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Earth Defense Force 2025 Faq/Walkthrough by Khoiman

Note from the author: This is the second Faq/Walkthrough I have written
and the first Faq/Walkthrough had no one critique it or otherwise have
people pointing out flaws in my writing skills (not that I'm complaining
mind you). Standard copyright rules apply (although I don't know them) and
I expect to be notified when my work is used.

*****If you have any complains or you would like to contribute information
to this FAQ/walkthrough just email me at with a
subject line such as "EDF 2025 walkthrough"**** PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO

Earth Defense Force 2025 is a third person shooter whose difficulty is

more or less based on what class you are playing and what weapons you've
managed to get. This guide will discuss what weapons/class you should use
on a level on the NORMAL difficulty. On easy, you can use an assault rifle
on every level except the ones that involve an atmospheric target (i.e
mission 32) and when the assault rifle doesn't work you can just use a
rocket launcher or sniper rifle. It is not recommended to fully complete a
run on easy as that prevents you from getting good weapons and might bore
the average player. On Hard and above, the enemies just get more Hp and do
more damage (and shoot more). It might seem like a copout to not cover
harder difficulty levels but the reality is that the same tactics for
Normal would apply just with the upgraded version of the weapon you would
have used on Normal. In addition, the game expects you to be picking up
armor pickups or repeating levels for these pickups as this is the only
way you will get the Hp you need to actually survive a hit on the harder
difficulty levels. This essentially means that picking up the game out of
the box and starting the Thirty Second level on say, hardest and inferno,
when you are already having trouble with the game (hence the reason why
you looked up this FAQ/Walkthrough) would just result in more frustration
for you. I am writing this guide assuming that you are not a veteran of
any of the EDF games (though you can be a veteran of the EDF tactics game)
and am assuming that you're having choosing a good equipment setup for a
mission and not a problem that can't be fixed with an FAQ/Walkthrough (i.e
Firing rockets at close range) because I can't offer any tips aside from
"Don't do that".

While the Harder levels of EDF 2025 is locked off from the average player
due to poor weapons and one-hit kills, victory on normal difficulty
requires some skill and good weapon choices and so it's necessary to note
that some dexterity is required in order to survive some of EDF 2025
harder missions. Unlike say, a strategy game, there is no set move or
weapon loadout that will beat a mission guaranteed. It also doesn't help
that EDF 2025 requires you to call in your own vehicles which can only be
done by a single character class so unlike EDF 2017, you can't win a
mission using an on map vehicle.

Last but not least, this guide will assume you are playing by yourself.
The instructions in this guide assume you get lucky with weapon pickups
and get the weapons you'll need later on and also assumes that you are
playing single player. YOU CAN play with two players (the game is more fun
and easier that way) but writing a guide for two player gameplay would
mean snubbing people playing single player, who are arguably the people
who need a walkthrough in the first place. Now these disclaimers aside,
let's kill some bugs shall we?

Use the code to find the section you wish to find using the Ctrl+F search
function. The code is in brackets.

Section 1 Character Classes and controls (ASD1)

Ranger (IOP9)
Wing Diver (TYUI)
Air Raider (RTFY)
Section 2 Gameplay Mechanics (BTIO)
Getting Bitten (YUIL)
Getting webbed (QRKY)
*Spoilers are in the sections below
Section 3 The Missions (9TCF)
Section 4 Advanced tips and tricks (TR45)
Dash Canceling (TU98)
Section 5 the enemies (ROEP)

****Section 1 Character classes and controls**** (ASD1)

*For some reason, EDF 2025 does not come with a manual. This is bad
because some things like vehicles are not well explained. That said
controls for soldiers classes can be edited in the options menu.*

**The manual is not in the game it can be found online at courtesy of D3
publisher and GameFAQ member AliensRfriendly for starting a topic
mentioning it**

When you begin Earth Defense Force 2025, you'll find yourself given the
choice of picking 4 distinct classes with fairly obvious weaknesses. You
have the Ranger, Wing Diver, Air raider and the fencer.

There is no right or wrong choice but keep in mind that weapon and armor
unlocks only count for the class you're playing as thus you won't get
fencer equipment when playing as the Ranger or anyone other than the
Fencer. Narrative wise it doesn't even make sense for the player to be a
Fencer for the first few levels but oh well.

The Classes:
*note that there are many kinds of special weapons for each class. Don't
be surprised if you find a brandname that doesn't show up in this
walkthrough. These weapons I've managed to find within 10 hours of
gameplay. YES you can play for more than 10 hours and not find every
weapon in the game. Don't be discouraged, there's plenty of ways to get
loads of weapons really fast.

Ranger (IOP9)- The standard infantry guy this series is known for. The
only guy to have a relatively straight forward rocket launcher. His trees
of weapons include: Assault Rifles, Shotguns, sniper rifles, Rocket
launchers, Missile launchers, grenades and special weapons.

Controls: Pressing left trigger while moving straight ahead or standing

still will result in a jump. Pressing left trigger while moving in any
direction aside from straight forward will result in the person rolling.
Right trigger fires the gun, Right bumper switches weapons. The X button
is used to reload. Left stick to move and right stick to aim.

Cons (in general): This class is the same as the EDF 2017 character. The
EDF series at one point had pale wing (same as wing diver) in its second
game (the UK edition Global Defense force) and so the origins of unique
characters begins there. EDF 2017 drew criticism for not having unique
character classes like the pale wing in it. The remake/redux version of
EDF 2017 on the PS Vita allows you to play pale wing... BUT IT REQUIRES
you to beat the game as the ranger. Of course EDF games have gotten longer
since then (Insect Armageddon is an exception to the norm) with this game
being bigger than any of the previous games. But this just exacerbates the
problems, if you have already played the previous games, you'll be bored
senseless playing this class. This class is the most generic of all
classes and you should pick this only if you're new to the game, having a
lot of trouble with a mission or you find the other classes unwieldy. This
class adds nothing new to the table, having many weapons that were in
previous games. Not to say that it's wrong to keep an iconic character in
the roster (it's perfectly fine to do so), but wouldn't you want to play a
character who has variance and uniqueness (especially if you're a veteran
of a previous game)? *thanks to gamefaq member geelw for mentioning which
games in the series included different classes. I originally wrote that
EDF 2017 japan had pale wing... I was wrong!*

Pros: Has the highest amount of BOOM in his arsenal. The only straight
forward rocket launcher and grenade launchers and most if not all his
missile launchers are self-lock on (meaning you can use them without
assistance from another player). In addition, the ranger can be the pilot
of a vehicle (although he cannot call in vehicles to assist him. The
rangers assault rifle has no peer in terms of reliability and versatility.
The ranger gets the job done one generic step at a time!

Notable Weapons within their classes:

Rifles: Shoots enemies with bullets.

*AF Series- The AF series composes the majority of the Ranger's assault
rifles. The higher the number after the letters AF, the better the assault
rifle is in general. Suffixes may be added after the AF## such as ST and
RAR with RAR denoting rapid sustained fire and ST denoting higher
firepower but lower ammo capacity. AF## RA rifles have rapid fire and high
*fusion blaster- Does a lot of damage and has large clip... but the catch
is you generally can't reload it.

Shotguns: Shoots enemies with pellets

*Buffalo Series- These series of weapons have high firepower but low ammo
capacity. Being shotguns they're also short ranged.
*Sparrow Series- Rapid fire shotguns with shorter range and lower damage
than buffalo series

Sniper Rifles: Shoots bullets at long range… expecting anything different?

*MMF series- The MMF series of sniper rifles has a higher rate of fire
than other sniper rifles. Generally does lower damage per shot to
*Lysander Series- This series does a lot of damage and generally has a low
rate of fire. Generally has great zoom capability.

Rocket Launchers: Shoots rockets straight at the enemy

*Stingray series- Straight forward rocket launchers. High range
*Volcano Series- Fires multiple rockets at once. Rockets are spread out

Missile Launchers: Fires homing missiles. Requires lock-on to fire. Some

may require laser sight.
*Air Tortoise series- Fires incredibly slow missiles that have excellent
homing capability and massive damage and blast radius. Usually do so much
damage that you can kill yourself with it. Be careful! They are much
faster than their GDF and EDF 2017 counterparts.
*Emerald Series- Fires homing missiles that are fast, tend to turn well
but do average damage.
*ME_ series- These are quick fire and forget missiles that have now been
slighting nerfed in that you do require a lock-on (i.e no firing missiles
with back turned from monster or well out of visual range) but they lock-
on quick and do a lot of damage.

Grenades: Throw or launch grenades… you know those compact balls that
explode? Can either be thrown by hand or launched from gun. Hand thrown
grenades tend to be stronger but awkward to use.
*MG series: These grenades need to be thrown by hand. Hold down the fire
button to increase strength of throw. Takes a lot of skill to use properly
since these tend to explode on impact, which means rapidly tapping the
fire button because you're panicking usually equals self-suicide
*UM series: Grenades that are launched using a grenade launcher. Tends to
fire multiple grenades quickly or at once.

Special Weapons: Weapons that tend to be fairly useless but can be cool to
*Acid Shot series: Shoots the acid that the alien ants shoot. Does fairly
mediocre damage and is usually useless. Later versions do quite the damage.
*Flamethrower: SPEWS FLAMES. BURN EVERYTHING! Usually useless. Later
versions have higher capacity.

Wing Diver (TYUI): Gets to fly and have a fairly impressive arsenal. Also
female and the only class to be female. They have built-in energy
generator and battery and use their energy to fly and reload the majority
of their weapons. They get Short range, Mid-RG lasers, Mid-Rg Electroshock,
Particle Cannons, Sniper Weapons, Ranged Attacks, Homing Weapons and
special weapons (not the same as the rangers).

Controls: Same as Ranger but jumping will activate the jet pack. They also
cannot roll.

Cons (in general): This class requires you to be very very VERY careful.
You've got to keep your distance from the enemy, watch your ammo and watch
your energy. Running out of ammo usually means emptying your energy
reserves to reload, which translates to not having energy to retreat from
a bug rush and subsequently getting pummelled by the aliens. This class
has the lowest health and lowest health growth rate of all classes. You do
not want to get HIT while playing this class. Which sucks because there's
plenty of enemies that can close the distance and shoot you very quickly
in this game. This class was also available in the previous GDF (uk
edition of EDF 2) called pale wing in this game (this gets a shout-out in
mission 38 and 39) meaning that in the unlikely chance you've played that
game to the finish, you've probably seen and experienced all that class
had to offer. Of course GDF graphics were PS2 graphics so it's not like
you've seen all there is to offer with the wing diver.

Pros: YOU GET TO FLY! Energy is only drained when the weapon runs out of
ammunition meaning that if you pay attention, you can fly away and then
reload your gun. While enemies are capable of shooting a large volume of
acid and webs at you, being able to fly makes dodging the large volume of
fire relatively trivial. Even drone gunships have trouble hitting targets
in the air. This class is also the most mobile and so there's nothing
stopping a wing diver player from simply hovering 500 meters away from the
enemy while constantly bombarding them with plasma launcher fire.

Notable weapons
Short-Range: Rapid fire lasers or sweeping beams. They tend to have high
capacity and require a small sum of energy to reload.
*Rapier Series- Rapid fire energy machine gun. Its short range makes it
seem as if it’s a shotgun but we all know shotguns don't make laser light
*Laser Lance series- Totally worthless. Fires a pin prick laser that is
slow to fire but does high damage.

Mid-Rg Lasers: Yes I know they meant Mid-range lasers but these are mostly
useless though to be fair I find its hard to get pickups for these weapons.
*LARG-V series- WORTHLESS, fires lasers in a V pattern… because you like
to shoot targets that are on the periphery of your screen and not the ones
charging straight at you!
Mid-Rg Electroshock: Electricity weapons arc to the target and can hit
multiple targets.
*Idunn Series- Straight forward rapid lightning bolt shooters. Consumes a
lot of energy to reload.
*Grom Series- Extremely powerful. Does as much damage as a high end rocket
launcher but is rapid fire and pierces targets. Has a high energy cost to
reload but it takes more time than other weapons to reload so energy is
not drained quickly.
*Particle Cannons: Assault Rifles that have no ammo capacity and drain Jet
pack energy every time they're fired. Drain is small but damage is
*Ixion series- Shoots energy balls at the enemy. Low damage, high rate of
fire. Later versions shoot multiple balls at once.

Sniper Weapons: Long range weapons that either shoot lasers or lightning.
Lightning sniper weapons may claim to have a high accuracy but they tend
to swerve because they're electricity. Just like other weapons in the
electroshock tree, electric weapons can arc to hit multiple targets
*Thunder sniper series- Fires lightning at long range. Though one wonders
why it's called thunder sniper when its not making noise but rather
*LRSL series- Crappy sustained laser beam weapons. Have poor range for a
sniper rifle and drains energy faster than their stats would indicate.

Ranged Weapons: When the wing diver wants things blown up!
*Plasma Launcher series- Fires balls of explosive energy.
Homing Weapons: It's like the ranger missile weapon tree, only most of
these weapons are low damage. At least you don't have to worry to much
about reloading.
*Mirage series: Mirage shoots homing beams of light. Later versions become
capable of locking on to multiple targets.

Special Weapons: Most of these are just funky weapons with odd effects.
Most of them are coincidentally quite useless.


