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Discuss these questions with a partner.
o Have you ever studied abroad? Where did you study? Did you enjoy it? What were the main benefits
of studying abroad? What were the main challenges?
. lf you have never studied abroad. would you like to? Where and what would you like to study?
Why? What do you think are the main benefits of studying abroad? What do you think would be
the main challenges?

EI Sfimming and scanning

A Both skimming and scanning involve reading a text quickly, but are used for different reasons.
Skimming is when you quickly read for just the main idea of a text, without thinking about specific
details. Scanning is when you read to find specific pieces of information, such as names, dates and facts.

Look at situations 1-4 and tick the correct box for each.

Reading module: Academic and General Training

The IELTS Reading module takes 50 minutes and consists ln both the Academic and General Training modules, you
of three sections. ln the Academic module, each section have to answer 40 questions in total, based on a variety
features one reading text taken from books, magazines, of task types, such as matching, short-answer questions,
journals and newspapers. ln the General Training module, true/false/not given and multiple-choice questions.The
each section may consist of one or more passages, taken tasl< types and skills required for them (skimming,
from sources such as advertisements, leaflets and scanning, making predictions, etc.) are the same for the
instruction manuals, of the kind you would find every day Academic and General Training modules.
in an English-spealcing country.

10 IUUfl Studying overseas

skim scan
You look at a newspaper to see if there's a film on

ln the IELTS
TVtonight. T I
You look at a train timetable to see when the next
Reading module,
one of your in is d ue.
tra T u
biggest challenges 3 You need to decide if a long article will be useful for
is time; being able
to skim and scan
some research you are doing. T T
quickly will help 4 You have a meeting in ten minutes, and you haven't
you save time. read the report you are going to discuss. T n
B Skim the short article below in 30 seconds. Which of the following describes the main idea of the text?
1 lt is important to speak English if you want to be successful in business.
2 Most of the world's mail is written in English.
3 English is the most widely used language in the world.

English is the second most commonly spoken, and by far the most widespread of the world's
languages. It is estimated that there are 35o million native speakers, 3oo million who use
English as a second language and a further billion using it as a foreign language. English is
spoken by scientists, pilots, computer experts, diplomats and tourists; it is the language of the
world! Did you know over So% of all business deals are conducted in English? And over 7o% of
all mail is written and addressed in English? It is the official or co-official language of over 5o
countries and furthermore, it is spoken extensively in other countries where it has no official
status. It is perhaps, therefore, not surprising that in recent years we have seen a dramatic
increase in the number of students opting to study abroad. In the future this will cement the role
that English plays in the cultural, political or economic life of many countries around the world
from Australia to Zambia.

C Look at these numbers from the text. Do you remember what they refer to? Match the numbers with their
reference below. Then scan the text in 30 seconds to find the answers.
over 70% the amount of business done in English
over 5O% the amount of mail written in English

E Predicting content
A Before you read a text in the IELTS exam, it is a good idea to predict what you are going to read. One way
is to use the information in the title (or main heading), the summary paragraph and any subheadings.

Look at the article on page 12. Read the main heading and the subheadings. Based on the information in
the headings, which of the following do you think best describes the text?
1 lnformation about universities. promoting each institution as a good place to study
2 A holiday brochure, 'selling'the UK as a destination for a quick break
3 A magazine article, giving advice on living and studying abroad in different English-speaking countries

B When you skim a text, don't worry about words you don't understand. Try to get an overall impression of
the text. Make sure you read the first sentence of each paragraph. These will help you get an overview
of the text. Time yourself, and take two minutes to skim the article. Then decide if your answer in 3A
was correct.




An increasing number of stud,ents are thinktng of going
ouerseas to study for a degree.This tueek we focus on
fiue English-speaking countries, examiting u.that each
II has to offer and why you mighl choose to study there.

With thousands of institutions and courses to choose centres, New Zealand is a country where you can enjoy
from, how do you decide where to study as an both the great outdoors and the conveniences and
international student? Do you dream of heading for the dynamism of modern city 1ife. Low living costs and a high
land of Uncle Sam or would you feel more at home in standard of living also make life here very appealing. New
Shakespeare's country? Perhaps the Australian outback Zealand's highly respected educational programmes are
will give you the space you need to work out the problems based on the British system. A large part of a degree
of the world. Whichever you choose, the adventure begins programme is practical; this gives graduates both the
right herel knowiedge and the ski1ls they need when entering

STUDY IN AUSTRATIA the workplace.

Free-spirited Australia has been open to migration for STUDY IN THE USA
many years and is today one of the world's top three The population of the USA is made up of people from
destinations for international students. Australia's every continent, joined together by a shared language and
renowned cuitural diversity, its high level of public safety a core set of values. Of these values, liberty and freedom
and the vibrant atmosphere of its cities aIl help to make it are probably the most important, combined with
easy for overseas visitors to feel at home. Academically indivldual responsibility. American students are therefore
speaking, most of the national, publicly-funded expected to think independently and have responsibility
universities are of similarly high standard. Moreover, for their own studies; classes are often informal and
Australian instltutions have a particularly strong students are encouraged to express their opinion. With 50
reputation for research into the environment and states all offering a huge range of different types of
sport science. institutions - from two-year community college courses to
STUDY IN THE UK four-year undergraduate programmes - deciding where to
Many students are attracted to Britain by its long history study in the USA may appear confusing, so it is important
ofliterature, from Chaucer and Shakespeare to Bridget to do some research first.
Jones and Harry Potter. Look beyond this, and you'll find a STUDY IN CANADA
university system with one of the best reputations in the Suweys conducted by the United Nations have repeatedly
world. Universities in the UK have a record of achievement found Canada to be among the top ten places in the worid
in business, law the sciences, philosophy, linguistics and to live in. In addition, Canada's largest cities, Vancouver,
many other fields. Some UK institutions offer a foundation Toronto and Montreal, have been recognised as world-class
course (usually three months or one year in length) to cities in which to live and work, for their cleanliness and
prepare international students before they go on to do a
safety and for their cultural actlvities and attractive
full undergraduate or post-graduate degree; applying for lifestyles. A Canadian degree, diploma or certificate is weil
one of these courses normally involves taking the regarded ln business, government and academic circles
IELTS exam.
around the globe. Canada has two official languages -
STUDY IN NEW ZEATAND English and French. Studying and living in Canada could
with its vast and beautiful open spaces and friendly city be your opportunity to learn both!

12 lfilEfa Sruovrno overseas


ZI Strort-answer questions

Short-answer questions ask you to write one, two or Scan the headings in the passage to help you find the
three words for each question. lf your answer is too relevant part of the text.Then scan that section of
long or uses different words to those in the passage, it the passage for possible answers (or to confirm your
will be marked as incorrect. predicted answer).
For each question: Checl< that your answer fits the maximum word
First, decide what l<ind of information you need
count. Remember to use words taken directly from
to answer the question. ls it a where, when,whot, the passage. Don't change the form of the words or
which or who question? Then lool< for l<eywords
use different words.
(most important words) in the question, for example,
personal names, places and dates.

.o EXAM 0uestions 1-5

/7 Pnctice
sE Answer the following questions. Wite N0 MORE THAN THREE W0RDS for eoch lnswer.

1 What type of university preparation course is available in the UK?

2 0n which education system are New Zealand programmes founded?
3 Which two values are extremely important to Americans?
4 Which USA educational programmes are two years in length?
5 Who concluded that Canada is one of the best countries in the world to live in?

E Ctassification
ln classification tasks, you will see a list of categories Sl<im the passage to decide which section of the
and a number of statements.You need to match the passage each category (in this case each country)
statements with the correct categories according to refers to.
the passage.The statements will be paraphrased; they Read the first statement and scan the sections of the
will have the same meaning as the information in the passage you identified to find an idea that has the
text, but they may be worded differently. Sometimes the same meaning. Note the letters that correspond to
number of categories is the same as the number of that country.
statements, but not always. Repeat the process for the rest of the statements.

Questions 6-10
,F,TfrH Which countries do the foLlowing stotements refer to? Choose your lnswers from the box ond write the correct
Ietters next to questions 6-10.

- AU Austrolio
CA Canado
NZ New Zeoland
The categories
will be listed in
UK United Kingdom
a logical order, US United Stotes
for example,
alphabetically. Be
careful because 6 There is an enormous choice of colleges and universities to choose from.
the categories 7 Some universities are famous for courses in environmental studies.
may not match
the order in which
8 It is well-known for producing many famous authors.
they appear in I Students should be able to think for themselves.
the text, 10 It is not a very expensive place to Iive in.

EI True/false/not given

True/False/Not Given questions asl< you to read i' Read the information in that section of the passage
statements and compare them to the information given carefully. lf the idea expressed in the passage is the
in the passage.You need to decide if the statement is same as the statement, answer'True'. lf the passage
true or false according to the passage. lf the statement disagrees with the statement, answer'False'. lf the
relates to information given in the passage, but the passage contains information relating to the
passage doesn't actually agree or disagree with the statement, but doesn't actually agree or disagree
statement, you need to select'Not Given'. with it, answer'Not Given'.
ir' Read the first statement. Lool< for l<eywords that can F Repeat the process for the rest of the statements.
help you decide which part of the passage to focus
on.Then sl<im the passage to find the relevant section.

EXAM Questions 11-15

7^ Practice Do the folLowing stltements ogree with the informotion given in the possoge? Next to questions 11-1 5 write

TRUE if the stotement lgrees with the information

- FALSE if the stotement contrldicts the information
NOT GIVEN if there is no informotion on this

11 Australia is a dangerous country.

12 Most state universities in Australia are of comparable quality.
13 A degree from a UK university is highly regarded.
14 The British education system has a large practical element.
15 Canada has the top three universities in the world.



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$i* !r .r'

focus ) Speaking Part 1: lntroduction and interview

.,.:;.:lii:|1:if ) SkillS ) Answering questions about yourself; extending your responses

n lntroduction
Look at the photograph of people meeting for the first time. What questions do you think they are asking
each other? Make a list of typical questions people ask each other when meeting for the first time.

Now ask your partner some of these questions. Try to find out a little about him or her.

rnswering questions about yourself

Look at conversations 1-6 between speaker A and speaker B. Read speaker B's responses. What question do
you think speaker A has asked? Discuss with a partner.

1A .............?
B (a) ............ I don't like it very much. lthink it's really difficult. especially the grammar.

B (b) ............ I often go out with my friends, but sometimes I enjoy just reading in my room.

Speaking module: Part I

The Speaking exam consists of three parts, which are the The questions in Part I are about you and your personal
same for both the Academic and General Training experience and opinions.You will be evaluated on fluency
modules. ln Part l, the examiner will ask you questions and coherence, range of vocabulary, grammatical range
about yoursell such as your city or town, work or study, and accuracy and pronunciation.
your family, your free time, your reasons for learning
Part I lasts about four to five minutes.
English and your plans for the future.


3A .............,
B I haven't really decided yet. (c) l'd like to one day. maybe in Canada or Australia.

A ................ .............?
B (d) ............ , I have one brother and one sister.

A .............?
B I have a part-time job in a local shop. (e) ............, l've worked there for more than three years.

6A ....'..'.....?
B (f) ............ , my parents moved around a lot and l've lived in many cities. Now

fo] S ttrD Listen to the conversations and write down the questions that were asked.

C If,D Listen again and write the missing words or expressions (a-f) in speaker B's response in
each conversation.

D Write words or expressions a-f in the table below. Then match each one with its function.

'Erpress Tip
Using words or
expressions like
actually, well or it a i l'm going to give extra information about my response'
depends will make
you sound more h
natural when you
speak. C iii l'm going to apologise or disagree politely.

iv I can't give you a simPle answer.

v Wait a

E Ask and answer questions 1-6 in a way that is true for yourself. Try to use some of the expressions in the
table above.

I E Extending your responses

I ATo demonstrate your English ability to the examiner, it is important to give full responses. lnstead of
giving short. one- or two-word answers, try to extend your responses by providing two or three additional
pieces of information. Look at the example below.

Candidafe: 'Yez I do. I hoPo t'o
plan to etudl abroad?' 2o
lroland to Dublin. I wanf to <tud1 rnedic-lne.
Fe,ople 9a1 fhe uni,rcr<itie,< t'ho(e a(e
/ery good for thi< s^U--f.'

16 UVIA Studying overseas
B One way to extend your answers is to try asking yourself follow-up questions. This will help you think of
additional information you can use in your response. Read the question below and with your partner, think
of follow-up questions. Then take turns answering the question, using your follow-up questions to extend
your answers.

Where do yu wanf fo What are to etudl?

3o? 7ou 2oin2


Wh1 did 1ou

choo<e t'haf countr7?

C Write a short answer for each of the questions below. Then extend your answer by adding two or three
pieces of information. Your answers don't have to be full sentences. They can be notes,
Use words like a/so,
so and because
to join your ideas
1 Do you have any brothers or sisters?

when you speak. 2 Where do you live?

3 What do you do in your free time?
4 Do you enjoy studying English?
5 What's your job?
6 Do you plan to study abroad?

D @ Listen to some students answering questions 1-6 above.

1 What extra information does each student provide? Write down the keywords as you listen.
2 What were the follow-up questions that they asked themselves?

E lntroduction and interuiew

ln the beginning of Part l, the examiner will greet Use expressions like well, octually and I guess, and
and ask for your name and some identification.Then linking words like so and becouse to connect your
you will be asked questions about yourself and your ideas and sound more fluent.
Listen to the examinert questions carefully. i Continue speaking even if you have made a mistake.
Remember to extend your answers.

Work with a partner. ln pairs, role-play Part 1 of the Speaking exam.

Student A: You are the examiner. Choose some questions from 3C above. For each question, think of follow-
up questions (why, when, where, who with, etc.) and interview student B for four or five minutes. Listen to
student B's answers carefully. Did he or she give short or extended responses?

Student B: You are the candidate. lmagine you are in the exam. lntroduce yourself briefly and then listen to
the examiner's questions. Answer as fully as possible, giving two or three additional pieces of information
for each question. Follow the advice in for this tosk - exom strotegy.

When you have finished, change roles with your partner.


) Exam tasks ) Form completion; notes"completion

) Exam focus ) Listening Section 'l : Non-academic dialogue
) Skills ) lmagining the situation and language; identifying the question; identifying the answer type

n lntroduction

Discuss these questions with a partner.

. Can you identify the items in pictures A-D? Have you ever bought any of these items?
. When people buy one of the items in the photos, what kind of questions do they ask the sales
assistant? What kind of questions does the sales assistant ask them? Make a Iist of these questions.
r What kind of forms would someone buying these items have to complete? What kind of information
would they have to provide?

Listening module: Section

The Listening module takes about 30 minutes and Completion tasks are quite common in Section l. ln
consists of four sections, which are the same for both notes completion and form completion tasks, you are
Academic and General Training candidates. presented with a form or set of notes which are only
partly completed and you are asked to fill in the
Section Iis a non-academic dialogue.Two speal<ers
missing information using words and/or a number.
have a discussion in a social situation, such as arranging
an appointment, buying goods or services, etc.The
conversation is about two minutes long and you will
hear it only once.

18 l$ll|p Shopping and the lnternet

A Imagining the situation and language
A ln the exam, each different listening situation is introduced on the recording. For example, you may hear
the following:
lf you spend a
little time
'You will heor o customer enquiiing obout buying o clmero.'
imagining the
situation and
language, you You should then spend a few seconds before the dialogue begins thinking about the kind of situation you
willfind the are about to hear and the kind of language that may be used.
Where do you think this conv.ersation is taking place? Who are the people talking? What questions do you
much easier to
understand. think you will hear? What vocabulary related to the situation do you think you may hear?

Was there any topic related vocabulary which you had not What was

L, C @ Listen to three more introductions. After each introduction, imagine the situation and language you
may hear in the main dialogue. Discuss your ideas with your partner.

ffi D @ Listen to each dialogue. Were your predictions correct?

E ldentifying the question

Notes and form completion tasks don't include actual questions. Before you answer, you need to think what
sort of information is required in each gap. You need to identify the question you are being asked. ln the
exam, you don't need to write the question down, just think about it.

A Complete the sentences in the first column so they are true for you. Use no more than three words and/or
a number for each answer.

Express Tip
Use your
experience of ..? 2 Date
the real world,
your imagination :t
and common
sense to fill in
use 4 ...........................? 4 Reason for taking IELTS exam:

those parts of
the conversation
that you don't
B Each statement in the first column is the answer to a question. For example, the third statement,'l am
years old'. answers the question'How old are you?'ln the middle column, write questions for the other
three statements.

C Now ask your partner questions 1-4. Complete the notes with information about your partner.

A ldentifying the answer type
A Look at the notes below. The first column contains examples of notes completion questions that might
appear in the exam. What do you think the topic of the conversation will be? Discuss with a partner.

Birthday present for 1 ........... who naMe

Cost of package per month:2...........

Phone network: 3 ...........
Length of contract: 4 ...........
0perations in over 5 ...........
6 ...........o1o of country covered by network
Need hands-free when cycling because il's 7 ..........
lf phone is faulty, send it to 8 ..........

What kinds of questions do you need to answer to complete the notes? For each gap, choose the
appropriate question word from the box below and write it in the table. The first one has been done as

an example.

how many )h{ where what percentage

how long how much why wh ich

Different types of question require different types of answer. For example, the answer to a'who'question
is a name. For each of the questions above, choose an answer type from the box below and write it in
the table. The first one has been done as an example.

= ,,o,.n=i;r"*, ;eriod of time jafi6 nu mber

a place name percenta ge reason


..,., , D@ Now listen to the recording and answer questions 1-8 in the table above. Write no more than three
words and/or a number for each answer.

E Practising spelling and numbers

You may need to listen to and write the correct spelling of certain names and numbers in the exam.

UJ A@ Listen to lists of names, addresses. numbers and emails. Write what you hear on a piece of paper.

B Take turns with your partner to dictate and write down the following information. Spell some of the
names to give your partner practice.
1 Your name and home address (including your postcode)
2 The names of some of your family or friends
3 Some street names in your town

4 Your email address
I 5 Your telephone number
trNIIZ Shopping and the lnternet


E Form completion
Form completion and notes completion tasl<s ask you ln the exam, there is time to look at the questions
to fill in gaps using information taken diectly from the before you start listening. Use this time to read
recording you hear. through the instructions and questions and imagine
Read che instructions carefully co see how many the situation. Look at each gap and identify the
words you are allowed to use. Remember that if you question and answer type.
write too many words, or if you write down While you are listening, write down your answers
different words from the ones you hear, your answer because you will only hear the recording once.
will be marl<ed as incorrect. lf you spell a word The questions follow the order of the recording.
incorrectly, your answer will be marked as incorrect.

/'F'Tfrli ffi a Questionsl-6

Listen to 0 mln buying 0 computer ond complete the notes below. Write N0 M?RE THAN THREE W0RDS
AND/OR A NUMBER for eoch onswer.

Express Tip
Spelling is very
important in the
Listening test.
Name: Jor.atha,r 1 Tiile: Mr / Mrs / Ms / Miss /Qf/ 0ther
When you finish Address: Postcode:
each section, you
must always check email address: 5 ................ @{art',.et.cou
Telephone No:
that each answer
is spelt conectly. Add to mailing list ?

Notes completion
/ Practice i'2 i @D Questions 1-10
Listen to o customer enquiring obout different types of MPj ployers and compLete the notes beLow.
Write N0 M1RE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for eoch lnswer.

