, actual real- transmission of poverty effects if the
izations of bad outcomes may of themselves response to a trade shock is to reduce expen-
change the inter-temporal distribution of diture on education—as Thomas et al.
income. Jonathan Morduch (1994) shows (1999) identified for rural families following
how credit constraints on the poor can result the Indonesian crisis of 1997—or on child
in them preferring low-return low-risk activ- nutrition or health—see, for example, John
ities to potentially highly profitable but risky Strauss and Duncan Thomas (1998).
activities. Moreover poorer households may Most of the myriad causes of vulnerability
in developing countries have little direct
These include diversifying income sources (Frank connection with trade liberalization.
Ellis 1998), precautionary saving, entering into sharecrop- Furthermore, given the multiple causes of
ping tenancy arrangements (Robert Townsend and Rolf
Mueller 1998), maintaining buffer stocks of key assets vulnerability it is extremely difficult to
(Rosenzweig and Wolpin 1993), and building social capital unpick the impact of trade liberalization
(Franque Grimard 1997). See Tim Besley (1995) for a gen- from that of other events influencing house-
eral discussion.
For example, asset depletion (Rosenzweig and holds. Thus, although Paul Glewwe and
Wolpin 1993), borrowing (Christopher Udry 1995), Gillette Hall (1998) use panel data from
changes in labor supply (Anjini Kochar 1995), temporary Peru in the late 1980s to show how some
migration (Sylvie Lambert 1994) and reductions in human
capital investment (Hanan Jacoby and Emmanuel Skoufias groups are more vulnerable to macroeco-
1997). nomic shocks than others, their results do
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 97

not explicitly consider trade reforms. 28 the labor market. Indeed, obtaining employ-
They do find, however, that subsistence ment is one of the surest ways out of pov-
farmers and other relatively autarchic house- erty, while the loss of a job is probably the
holds are less affected by, and thus less vul- most common reason for the precipitate
nerable to, economic shocks, while those in declines into poverty that catch most public
the construction, manufacturing and agricul- attention. The structure of the labor market
tural export sectors are more vulnerable, is critical to how trade liberalization gets
including, presumably, to external shocks. translated into wage and employment
Although there is little existing evidence changes.
directly linking trade liberalization to vul- Wages and Employment. Traditional inter-
nerability at the household level, it seems national trade theory assumes that factor
likely that some trade liberalizations have supplies are fixed and wages are flexible. In
increased the risks faced by the poor and a two factor world, the Stolper-Samuelson
that, in some cases, this will have increased Theorem predicts that an increase in the
their vulnerability. When this does happen price of the good that is labor-intensive in
the poor will usually be less well placed to production will increase its production and
insure themselves against its adverse thus increase the real wage. Unfortunately,
impact. One can certainly identify circum- however, while its basic insight is almost cer-
stances where this can happen (e.g. where tainly robust, the Stolper-Samuelson
effective mechanisms of social protection Theorem is not sufficient to answer ques-
are absent), but there is no evidence about tions of trade and poverty in the real world.
how widespread such outcomes are in prac- For example, the theorem is less powerful in
tice, or, indeed about cases in which trade multi-commodity, multi-factor, models, and
liberalization reduces vulnerability. the functional and personal distributions of
income are only loosely related. Thus even if
increases in the prices of unskilled-labor-
5. Wages and Employment intensive goods raise unskilled wages, pover-
ty will be alleviated only if poor households
For the self-employed the main determi-
rely largely on unskilled wage earners. Peter
nant of income is the price commanded by
Lloyd (2000) formalises this issue theoreti-
their output and inputs, but for employees
cally. He characterises the effect of a trade
commodity prices need to be translated into
shock on a given household in terms of the
factor prices (wages) or employment oppor-
latter’s endowments of factors, its consump-
tunities before they have an effect. This Part
tion pattern and the matrix mapping changes
considers this vital link between trade liber-
in commodity prices into changes in factor
alization and poverty, first, via permanent
rewards. Lloyd shows that each household
shifts in wages and employment and second
gains from at least one price increase and
via adjustment stresses.
loses from at least one other, and that, pro-
5.1 Does Liberalization Raise Wages or vided households differ sufficiently, a
Employment? change in the price of a good that is actually
produced will benefit at least one household
An important mechanism by which for-
and hurt at least one other.
eign shocks are translated into poverty
The alternative polar view of labor mar-
impacts is through factor markets, especially
kets in developing countries is that labor is
available in perfectly elastic supply. In this
28 case the wage will be fixed exogenously by
Glewwe and Hall (1998) define a household as being
vulnerable if it has a larger than average percentage fall in what labor can earn elsewhere and the
consumption. adjustment will take place in terms of
98 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

employment. Then the reason for the fixity Wright 1998); allow for non-traded goods and
of the wage matters. If it is fixed by the exis- their prices in the analysis; and distinguish
tence of a subsistence sector, moving work- between formal and informal labor markets.