Air Raider (RTFY): The Air raider gets access to vehicle drops, remote
bomb launcher and the ever deadly laser guidance kit. They have health
equal to a ranger but not as much health growth as the ranger. They can
also call in off map support to pummel an area in submission. Unique to
this class is the credits mechanic of gameplay. This is an invisible
number that is never really seen at anytime. Essentially, Air raider's
vehicle drops and off map support attacks require credits to reload and
thus don't reload until its credit requirements are met (meaning that
support attacks cannot be reloaded normally). This is to prevent spamming
or otherwise mass use of overpowered attacks. To gain credits, the Air
raider (or his team) has to kill enemies. The air raider has access to
Guidance equipment, Calling for support, support equipment, limpet guns,
stationary weapons, special weapons.

Controls: Same as Ranger. But listed below are controls for helicopter,
tanks and other vehicles. There are also relisted in the sections that
explain what the vehicles are. REMEMBER back button is used to get in your

Helicopter Controls: Left trigger to power rotor and increase altitude.

Right trigger to fire machine guns (or laser guns) and Right bumper to
fire missiles. The left control stick controls the orientation of the
helicopter (i.e leaning forward, leaning backward, level to ground etc).
Right control stick controls the helicopters facing and allows it turn in
the direction the Right control stick is tilted. For helicopters it's hard
to control the speed and there's no indicator at all. Try to be patient
and avoid holding the left trigger for too long or else you'll end up
flying to high and thus unable to strafe ground targets.

Tank\ground vehicle Controls: Pressing the right trigger fires the cannon.
Pressing right bumper will fire the secondary weapon (if any). The left
stick controls the chassis of the tank\vehicle (i.e the treads) and all
movement is relative to the direction of the treads (No halo style driving
here). The right stick controls the orientation of the turret. Controls
like these, while awkward, give you the tank driver more control and the
ability to strafe targets but it comes with the responsible of remembering
what direction the treads are facing.

Power suit (also proteus) Controls: Pressing A will result in the mech
jumping in the direction the legs were oriented. The right stick controls
the movement of the legs while the right stick controls the orientation of
the torso. Again, this is to allow strafing of enemy targets (though with
the slow speed of the mechs, I highly doubt anyone will do that. Right
trigger fires primary weapons, secondary weapons are fired by pressing
right bumper.

Cons (in general): The Air raider can be one of the wimpiest classes to
play as. The only methods they have to attack that doesn't suck up credits
are deployables (turrets, attack drones), and his rather wimpy limpet bomb
launcher. This naturally means that the Air Raider can only blow himself
up when he gets bitten to free himself (see section 2 on gameplay
mechanics for more information on bites and getting bitten). In a bit of
common sense, the laser guide kit is not useful in single player unless
it’s the laser guide kit for an off map support attack. If you thought
playing the wing diver was tough on conservation just wait till you play
this class. Accidentally wasted that tank you just called in? DEAD! Didn't
bring the appropriate vehicle for the job? DEAD! Mission takes place in a
position that prevents off-map support (i.e a tunnel or a scripted event
prevents reinforcement)? DEAD (unless you are really good with limpet
guns)! Vehicle guns cannot be reloaded so once your tank is out of rounds
you'll just have to ditch it and call in another one. The limpet gun is
terrible at actually killing things and its unknown if this class is
capable of going to the toilet without third party assistance. Needless to
say, its hard to survive and thus improve this character without a second

Pros: This class is the only one that can make use of the Fencer's
ridiculously overpowered missile arsenal. The big giant war machines of
the Alien's won't look so deadly when you're personally guiding in laser
guided leviathan class missiles on to them. The leviathan class missile is
strong enough to completely destroy everything on the normal difficulty
(the standard version does 4000 damage!). There is no boss (except the
final due to scripting), no creature, no fool capable of withstanding a
successful leviathan class missile hit (aside from shield bearers, but
that's only if you hit the shield… and even then the SPLASH radius of the
leviathan missile sometimes goes through the shield!). In addition,
there's nothing cooler than being the driver of building-sized tanks
(called the titan) that can have its turrets operated by other players and
fires a massive round that decimates the enemy. Giant building-sized tank
not good enough for you? How about an EVEN BIGGER GIANT MECH that has side
turrets that can be operated by other players, over 20k in Hp and can fire
missiles out of its stomach!? The Air Raider can also heal others and can
even call in an ambulance to act as an APC and as mobile healing center
(medical supplies are limited though). Remember that Rangers can also ride
as pilot in vehicles that Air Raiders call down. Nothing says EDF than a
multi-tank assault on alien nests.

Notable Weapons

Guidance Equipment: This is the stuff you use to help other players fire
their lock-on missiles. The players must be within a certain radius of you
to be able to lock on. This lists as the guidance equipment range.
*Laser Guide kit - This guidance system has near infinite range and can
call in missile attacks at ridiculous range and precision. I am going to
assume you're playing on single player though and as such this weapon is
useless. Laser guide kits for off map support come with the off map
support and thus its pointless to use this. Keep in mind that just because
a missile has locked on to the laser point doesn't mean you should turn
off the laser. Missiles and airstrikes will require sustained laser
designation until the missile/airstrike hits.
*Guide Beacon gun - Shoots a beacon that does the same thing the Laser
guide kit does. But it usually requires you to be very accurate or
otherwise close. Use the laser guide kit instead if you are playing co-op.

Calling for Support: Calls in artillery, aircraft and missiles to strike a

location. This varies wildly and there's no brand names here. Just
remember that some are called in via grenade while others are called in
using laser guide kits provided with the support.

Support Equipment: Stuff that is used for healing people but is limited
and can't be reloaded. No brand names here (worth mentioning anyway) and
you really shouldn't need these unless your buddies suck at this game. In
single player these are doubly useless because you're going to need
weapons to kill enemies and healing doesn't help kill enemies.

Limpet guns: Shoots bombs that are detonated using the Left bumper/zoom
button. The number one reason why playing Air raider will usually result
in you blowing yourself up because you got bitten. Also note that
detonating any amount of bombs will result in the gun reloading so try to
shoot as many bombs as possible before detonating. Also do note that these
bombs tend to have infinite range. There does appear to be some inaccuracy
at a long range however.
*Limpet Gun Series- HORRIBLE GUN that does terrible damage and poor
capacity. Later versions do more damage but simply not enough to remain
competitive for the difficulty it is found on.
*Limpet Splendor series- Excellent (by comparison) guns that shoot bombs
that detonate into shrapnel. Perhaps the only limpet gun that won't kill
you when you get bitten by an Ant.
*Limpet Sniper series- Excellent range and firepower. Comes with a large
blast radius. Perfect for killing the bugs or planning that really
elaborate suicide/accident case when the bugs inevitably grab you.

Stationary Weapons: Traps, bombs and drones? Okay seriously, rolling bomb
drones are not stationary! That mishap in translation aside, the
stationary weapons are the unique stuff for the Air raider. You'll find
turrets, mines and explosive suicide drones here.
*-er suffix series- Automated drones that head in the direction you throw
them and explode on detection of an enemy. Tends to be useless half the
time. Has names like roller and patroller.
*Y series- Land mines that explode when the enemy comes near. Comes in
anti-aircraft mines and anti-alien versions.
*ZE Series- Turrets that shoot things but usually shoots the air and makes
the user angry with frustration. Has high reload times and limited ammo.
Deploy using the fire button (right trigger) and then activate using the
zoom button (left bumper).

Special Weapons: Unique toys that are usually worthless. Candidates

include the decoy launcher (one of which was a preorder bonus) and stupid
deployables that do practically nothing aside from making the bugs
hesitate a moment before killing you.
*Bunker series- Generates a forcefield wall that stop the bugs until its
eventually overrun and you get the mission failed screen and a magnificent
view of your ragdolled corpse. Don't use these because bugs just love
swarming AROUND you and you don't want to give them more incentive to do
that… do you? Can be useful on missions that involve only elite enemies.
*Wire series- Shoots out razor wires that do little damage to aliens
passing through it. Don't you just love this kind of weapon. It's like
that weapon slot you just dedicated to this was used so superbly and
efficiently! Though that's just the original normal or easy difficulty
versions. The variants fire webs that hit like a truck and can cause
entire formations of gunships to come crashing down. The trick is that the
gun fire out long ranged web lines (like the spider enemies do) and if you
decide to roll, the webs roll with you. Thus if you roll repeatedly after
firing, you can raise the damage done substantially. While these series of
guns is more likely to kill thieves than catch them like flies, it doesn't
change the fact that these are deceptively powerful. The only downside
tends to be a one shot ammo clip and high reload times.
*Decoy Launcher - Fires out a human like decoy. Great novelty… at least
until you find out that the balloon can take a very small amount of abuse
before popping. Still somewhat useful against the robots but generally
useless due to high reload times. Later variants can take more abuse and
last longer. You can totally make enemies shot each other with this,
though I'm not sure if enemies even take friendly fire damage.

Vehicles: OH YEAH! Here comes the good stuff for the Air raider. Comes in
subcategories Tank, Ground Vehicles, Helicopters and Power suits. Just
remember that you need to press the back button to enter vehicles. Do note
however that the titan, brute and proteus series have their call-in half
reloaded, as in you cannot start a mission by calling them in immediately.
I assume this is to prevent cheese and I-win strategies. All other
vehicles types regardless of power are full-reloaded at the start of a
mission. So you can drive around in a lv~90 gigantus, but the game says
screw you if you want a lv~12 titan at the start of a mission... huh?
Remember that all vehicle call-ins are only reloaded when enemies are

Tanks- Metal Boxes that shoot cannons at things to make them dead or
*Gigantus Series- your standard main battle tank. Rather poor ammo
capacity but credit cost is also low.
*Titan Series- The giant tank that will end all wars. Main gun tends to do
damage in the thousands. Becareful not to engage targets too close unless
you want to blow up the titan tank with its own weapons. Has side turrets
for other players to take advantage of.

Ground Vehicles: Utility vehicles for when the situation calls for
something unique
*Caravan Series- APC that contains a medical center to heal people. Does
not revive the dead. Later versions have more medical supplies to do more
*Self propelled Rocket series- Mobile missile launcher that fires homing
missiles that can hit 10 targets at a time. Tends to have only 50 missiles
in stock and so tends to run out of ammunition. Later versions get more
*SDL series- The EDF series iconic hover bike... except its got wheels
this time. It’s the ralph wiggam of this series. Unless you like being in
auto related accidents and explosions because you're piece of crap SDL
just wrapped itself around a tree again don't use these. Marginally useful
for getting across the battlefield. Has a transport seat for another

Helicopters: Those flying machines that those youngsters use. Piloting a

helicopter is often difficult. You can have quite the laugh trying to
figure out the sober helicopter pilots from the drunk helicopter pilots in
EDF 2025. That said, helicopters have excellent mobility and firepower.
Left trigger is to lift the helicopter and right trigger and right bumper
are to fire primary and secondary weapons respectively. The left analog
stick controls the orientation of the helicopter while the right stick
controls the direction of the helicopter.
*Bazelart series- The stand machine gun and missile helicopter. Later
versions get better machine guns and better missiles
*Nereid Series- Now I'm not sure about you, but it took me 10 hours just
to get one of these things. A lv 36 model to be exact. The good news about
these copters is that they're fast, easy to manuever, have low lift-off
times and have auto-targeting guns in addition to explosive weapons. The
downside is that the autoguns have low ammo and the explosives are not
auto-targeting and tend to be dumbfire. They've got more health than
Bazelart series so that's a plus.
*Brute Series- A helicopter that is meant for teamplay. Features guns
mounted on the sides that other players can man. Unlike the proteus (see
below) this is mostly useless unless you have friends. Since unlike the
proteus, the brute doesn't have that much health and thus turret hopping
isn't very effective.

Power Suits: The giant mechs that stomps things. Tends to be awkward to
control. Pay careful attention to the direction of the legs and the
direction of the torso. The left stick controls the legs while the right
stick controls the torso. Pressing A will result in a jump. Some suits can
also use their jetpack to glide for a short period of time
*Vegalta series- Carries a multitude of weapons. The preorder gold vegalta
comes with flame throwers, how COOL is that?
*Proteus series- the giant mech that requires 4 players to fully utilize.
The pilot steers the mech while the other players operate the guns on it.
Has massive amounts of Hp and impressive firepower. Still useful even
without friends since you can always get out of the drivers seat and run
over to the turrets. The extremely high Hp will ensure the proteus can
survive a ridiculous amount of time even with a crew of one.
Fencer: The fencer is a power suit soldier with big guns and heavy armor.
The Fencer wields two guns at a time (meaning they carry 2 sets of 2
weapons) with the majority of his guns having secondary options such as
boost dash, boost jump and zoom scope. They are the brute force class in
this game and the majority of their weapons have poor range capabilities.
Unique to the Fencer are series of artilery weapons as well as recoil,
which causes your cursor to fly around the screen. The fencer can carry CC
strikers, CC piercers, Shields, Automatic Artillery, Artillery and missile

Controls: Left trigger and right trigger to fire/use the weapon assigned
to the left and right hand respectively. Left bumper and right bumper to
use the secondary function of the left and right hand respectively. Y
button to swap weapon sets and A button to do a light hop. X to reload
weapon and left stick to move and right stick to aim.

