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Building Pressurization Test (Low Rise) Tracking and Summary

Functional Testing Guide

For Air Handling Systems

Building Pressurization Test (Low Rise)

This procedure is targeted at determining the building envelope leakage rate. This test is not to ASTM
standard E-779-99, but draws on that standard. For additional details and references, see the Test
Procedure Details section.

This test procedure is divided into two forms. The Tracking and Summary section provides a quick
summary of the process and results, provides a way to track the test as it is executed and check off
major steps as they are completed, and documents sign off on the completed test.

The Procedure Details and Intermediate Data section contains detailed information regarding the
execution of the procedure as well as places to record intermediate information used to develop the
summary data documented in the first section. The Tracking and Summary section includes page
number references to the detailed procedure items associated with each summary step. These
references are hyperlinked in the electronic version of the procedure.

For the details associated with each step, refer to the detailed procedure that follows. Initial each
step if the item is completed satisfactorily or the test item associated with the step met the test
requirements and passed. If the item is not satisfactory or the test step fails, record an "F" in the
appropriate box instead of your initials. Document the reason for failing in the comments section
as a numbered note and include the note number next to the F on the test form. If the test step
has summary data associated with it, document it on the test form in place of your initials. For
the details associated with each step, refer to the indicated page in the procedure details section
that follows the summary form. Document test details and intermediate data in the procedure
details section in the spaces provided.

Item Summary Data

Reference for


1. Procedure reviewed by all parties and understood. None


2. Flow measuring stations calibrated or alternative identified. None

3. Technique to ensure uniform air distribution established. None
4. Test coordinated with owner, occupants, and operations. None
5. Safety systems are operational and verified. None
1. Building elevations documented. None

2. Go/No-go decision 1 is Go. None

3. Go/No-go decision 2 is Go. None

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Building Pressurization Test (Low Rise) Tracking and Summary
Requirement Summary Data

Reference for

1. Document outdoor conditions at the beginning of the test. N °F
current temperature, humidity and wind conditions here. % rh
2. Document system status prior to testing. None
3. All doors (including dock/garage) shut. None
4. As found pressures documented (note lobby value here). None
5. All building air handling equipment shut down. None
6. Document AHU off pressures (note lobby value here) None
7. Configure the AHU for the test. None
8. Set up for uniform air distribution. None
9. Set up instrumentation to measure lobby pressure None

10, Pressurize the lobby to .05 in.w.c. and document flows and in.w.c.
pressures. Note lobby pressure and total flow here. cfm
12, Pressurize the lobby to .10 in.w.c. and document flows and in.w.c.
pressures. Note lobby pressure and total flow here. cfm
14, Pressurize the lobby to .20 in.w.c. and document flows and in.w.c.
pressures. Note lobby pressure and total flow here. cfm
16, Pressurize the lobby to .30 in.w.c. or 100% fans speed and in.w.c.
document results. Note lobby pressure and total flow here. cfm
18. With out changing fan speed open the garage doors. None
19. Document the pressure and flow results after opening the in.w.c.
garage door Note lobby pressure and total flow here. cfm
20. Close the garage doors and open the dock door None
21. Document the pressure and flow results after closing the in.w.c.
garage door Note lobby pressure and total flow here. cfm

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Building Pressurization Test (Low Rise) Tracking and Summary
Item Summary Data

Reference for

1 Slow down and shut down the AHU. None
2 Return the building and HVAC systems to normal/auto mode None units
Return to Normal

3 Document outdoor conditions at the conclusion of the test. °F

% rh
4 Re-enable any alarms that were disabled for the test. None
5 Download Portland weather data from the web. None

Test Coordinator(s)
Name Affiliation Work phone Work e-mail

Test Team Members

Name Affiliation Work phone Work e-mail

Test Completion Sign Off

This test has been performed to the best of my ability per the requirements of the procedure.
Deviations or problems encountered have been noted at the end of the test form.

Test coordinator name (print)

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Building Pressurization Test (Low Rise) Tracking and Summary
Signature, date and time

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
Functional Testing Guide
For Air Handling Systems

Building Pressurization Test (Low Rise)

Instructions: For each system included on the checklist, verify the items indicated using Yes for
acceptable, No for unacceptable, or NA for Not Applicable. Use the comments section at the end to
document additional observations.
This test is not to ASTM standard E-779-99, but draws on that standard. See also the references below.

