Sie sind auf Seite 1von 15

1. What level of schooling did you complete?

If more apply,
select the highest one. |__|
Elementary school |__|
Middle school |__|
10-year poly-technical high school |__|
Advanced professional college |__|
High school with university entrance qualification |__|
Other graduation |__|
School with no graduation |__|
Not yet graduated
2. Do you have completed occupational or university
education? If more apply, select the highest one |__|
Apprenticeship |__|
Trade school |__|
Professional college |__|
Advanced professional college |__|
University |__|
Other professional training |__|
No professional training completed |__|
Not yet in professional training
3. Which of the following statements about occupational status
apply to you? |__|
Not working at the moment |__|
Part-time or hourly work (< 15 hours per week) |__|
Part-time work (15 to 34 hours per week) |__|
Full-time work |__|
On temporary leave (education leave, public service leave) |__|
In training (apprentice)
4. Does any of the following statements apply to your present
situation? |__|
In school |__|
In university |__|
In age-related retirement |__|
In early retirement |__|
Unemployed |__|
Exclusively house wife/ house man |__|
In military/community/voluntary social service |__|
In retraining |__|
None of the above apply
5. If you are presently not working. Did you ever work before?
No Go to question 10. |__|
Yes |__|
Since when are you no longer working Since
6. How many months during the past five years were you
without work? |__||__| months without work
Altogether |__|
Does not apply
7. In what occupational capacity are you presently working or
(of no longer working) in what occupation did
you last work?
Specify exact job title
8. What is your present occupational position or (if no longer
working) was your last position?

Laborer: |__|
unskilled |__|
trained on the job |__|
skilled |__|

Self-employed: |__|
independent or co-op farmer |__|
professional or independent academic |__|
independent with up to 9 employees |__|
independent with 10 or more employees

Employee: |__|
industrial foreman with some management responsibility |__|
in regular position (sales person, typist) |__|
with special qualifications (e.g. draftsperson, book keeper, |__|
accounts specialist) |__|
in highly specialized position (e.g. division head, scientist)
in leadership position (e.g. director, president of larger
corporation) |__|
Civil servant (including judges and professional soldiers): |__|
lower level service |__|
middle level service
higher lever service
upper level service |__|

trainees, students, conscripts, ect.
9. If you are not presently working go to question 10, else, is your job characterized by:
Do you perceive it as a
health threat
No Yes No Yes
Heavy physical labor |__| |__| |__| |__|
Noise, dust, gases, vapors, "polluted" air |__| |__| |__| |__|
Work stress (time pressure, concentration), worry |__| |__| |__| |__|
about job security
Overtime, long working hours |__| |__| |__| |__|
Shift work/night shift

 shift work without night shift |__| |__| |__| |__|

 shift work with night shift |__| |__| |__| |__|
 always night shift |__| |__| |__| |__|

How long have you been doing that work |__||__| |__||__| months
10 In what job position is your partner at present
unskilled |__|
trained on the job |__|
skilled |__|
foreman |__|

independent or co-op farmer |__|
professional or independent academic |__|
independent with up to 9 employees |__|
independent with 10 or more employees |__|

industrial foreman with some management responsibility |__|
in regular position (sales person, typist) |__|
with special qualifications (e.g. draftsperson, book keeper, |__|
accounts specialist) |__|
in highly specialized position (e.g. division head, scientist) |__|
in leadership position (e.g. director, president of larger
Civil servant (including judges and professional soldiers): |__|
lower level service |__|
middle level service |__|
higher lever service
upper level service
trainees, students, conscripts, ect.
11 What is the monthly household income, net income after
. taxes and fringe benefit deductions |__|
< 1.000 DM |__|
1.000 to < 1,500 DM |__|
1,500 to < 2,000 DM |__|
2,000 to < 2,500 DM |__|
2,500 to < 3,000 DM |__|
3,000 to < 3,500 DM |__|
3,500 to < 4,000 DM |__|
4,000 to < 4,500 DM |__|
4,500 to < 5,000 DM |__|
5,000 to < 6,000 DM |__|
6,000 to < 8,000 DM |__|
8,000 to < 10,000 DM |__|
10,000 and more

9.1.4 UK National Health Surveys

Questions used in the 1998 Health Survey for England (6) about the educational level
are as follows:

1. At what age did you finish your continuous full-time education at school or college? |__|
1. Not yet finished
2. Never went to school
3. 14 or under
4. 15
5. 16
6. 17
7. 18
8. 19 or over
2. Do you have any of the qualifications listed on this card? (See Question 3 for the list) |__|
1. Yes (Go to Question 3)
2. No
3. Which of the qualifications on this card do you have?
1. Degree/degree level qualification (including higher degree) |__|
2. Teaching qualification |__|
3. Nursing qualifications SRN, SCM, SEN, RGN, RM, RHV, Midwife |__|
4. HNC/HND, BEC/TEC Higher, BTEC Higher/SCOTECH Higher |__|
5. ONC/OND/BEC/TEC/BTEC not higher |__|
6. City and Guilds Full Technological Certificate |__|
7. City and Guilds Advanced/Final Level |__|
8. City and Guilds Craft/Ordinary Level |__|
9. A-levels/Higher School Certificate |__|
10. AS level |__|
11. SLC/SCE/SUPE at Higher Grade or Certificate of Sixth Year Studies |__|
12. O-level passes taken in 1975 or earlier |__|
13. O-level passes taken after 1975 GRADES A-C |__|
14. O-level passes taken after 1975 GRADES D-E |__|
15. GCSE GRADES A-C |__|
16. GCSE GRADES D-G |__|
17. CSE GRADES 1/SCE BANDS A-C/Standard Grade LEVEL 1-3 |__|
18. CSE GRADES 2-5/SCE Ordinary BANDS D-E |__|
19. CSE Ungraded |__|
20. SLC Lower |__|
21. SUPE Lower or Ordinary |__|
22. School Certificate or Matric |__|
23. NVQ Level 5 |__|
24. NVQ Level 4 |__|
25. NVQ Level 3/Advanced level GNVQ |__|
26. NVQ Level 2/Intermediate level GNVQ |__|
27. NVQ Level 1/Foundation level GNVQ |__|
28. Recognised Trade Apprenticeship completed |__|
29. Clerical or Commercial Qualification (e.g. typing/book-keeping/commerce) |__|
3. Do you have any qualifications not listed on this card? |__|
1. Yes (Go to Question 4)
2. No
4. What qualifications are these?

Above questions are asked from the respondents aged 16 to 120 years.

Questions about the income in the household questionnaire (6) are:

1. Which kind of income you (and your husband/wife/partner) receives? |__|

1. Earning from employment or self-employment
2. State retirement pension
3. Pension from former employer
4. Child benefit
5. Job-Seekers allowance
6. Income Support
7. Family Credit
8. Housing Benefit
9. Other state benefits
10. Interest from savings and investments (e.g. stocks & shares)
11. Other kinds of regular allowance from outside your household (e.g. maintenance,
student's grants, rent)
12. No source of income
2. Which of the groups represents your and your husband/wife/partner's) income from |__||__|
all these sources before any deductions for income tax, National Insurance, etc.?
(Show card with 31 alternatives for weekly, monthly or annual income)
3. Does anyone else in the household have an income from any source? |__|
1. Yes
2. No
4. Which of the groups represents the total income of the whole household before |__||__|
deductions for income tax, National Insurance, etc. ?
(Show card with 31 alternatives for weekly, monthly or annual income)

Questions about the occupation in the personal questionnaire (6) are:

1. What is (was/will be) the name or title of the job?

2. Are you (were you/will you be) working full-time or part-time? |__|
1. Full-time
2. Part-time
3. What kind of work do (did/will) you do most of the time?
4. What materials or machinery do (did/will) you use?
5. What skills or qualifications are (were) needed for the job?
6. Are you (were you/will you be)? |__|
1. An employee (Go to Question 7)
2. Self-employed
7. Are you a Director of a limited company? |__|
1. Yes
2. No
8. Are you? |__|
1. Manager
2. Foreman or supervisor
3. Other employee
9. Including yourself, about how many people are (were) employed at the place where |__|
you usually work (usually worked/will work)?
1. 1 or 2
2. 3-24
3. 35-499
4. 500+
10. What does (did) your employer make or do at the place where you usually word
(usually worked/will work)?
11. What do (did/will) you make or do in your business?

9.1.5 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III), USA
The NHANES III household family questionnaire included questions about the
educational level of each of the family members surveyed (7):

1. What is the highest grade or year of regular school you have ever attended?
00 never attended or kindergarten only |__|
Elementary 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |__|
High 9 10 11 12 |__|
College 1 2 3 4 5 + |__|
2. Did you finish grade/year? |__|
1. Yes
2. No

The questions for income in the household family questionnaire were following (7):