@ .sLze awd wel.qVt:

extra featu"rt:
l!u-w-b€.r of sr,w\s,

llr,Lwtber o{ sowcls,
t a/vp t o'( -, t -"c.- r

Batteru LLfe:

lAaQ,Lr's vtavvte: €LectrowLcs

Clst: :35a

Tffi tAade Ln:

of sowc,s,
8 ...
i2 caa
specLaL dc,aL: LA ......
CcLcar'. 4cli,



) Exam task ) Describing bar charts, pie charts and tables

) Exam focus ) Academic Writing Task'l ) For Ceneral Training Task 1, go to page 74.
) Skills I Understanding charts and tables; describing general and specific information;
comparing and contrasting data

n Introduction
Discuss these questions with a partner.
. Have you ever bought anything over the lnternet? lf yes, what did you buy?
o What kinds of things would you order through the lnternet? Why?
o ls there anything that you wouldn't buy online? Why do you think that some people are nervous
about buying things online?
. Which age group do you think makes the most purchases online?

A Understanding charts and tables

A Before you begin writing, it is important to understand the information shown in the chart. Look at
the bar chart on page 23 and discuss questions 1-4 with a partner.

1 What does the title tell you?

2 What does the vertical axis show?
3 What does the horizontal axis show?
4 What does the colour key on the right tell you?

,;1;6iii"i;i'xi:"t:':1'...i;i.::.;alir-.;;t'.'i.''16 writing module: Academic Task I

preplring fOr the GenerOlTrOining mOdUle,tlrn tO Unit GT t A On pOge 74,
1;rO, Ore

The IELTS Writing module takes 60 minutes and consists You must write at least I 50 words and you are
of two tasks. ln Task I of the Academic Writing module, assessed on the following:
you are asked to write a report for a university lecturer .Task achievement how well you answer the question
in which you describe information presented visually, for , L^-:^-. "^...
' Coherence and cohesion: how .^.^,,
well your answer is
example in diagrams, bar charts, pie charts or tables.
;;- :^:^;^;'-1-,:^::,"-^:
Alternatively, you may be asked to describe a ^-::-:^
:-:^:,.'.^'.:':.:'..'-::. organised. including how the information is linked
how an obiect works or a map. For these alternative
kinds of writingtasks turn toAM Supplementary Pages ' Lexical resource: the vocabulary
you use
forWritingTask I on page 86. ln all cases,you are . Grammatical range and accuracy
expected to use a formal academic style.

22 UIIU Shopping and the lnternet

Internet shoppers and users by age group


ffi Internet users
I lnternet shoppers

2s-44 45-54

B The information in a bar chart can be presented in table form. Complete the table by copying
Express Tip information from the bar chart above.
Task 1 is worth
fewer marks than
Task 2. You should Age 16-24 25-44 45-54 55-64 65+
therefore spend
less time on it. lnternet users 99olo 1. .ok 84olo 75olo 4 ......... olo

Spend only 20
minutes on Task 'l . lnternet shoppers 64olo 70olo 5.........90

E Describing general and specific information

A Look,-at the chart in 2A. Describe the chart by putting sections a-g in the correct order (1-7).
Exoress Th
Don't try to explain a For instance, in the 45-54 age group 58% of people make purchases online, but 82olo are
the information - lnternet users, so almost 30% use the lnternet for other activities as well.
just describe it.
For example, don't b The chart shows how the lnternet is used by different age groups. lt looks at both general use
say why you think
and online shopping.
more young people
use the lnternet - c More specifically, this is between 75olo and 100o/o in the four younger age groups. However. it
just say they do.
should be noted that there is a more dramatic difference with the 65-year-olds and over, where
only 38o/o use the lnternet. That is a 60o/o difference compared with the youngest age group.
d A final point to mention is that most people use the lnternet for other things as well
as shopping.
6 One of the first things to note is that fewer older people use the lnternet than young people.
f Another thing to point out is that the number of people using the lnternet does not vary very
much between the age groups.
g For example, 99olo of 16-24-year-olds use the lnternet compared with only 38o/o of 65-year-olds
and over.

B When you describe visual information, you should start with a general overview statement about what
the chart or table shows. Then, you should choose two or three main features and describe them. Each

time you pick out a main feature, use some specific detail to support it.

Read sentences 1-5 and categorise them.

a Which sentences are an overview statement of what the graph shows?
b Which sentences describe an overall trend?
c Which sentences provide specific detail used to support a main point?

1 Fewer older people use*the lnternet than young people.

2 99oloof 16-24-year-olds use the Net, compared with only 38% of 65-year-olds and over.
3 Most people use the lnternet for other things as well as shopping.
4 The chart shows how the lnternet is used by different age groups; it looks at both general use and
online shopping.
5 ln the 45-54 age group, 58o/o of people make purchases online, but 82% use the lnternet.

ZI Comparing and contrasting data

You can contrast information using but, however, while, on the other hand, in/by comporison and in
controst. You can add more information using ond, olso, os well os, in oddition, furthermore and not
only ... but oko.

A Complete sentences 1-4 by choosing the correct word. There may be more than one possible answer.
1 / /
Although However While 82olo of 45-5A-year-olds use the lnternet, only 58% make purchases
onl ine.
2 Although / However / While, only 58% make purchases online.
3 As welt os / Not only showing general lnternet use, it oLso / but olso shows online shopping.
4 lt shows os well os / not only general lnternet use, it olso / but olso online shopping.

B lnformation may also be presented as a pie chart. The pie chart below shows how one university
student spent his money on lnternet purchases in one year. Look at the information in the pie chart
and choose the appropriate word(s) to make correct sentences.

t He spent more / less money on airline tickets than music.

2 Avery lorge / relotively small percentage of his money was spent on entertainment tickets.
3 His biggest / smoLlest expense was airline tickets.
4 He didn't spend as much money on computer software / music as computer softwore / music.
5 He spent much more on oirline / entertainment tickets than on oirline / entertoinment tickets.
6 He spent slightLy / much more on music than on books and magazines.
7 He spent o greot deol / o little on airline tickets.

lnternet purchases made by a male university student in one year


ffi Airline tickets tr Books and magazines

K8 Computer software tl Entertainment tickets
r lMusic [0ther


24 ENIffi Shopping and the lnternet

C Write your own comparative sentences to describe the data in the charts in 2A and 48. lnclude wrong
information in some of your sentences and then show them to your partner. Ask your partner to identify
and correct the mistakes.

El AcaOemic writing task 1: report

Spend one or two minutes studying the chart until : Start with an overall description and then move on
you understand what it is showing. to use details to support your main points.
Explain what the chart is describing in your opening Remember to use exPressions such as in oddition and
senlence. however to link your ideas.

Then identify two or three main features. Don't Remember to leave time to check your work before
describe everything you see. Lool< for any interesting the end'
features, especially surprising or contrasting

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task'

The chort below shows thedifferent types of goods ond services purchosed online in
Australio, Conada and the United Kingdom in one yeor.

Summarise the infornotion by selecting ond reporting the main features, ond moke
comporisons where relevont.

Write at least 150 words.

Top internet purchase categories


-Food and

services i- Australia
g DVDs/ ffi Canada
e videos E The United
Ki n gdom

equ ipment



of consumers purchasing

i !q L s M E s& u
B ""!ttt'' 't.' -


n lntroduction
A Discuss these questions with a partner.
o Are you working at the moment?
r What jobs have you done in the past?
o What is your ideal job?

& Work in pairs.

Student A: Think of a job. but don't tell student B what it is. Answer student B's questions with
'yes' or 'no'.
Student B: Try to guess your partner's job by asking 'yes/no' questions. For example: Do you work
outdoors? Do you earn a lot of money? Do you wear any special clothing or a uniform? When student B

has guessed the job. change roles.

il.JSr r Li r yl l ru lr^or*ar*er-€* a*at
nriy iJir{",I u5 dr ru n^-^^t--^^^^
iJar a$ii rr aSeb
ln the Reading module, you are often tested on your ability to find factual information within a text. You
may have to match information with a picture or sentence.

Reading module: Matching information to sections of text

ln the Reading module, you may be asked to match ln the General Training module, you might have a
information to sections of text. ln the Academic selection of advertisements rather than a single passage.
Training module, these sections will be paragraphs from a ln this case, you might be asked to match pictures to
single passage. advertisements or match statements to advertisements.

26 UNIIreI Jobs and Job-huntins


A Skim the classified advertisement below. Which of the pictures on page 26 does it refer to? Show
your partner.

EXprEss ltp
You willfind
these kinds of
short texts (e.9.
in the General
Training module,
whereas in This market-leading current affairs channel requires a dynamic and experienced
the academic
correspondent to join our team covering events in South America.
module you will
read complete
Based in Buenos Aires, you will:
However, the . be fluent in Spanish and English.
idea of matching
words according
. have a minimum of three years experience in business or marketing journalism.
to synonyms and . be familiar with presenting to camera.
paraphrases is
the same in both
. have a degree in business or marketing.
modules. . have the initiative required to work independently.

Please email your CV to:

diane. roberts@wireinternationa
or call Diane Roberts for more details on 020 9425 6954

B Read the advertisement carefully. Underline the keywords that helped you match the advertisement with
the picture.

Read the advertisement above and find synonyms and paraphrases (different words with the same or
similar meaning) for:
t having worked in this field before
2 being able to make decisions yourself
3 speaking other languages well.

E Matching information to sections of text

This task consists of two parts. For Questions 1-4, you need to match pictures with advertisements. For
Questions 5-10, you need to match advertisements with staternents.


Questions I-4 Questions 5-lO

Try to thinl< of different words to describe what's in Look for l<eywords in the statements.Then look for
each picture.Then [ool< for keywords in the synonyms or paraphrases of these l<eywords in the
advertisements. advertisements.
Match the ones you are sure about first, and then :.' lf a statement refers to more than one advertisement,
the more difficult ones second. lf you can't find the make sure that the statement you choose matches
answe[ 8uess. precisely what the advertisement says.

EXAM Questions 1-4
{ ^ Practice Look ot pictures 1-4 ond odvertisements A-D beLow. Motch eoch picture with the odvertisement it oppLies to.
Write the correct letter (A-D) in the box next to the picture.


Call'centre Advisor B
€9 50 Per hour PIus commission
4-9P'm'evenings Driver reguired for a
]rO-zP'm' SaturdaY manufacturing company
You will be able to communicate f500 per week
with a range of o""Jft
t"a have lfacXground
in customer care or
sdre>' LGV Driving licence +
need to have
week Immediate start driven LGVs at least 5000
29 hours Per (00353) 254'698 Contact Trevor Smith:
TelePhone ]ames: Ot 744 g72346

_: HA,tcyoN
Treatment rooms and
day spa 4
require full/part_time
TRAINEE beautician Midwife Grade:
o Successful applicants can contract L22'525 p'a'
o 4 weeks holiday per
en1oy $275 per week. il*p*ury - eight-month
9ver year
il1 be
uu r'vvrrrr
You L ibl:'
v- re'- spons f
9i'h: I] f,i:t"i"care'
' 5:[HIl;; #i,jff"?f" in
aspects or beautv idual Patient

Join a professional, fun application lorm available
and friendly team. "l't-'-' .-" to"tutt Personnel
Telephone iune: (04)
6405-A342 <'., '\ Corl care Hospiral'
or Call ln person to arrange
dn i,rfprylgw. ,G_ Room 245. Morris Building'
^lli'ru n, i.. ro's Rtl' c ran'"getort n cT'12 5 HC
42 Church St, Newtown,
c Welrjrgton 6002
email: Personnei@corYcare'com D

Questions 5-10
Express Tip
Look at statements 5-10 ond odvertisements A-D. Motch eoch stotement with the odvertisement it opplies to.
An effective way
to learn lots of
Write the correct Letter (A-D) next to eoch stotement.
synonyms and
paraphrases is to 5 You will learn how to do the job.
use an English-
English dictionary
6 The position is not permanent.
as much as 7 You will work at the weekend.
possible. 8 You cannot apply by phone.
9will sell something.
10 You can begin this job straightaway.
28 UNIIE Jobs and Job-huntins

E mile completion
Read the instructions carefully to see how many relates to, search that part of the text for the
words and numbers you can use to answer each missing information and transfer the information to
question. the table.
ln this tasl< you are often tested on your knowledge of
First, study the whole table.What does it tell you?
synonyms and paraphrases. For example, Question l/
For example, what are the row and column
asks for particular requirements for the lob. In the text
headings?These headings will tell you what l<ind of
it says,'be able to communicate with (a range of
information is missing from the table. people)' but the answer is paraphrased as'Ability to
Then, for each gap, find the part of the text that it talk to a ...'.

EXAM Ouestions 11-15

^ Praclice
Complete the table below using N0 MORE THAN THREE WORDS 0R A NUMBER for eoch lnswer.

Job Pay Experience necessary Requirements include

ln completion
Call-centre advisor Basic hourly rate + Abiliry ro talk to a

tasks, the com m ission 11 .............

questions follow
Long distance freight f500 per week Experience of driving a
the same order
as the relevant delivery driver truck for a minimum of
information in 13 .............
the text.
Trainee beautician per week No No particular
14 $........... requ i rements necessa ry

Midwife f22,525 Don't know Ability to deliver

1 5 ....... .. ........... .

El Sentence completion
Read the article on page 30 and answer Questions 1-8.

There are two l<inds of sentence completion tasl<s.You ln sentence completion tasks with chorces from text
may be asked to complete a sentence by tal<ing words (Questions 5*/0), read the oprions (endings) carefully.
directly from the text (Questions l*4) or choosing from It is lil<ely that more than one endlng could complete
a list of options (Questions 5-8). the sentence. Read the endrngs again and decide
Read each sentence and identify the section in the which one matches exactly whar che text says.
text it refers to. Note that in sentence completion tasks questions
ln sentence completion usks with words from the occur in the same order as they appear in the text.
text (Questions l-4),rry to predict the type of answer The answer co Question 7, for example, will occur
you are looking for. Skim the section you have before rhe answer ro Question 8 in the text.
identified and look for synonyms and paraphrases,

17 Practice
0uestions 1-4
Complete the sentences beLow with words token from the reoding plssoge. Write N0 M0RE THAN THREE
W0RDS for eoch onswer.

- 1 ln order to make a ... you should research your choices well.

2 You shouldn't choose a job simply because it has ...
3 You might think about doing ... in order to get experience.
4 You can write to companies without having seen ...

r, EXAM Questions 5-8

{ Practice
with the correct ending A-H from the box beLow. Write the correct letter A-H
CompLete eoch sentence

next to sentences 5-8.

5 Whilst at school, you should use

6 The school careers officer and library will help you choose
7 Continuing your education will give you
8 You should think about the salary and x
A a bigger choice ofjobs'you can apply for. E their facilities.
B extra benefits. F further education.
c a suitable job. G jobs advertised in the newspaper orjob centre.

D your CV. H your skills and interests.


According to the old proverb, the early bird catches the Be systematic in your search. First write down possible
worm, and this is certainly true when it comes to career paths, then think of the different jobs within
deciding your future. You will get off to the best start this field. Think of the skills and qualifications you
with your job-hunting if you think about it while you need to get that first valuable job, and how you might
are still at school. Does your school have a careers go about getting them. Don't just limit your thinking
officer or library? lf so, you should take advantage of to further study. There may be other, less immediately
them, as this will give you an idea of what's on offer obvious routes, such as doing voluntary work.
and help you decide what job will suit you. Remember!
Finding out as much as possible will help you make a WHERE TO IOOK
bdtter-informed decision. Traditionally, a good source of job advertisements has
been newspapers, job centres and word of mouth
(friends and family can have the most useful
After you have left school, you may think about
information of all), but nowadays, any job search
applying for any jobs that you are qualified to do. But
would not be complete without access to the lnternet.
think about the long term. Does this job have future
Use this checklist to ensure you are exploring all
prospects? ls it dead-end or does it have chances of
possible avenues.
promotion? Will you be happy doing this job in five,
ten or twenty years' time? To open the door to a wider
variety of jobs with longer-term prospects, consider / newspapers / job centres
further education or training.
./ word of mouth ./ lnternet
,/ local shop windows
You should also take yourself into account. What are
you good at? What are you interested in? Are you a
'people person' or happiest with your own company? APPLY ON SPEC
Do you have a creative flair or are you adept at A great many jobs are found without responding to
arithmetic? Don't just apply for a job because it has a a job advertisement at all. Try writing to companies
good salary. Money is important, but what can the job enclosing your CV.
offer you in terms of personal satisfaction?

30 XUStrretr Jobs and Job-huntins


We often speak for a long time without being interrupted.
Tell your partner which of the following you have done:
1 told a story to friends in a caf6
2 made a presentation in class or at work
3 left a long message on a telephone answering machine
4 explained a complicated situation to someone.
Situations'l-4 above have one thing in common: you have to think about what you are going to say and
organise your ideas.

B Part 2 of the Speaking exam tests yourability to speak for a longer period of time. Here is a typical topic
card for Parl2 of the exam. You should try to speak about all the points on the card.

Work with a partner. First, discuss some ideas you might include when speaking about the card. Then,
take turns speaking about the topic on the card. Try to talk for at least two minutes.

Describe a job that you have, or someone you know has, done.
You should say:
o what the job was
o what you had to do exactly
o if you would do this job in the future
and explain what you liked and didn't Iike about it.

What did you find difficull about the ras<l Disc-ss lt ,', i:l ','o.rr lar:irer or your teacher.

peaking module: Part 2

ln Part 2 of the Speaking exam, the examiner will ask You will then speak, without interruption from the
you to speal< for one or two minutes on the topic of a examiner, for one or two minutes.
card that you will be given.
When the examiner wants you to stop talking, he or she
You have one minute to prepare to speak. During this will do so by asking you one or two follow-up questions.
time, you can mal<e some notes if you want to. You should spend only a few seconds answering these.


E Checking you understand the topic card

A lf you do not understand something on the card, you can ask the examiner for clarification. You can use
your English to impress the examiner - even when you do not understand.
Here, a student does not understand the word 'exactly'. Look at the notes she has made on the card and
read the question she asks to check the information.

Describe a job that you, or you

Can I lalk about
You should say: r
o what the job was
ny father s iob?
o what you had to Ao6fictilr
o if you would do this job in the future

and explain what you litea ana@about it. nothi nql

Candidate:'l'm sorry. Here it says, "What you had to do exactly". By "exactly" do you mean what were
the different things I did when I was working? For example. if I washed the dishes or served customers?'

The examiner will then either confirm the student's idea or explain the question. Useful expressions you
can use include:

By ... , do you mean ...?

lf I understand this correctly, it means that ...
So, in other words, it's saying ...
So, is it 0K if I talk about ...?
It says here ... but I ...

Work with a partner. What other questions do you think the student asked? Practise asking questions
about the card, using the expressions above.