Equipment Required: Shortridge air flow multi-meter, tubing, thin pitot tube for slipping under
doorways and through cracks; Sling psychrometer or other humidity measuring instrument,
Thermometer or other temperature measuring instrument; Borazine gun and smoke stix for
observing/documenting air flow direction and leakage at cracks and other openings. A data logger with
a bi directional very low pressure input (0 - .25 inches w.c. or less) and a temperature input is also
desirable but not mandatory.

Myths About Building Envelopes, Andrew K. Persily, Ph.D., ASHRAE Journal, March 1999;
Protocol for Field Testing of Tall Buildings to Determine Envelope Air Leakage Rate, William P.
Bahnfleth, Ph.D., P.E. Grenville K. Yuill, Ph.D., P.E. Brian W. Lee, ASHRAE Transactions 1999, V.
105, Pt. 2;
Repeatability And Reproducibility of Fan Pressurization Devices in Measuring Building Air Leakage,
W.E. Murphy, Ph.D., P.E., D.G. Colliver, Ph.D., P.E., L.R. Piercy, P.E;
Whole-Building Airflow Network Characterization by a Many-Pressure-States (MPS) Technique, Peter
R. Armstrong, P.E., Donald L. Hadley, Robert D. Stenner, Ph.D., Michael C. Janus, P.E., ASTM
Standard E 779 (ASTM 1992).

Acceptance Criteria: This test is an information gathering/quantification test and as such, there are no
acceptance criteria. However, DOE sponsored research as published in the ASHRAE Journal article
indicates that for the Pacific Energy Center, we can anticipate a leakage rate of anywhere between 2,300
cfm and the total air handling unit capacity at a test pressure of .1 in.wc. based on the dataset for all
building types.

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
1. The test pressure has the potential to start to blow doors and gravity dampers open, which could
skew the test results. Thus it is important to take steps to ensure that the doors and dampers are fully
closed when readings are taken.
2. The test will involve running the system on 100% outdoor air. While it is unlikely that this will
pose a problem in the San Francisco environment, if the test is run during extreme weather, conditions
inside the building could suffer. If the test should not be run if it is below freezing outside since the
heating coil is not designed to safely handle freezing air.

Item Requirement
1. Everyone participating in the procedure should have read through this procedure and be
familiar with the process and what will be happening.

2. Performing this test will involve shutting down all of the building air handling equipment for
a period of time; probably less than an hour. But during the period of the test, positive control
of temperature, humidity and pressure relationships in the building will not be in effect and air
flow patterns will vary from design/normal operation.. In addition, ventilation rates in some
portions of the building will be below what is required for occupancy although the over-all
average ventilation rate may be above design since the systems that are restarted and operated
during the test will be on 100% outdoor air. Arrangements should be made to coordinate the
test with the operating schedule of the building to minimize disruption to the tenants and
ensure a safe working environment.

3. This test involves operating selected HVAC equipment in a 100% outdoor air mode to
pressurize the building envelope. Thus, it is essential that the following criteria be met in
order to prevent damage to the HVAC equipment and/or building envelope.

a. If the outdoor temperature is below the low end of the discharge temperature reset
schedule, then boiler system should be operational and have the capacity to heat
100% outdoor air to the nominal discharge temperature. This becomes more
important as the outdoor temperature drops below the nominal discharge temperature.
This issue becomes critical if the outdoor temperature is below freezing to prevent
damage to the equipment.

b. If the outdoor dewpoint is above 60ºF - 65ºF, then there is potential to have
condensation damage in the duct system and building furnishings if the cooling coil
is not active and controlled to maintain a discharge temperature in the normal
operating range. In addition, the cooling coil will need to have adequate capacity to
cool and dehumidify 100% outdoor air at these conditions. This issue becomes more
critical as the outdoor air temperature, dewpoint, and/or relative humidity increase
above 60-65ºF saturated conditions.

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
5. Preferred test conditions are:
Outdoor air temperature 41 - 95 ºF
Wind speed - 0 - 4 mph
The test date selected should be targeted for a time of year and day when these conditions
could be anticipated.
6. For this test to accurately reflect the over-all building leakage rate, it is important that the air
that is brought in through the air handling systems is distributed fairly uniformly and with out
much restriction between building compartments. To accomplish this, is important to ensure
that all of the smoke and fire dampers are open and that the terminal units are at or near
maximum flow. This will be accomplished by using the EMS top issue a global command to
all of the terminal units to control at their maximum flow settings (not necessarily wide open).
Someone with an access level high enough to issue this command needs to be available
during the test.