ers into the formal sector will alleviate It is also important to remember that factor
poverty only if the loss of labor in subsis- market effects depend wholly on trade
tence agriculture is so large that the workers reform first changing output, which in turn
remaining in that sector increase their depends on the structure of goods markets
“wage.” This is the case of successful devel- and on the substitutability between imports,
opment, which is generally likely to require exports and locally produced varieties (Rod
far more than just trade liberalization to Falvey 1999).
achieve. Smith et al. (2002) found that virtually all
Alternatively, the labor markets may be of the effects of the Asian crisis on Indonesia
segmented for, say, legal or institutional rea- over 1997–98 were felt in real wages, with
sons. The formal sector may pay a minimum employment remaining constant. The real
or conventional wage at above what we wages of skilled workers appeared to fall
might loosely think of as “poverty levels,” equally in both rural urban areas (34 percent
and at which there is excess supply, while for males over just one year!)—suggesting a
the subsistence or informal sector pays fairly integrated market—while, among the
wages below “poverty levels.” Then poverty unskilled, urban workers suffered more than
will potentially be affected by a trade shock. rural ones (– 42 percent compared with
If the latter raises the value of the marginal – 32 percent). The real incomes of the self-
product of labor in the formal sector (e.g. by employed fell in line with wages, except for
raising the price of its output), trade liberal- rural males, where, amazingly, they
ization reduces the producer real wage, remained roughly constant. The latter essen-
increases employment and alleviates pover- tially reflects the stability of the prices of
ty. If, on the other hand, it reduces the value tradable staples (especially rice) noted above
of the marginal product and thus reduces when we discussed prices.
employment, it has adverse consequences. There are many studies of the labor mar-
Clearly the poverty impact depends not ket effects of trade reform, but most of
only on employment but also on where the them presume segmented markets and deal
different wage levels lie relative to the only with the manufacturing sector and so
poverty line.29 make it difficult to draw conclusions about
The critical issues, then, are the effects of overall poverty. Moreover, they rely on
trade liberalization on the demand for intersectoral or interfirm variations to iden-
labor—the shock to the labor market—and tify effects and so have little to say on gen-
the elasticity of labor supply—where the eral equilibrium effects (which one would
economy actually lies between the two polar expect to be smaller than partial equilibri-
extremes of vertical and horizontal supply um ones). Nonetheless, the most striking
curves of labor. If we recognize several class- common feature of these studies is the
es of labor, these factors are likely to vary smallness of the wage and employment
across classes. In addition, empirical analysis effects they find whilst the most striking dif-
should recognize that adjustment takes time, ference is the variety of explanations
so that short-run effects may differ from offered for it.
long-run ones (see, for example, Sebastian An early discussion of trade and employ-
Edwards 1988, and Chris Milner and Peter ment was by Krueger (1983), who argued
that developing-country trade liberalization
Winters (2000a, 2002a) offers more discussion of the should boost labor-intensive output and
significance of these alternative views of the labor markets. increase employment. Her case studies
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 99

showed that developing countries’ manufac- America are reported by, for example,
tured exports were, indeed, labor-intensive, Gustavo Marquez and Carmen Pagés-Serra
but that the employment effects of liberal (1998) for Latin America and the Caribbean
trade policies were generally rather muted. in general, James Levinsohn (1999) for
Calling for more research, she tentatively Chile, and Maurício Moreira and Sheila
concluded that this was because of other Najberg (2000) for Brazil.
distortions in factor markets. Milner and Wright (1998) explore indus-
More recent exercises have had more lib- try level data on Mauritius and find a slight-
eralizations to consider and better data, and ly more positive response to liberalization.
although they show mixed results the gener- After an initially adverse wage effect they
al tendency is still towards small effects. For find fairly strong long-run growth in wages
example, Martin Rama (1994), applying a and employment in the exportables sector
model of monopolistic competition to a panel (mainly of female labor producing
of 39 sectors in Uruguay over 1979–86, clothes).30 But they also find, surprisingly,
found a significant positive relationship growth in the import-competing sector,
between protection and employment in man- which they attribute to Mauritius’ overall
ufacturing, but no significant effects on real strong economic performance.
wages. Janet Currie and Ann Harrison (1997) Deepak Lal (1986) applies a modified
find that employment responses in Morocco Stolper-Samuelson Theorem directly to the
depended heavily on firm characteristics Philippines. Distinguishing only tradable
(especially public versus private ownership). and nontradable goods, but allowing for
Where profit margins were slim initially, the flows of factors between sectors, he explains
liberalization of manufacturing led to job the periodic declines in real wages in terms
loss, but in most firms it led to lower margins of real exchange rate changes. As the relative
and almost no change in output or employ- price of nontradables (the labor-intensive
ment. Thus trade liberalization here proba- sector) falls, real wages decline.