EI Organising your ideas

,. ', ., (E!D lt is important to organise your thoughts clearly and logically before you speak. Read the students'
notes (A-C). The keywords have been underlined. Listen to the three students doing the exam and
number the cards in the order in which you hear them. Listen for the keywords that each student wants
to include.
,',-:: y'ou make
-:::s iou don't
-:,: :i B
,'irite full A
==-::^:eS, YOU Can Chef in a hotel kitchen
=,=' ,','::€ notes in teacher - primary schoo/ waitress - coffee bar
:-':,r- anguage, make meals/40 guests
: -: _^: - s-:ildn't teach students - different clean tables p10!1el!ie4 make
i- ---- --
- -t- -- - -^^.
!:t sub/ects e.g. reading and enjoyed wedding Parties coffee/sen e customers cash
:i. =,',', :'::. writing, mathematics, MaYbe' oPen mY restaurant lgglqter fbr 3 months
art, music/ piano
Creative job I enjoY/verY in future? yes if student -
Now I wantto change/ convenient + hours are fleribl.
love children/ dislike hard work - exhausted

administration n Like
- colleagues
- uniform
+ boss not

= [EiE -:=: =-] ,:c---r-: ng


{}} B GD Listen again to the students doing the test and cross off the points on their cards as they discuss
them. Were there any points ihat they didn't cover?

Look at the topic card on page 32 and make similar notes for yourself. Underline the points that you
definitely want to include.

DChoose a different partner. Use the card to practise speaking again. This time use your notes to help you
organise your thoughts.

4 lndividual long turn

The examiner will give you a topic card and a piece of talking, keep going, even if you make a mistake.
paper and pencil to make notes. Make sure to look up from your card and make eye
While you're i" Read the card carefully. lf you do not understand, ask contact with the examiner when you are speaking.
speaking, keep
the examiner co explain. Don't worry about talking for too long.The examiner
your finger on
the point you are :. Make some notes (in English or your own language) will interrupt you when he or she wants you to finish,
talking about; to help you organise your thoughts before you speak. You will then be asked a few questions to end this
when you are On your notes, underline any keywords you want to part of the test.An example of a follow-up question
nervous, you may mal<e sure to include. that the examiner might ask you is:'ls there any job
lose your place. Try to cover each point on the card but don't worry that you would never consider doing?'
if you don't cover all the points in your notes.When

ln pairs. practise the interview for two minutes.

Student A: You are the candidate. For one minute, look at the topic card below and make some notes to
help you. Then, use your notes to speak for one or two minutes. Follow the advice in for this tosk - exom
strotegy above.

Student B: You are the examiner. Give Student A one minute to look at the card below and make notes.
Then listen to Student A's answers carefully. Does he or she follow the advice in for this tosk - exom
strotegy? After one or two minutes, interrupt and ask Student A a few questions related to the topic. have finished, change roles.

Describe the job that you would most like to do in the future.
You should say:
o what the job is
o what skills and qualifications you would need to get the job
o if you think you will ever do this job
and explain what appeals to you about this kind of work.

\ i ,,''ili iii
k i

\ .,, \lL!l
\'.,, ,,
\'.,1 ,''.',

\\,",l. t)'
\ \.'.1.

\ .\',,,
>-- \ ",1.'
Ll,,5TE N I

) Exam tasks ! Multiple-choice questions; short-answer questions; notes completion

) Exam focus ) Listening Section 2: Non-academic monologue; Listening Section 3: Academic dialogue
> Skills I Using keywords to predict the answer; identifying synonyms and paraphrases

n lntroduction

AWork in pairs. Match pictures A-D to the crimes in the box below.

ju,.ron car theft mu rder robbery

4 burglary fraud pickpocketi n g smuggling

Four of the crimes are not illustrated. Can you define them? Do you know the names of any other crimes?
Make a list.

B lmagine you have witnessed one of the crimes in pictures A-D and are reporting it to the police. What
kind of information would the police need? What questions would the police officer ask? Make a list of
questions with your partner.

Listening Section 2: Non-academic monologue

Section 2 of the Listening module is a non-academic ln the exam, you will hear the recording once only.
monologue. lt is usually one person tall<ing about an As with Section l, there are many different task types
everyday subject, for example, holidays. However, which may appear in this section.Two common task
sometimes it may feature two speakers. ln this case, one types are multiple-choice questions and short-answer
of them will be speaking most of the time and the other questions.
one will be asking a few short questions.

34 UNIIA Crime and Punishment

z Using keywords to predict the answer
(y AGD will hear a businesswoman reporting the theft of her briefcase. Look at this example of a short
answer question. Underl ine the most important words in the question. These are known as keywords.

1 What colour is the briefcase? ................

What kind of answer is required? Can you predict what it might be?
Now Iisten to the recording and answer the question.

@B @ Now look at question 2. Underline the keywords and try to predict the answer.
Then listen to the recording and answer the question.

2 What important papers were in the briefcase?

@c @ Look at this example of a multiple-choice question. What question is being asked he re?

3 The briefcase was stolen from

A the back of a car.
B a dry cleaner's shop.
C a dress shop.

Underline the keywords in the question stem (the first line) and the options (A, B and C).
Why is it important to underline'dress'or'dress shop'. but not just'shop'?
Can you predict the answer? Sometimes all answers are equally possible but it is always a good idea to think
about what the answer might be before you listen. Now listen to the recording and answer the question.

E ldentifying synonyms and paraphrases

& A@ Look at this multiple-choice question and underline the keywords. Think about the question that is
being-asked. The recording and the question may use different words to talk about the same thing, that
is, they may use synonyms or paraphrases. Before you listen, read through the options and think of
different ways of expressing the same information. This way you will recognise the correct answer when
you hear it. Work with a partner. Look at option A. Are there other ways of saying '12.00'? Think about
what you might hear on the recording. What about'1.45' and '2..l5'? Now listen to the recording and
'Express Th answer the question.

Thinking about
synonyms for 1 The theft occurred
keywords and
A around l2.00.
B between 1.45 and 2.00.
correct answer. C between 2.00 and 2.15.

@ Look at this short-answer question and underline the keywords.

2 How long was the woman away from her vehicle?

Can you think of any synonyms or paraphrases for'vehicle'?

Now listen to the recording and answer the question.

,.,. , C lIEl Look at question 3. Think about the keywords and synonyms. Then listen to the recording and
answer the question.

3 The woman suspects her briefcase may have been stolen by

A a motorist
B a cyclist.
C a pedestrian.

4 Multiple-choice questions; short-answer questions

Listen to a police officer giving information about a crime and answer Questions 1-10.

Choose the correct Letter, A, B or C.

1 The burglary took place at

A a museum. B the county hall. C a local shop.
2 The burglary took place

Express Tip A on Sunday night. B on Thursday evening. C at the weekend.

3 The clock is
ln the Listening
module, the A one of a pair. B very valuable. C the work of an unknown cl ockm a ker.
answers on the 4 ln the painting of Sir John Foxton, he is
standing by a horse. B standing by a house.
recordlng always
appear in the
A C riding a horse.
same order as the 5 How did the burglars get in?
A Through the windows. B By the front door. C The police don't know.

/F.Tf'lt ,..,-, @ Questions 6-10

Answer the questions beLow.
Wilte N0 M|RE THAN THREE W|RDS AND/0R A NUMBER for eoch lnswer.

6 Where does the witness live?

7 What woke the witness up at 3.00 a.m.?
8 What colour is the susPect's beard?
9 What colour is the van?
10 What is the telephone number for the police hotline?

36 IUNIA Crime and Punishment

E Multiple-choice questions; notes completion
Listen to two students discussing the details of a presentation and answer 0uestions 1-10.

i:1,. ,-:r-,-,i:--.....:-:, r.r.:.-.-, .. .: ,ilt.a,- -..--..i

:. For the multiple-choice tasl< (Questions /-4), follow For the notes completion task (Questions 5-/0),
the instructions in for this tosk - exom strotegy on follow the instructions in for this task - exom strotegy
page 36. on page 2 l.

/F'Tfrlt ffi o euestionsl-4

Choose the correct Letter, A, B or C.

The total number of crimes in the greater London area is

A going up. B going down. C staying about the same.
The number of robberies is
A going up. B goinq down. C staying about the same.
The number of burglaries is
A going up. going down. B C staying about the same.
0f all reported crime, vehicle crimes account for
A a quarter. B a half. C the majority.

G Questions 5-10

Conplete the notes below.

Write N0 MORE THAN THREE W0RDS AND/0R A NUMBER for eoch onswer.

gsy syiTne $acts

w*. Salety tiTs
At niql'rt, Tark car in a
% of s\olert caY, L........ area.
relurned \o ownerg.5 ""'
Renove all valuables lrorn
Sori ol cat nore likelY \o be
ihe car.
slolen:6 ,...'....
Coyy *he realisiralion nunber
)O% ol all car crirne haTTens Gs- w.- p orr*o 9 .........
in 7 .........
AlwayseeeT lO " "" i^ a

sale ylace.
S16 *e&lt

Section 3 of the Listening module is an academic Questions in Section 3 can be more challenging than
dialogue where two or more students discuss an aspect those in Sections I and 2, as they test your
of their studies, either among themselves or with a tutor. understanding of opinions, feelings, arguments, and so on.

) Exam task )'For and against'essay
I Exam focus ) Writing Task 2 ) For additional Ceneral Training Task 2 practice, go to page 82.
> Skills ) Seeing two sides of an argument; approaching the question; organising your essay

n lntroduction
A Do you agree or disagree with the following opinions? Circle the number that reflects your opinion.

All murderers should be sentenced to death. 1234s67

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. 123 4 5 6 7
Prison is the best cure for crime. 123 4 5 6l
Eating meat is murder. 1234567
1= strongly agree 7 - strongly disagree

B Discuss your answers with a partner. Provide reasons to support your answer.

E Seeing two sides of an argument

A ln order to write good 'for and against'essays, you first need to be able to generate ideas from two
opposing points of view. Look at the first opinion in 1A and identify statements 1-6 as either for (F) or

ln the exam,
against (A) the death penalty. The first one has been done as an example.
spend five minutes
planning your ..h... 1 Murder is wrong, whether it is committed by an individual or by the state.
essay, Draw two 2 The death penalty is too soft an option.
columns ('for'and
'against') and Iist
three to four points 4 the death penalty helps prevent crime.
Fear of
for each side of the
5 Some murderers ask for the death penalty. Why should we stop them?
6 Even murderers can later regret their actions and change their ways.

B Work in pairs. Think of three argumenls for and three arguments ogainst the rest of the opinions in lA.

WritingTask 2 is always a discursive essay question where For questions that ask you to discuss the advantages and
you are given a point of view, an argument or a problem disadvantages of something, you must use the'for and
and asl<ed for your opinions on the question. against' approach.
The essay question is very often worded 'Do you agree You must write at least 250 words.Task 2 essays are
or disagree?' or'To what extent do you agree or disagree?' assessed on the following criteria:Task response - how well
You can approach these questions in two ways.You can you answerthe question,i.e.the contentand ideas.
agree OR disagree (see Unit 8) or you can agree AND Coherence and cohesion - how your essay is organised and
disagree, which is known as a'for and against' essay. how the different parts are connected. Lexical resource -
'For and against' essays look more or less equally at both have you used an aPProPriate range of vocabulary?
sides of the"nt and do not include the writer's Grammatical range and accuracy - have you used a range of
personal opinion until the conclusion. grammatical structures and have these been used accurately?

38 UIIE Crime and Punishment

E Approaching the question
A Read the sample exam question below. With a partner, ask and answer the brainstorming questions
Express Tip for each of the keywords.
Asking yourself
questions about
each of the
keywords in the
What is neant b7 a'.-uro Whaf are t1pic-al Trieon Ee,nt'enc.e-E in
essay question will
help you to plan for crino'? Wh1 rniSht pricon your courtnl? Wh1 mi7ht' it' be a yood
y0ur answer. not bo a 'curo for crime'? idea to reduc.e prieon eertenr-e<?

Prison is not a cure for crime.

To reduce crime in the long-term, courts should significantly reduce prison sentences
and focus on education and community work to help criminals not to re-offend.

To what extent you agree or disag with this opinion?

What' +yp o{ comnuni\ wok ig Why mjht prreonerg c.onnit

loarn about rn prrgon? guifable
for c,iminals? Sl,ould all c.rifie4 aSain? ffow can we gtop

c-rininal€ b ablo to do r-orurnunity wok?

{igonure from re-offe,nd in2?

B Your essay should include views for and against the statement in the exam question, like two people
having an argument. Read the arguments spoken by the woman in favour of the question. Then
match arguments 'l-4 with keywords a-d.
a education b re-offend c reduce sentences d community work

1 'ln prison, people find out how

4 'Prisons are overcrowded and
expensive. lf we cut prison
,:1r.,. ..",
:\ . ... ,:\
sentences, we can cut
I overcrowding and save money.

C With a partner, think of what the man might say to counter each of these four arguments.


E Organising your essay

A Read the model student essay below based on the sample exam question in 3A. The essay is divided
into four sections: introduction, first half of main body, second half of main body and conclusion. Each
section is represented by a separate paragraph (A-D). What is the function of each paragraph? Label
the paragraphs 'l-4.

1 lt lists and supports the arguments against the question.

2 lt summarises the arguments for and against the question and states your personal opinion.
3 lt presents the questiolr again to show clearly that there is an argument with two sides.
4 It lists and supports the arguments in favour of the question.

A There are many different opinions on [a] the best way to reduce crime. The
traditional solution is to be hard on criminals and put them in prison for a +!*
very long time. An opposing view [bl is expressed by people with more
modern ideas. They think that [c] education and community work are the
long-term solutions to cutting crime. So who is right - the traditionalists or
the modernists?

B People in favour of [d] reducing prison sentences often argue that prisons
should not simply be places of punishment. ln traditional prisons, people learn a
lot about crime, so lel when they leave prison, they will commit more crimes.
Education, however [fl, gives people the skills to get a job when they leave
prison, which means that [g] they will probably not re-offend. Part-time work
experience in the community is also very helpful, as [h] it is a step back into
everyday life in society. People can be in prison, but they can also feel they are
doing useful work.

C On the other hand [i], some people argue that [j] long prison sentences are
right because [k] the punishment should fit the crime. lf, for example fl],
someone commits a serious crime such as lml bank robbery, they should go to
prison for a long time. They also believe that [n] reducing prison sentences
significantly reduces people's fear of prison and consequently [o], people will
commit more crimes. People will not be frightened of going to a prison which is
like a university with learning and work experience opportunities.

D ln short [p], I agree that [q] education and community work can have an
important role in helping reduce crime, but [r] there should be strict controls on
the type of community work prisoners can do. It is important to understand
that [s] some people are a real danger to society and need to stay in prison for
a very long time.

40 ItrNIm Crime and Punishment


B Look at the useful language structures in bold. Read the essay again and find an example for each of
the functions (1-7)r below. There may be more than one example for each of the functions.

1 Contrasting an argument
2 lntroducing the conclusion
3 Linking causes and effects
4 Presenting an example.

5 Presenting a reason

6 Presenting an argument
7 Stating your personal opinion

Complete the following sentences using your own ideas.

1 The number of police officers on our streets has increased over the last few years. However,

2 People are more worried about crime now because

There are many alternatives to prison, such as

4 These days, the police spend a lot of their time doing paperwork, which means that

E AcaOemic and general training: essay

" When you take a two-sided,'for and against' , Decide how you will structure your essay.You may,
approach to an essay, you should present both sides for example, use a four-paragraph approach (see
of an argument, even if you personally agree with page 40) to organise your essay.
only one of them. ' connect and support your arguments using language
ldentify the keywords in the question and brainstorm structures, such as for example ..., which meons
arguments for and against the viewpoint you need to thot ...,consequently ..., however ...,etc.
discuss. Decide which of these arguments you will Allow a few minutes at the end to check your essay
include in the essay. for spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

+ Write about the following topic:

ln order to reduce crime, we need to ottock the couses of crime such os poverty and lock of
educotionol opportunities. lt is not enough to simply hove more police on the street ond put
more people into prison.

To whot extent do you ogree or disogree with this opinion?

Cive reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.


Discuss these questions with a partner.
o Have you ever flown in a plane? Do you like flying? Why/Why not?
. Apart from aeroplanes. what other ways of flying are there?

Z Building a mental map of the text

A Reading a text can be like going to a new city - it can be difficult
to find your way around. A useful
technique to help you navigate a text is to build a map of the passage, in your mind. as you are reading.
When you read the first paragraph, you can see how the rest of the passage will develop. Paragraphs 1-4
are first paragraphs from different texts and tell us something about the development of the text they are
taken from. Read them and then match them with the types of text maps (i-iv).

For thousands ofyears, humans have looked at the skies HOW A ROAD IS BUILT:
and dreamed of flying. Early attempts to 111', using u'ings Fact sheet
rnade fiom f'eathers, were unsuccessful and in many
The following steps outline the
cases ended in disaster. The use ofhot air and light
stages involved in road building,
gases eventually allowed humans to reach fbr the skies,
some of which occur
but it was not until the early 1900s that gliders and then concurrently.
pou,ered planes fully realised man's dream to fly.
First of all, it is necessary

Academic and General Training: Reading passages

While the task types of the Academic and General module are lil<ely to be more descriptive or
Reading modules are the same, the types of reading instructive. The organisation of non-argumentative
passages differ.The Academic module will usually texts may vary, but common types are: categories,
contain at least one passage organised as a logical chronological description and describing a process.
argument, while the readings in the General Training

42 |UIB Transport and lnventions


There are many reasons put forward for not

privatising public transport, especially a Buying a train ticket in the UK
country's railway system. However, some can be more than a little
people think privatisation is a good idea and it
confusing. There are many
improves individual freedom, increases
efficiency, makes the railway management
listen to the customer more, decreases public
debt and also reduces the problems created by save you more than 50% on
unions. Let us look at each of these arguments the cost of your travel.
in turn.

I Categories (groups of things according to type)

il Chronological order (time or historical order)

ill A process (first you do this, then you do that, etc.)
tv Building an argument (firstly, secondly, also, etc.)

B Paragraph 1 is the beginning of the passage on page 44. Read the passage and put the following
inventions in historical order (1 = oldest, 7 = most modern). Because the passage follows a chronological
map, the text order and the historical order should be the same.

kites hot air balloon

jet plane wings (for birdmen)
glider propeller planes
orn ithopter

E Rebuilding the text

The passage'Man's Passion for Flight'on page 44 follows a chronological map, but other passages may
follow different types of maps - categories, a process or building an argument. Whichever type of map is
used, it is essential to be clear about the main idea in each paragraph.

A Look at paragraphs A and B on page 44. Which one of the following is the main idea of each paragraph?

Paragraph A Paragraph B

1 The inventors were very clever. I Wax melts in the sun.

2 Powered planes were the most successful. 2 Ancient Greek legend tells of men flying using birds'wings.
3 Flying has a long history. 3 lcarus made a mistake by flying too near to the sun.

B Work in pairs. Create a map of the text by thinking of headings for paragraphs C-H. Write your headings
on a piece of paper.