1. During the last month, did anyone in the family receive income from working for an |__|
employer or from self-employment?
1. Yes
2. No (Go to Question 4)
9. Don't know (Go to Question 4)
2. Who was that?
3. Anyone else? |__|
1. Yes (Re-ask Questions 2 and 3)
2. No
4. During the last month did anyone in the family receive Security or Railroad |__|
Retirement payments?
1. Yes
2. No (Go to Question 8)
9. Don't know (Go to Question 8)
5. Who was that?
6. Anyone else?
1. Yes (Re-ask Questions 5 and 6)
2. No
7. Record a separate answer for each person less than 65 answering YES for Question 4. |__|
What is the reason -- is getting Social Security or Railroad Retirement?
1. Retired
2. Disabled
3. Widowed
4. Surviving child
5. Spouse
6. Dependent child
9. Don't know
8. During the last month did anyone in the family receive any SSI (Supplemental |__|
Security Income) payments from the Federal Government?
1. Yes
2. No (Go to Question 11)
9. Don't know (Go to Question 11)
9. Who was that?
10. Anyone else? |__|
1. Yes (Re-ask Questions 9 and 10)
2. No
11. During the last month did anyone in the family receive any pension or disability |__|
payment other than Social Security or Railroad Retirement?
1. Yes
2. No (Go to Question 14)
9. Don't know (Go to Question 14)
12. Who was that?
13. Anyone else? |__|
1. Yes (Re-ask Questions 12 and 13)
2. No
14. During the last month, did anyone in the family receive Public assistance or welfare |__|
payments from the State or Local welfare office? Do not include SSI.
1. Yes
2. No (Go to Question 17)
9. Don't know (Go to Question 17)
15. What was that?
16. Anyone else? |__|
1. Yes (Re-ask Questions 15 and 16)
2. No
17. During the last month, did anyone in the family receive 'Aid to Families with |__|
Dependent Children', sometimes called AFDC or ADC.
1. Yes
2. No (Go to Question 20)
9. Don't know (Go to Question 20)
18. Who was that?
19. Anyone else? |__|
1. Yes (Re-ask Questions 18 and 19)
2. No
20. During the last month, did anyone in the family receive income from any other source |__|
such as veteran's payments, workman's compensation, rental income, interest and
dividend income, or child support and alimony?
1. Yes
2. No (Go to Question 23)
9. Don't know (Go to Question 23)
21. Who was that?
22. Anyone else? |__|
1. Yes (Re-ask Questions 21 and 22)
2. No
23. Including wages, salaries, self-employment, and any other source of income we just |__|
talked about, was the total combined family income during the last 12 months
1. Less than $20,000
2. $20,000 or more
0. No income (End this section)
24. Show card with 30 income groups. |__|

Of those income groups, which letter better represents the total combined family
income during the last 12 months? Include all sources of income we just talked about.
25. Show card with 24 income groups. |__|

Now, please think about your family income during (name of last month). Which letter
best represents the total combined income during (name of last month). Again, include
all sources of income we just talked about.

The questions for occupation in the household family questionnaire were meant for
the head of the family and were as follows (7):

1. Check item |__|

1. Head of family is an SP (End this section)
2. Head of family not an SP (ask Questions 2-12 for head of family)
3. Head of family active military living at home (Question 10)
2. During the past 2 months did -- work at a job or business, not counting work around |__|
the house?
1. Yes (Go to Question 7)
2. No
3. Even though -- did not work during those 2 weeks, did -- have a job or business? |__|
1. Yes
2. No
4. Was -- looking for work or on layoff from a job? |__|
1. Yes
2. No (Go to Question 6)
5. Which, looking for work or on layoff from a job? |__|
1. Looking (Go to Question 8)
2. Layoff (Go to Question 7)
3. Both (Go to Question7)
6. Check item. Mark only if 'NO' in Question 4. |__|
1. 'Yes' in Question 3 (Go to Question 7)
2. 'No' in Question 3 (Go to Question7)
7. For whom did --- work?
Enter name of company, business, organization, or other employer.
Record response and skip to Question 9.
8. For whom did -- work at -- last full-time civilian job or business lasting 2
consecutive weeks or more?
Enter name of company, business, organization, or other employer.
9. What kind of business or industry is this? (For example, TV and radio,
manufacturing, retail shoe store, State Labor Department, farm.)
10. What kind of work was -- doing? (From example, electrical engineer, stock clerk,
typist, farmer.)
11. What were --'s most important activities or duties at that job? (For example, types,
keeps account books, files, sells cars, operates printing press, finishes concrete.)
12. Complete from entries in Question 7 thru 11. If not clear ask: |__||__|

Was --
01. an employee of a private company, business or individual for wages, salary or
02. a federal government employee?
03. a state government employee?
04. a local government employee?
self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm?

IF NOT FARM, ASK: Is the business incorporated?

05. Yes
06. No

07. working without pay in business or farm?

00. never worked or never worked at a full-time civilian job lasting 2 weeks or

9.1.6 Norwegian Age-40 Programme

The questionnaire of the Norwegian Age-40 Programme inquiries about employment

status and education.

Social security benefits

1. Do you now receive any of the following social benefits Yes No

Sick leave |__| |__|
Rehabilitation allowance |__| |__|
Disability pension (full time or partial) |__| |__|
Unemployment benefit |__| |__|
2. Is house-keeping your main occupation (answer No if you are working 18 hours or
more per week for salary) |__|
Yes |__|


1. What level of education have you completed?

Primary school (less than 7 years) |__|
Junior high school (7-10 years) |__|
High school (occupational) |__|
High school (university entrance qualification) |__|
University (less than 4 year bachelor) |__|
University (4 or more years)

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