bly raised efficiency and aggregate welfare by Winters (2000b) suggests similarly that
addressing goods market imperfections. the real exchange rate depreciation could
Ana Revenga (1997), on the other hand, explain the simultaneous increase in formal
attributed the low employment effects of and decrease in informal manufacturing
Mexican trade reforms to factor–market employment in India in the 1990s, the non-
imperfections. (She found no effect on traded sector being “informal intensive.”
employment from tariff cuts and a statistical- From a poverty perspective, an important
ly significant but small negative response to question is what happened to those who lost
quota abolition). She did, however, find real their informal manufacturing jobs. If they
wages falling in manufacturing (3–4 percent could move back into agriculture or other
on average; 10–14 percent in some sectors), informal services at approximately the same
which she attributed to the erosion of rents: wage, the answer would be not much, and
with high rates of unionisation, formal labor the increase in observed formal employment
had been able to appropriate some of the at higher wages would be poverty alleviating.
rents created by trade barriers. Again, there If, on the other hand, the loss of an informal
are likely to have been overall poverty bene- manufacturing job signals a descent (deeper)
fits from this element of trade liberalization, into poverty, the net effects of these changes
for few formal sector workers are likely to would be negative for poverty alleviation.
have been pushed into poverty by such wage
cuts, while the erosion of rents will presum- 30
Similarly trade liberalization and trade growth have
ably have benefited consumers. Similarly vastly increased female employment in clothing in
small employment effects elsewhere in Latin Bangladesh.
100 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

Unfortunately, we just do not know, although use the lowest-grade labor in host develop-
given that urban informal wages average ing countries; thus while the labor they use
only just over the Indian poverty line for a is unskilled by, say, U.S. standards, it is
family of five, we should not be too sanguine. relatively skilled by local standards—see
Wage Inequality. Recently at least as much Robert Feenstra and Gordon Hanson (1995)
attention has been paid to relative wages on Mexico. Donald Robbins and T. H.
between skilled and unskilled labor—the so- Grindling (1999) adduce a similar bias
called skills gap—as to employment and towards skilled workers in Costa Rica’s liber-
wages generally. This is frequently linked to alization. They identify the bias using fairly
income inequality and thence, casually and robust nonparametric methods and then
less justifiably, to poverty. The debate is per- offer some regression evidence that it is due
tinent to this paper, however, because a to the increasing stock of imported machin-
widening skills gap could reflect falling ery in the economy. If liberalization encour-
unskilled wages (relative to the no-reform ages higher capital goods imports and if
counterfactual) and because many commen- these embody recent biases towards skilled
tators have interpreted the widening skill gap labor use, then liberalization could widen
in developing countries as a refutation of the the skills gap.
factor-abundance model of trade and income These latter explanations warn us that,
distribution in which skilled and unskilled within developing countries, it is not guaran-
labor are separate factors. teed that it is the least-skilled workers, and
Most of the recent evidence concerns thus the most likely to be poor, who are the
Latin America, and as argued by Adrian most intensively used factor in the produc-
Wood (1997), Latin America’s increasing tion of exportable goods. For example, the
skills gap contrasts with the earlier experi- wages of workers with completed primary
ence of East Asia, where liberalization was education may increase with trade liberaliza-
accompanied by a narrowing of the gap.31 tion, while those of illiterate workers may
Wood considers various explanations for this not. One of the reasons that agricultural lib-
difference. Some concern the different tim- eralization is so important for poverty allevi-
ing of the liberalizations: the entry of large ation is that for this sector one can be
labor abundant countries into world markets reasonably confident that very-low-skilled
(especially China) in the 1980s and 1990s workers in rural areas will benefit through
which meant that Latin America was not the production responses.
actually unskilled labor abundant when it Other explanations for the skills-gap are
opened up, the burst of skill-biased technical more structural. For example, from Wood:
progress in the 1980s and 1990s, the greater the Latin American countries are relatively
international mobility of highly skilled labor abundant in natural resources, whereas East
and capital in the later period, and the effect Asian countries were relatively abundant in
of the debt crisis. (initially) unskilled labor; Latin American
A further issue of timing was the growth of liberalization involved mainly import liberal-
outsourcing over the 1990s. Industrial coun- ization while East Asian liberalization also
try firms operating abroad may not wish to involved providing incentives to exporters;
and the vast expansion of basic education in
31 East Asia increased productivity and also the
Among researchers finding an increased skills gap in
Latin America are Feenstra and Hanson (1995), Gordon relative supply of skilled labor.