Cons (in general): This class is the slowest of all classes. Without the
use of the secondary function of most weapons a fencer pilot will have a
hell of a time getting to the battlefield. Their slow speed can be
mitigated by using the secondary function of certain weapons but this
essentially means that as a fencer pilot you are taking guns simply
because you need them to make the class playable. A lot of Fencer weapons
are practically useless either because their ammo capacity is low, their
reload times are high, they cause involuntary movement, they have high
recoil, they're too short range or just plain worthless (or a combination
of the aforementioned). The fencer has entire weapons trees that are
worthless in single player and are generally worthless period. To add
insult to injury, most fencer missile launcher requires a air raider to
make them work.

Pros: That said this CLASS IS AWESOME! There are several weapons that the
fencer can get that are easily found and well more than make up for the
weapons that are useless. Light mortar series can annihilate everything
period and dual wielding Gatling guns are great for crowd control. The
fencer gets access to the mighty hammer and force blade. The hammer can
smash entire swarms of enemies and force blade can shoot down gunships and
does the same job as the hammer (although not with as much wide spread
damage). The leviathan missile can one shot the toughest enemies in the
game (provided player two is using the laser guide kit) and javelin series
of weapons can beat inferno level enemies single handedly. The fencer is a
class that requires the player to carefully consider your loadout and to
pick weapons that best fit situation. Weapons can be awkward to use but
its pays off very well to learn how to use them. Also note the Dash Cancel

Notable Weapons
CC strikers: Close range crowd control weapons. DEADLY but some can be
worthless. Keep in mind these are for swarm type enemies. Using these on
the more elite enemies will probably get you killed. Secondary functions
of these weapons is a speed boosting dash in any direction you choose.
*Vibro hammer series- excellent anti-ground melee weapons. When fully
charged, the hammer slams the ground and creates a forward shockwave that
decimates everything in its path. Pierces enemies
*Force blade series- Sword that when charged lets out of wave of energy
that damages anything caught in it. Acts a powerful anti-air weapon and
also a good anti-ground weapon.
*Roller series- Useless. Same as hammer but you move with the shockwave.
This means you can get yourself locked in a wave of enemies and then
subsequently get killed because this weapon series sucks.

CC piercers: Close range weapons that shoot out piercing pressure shots.
Mostly useless as their range is lower than CC strikers. Does more damage
than the CC strikers and fire more often. Use these if you want to kill
elite enemies at close range. Secondary function is the same as CC
*Spear series- Shoots a tiny spear that does massive damage at very close
range. Not too useful but can be deadly if used right. Flash spears can
attack continuously while blast spears do more damage but have finite
*Jack Hammer- A fist that pounds your enemies at close range. Rapid fire,
high damage.
*Driver series- The same as jack hammer.

Shields: All these are mostly useless without extensive practice.

Essentially they are shields that are carried in one hand and can be used
to block attacks (usually ineffectually) or reflect them. Reflecting or
blocking drains ammo (reflect drains 20 ammo or so, block drains based on
damage absorbed). The speed boost dash offered by the CC weapons allows
you to dodge attacks so why would you want to take damage? This class is
not much stronger than other classes in terms of Hp. 250hp for a fencer is
the same as 250 hp for a wing diver. All it takes is more armor pickup and
you can have a class that move faster than a fencer but doesn’t need a
stupid shield to defend itself from attacks. That said, the shield can be
useful but only if you want to dedicate time to learning enemy patterns
and using the reflect function of the shield. Some attacks from elite
enemies hit near instantaneously though and of course being swarmed by
bugs provides few opportunities for survival, so being mobile is still a
better defense than relying on a shield. If you want to impress friends,
there's no better way than reflecting a large plasma blast right into the
enemy's face. And if you want to be laughed out of the room, simply fail
to reflect the plasma blast. Of course there's the dash cancel exploit you
can abuse using shields.

Automatic Artillery- Rapid fire weapons that are meant to hit enemies from
100m or farther. Don't get too excited, they're no where near as long
ranged as the ranger's rocket launchers. Secondary function is a boosted
jump allowing you to get to high ground and jump over obstacles.
* Hand Gatling series- Oh yeah baby these are the rapid fire killing
machines you've dreamed of dual wielding. They do more damage than the
ranger's assault rifles and have higher capacity (and his assault rifles
are the best in its field) but have high reload times (usually 4 or more
seconds). They cause low enough recoil that two Gatling guns can be fired
at the same time and you can still aim. Short delay before firing.
* Cannon series- Shoots powerful rounds that do high damage. Have range
of over 200m but a small ammo capacity (less than 20 shots on average) and
the same reload time as hand gatlings. Essentially this class's sniper
type weapon. Out classed by the cannon non-automatic artillery series, but
remember that this series still allows you to boost jump
*Flame revolver series- USELESS. Firing one gun will cause enough recoil
that you can barely aim. Firing two at once will quickly result in you
looking at the sky hoping that some higher being will give you a better
weapon. Poor range, CRAP damage, and long delay times before firing makes
this weapon useless incarnate. Why do video games have such terrible flame
Artillery: These are big guns that leave entire crowds dead at long range.
Useful for taking out elites and useful for crowd control. They do not
however have useful secondary functions. Some might have zoom though.
*Cannon series- Piercing sniper weapons. Massive damage. Essentially the
same as the Automatic artillery cannon series but does not provide boost
jumping. Most come with zoom function.
*Javelin series- Shoots javelins at high volumes and high rate of fire.
Tends to reload quickly. Early versions have drawbacks but later versions
such as the javelin storm can utterly destroy everything! Fires at awkward
angles that simulate a parabolic arc. This can be abused by looking at the
ground to cause the javelins to shoot straight forward.
*Mortar Series- Fires long range mortars that explode and do high damage.
Use these to take out elite enemies from afar. Light versions have high
capacity and rate of fire. Heavy versions have less capacity and rate of
fire but do more damage. Most come with zoom function.

Missile Launchers: Fire long range missiles… if you're lucky enough to get
a missile launcher that doesn't need a guide kit. Only the ones with laser
guide kits are worth using. The others tend to do too little damage and
have too high a reload time to be useful.
*Leviathan Series- Massive damage. Long lock-on time and massive blast
radius. The air raider using the laser guide kit had better not be
screwing around when one of these are the air!
*Arm Hound series- Above average lock on time (0.5 seconds on average when
good missile launchers have 0.1) great homing capability and low damage.
Reload time is usually a deal breaker. Missiles do have blast radius.
****Section 2 game mechanics**** (BTIO)
*This section explains basic ideas on how to play the game. This a boring
section and you can probably learn how to play the game faster by simply
playing it*

Before you begin gameplay, pick a storage device and do the obvious stuff
you need to do so that the game will auto-save in the slot you picked.
This should include signing in to an xbox live account (online or offline
it does not matter) as well as picking a name for your save slot. Saving
is automatically done and there is no possible chance to turn off auto-
save. The game saves after every mission completed or failed or when you
return to the title screen.

Take a look at the equipment menu and from there you can pick your class
and what weapons (or vehicles if you choose air raider) they'll have
access to. When you look at a weapon you'll see that it has ROF meaning
rate of fire, a capacity (denoting the amount of times you can fire it)
and the damage it does. Other effects might be listed but they are labeled
appropriately. Here are some of the things you might see on a weapon

Homing capability: The ability of the missile to lock on to the target.

The closer to S it is the more homing it is and the better it turns.

Blast radius: Denotes that the damage does damage to all things within the
radius of the explosion. Higher is good but too high means you're probably
going to kill yourself with this weapon.

Reload time: The time it takes to reload weapons. Guns tend not to run on

Energy Cost: Applies only to wing divers and it denotes the cost of energy
it takes for them to reload the gun. Keep in mind that the entire clip is
discarded when reloading so reloading one bullet out of 20 costs the same
amount as reloading 20 bullets of 20. The rate of energy drain is
determined by charge time

Charge time: Reload time but for wing divers. I bet humanity must be
unified at this point because they have free energy and a common enemy. No
wonder the cities look so utopian!
Duration: Some items only last a short amount of time. Healing stations
and deployables have a set amount of time they can last.

Range: The minimum range at which the gun can fire and hit things at.
Anything over 1000m tends to have infinite range for as far as gameplay
goes. 700m is enough to hit atmospheric targets from far away

Durability: Vehicles and deployables can be blown up. Durability denotes

the amount of damage they can take. Essentially it’s the same as the
health that you would have but the object's health instead

Lock-on: The amount of targets that the missile launcher can lock on to.
Keep in mind that its one missile per target so you can't fire 6 missiles
at the same target unless the missile launcher specifically states that is
the case.

Lock-on time: the time it takes for them missile launcher to realize it
can shoot things. You generally cannot fire a missile launcher without a

*These are just some of the things you will see in the weapon description.
There are more but most of them are fairly self-explanatory*

Pick a loadout and get ready to fight some aliens and hopefully win.
Remember to read the description of the weapon carefully in order to
determine if it's useful. Feel free to experiment as failing a mission has
no penalties associated with aside from forcing you to play that level
again successfully in order to progress.

As soon as you start the game you'll notice your health bar, your weapon
and its ammunition and the radar.

Health: The amount of Hp you have. If it goes to zero you are downed and
require rescue from another human player. Since I am assuming you are
playing single player, its game over if your health drops to zero at any
point. Note that there is no damage reduction so the damage listed by the
gun you equipped will go 100% to you (assuming you don't have some effect
that reduces damage active… but those are generally useless) so be careful
with weapons like the Air tortoise or the mortar because they do so much
damage that they will kill you in one hit with your low starting Hp.

Radar: Red dots are enemies, blue dots are friendly soldiers, white dots
are stupid civilians and green dots are pick ups. Yellow dots denote empty
vehicles. Green circles with letters denote other human players (A is for
air raider, F is for fencer, R is for ranger, W is for wing diver). The
radar detects things within 100m so if your target is within the radar
you're probably going to get shot at by it.

*these are the elements of the screen you should be aware of. There's no
explanation about ammo because if you don't know what ammunition is then
clearly this guide will not help you*

Go out and start killing the aliens. There are several attacks to look out
for. Alien explosive attacks will send you flying. Alien machine gun
attacks will slow you down and do heavy damage. Web attacks from basic
spiders will hurt you and slow you down. Alien ants can shoot acid at you
(they will not do this on the first stage) that hurts you. There are two
special instances that can occur that may confuse new players.

*Getting bitten* (YUIL)

Ants can grab players with their mighty jaws and beat you up severely.
After a while the ant will throw you but on high difficulties you'll
probably be dead before that happens. To escape from the ant grab attack
you need to fire a weapon and kill the ant. Just keep hammering the weapon
fire buttons (OR HOLD THEM DOWN) and the weapon you have chosen to use
will fire and hit the ant in the face. Rapid fire close range weapons
like the assault rifle are ideal for killing the ant quickly and escaping
with minimum damage. Weapons like the rocket launcher that do splash
damage are not ideal for rescuing yourself from an ant grab because you
will kill yourself and confuse the forensics team as to whether or not
your death was an accident or intentional suicide. Spare the forensics
team the trouble and use a non-explosive weapon (air raiders can use
splendor series weapons) to save yourself. The ant can randomly decide to
go into a frenzy and start slamming you into objects or shaking you
violently doing massive damage in the process. In addition you can't fire
your weapons while this happening. Note that damaging the ant will prevent
it from shaking you violently and thus repeatedly damaging the ant can
prevent the ant from doing damage to you.

*Getting dragged and webbed* (QRKY)

The advanced spiders, the Retarius come pre-spawned on maps and have setup
a web nest between buildings. The buildings are indestructible but the
webs are destroyed with enough firepower. Ideally you should kill the
Retarius before you break the web otherwise the Retarius can become harder
to kill since it will fall to the ground (being low to ground makes them
harder to spot). The Retarius constantly shoots out web lines that are the
same as the basic spider but different in that if it hits the web line
will start flashing red and you will be dragged towards the Retarius.
Killing the Retarius is the only way to stop the dragging and this effect
can easily kill you because you lose the ability to move freely. Needless
to say, you can get caught in the web nest that the Retarius sits on. The
only way to escape is to destroy the net.

The above two mechanics are the only non-self explanatory concepts in the
game. Here the other concepts that can easily be figured out in gameplay
but are worth mentioning.

Buildings: They are annoying and give the bugs plenty of hiding space and
can block deployment of the larger vehicles. All buildings have a set
amount of explosive damage they can take before they collapse. Unlike
previous games, buildings now take more than a single rocket to blow up.

Civilians: Annoying little people that get in the way and are invulnerable
and disappear after a short while. It is recommended to avoid stampedes of
civilians as their stupid invulnerable bodies often get in the way of
explosives causing friendly fire incidents.

Upgrading your character: Armor pickups (the red boxes) increase the max
Hp of your character. The green boxes are weapon pickups which give you
weapons based on the level and difficulty you are on. Higher levels and
higher difficulties give you better weapons overall. Try to end missions
after you have picked up all upgrading powerups. Note that you must finish
a mission to get the upgrades so dying will result in the loss of all
accumulated upgrades. Upgrades are applied after a mission meaning you get
the weapons and armor boost after a successful mission. Upgrades only
apply to the class you are using thus rangers cannot get weapons or armor
for other classes.