C Work with a partner. Using your map and your answers from 28, try to give an account of the passage
without Iooking at it.


ffiffiffi$ffi ffiffiKffiffi
For thousands of years, humans have looked at the skies
and dreamed of flying. Early attempts to fly, using wings F

made from feathers, were unsuccessful and in many Although hot air balloons enabled people to fly freely in
cases ended in disaster. The use of hot air and light the ain they did not allow much control over direction.
gases eventually allowed humans to reach for the skies, The man who first proposed an effective alternative to
but it was not until the early 1900s that gliders and the balloon was George Cayley (1773-1857), who
then powered planes fully realised man's dream to fly. designed many different versions of gliders, including
biplanes and gliders with tails. Cayley understood two
important principles of flight: firstly, he was aware that
One of the earliest tales of man's passion for flight
air flow over the wings was crucial for producing flight,
comes from Greek mythology. According to legend, an
and therefore wing shape was an important factor; he
inventor named Daedalus and his son lcarus escaped
also knew that any long flight would need an
from a prison on the island of Crete by making wings of
wax and feathers. Daedalus was successful in returning
additional, essential ingredient - power.

home, but lcarus flew too near to the sun, the wax on G
his wings melted, the feathers came out and he fell to ln the early '1900s, two American brothers, Orville and
his death in the sea. Wilbur Wright, began to create their own version of the
glider. Using the results of research carried out by Cayley
and other pioneers, as well as their own experiments
Around 400 BC, the first kites were created by the
using wind tunnels, the brothers finally came up with a
Chinese, who used them for religious ceremonies and
design for an engine-driven propeller system that would
also for the testing of weather conditions. ln many
pull an airplane forward and create enough lift for it to
ways, this early-invention paved the way for the
fly. On 'l7th December 1903, at Kitty Hawk in North
introduction of ballbons and gliders many years later.
Carolina, the first heavier-than-air flight took place,
D when Orville piloted the world's first airplane, The Flyer.
Perhaps the most important early aviation pioneer was The flight covered 20 feet and lasted 12 seconds.
the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci, who in the
'1480s produced over one hundred sketches to illustrate
This first powered flight led to several important
how humans might be able to fly. These included a
technological developments during the twentieth
drawing of a flying machine called an Ornithopter.
century, including the invention of the jet engine, large
Although never created, the design for da Vinci's
passenger planes and supersonic flight. Just over a
machine included many concepts that were later
century after the Wright Brothers' flight, a new
incorporated into the modern-day helicopter.
milestone was set on 21st June 2004, when a rocket
E plane called SpoceShipOne flew to the edge of space and
The first successful air passengers were not actually returned safely to Earth. The latest development is the
humans at all. ln 1783, the Montgolfier brothers sent a Airbus 380 which can carry over 500 passengers,
duck, a sheep and a rooster up in their new invention: providing the airline industry with higher performance
the hot air balloon. The flight was a success. The balloon and economic efficiency. None of these achievements,
climbed to a height of 6000 feet and travelled more however, would have been possible without the efforts
than a mile. This was soon followed by the first manned of the early pioneers who dared to believe that one day
flight, which took place in Paris on 21st November 1783. man's dream to fly would become a reality.

44 Ulllffi Transport and lnventions


4 Matching headings to paragraphs

EXAM Ouestions 1-8

{ ^ Practice The possoge on poge 44 has eight porogrophs A-H. Choose the correct heoding for eoch porogroph from the
Iist of headings below. Write the correct numbers i-x next to the porogrophs. The first one hos been done os
an exomple.

List of Headings
I The first powered flight
Express Tip il Pushing the limits of technology
Remember to look ilt The first international flight
for synonyms,
paraphrases and IV Planes without engines
other related v How a hot air balloon works
words in the
headings. For vi Birdmen
example,'farm' in
heading ix refers
vil The genius who saw the future
to'duck, sheep vilt The first man-made things to fly
and a rooster'.
tx The flying farm

x The long history of flying

1 Paragraph A .....1..... 5 Paragraph E

2 Paragraph B 6 Paragraph F

3 Paragraph C 7 Paragraph G

4 Paragraph D 8 Paragraph H

E Multiple-choice questions
AYou can use your map to help you quickly find the answer to multiple-choice questions. Look at
this example.
9 According to Greek legend, lcarus never got home because
A he was exhausted and fell into the sea.
B the wings became too hot and he crashed.
C the sun burnt him.
D he was recaptured and taken to prison.
Before you consider options A. B, C or D, think about the following:
o What keywords in the question will help you identify the relevant section in the passage?
o Which paragraph do you need to look at?


B Here are the first parts of Questions 10-14. Underline the keywords. Then use your map to help you find
the paragraphs in the passage which will contain the answers.

0uestion 10: The Chinese were very good at making

Question 11: Which modern flying machine is based on a 500-
year-old design?
Question 12: The first powered flight was performed by
Questions 13-14: According to the information in the passage, which
TWO factors did Ceorge Cayley realise would be
necessary for a long flight?

Now answer Questions 10-14. -{

]sr:+i'i:i n le::E:r'rn.tsr.ig!16:i:ritr:!+):!-+r:i: j:lii:d.!.j.+i;:+ni.:il:E qn+'Iii+ariir{i::};iri;:;!ij..iili:!irl!ljii{

: ln the Reading module, there are multiple-choice :.' Lool< at the keywords in the question. Use your map
i questions with a single answer and multiple-choice to locate the answer in the passage. Read that
I questions with multiple answers. In the first type, you section carefully.
are asked to choose one answer from four possible : Look at options A-D and cross out the options that
answers; in the second, you are asked to choose more are clearly wrong.
, than one answer from a longer list of possible answers. .r' Before you select an option, make sure that it
, Multiple-choice questions always follow the order of actually answers the question.The text may contain
I the information in the passage. references to more than one option, but only one
option will actually answer the question.

r EXAM Ouestions
i!7 Practice
Choose the correct letter A-D,

10 The Chinese were very good at making 12 The first powered flight was performed by
A weather balloons. A Leonardo da Vinci.
B sketches of flying machines. B the Montgolfier brothers.
C gliders. C George Cayley.
D kites. D 0rville Wright.
1'l Which modern flying machine is based on a

500-year-old design?
A helicopter
B plane
C hot air balloon
D kite

, F,TA,lt Questions 13-14

Choose TWO letters A-E.
According to the information in the passage, which TWO factors did George Cayley realise would be
necessary for a long flight?

List of Factors
A Planes should be light.
B Effective steering would make balloons more efficient. 13

c Planes required an engine. 14

D Tails enabled biplanes to travel further.
E There should be airflow over the wings of a plane.

46 IUNIIEI Transport and Inventions

, :,:;,,. :.-j


* ":.t,

1t. ...

_-.. e *.
-- t .- -

. -i;I * j
I '-r -. ,H

h - r&

n lntroduction
A Look at this list of transport problems. Which do you think is the most serious transport problem in your
country? Why? Discuss your answers with a partner.

a pol I utio n a parking a expensive publ ic tra nsport

a congested roads a unreliable public transport a overcrowded public transport

B Look at thelist of solutions to transport problems below. Rank them according to how effectively you
think they can resolve the transport problems in your country (1 = most effective, 7 = least effective).
Discuss your answers with your partner.

a increase car tax

a limit the number of cars entering the city centre
a build new underground train lines
a create more bus lanes on existing roads
a introduce new comfortable air-conditioned buses
a introduce tough environmental laws to reduce car pollution
build more roads

C Can you think of any other solutions to transport problems in your country? Make a list.

Speaking Part 3; Two-way discussion

ln Part 3 of the Speaking exam, the examiner will asl< experiences, while in Part 3 you will be asked to give
you to express your opinion on topics related to the your personal opinion on subjects which are academic
one you spoke about in Part 2. and theoretical in nature.
ln Part 2 of the exam, you talked about your personal Part 3 usually lasts about four to five minutes.


Z ldentifying types of questions

'l-4 with a-d'
A Create questions on the topic of transport by matching

1 What do you think would haPPen should pay higher taxes if they have bigger cars. What do you think?

2 How do you think b should spend more money on building roads or railways?

3 Do you think we ( transport will change in the next ten years?

4 Some people saY that car drivers d if cities stopped investing in public transport?

B part 3 questions are similar to the ones above and may ask you to compare and contrast,

speculate or evaluate. Match questions 1-4 above with functions i-iv below. The first one has been done

as an example.

I Compare and contrast: study two or more options and talk about their differences and similarities. ."1""
ii Hypothesise: talk about an imagined situation in the present or future.
ilt Speculate: talk about what might happen in the present or future'

iv Evaluate: decide how much you agree or disagree by discussing the arguments'

EI Giving an appropriate resPonse

A The language you use to introduce your answer depends on the type of question you are asked. lf you are asked
to give a general opinion. you can use ln my opiyion... However. if the examiner asks you to hypothesise,
speculate. evaluate or compare and contrast, you can use the replies below to introduce
your answer.

Complete the table with functions i-iv from 2B.

'l (lf + past tense) l'd imagine/l'd think/l'd expect + "' would

2 I pletely/total lyltend toldon't real ly)

(com ag ree/disa gree
Express Tip I agree/disagree to an extent, but ...
ln order to 'buy
It's difficult to say but maYbe ...
time', you can use
language fillers such l'm not sure but maybe .../Maybe/Perhaps ...
as:Well ...,Mmm
... or lt's difficult to
For me, ... is more/less important...
say, but .... Argument X. 0n the other hand, Argument Y.

B Look at questions 1-4 in 2A again. ln pairs, ask and answer questions 1 and 2. Use the language
in the
table above to introduce your answers.

How you say something can often be just as important as whot you say. Listen to three students
3f" C @
answering questions from 2A and write the order (1-3) in which each speaker talks.

S/he sounds interested and enthusiastic. S/he gives full responses

and original answers, but S/he gives limited
S/he gives full responses to all questions.
answers and sounds
S/he gives informative and original answer s.' sounds uninterested and
S/he varies language in giving opinions. l unenthusiastic. tr uninterested. tr

48 UNIIT! Transport and lnventions


4 lntroducing and supporting an opinion

ffi nCD Listen to four extracts of short conversations (1-4) between an examiner and a candidate.
conversation, tick one box in the first column which describes the opinion expressed by the
For each

1 centre
No cars in city I think it's a good idea Too much pollution
Need more buses I think it would be a good idea Too many buses

2 Spend money on roads For me, ... is less important People prefer cars
Spend money on trains For me, ... is more important Example of uncomfortable trains in
home country

3 Speed limit is too low I completely agree Example of another country

Speed limit is too high I completely disagree Too much traffic at night

I 4 Drivers shouldn't pay ldisagree Logical explanation why higher taxes

higher taxes I tend to disagree are unfair
People should drive Example of new cars which use
small cars less petrol

LS B @ Listen to the conversations again. For each conversation, tick the right box(es) in each column
show how the speakers express their opinion and the reasons they provide to support their opinions.

C In pairs, discuss the opinions above.

El two-way discussion

. Listen carefully to the examiner's question. Decide , Try to sound interested, give full responses to
whether you are asked to speculate, hypothesise, questions and use fillers to give you extra thinking
etc. and introduce your answer with the time.
appropriate Ianguage.
Use a variety of language to express your ideas
, Express your opinions, and support and justify your
not just I think ... and ln my opinion ...
ideas. In other words, tell the examiner what you
think and why you think it. Provide examples to
support your opinions.

Now write more questions on the topic of transport, using the ideas in the b,ox below.
For example: ,Do you
think the government is right to stop people using mobile phones while driving?,

mobile phones and driving improve road safety

seatbelts in back of car causes of car accidents

In pairs. practise the two-way discussion using your tist of questions.

Student A: Ask your partner questions from your Iist. Don't forget to ask follow-up questions for
each one.

Student B: Listen to your partner's questions and give full, detailed responses. Be sure to give
examples and
reasons to support your arguments and opinions.


.ii i

t: S-e *t e-

) Exam tasks ) Classification; table completion; summary completion

) Exam focus ) Listening Section 3: Academic dialogue
) Skills ) ldentifying attitude; identifying speakers
il r:il;

E lhtroductioh
A'Everything man touches he destroys.'
J. Krishnomurti (1 89 5-l 986)
What does Krishnamurti mean?

B Do you agree or disagree with Krishnamurti? Discuss your opinion with a partner.

z ldentifying attitude
AGf,D Look at opinions a-d. Listen to these four opinions and number them in the order in which
you hear them. The first one has been done as an example.

0pinions Responses

It is the responsibility of the government, not i I'm not sure I follow you ...
the individual. t0 protect the environment.

b It is unacceptable to experiment on animals. il Absolutely...

c People should only consume food that is ilt You can't be seriousl
grown locally and naturally occurs in a
particular season.

....:.... It is wrong to keep animals in cages. iv Yeah, but...

Listening Section 3: Academic dialogue

Section 3 of the Listening module is an academic ln matching tasks, you are asked to match questions
dialogue. ltusually involves an academic discussion to a list of possible answers.There are usually more
between two or three people. Many different task possible answers than questions and you can use each
types may occur in this section, but you are often answer only once.
required to identify the speakers' attitude or opinion In classification tasks, you are given a list of possible
and/or identify who the speakers are. Matching and answers.You will probably use all the answers and you
classification tasks are common in Section 3. may use each answer more than once.

50 UNIIE The Natural world

i.,., , B frHD Listen again and match opinions a-d with responses i-iv.

C What is the attitude ofthe speaker ofeach response? Match attitudes l-4 with responses i-iv.
1 disagreement...... 2 confusion...... 3 agreement...... 4 disbelief ......

D Different people will have different attitudes to the same statement, and each attitude may be
expressed in different ways. Work in small groups. Can you think of different ways to express the
attitudes in the table below?

Agreement Disagreement lnterest Confusion , Disbelief


llt - liJa:t\', i-l^.:v. i5*f-f-!. You car"'t
il.,;nk r* ,.. I i*r''i be seriaug\.
tqrlcer'rl:r.r..* ...

E ln your groups, discuss opinions a-d in 2A using the expressions in the table above.

ldentifying speakers
{5} A@ Classification and matching tasks where you need to match speakers to statements can be
challenging because there are often three speakers. Listen to a conversation with three speakers
discussing zoos and tick the box below each speaker's name every time he or she speaks. How
many times does Cedric speak?

Amina Dr Bannister Ced ric


,., ,, , g GE Listen to the conversation again. Write the correct letter A-C next to questions 1-4.

A Amina B Dr Bannister C Cedric

Exoregs To 1 Who enjoys zoos a lot?
As you listen to 2 Who used to sponsor an animal?
the dialogue,
3 Who talks about the destruction of natural habitats?
point to the
speaker's name 4 Who is upset seeing animals in small cages?
and tell yourself
who is speaking,
like a football
describing who
has the ball.

E Classification
ln classification tasks, you are given a list of possible about synonyms or paraphrases you might hear on
answers to a range of questions.You will probably the recording.
The information use all the answers and you may use each answer
As you listen
on the recording more than once. ln this case, the three possible
Keep track of who is talking and listen out for
comes in the answers are the names of the speakers in the
same order as
the questions. Write down the answers as you listen. Remember,
Before you listen you don't have to write the names of the speakers,
Read the instructions and questions carefully. just the corresponding letter.
ldentify the keywords in the questions and think

/F'ffrlt ffi o Questionsl-7

You witl heor some students responding to o survey on vivisection.
Write the correct letter, A, B or C next to questions 1-7.

A Dawn
B Eddie
C Fran

1 Who has been ill?

2 Who is conducting a survey?
3 Who supports vivisection?
4 Who thinks animals should have rights?
5 Who talks about advances made through research?
6 Who thinks testing cosmetics on animals is unnecessary?
7 Who talks about using computer simulation for research?

El faOIe completion; summary completion

i.:, ,.....::-. 'i. ... :. . ..--,. .i-. :: ..., ..-. .;'J
Table and summary completion tasks ask you to fill ln summary completion tasks, read through the
in gaps in the questions using information from the summary to get a general understanding.
recording.These tasl<s should be approached in
For each gap in the summary, identify the answer
a similar way to form completion or notes
rype needed. Then identify the keywords in the
completion tasks.
surrounding sentence and think of any synonyms or
Before you listen paraphrases you might hear on the recording.
Read the instructions carefully to see how many As you listen
words you can use in your answer. you listen.
Write your answers as
ln table completion tasks, look at the column and
Remember that you must use the exact words that
row headings to determine what kind of information
you hear on the recording' lf you write different
is required in each gap. ldentify how the questions
words' your answer will be marked as incorrect'
are numbered: left to right or up and down.

F Practice @ n Questions 1-12
You will hear two students giving o tolk on members of the cot fomily.
CompLete the toble below. Write N0 M0RE THAN IHREE W0RDS AND/OR A NUMBER for eoch onswer.

52 UNIIE The Natural world



not 160 - plains in females do most gazel le, 5........... share

currentl y 1 ......'....k9 2 of work; usually 4 responsibility
endangered (male) hunt in teams wi I de beest, for rearing cubs
of 3 ........... buffa I o in pride

endangered 30-50 kg Africa, usually alone, spri bok,

n g can reach
and Middle East, sometimes wa rthog. speeds of
6........... South 7........... gazel I e 8........... kph
Central Asia to bring down
larger prey

threatened 9 ........... kg Southern hunt alone, usually rodents, catch fish by

with US, Central in reptiles, fish
11 flipping them
exti nctio n and South out of water
America with 12
(but not in and pouncing
10...........) on them

/'=#A,lt U/ @BQuestionst-6
You will heor two students discussing on EnvironnentaL studies Lecture.
Complete the summory below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS
for eoch onswer.

*press Trp
In all listening
sections, spelling
is very important.
lf you misspell a
word, your answer
A river's speed determines which species of plants and animals can live
will be marked as in it. Normally, the
incorrect. faster the river flows, the more 1 ......... it contains. But fast-flowing
water is more difficult
for some species to swim in.
A river may pass over several types of rock. Each rock type influences
both the water and the
species of 2 ......... it can support. For example, the freshwater
crayfish needs lots of oxygen
and lime to build up its thick outer skeleton; a fast-flowing river going
over chalk is ideal.
Man also influences river life. some rivers are used by large 3 .........
boats and have to be
dredged deeply to maintain a deep channel, preventing natural
development of the river bot-
tom' Smaller boats require the removal of water plants. reducing habitat for
wildlife. The wash
from fast motor boats erodes the river banks, flooding animals, 4......... and washing away
Finally. 5 .........
has a great effect on river rife. The most common types are:
6 """"' and other waste from industry, oil, pesticides and fertilisers, Iitter,
detergents, large
amounts of hot water, animal waste and dense or decaying plant growth.

r,i:::l;i:i:: ii:i,,:::SAl}lil('

$peaking Module
Part 1: Introduction and
Introducing your response Talking about the past
Actually/Well/l guess, ... I used to live in Kyoto ...
I had a part-time job (last year).
Talking about your preferences
I was a teacher, but now ...
Cenerally, I prefer X to Y.
l'm not really fond of/l don't really like ... Describing people and places
I love/l can't stand ... I have a pretty/fairly small/average/large family.
It's a p retty/fa irly / v ery snall / I a r ge / live y,/q u iet
I pl a ce.
Talking about frequency
I often (go out with my friends), but sometimes/now and Talking about future plans
again, lenjoy (just reading in my room). I hope to go to (Australia, to Sydney). I want to (study
I ra rel y/occasiona lylha rd ly ever (travel abroad).
I sports science).

Parts2&3: In
lntroducing an opinion Evaluating
ln my opinion/view, ... tend to agree...
I really/strongly believe that ... don't really agree/think that ...
I feel quite strongly about/that ... completely agree/disagree ...
Personally, I think... l'm not really sure that/about ...
l'm really in favour of ...
Qualifying an opinion
Presenting an impersonal opinion Actually, l'm not really sure about this, because l've never ...
Some people think/feel/believe that ... Well, I guess it depends, because there are many ...
I think it's hard to say, because ...
Giving advice
I don't really have a strong opinion on this, but probably, ...
(l think) people should ...
It's important that... lntroducing an opposing viewpoint
It's a good idea (for people) to ... Well, yes. but on the other hand ...
Except that/Although ...
ly. ...
0veral l/Ceneral Linking ideas
0n the whole/ln general. ... Plus/Also/ln addition ...
... as well/too.
Hypothesising ... is (that) ...
Another reason why I think
It (+ past tense), then I think that ... would
l'd imagine (that) ... 'Buying time'
Well. let's see...
5 pecu I ati ng
Mmm, let me think about that for a moment ...
It's difficult to say, but maybe... That's a good question...
l'm not sure but perhaps ...
l'm pretty certain/sure that ...
I predict/expect (that) ...
As far as I can see, ...
It seems likely that ... will ...
Comparing and contrasting
For me. X is more/less important...
I don't think X is as ... as Y.
... whereas, on the other hand ...

