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Survey of Tourist Accommodation June 2015

Summary Results: Hotels, Motels & Serviced Apartments (15+ rooms)

Yield per
Occupancy Takings night

Melbourne +7.1% $1.7b Melbourne +4.2% $190

Melbourne +1.3% pts 78.6%

$399m $142
48.5% Regional Victoria +4.3% Regional Victoria +3.2%
Regional Victoria +0.5% pts

$2.1b Victoria +4.1% $179

Victoria +1.2% pts 68.7% Victoria +6.6%

+0% +2% +4% +6% +8% +10% +0% +2% +4% +6% +8% +10%
+0.0% pts +1.0% pts +2.0% pts
% change in takings % change in yield
% pt change in occupancy rate

In the year ending June 2015, there were increases across several key indicators for Victorian Hotels, Motels and Serviced Apartments (HMSA) of 15 rooms or more.
Takings increased 6.6% year-on-year to reach over $2.1 billion, while occupancy rates increased by 1.2 percentage points to 68.7%. Yield per room night occupied
increased by 4.1% to $179.

Increases for Melbourne drove much of the growth for Victoria. In the year ending June 2015, occupancy rates in Melbourne HMSA 15+ increased 1.3 percentage
points to 78.6%, while takings increased 7.1% to $1.7 billion. Yield per room night occupied increased 4.2% to $190 per night.

Regional Victoria:
Regional Victoria experienced more modest increases across key indicators when compared to Melbourne. Takings increased 4.3% year-on-year to reach $399
million, while occupancy rates increased by 0.5 percentage points to 48.5%. Yield per room night occupied increased by 3.2% to $142 per night.

Source: Survey of Tourist Accommodation, June 2015, Australian Bureau of Statistics (Cat 8635.0). Scope: Hotels, Motels and Serviced Apartments of 15 rooms or more.
Notes: Yield is average per night occupied. Refer to back page for technical note.
Fact sheet produced by Tourism Victoria, December 2015.
Survey of Tourist Accommodation June 2015

Victorian Results - Quarterly Breakdown

Hotels, Motels & Serviced September Qtr December Qtr March Qtr June Qtr
Apartments: Victoria Regional Melbourne Victoria Regional Melbourne Victoria Regional Melbourne Victoria Regional Melbourne
15+ Rooms Victoria Victoria Victoria Victoria
Establishments 853 526 327 855 526 329 856 527 329 856 528 328
Change (Qtr on Qtr) -9 -6 -3 -8 -6 -2 -8 -6 -2 -8 -5 -3
Rooms Available 47,895 16,173 31,722 48,086 16,163 31,923 48,241 16,286 31,955 48,199 16,273 31,926
Change (Qtr on Qtr) +73 -246 +319 +242 -234 +476 +337 -133 +470 +327 -98 +425
Room Nights Occupied (000's) 2,898.3 671.4 2,226.9 3,088.1 728.1 2,360.0 3,089.5 753.5 2,336.0 2,874.0 667.7 2,206.4
% change (Qtr on Qtr) +0.6% +1.5% +0.3% +3.4% +1.7% +3.9% +3.3% +2.2% +3.7% +2.1% -1.3% +3.2%
Occupancy Rates (%) 66.1% 45.2% 76.8% 70.7% 50.8% 80.4% 72.1% 53.4% 81.2% 66.1% 46.2% 75.9%
% pts change (Qtr on Qtr) +0.6% pts +1.4% pts -0.1% pts +1.8% pts +1.1% pts +2.0% pts +1.7% pts +1.3% pts +1.7% pts +0.8% pts -0.7% pts +1.3% pts
Takings ($m) $503.2 $98.3 $404.8 $556.9 $101.9 $455.0 $588.3 $108.1 $480.1 $488.1 $91.1 $397.0
% change (Qtr on Qtr) +3.0% +5.4% +2.4% +7.0% +5.6% +7.3% +11.3% +5.5% +12.7% +4.6% +0.6% +5.5%
Yield ($) Av. Per night occupied $173.6 $146.5 $181.8 $180.3 $139.9 $192.8 $190.4 $143.5 $205.5 $169.8 $136.4 $180.0
% change (Qtr on Qtr) +2.4% +3.8% +2.1% +3.5% +3.8% +3.2% +7.7% +3.2% +8.7% +2.4% +1.9% +2.2%
Quarter-on-quarter comparisons are for the corresponding quarter in the previous year (e.g. June quarter 2015 vs June quarter 2014)

Available rooms increased for Melbourne, peaking at 31,955 in the March quarter 2015 (up 470 on the previous March quarter). However, available rooms declined in
regional Victoria in all quarters compared to the corresponding period in the previous year.