EDF soldiers: These guys will help you kill the bugs and are generally
equipped with assault rifles. They are weak but much more durable then
they were in previous games. Also unlike in EDF 2017, EDF soldiers do not
die instantly when friendly fires occurs, instead it takes sustained or
very high damage friendly fire to kill them. Most of them are rangers but
some can be wing divers and fencers. Some of them may feature red
triangles over their head. Approaching the soldiers with the red triangles
will result in the red triangle disappearing the soldier and his team
following you for the rest of the mission. This is both a blessing and a
curse as the EDF soldiers are good decoys but they also tend to get in the
way randomly and thus cause friendly fire incidents. I will refer to EDF
soldiers who can join up with you as 'capturable'

****Section 3 the missions**** (9TCF)

*In this section I will discuss the weapons that should be brought to
tackle the level and what types of enemies you will be fighting (and how
many waves of them there are) Note: when I write to use assault rifles I
mean any rapid fire crowd control weapon. When I say missile launcher I
mean any homing weapon. Lastly when I say rocket launcher I mean any heavy
damage weapon like cannons, mortars etc.*


Mission 1: Black ants have flooded the streets. These Ants don't use their
acid attack and focus only on melee. Kill them using whatever weapons you
want. You will fight 3 waves of black ants. Bring an assault rifle or
explosive weapon and use whatever class you feel like. This mission is
easy because the ants don't use range attacks and mostly focus on
civilians. Its possible to beat this mission on harder difficulties using
weak equipment in order to get powerful weapons early. A squad of EDF
soldiers are present on the map but they will not fall under your command.

Mission 2: You start with a wave of black ants and two capturable EDF
squads right in front of you. These black ants will shoot acid at you (and
from now on they will do so as their main attack) so be careful not to get
too heavily splashed. Another wave of black ants will pop up after you're
done killing the initial wave. Kill the second wave and the mission is

Mission 3: Once again a wave of black ants is right in front of you. This
time only one squad of EDF soldiers is present to help you and the squad
is not initially capturable (they can be captured after the first wave of
ants is killed). After you've killed this wave of black ants, another wave
will appear in another location. After killing this wave however, two
separate waves of black ants will appear. Wing divers will assist you for
this dual wave of ants. You will fight 4 waves of ants in total this
mission. Assault rifles and explosives are recommended.

Mission 4: The new enemy Retarius is introduced. These bastards reside in

a web that gives them a high vantage point over the battle field. Getting
caught in the web hurts you and the Retarius will shoot webs that upon
hitting you will flash red and begin dragging you into the web. Destroying
the web is the only method to escape and killing the Retarius is the only
way to get lose of the red flashing webs. There are seven Retarius's in
this level. Kill them all and the mission is over. Assault Rifles and
explosives are recommended. There are EDF soldiers present but most of
them are useless against the Retarius. Note if camera effects is enabled,
the camera will zoom in on the first Retarius and totally screw you over
if you are aiming or trying to do something

Mission 5: Seven Retarius's with black ants guarding 4 of them. Kill them
all. Assault rifle and explosive weapons recommended. You start with a
capturable EDF squad in front of you and several other EDF soldiers are
trapped in the Retarius webs and can be rescued before they die.
Mission 6: Narrow linear hallways with bugs swarming in them. You will
encounter spiders on this mission, they shoot webs and do not bite. The
webs do much higher damage than acid does. Spiders travese only by jumping,
they cannot walk. Assault rifle and explosive weapons recommended. Air
raiders cannot call for support and missile launchers are worthless here
due to low ceiling. 3 waves of sequential ants (fighting to a cavern like
room) followed by a sudden dual wave composed of basic spiders. The dual
wave will come from two directions with each wave coming from a separate
entrance to the cavern. Thus the spiders are not as well coordinated in
attacking as they otherwise would be.

Mission 7: Air raiders get introduced as EDF NPCs according to the

description. Also that's a bald face lie since there are no Air raiders in
this mission. All EDF soldiers are rangers in this mission. Fight and kill
two waves of spiders. Assault rifle and explosives are blah blah blah

Mission 8: Four waves of spiders. One regular wave followed by dual wave
followed by a regular wave. Kill all waves to end the level. You really
shouldn't have gotten this far without a weapon plan for crowd control
already. If for some reason you haven't figured out that assault rifle
like weapons + explosive weapons for taking out buildings and tight
clusters are good then I'm saying it one last time!

Mission 9 : Retarius and Black ant combo. However half way through the
mission, spiders will being to rise from the eastern sea. Avoid killing
enemies why they are in the sea since that prevents you from getting items.
After the first wave of spiders a second dual wave consisting of spiders
and ants coming from eastern sea will arrive. Bring a long-range homing
weapon since Retarius's are far away and obscured by trees. Bringing a
crowd control weapon goes without saying.

Mission 10: A Black ant wave starts right in front of you. After that wave
is inevitably annihilated you have 2 sequential waves of black ants to
deal with. After that the mothership shows up with its genocide gun
(that's what its called in-game) and shoots off a round and fly saucers
called 'carriers' will come in and start dropping off bugs. The carrier
and mothership are invulnerable don't bother trying to kill them. Kill all
the bugs and gunships will show up. Gunships are flying attack drones that
fire a series of red pew pew beams that hurt you if you are caught in it.
They're fairly accurate and tend to do quite some damage. Be sure to
roll/boost in order to dodge their attacks. Missile launchers are good but
assault rifles work on the gunships too because they like to fly close
before they attack. The fencer's force blades make a mockery of the
gunships. Kill all enemies and the mission is over. Missile launchers and
assault rifles are recommended.

Mission 11: You fight three waves of gunships sequentially. Woot. Bring a
missile launcher and an assault rifle.

Mission 12: You fight 3 waves of sequential and progressively larger black
ant waves. The black ants are para dropped by carriers that appear to be
indestructible and fly across the battlefield. This leaves the ants
scattered and dispersed. However the third wave is much larger and
involves more carriers and the carriers intersect each other. Bring a
crowd control weapon.

Mission 13: You fight 3 carriers dropping black ants. This is the first
time you fight carriers properly and so I give a full description of the
carriers. Carriers are slow moving mobile spawn points, dropping bugs and
sometimes elite enemies. They have a small but decent amount of health and
they can be harmed by shooting them in the pink glowing spot when the
hatch is open. Firing directly at the spawn hole is unadvised as you might
kill the spawning ants and not the carrier. Unlike previous series, the
carrier will violently explode when killed (and not power down before
exploding) and this explosion will be quite bright. The explosion does not
kill and the falling carrier does not appear to hurt anyone or anything.
Pay careful attention to the sound of the carrier dropping its payload
(*my sincere condolences if you're a deaf gamer*). Kill the three carriers
and any remaining ants and the mission is over. Assault rifles and high
powered long range weapons are recommended.

Mission 14: A wave of hectors and gunships. Hectors are giant robots that
carry either cannons or machine guns. The machine guns will fire a large
spray of bullets that can lock you in place at close ranges and does
massive damage. The cannons will fire red explosive balls that will send
you flying in the air if you are caught in the blast. They go down with
extended fire and explode violently on death. The explosion does no damage
and the Hector cannot step on you. Hectors always drop powerups on death.
You can tell if you are within range of a Hector if the red dot
corresponding to the Hector is not on the outskirts of the radar. After
the first wave of hectors and gunships are eliminated, a second wave of
hectors will appear. Air strikes will be called in on the second wave.
After the second wave is gone the mission is a success. High range and
high powered weapons are recommended for the Hectors and assault rifles
for the gunships.

Mission 15: You will fight spawn holes in this mission. Spawn holes are
the same as carriers, they have no weapons and they exist only to spawn
infinite hoards of enemies. The key difference however, is that spawn
holes are close to the ground (do not spawn elite enemies) and are always
vulnerable. Spawn holes are weaker than carriers because they do not have
the advantage of being out of reach of short range weapons. You can kill a
spawn hole with any weapon that does damage. You will fight 4 spawn holes
sequentially in this mission, the last one spawns spiders instead of black
ants. An assault rifle is recommended for this mission.

Mission 16: You fight the quadped siege fortress in this mission. The
Quadped mech will be auto killed in this mission so you don't need to kill
it yourself. The quadped siege fortress will start dropping Hectors
shortly after the mission starts. Avoid being underneath the quadped
fortress as its steps will damage you. After the deployment of hectors,
the quadped fortress was start deplyoing drones. After that wave of drones
are killed, the quadped will deploy a second wave a short while later.
After that wave is dead, the quadped fortress will later start dropping
hectors. Then the quadped will start dropping drones shortly before the
quadped fortress is destroyed by a scripted air strike. Be careful though
as the guns on the quadped fortress will activate at this point and start
shooting lasers at everything. After the quadped is destroyed and all
remaining enemies are dead the mission is over. Pick an assault rifle and
a long range high damage weapon for this mission.

Mission 17: You start with two carriers deploying spiders. After the
carriers are dispatched (destroyed) another two carriers will appear at a
low attitude in the canyon and start dropping spiders. Destroying these
and any remaining spiders will end the mission. Use an assault rifle and a
high powered long range weapon like a rocket launcher.

Mission 18: A new enemy the artillery Hector will be introduced. You will
fight this enemy exclusively for this mission. They're the same as
regularly hectors but they carry purple plasma long range artilery round
and fire at you from far away. They have no minimum range and have an easy
time hitting you at close range because of the explosive nature of their
artillery. Fight fire with fire and hit them with long range high powered
weapons. Avoid attacking them with close range weapons. There are two
waves of artillery Hectors in this mission. The artillery hectors will
come from the sea in this mission and it's not particularly productive to
wait for the artillery Hectors to reach land. Use a rocket launcher for
this mission.

Mission 19: The new enemy shield bearer is introduced and NPC fencers will
be introduced. They're not very deadly, and it only works if Hectors are
hiding under the shield. To destroy them, go under their shield and blow
them up. Keep in mind they have a mobile mode and a deployed mode. The
deployed mode has a bigger shield then the mobile mode. Attacking a
deployed shield bearer will result in the shield bearer going into mobile
mode and the shield receding somewhat. This means that if you are shooting
a deployed shield bearer at the right distance, you can end up hurting
yourself when the shield recedes. There are two shield bearers on this
mission at the start. Go under the shields and destroy them. The second
one has Hectors hiding underneath the shield. Be careful however as an
airstrike will be called in on the second shield bearer and this can kill
you if you're caught in it. After the first two are destroyed, a third
shield bearer will appear and it will be protected by two artillery
hectors. Another airstrike will be pointlessly called on this third shield
bearer so be aware of that. Kill them all and the mission is over. Use an
assault rifle and high power weapon for this mission.

Mission 20: Two shield bearers guarded by black ant will be present at the
start of this mission. In addition there are three ant holes present on
the map. Despite the idiot scientists proposal that fencers are good at
taking out shield bearers any class will work just as long as you have a
good close range weapon. Elite ants will show up in this mission. They are
the same as black ants but they are red and do more damage and use only
bite attacks. Kill the shield bearers, the three ant holes and any
remaining ants and them mission is over.

Mission 21: A tunnel mission so no support for Air raiders. Inside the
first tunnel are flame thrower EDf soldiers and a bunch of ants. After
that head into the first cavern where there are spiders waiting to be
killed. After you killed the spiders there will be one dual wave of black
ants and spiders sitting around in a separate cavern area. After those two
waves are dead, a wave of red ants will appear in a cavern deep in the
tunnels. A fencer unit will appear to help you with the wave of red ants
but they are hopelessly outgunned and outnumbered. Kill the red ant wave
and the mission is over.

Mission 22: Another tunnel mission so no support for Air raiders (i.e no
tanks and airstrikes for you!). You start this mission at the bottom of a
ditch and Black ants will start pouring in through the ground above. After
a short while, spiders will then enter the fray. Kill all insects to end
the mission. Crowd control weapons like assault rifles are recommended.
Some of the insects may refuse to go into the ditch but you can climb out
of the ditch using a path near the edges of the ditch to go find and kill

Mission 23: You start this mission surrounded by Hectors. Some of them
wield artillery. Kill them all to end the mission. Use a high power long
range weapon

Mission 24: The mission starts with drones and a mothership in the air
with four carriers in front of you. One carrier will drop spiders the
rest drop ants. After a while into the mission the mothership floating
above you will start bombarding the area with lasers and plasma.

Mission 25: A spawn hole is guarded by spiders and several Retarius's. The
spawn hole will pump out spiders. Destroy the spawn hole and all other
enemies and the mission is over. Pick a long range weapon and an assault

Mission 26: A swarm of red ants will advance towards you as this mission
starts. Once the red ants are dead a second swarm of red ants will pop up
coming to you from over a hill. After that there is a triple wave of red
ant trying to swarm you from three different directions. After this wave
has been dealt with the mission is over. Any crowd control weapon will do.
Mission 27: Elite gunships, the red gunships appear in this mission. You
will be fighting only red gunships and there will only be five of them.
Red gunships are extraordinarily resilient. They also do a lot of damage
and move quite fast. Use a high powered long range weapon or a really
powerful assault rifle if you are a wing diver or if the red gunships
manage to close the distance.