144 mmffiffimffiffi lntermediate

Writing Module
Academic Task 1

Making an overview statement Approximating

We can see from the chart/table ... ... approximately/about ...
The chart/table shows (us that) ... ... just above/over /under/below ...
... a little/slightly less/more than ...
lntroducing an overall trend
One of the first things to note is that ... Describing trends
It is (generally) true to say that ... a ... (steadily/gradually/slowly) increased/
0n the whole/Cenerally, we can see that ... rose/went up (from ... to ... / bV ...)
0ne thing that clearly stands out is ... b ... reached a peak/high point of ...
lntroducing a point of interest
c a (sharp/dramatic/significant)
decrease/d ro p /f all / dip / decli ne (from
It is interesting to see that ... ... to ... /of ...)
A striking point is that ... d ... reached a low (point) of ...
nteresti ng lylSu rprisi n g ly
e ... fiuctuated between ... and ...
lntroducing supporting details f ... remained steady at ...
More specifically. ... ... over (the year)/in the same period/between ...
For example, ... and ... /from ... to ...
(The temperature) doubled/tripled within (one year)
Comparing data
Making forecasts
The percentage/amount/quantity of X is (not) -er
than Y
(The trend) Iooks set to (continue) ...
There are (slightly/significantly) more/fewer X than Y ... is/are/seems Iikely to ...
There are (twice) as many X as Y ... is/are estimated to ...
... islare predicted to...

General Task 1

Com pl ain i ng Expressing concern

I am writing to ... I was (very/extremely) sorry to hear about ...
... complain about... I was (very) concerned to learn (the news) about ...
... express my disappointment regarding ...
Expressing a ppreciation
... express my (total) dissatisfaction with/about...
Your assistance would be (greatly) appreciated.
Explaining I would be very grateful for your help/assistance.
I am writing to ...
... let you know/inform you (that) ...
... enquire about/whether ... I look forward to hearing from you (soon).
I look forward to receiving your reply.
Req uesti n g/Pro posi n g
Signing off
would like to request (that) ...
would appreciate it (greatly) if you would/could ... Yours sincerely/faithful ly
would like to suggest (that) ... Best/req a rd s/wis h es

Academic/General Task 2
Presenting an impartial opinion Linking arguments/reasons
It is often argued/said that ... Furthermore/Moreover/l n addition, ...
It is generally agreed that... For one thing, ... , for another. ...
Some/Many people believe/say /lhink/feellargue that ...
Civing a personal opinion
0utl ining contrasting views ln my opinion, ...
Although some people believe that... it could also be (generally) agree that ...
argued that... think that it's reasonable to say that ...
While/Whereas it may be true that... , on the other hand ... tend to think that ...
However/Nevertheless/Despite (the fact that) ...
Describing cause and effect ln short/ln conclusion/ln summary ...
Consequently,... To conclude/To summarise/To sum up, ...
As a result, ... Overall, lthink the most important thing is
Th is mea ns that . . . As we have seen ...

-citt* t: l. i

'*iilr:i*;i..'r ,
;- 1;-i. i' -i:.i -;a

) Exam task ) Describing trends in line graphs and tables
) Exam focus ) Academic Writing Task 1 ) For Ceneral Training Task 1. go to page 78.
> Skills ) Using the language of trends; describing trends

n Introduction

A 1 Match the three cities in the table below with the photos above. .li
What do you think the weather is like in each place?
2 What is the weather like in different parts of your country? How does it change throughout the year?

B Study the table and line graph below and answer the following questions.
1 What do the table and line graph show?
2 How are rainfall and temperature measured?
3 Which city has the highest/lowest temperature in a year?
4 Which city is the driest/wettest on average?
Average monthly temperature (oC)

Average monthly rainfall (mm) 30-


Singapore 208 New Delhi

Ca iro 3
New Delhi l

5 -.r

01 - | -t- --1 r --l- - 1 --.I----r' r'.'--l--l I

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept oct Nov Dec

Writing module: Academic Task I

lf you ore preporing for the GenerolTroining module, turn to Sometimes you are asked to describe a single graph;
Unit GT lB on Page 78. other times you are asked to describe (and compare)
more than one graph.
lnTask I of theAcademic module,you are presented
with visual information, which is often in the form of a You must write a minimum of 150 words.As you receive
graph.You are asked to describe it in a short report for only one third of your marks forTask l, spend no more
a university lecturer using your own words. than one third of your time on this section of the writing
exam - 20 minutes.

54 EINIIE rhe Natural world

Using the language of trends
A To describe information in line graphs, tables and bar charts over a period of time, you need to be
familiar with the vocabulary used to describe trends. Match each arrow symbol with the correct verbs
and verb phrases, and nouns and noun phrases in the table below.

no change, a levelling off

fl uctuate,

fall to a low point

reach a peak, reach a high

s --f rise, increase. go up

6 dip, decrease, decline a fall, a drop, a dip, a decrease, a decline

B To describe trends in more detail, you also need to say how much something goes up or down. You
can do this by using adverbs to describe verbs, or adjectives to describe nouns. Look at the table on
page 54 and complete the following descriptions of rainfall patterns in Cairo, New Delhi and
Singapore, by selecting the correct option in each pair.

ln Singapore, the amount of rainfall drops I rises dromoticolly I slightly from January to February.
After a slight I significont rise I foll in March, the level of rainfall increoses / decreoses steodily I shorply
until July. Over the next three months, the rainfall reoches o peok I fluctuotes shorply I slowly. Finally, at
the end of the year, we can see a sfight I noticeoble rise I decline in rainfall in November and a levelling off I
fluctuotion in December.

ln Cairo, the rainfall fluctuotes I remoins constont at 5 mm per month from January to March. lt then
declines I goes up groduolly I shorply to zero in July and August before decreosing I rising significontly I
groduolly again in the second half of the year.

In New Delhi, there I slight drop / rise in rainfall from January to April followed by a
is a steody
dromotic I groduol increose I decreose to around I 70- I 80 mm in July and August. The final part of the
year shows rainfall folling I rising dromoticolly I slowly to a peok I low point of 3 mm in November.

C Are the following statement about the three paragraph descriptions in 2B true or false? Write T
for True or F for False.
Don't describe
every small
1 The present continuous tense is used throughout.
change in a graph. 2 A regular adverb is formed with the adjective + ly.
Decide what the
general trends are.
3 Generally, adjectives come after the noun and adverbs come before the verb.

For example, over

a one-year period, D Using the line graph on page 54 and the model provided in 28, describe the changes in
never describe 1 2
temperature in the three cities. Use the language above, as well as phrases likethere is/lre...,
monthly changes in
a graph! we con see ... and ... shows ...
Read your descriptions to a partner, but don't say the name of the city. Can your partner guess
which city each description refers to?
E Describing trends
AAcademic Writing Task 1 questions often ask you to compare more than one graph. The following two
graphs show the climate in two cities. Use the words in the box and the information in the graphs to
complete the following passage. There are more words/phrases than spaces, so you will not use them all.

Alice Springs, Australia Entebbe, Uganda

oC rnm





[[n *nE mm* nilil *


Temperature ,lii Temperature

il Precipitation I Precipitation

increase falling fluctuates gradually a low point no change

rising reaching a peak sharp steadily very little

Looking first at rainfall. you can see that there is 1 ...... rain in Alice Springs, which
is typical for a desert climate. There is about 50 mm of rain in January and this falls
2 ...... to approximately 20 mm in August before 3 ...... again to 50 mm in December.
Entebbe, on the other hand. has a very different pattern. The amount of rain 4 ......
considerably over the year. ln the first three months of the year, there is a very
5 ...... increase in rainfall, 6 ...... of about 250 mm in April. This is followed by an
equally dramatic drop to 7 ...... of about 80 mm in July. For the next three months,
there is 8 ...... in the amount of rain until 0ctober when it starts to 9 "'... again'

B Read the paragraph again.

1 What expression is used to contrast the two cities?
2 What two words are used to describe numbers which are not exact?

C When describing trends, you will need to use prepositions correctly. Complete sentences 1-5 about
global warming with prepositions in the box.

between by from (x2) in (x3) of over to (x2)

56 MIIE rhe Natural world

When predicting
Global warming
future changes, 1 Global warming will increase average temperatures ........120C........ 13.50C
you can use
expressions like
the next 40 years.
is predicted to, is 2 ........1970 ,.......2004 there was a 70% increase ........ greenhouse gases.
expected to and
are likely to. 3 ........1904 and 2004 there has been a rise........0.50C in global temperature.
4 Water levels are increasing ........2 cm every year.

5 Temperatures fall ........ winter and rise ........ summer.

D Look atthe graph in 3A. Using the paragraph in 3A as a model, write a second paragraph to explain
the changes in temperature in Alice Springs and Entebbe.

4 AcaOemic writing task 1: report

Lool< carefully at the graphs/tables and try to - describe the overall trends.
understand what the graph is showing. Remember to support your general observations
with specific examples.
Decide what tense(s) you will need to use.
Use a variety of language to describe trends - verbs
Look for trends and identify similarities between
with adverbs and nouns with adjectives.
different countries. Determine if any countries stand
out as different from the others. Remember you should spend 20 minutes on this
tasl<.Allow a few minutes at the end to checl< your
Don't describe every slngle change shown in the

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The graph below shows the figures for CFC emissions in four countries between 2005 ond 2009.
Summorise the informotion by selecting ond reporting the moin feotures, and make comparisons
where relevant,
Write at least 150 words.

CFC* Emissions

1 600


1200 r---^--*------l
o | Russia



= 600
t- lnd ia


2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
are gases which are released into the atmosphere by certain types of industrial and consumer products, especially older technology
fridges and aerosol sprays. CFC gases are very dangerous to the environment and have been proved to destroy the ozone Jevel. Products
which contain CFC gases are now illegal in most countries in the world.
*' 4". .lEi" "v
ffi .'1"*-' .' L'*; I
f ,ffirfl*i. ". ,

f',' ',IY''r'


m lmtnoduetiom
A Discuss these questions.with a partner.
. Do you ever leave uneaten food on your plate? What do you do with food that is leftover
after a meal?
o Do you know what supermarkets do with food that they can't sell?

B Do you agree or disagree with the statements below? Share your views with a partner. Remember to
justify your opinion.
1 As a society, we throw too much food away.
2 Attitudes to wasting food have changed dramatically in the last 50 years.
3 Some people in the world don't have enough to eat, while others have too much.
4 Unwanted food shoutd be redistributed to those who need it. 4E
5 The government should tax food that we throw away.

Reading module: Yes/no/not given; completion tasks

ln the Reading module, you may be tested on your ln the Reading module, completion tasks are very
understanding of the opinions and arguments made common.These can be table completion, sentence

by the author of a passage. ln this case, common tasl< completion or summary completion tasks. ln summary
types are true/false/not given and yes/no/not given completion tasks, you are asked to fill in gaps in a
questions.True/false/not given questions were Practised summary with words taken directly from the reading
in Unit l. passage or with words selected from a list of words

58 lqNlm Attitudes to Food


A ldentifying opinions
A Read the following statement about the eating habits of children.

When it
comes to persuading their children to eot heoLthily, porents hove o hord fight on their honds. How
con a bowl of fresh fruit compete with the imoges of fizzy drinks, sweets ond crisps thot children see every
time they turn on the TV?

Read sentences i-iii. For each sentence, say if it

a expresses the same opiniomas the statement above (Yes).
b expresses an opposite opinion from the statement above (No).
'c says something completely new, not mentioned in the original statement (Not 6iven).
i Advertising aimed at children increases sales of fizzy drinks, sweets and crisps.
ii Parents find it easy to convince their children to eat healthy food.
iii TV advertising affects what children want to eat.

B Read the following two statements. For each statement. write Yes, No or Not Given.

1 An understonding of psychology of consumer buying behoviour is used by supermarkets to increose soles.

i lncreasing amounts of shopping are now done online.
ii Supermarkets use psychology to help the consumer reduce their spend on shopping.
iii Supermarkets use the psychology of shopping habits to get the consumer to spend
more money.

2 ln some ports of the world people ore going hungry os they connot produce enough food to eot, whereos
in other regions both shops ond consumers ore throwing perfectly good food awoy.
i People around the world have equal amounts of food to eat.
ii There is an unequal distribution of food around the world.
iii We need to redistribute food around the world.

surely, we don't waste that much? ln However, it is perfectly good to eat.
HOW ::Hffi,i:'"i,n" fact it seems that when the
aggregate waste is considered, the
The problem lies in these'sell-bY'
dates and 'display-until' dates. They
world there are millions of
malnourished people who struggle statistics behind our. profligacy are generally a bad idea, as theY are
to find enough food, while in other become really quite shocking. Based massively overcautious and cause
regions. millions of tonnes of on a study of household bins, it the supermarket to reject food that
perfectly edible food are thrown would seem that in the UK alone, is absolutely fine to consume, Yet
away? Why on earth are we cutting over six million tonnes of food are legally cannot be sold.
down forests to create more arable wasted each year. With a little more
land, when the land we already planning of food consumption, what Freegans advocate a number of
cultivate provides so much food that we eat and when, much of this simple measures aimed at addressing
we can afford to simply take it from waste could be avoided. these shocking inconsistencies with
our fridge and put it straight in the efficiency and frugality. Some of
bin? Seems crazy? This ridiculous This dramatic statistic is, however, these measures are aimed directly at
situation is the motivating force only a tiny part of the problem. supermarkets such as putting an end
behind a new and radical movement Food is wasted at each and everY to the system of sell-by dates and
aimed at reducing waste and stage of the process of getting it, making supermarkets subject to a
highlighting this scandalous misuse from the field to the packing stage, legally enforceable waste reduction
of valuable food. Enter the freegan. and finally through various policy. Another way of reducing
distribution channels to the shops. waste is to give it awaY to those who
Although their aims may seem Added to this is the fact that the need it. While this has been done in
deliciously just, their methods may chain is getting longer as production a piecemeal fashion in the past, it is
appear less appetising, as You will and consumption have become now becoming big business.
not find a freegan protesting about globally separated. Companies exist who are Paid to
waste in the street with a Placard, take away the food that would
but instead rummaging for their Much of the blame for waste can be otherwise be thrown away. TheY are
dinner in waste bins behind their put squarely at the doorstep of the then able to give it to homeless
local supermarket. Put simply, major supermarkets. They operate a shelters and other charities. This
freegans exist on the waste that the number of policies and practices that business model actually makes a
rest of us refuse to eat. Collecting seem to actively promote waste. The profit and illustrates that food
bagfuls of unwanted food every daY, major culprit is the power imbalance wastage makes no sense.
freegans are not eating dirty, bad that exists in the contracts between
food that the rest of us wouldn't supermarket and supplier. If the fruit Both a bottom-up and toP-down
dream of eating. On the contrary the and vegetables are not of an almost approach are required to eradicate
food is neatly packaged and freshly perfect shape and size, then they are this scandalous waste. As individuals
dumped from the supermarket shelf - often rejected or a supermarket may and as a society, we have to take a
food that could have been sold just a at the last minute change its order good look at our own actions and
few hours earlier. for pies, pizzas or pastries. Either how we contribute to this Problem.
way, the supplier is left with However, a government-led
All of us are guilty to a greater or unwanted perishable stock and has approach is also required. A change
lesser degree. Everyone has at some no choice but to throw it away. in the law governing food practices
time thrown away a piece of fruit and some creative thinking will go a
that is past its best, or perhaps Perhaps most surprising is that most long way to stop this squandering
, bought some meat that was never of the food that the freegans find in of the world's resources and address
, eaten in time, passed its sell-by date supermarket bins is not putrid, rotting the gulf between those wasting and
and so was thrown into the bin. But produce. lt is past its sell-by date. those wanting.


60 UNIIZ Attitudes to Food

/ I::

E Yes/no/not given
Read the article on page 60 and answer Questions

Read the questions carefully and underline the .' Once you have located the relevant section of text,
keywords in each of the statements. read it more carefully to decide if the writer agrees,
Scan the text for the l<eywords you have identified disagrees or doesn't state an opinion about the
to find the relevant section in the text. question.

r: EXAM 0uestions 1-8

{ Practice
Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the passage on page 60?

You should write

YES if the stotement ogrees with the views of the writer

N0 if the stotement controdicts the views of the writer
N0T GIVEN if it impossible to say whot the writer thinks obout this
lf you can't locate
an answer in 1 Freegans choose their lifestyle because they think that food is too expensive.
the passage, it
is possible that
2 The main culprits for wasting food are private households.
the text has no 3 Supermarkets' buying power can lead to wasted produce.
information about 4 Food which has passed its sell-by date is often still edible.
this question,
and therefore the
5 Supermarkets should be forced by law to reduce the amount of food they throw away.
answer to this 6 Supermarkets usually insist on their suppliers signing a long-term contract.
question is'not
7 Redistributing waste to homeless charities is quite expensive.
8 We should import less food.

E Summary completion
A How many of the writer's ideas can you remember? Without looking at the text, discuss with a partner.

B Look at the notes a student has made about the text. Number the notes 1-4 according to :"e info'mation
in the passage.

awaY' but
Food is thrown
{i) sone 7eo7le
ta E
{ii) creatincl arable land
{ood that we
is too
not need Sell-by date
cautious- leads lo
wastincl edible {ood


'Express Ttp, There are two types of summary completion tasks' Quickly read the summary to understand the general
You may have to take words directly from the text, meaning.
Don't spend
in which case you must not change the words, or Make sure you use the correct number of words and
too long on any
you may have a list of words to choose from.The spell the words correctly.
one answer - words in che list will have the same or similar
complete the For each gap, locate the relevant parts of the passage
eaSter answers meaning to words or phrases in the passage.The and read those sections again carefully.As you read,
first and come summary may focus on the whole of the passage or think about the meaning and grammar of the missing
back to the really one section of the passage.The questions follow the word(s).Are you looking for a verb, noun, adjective
difflcult ones later. same order as the informdtion in the Passage. or adverb?

Ouestions 9-15
Complete the summary below.
choose No MORE THAN THREE W0RDS from the possTge for eoch onswer.

ln some parts of the world, large quantities of food are thrown away every day, while elsewhere
9 .............. are going hungry and deforestation is taking place to prepare yet
'lO ............ for growing crops. Freegans are highlighting this waste by eating
the food that we 11 ............ lndividual households. supermarkets, and the supply
chain itself are responsible for this wastage. lf shoppers planned their 12
more carefully in advance, the amount of food needlessly thrown away could be reduced'

the main source of waste is the major supermarkets due to the high demands they place on suppliers
to provide them with perfectly shaped fruit and vegetables, and in addition, altering orders for
13 ............ late in the day. Much ofthe food that is thrown away is out-of-date. However,
the dates, which are designed to protect consumers. are 14........ ' This results in
perfectly edible food being discarded because it legally 15 ............ by the supermarkets.