Hanson and Ann Harrison (1999), Zadia Feliciano (1996) In addition, the initial structure of tariffs
and Michael Cragg and Mario Epelbaum (1996) for in many Latin American countries protected
Mexico; Harald Beyer, Patricio Rojas and Rodrigo Vergara
(1999) for Chile, and Robbins and Grindling (1999) for unskilled workers, so it is hardly surprising
Costa Rica. that liberalization reduced their wages; see
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 101

Gordon Hanson and Ann Harrison (1999) equilibrium (CGE) models. These are
on Mexico. And it may take time for markets essentially numerical manifestations of theo-
to clear. Chile’s liberalizations were associat- retical systems and thus lay out precisely and
ed with worsening inequality over the 1980s, quantify many of the steps discussed in our
but inequality measures have now returned framework. They are not strictly empirical
to pre-reform levels—and at vastly higher (which classically means “without theory”),
average income levels and lower poverty but if they are carefully constructed and
levels; Francisco Ferreira and Julie grounded in real data, they can provide use-
Litchfield (1999). Finally, very recent evi- ful insight. The danger is that they depend
dence suggests that the skills gap stabilized critically on parameters and functions which
or even reversed over the 1990s but with no can barely be tested one-by-one, let alone in
discernible reduction in the speed of trade combination. CGE models are indeed
liberalization. almost the only tool available for predicting
Among the relatively small amount of the effects of future trade policy changes,
recent evidence on countries outside Latin but care must be taken not to fall for their
America, Milner and Wright (1998) find that spurious precision.32
trade liberalization in Mauritius increased One approach is to use a CGE model
the relative wages for female and unskilled with a single ‘representative’ consumer to
labor in the exportables sector. generate changes in commodity and factor
One potentially important dimension of prices from a trade liberalization experi-
the skills gap is whether openness stimulates ment and then apply these to household
developing countries’ demand for education data to calculate the poverty impacts. This
and acquisition of human capital. Simple is akin to the first-order approximation
Stolper-Samuelson theory suggests that the exercises described in the introduction to
returns to skill will decline and with them the section 4 above. Elena Ianchovichina,
incentives for education; see Adrian Wood Alessandro Nicita, and Isidro Soloaga
and Cristobal Ridao-Cano (1999), who find (2001) take this approach; they simulate set-
some suggestion of such a problem empiri- ting all Mexico’s tariffs to zero and devote
cally. The alternative analyses just discussed, considerable effort to matching the income
however, have quite the opposite implication. and expenditure classes of the household
This section has shown that the effects of survey data to those of the CGE model in
trade liberalization on wages and employ- order to apply the estimated price changes
ment are complex to predict in detail. to each household in the survey. The data
Although liberalization will often raise the show that changes in the cost of living vary
demand for relatively unskilled workers in by income level (because consumption bas-
many developing countries and so, on aver- kets vary), and the authors estimate that,
age, be poverty alleviating, there will also be combining price and income changes, all
important exceptions, e.g. possibly where households would gain from trade liberal-
natural resources dominate exports and ization with larger proportionate changes
where out-sourcing is important—as well as for poorer households.
cases where segmented import-competing Thomas W Hertel et al. (2001) distinguish
sectors suffer adverse shocks. five classes of household according to their
Computable General Equilibrium predominant source of income and disag-
Modelling. One response to the complexities gregate within each class by twenty income
of using econometric methods to track com-
modity price shocks resulting from trade 32
Neil McCulloch, L. Alan Winters and Xavier Cirera
policy through factor prices to poor house- (2001, ch. 5) and Jeffrey Reimer (2002) discuss CGE
holds has been to use computable general modelling and poverty in more detail.
102 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

levels. They estimate a very general con- 5.2 Is Transitional Unemployment

sumption model, and combining the income Concentrated on the Poor?
and expenditure profiles with a CGE model,
they explore the effects of possible liberal- There is always a possibility of temporary
ization on households clustered around the unemployment as a liberalising economy
assumed poverty line. They examine the adjusts to new prices. Even in cases where
effects of a multilateral liberalization on the overall aggregate effect is small, change
seven countries; four suggest reductions in may still be taking place at a more disaggre-
poverty (Indonesia, Philippines, Uganda, gated level. This adjustment process will be
and Zambia) and three increases (Brazil, associated with some transitional unemploy-
Chile, and Thailand). ment as workers lose one job and require
A second approach is to embed the time to find another. In Chile, for instance,
household disaggregation within the CGE Sebastian Edwards and Alejandro Cox
model. This has the advantage of being Edwards (1996) find a positive association
internally consistent. Also the behavioral between the degree of liberalization a sector
changes at the household level which are experienced and the extent of layoffs; the
ignored above, are both modelled and fed sectors experiencing the greatest liberaliza-
back into the macroeconomic solution. An tion were also the ones where the duration
early approach of this sort is by François of unemployment was longest.