Mission 28: This is an excellent mission for farming upgrades. The mission
will start with a large wave of Hectors approaching. There will be a lot
of capturable EDF squads here to help you so be sure to capture them so
they can act as decoys for enemy fire. The EDF squads are quite well armed
so they can handle the enemy if you use support them. Airstrikes will be
called on the Hector wave and several Hectors will die from the air raid.
After the first wave of Hectors is dead, four hectors will spawn and head
towards you. There will be no airstrikes on this group of hectors. After
they are dead a LARGE swarm of black and red ants will charge towards the
center of the battlefield. After a short while, a LARGE swarm of drones
will show up. Be sure to near other EDF soldiers at this point as the
drones will kill you if you don't have decoys. Air support will redraw at
this point so Air raiders are out of luck if they need vehicles or
airstrikes. Four artillery Hectors will pop up and start bombarding the
field. On the other side of the field four regular hectors will show up
but these will get hit by an airstrike and take some damage. For those
playing air raiders, air support will be re-established a few minutes
after it was removed so don't worry if you can't call in a titan tank
you'll be able to if you survive a few more minutes. Kill all enemies
including the shield bearer (who is really pointless in this mission) to
complete the mission. Be sure to pick up the ridiculous amount of power
ups available in this level. A powerful long range weapon like the javelin
storm is recommended for this mission and a short range crowd control
weapon like the Grom SS is also recommended.
Mission 29: Tunnel mission, so no air support for air raiders. First wave
is black ants. Second wave is also black ants. Third wave is black ants
and the fourth wave is spiders! Fifth wave is black and red ants. Hurray!
Crowd control weapons recommended and killing everything completes the

Mission 30: Tunnel mission. You start surrounded by black ants and spiders.
Kill them all and the mission is over. The ants and spiders have multiple
corridors to get to you so try and get to a corner and fight them from
there. Close range weapons HEAVILY recommended

Mission 31: Tunnel mission and your first fight with Queen ants. Queen
ants are Giant black ants. They don't appear to bite and they spit 'metric
craptons' ™ of acid. Head down the tunnel and rally with the capturable
EDF squad. There is a wave of black ants. After that wave is dead further
down the tunnel is a second wave of black ants and a few spiders in this
wave. After the spiders and the ants are dead move down the tunnel and
kill another wave of ants. After those ants are dead head down the tunnel
and fight spiders. After fighting the spiders you will be informed the
queen has been found and you should head down the tunnel and fight black
ants on your way to the queen's den and the EDF squad waiting outside.
After meeting up with the EDF squad, go and fight the Queen. The Queen
spits a metric crapton of acid so shoot through the entrance to the
queen's lair and don't walk in unless you like dying. In fact its not rare
for the entrance to the queen's lair to be completely saturated with acid.
Be extra careful as there are TWO queens present. Crowd control weapons
are recommended and a rocket launcher for long range crowd control + queen


Mission 32: The mission starts with a mothership arming its genocide gun
as well as several hectors with shield bearers being present (there is
also a regular hector and black ant team sitting around near the edge of
the map. The genocide gun is a big giant independence day like gun that
shoots a laser that streaks across the battlefield leaving destruction and
crapped pants in its wake. A long ranged weapon will easily take care of
this menace. The mothership will start bombarding the area for a short
while after its genocide gun is destroyed after which it will leave. If
you do damage to the mothership by shooting the red flashing spot at its
bottom the mothership will leave earlier. Otherwise just ignore the
mothership, opting instead to shoot the genocide gun until it is destroyed
and then going after the hectors and shield bearers. After a few of the
hector and shield bearer squads are eliminated drones will arrive. Kill
all remaining enemies and the mission is over. A long range high powered
weapon like a rocket launcher is recommended and a powerful close range
weapon to deal with hectors under shields.

Mission 33: Retarius, spiders and spider spawn holes. You've dealt with
this before. Use a long range weapon and a good crowd control weapon.

Mission 34: Five carriers and six hectors (some have artillery) and drones
are present on this map. Aside from the carriers there are no
reinforcements on this map. This is a standard move out and kill
everything on the map mission. No real strategy here. One of the carriers
drop red ants the rest drops spiders. Remember that the Hectors and drones
do not get replaced here so focus on killing them so they won't bother you
ever again. Use an assault rifle and a rocket launcher for this mission.

Mission 35: This mission starts with red ants and black ants and gunships
coming straight at you. After this wave is killed. Another wave consisting
mostly of black ants and red ants will show up but this wave also contains
a queen ant and a few red gunships. Defeat this wave and this mission is
over. Use a rocket launcher and an assault rifle. Note that most of the
environment is pre-destroyed so there's few things to hide behind and
plenty of space for the aliens to swarm you. If you are a wing diver you
find high ground to jump to when things get out of hand but other classes
will have to rely on their arsenal and durability to get out alive.
Mission 36: Two carriers, a mothership and several gunships and hectors
will be present at the start of the missions. The carriers drop hectors!
Blow up the mothership and the level is over but of course this means
killing the genocide gun when its deployed and then hitting the flashing
area on the bottom of the mothership until its blown up. The mothership is
surprising weak but remember that few guns can hit high enough to kill the
mothership. Bring a rocket launcher or something even better.

MIssion 37: There are several spawn holes, spider and black and red ants.
Destroy everything. There are six spawn holes in total. The spawn holes
are evenly split between the insects encountered so far. (i.e 2 holes
spawn black ants, 2 holes spawn red ants and 2 holes spawn spiders).
Standard search and kill. Use a crowd control weapon and explosives to get
rid of annoying barriers. Wing divers can use the cranes present on the
map to get potshots at the spawn holes. Other classes will have to deal
the annoying cargo containers on the map blocking their shots.

Mission 38: 3 spawn holes and roughly six hectors will be present. with
two spawn holes spawning spiders and the other spawning black ants. Kill
the holes and the insects and the mission is over. Cake walk. Do what you
did last mission.

Mission 39: A large swarm of black ants will be present on the map. After
killing them, Hornets will show up. Hornets are flying bugs that attack by
shooting their stingers. They're essentially the same as gunships but more
annoying. You will fight two dual waves of hornets after the initial swarm
of black ants are dead. Kill all the insects and the mission is over.
Bring a good assault rifle and missile launcher.

Mission 40: There are five spawn holes and a modest amount of hornets and
spiders present on the map. Standard search and kill. Some of the spawn
holes spawn spiders others spawn hornets. Kill them all and the mission is
won. Arm yourself with an assault rifle and explosives.

Mission 41: Two carriers that drop black ants are present. After these are
destroyed a new type of saucer called earth eaters will show up and block
the sky. Pay attention to the red flashing earth eaters as these deploy
some form of new gunship. These new gunships will shoot lasers at you with
high accuracy and no real opportunity to dodge. You can blow up the red
earth eaters but it doesn't really do much. After the gun ships are down
the blue earth eaters will pop out beam guns and shoot straight towards
the ground. A short while after, giant ufo carriers called void ships will
appear and start releasing bugs (ants and hornets). Do not attempt to
destroy the carriers and simply avoid the blue plate guns. Kill the bugs
and after all bugs are dead the mission is over.

Mission 42: Mission starts with regular gunships coming straight at you.
After the drones are dead, the earth eater saucers will once again black
out the sky. Once again the red earth eaters will deploy new gunships.
Just kill all enemies aside from the red earth eaters to beat the mission.

Mission 43: The mission will start with the earth eater saucers dropping 4
Deroy walkers. Deroy walkers are heavily armed with lasers and their legs
are essentially turrets which fire at people approaching the walker.
Lasers are hard to dodge and Deroy walkers thus should be engaged from far
away. Fire at its center mass to kill a Deroy walker. After the 4 Deroy
walkers are killed a fifth walker will be deployed. Kill that walker and
the mission is over. Use of rocket launcher is heavily recommended.

Mission 44: You start with a new advanced carrier called the void ship
popping up right in front of you. A capturable EDF squad is present and
are straight ahead. The Void ship will open up and drop out black ants.
Treat Void Ships the same way you'd treat carriers. Just remember that
Void Ships have a larger weak point that is easier to shoot at from an
angle but has higher health to take abuse. After you have killed the first
void ship. Two more will warp in. After a short while these void ships
will start dropping spiders. Destroy them the same way you did the last
one. The new void ships will show up with one dropping red ants and the
rest dropping spiders. Once again, kill these the same way you'd deal with
carriers. Pay attention for the wub wub noise the void ship makes when it
deploys units.

Mission 45: You start with two void ships already present with one right
next to you. These void ships will drop blue coloured hectors essentially
hectors which have slightly more Hp and carry different load out. Blue
Hecotors appear to carry a special blue plasma cannon that appears to be a
compromise between the heavy cannon and machine gun of the regular hector.
It essentially fires large glowing blue balls at you that do a decent
amount of damage but don't explode (and thus don't send you flying). This
weapon is much weaker than the machinegun of the Hector (since it doesn't
lock you in place with ridiculous DPS) but harder to dodge. After you've
dealt with the new blue hectors and the void ships two new blue hectors
will pop up near the edge of the map carrying a different shield loadout.
This loadout includes a shield and the heavy cannon of a regular hector.
The game suggests that you use help and engage them from the side but that
doesn't really work because the other EDF soldiers are idiots and hectors
tend to target you and thus face you anyway. Instead just shoot their
heavy cannon arm until the hector explodes. Large enough explosives such
as the heavy Mortar tends to leak through the shield anyway. After the two
shield hectors are dead the mission is over. Use a very good rocket
launcher for this mission.

Mission 46: This mission starts with 4 shield bearers guarded by insects.
The shield bearers to the immediate right are guarded by spiders. The
shield bearers directly ahead are guarded by red and black ants. Kill all
enemies. The shield bearers will constantly be moving so be careful not to
accidentally kill yourself by shooting the outer edges of the shield. The
red ants and some spiders may leave cover of the shield to go attack you
personally. After the first three shield bearers and their guardian bugs
are dead. One more shield bearer guarded by black ants will appear and
next the shield bearer on a nearby hill is a swarm of hornets. The swarm
of hornets will do nothing until you approach them or kill one of them.
The enemy has no spawn points this mission so take it easy and you should
be fine. Take an assault rifle and a rocket launcher for this mission.

Mission 47: There will be a series of retarius nests and spiders and ants
guarding these nests. In the center (or roughly the center) there is a
large cluster of retarius nests positioned by the hills and are guarded by
spiders and hornets. Part-way through the mission, the eater saucers will
show up and black out the sky again but they don't do anything this time
(the blue saucers may fire their guns but once again its at the ground and
rarely in a threatening position). Kill all enemies to win. Bring a long
range weapon and an assault rifle

Mission 48: The quadped fortress will be present on the map and will drop
red ants and gunships. This is essentially the same as the last time you
fought the quadped fortress except it will not be blown up at the end of
the mission but are still expected to ignore it. The quadped fortress will
drop red ants and then gunships sequentially. Just stay away from the
quadped fortress and kill the ants and gunships from far way. Bring and
assault rifle and a rocket launcher (or missile launcher). Eventually the
quadped fortress will leave the map and command will inform you that
civilians have been evacuated.

MIssion 49: you start in a canyon with a pair blue hectors (with shields)
approaching you with one pair coming from the right and one pair coming
from the left. There is quite a few ants present (but most of them are
scattered) and an artillery hector backing up each pair of blue hectors.
Fight the blue hectors by either leaving the canyon or shooting their
exposed arms and legs with explosives until they die. You probably want to
break the enemies to the right of you before turning around and killing
the enemies on the left side of your starting point. Aside from that,
there's no real strategy here other than kill things and kill them fast.
Bring an assault rifle and rocket launcher.

Mission 50: There will be six spawn holes in this mission. There will two
spawn holes spawning hornets, two spawn hole spawning spiders, and two
spawn hole spawning red ants. Search and destroy. Leveling the city makes
it much easier to get to the holes. Use an assault rifle and a rocket

Mission 51: Lots of regular gunships + red elite gunships and the new
gunships that shoot lasers. Not much to say here other than just use an
assault rifle to get low hanging gunships and a rocket launcher to kill
those red gunships that take a lot of bullets to kill. Half-way through
the mission the earth eater saucers will black out the sky which you
should then just promptly ignore.

Mission 52: You will fight 3 humongous waves of spiders sequentially. The
waves are triggered when half of the spiders of current wave is dead.
Bring a really good crowd control weapon. After the second wave the earth
eater saucers will come in and do the same thing they've been doing every
other mission so far, look menacing and do nothing. You're response should
be the same given in the previous missions, utter apathy to the presence
of the earth eaters.

Mission 53: Oh great another blatant advertisement for air raiders and of
course there are no Air raider NPCs on the map. Even NPCs don't want to
Air raiders. After laughing at the mission description, you should see a
void ship with a gunship guard right in front of you. This void ship drops
black ants. After a short while a second and third void ship will appear
with the third voidship being very close in proximity with your starting
location. The Third voidship drops spiders while the second drops red ants.
A short while after the second and third voidship appears, three MORE void
ships will show up and these will start dropping the new gunships (the one
that have continuous laser beams). Standard kill everything on the map but
you generally want to be quick about it. Use a rocket launcher and an
assault rifle or missile launcher

Mission 54: Introducing everyone's most hated enemy the king spider. It’s
the same as a regular spider but much much larger and shoots more webs
that do high damage. The good news is that he's easy to snipe the bad news
is the king spider is a mobile artillery platform that can shoot you from
far away too. You start fighting a dual wave consisting of two waves of
spiders led by a king spider. After that dual wave has been significantly
trimmed down, a third wave consisting of spiders and a king spider will
appear. Kill this wave and a dual wave of basic spiders will pop up, one
far away while the other right next to the wave you just killed.