1. Document the elevations of the following levels. Usually, this information can be found in the
architectural drawings. If it is not available, estimate it by measuring floor-to-floor heights
between landings in a stairwell.

Lowest building level - _____ ft.

Entry lobby level - _____ ft.
Roof at door to exterior - _____ ft.
2. Assessing Go/NoGo Parameter 1
Typical indoor Outdoor Building height, Absolute value of the
temperature, °F Temperature,°F ft. indoor/outdoor temperature
difference multiplied by the
building height in feet; °F-ft.

____________ ____________ ____________ __________________________

If the calculated parameter exceeds 1,180 ft.-ºF, then consider postponing the test because the
impact of the stack effect could be significant enough to skew the interpretation of the results.

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
3 Assessing Go/NoGo Parameter 2
Document the current wind conditions based on data from the weather sites listed in the return
to normal section or a measurement made with the Shortridge or other source.

Wind speed - _____ mph

ection the wind is blowing from - _____ (N,W, SE, etc.)
Wind gusts - _____ Yes or No
Wind gust magnitude - _____ mph (if available)
If the wind speed exceeds 9 mph, either continuously or at peak gust, consider postponing the
test because the impact of the wind on building pressure could be significant enough to skew
the interpretation of the results.

1. Document the outdoor conditions at the beginning of the test.
Outdoor air temperature - _____ °F
Outdoor air relative humidity - _____ _____ (document units)
Cloud cover - _____ (Sunny, partly cloudy, overcast, etc.)
Precipitation - _____ (None, showers, steady rain, etc.)
Wind unchanged from initial assessment - _____ (Yes or No)

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
2 Document the status of the air handling equipment in the building. Also note any other
observed conditions that could impact the building pressure like open doors or windows, open
loading dock doors, etc. Where analog data is available, provide it, otherwise simply note
general state (off, on, active, etc.). Indicate N/A for items that don’t apply. The idea here is to
get a general picture of what is going on. Its worth some time, but not hours of effort.

System Fan Fan Econ. Min. HW CHW Other

Status Speed Status OA Valve Valve
Status Status Status
AHU1 Supply

Relief Fan)

Relief Fan)

AHU2 Supply

Garage Exhaust

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
3. Close all garage and loading dock doors.
4. Document the pressure at the locations indicated relative to the outdoors at the “as found”
operating conditions. Base the number recorded on the average of several readings if the
signal is unstable. This can be accomplished fairly easily by putting the Shortridge in the
memory mode, taking the readings and viewing the result since the meter will provide an
average as a standard feature. Additional details can be found in the Shortridge manual.
Don’t forget to clear memory before taking readings at a new location or for a different test.
Otherwise you will average your new reading with the readings already in memory. Cross
check the direction of air flow between the location and outside using a smoke stix or the
Borazine gun. If using a smoke stix, advise security and the operating staff before proceeding
and be careful not to trip a smoke detector or other fire alarm initiating device.

Corridor to garage pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the corridor) _____
Lobby pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the lobby) _____
2nd floor pressure at HVAC classroom (magnitude and +/- relative _____ in.w.c.
to the outdoors)

Direction of air flow (In to or out of the 2nd floor) _____

Roof level pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the building) _____
5. Shut down all air handling equipment.
6. Document the pressure at the locations indicated relative to the outdoors. This will document
the contribution of the stack effect and will be used to augment the data collected later in the
test. Base the number recorded on the average of several readings if the signal is unstable.
Cross check the direction of air flow between the location and outside using a smoke stix or
the Borazine gun.