Questions 16-19
Complete the summory beLow using words from the box.

Several 16 ............ have been put forward. Most of them target the policies of the
supermarkets. They include the abolition of the system of dates past which a product cannot be sold
and making their waste strategy subject to the 17 Another solution focuses on

the 1g of waste from supermarkets to those in need. Companies that reallocate

food are increasing in number as this business proves 19 and benefits everyone'

waste problems red istri bution in crease

goods red u ce com pany money

d isposal strategy profitable sol utions

law shops su pply production

62 IUNffi Attitudes to Food


) Exam focus ) Speaking Part 2: lndividual long turn; Speaking Part 3: Two-way discussion 8l
> Skills > Describing an experience; generating ideas

E lntroduction
Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 What's your favourite food? ls there any food you really hate?
2 When was the last time you ate out? Where did you go? Can you remember what you ordered?

EI Visualising and describing an experience

A Read the topic card below. Then close your eyes for 30-60 seconds and visualise yourself in this
situation. Don't speak during this time. Try to engage all your senses to 'smell and taste'the food, to
'hear' the conversations and'feel' the atmosphere.

Describe a recent restaurant experience.

You should say:
o where you ate
. who you went with
o what you ate
and explain how you felt about the experience.

After visualising the scene, take notes in as much detail as possible in preparation for a tr,vo-minute talk.
Express Th For examples of students'notes, see page 32.
To save time in
the exam, use The topic card you are given in Part 2 provides a way to organise your thoughts, but you will often want
note form to label
your mind map. to (or need to) add extra information which is not on the card.
Don't write full 1 What extra information could you usefully include in your talk about the topic on the card in 2A?
Discuss with a partner.

Speaking module: Part, 2

ln Part 2 of the Speaking exam, you are given a You are given one minute to prepare your tall<.
card and you are asked to talk about your experiences
For more information on Part 2 of the Speaking exam,
and feelings - this will often mean describing a real
see Unit 3.
situation in the past from a personal viewpoint.

2@ Listen to an TELTS candidate giving a talk on the topic card in 2A, and tick (!) the information
that the student Provides.
a when he went ne how often he goes there n
b what the weather was like It what his friend ate
c how he was dressed f,s how much he Paid for the meal
d what he did before going to the restaurant Ih what his friend thought of the meal

The points on the topic card are often presented in a logical order, e.g.
first. provide a context, then
describe the events, a*rd finally, give your feelings and opinions. write
the extra information (a-h)
the student provided under the correct heading in the table below.
Exoress Tto
Use anyway
where he went/who he what he ate what he thought of the meal
to change the
direction of your
went with
talk and indicate
you are moving to a
new topic.

Remember to structure
D Usethe topic card and your notes to talk to your partner for at least one minute.
your talk by following the order of the points on the card'

E lndividual long turn

Read the card and try to visualise a real situation that any extra information you want to include before
you have personally experienced. Make sure you cover you start your tall< and include it in your notes or
all the points on the card. Present extra information in mind map. Use'signposts' to'change direction' in
a logical order. ln describing an experience, we your talk, and remember that you are describing a
generally first describe the context, then describe personal experience, so you will need to tall< about
events and finally explain reasons.Try to think about your feelings.

Work in pairs. Practise the interview for two minutes.

prepare notes. Then,
student A: you are the candidate. For one minute, look at the topic card below and
tosk - exam strotegy'
use your notes to speak for one or two minutes. Follow the advice in for this

below and make notes' Then

Student B: you are the examiner. Give student B one minute to look at the card
tosk - exom strotegy?
listen to student B's answers carefully. Does he or she follow the advice in for this
After one or two minutes, interrupt and ask student B a few questions related to the topic'

When you have finished, change roles.

Describe a memorable meal.

Exoress Tm
You need to You should say:
speak for at least o what you ate
one minute. The o what the occasion was
examiner will let
you know when it
r what happened during the meal
is time to stop. and explain why the meal was memorable.

64 UNIIZ Attitudes to Food


ZI Generating ideas
Do you agree or disagree with the opinion below? Share your views with a partner. Remember to justify
your opinion.

Fost food should hove heolth warnings like cigorettes.

Work in pairs. With a partner, discuss the following six questions which are related to the opinion above.

When you need

more ideas
to answer a
question, think of
five 'w's and one
'h' what, where,
when, who, why
and how.

C Read the opinion below and write six questions (who, what, where. when, why, how) about it. Then
discuss your questions with a partner.

Fost food componies should not be allowed to torget children in their odvertising.

EI nrvo-way discussion

ln Part 3 of the Spealcing exam, you won't have time to the different aspects of the question whilsr speaking.
prepare your answers, but you will need to think about Use word fillers to help you'buy' thinking time.

work in pairs' Practise the two-way discussion.

l,j.:.' (ffD Student A: Listen to questions 1-3 on the recording. After each question, there will be a pause to give
you time to answer. Direct your answers to student B. Follow the advice in for this task - exam strategy.

responses? Now listen to questions 4-6 on the recording. After each question, there will be a pause to give
you time to answer. Direct your answers to student A. Follow the advice in for this task - exam strategy,

Speaking module: Part 3

ln Part 2 of the Speaking exam, you are asked to talk to express your opinion on the topic. For more
about your experiences, while in Part 3 you are asked information about Speaking Part 3, see Unit 5.



) Exam tasks ) Labelling a diagram; multiple-choice questions

) Exam focus ) Listening Section 4: Academic monologue
) Skills ) Understanding description; identifying differences between pictures

E lntroduction
A Work in pairs. Look at the following lists of words. Which word is the odd one out in each group?
1 block, faculty. treatment, unit, ward
2 doctor, nurse, patient, surgerY
3 illness, disease, disorder, cure
4 administration, obstetrics, gynaecology, pathology
5 architecture, intensive care, radiography, paediatrics

B What else might you find in a hospital? Make a list with a partner.

Z Understanding description
A 1 Look at the diagram of a hospital on page 67 and describe the layout to your partner. Use the
expressions in the box below.

there is/are opposite at the end the fi rstlsecond/th i rdlfourth

(building) on the left/right
on the left/rlght at the bottom/top in the left/right
(hand) corner
in front of in the middle

2 Look at the labels. Are they numbered Ieft to right, bottom to top or clockwise?

3 How are Questions /-5 different from Questions 6-10?

4 Look at the box of answers for Questions /-5. Practise saying the words to yourself so that you can
recognise them if you hear them on the recording.

Listening module: Section 4

Section 4 of the Listening module is an academic ln labelling tasl<s, you are asked to label parts of a
monologue, for example, a university lecture. diagram or plan. ln multiple-choice with Pictures, you
are asked to choose the picture which best rePresents
Common task types in Section 4 are note completion,
the correct answer to a question.
labelling a diagram and multiple-choice with pictures.

66 MNIIE sickness and Health

B GD Now listen to the first part of a lecture on hospital design and answer Questions /-5. Remember you
don't need to write the full name. just the code provided.

Questions 1-5
LobeL the pLon beLow.
Write the correct code next to Questions 1-5.

AB Administration Block L La boratories

FM Faculty of Medicine OGU Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit
tcu lntensive Care Unit PU Pathology Unit
IMU lnternal Medicine Unit UDD Unit for Digestive Disorders

C Look at Questions 6-10 below. Work in pairs.

1 What question does each label ask you? For example, luestion 6,'Who/What is treated ... ?'
2 Underline the keywords in the question and think of any synonyms or paraphrases you might
hear on the recording.
3 What kind of answer are you Iistening for?

D@ to the second part of the lecture and answer Questions 6-10.Write your answer in the
Now listen
space provided on each label. Write no more than three words for each label.

Express To Questions 6-10

As you listen,
Lobel the diogrom below. Write N0 M0RE THAN THREE W0RDS for eoch lnswer
point to the part
of the diagram
being described. 8 ..... Block for
That way you
Bu ild ing for storage
major operations
won't get lost. ol I .....
. iq^H;Jffi
Paediatrics Unit for

Psychiatric block for

tvQ treatment of 9 .....
treatment of 6 .....

tq'n[*# L
0 ilmFmE 0
A q Q::
DE! coEE "
00J0ldl [] 000;!0
!!EplE lr ![fp c0!]

House of

+*regqefe? l::

E ldentifying differences between pictures

A Look at pictures A-D on page 68 and discuss these questions with a partner.
1What do they have in common?
2 ln what way are they different? Can you describe what the difference is?
3 What are the keywords for each picture?

i.--, g {EED Listen and answer Question 1.

Question 1

Listen to o doctor giving o report on the condition of o potient invoLved in o rood occident, ond tick the
picture thot best represents the potient's condition.

E Labelling a diagram
There are two l<inds of labelling tasl<s. ln matching ldentify the l<eywords on the label.Thinl< of
questions, you need to match features of the synonyms you might hear on the recording.Try
diagram to items from a list. ln label completion to predict the answer.
questions, you are asked to fill a gap in a label, As you listen
usually with three words or less.
Keep tracl< of the part of the diagram being
Before you listen described by pointing to each part as you hear it
Read the instructions to see how many words discussed on the recording.
you should use to complete each gap. When you hear the l<eyword or any of its
, Look at the diagram. Describe it in your own synonyms, listen out for the answer.Write your
words. answer in the space provided.

you will hear a medical school lecturer introducing first year students to the major organs of the body and
describing their function. Answer Questions 1-6 by labelling the diagram.

/F#f,lt &@ LobeL

Questions 1-6
the diogrom.
Model of human 1 ..........
Write N0 M0RE THAN Lungs: take (2..........):
THREE WORDS for carries air
eoch onswer. from air and from mouth
put it into and nose to
the blood lungs

I ntesti nes:
Heart: pumps blood
a bso rb
round the body
4 ..........
and collect
Liver: separates toxic from
useful substances

Kid neys:
Bladder: a 6 5
for urine and pass
it into
68 llNIIEtr Sickness and Health

E Multiple-choice (pictures); multiple-choice with multiple answers

Multiple-choice with multiple answers between them? ldentify the parts of the picture
Some multiple-choice questions require you to
and any synonyms or paraphrases to describe

choose more than one answer from a range of those parts.

options.You may be asked to choose two answers Listen for any of the l<eywords or synonyms you
from five options or four answers from seven identified earlier. Don't select an oPtion iust
options.Approach these in the same way as multiple- because you hear a lceyword mentioned on the
choice with single answer questions. Be careful to recording.The pictures are lil<ely to be quite
note how many answers you must give. similar.You need to listen for those features that
mal<e the pictures different.
Study the pictures.What are the l<ey differences

A, B, C or D.
Choose the correct picture,
1 How should a fainting victim be positioned?

B ,ar
.-. ai

2 How should the head be positioned to make sure the breathing passage is not blocked?

D i""'

Choose TWO letters, A-E.

Which TWO items should medicoL students NOT toke with them to the hospitoL?
A acar
B a thermometer
C a stethoscope
D a white coat
E a mobile phone


) Exam task )'Agree or disagree'essay

) Exam focus ) Academic Writing Task 2 ) For additional Ceneral Training Task 2 practice, go to page 82.
> Skills ) Supporting your statements and opinions; brainstorming arguments for and against; structuring
an'agree or disagree' essay
I : ,. lril-tl'

ffi lntroduction
A Work in pairs. Match the vocabulary in the box with the a ppropriate category.
tllness and cures: fill:'lt*.fl.V,

Methods of prevention: f*Cy*-.5!r.*S

be a positive thinker get/have HIV/Aids stop smoking

die of cancer have an operation take antibiotics
eat a balanced diet immunise against disease take medicine
get a vaccination Jsdrt€c4iresg take up sport
SsVl+ave-ittr sleep well undergo surgery

B Can you think of any other words or expressions for each category? Discuss with a partner.

EI Supporting your statements and opinions

A Statements and opinions need to be supported by facts, examples or arguments. Complete sentences
1-5 with the supporting information a-e.

1 Eating a balanced diet is much better than taking medicine

2 I disagree with the idea of flu vaccinations
3 I believe that positive thinking can help you overcome illness, including cancer
4 Many people think that reducing stress is the key to improving your health
5 lt's generally believed that taking up sport is a good idea

Academic Writing module: Task 2

'Agree or disagree' questions are the most common argument, i.e.'agree or disagree'.
questions in both lELTSAcademic and General You should write at least 250 words.There is no choice
Training modules.You can either answer them lil<e a of questions.Task 2 provides two-thirds of the mark for
'for and against essay', lool<ing at both sides of the the writing test, so you should spend two-thirds of the
argument (see Unit 4), or you can put forward your time (40 minutes) on this part of the exam.
own personal opinion and tal<e one side of the

70 MIIEI Sickness and Health

a ...... because in my experience they don't often work.
b ...... because you are preventing illness. not simply curing it.
c ...... as it reduces the chances of a heart attack.
d ...... since it helps you lose weight and keeps you fit.
e ...... as many studies of patients have proved this to be true.

B Provide support for statements 1-5.

1 lt's more important to spend money on Aids research than cancer research ...
2 | think that smokers oftefi have colds ...
3 lt's generally understood that senior businesspeople suffer a lot from stress ...
4 Waiting lists to undergo surgery are too long ...
5 I believe that people who do not vaccinate their children are irresponsible ...

E Brainstorming arguments for and against

A Read this statement and decide if you agree or disagree.
ln some countries in the world, the heolth seruice is free.
Some people feet that smokers shoutd not get free treotment for smoking-reloted illnesses
becouse they ore knowingly harming themselves.

B Using your own ideas, knowledge and experience. make a Iist of arguments to support your opinion.

I agceeldisaqree Dith the .5tatement

Arg,ment- to 5upporf m3 Position:

C Compare and discuss your answers with a partner.

4 Structuring an 'agree or disagree' essay

ASkim essays 1 and 2 on the following page and decide ifthey agree or disagree with the statement in the
exam question in 3A.

B Read essays'l and 2 again. Can you identify any arguments or points that are similar to yours in 3B? Tell
your partner. Has your opinion changed in any way after reading these two essays?


Essay 1 Essay 2

As a non-smoker myself, I totally agree with A I completely disagree with the idea that
this statement that smokers should pay for smokers should not receive free treatment
any treatment for smoking-related illnesses. for smoking-related illnesses if other people
Smokers know the risk of smoking, so why in the country are receiving free medical
should society have to pick up the bill? treatment without any limits or conditions.
Is it right for smokers to pay, while drug
Looking at the smokers'argument, they say addicts and alcoholics receive expensive
that they should receive free health medical treatment free?
treatment like everyone else because they
B Anti-smokers think that smokers have chosen
also pay taxes like everyone else. However,
a 'dangerous lifestyle' and should therefore
I don't think this argument is valid because
not expect free health treatment paid for
they are using many more health services
from general taxes. The problem with this
than non-smokers, but they pay the same
argument is that we are making a judgement
amount in taxes. Smokers also say that they
about someone's lifestyle before we decide to
pay very high cigarette taxes, which covers give them free treatment or not. Do we refuse
the cost of higher health costs for smokers. to give medical treatment to someone who
I disagree with this too, because in many has a car accident driving dangerously on the
countries people buy cigarettes on the black motorway without a seatbelt? Of course not.
market at a very low price, and so the Most reasonable people would argue that it is
government receives no money in taxes. impossible to decide who has a 'dangerous
Iifestyle' and who does not.
Smokers are killing themselves and killing
other people too. Smokers pay more for life c Smokers already pay a huge amount to the
insurance and health insurance to private €lovernment every time they buy a packet of
companies, so it is fair that they also pay cigarettes through cigarette taxes. In Greece
more for treatment in the public health for example, we pay 70o/o tax on cigarettes,
service. ln fact, they should be contributing which means that I pay almost three euros to
to the health care of non-smokers too, as the government for every packet of cigarettes
passive smoking causes major health i buy. The government uses some of thai
problems. money to finance the health service, so why
shouldn't I get free health treatment? I pay
D To summarise, I would say that it is right that more money in taxes than a non-smoker, so I
smokers pay extra for all the extra costs that should get more from the health system. That
they place on society. lf smokers paid more is logical.
money to cover their extra health costs, it
D In conclusion, I would say that it is very
would help smokers and the government.
important that smokers are treated in the
Unfortunately, it would not help non-
same way as other people. It is very dangerous
smokers in my country, as we have to to say that someone's right to free health
breathe in their smoke every day in bars and treatment should be on the basis of their
restaurants and at work. I think smokers lifestyle. Who is going to ptay God and decide
should pay more taxes, and I support whether a particular lifeslyle is 'good' or
governments that have banned smoking in 'bad'? And who is going to decide whether you
public places too! should live or die?

72 IUNIIreI Sickness and Health

Both essays are organised in the same way. Skim the essays again. Match the paragraphs (A-D)
with the paragraph descriptions ('l-4).

1 Briefly summarise your arguments and re-emphasise your opinion.

2 List your arguments to support your opinion.
3 Clearly state your agreement/disagreement and rewrite the original question in
your own words.
4 Briefly state the opposing arguments and attack this position.

D Look at the useful language ltru.trr.,

highlighted in the essays. Find an example of tfre writing
features below. There may be more than one example for each of the writing features.

Essay writing features

1 signpost words to indicate final paragraph
2 open question that supports your position

3 question (with answer) that supports your opinion

4 personal experience to supp0rt your opinion

5 opposing an argument
6 phrase to express agreement/disagreement with essay question

E Academic and general training: essay

Read the question and decide if you personally Use the simple four-paragraph organisational
agree or disagree with the statement. structure. See section 4C.
Take at least five minutes to note down your Use some of the writing features in 4D, like using
points to support your position (agree or questions and personal experience to suPPort
will also need to note down one
disagree).You your arguments, using punctuation and short
or two opposing arguments in order to sentences to add impact, etc.
attack them. Allow a few minutes at the end to read through
and checl< your essay.

IEXAM You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

C Practice
Write about the following topic:

Governments around the world spend too much money on treating illnesses ond diseoses ond
not enough on heolth educotion ond prevention.

Do you ogree or disogree with this stotement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


) Exam task ) Writing a letter of request

) Exam focus ) General Training Writing Task 1

> Skills ) Recognising types of letters; planning a letter; using appropriate language and organisation

E lntroduction
Discuss these questions with a partner.
. When did you last write a letter? Who was it to, and why did you write it? What did you write about?
. Why do you think people write letters?

Z Recognising types of letters

A Read the opening sentences of the letters below"
Exoregs Tip
It's common to use Dear Sir/Madam,
short forms (/'/l I am r,oriting to enquire aboul jour coa(3es in t)u.=iness Studie.= starfing r\e/:l tled(.
she'd, they're, etc.)
in informal and
semi-formal letters.
Hi Andraa,
Hor,o are jou doing? Can jou me haveletcop,1 tlooc (e?ort
a of bj the ertd ol
-l,c,e aeeLl [,Je've got d
p(ese(\ld1:ion on Mondaj and Dould be it reattj usefol.

Dear Mr \,rJhite,
I hava beer, a c\)=tofi\e( of joors for sevecal 1ed(5. Horrrever, I am Driting
complain aboof the qualrt3 of se(v\ce I ceceived at jour banL last rlaeL.

Dear Ms Davis,
I am tlriting to lef jou LnoL,o that unfortunatel3 I cannof starf mj 5tudie5 a5
planned af fhe beginnlng of 'fne academic jear.