Mission 55: You start with the earth eater saucers in the sky pumping out
new gunships. You can blow up the earth eater saucers but this is
essentially another survival mission. After a while the earth eater
saucers will teleport out and get replaced by more earth eater saucers.
The earth eater saucers will occasionally drop Deroy walkers as well as
fire upon you using the turrets mounted on them. Some of the red earth
eater saucers have open bellies. These ones do not drop reinforcements but
instead serve as a powerhub for surrounding turrets. Blowing these up will
clear the sky of earth eater saucers. Regardless, after a few minutes into
the mission, HQ will call the battle off and the mission will be complete.
Just try to survive until that happens and be sure to take occasional
potshots at the earth eater saucers to suppress the turrets they've got
firing at you. Rocket launcher and missile launcher are reccomended.

Mission 56: Breather mission. You start with 3 carriers dropping black
ants. The last carriers are guarded by hectors but the hectors are in
guard mode so they don't do anything until you approach them or shoot them
which is hilarious because they're artillery hectors and so if they were
active the mission would be much more frustrating. This is an easy mission
and you shouldn't have too much trouble. Bring an assault rifle and a
rocket launcher.

Mission 57: You start the mission fighting 3 waves of black ants
sequentially... okay clearly something's up right? You haven't had it this
easy since the missions in the single digits! Well after you've killed the
3 waves of sequential black ants, you now have to fight dragons! Dragons
are dive bomber aerial enemies. They attack by diving at you from the sky
at about a 45 degree angle while shoot fireballs at you. They then crash
into the ground before lifting off shortly after. For this reason an
assault rifle is very good against the dragon whereas missile launchers
which are good against the new gunships are not as great here. Also
dragons may occasionally grab you and fly you around in an incredibly
annoying manner kill them the same way you'd kill a black ant if it
grabbed you. Two sequential waves of dragons will show up attacking in the
manner just described. Strafing right while shooting tends to work well
against the dragons at least until you hit a wall or something. Try not to
level the city as the buildings do in fact help you against the dragons by
blocking potential dive bomb routes. If you are a fencer, now is the time
to break out the javelin weapons (or farm for some if you haven't gotten
any). Use an assault rifle and a missile launcher but you should probably
rely on the assault rifle. I seriously don't know why everyone (in-game)
is so worried about the dragons, these things literally flew into my guns.
Some of them died in such a way that they literally showered me with
health pick-ups and armor. Regardless have fun, you're going to be seeing
a lot of dragons from here on in.

Mission 58: Annoying mission. Swarms of dragons are nested in random areas
of the map with each spawning when its predecessor is thinned. There's
about 3 waves of dragons but the annoying part is dragons tend to get
lodged in between buildings and the paths to travel to the next group is
unnecessarily long. Couple this with constant whining from the other
forces and you've got severe gameplay and story segregation (where
gameplay does not matchup with story). Still dragons are relatively easy
to take out even especially when they get scattered due to poor path
finding. Use a missile launcher and an assault rifle but the assault rifle
should generally be doing the most work. Air support will be lost part-way
through the mission so air raiders will not get help.

Mission 59: You start overlooking a valley with two capturable EDF squads
directly in front of you. There's a lot of dragons and about two Deroy
walkers. The dragons are hilariously easy to take out because they fly
into your bullets and the Deroy walkers are on guard mode meaning you get
first shot on them and they aren't bombarding you with artilery. Kill
everything on the map. At the start of them mission Air Raiders will not
be able to request support but part way through the mission support will
be re-established.

Mission 60: A large nest of retarius and spiders is present in the middle
of the city. There is one spawn hole at the far edge of the spider nest
that spawns spiders. Kill all the enemies. Half way through the mission
earth eater saucers will show up but they do nothing. Rocket launcher and
assault rifle heavily recommended

Mission 61: Approach the Hornet nest and just start killing hornets. The
nest itself is invincible so there's no reason to destroy it.

Mission 62: Quadped fortress again except this time you are expected to
destroy it. Walk underneath the fortress and shoot its open hatch when it
tries to deploy more escorts. Unlike the previous few times where the
quadped fortress was fought, the quadped will stop when dropping
reinforcements and thus allow you to shoot into the deployment hatch
without gettting flung from the shockwaves of the quadped fortress's steps.
The quadped will start moving after the first few drops of black ants but
it will stop for much longer periods of time after dropping green hectors
and gunships. The Green hector is the same as an artilery hector although
its just as weak so treat it like an artilery hector. At this point the
Quadped fortress might open its hatch and release no reinforcements
essentially a big "shoot me" sign. The key to beating this mission easily
is to wait until after the quadped fortress stops dropping ants as the
ants will do massive damage to you if you don't kill then and if you're
spending time to kill them then you aren't able to shoot the quadped.
Amazing the mission becomes much easier when there's less ants and more
elite enemies like hectors and gunships flying around since those attack
less often and aren't in your face like the ants are. Bring a rocket
launcher and an assault rifle for this mission.
Mission 63: You start on a mountain top with an EDF squad straight ahead.
Rally up with the squad and engage the group of black ants. As soon as you
attack the black ants, Dragons will show up to harass you. Kill the ants
quickly and then kill the dragons using missile launchers or assault rifle
fire. After the dragons and ants are dead head down the mountain trail and
fight a group of red ants. Once again, when you attack the group of red
ants a swarm of dragons will spawn to harass you. After dealing the red
ant dragon combo, continue further down the mountain side to fight a group
of spiders. Just like with the red ants dragons will spawn as soon as you
attack the group to harass you. After the spider-dragon combo are dead,
shoot down the mountain and hit the black ant swarm at the base of the
mountain. This will spawn dragons and the black ants will be hard pressed
to bother you. Needless to say kill the black ants and the dragons.
Finally, go bother the spider swarm at the base of the mountain and then
deal with the resulting dragon harassment swarm. Kill the last of the
dragons and the spiders and the mission is over. Note that you can attack
the insect swarms in any order you wish but its follow the mountain trail
and fight the enemies from the safety of the mountain. Bring an assault
rifle and a missile launcher.

Mission 64: You start on a skyscraper surrounded by spiders at the base of

the building and two void ships spawning gunships. Destroy the two void
ships and two more will spawn with these one spawning new gunships. Red
gunships will also spawn to try and harass you. Destroy these void ships
and there will be no more spawners for enemy gunships. Now that the void
ships are gone focus on killing the gunships. After the gunships are dead,
shoot down the skyscraper and kill the spiders. Keep in mind that your sky
scraper is not immune, so don't blow it up unless you like to surrounded
by spiders. Kill all the spiders and any remaining air units and the
mission is over. Bring a rocket launcher and an assault rifle (or missile
launcher, but becareful not to blow up the skyscraper with it!).

Mission 65: You start mission with a carrier in constant motion dropping
black ants and a larger long legged deroy walker ready to attack you. The
Deroy walker will generally try to stab you with its legs but it may try
to hit you with its laser beam. While intimidating, this large deroy
walker isn't very deadly. Focus on kill the carrier and black ants and
then repeatedly shoot the center mass of the deroy walker to destroy it.
Mission over! Bring a rocket launcher and an assault rifle.

Mission 66: Breather mission. You start with a red ant spawn hole guarded
by red ants right in front of you and a void ship in the distance. Dash
past the red ants and spawn hole and head for the void ship by the time
you get underneath the void ship it should start spawning dragons. Kill
the voidship first then kill the dragons and red ants. Climb up the hill
and kill the red ant spawn hole and any remaining enemies. Rocket launcher
and assault rifle recommended.

Mission 67: You fight the ravager battleship called the argo which comes
in two phases. For phase one the battleship will fly around shoot laser in
random directions and isn't that much of a threat. After certain amount of
damage, the battleship will call in new gunship reinforcements and after a
lot of damage; the battleship will transform into a walker. In walker mode
the battleship will actually attempt to KILL you and will launch blue
plasma balls at long range that do massive damage if you get hit. In
addition it fires close range red energy bursts that will hurt you badly
if you are in range. Just keep sniping him with a long range powerful
weapon. When the battleship goes down all that's left is to kill any new
gunships left over and the mission is over.

Mission 68: The mission starts with black ants and a shield bearer
approaching you. Capture all the EDF squads that are right in front of you
and then head towards the first shield bearer. Halfway to the shield
bearer look to your left and you should see a black ant spawn hole.
Destroy the spawn hole and then kill the red ants and black ants guarding
it. Don't worry about the shield bearers because the shield bearer doesn't
seem to be protecting anyone. Head up the hill (after you've kill the
ants) and you'll be faced with a shield bearer, spider and black ants. You
will want to destroy this shield bearer as it covers the spiders and their
spawn hole. After kill the shield bearer clear area of spiders and destroy
the spawn hole. Move further down the hill and you'll find a spider spawn
hole and another shield bearer that's guarding nothing. Ignore the shield
bearer and focus on the killing the spiders and their spawn hole. There
will be one more hole left and that one spawns black ants. Simply head
towards the direction of the black ants and kill you way to the hole and
then destroy it. Earth eater saucers will black out the sky during this
mission to the utter apathy of everyone. Kill all insects and remaining
shield bearers and the mission is over. Assault rifle and rocket launcher

Mission 69: Back to the hornet nest. Shoot at the hornet nest with a long
range weapon and keep doing it until the hive nest is destroyed. If the
hornet presence gets too heavy switch to an assault rifle or missile
launcher and start thinning out the hornet crowds. Once the Hornet nest
goes all collapsy the mission is over (after a few seconds of dialogue).
Pick an assault rifle and a rocket launcher (or a missile launcher in
place of the assault rifle).

Mission 70: Tunnel mission. You start right above a hole with spiders
filling the hole. Walk to the left and fall onto the ledge and shoot the
spiders from that ledge (or you can do it from the starting location but
you risk falling into the heart of the crowd). After the spiders are all
dead capture the EDF squad that's positioned in a dead end at the bottom
of the hole (if they're still alive) and then proceed to the next area of
the tunnel to see a large cavern area filled with spiders and two spider
kings. After killing occupants of the large cavern, a dual wave of spiders
will spawn at far ends of the large cavern and proceed to flood in. Kill
this dual wave of spiders and the mission is over.

Mission 71: Tunnel mission. You start facing a ledge with a large swarm of
spiders at the bottom. Resist the urge to yell YOLO and jump down and
instead wait there for the spiders to climb up. Some of the spiders will
manage to climb and you should greet them the EDF way. After no more
spiders manage to climb the wall (they tend to jump off instead halfway)
jump down and kill the remaining spiders. After the spiders are dead,
Hornets will spawn completely surrounding you but they shouldn't be too
much of a problem because the tight tunnels reduce their evasive manuevers.
After the hornets are dead more will spawn and you will be told to head
deeper into the hive; do so. Following your radar will lead you to a small
cavern area with a small amount of hornets that you should of course
slaughter. Head down the tunnel and capture the EDF squad waiting there
for you and head into the final area where a GIANT hornet called the Death
queen is waiting for you. The Death queen is the same as any other hornet
except it shoots massive needles that do pretty nasty damage and send you
flying. Still poor accuracy though so. Just like in the mission 31, stay
at the entrance and bombard the queen from there. The death queen can take
A LOT of abuse so be patient and just like in mission 31 there are two
queens present though for my play-throughs the second queen hornet will
dormant until I shot her. Kill the queens and their hornet guards and the
mission is over.

Mission 72: You start with 3 void ships in the distance that are immune
and cannot be destroyed (even the mission description says not to bother).
They will drop Deroy walkers which should be priority of your attention.
Some of the deroys may spawn outside the mission area too so be aware of
that. Some time inbetween the wanton slaughter of the deroy's earth eater
saucers should black out the sky. Notice that there are only three red
spawn saucers present. These red spawn saucers will drop the long legged
deroy walkers. Once again, just shoot the center mass until they explode.
After all deroy walkers are dead, the mission is over.

Mission 73: A large swarm of dragons will bum rush as soon as the mission
begins. Show the dragons are a medieval concept by shooting to death,
preferable with bullets. After that first wave is dead another will spawn.
A third wave of dragons will spawn after the second has also become a
medieval concept. After the third wave goes the way of Factor Five (aw man
I love that company too!) the mission is over. If you don't understand why
I am making so many jokes its because dragons are annoying enemies and
they're not very dangerous either. I play fencer normally and use the
javelin storm. I just hold the triggers while looking at the sky and then
bodies of dead dragons just pile on the fencer blocking out the screen as
the radar goes blank. Not very entertaining or fun to fight dragons as a

Mission 74: There are a series of shield generators on the map which are
guarded by deactivated deroy walkers (they will activate when you get
close) and black ants. Near the edge of the map there are void ships
dropping black ants. When the mission starts head straight and meet up and
capture the EDF squad. Turn left and head towards the deactivated deroy
walker. Get close and then blow it up with a massive surprise attack. A
shield bearer should be near by, destroy it. After the deed is done, head
down towards the docks (towards the void ship) and destroy the void ship
(it drops black ants... in the sea) and the nearby deactivated Deroy
walker. There's a shield bearer to the left of the void ship, be sure to
blow that up too. Now that the leftmost shield bearer is down the shield
bearer to your right is now exposed and you should destroy that too. Walk
past the most recently destroyed shield bearer and head across the docks
to fight gunships and another shield bearer. Destroy these and turn left
and head down the docks to get a good shot at the second (and last) void
ship (which also drops black ants). Now that the void ship is dead there's
no more enemies who respawn and thus you can kill everyone on the map and
its trivial to take care of the shield bearers after all the gunships and
ants are dead. Bring an assault rifle and a rocket launcher.