Corridor to garage pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the corridor) _____
Lobby pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the lobby) _____
2nd floor pressure at HVAC classroom (magnitude and +/- relative _____ in.w.c.
to the outdoors)

Direction of air flow (In to or out of the 2nd floor) _____

Roof level pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the building) _____

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
7. The AHU1 supply fan will be operated to pressurize the building for the test. AHU2 will be
shut down for the duration of the test. To prepare for the next step in the test, proceed as
follows (Visually verify all damper positions after forcing them to the required position):

Item AHU1 AHU2

VFD to Off
OA dmprs. 100% open
RA dmprs. 100% closed
Rel dmprs. 100% closed
HW coil controls active
CHW coil controls
8. Force the terminal units to maximum flow. (see Prerequisites Item 6)
9. Set up the Shortridge to measure the pressure of the lobby relative to the out of doors.
10. Place AHU1 in operation and gradually ramp the speed up until the lobby pressure is .05
in.w.c. positive relative to the outside. Document the following (note fan speed units; i.e. hz,
% etc.):

Item AHU1 Comments

Supply fan speed
Supply fan flow, cfm
11. Document the pressure at the locations indicated relative to the outdoors. This will document
the contribution of the stack effect and will be used to augment the data collected later in the
test. Base the number recorded on the average of several readings if the signal is unstable.
Cross check the direction of air flow between the location and outside using a smoke stix or
the Borazine gun.

Corridor to garage pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the corridor) _____
Lobby pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the lobby) _____
2nd floor pressure at HVAC classroom (magnitude and +/- relative _____ in.w.c.
to the outdoors)

Direction of air flow (In to or out of the 2nd floor) _____

Roof level pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the building) _____

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
12. If the fan is not at 100% speed gradually ramp it up until the lobby pressure is .10 in.w.c.
positive relative to the outside. Document the following (note fan speed units; i.e. hz, % etc.):
(If you reach 100% speed before the desired lobby pressure, simply take a set of readings at
that condition and then skip to step 18.)

Item AHU1 Comments

Supply fan speed
Supply fan flow, cfm
13. Document the pressure at the locations indicated relative to the outdoors. This will document
the contribution of the stack effect and will be used to augment the data collected later in the
test. Base the number recorded on the average of several readings if the signal is unstable.
Cross check the direction of air flow between the location and outside using a smoke stix or
the Borazine gun.

Corridor to garage pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the corridor) _____
Lobby pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the lobby) _____
2nd floor pressure at HVAC classroom (magnitude and +/- relative _____ in.w.c.
to the outdoors)

Direction of air flow (In to or out of the 2nd floor) _____

Roof level pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the building) _____
14. If the fan is not at 100% speed gradually ramp it up until the lobby pressure is .20 in.w.c.
positive relative to the outside. Document the following (note fan speed units; i.e. hz, % etc.):
(If you reach 100% speed before the desired lobby pressure, simply take a set of readings at
that condition and then skip to step 18.)

Item AHU1 Comments

Supply fan speed
Supply fan flow, cfm

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
15. Document the pressure at the locations indicated relative to the outdoors. This will document
the contribution of the stack effect and will be used to augment the data collected later in the
test. Base the number recorded on the average of several readings if the signal is unstable.
Cross check the direction of air flow between the location and outside using a smoke stix or
the Borazine gun.

Corridor to garage pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the corridor) _____
Lobby pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the lobby) _____
2nd floor pressure at HVAC classroom (magnitude and +/- relative _____ in.w.c.
to the outdoors)

Direction of air flow (In to or out of the 2nd floor) _____

Roof level pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the building) _____
17. If the fan is not at 100% speed gradually ramp it up until the lobby pressure is .30 in.w.c.
positive relative to the outside. Document the following (note fan speed units; i.e. hz, % etc.):
(If you reach 100% speed before the desired lobby pressure, simply take a set of readings at
that condition and then skip to step 18.)

Item AHU1 Comments

Supply fan speed
Supply fan flow, cfm
18. With out changing fan speed from the final test point, open the garage doors. Document the
AHU1 supply fan flow,
19. Document the pressure at the locations indicated relative to the outdoors. This will document
the contribution of the stack effect and will be used to augment the data collected later in the
test. Base the number recorded on the average of several readings if the signal is unstable.
Cross check the direction of air flow between the location and outside using a smoke stix or
the Borazine gun.

Lobby pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the lobby) _____
20. With out changing fan speed from the final test point, close the garage doors and open the
loading dock doors. Document the following:
Item AHU1 AHU3
AHU1 supply fan flow,

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data
21. Document the pressure at the locations indicated relative to the outdoors. This will document
the contribution of the stack effect and will be used to augment the data collected later in the
test. Base the number recorded on the average of several readings if the signal is unstable.
Cross check the direction of air flow between the location and outside using a smoke stix or
the Borazine gun.