Dear Mr and Mrs Johnson,

f am a member of the Str-rdent Exchange Programme, and I'm Drifing to fell jou
a liffte bit abou-f mlselt a.= I'1, be- coming -fo slar-j rri-th joor famitj next mon-fh

riting Task I

In Writing Tasl< I of the General Training module, you words, include relevant details and use appropriate
are required to write a letter, usually based on a language and style so that the purpose of your letter
situation related to living and studying abroad.You may is clear to the reader.There is no choice of questions.
be asked to complain, explain or enquire about Task I provides one third of the mark for the writing
something, to request information or to introduce exam, so you should spend no more than one third of
yourself.You will need to write a minimum of 150 the time on this part of the exam (20 minutes).

74 reIIE An lntroduction to Letter Writing

B What is the main purpose of each letter? Match the opening sentences (1-5) to the purpose of each letter.

requesti n g information introducing yourself

making a complaint explaining a situation
requesting a favour

C What is the relationship between the writer and the reader of each letter? Are they friends? Student and
teacher? ls each letter formal, semi-formal or informal? Discuss your ideas with a partner.

D Which of the following endings is the most appropriate for each letter? Match the endings (a-e) with the
opening sentences of the letters 1-5.

1 ............ 2 ............... 3............... 4............... 5...............

b ttranlc 3ou ver3 much for c Man3 than[s -

E I too[ foroard to 3otrr sa3 hello to
heafing from jor-r
under5tandirE. I r.oitt rr,,rite again a5
soon a5 I Lrrou-r more informafion. boris {oc me.
Yours sincerely and Yours fai-thfr-rflrJ, i besl aisvtes,
Yoo(s s,lnce(elLJ,
Yours faithfully can Kevin Lee Devi
both be used to S3tvie Marceau
close formal and
semi-formal letters.
Yours faithfully is
used when you I verj much looE forpard lo -r;r;i.rg jorr soon. € I loo[ fordard to receiving Tooc tepl,-j.
don't know the bes+ (ega(ds, Yol(s 3\r\ce(elLJ,
name of the person
Hans Da3er Anialica Martin
you are writing to.

E Planning a letter
AStudy the exam question below. What is the main purpose of this letter? What is the relationship
between the person writing the letter and the reader? What is the level of formality required? Discuss
with a partner.

As on internotionol student in Austrolio, you hove on occount with a locol

bonk. The monthly bonk tronsfer you receive from your porents hos been
deloyed this month due to on error ot your porents' bonk.
Write o letter to your bonk. ln your letter
o introduce yourself ond osk for o loon (a)
. so! why you need the money (b)
. tell them how you intend to poy bock the money. (c)

lmagine you are the student speaking to your bank manager. What would you say to him or her?
Discuss your ideas with a partner.

You will need to use Study the following list of points. Decide which five points are the most relevant to include when
your imagination
answering the exam question above.
to come up with
detalls to include
in your lette; but
1 Stodent at Sradnera
Uni - busine=. Ad*in 5 DanL t(dr''fe( detajed - ban[ing error
the details must 2 Enlr:j mj sfudies - a[:ajs get good gtddes 6 Need temporarj loan - | monfh
be relevant to the 3 irne(esfed in travelling around Ausfralia 7 tdhen banL transfar arrives - rapar-r loan
4 Need fo pa3 landlord renf

Match the points you identified in 3C with the bulleted points (a-c) of the exam question.

E Can you think of any other information to include in your letter? Write notes for the three bulleted points
(a-c) in the exam question.

4 Using appropriate language and organisation
A Most formal and semi-formal letters are organised in the following way:
1 ln the opening paragraph, you introduce yourself and state the reason for writing the letter.
2 ln the main paragraph(s), you describe or explain the situation or problem.
3 ln the closing paragraph. you ask the reader to take action.

Read the sample letter below. and discuss these questions with a partner.
o Does the letter follow the standard structure outlined above?
o Has the writer included all the relevant information?

Dear Sir/lhadan,

I arn an inlernational student lron (halaysia studyinq $usiness Administration at Sydney Universily. I have
had ny account wilh you lor about iwo years since I awived in Australia and have always keTI lhis accounl
in credil. I an wrilinq to you as I would like lo reluest a tenTorary loan so that I can n eel. r^y ex?e ses
this rv'onth.

l\yTarents send ne a reqular bank transler ol $7700 every nonth.

Unlil now, I have always received this
nonihly bank Iranstev razithout any difficulty. Untovtunately, howevey, there has been an ewor at the bank
branch in Kuala Lun gur and so my Tarents have not been able to send rne the n oney this rnonth. This will be
a Troblen lor rne because I have to 7ay rent to rny landlord o+ $1000
7er nonth v,hich is due next week. I
also need n oney lo cover qeneral livinq erTenses, such as iransTovt to and {ron' colleqe.

I eslinate that I will be able Io keey ny livinq ex?e ses down lo $SO0 this r'onth in ovdev 1o save wtoney. I

would lhere(ove like lo requesi a lernTorary loan ol $1800 lor a maximum Teriod of one monlh until rny

?aye^ts' bank transler awives. I our assislance would be qreatly aTTreciaIed.

I look {orwavd very nuch to hearinq trorn you soon.

Best wishes
Zainab Ahnad i


76 reIIEI An lntroduction to Letter Writing


B These are guidelinesthat you should follow when writing a formal or semi-formal letter. Which
Express Trp guideline has not been followed in the sample letter on page 76?
Use the three
bulleted points in
'1 Write one paragraph for each of the bullet points in the exam question.
the exam question 2 Start each paragraph at the left margin.
to structure your
letter in three
3 Leave a blank line between paragraphs.
paragraphs. 4 Sign the letter with your first and last names.
5 Use the same level of formality for the opening and the ending of the letter.
6 Use an appropriate phrase to finish the main body of letter (after the closing paragraph).

C Formal letters use format tairguage. Find examples of formal language in the sample letter on the
previous page which mean the same as the following:
1 I want to ask for
2 Sadly. the bank made a mistake
3 lthinklcan
4 lf you can help, l'd be really happy
5 Please reply as soon as possible

EI General training writing task 1: letter

.c. EXAM
{ Practice Look carefully at the first part of the rubric in Use the bulleted parts of the question as a guide
the exam question in order to understand the for structuring your letter.Try to follow a simple,
reason for writing the letter. three-paragraph structure. Plan each paragraph
Decide what level of formality you should use, of your letter in note form, and use your
based on your understanding of the relationship imagination to add any relevant details that are
between you and the person you are writing to. not listed in the question.
Use appropriate expressions at the beginning and Remember that for Writing Task l, you only have
end of your letter.When you use Deor SilModom, about 20 minutes in total. Make sure you allow
end with Yours foithfully; for formal letters where yourself a few minutes at the end to check your
you know the person's name (Deor Ms lon, etc.), spelling, punctuation and grammar.
use Yours sincerely;for informal or semi-formal
letters (Deor Kelly, etc.) use Best regords, Kind
regords or Best wishes.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You ore going to visit Monchester in the UK for o short troining course but you have not
o rra n ged o cco m m od oti on yet.
Write o letter to the occommodation office of your future college. ln your letter
o introduce yourself
a exploin whot type of accommodotion you ore looking for
a request informotion on thot type of occommodotion.

Write at least 150 words.

You do NOT need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Gil AEffi


) Exam task ) Writing a letter of complaint

) Exam focus ) Ceneral Training Writing Task 1

) Skills ) Beginning a letter of complaint; imagining the situation; describing past events;
ffiffi,.lXre% giving reasons for a complaint

lntrod uction
Discuss these questions with a partner.
o When was the last time you complained about something? Did you express your complaint verbally or
in writing? What was the situation and what did you say?
o How acceptable is it in your culture to use strong forceful language?

A Beginning a letter of complaint

AThe following letters are from people who have just returned from holiday. What is each person
complaining about? Match the letters ('1-3) to the complaints.
hotel staff a hotel room a travel delay

I am trriting lo expcess r 5 disappointrnent (egarding the sfandard of accommodation

that jour companj arranged for m3 hotldaj in Matta. last monfh.
Try to memorise
the phrases in bold
for introducing I am urffing -fo exqe3s $t7 tcrtat dissatlsfacflon and {rustrafion drth the amoonf of
letters of complaint rime f had to oait for mj flighf fo Rome last u;eeL.

I am toriting to cornplain abo(rl- -the leve\ a{ cusfomer se(v\ce af jour hotel during mj
sta3 last oeeLer\d.

B Who do you think each person is complaining to? Match the letters (1-3) to the businesses.
package holiday company hotel ........... airline
C Which writer feels the most strongly about his/her complaint? How does he/she express it?
Discuss with a partner.

ln General Training Writing Task l, you may be writing will be assessed according to content,
required to write a letter of complaint or a letter of organisation and use of language.The assessment
explanation to an organisation, company or individual. criteria are the same for the Academic and General
To do this, you will need to describe a sequence of Training Writing module.
events in the past and express your feelings.Your

78 reIIE Writing a Letter of Complaint

E lmagining the situation
AStudy the exam question below and discuss these questions with a partner.
o What is the purpose of this letter?
o What is the relationship between the writer and the reader?
You are o student ot on English longuoge school in London ond ore living in privote
occommodation with other flotmotes. You hove not hod hot woter or heoting for some time.
The londlord's workmen have tried to fix the problem but without success.

Write a letter to the londlord. ln your letter

. stdte your reoson fir writing
. describe the problems ond explain how you feel
. propose o solution ond osk the landlord to toke sction.

B Work in pairs. lmagine that one of you is the tenant and the other the landlord. The tenant has
decided to phone the landlord. Role-play the telephone conversation. The tenant should cover the
Asking yourself following points:
questions about
each part of the
1 Why are you contacting the landlord?
exam task will help 2 What are the problems?
you 'see and feel'
the scene, before
3 How do the problems affect you personally?
you start writing. 4 What do you want from the landlord?
C Note down the language that the tenant used during the conversation.

4 Describing past events

A Read the letter below. Does it contain the information that came up during the role-play in 3B? What
additional information has been included?

Dear l\r Sni\h,

I arn one of lhe lenants ai your TroTerty in Brick L<tne, and an writincl to conTlain aboui lhe {act \hat
we do nol have any hot wa\er or heatinq in our house.

As you know, we have been livinq in lhis houseI ...... Sune and have always Taid our rent on line.
llowevey, we have now been wi\hout heatinq or hol water 2- ...... . This is rutakino, our lives very
uncontortable, esTecially as it is now the niddle of winter.3 ...... you said you would send a woYknsn
to our house wiihin I ...... , but
ole can\e.5 ...... callinq nany tines,the workn^an 6 ...... arrived at
the house 7 Unforiunalely, he said he could not fix lhe Troblen because lhe wa\er healer was too
old! We are I ...... erlrenely unhaTTy about this situation.

We are TreTared lo continue io rent your house bul we would ask you lo lix \he Troblen 9 ...... . We
also reluesi a J0% discount on our rent lor lhe
Teriod we have been wilhaui any hot water
or healinq.

We look lorward lo hearinq fron you lO ....... .

For letters of
Sveilana Asin ov
explanation or
complaint, you
will need to use
time expressions B Now use the words and expressions in the box to complete the letter.
like first, then and
ten days agoto
describe the order
500 n sr nce for two weeks immediately eventually
in which events Ten days ago now two days After five days later

El Givlng reasons for a complaint
A lndirect speech is used to report what someone says. writes or thinks. Read the dialogue between Svetlana
and her landlord. Mr Smith. Then read Svetlana's letter to Mr Smith. Notice the difference between direct
and indirect speech in the dialogue and letter below. How is indirect speech formed?

ffollo lhr Smit'h. Unfortunat'el1

our hea'tinq <11<lefi haE brokon down,

Don't worrq. l'll <e,rd <otleono

round in'/-l.e next t'wo da79.

Ten days later

Dear tu1r Smiil,

You saic lo,J [)oold send r-omeone ro0nd -fn fix -1h(1 hP-a1'lnd

in 11.le nex-l ,1'roo dai1s, bLrt' nc ofle- car-t\e-l

B Read the letter in 4A again and find another example of indirect speech. What do you think were the
exact words the person used?
When imagining
the situation
sunounding the
exam question,
try to make up
conversations like
this, which you can
include as evidence
in your letter.

C lmagine you are one of Mr Smith's tenants. Mr Smith made a lot of promises to you when you signed
the contract on the house nine months ago. Remind Mr Smith what he said.

1 'l am a responsible landlord.'

..L, . v.l. ll:.qr.. ..
'l've just installed a new heating and hot water system.'
'You are going to be very happy herel'

4 'l4y workmen have always done an excellent job fixing any problems.

80 @|IE Writing a Letter of Complaint

El General training writing task 1 : Ietter
E 1B

/ Wactice Remember that you should only spend about 20 of the question to help you structure your letter
minutes on this tasl<, including time for planning in paragraphs. Be sure to specify your proposed
and checking at the end.You need to write at solution in the last part of your letter.
least 150 words. lnclude specific details with appropriate time
Read the question carefully and try to imagine expressions to explain the sequence of events.
the situation.Asl< yourself questions for each Try to imagine what people may have said or
bulleted point in the exam question to help you what brochures may have promised, etc., to use
prepare and target your letter. as evidence in your letcer.

You are normally given three bulleted points in

the exam question.You can use the different parts

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

You are o student New Zeoland studying Business English. Port of the
ot o longuoge school in
course is o summer work plocement progrdmme. Unfortunotely, you hove just leornt from the
school thot this progromme has now been concelled.

Write o letter to the School PrincipoL ln your letter

. stote your reoson for writing
t describe the problem ond your concerns
. exploin whot you would like the Principol to do.

Write at least 150 words.

You do N0T need to write any addresses.

Begin your letter as follows:

Dear Mr Phitlipg,

81 .-
' ,i.
) Exam task ) Writing a Ceneral Training essay
) Exam focus ) Ceneral Training Writing Task 2
> Skills ) Approaching the question; organising your essay; introducing and concluding your essay

E lntroduction
A Look at the statements below. What arguments can you think of to support each viewpoint? Make a

list of arguments for statements 1-4.

1 Television has a negative influence on children.
2 Family members are the most important people in our lives.
3 We have a responsibility to look after the elderly people in our family or community.
4 Single sex schools provide a better learning environment than mixed sex schools.

B Discuss your ideas with a partner. How similar are your opinions?

E Approaching the question

-Express A Read the exam question below and underline the keywords.
Before you start
is often argued thot our fomity is the most importont thing in our lives.
writing your essay, Why is our family so importont? Which other people in our lives ore important to us? Why?
use an'a-b-c'
approach: analyse Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
the question,
brainstorm ideas
Which of the following points would you include in a 250-word answer to this question? Put a tick (/)
and choose what
information to next to the points that you should include.
1 Explain what are the most important things in your life. T
2 Explain why you think family is important. n
3 Describe the importance of your own family to you. n
4 Give some examples of people who are not'family'but who are important to you. f
5 Explain why these other people are important. n

ln General Training Writing Task 2, candidates are you need to provide and explain your opinion or
provided with a statement of a point of view a problem for which you need to offer a solution.
argument or problem about a specific topic.The There is no choice of question and you need to
topics chosen are of general interest, and are often write at least 250 words.Tasl< 2 provides two-thirds
related to social or cultural issues, such as family of the marks for the Writing module, so you should
relationships, care for the elderly or smolcing.The spend about two-thirds of the time on this part
question may take the form of an agree/disagree (40 minutes).
question (see Units 4 and 8), a statement for which

82 slp wrilOg/General Training EssaY

B Here is another example.

Festivok ploy on importont sociol ond cultural role in mony societies oround the world. Whot is the
most important festivol in your country? How is the festival celebroted ond why is it so importont?

Read the exam question and put a tick (/) next to the points (1-5) that you should i ncl ude
1 Give your opinion of what you think is the world's most popular festival. n
2 Describe the last festival you attended in your country. n
3 Describe the most important festival in your country. n
4 Explain what happens at the festival in your country. n
5 Give your opinion on why this festival is an important time of the year. n
C Below is an example word web about a well-known festival in England.

WhaP Ouy Fawkes Niqht H istory

. Tlol to kill King San es lsl ol Enqland 400 yrs aqo.

. Tlan: lo 7ut qunTowder under llouses of ?arlianen*

. Qvy Fawkes and olhers cauqht - erecuted

o Children rnake a nodel ol Quy

Fawkes lron ol d clothes/
\tt.>t t\ovv>(q(vt
newsp ap ers> social evenl - corrrrr,unity evenl in winter, fun for bolh children
. Biq lire (bonfire) and fireworks and adulls
disTlay. fiurn'Quy' on tire hislorical siqni{icance - inyortance of leaders and lhe law tor
c €a\ savsaqes, yoiaioes, sTecial social slability
swee*s - treacle Quy Fawkes as eady leworist - has new siqniticance?

Express Tip
Rememberl You
only have 250 Now make a similar word web about a festival from your country. lnclude as many details as you can, and
words and 40
minutes for this any keywords or phrases that you would like to use in your essay.
task, so you will
need to choose
D Look at the word web about Bonfire Night again. Do you think all the points are relevant to ans',vering the
carefully the
information that exam question?
will be most useful
to include.
E Now do the same for the information in your own word web. Have you covered all parts of the question?

EI Organising your essay

AThe essay on page 84 is divided into five sections A-E. What is the purpose of each paragraph? Match
paragraphs A-E to 1-5 below.
1 lt explains why the festival is popular. C
2 lt explains why the festival is significant.
3 lt describes what the festival is and when it occurs.
4 lt describes briefly the historical background.
5 lt gives an overall analysis and states the writer's opinion.

One of the most popular celebrations in England is Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes'
Night, which is held every year on November 5th. As with many other popular
festivals worldwide, Bonfire Night is an important historical tradition, as well as an
opportunity for people to celebrate.

On Bonfire Night, people remember an important event in English history, known

as the Gunpowder Plot. Four hundred years ago, a group of men tried to blow up
the Houses of Parliament during a visit by King James 1st. Fortunately for the king,
the group members were caught before they could carry out their plan, and Guy
Fawkes and other members of the group were executed.

a Since that time, English people have celebrated the king's lucky escape every year by
building large fires called 'bonfires'. A model of Guy Fawkes is placed on the bonfire,
and fireworks are set off in celebration. Bonfire Night remains popular today largely
because it is a time when families and friends can get together to celebrate.

However, as well as being a time for celebration, Bonfire Night also has wider social
and political significance. lt reminds people of the importance of the leaders of the
country for stability, and the role of the law that protects us. Moreover, Bonfire
Night reminds us that change should not occur through violence, an important
message in this time of global terrorism.

As we have seen, Bonfire Night has a long history. However, I believe that many
Express Tip people have forgotten the historical significance of the story and just want to
Don't spend too
celebrate and enjoy the festival. Perhaps it is now just as important as a community
much time giving
descriptive detail event in the middle of winter when Christmas seems a long way ahead.
in Task 2 essays;
focus mainly on
analysing the issue
and supporting
your own opinion B Look at the exam question in 28 again. Did the writer answer all the points in the question?
with reasons.
Discr-rss with a partner.

