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Are you Awakening to the shift in consciousness?
Do you seek more Spiritual connection, but not sure what path is right for you?
Have you spent endless hours looking for information or courses that will move
you to the next level, but you still feel disconnected?
We’ve worked with thousands of Spiritual Seekers just like you who wants to
understand the Russian Knowledge and how this knowledge can propel you
forward on your spiritual journey. Through this you can leave behind the
feelings of being empty, lost, and disconnected from your authentic Soul
power. Without Soul connection you become malnourished of the spiritual
Life Force that energizes your body and fuels your heart's passion and drive.
We would like to gift you a chance to jump into understanding your specific
Everyone is born with a unique and powerful Creator Number Code. In fact
your soul decided this specific code, this code contains within it all the gifts
you could use to master your life. This special Creator Code was your birthdate.
This code is not like numerology models you may have seen, because it
also gives you the tasks you are suppose to work on in your life journey.
Imagine if you had the awareness of this special Creator Code or even
better how would it have benefited you if your parents had the code so
they could have guided you to fore fill your mission.
The use of the Number Code of your own birth date has a very special,
creative effect and is applicable to almost everything. It is your own
Creator number that brings things to the NORM, just as the Creator would
have designed without impairments.
For example, the Number Code for the birth date 04.08.59 is 04081959. PH: +61 499 108 242


You can use your own birth date as a Number Code with all the control objectives
that relate to yourself with all the techniques we use in Russian Knowledge or by
What is very interesting is the numbers that are NOT found in your birth date – the
missing ones. In this case, the 2367
2 = Action: Watch out for diligence and take the action
3 = Result: Keep focused on your objective and continue until you get
6 = Base: Watch out for foundation, grounding
7 = Love: Put love in all of your actions, words and thoughts
This point of view is also a great advantage in the education of your children.
You see the diversity that lies in the concentration of numbers. Find out the best
method for you. Be creative and follow your intuition.
Every number has a Spiritual and energetic vibration structure, with its own
effectiveness, completely independent of which language the number is spoken.
Such a vibration structure is behind every word and every sound. The same
applies to series of numbers, because each number vibrates in a certain
frequency. Series of numbers have their own correlating vibration structures.

Apart from its own vibration each number contains a code, a key-information,
which stands for the Spiritual condition of process:
Every number has a
Spiritual and energetic !
vibration structure 1. Beginning, new ideas
2. Effect, Action
3. Result, Completion, Fulfillment
4. Interaction, Connection with the outside world
5. Interaction, Connection with the inner world
6. Base or Light
7. The Power of Love
8. Timing
9. The Number of the Creator
0. Transition, the transitional space in which something
changes its quality (zero space), transformation of all
towards the Creator.
Let’s use the birthdate 04081959 as an example. What does it mean?
! PH: +61 499 108 242


First you have a 0 a number if transition or transformation, which leads you to

interacting in the outside world 4. If you are mission a 4 this may indicate that you
don’t feel safe in the outside world and you may hide or put up a front and you will
only bring it down when you are feeling safe.
0 Another transition number towards Timing. Your ideas are always in good
timing. A person missing an 8 may have all the good ideas and take all the action
but there timing is out, so patience must be learn to what for the correct timing.
1 You are good at starting things and have the ideas to do so.
9 You are connected to the Creator and having two 9’s you are very protected by
The Creator.
5 You have a good connection to your inner world, you know how to Love
for example by setting boundaries for others, so you won’t be walked over. If you
are missing a 5 you need to learn how to love all parts of yourself and develop a
good connection to the authentic you.

Thank you again for your subscription and we
hope we can help you on your journey.
Love and Light,
Brian Power and Marion Mace

! PH: +61 499 108 242

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