Bourguignon, William Branson, and Jaime There is surprisingly little evidence on the
de Melo (1991) and more recent examples nature and extent of transitional unemploy-
include Denis Cogneau and Anne-Sophie ment and even less on its incidence among
Robillard (2000), and Glenn Harrison, the poor. A multi-country study of trade lib-
Thomas Rutherford, and David Tarr (2003). eralization before 1985 (Michaely,
Cogneau and Robillard estimate a house- Papageorgiou, and Choksi 1991) argued that
hold model from survey data on Madagascar experiences varied from case to case, but
to explain labor income decisions and that, on the whole, transitional unemploy-
embed it in a three-sector CGE model. ment was quite small. In a survey of more
Among their simulations is one of an than fifty studies of the adjustment costs of
increase in the world price of export crops, trade liberalization in the manufacturing sec-
which reduces rural poverty significantly tor, Steven Matusz and David Tarr (1999)
but increases urban poverty slightly. John argue that the adjustment costs associated
Cockburn (2001) uses a similar approach with transitional unemployment are not high
for Nepal and concludes that because liber- and that unemployment durations are gener-
alization mainly reduces agricultural prices, ally quite short. Indeed, in some cases
it benefits the urban poor and harms the employment appears to increase more or less
rural poor. instantly—as, for example, Ann Harrison and
All of these simulation exercises are Ana Revenga (1998) report for Costa Rica,
instructive and should be important inputs Peru, and Uruguay. Overall, however, there is
into the policy-making process. In particular too little evidence to form a general view on
they help to identify household types that manufacturing employment, and still less on
are vulnerable even when trade liberaliza- whether similar points apply to agriculture or
tions are beneficial on average. They are all services, or indeed outside the formal sector.
predictions, however, and are complemen- Moreover, the available studies do not
tary to, not substitutes for, genuine empiri- answer the question of whether those laid
cal studies on ex post data. Only the latter off following trade liberalization are dispro-
permit us to test our models and really portionately poor. To answer this would
understand the world as it actually is. require information on the characteristics of
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 103

those losing their jobs, including their re- concentrated among the poor, or on
employability. Enterprise surveys report the whether this loss of employment (even if
responses of firms to trade liberalization, but temporary) is an important cause of pov-
typically give little information on the char- erty. And we do know that in low-income
acteristics of their employees, while house- countries the majority of the poor are not
hold surveys, which do provide this likely to be directly affected by retrench-
information, cannot easily be matched to ment because they are not working in the
enterprises. The latter do, however, gener- formal sector in the first place (although
ally suggest that, in many low-income coun- some may be indirectly affected by loss of
tries, very few of the poorest are employees transfers or remittances).
in the formal manufacturing sector. It is likely that adjustment costs will be
Evidence is available on the relationship greater the more protected the sector was
between public sector job loss and poverty. originally and the greater the shock. In local
Although this job loss is not a direct conse- labor markets, large losses of employment
quence of trade liberalization, it does deal can have (negative) multiplier effects on
with transitional unemployment resulting income, and markets can become dysfunc-
from a shock to the formal sector, and so may tional because even normal turn-over ceases
inform us also about the effects of trade lib- as incumbents dare not resign for fear of not
eralization. Thus, for example, in Ecuador, finding a new job. Thus major reforms—e.g.
employees dismissed from the Central Bank transition or concentrated reforms such as
earned on average only 55 percent of their closing the only plant in a town—seem like-
previous salary fifteen months later (Martin ly to generate larger and longer-lived transi-
Rama and Donna MacIsaac 1999). Evidence tional losses through unemployment than
from Zambia (Neil McCulloch, Robert more diffuse reforms. On the other hand, it
Baulch, and Milasoa Cherel-Robson 2001) is precisely the sectors with highest protec-
suggests that job shedding occurred in the tion or the economies with most widespread
public sector at the lower end of the earn- distortion that offer the greatest long-run
ings distribution, although it does not show returns to reform. Martin Rama and Kinnon
definitively whether these people were poor, Scott (1999) analyse the effects of retrench-
nor what happened to them following their ing the only plant in a series of one-plant
retrenchment. In Ghana, Stephen Younger towns in Kazakhstan. They estimate that for
(1996) finds that most retrenched civil ser- a reduction in the employment in the plant
vants were able to find new work, but at sub- equal to 1 percent of the local labor force,
stantially lower income levels suggesting an labor income in the town falls by 1.5 per-
increase in poverty, although the income lev- cent. This is essentially a Keynesian multi-
els and incidence of poverty among their plier effect. The hysteresis of the labor
households after retrenchment were not market would serve to deepen and prolong it
substantially different from the average for further.
the whole country.