There were increases across each of the four quarters for the number of room nights occupied for Melbourne, with particularly strongest growth in the December
quarter 2014 compared to the previous December quarter (+3.9% to 2.36 million). Regional Victoria also registered modest increases in room nights occupied, with
the exception of the June quarter. Correspondingly, occupancy rates increased across all quarters, with the exception of the June quarter for regional Victoria.
Occupancy was highest in the March quarter 2015 for both Melbourne (up 1.7% pts to 81.2%) and regional Victoria (up 1.3% pts to 53.4%).

There was strong growth in takings for Melbourne across all quarters, with particularly strong growth in the March quarter 2015 (+12.7% to $480 million). Takings
were also the highest in the March quarter 2015. Correspondingly, yield per room night occupied also increased across each of the quarters, with yield highest in the
March quarter 2014 at $206 per night (+8.7%). For regional Victoria, takings increased across all four quarters and yield per night occupied also increased. Yield was
highest in the September quarter 2014 ($146 per night), however takings overall was highest in the March 2015 quarter ($108 million).

Source: Survey of Tourist Accommodation, June 2015, Australian Bureau of Statistics (Cat 8635.0). Scope: Hotels, Motels and Serviced Apartments of 15 rooms or more.
Notes: Yield is average per night occupied. Refer to back page for technical note.
Fact sheet produced by Tourism Victoria, December 2015.
Survey of Tourist Accommodation June 2015

State and National Results Year ending June 2015 comparisons

VIC NSW QLD Australia

Hotels, Motels & Serviced Apartments: VIC NSW QLD Australia
Occupancy rates- quarter comparisons +2.0% pts
15+ Rooms
+1.6% Room Nights Occupied (000's) 11,949.9 18,144.0 15,035.6 58,351.6
Change (YE June 14-15) +2.4% +1.2% -0.1% +0.9%
% pt change in occupancy rates (qtr on qtr)

+1.5% pts

Occupancy Rates (%) 68.7% 66.9% 62.0% 64.9%

+1.0% pts Change (YE June 14-15) +1.2% pts +1.0% pts -0.0% pts +0.5% pts
+0.7% Takings ($000s) $2,136,462 $3,243,669 $2,429,435 $10,013,577
+0.5% pts
+0.5% +0.5% Change (YE June 14-15) +6.6% +3.7% +3.6% +3.3%
Yield per room night occupied ($) $179 $179 $162 $172
+0.0% pts
Change (YE June 14-15) +4.1% +2.5% +3.7% +2.4%

-0.5% pts -0.4% Occupancy

In the year ending June 2015, Victoria’s occupancy rate increased 1.2 percentage points to
-1.0% pts
Sep Qtr 13-14 Dec Qtr 13-14 Mar Qtr 14-15 Jun Qtr 14-15
68.7%, compared to a 1.0 percentage point increase for New South Wales and no change for
Queensland. Victoria’s occupancy rate was the highest (68.7%), ahead of New South Wales
VIC NSW QLD Australia (66.9%). Victoria experienced increases in occupancy in each of the four quarters compared to
+11.3% the corresponding period in the previous year as did New South Wales. There was decline in
occupancy in the March and June quarters for Queensland.
% change in takings (qtr on qtr)



+7.0% In the year ending June 2015, Victoria recorded a 6.6% increase in takings to over $2.1 billion,
ahead of a 3.7% increase for New South Wales, a 3.6% increase for Queensland with growth
of 3.3% over the year nationally to $10 billion. Takings increased across all four quarters for

+4% +3.6%
Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, with the strongest increase for Victoria in the

March quarter (+11.3%). Victoria had the strongest growth in yield per room night occupied, up
+1.9% +2.1% 4.1% year-on-year to $179, while New South Wales experienced a 2.5% increase to $179.
+1.3% +1.5%

NOTE: As a result of a review, additional establishments were included in the STA sample for 2014-15. This has caused a break in series. To
enable time period comparisons, factor adjustments have been made to 2013-14 results. Care should be taken when comparing 2014-15
Sep Qtr 13-14 Dec Qtr 13-14 Mar Qtr 14-15 Jun Qtr 14-15 results with those for 2013-14. Please refer to the ABS technical notes for more information:

Source: Survey of Tourist Accommodation, June 2015, Australian Bureau of Statistics (Cat 8635.0). Scope: Hotels, Motels and Serviced Apartments of 15 rooms or more.
Notes: Yield is average per night occupied. Refer to back page for technical note.
Fact sheet produced by Tourism Victoria, December 2015.

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