Mission 75: You start with a swarm of black and red ants bumrushing you at
the start of this mission. Earth eaters will show up and start blocking
out the sky (once again, ignore them). Focus on killing the black and red
ants as well as the hornets that show up later. After a decent amount of
the red and black ants (and hornets) have been wiped out a dual wave of
hornets and red ants will spawn. Kill them all and the mission is over.

Mission 76: This mission begins with you starting at the top a mountain
with few EDF squads scattered around the mountain. A large wave of black
ants and dragons will assault the EDF squad at the base of the mountain.
Use this opportunity to kill as many of the black ants or dragons before
the EDF squad is wiped out (or ideally you can save the EDF squad and
capture them later). After the ant and dragon swarm is dead its time for
the spider and dragon swarm with the spiders coming from the steep end of
the mountain and the dragons coming to flank the EDF squads on the top of
the mountain. AFTER THAT it’s a wave of spiders, ants and dragons with an
emphasis on dragons! Kill the last wave and them mission is over. An
assault rifle and a rocket launcher are heavily recommended.

Mission 77: At the start of the mission you will see the large rectangular
structure flowing in the air known as the brain. You cannot destroy the
brain but shooting at it will trigger earth eater saucers to descend to
cover the brain's retreat. You start overlooking a ditch and in the ditch
are several artillery hectors (some of them are green hectors and shield
bearers. There are also some new gunships roaming about. This mission is
easy as long as you engage the artillery hectors first. Kill all enemies
and force the brain to retreat and the mission is over. Rocket launcher
and missile launchers are recommended. You can also use an assault rifle
but its fairly useless here.

Mission 78: Breather mission. Three void ships are present and they all...
oh for freaks sake more dragons!? I'm tired of dragons people! Well there
are some hornets already present on the map to mix things up. Destroy the
void ships using a long range weapon. Bring a missile launcher and a
rocket launcher for this mission.

Mission 79: You are surrounded by 4 carriers and 4 void ships that are in
constant motion. The enemy will constantly be spawning spiders, ants and
hornets. There is good news though, there is a very set limited amount of
bugs that can present at any time at which point the carriers and void
ships will still open as usual but not deploy any more enemy units. It
appears to be 4 hornets, 8 spiders and about 12 ants. That said there's a
lot of carriers and several dedicated to each type. Kill the bugs when
they get too dangerous (i.e they're in your face) and then take pot shots
at any carriers which have their hanger bays open and continue to take pot
shots until the enemy gets too close. I find that the hornets aren't very
dangerous but the spiders and ants ARE. Once the carriers and voidships
are down and all insects are dead the mission is a success. Use a rocket
launcher and an assault rifle for this mission.

Mission 80: MORE FREAKIN DRAGONS!!!! Like every other mission that
features dragons you start with a swarm of dragons just sitting in the
middle of the city doing nothing, then you go over and kill them. After
the dragons are dead a giant dragon and dragon escort will show up and you
need to kill them too. The giant dragon is essentially a gunship, he will
not swoop down to dive bomb you and instead just sets the general area on
fire. One of the soldiers may remark "Check your contract, fighting
dragons is part of the job". Well considering how ridiculously overused
the dragons have been so far... one must wonder. Kill the king dragon and
his dragon escort and the level is over. Rocket launcher and assault rifle

Mission 81: You start the mission being asked to rescue ranger 7 from a
small horde of ants. A short while later a swarm will appear behind you
consisting of red ants, black ants and spiders. After this wave is dead,
they'll say something about the hero of EDF 2017 and then a swarm of
Hornets backed by red and black ants will pop up. During what can most
likely be described as the epic fight, earth eater saucers will show up
and black out the sky. After you've killed that wave you'll be informed
that it’s a trap, and hornets, spiders and red ants will spawn and head
towards your position. Kill this wave and the mission is over. Bring a
assault rifle and a rocket launcher.

Mission 82: Two void ships that deploy new gunships and an argos defending
those void ships. Kill the argos, the void ships using a high power long
range weapon like a rocket launcher. There's also a green hector buts that
joke compared to the other things present on this map. Kill all enemies to
win. A missile launcher to take out the new gunships and a rocket launcher
to take out the argos is recommended.

Mission 83: Five void ships are present although they don't seem to do
anything. Running straight at you are several hectors, black ants, new
gunships, and spiders. At the far end of the map are two blue hectors in
guard mode and two long leg deroy walkers in deactivated mode; these two
will only attack you if you attack them first or walk close to them. Kill
all the enemies that come to you then snipe the rest using a rocket
Assault rifle and rocket launcher is recommended, although this does make
fighting the new gunships a little bit harder.

Mission 84: You start the mission behind two large EDF squads immediately
getting swarmed by spiders and new gunships. Part way through the mission
the rear guard of the attack force composed of red ants and blue hectors
will show up. Kill them all using liberal application of rocket launcher
and missiles. Rocket launchers and missile launchers are recommended
though this may make fighting the red ants harder (but if the EDF soldiers
don't die you shouldn't have problems fighting the red ants). After that
massive wave of enemies are dead, three void ships will materialize and a
queen hornet will spawn. The middle void ship will spawn spiders while the
other two will spawn black ants. Defeat this wave and the mission is over.

Mission 85: The brain ship will be sitting high above the earth eater
saucers. The key here is to simply blow up one of the red earth eater
saucers and shoot through the resulting hole to hit the brain. There are
three phases in this battle, the first phase is the easier where there are
only new gunships floating around. Just blow a hole through the earth
eater saucers and hit the brain. After enough damage is done the second
phase begins and all the earth eater saucers are replaced with tougher
variants. The second phase is the hardest as there are now Deroy walkers
being introduced and the cannons on the earth eater saucers will shoot
twice as often. Think laser light show but the lethal variety. The third
phase will begin once a few more shots make it through the improved earth
eater saucer formation. All earth eater saucers will be replaced with
giant purple plates that shoot lightning and the brain will start spewing
out dragons to harass you. All the plates can be destroyed but you should
destroy only the ones that threaten you. Break through the purple plates
and shoot the brain until its powers off then hide under a bridge or
something until the mission is complete. Enjoy your ending and I hope you
had fun playing this game.

Note: High powered weapons like the leviathan will not allow you to skip
sections of the boss fight. The boss's health will just reduce to the
minimum required to reach the next phase and then you will be required to
hit the brain ship again.

***Section 4 Advanced tips and tricks*** (TR45)

*This section is filled with advice from community and myself. Feel free
to contribute by emailing me at with an appropriate
subject line*

-Advanced gameplay advice

Q: What weapons should I equip?

A: well that depends on the class and the mission objectives. Some
missions will have you just dealing with waves of enemies and not a single
spawn point meaning you can choose to have excellent close range weapons
instead of a long range weapon.

Here's an idea of what you should equip based on the mission and what
class. Note that brand name of the weapon is listed and not the weapon
itself since the name just changes to reflect higher level versions.

Ranger- Close combat

AF rifle series preferably RAR suffix
Um grenade launcher series for lobbing grenades down tunnels and killing
blobs of enemies

Wing Diver- Close combat

Ithion or rapier (or grom) series for close range killing
Eclat series for when you get surrounded

Air Raider- close combat

Splendor series
Splendor series yes that's right its always good to have two of the same
gun if you are an Air raider
Gigantus series or Velgata series for vehicle support if available.

Fencer- Close combat

Force blade or hammer series
Force blade or hammer series (alternatively you can choose to have a
Hand Gattling series preferably the ones with low delay times
Hand Gattling series

likewise when fighting flyers you should choose to have an assault rifle
like weapon and missile launcher though the variety of enemies in some
missions might make choosing not to use the missile launcher a safer

Ranger- Anti-air
AF series
Emerald series missile launcher

Wing Diver- Anti-air

Ithion or Grom series
Giest or mirage series

Air Raider- Anti-air

Y-11 anti-aircraft mine series
Splendor series. The splendor series tends to act like flak when detonated
in the air
Self propelled rocket series for massive sky cleaning if vehicle support
is available.

Fencer - Anti-air
Force blade series
Force blade series
Javelin series
Javelin series

But what if there are elite enemies like hectors mixed in with the
gunships? Well clearly you need to make compromises. Picking missile
launchers and rocket launchers will make it difficult to deal with hectors
and gunships that get close (and they very much like to get close). An
assault rifle will do reasonable well against the gunships (except the
ones that don't get close but there's only one group that really does
that) and still protect you from black ants, spiders and red ants; the
most common enemies in the game. Thus you should choose to have a rocket
launcher and an assault rifle in the situations where you have to deal
with flying enemies, elite enemies and swarmer enemies. This is the
average situation

Ranger- Average loadout

Stingray series
AF series

Wing Diver- Average loadout

Grom Series or Rapier series
Plasma launcher series

Air Raider- Average loadout

Limpet sniper series
Splendor series
Any tank or battle vehicle for vehicle.

Fencer- Average loadout

Hammer or force blade or shield
Heavy cannon
Javelin series
Javelin series

*These are just a rough hint on how you should plan and create your
loadouts for a mission based on what enemies you're going to deal with.
Never be afraid to experiment and use weapons of series you're not
familiar with*

Dash Canceling (TU98)

Q:Is there any way to move faster? What is dash cancelling?

A: yes it is quite possible to move faster! The ranger's evasive roll is

actually faster than running and so running diagonal and rolling is much
faster than running straight. The Air raider can do the same thing
although its worth noting that high level vehicles are extremely fast and
the Wing Diver can fly and so speed is usually not an issue for her.
However a lot of players think that the Fencer is the slowest class, this
simply isn't true. The regular speed offered by CC striker and CC piercers
is more than enough to get the fencer moving faster than the ranger and
the air raider (if on foot). Of course the problem isn't that the fencer
is slow but rather that the dash is a short burst speed that leaves the
fencer vulnerable and has delays between dashes. Dash cancelling is the
process of removing the delay completely allowing the fencer is dash
ridiculously fast to the point that he becomes the fastest class in the
game (still not capable of flight though). To dash cancel, the fencer must
be equiped with a dash capable weapon (i.e a CC striker or CC piercer) and
a shield (or the javelin catapult). When dashing, activate the secondary
function of the shield (of fire the javelin catapult if you have that
equipped instead) and then press the dash button again. The shield
deflection action interrupts the cool-down animation of the dash, allowing
you to speed dash constantly. How useful this is depends on whether your
using a sheild with a short deflection animation or a shield with long
deflection animation. Short deflection animations are ideal for dash
cancelling with the Javelin catapult's firing animation being so short
that that dash cancelling using the javelin catapult will result in near
instanteous dashing and since the javelin catapult has hundreds of
ammunition and only uses 1 ammo per dash cancel, the javelin catapult is
the best for dash cancelling.
*thanks to velvetrose1, RycerX and Xaellox for posting information about
this on the Gamefaq board. Keep in mind that a lot of people were talking
about this before I even knew about this so if you feel as if you should
be credited because you talked it first and I didn't notice, email me with
evidence and I'll cite you here*

Q:What missions can I farm for ammo and Health?

A: In my personal opinion, mission 1 and mission 28 are high yield but

easy missions. Other people suggest the DLC missions but quite frankly I
haven't played those. Mission 1 is easy because the enemy is black ants
and the black ants can only attempt melee and thus any rapid fire weapon
with decent damage will eventually kill the swarms of bugs on that mission.
Mission 28 is high yield in terms of armor and weaponry but is much more
difficult. That said playing split-screen or co-op makes the level really
easy as soon as someone manages to kill enough enemies to allow for the
spawning of a Proteus. Once a Proteus is down, the level is practically
beaten even on hardest (just remember that the missile launcher is useless
on harder levels so use the side cannons to deal with the gunships.

Of course other players have even better ideas, Mission 11 has a squad of
super powerful EDF soldiers who can survive the gunship swarm even on the
hardest difficulty (inferno). Thus you can farm this level by simply
running away as soon as the mission starts and then coming back when the
number of gunships has decreased significantly. Gamefaq member geelw
suggests that you immediately turn around when the mission starts and flee
to the edge of the map (you should see some pylons). " Listen for the
"Kachunk!" sound followed by one of the troopers still there fighting
saying something and watch the mothership start to float up" -Geelw

For the record the EDF soldiers will say "it's the enemy!" at which point
there is only a third of gunships left on the map. I would still recommend
waiting until there is at least 5 or less gunships because a gunship
strafe can kill you easily at low Hp levels.

Another player RyogAkari suggests the following methods to farm armor and

"Armor Farming: Go to Level 15 on easy. Be sure to have a weapon that can

instantly kill a spider and has a fast firing rate and a big clip. Clear
out the ant hills and the spiders surrounding the spider hill. Climb to
the top of the hill, face your gun up so you don't hit the hill and simply
wait for the spiders to spawn on top of you killing them off as they come
into existence. The items should fall on top of you or easily be collected
by shuffling around.

Beginners Inferno Weapon Farming: Go to Level 14 on Inferno. Have a long

range weapon. Stay in the cover of the trees at the start if you are not
able to take any hits from the flying drones. Shoot them down as best you
can. Most of the NPC units will take care of these eventually as you take
care of them. Use your long range weapon to shoot the hectors killing them
Right to Left. Be sure to only blow up the hectors while they are on the
ground. Stay up off the beach and the Hectors will only be concerned with
the NPC characters. When there are only 2 Hector's left on the far left go
down and hug the beach to the right starting to collect the weapon drops.
Kill off the remaining hectors and then collect the weapons as fast as
possible while the new spawn of hectors are out in the water. Climb up off
the beach on the left hand side of the map far away from the hectors.
Shoot these ones down going Left to Right. These hectors will again only
be concerned with the NPCs providing you are far enough away from them.
Collect the weapons when there are only 2 hectors remaining and then shoot
down the last two hectors collecting the weapons as you can before the
level ends.
Note: it might take forever to shoot down the hectors with low level guns
but the bounty of weapon drops and the level of the weapon drops usually
makes it worth the wait."