Lobby pressure (magnitude and +/- relative to the outdoors) _____ in.w.c.
Direction of air flow (In to or out of the lobby) _____
Return to Normal
1. Ramp AHU1 down to 0 and shut it down.
2. Return the building systems to their normal condition and status.
Item Complete
Fire and smoke dampers returned to normal status
If stair well doors were blocked open, verify all blocks removed and doors
Terminal units are returned to a normal operating mode
AHU1 supply fan VFD is returned to auto/normal control mode
AHU1 OA. RA, and Relief air dampers are returned to auto/normal control
mode.Visually verify positions.
AHU1 HW and CW coil controls are returned to auto/normal control mode
Exhaust and supply fans returned to normal operating status.
AHU2 is returned to auto/normal control mode.
3. Document the outdoor conditions at the end of the test.
Outdoor air temperature - _____ °F
Outdoor air relative humidity - _____ _____ (document units)
Cloud cover - _____ (Sunny, partly cloudy, overcast, etc.)
Precipitation - _____ (None, showers, steady rain, etc.)
Wind unchanged from initial assessment - _____ (Yes or No)
4. Re-enable all alarms that were disabled during the test
5. Go to the following web site and retrieve the hourly data by printing the screen to a .pdf file or
cutting and pasting it into a text file. Attach those files to the electronic version of this file
and/or store them in the same folder.

This information will provide a record of the general conditions in the Portland area at the
time of the test and may prove useful in subsequent analysis.

San Francisco, California ,Airport

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Building Pressurization Test Proceedure Details and Intermediate Data

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1400 SW 5th Ave, Suite 700, Portland, Oregon 97201 (503) 248-4636 FAX: (503) 295-0820 E-Mail: Web Site:
Engineering Calculation
Date: March 25, 2004
Project Name: Pacific Energy Center FT Guide Training
Project Number: 975
Engineer: David Sellers
1 1 cubic meter per hour = 0.58858 cfm
2 1 square meter = 10.76391 sq.ft.
3 1 pascal = 0.00402 in.w.c
4 ????
5 ????
6 ????
7 ????
8 ????

Data from an article in the March 1999 ASHRAE Journal titled "Myths about Building Envelopes"
Data was relatively independent of age, building type, year constructed and wall construction. It did show some
dependence on height with taller buildings being tighter than low rise buildings.,
Test pressure = 75.00 pascals 0.30 in.w.c.
Minimum leakage rate = 2.7 cubic meters/hr./sq. meter 0.1 cubic ft./min/sq.ft.
Maximum leakage rate = 124.5 cubic meters/hr./sq. meter 6.8 cubic ft./min/sq.ft.
Mean leakage rate = 27.1 cubic meters/hr./sq. meter 1.5 cubic ft./min/sq.ft.
Number of buildings sampled = 139
For high rises only (15 stories or higher, data read from graphs)
Mean leakage rate = 9.75 cubic meters/hr./sq. meter 0.5 cubic ft./min/sq.ft.
Number of buildings sampled = 8

Potential leakage rate for Pacific Energy Center at .30 inches w.c.
Square footage Test pressure, inches w.c. Minimum cfm Maximum cfm leakage Average cfm Minimum cfm/sq ft Maximum Average cfm/sq Comment
leakage for high rise surface area leakage cfm/sq ft ft surface area
surface area leakage for high
leakage rise

26,979 0.30 3,983 183,666 14,383 0.1 6.8 0.5 Direct application of study leakage rates
26,979 0.20 3,252 149,963 11,744 0.12 5.6 0.4 Based on square law
26,979 0.10 2,300 106,040 8,304 0.09 3.9 0.3 Based on square law

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26,979 0.05 1,626 74,981 5,872 0.06 2.8 0.2 Based on square law

1. Compare the cfm/sq ft surface area to the available ASHRAE test data at this condition (Persily, 1999):
a. For greater than 15 story buildings, 8 office buildings were studied, and all achieved less than 0.66 cfm/sq ft surface area during testing.
b. For 10-15 story buildings, 7 office buildings and 1 apartment building were studied, with all achieving approximately 1.1 cfm/sq ft surface area.
c. For 1-10 story buildings, the variability in test data was quite high. 0.1485 cfm/sq ft to 6.85 cfm/sq ft . Which goes to show that you need to take these figures with a grain of salt…

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ation of study leakage rates

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