Thus retrenchment from the public sec-
6. Government Revenue and Spending
tor typically does lead to transitional unem-
ployment (which may be quite long lasting, The final link from trade liberalization to
as seen in the case of Guinea where the poverty is via the government account.
average duration of unemployment was two Trade reforms potentially reduce revenues
years; Bradford Mills and David Sahn 1995) and, especially for low income countries, this
and/or lower income levels. However, there could unbalance the government budget.
is very little evidence on whether transi- This section considers first how large the
tional unemployment is disproportionately revenue losses typically are and, second,
104 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

whether adjustment to declines in tariff rev- reform will always exist unless the compen-
enues when they occur typically hit the poor sated radial elasticities of all goods are the
either via replacement taxation or expendi- same (which is highly unlikely in practice
ture reductions. We make the point that the given that tariffs reflect protective as well as
extent to which such policy changes impact revenue-raising motives).35 However,
on the poor is essentially a political decision. designing such a package is well beyond
While recognizing the administrative diffi- most governments (Sebastian Edwards
culties of raising alternative revenues or cut- 1997), especially since short and long-run
ting expenditures more generally, it is not responses may differ (David Bevan 2000).
inevitable that the burden falls on the poor. And, of course, once the condition is approx-
imately met, reductions in tariff rates will
6.1 Does Liberalization Actually Cut
cut revenues.
Government Revenue?
Improvements in collection efficiency can
A key concern about trade liberalization is also increase revenue. Official ad valorem
that it will reduce government revenue. The tariff rates are often substantially higher
share of trade taxes in total revenue is nega- than the ratio of tariff revenue to import val-
tively associated with the level of economic ues (collected rates). Lant Pritchett and
development, with many low-income coun- Geeta Sethi (1994) find for a sample of
tries earning half or more of their revenue developing countries that official rates and
from trade taxes. 33 Neil McCulloch, L. Alan collected rates are only weakly correlated,
Winters, and Xavier Cirera (2001) show that, and that the divergence between them
of the 96 countries for which these data are increases with the level of the official tariff.
available over 1994–96, 58 report a share Evasion and exemptions are the key factors
exceeding 5 percent, with an unweighted here, and tightening them up can yield sub-
average of 20.3 percent, and sixteen coun- stantial revenue gains. For instance, accord-
tries report a share of over 25 percent. ing to official estimates, the revenue
Neither theory nor evidence suggests a foregone via tariff exemptions in Tanzania in
simple link between trade reform and rev- 1986 was almost equivalent to total revenue
enues, however. Theoretically, a number of collected (Greenaway and Milner 1991).
factors are important (David Greenaway and Trade reforms that simplify tariff structures
Chris Milner 1991). In the case of tariffs, also often have favourable revenue effects
revenue will increase with liberalization if by simplifying administration and reducing
the initial tariff level exceeds its revenue opportunities and incentives for evasion
maximising level.34 It can also increase in the (which of course are also reduced by lower
many instances where reforms involve the levels of tariffs). This is one of the main
replacement of quantitative restrictions by practical motivations behind proposals for
tariffs, provided, as is usual, that the govern- uniform tariff rates.
ment did not previously capture the quota Turning to the empirical evidence,
rent associated with the restriction. Rod Greenaway and Milner (1991) focus on five
Falvey (1994) shows that a welfare-improv- countries which received World Bank
ing revenue-enhancing (WIRE) tariff Structural Adjustment Loans (SALs) requir-
ing important trade policy reforms. Three of
This reliance may reflect various factors, including these countries experienced revenue
difficulties in administering a tax system effectively and the
relatively small share of the formal sector (Ebrill, Stotsky, enhancement (Mauritius, Kenya, and
and Gropp 1999)
34 35
The revenue maximizing tariff will be t=(es-ed)/- The compensated radial elasticity of good j is defined
es(1+ed) where t is the ad valorem tariff rate, es is the elas- as the proportionate reduction in purchases of product j
ticity of import supply, and ed is the elasticity of import with respect to a common proportionate increase in all
demand (Ebrill, Stotsky, and Gropp 1999). taxes, holding utility constant—see George Fane (1991).