*** HOWEVER there is a limit to amount of armor pickups one can get in the

In short gamefaq member sneakysnake, determined that this a hard cap of

200hp gain in a single mission for Wing Divers. Meaning that fencers can
get 500hp, while rangers and air raiders can get 400hp in a single mission.
The amount of AFK (or should that be AFC, away from controller) farming
that must be done is roughly around 6 hours to reach this limit. After
which armor drops will not actually have an effect on your character. In
short, AFK farming is great, but don't do it too long or you'll end up not
getting the full amount you should have. In addition Sneakysnake has a
youtube account full of methods to AFK farm. So take a look here

*IN addition, difficulty levels and the level itself determines what level
of weapons will drop, Thank gamefaq member GuvmentCheese for posting a
weapon list for each character class, missions and the weapon levels they
drop at each difficulty*
Do keep in mind that there may be errors in the list but for the most part
it works and if you do find an error try and tell it to GuvmentCheese.

Q: How can I play the Air raider better?

A: Oh this is tough one. For starters what weapons do you have? Are any of
them good? And by good I mean can you actually use these weapons to kill
enemies/support your team (Assuming you have a team)? The problem is Air
raider is that he's more underequipped than any other class as soon as the
game starts. The air raider doesn't really get playable until he starts
getting lvl 30 weapons and vehicles while other classes would get good way
before that happens. The first problem is just the stupid weak limpet gun,
until you get the lvl 30 and 40 versions of the limpet gun you're not
actually carrying a gun that can decimate crowds of enemies. This is also
the only gun that can kill carriers for the air raider so its even more
critical that its weak because this means the carriers will drop more bugs
because of the extra time it takes for an air raider to kill one. Thus the
first obstacle that must be overcome is "Do I have good weapons?" if the
answer is no, try farming mission 11 on inferno for weapons until you get
something you can use.

The second and final question is "Are you thinking out all your tactical
options?". The air raider's equipment is meant to boost the firepower and
ability of other classes but these boosts can easily be applied to the Air
raider himself and best of all, the vehicles that the Air raider can drive.
Turrets, as useless as they are, can be planted on the top of tanks and
other vehicles to provide fire support (but you must careful not to put
the turret in a position where it will shoot the vehicle you wish to pilot.
Similarly, Guard posts and power enhancing posts can be put onto the
vehicle to make them mobile, thereby making your battle tank a mobile buff

A person who wishes to known as Watson has the following tips for playing
air raider

"- The Air Raider always start each missions with enough credits (how they
call the air raider assist points to call in stuff) to request any vehicle
right off the bat other than the Titan, the Protheus and the Bruto. The
Nereid (helicopter with a autocannon that target anything under it) takes
time to take off but it's way more effective than the other choppers (just
fly over the flying guys to hit them, you'll only need another weapon for
the dropships)
-Air Raiders can find a beacon gun from crates (shoot a sticky beacon at
something, no need to blind targets with your laser pointer until
something else do the work for you), allowing you to drop a beacon
somewhere and then enter a missile-equipped vehicle to unload an entire
salvo on a single target by yourself.

-The Air Raider's stationary equipment (turrets, mines, healing pylon,

shield generator) can be set up on any vehicles and it'll stick on them.
You might wanna try dropping a bunch of rocket turrets on top of your
weapon-less Armored Healing Caravan and give covering fire while
passengers recover health. Just remember that setting up many turrets and
activating them all at the same time often results in turrets overkilling
already dead bugs (wasting ammo). Also, you can set up turrets on the
chopper's rotors and on the sidecar-bike "for teh lulz" but the turrets
often hit and damage/blow up the vehicle they're on if they're in messed-
up spots (turret on a tank's thread=bad idea)."
*** Author's note: and its hilarious that despite repetitive multi-hour
farming, I have never gotten a nereid helicopter... or rocket turrets...
See what I mean about the air raider being underequiped? I managed to
score lvl 50 limpet guns (that still suck) but no good helicopters...

****Section 5- The enemies (ROWP) ****

This section details all the enemies in the game. Unfortunately, the only
strategy for kill all of them is to shoot them with a damage dealing
weapon until they die. This is merely for completeness sake and in no
particular order.

Black Ants- These are the iconic black ants that for some reason the first
to appear in every series. The black ants in mission 1 will attempt to
bite the player (see bite mechanics), the others will attempt to shoot
acid from their butts into your face. Do note that ants must curl their
butts forward to shoot acid, they don't ever walk backwards while
streaming acid from their butts. They are dangerous in swarms and on
harder difficulties they appear to move faster and also shoot more acid
out their butts. Dispatch them with explosives at long range (thin out
their numbers) and when they get close, hit them with an assault rifle
like weapon. Do not shout "Die you black bastards" while killing them.

Queen Ant- Large version of black ant. Kill it like the rest. I'm not sure
why the queen Ant is so large but that's probably because it's been
munching tanks of ice cream while hearing reports that its children were
killed again by one or two guys again.

Retarius- The new spider enemy who is a great big jerk. Shoots a strand of
webs that flash red whenever they hit anyone aside from a vehicle. If the
webs hit a vehicle, damage ensues but nothing much. If the webs hit a
person, the flashing red strand will denote that the person has been
caught and is now being dragged by the retarius. This constantly damages
the individual in addition to severely restricting their movement. The
only way to survive is to the kill retarius. Wing divers should be
especially careful when fighting these enemies and you should also strive
to kill one from long range, usually with a sniper rifle. The retarius is
also spawned in a given location and generally does not move, thus you can
memorize their locations and kill them before they can trip you up. The
problem however comes with the fact that the retarius is often spawned in
between buildings and these buildings are invulnerable so be aware of that.
Note that most retarius come with a web, that you can get stuck in. You
can destroy the web by shooting it. You should strive to kill the retarius
before the web however as destroying the web will cause the retarius to
drop to ground level, where its more dangerous because tree cover and
buildings now obscure its location. YOU DON'T WANT TO GET HIT BY A
RETARIUS YOU CAN'T SEE! If you are a wing diver, fly up high and get the
drop on these jerks. If you are a fencer, use the dash cancel to prevent
getting hit and kill them with mortars or something. Air raiders can get
in vehicles and the ranger... is just going to have to deal with it.
Gunships- These guys attack by flying towards you and shooting a series of
red machine gun like beams at you. They tend to be easy to dodge but the
real problem is that there are a lot of them and they're a pain to shoot
down. If they get close use an assault rifle to swat them out. If they're
far away, you pretty much need a sniper rifle or a missile launcher.

Carriers- Carrier has arrived! Carriers drop troops and make a distinctive
noise when dropping them. Some carriers may be located really high up in
the sky, in which case you will need a rocket launcher or sniper rifle or
the mission will be unwinnable. Simple shoot these guys in the open hanger
bay and they'll die in no time. Do note that Wing Divers can fly up and
land on or inside the carrier. There's really no reason to but if you are
a wing diver you can do quite a bit of damage by jumping into the hanger
bay and shooting from inside the carrier with an assault rifle. An air
raider can also shoot splendor bombs into the open hangar bay, and wait
until the doors are shut before detonating the payload; thus ensuring that
all the sharpnel hits the carrier's weak point. These two methods are
perhaps the only methods that damage the carrier while its bay doors are
closed. Becareful with carriers however, as they can spawn anything from
lowly bugs to freaking hectors.

Hectors- Hectors come in many shapes and forms. Artillery Hectors have
large long barrel guns that shoot purple plasma in arc-like trajectories.
The regular hector has either particle spewing machine gun that can lock
you in place at close range, or an explosive energy cannon. The blue
Hectors can have the same armament that a regular hector has in addition
to having a shield in one of its arms. Last but not least, the green
hector has a compact plasma artillery cannon but it shoots straight and
the plasma blast is really fast. There are no right or wrong tactics to
deal with these guys (well wrong tactics are the ones that get you killed).
Use long-range high powered guns, and make sure to tactically position
yourself in such a way that you can take cover from their more vicious

Spawn holes- Holes that spawn any bug type enemy. Blow them up. Unlike
insect Armageddon you don't need to put bombs on the holes to get rid of
them. But unlike insect Armageddon, this game is considered a-part of the

Spiders- Everyone hates spiders. Even the spiders hate spiders. The
spiders tilt their butt up in the air as if to say "look at my butt, its
bigger than yours" before spraying webs all over the place. These webs are
highly accurate and very dangerous. Spiders do not walk, for they are
above that, they merely hop from surface to surface. Spiders can also
climb walks via hopping, but they rarely do so. They do not catch thieves
nor catch anything like flies as the alien invasion does involve hornets
and the spiders wouldn't do anything spidery like you know, eat other

King Spider- Giant spider that shoots webs at longer ranges. Also hops
from place to place... even though square cube law would dictate that
doing such a thing would result in the spider king's legs breaking off and
its organs squishing itself into the ground. King Spider shows its disdain
for the laws of physics. Fortunately the king spider is large and tends to
found on maps with low buildings. Gravity may be tolerant of king spider
'deal with it' attitude but your sniper rifle or rocket launcher will not.

Quadped Siege fortress- Boss enemy who can only be killed in certain
missions. Refer to the mission walkthrough for this guy.

Shield Bearer- This guy has two modes. Deployed and mobile. Mobile has a
small shield barrier and deployed has a large shield barrier. Sometimes
explosive damage leaks through the mobile shield form and kills everything
inside. But its really random and not dependable. Its better to just get
your hands greasy and run through the shield and kill everything inside.
Try to hit the shield bearer last however as the shield also protects you
from the enemies outside the shield (usually). Last but not least, the
shield bearer changes form when hit to mobile so you can end up in a
position where you are inside the shield and hit bearer only to hurt
yourself when the shield recedes and your next rocket shot explodes in
your face.

Mothership- Big giant ship that shoots beams everywhere and looks like a
disco ball. Falls victim to sequel escalation as the mothership is quickly
killed and forgotten in this game. Just shoot rockets or sniper rifle
shots at the lowest region of the mothership. It may deploy its genocide
gun, at which point all you have to do is just shoot the gun until it
falls off and then shoot into the mothership's glowing spot until it dies.

Red Ants- Big red ants that attack by biting you. More of a distraction
than anything. Blow them away with gunfire.

Hornets- Giant flying hornets that shoot spikes similar to the fencer's
javelins straight at you. They tend to be inaccurate but they're still a
threat equal to the gunships.

Queen Hornet- Unfortunately the queen hornet doesn't really have much
going for it. It’s a giant hornet that shoots massive spikes that actually
send you flying when you get hit. The downside is that it's still a hornet
and tends to miss like the other hornets.

Dragons- I hate dragons, who doesn't hate dragons? Dragons dive at you
while spewing fireballs. Once they've reached the ground, they either try
to bite you or fly up into the air to turn around and dive bomb you again.
Dragons are annoying in that they combine the annoying hard to hit
tendencies of the gunship with the annoying swarm like quality of black
and red ants. Fencers with javelins will have a hilarious time as they can
just shoot straight up and watch as the dive bombing dragons get spiked
face first and then die, showing the fencer with powerups. That said,
dragons do hit hard.

King Dragon- Giant dragon that just sprays an area with fire. Generally
fought only once. Kill it with long-range weapons.

New Gunships- They're actually called flying vehicles... yeah I'm not
calling them that. They fly at you while shooting insta-hit laser beams.
Very dangerous and since they're highly mobile, you're going to need a
missile launcher to take them down.

Deroy Walker- Large three legged walker that has a leg made of guns! The
legs can also be used to try and impale you, you can predict this attack
whenever you see the Deroy Walker raise up its leg and hesitate for
several seconds before trying to stab you. The legs constantly shoot hit-
scan lasers and the main hub of the walker will also spew plasma artillery
at you. Just shoot the center mass of the walker from long range where its
lasers and impale attack are useless.

Void ship- Void ship is just like the carrier only its cooler. The void
ship has plates that shift to open its hanger bay. The Void ship is also
easier to kill because it leaves more openings to its hanger bay than
carriers do. The void ships do have more health though. Void ships can
drop anything from insects to walkers.

Plates- Plates generally do nothing. Some of them have guns on them and
the ones with the guns can be destroyed by hitting the nearby plate with
the glowing spot. The plate that is literally a gun can be destroyed by
just shooting it. You really shouldn't be struggling with the plates
unless you're on a hard difficulty. DO note it is possible for a plate
with guns to not have a power plate next to it. Just shoot the guns
themselves and the guns will eventually be destroyed.

Brainship- the leader of the alien invasion... this time around. Just
floats there omniously while commanding the plates to attack you. Just hit
the glowing plates to clear the sky and then hit the brainship in its
glowing spot and it will die inevitably.

Argos Ravager battleship- The Ravager battleship has two modes. A jet and
a mech mode. Hit the jet mode where it bombards you with plasma and it'll
transform into the mech mode where it bombards you with lasers at close
range and plasma from long range. It hits hard but its easy to hit and
it'll eventually die when its had enough abuse.

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