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 105

Jamaica) and two revenue depletion However, duty as a share of imports rose, as
(Morocco and Côte d’Ivoire). The authors did import duty revenues as a proportion of
identify a number of clues as to why. First, GDP. The expansion of the revenue base
revenue tends to fall if the existing tariffs are appears to have been an important factor
below the revenue maximising rate as in here, along with tighter exemption manage-
Morocco and Côte d’Ivoire, but not in the ment, increased duty rates on oil products
other three countries. Second, in all the rev- and certain agricultural commodities, and a
enue enhancing cases, some kind of tempo- shift in imports towards high duty classes.
rary tariff surcharge was introduced when However, improvements in customs admin-
quantitative restrictions were removed; in the istration and the introduction of a preship-
revenue depleting cases no such taxes were ment inspection program could also have
introduced. Third, the induced changes in the accounted for some of the improvement.
import/export base appear to have been
6.2 Do Falling Tariff Revenues Hurt the
important, particularly in the case of
Mauritius. And finally, of the two cases where
export incentives were planned, the Mauritian The previous section suggests that trade
reforms were successful because they were reforms need not have revenue costs.
administratively simple, funded by the intro- However, designing revenue-neutral pack-
duction of other nontrade taxes, and the ages is complex and liable to error, and even-
exchange rate was allowed to depreciate. In tually, as tariffs approach zero, so too must
the other case—Côte d’Ivoire—none of these revenue. Hence this section briefly consid-
conditions applied and the reforms failed.36 ers responses to falling tariff revenues. From
Liam Ebrill, Janet Stotsky, and Reint a trade policy perspective such considera-
Gropp (1999) draw a similar set of lessons tions are central, for fiscal crises are one of
from detailed studies of trade liberalization in the strongest correlates of the reversal of
Argentina, Malawi, Morocco, the Philippines, trade liberalization.
Poland, and Senegal. Furthermore, in a cross- The first response is to seek alternative
country panel regression they found that non-trade sources of revenue. Clearly the
countries that reduced tariffs over the period impact of replacement taxes upon the poor
1980–92 did not have significantly lower rev- depends on the choice of fiscal instrument,
enue from import tariffs as a proportion of and in general there is no economic reason
GDP than those that did not. On the other why the burden should fall on the poorest.
hand, those which dismantled quantitative Nonetheless, both the evidence and common
restrictions did have significantly higher rev- sense suggest caution, particularly where
enue from import tariffs as a proportion of simple low cost trade tax instruments are
GDP than those that did not. replaced by more complex and higher cost
Detailed individual country studies bear domestic ones. (See World Bank 1988, on the
all this out. Graham Glenday (2000), for cost/yield ratios of different taxes.) Some
example, examines the impact of Kenyan lib- CGE models suggest that the welfare signifi-
eralization between 1989–99 on import duty cance of tariff revenue losses depends on the
revenues. The simple average import duty nature of the replacement taxes introduced
rate was approximately halved over this peri- (Denise Konan and Keith Maskus 2000, and
od and import licensing requirements and Harrison, Rutherford, and Tarr 2002). 37 But
foreign exchange controls were abolished. there is little ex post evidence on these issues.

36 37
The revenue enhancing cases also involved signifi- CGE models have also been used to explore the
cant changes in tariff exemption arrangements but this was implication of trade reform for revenue stability (e.g.
also at least formally true of the revenue depleting cases. Christina Dawkins and John Whalley 1997).
106 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

The alternative response to a fall in rev- However, this does not necessarily mean
enue is to cut public expenditure. There is a that cuts on social expenditures have less
large literature describing the effects of impact upon the poor; in fact conventional
structural adjustment in developing coun- methods for assessing benefit incidence can
tries on poverty and the impact felt via pub- underestimate the gains to the poor from
lic expenditure and social sector expenditure higher public outlays and underestimate the
in particular.38 But the evidence for adjust- losses from cuts (Lanjouw and Ravallion
ment resulting in cuts in social expenditure 1999). Thus there are latent dangers even in
is mixed at best (Jacques van der Gaag 1991; the absence of direct evidence.
David Sahn 1992). While there have been In summary, there is no direct evidence
major declines in social expenditure in some relating trade liberalization to reductions in
countries, the consensus is that social expen- social spending. However, the evidence from
ditures have been relatively protected, espe- other circumstances suggests that, despite
cially compared with capital expenditures. the dangers, reductions in public expendi-
Van der Gaag (1991) examines spending in tures of importance to the poor are not
the three years before and after donor inevitable even if trade liberalization does
financed adjustment programmes began, result in losses of revenue. Alternative
and finds no pattern of increase or decrease sources of revenue are not necessarily easy
in real levels of total and social sector expen- to mobilize, but they are generally available
ditures. Similarly, David Sahn, Paul Dorosh, and the evidence suggests that, with political
and Stephen Younger (1997) argue that, will, social spending and especially that ori-
except in a very few cases, those declines in ented towards the poor, may be substantially
social expenditure that have occurred have shielded. Moreover, if liberalization assists
not been “part of an extended attempt to economic growth, this should become easier
balance the government’s fiscal position.” than it was in the face of decline and crisis.
The East Asian crisis—a shock far greater Nonetheless, care needs to be taken if trade
than any trade shock—also provides evi- liberalization is going to be pursued in a
dence that, with political will and careful political context in which replacement taxa-
planning, social sector spending can be pro- tion is likely to be regressive or where social
tected. World Bank (2001) reports Korea’s expenditures are likely to be cut.
large expansion of social spending in the face
of the crisis, while Lisa Cameron (2002)
7. Conclusions
reports the success of Indonesia’s targeted
scholarships at keeping up school enrol- The evidence surveyed in this paper
ments in the face of declining incomes. demonstrates that there can be no simple
There is strong evidence that social general conclusion about the relationship
expenditures in many developing countries between trade liberalization and poverty.
are not well targeted to the poor (Florencia Theory provides a strong presumption that
Castro-Leal et al. 1999), and Peter Lanjouw trade liberalization will be poverty-alleviat-
and Martin Ravallion (1999) show how some ing in the long run and on average. The
schooling and anti-poverty programmes in empirical evidence broadly supports this
India are captured by the nonpoor. view, and, in particular, lends no support to
the position that trade liberalization general-
Tony Killick (1995) provides an excellent short ly has an adverse impact. Equally, however,
review of the findings of such work; Howard White (1997) it does not assert that trade policy is always
provides a comprehensive review of the literature, while among the most important determinants of
Lyn Squire (1991) and Rolph van der Hoeven (1996) pro-
vide reviews of the linkages between adjustment and poverty reduction or that the static and
poverty in the 1980s. micro-economic effects of liberalization will
Winters, McCulloch, and McKay: Trade Liberalization and Poverty 107

always be beneficial for the poor. Trade lib- as a result of it, we know very little about the
eralization necessarily implies distributional transitional unemployment that results from
changes; it may well reduce the well-being this. There is also relatively little empirical
of some people (at least in the short term) evidence about the effects of trade liberal-
and some of these may be poor. ization, as distinct from other factors, on
Thus while there are many causes for opti- poverty dynamics at the household level, and
mism that trade liberalization will contribute on how households respond to adverse
positively to poverty reduction, the ultimate shocks or potential opportunities. In addi-
outcome depends on many factors, including tion, while the importance of institutions in
its starting point, the precise trade reform determining price transmission has been
measures undertaken, who the poor are, and stressed, there is little information about the
how they sustain themselves. Even within manner in which border price changes are
most of the individual causal channels that transmitted to local levels and how this may
we have identified, the outcome will vary differ between the poor and non-poor.
from case to case. Lest this seem too Finally, much analysis is based on a welfare
depressing, however, let us be clear that we model which assumes small price changes,
are not saying that these things are unknow- but, as stressed in the article, many of the big
able. They are substantially predictable welfare effects come from discrete changes
using the framework and evidence laid out (market creation and destruction). Again we
here and the largest impacts may be rela- lack empirical evidence on how this happens
tively easy to predict provided that analysts and the role that trade liberalization plays.
garner the basic information required.39 Although policy has not been our princi-
A number of key points emerge from this pal focus in this paper, we make three
review. Although there remains a residual points. First, we have repeatedly stressed
ambiguity about the links between trade and that the impact of trade liberalization on
growth, there is strong evidence for the ben- poverty will depend on the environment in
eficial impact of trade liberalization on pro- which it is carried out, including the policies
ductivity. Concerns that trade liberalization that accompany it. Trade liberalization
has generally adverse effects on the employ- should not be seen in isolation and addi-
ment or wages of poor people, or on govern- tional policies will sometimes be needed to
ment spending on the poor due to falling enhance its impact, including on poverty.
fiscal revenues, are not well founded, even But this is emphatically not to say that com-
though specific instances of each of these plementary policies are always necessary to
problems can be identified. The analysis also enable trade liberalization to have poverty-
highlights the importance of local institu- reducing effects—again it depends on
tions in determining the price effects of lib- country context.
eralization, notably the transmission of Second, there is quite a lot of evidence
border price changes to local levels. that poorer households may be less able than
But there is also a surprising number of richer ones to protect themselves against
gaps in our knowledge about trade liberaliza- adverse effects or to take advantage of posi-
tion and poverty, and important questions for tive opportunities created by policy reform.
further research. Despite the fact that many In such circumstances there will be an
of the concerns about trade liberalization are important role for complementary policies
focused on those who become unemployed to accompany trade reform, both to
strengthen social protection for losers and to
39 enhance the ability of poorer households to
McCulloch, Winters, and Cirera (2001) give a thor-
ough discussion of the practical dimensions of such pre- exploit potentially beneficial changes. Such
dictions. policies are likely to be desirable even in the
108 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLII (March 2004)

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