4 lntroducing and concluding your essay

A Look at the exam question below. Then read the three introductions (1-3)" introduction do you
think is the most effective? Discuss your ideas with a partner.
Do not use too
many words Itis often orgued thot our fomily is the most important thing in our lives. Why is our fomily so
from the exam importont? Which other people in our lives ore importont to us? Why?
question in your
introduction. Make
sure you use your Altno,-rgh averj famitj i5 difFerent and no familj i= pecfect, it i5 generall3 agreed that
own words as famil3 is central to the lives of man3 people no ma-tter hotrr old De dce. In this e33dcj
much as possible.
I L.olll axplain ohj -lhis \s -fae ca5e and -lhen suggest o+nec people roho ma3 influenca
and affect us.

84 @|U Writing a General Training Essay

If i5 oFfen argued -fhat familj i= the most rmportanf thing in ouf lives. I rull r,orite aborf the
(ea3r).ls ulhj famil3 is so important and rnenllon sorne oilec penple ufu; are important to u5.

I aE:ee tkat farnil3 B vefi1 important. Mj oncle B vertT important fo rr\e bec,aose Ye, laav..ed
after me uhen I Da5 3oung. In this essaT I Dill de=cfibe m3 or\cle and u)hat he did for rne

B You will also need to makesure you summarise your viewpoint in a conclusion. With a partner, look at
these example conclusions to the same essay question and decide which you thinli is the most effective.

2 In conclosion, it is clear 'ihat ot-rr famill i5 imPortant a5 a

1 To op, I agree -that
su,''n cesol'f of lhe 5,pr3cldl bond in a 'blood'Telafionship and also
famil3 is more imPortant becaasz families form the basis of t.fie 3ocie11e5 in Dhich De
than o-ther people in oor tive. l,oe have seen that o-ther people can be eqoatlj imporfant
lives. Thre- moit important in our lives, thotrgh fhi5 depends on Personal c.ircomstance.s. fn
thing is la (esrycl oo( mt1 cdset m3 famlt3 has had a maior and Positive infloence on
familj and o( dr\cR-s+ds mj tife and Dill aloajs be importanf fo me.
and re teach our
children 'ta (esryCr M-i( 3 In summarj, I thinK if i5 obviou5 that familj
parents and elders. i5 -ihe mo5t importanf thing in ouc lives.
Express Trp
ln your conclusion,
you should quickly
C Each example above starts with a useful phrase for beginning conclusions in Task 2 essays. Underline
revtew your marn
idea(s), and then the phrases.
end with your
D Now write an introduction and a conclusion for the essay about an important festival in your country.
overall opinion.
Swap with a partner, and check your partner's writing for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors.

E General training writing task 2: essay

17 Practice Remember that forWritingTask 2 you only have Make sure you answer the question fully, e.g.
about 40 minutes in total. don't give too much descriptive detail if the
Analyse the question carefully and underline the question is asking you why you think something
keywords. Decide what approach you need to is true. Don't spend coo long writing your
tal<e in answering the question (see also Units 4 introduction and conclusion, just use two or
and 8). three sentences for each.
Brainstorm ideas and relevant words and Use the introduction to outline your approach
phrases, and then choose which ones you have to the whole essay, not just one part of it. ln
time to include. Mal<e sure you can cover all your conclusion, give an overall analysls (e.g. by
parts of the question. referring back to one or two l<ey arguments you
made in the essay) with your personal opinion.
Decide how to structure your essay, and which
points you will include in each paragraph. Don'r Make sure you allow yourself a few minutes
use headings or bullet points. Use 2-3 at the end to checl< your spelling, punctuation
paragraphs for the main part of your essay, plus and grammar.
an introduction and a conclusion.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic.

Mony people soy we hove o responsibility to look after the elderly people in our fomily or
community. Why is it importont to toke core of them? How should we tdke core of them?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

) Write at least 250 words.

m @r@ffiff
) Exam task ) Describing a diagram
) Exam focus ) Academic Module Writing Task 1

> Skills ) Understanding the diagram; introducing and summarising information in the diagram; using
the passive voice; linking your ideas together

tr lntroduction
Discuss these questions with a partner.
1 What are the main agricultural crops grown in your country?
2 When does the farmer plant the crop and when does s/he harvest it? I

3 What other things does the farmer have to do throughout the year'to make the crop successful?

Z Understanding the diagram

Before you begin writing. it is important to understand the information shown in the diagram. Look at
the diagram and the title of the diagram below, check the meaning of unknown words and discuss
questions 1-3 with a partner.
'l What process does the diagram show you?
2 How helpful is the title of the diagram?
3 Where does the cycle begin and end?

The diogram below describes what o former in the llK does in a typicol yeor in order to grow
a wheot crop.
The diagram is
often a flow chart in the autumn (September,0ctober)
which illustrates
a pr0cess.

the farmer the farmer the farmer

pl oug hs spreads fertiliser + sows the seed
the field on the field in the field
I /\
t the fa rmer \
sprays the crop
the farmer sells/
with insecticide
stores the crop
in the
spri ng

Writing module: Academic Task I

lf you are preporing for the generol troining module, turn to You must write at least 150 words and you are
Unit GT lA on poge 74. assessed on the following:
h€sta I of the Academic Writing module, you may be . Task achievement: how well you answer the question
asked to describe different kinds of visual data, for . Coherence and cohesion: how well your answer is
example a process, how something work or a map. organised, including how the information is linked
Although the task may look very different from the together
more usual tasks of describing graphs, bar charts, pie
. Lexical resource: the vocabulary you use
charts and tables, the approach you take will be very
similar and you will be assessed using the same criteria. . Grammatical range and accuracy

86 ENUI Supplementary Pages for Writing Task 1

E lntroducing and summarising the information in the diagram
A Before you begin to describe the process shown in the diagram, it is important to introduce the information
Expresg Tip to the reader. Rewrite the sentences below in the correct order to make simple introductory sentences.
Make sure you are
confident about 1 in a typical year / the process of growing wheat / the diagram illustrates / on a UK farm
how to write
an introductory
sentence - don't 2 on a UK farm / the stages typically involved / over the course of a year / in the production of wheat /
waste time in the
the illustration shows
exam thinking about
this for too long.

B After the introductory sentence, you should write a summary sentence describing how many stages there
are, perhaps grouping them together or naming the main ones. Rewrite the sentences below in the correct
order to make simple summary sentences.
Sometimes the
process will be in a
straight line. Other
1 three distinct times of the year / which are divided into / the cycle consists of / autumn, spring and
times it will be a late summer / seven stages
circle. When it is a
circle it is important
to decide where the 2 they involve preparing the field / there are seven stages in the cycle / taking care of the crop while it
process logically
is growing / and harvesting it
begins and ends.

4 Using the passive voice

A The sentences in the diagram are very repetitive, they all begin 'The farmer ...'Also, the reader knows it
is a farmer who does this work. Therefore we do not need to mention him or her. Your report will sound
more academic if you use the passive voice. Look at how we change the following sentence:
The farmer ploughs the field. + The field is ploughed.

(by the farmer)

B Change the sentences to the passive voice.

1 The farmer spreads the fertiliser.

2 The farmer sows the seed in the field.

3 The farmer sprays the weeds with weedkiller.

4 The farmer sprays the crop with insecticide.

5 The farmer harvests the wheat using a combine harvester.

6 The farmer sells the crop.

7 The farmer stores the crop.


E Linking your ideas together
The stages of the process will usually follow one after another. You can make your writing more
Expresg Tip professional by using a variety of linking words which show the order of events. Check the meaning of
Do not link the
any unknown words and phrases below and then copy them in the correct column.
stages together
by simply using
Firstly, secondly,
The n Co n cu rre ntl y When ... has been done
thlrdiy etc. This will
After that Fi rstl y Finally
make your writing
appear simplistic Alternatively At the same time N ext
and unnatural. Try Lastl y To begin with Fi rst
to use a variety of It is only after this stage that... First of all

Express Tip
Sometimes the
process may not
be straightforward.
ln the wheat cycle
in section 2, which
two stages happen
concurrently or at
the same time?

El Expressing purpose
AStudy the diagram in exercise 2 and discuss these questions with your partner.
1 Why do you think the farmer spreads fertiliser on the field?
2 Why do you think the farmer spreads insecticide on the crop?
3 Why do you think the farmer spreads weedkiller on the crop?

B Match the answers to the questions.

a So that the crops are not eaten by insects.

b ln order to prevent the crops being eaten by insects.
c To prevent weeds from growing in the crop.
d So as to encourage strong growth.

C The sentences in B contain useful language for saying 'why'something is done. Study the sentences,
cover them with your hand and then write each one next to the appropriate structure in the table.
You may also use
'because + subject t

verb'but using
'so that...' , 'in
order to', 'fo', and
'so as fo' sounds +
more formal and !:
academic. !1
JU q) tv T ttrrrrrrLlvE

D Summarise the information in the diagram on page 86 by reporting the main features.

SS E[[[l Supptementary Pages Tor vvnung -r€tsK 1

Z Comparing different diagrams
You may be asked to describe a technical diagram. Very often this type of diagram also illustrates a process.
ln this case. you will need to approach the task in the same way as the diagram on page 86.

A Look at the diagram of a steam train. At first it may seem confusing, but in fact it's very similar to a

flow chart. Try to imagine the diagram moving in your mind. Ask yourself: What happens first? What
happens next? Follow the sequence ofevents by moving yourfingeraround the diagram.

Express Tip
When you first
see the diagram, hot air
it may seem
very technical,
Don't panic -
just approach it
logically and it will
become clear.

connecting joint

Now look at the flow chart describing the same information. Some of the stages are blank. Fill in the
missing information by copying sentences from the box.

Hot air and smoke travel down tubes in the boiler. The piston turns the wheels via a connecting
connecl i1 -1.
The hot water produces steam. The steam travels down into the piston.*
The hot air heats the water in the boiler. ;@rlTiliiT6.
.Thefi!'eprM * piston = metal cylinder sliding r,;iih
r,;iih -::-:.

The fire produces hot air and smoke.

Smoke escapes
through the chimney.

E AcaOemic writing task 1: describing a diagram

'. Spend one or two minutes studying the diagram Use the passive voice to mal<e your writing more
until you understand what it is showing. academic.
:; Decide where the cycle or process begins, and , Use a variety of linking words to show clearly the
start the description there. order of the stages.
i Explain what the diagram is describing in your , Use a variety of language to express purpose.
opening sentence.
i, Use a summary sentence to give an overview of
the process.

Practice question one

You shouLd spend obout 20 minutes on this tosk.
The diogrom in exercise 7 shows how a steom troin works. Describe the informotion by
summorising the moin features.
Write at least 150 words.

Practice question two

You shouLd spend about 20 minutes on this tosk.
The diogrom below shows the internol workings of o jet engine. Describe the informotion by
summarising the main feotures.

Write at least 150 words.


e- <-
<- hot air
combustion chamber
air mixes with fuel and
ignites to provide thrust compressor

90 EI[[ Supplementary Pages for Writing Task 1

) Exam task ) Describing a map
) Exam focus ) Academic Module Writing Task 1

> Skills ) Using the question and key to understand the map; introducing and summarising the information
in the map; describing location and connections

n lntroduction
Discuss the questions below about the village. town or city where you live with your partner.
'l What's the population of your town/city?
2 Does your town or city have a comprehensive transport infrastructure?
3 Are the town centre and residential areas clearly differentiated?
4 ls it
inland or by the sea?
5 ls it
near to a port or airport?
6 Are there any industrial plants in or around the town?

Z Using the question and key to understand the map

Before you begin writing, it is important to understand the information shown in the map.
A Cover the key. study the map and tell your partner what you think it might be illustrating.

ffi City centre
AI T Residential area
50 km I Railway station


+ Road

# River

Mussid i mi (populatio n 7 2,OOO)

B Read the question that accompanies the map and study the key to the map. Check the meaning of
unknown words and discuss questions l-3 with a partner.

The mop is of the town of Mussidimi. A new hospital is being plonned for the town. The mop shows

It is very important the two proposed sites (A & B). Summarise the informotion by selecting ond reporting the main
to use the key and features, and moke comporisons where relevont.
the question to
fully understand
the information 1 What does the map show you?
presented on
the map.
2 How helpful is the title of the map?
3 Can you understand the map without looking at the beforehand?

lntroducing and summarising the information on the map

A Before you begin to answer the question in detail, it is important to introduce and summarise the
information on the map. Which of the following sentences are introductory sentences and which are
sentences summarising the information?

1 The main differences between the two proposed sites are the proximity to the town centre and to the
roads in and out of Mussidimi.
2 The map shows two possible locations for a new hospital in the town of Mussidimi.
3 The map illustrates tlvo suggested sites for a hospital, which is to be built in a town called Mussidimi.
4 The most striking distinction between the two sites is the distance from the town centre.

B Read the sentences carefully. Then cover them with a piece of paper and write your own introductory and
summary sentence.

E Making comparisons
You may need to compare the two places shown on the map. Read the following sentences and complete
the gaps with words from the box. Which sentence looks at a similarity between site A and B, not a

d ifferen ce?

while / whereas However / By contrast

while / whereas However / By contrast
more... than Both ... and

'l The proposed hospital site A is in the town centre, .. site B is outside the town.
'Express Ttp 2 .................... site A .................... B are quite close to the river.
While /
contrast two ideas .. site A is well connected by road, site B appears to be quite remote in terms of transport
within a sentence, links.
bul However / By
contrast connect 4 Site A is .. conveniently located for the train station .. site B.
two sentences
5 Site A is well connected by road and rail. .., site B appears to be quite remote in terms of
transport links.
Site A is surrounded by urban, residential areas. ......... Site B is outside the town centre.

92 EEE Supplementary Pages for Writing Task 1

E Describing location and connections
Complete the sentences by writing the words in brackets in the correct order.

Try to learn 1 ............

The village pub . (next to a is small stream)
prepositions in
groups o{ words
2 The railway line ............ . (river alongside the sited is)
and by using a 3 The hospital is to be found ......... ... . (the west the to of city centre)
context that is
familiar to you;
4 The school ........ .... . (a densely is by populated surrounded area)
for example, /ndra 5 The town of Ad Kaddir from Turir. (the main on road lies)
is to the east of
Pakistan; Heathrow 6 The fire station ..............:... (to located is conveniently next) the main road.
airport is linked
to London by the
7 The shopping centre ........ .... (quite way is a from long) the centre of town.
Underground and 8 The airport (by a city centre to linked is the) high-speed rail link.
9 The port ...........
Heathrow Express.
. . (reach rail difficult by to is)
10 The out-of-town shopping centre ......... ... . (transport very is by public accessible)

El Academic writing task 1: describing a map

.,; 4

Spend one or two minutes studying the map until Write a sentence to summarise the main features
you understand clearly what it is showing. on the map.
Use the question and l<ey to help with this Asl< yourself if you need to compare and contrast
understanding. two places shown on a map.
Write a sentence to introduce the reader to Use a variety of language to clearly describe the
the map. location of places.

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The mop below is of the town of Mtwipi, A new industriol plont is plonned for the town.
The mop shows the two proposed sites (A and B).
Summorise the informotion by selecting and reporting the moin feotures, and make
comporisons where relevont.
Write at least 150 words.

Kawali airport 55 min

(Population 5m)
-r Countryside

r+ m'' Housing
i- ;,-:
+, c!

*!i I Port
,+, Rail

ffi Motorway

laKrnrta l5 mtns re
(Population 10,000)
n Town centre

Mtwipi (Population 1 00,000)

) sEcrroN 1

Questions 1-10
Questions 1-7
Complete the notes below.
Write N0 M1RE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each onswer.

Nw fraree
a rent doesn't include I

a send relerence io: l\r Crawley 7 ................

Ex{ord J
o need \o buy a I .......... ,

. no rhusic in livinq roon, after 5 ,. , , ,

. Fut bicycle in *he 6 .,....,.....

. barbecue every 7

Questions 8-10
LobeL the mop below.
Write the correct letter A-G next to questions 8-10.


.-no- i

'\\rl r, I

i ----
\_ i *.-.-'

I l]t i

8 bank
9 internet caf6
10 post office




Questions 11-20
Questions 11-16
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11 The Apollo Leisure Centre opened in

A 2000.
B 2001.
c 2002. t
12 Which chart shows the different types of members currently?
A B c

200 200 200

100 100

youth adult family youth adult family youth adult family

'13 Which facility is planned for next year?

A swimming pool
B rock climbing wall
C massage room
14 Which type of membership is the best value for money?
A red
B g reen
C blue
15 When does the caf6 close?
A 8.00
B 8.30
c 9.00
16 How long is a typical consultation with the personal trainer?
A 45 minutes
B t hour
Ct hour 15 minutes

Questions 17-20
Complete the timetoble beLow.

4.00 - 5.00 17
5.00 - 6.00 18
6.15 - 7.30 19
7.45 - 9.15 20



Questions 21-30
Questions 21-23
CompLete the sentences below.
Write N0 M|RE THAN TWO W0RDS for eoch lnswer.

21 lnterviewing people was sometimes difficult because of the .....'

22 Aldo needs to talk to more .....^
23 Dr Hurst advises Aldo to go to a

Questions 24 ond 25
Choose TWl Letters A-F.

Which TWO things do local people like in the area?

A cleaning services
B colleges
C parks
D primary schools
E sports facilities
F street lighting


Questions 26-30
Complete the tabLe beLow.
Write N0 MARE THAN THREE WORDS for eoch lnswer.

Local festival

Dance show 26 ........... to observe different


28............. to learn about different

cu I tures

Courses fair Langtree Theatre to interview the



Questions 31-40
Questions 31-34
Choose the correct Letter, A, B or C.

31 The speaker agrees that cars are helpful for

A going to remote places.
B carrying large items.
C families travelling together.

32 According to the speaker, what advantage does road freight have over rail freight?
A lt is more flexible.
B lt is cheaper.
C lt is more reliable.
33 Vehicle density is highest in
A Cermany.
B the Netherlands.
C the UK.
34 A recent survey of bus passengers showed that the most common complaints concerned
A security.
B prices.
C timetabling.

Questions 35-40
Complete the summary below.
Write N0 M0RE THAN TWO W0RDS for eoch onswer.

Several steps are making public transport more attractive for users. These
include introducing 35 ........ , which reduce the need for queuing. Schedules are
being controlled with 36........ to increase efficiency. Also, buses are being made
more 37........, and passengers are being given more 38......... . Measures are
being taken to create more flexibility for 39........ travel. Tr:ansit companies have
also benefited from different attitudes to 40 ......... . Togetheri these
steps should increase public transport use.

, I



& rAElN{!

You should spend obout 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which ore based on Reoding Possoge 1

on poges 98 ond 99.

## ' #,'#l
A Early people had no need for and canals to control tlae flood
engineering works to supply their waters of the Tigris, EuPhrates and
water. Hunters and nomads camped the Nile. Such canals not onlY
near natural sources and irrigated crops but also supplied
populations were so sparse that water for domestic purposes, the
pollution of the water supply did water being stored in large pottery
not pose a serious problem. But as jars, hand-carried from the river by
civilised life developed and small household slaves. The remains of
settlements grew into cities, water the earliest aqueduct on record have
management became a major been pinpointed to the works of the
concern, not only to supply the Assyrian king and master builder
urban centres but also to irrigate Sennacherib (705-681 BC), who
the farms surrounding them. The developed a 10-mile canal in three
solution was to find a way to raise stages, including 18 fresh-water
water up from the rivers. courses from the mountains.

Around 5000 BC, primitive attemPts D But we can thank the Romans for
were made by the Egyptians. They being the first to consider seriously
used the Persian Wheel, a water- the sanitation of their water supply.
wheel that dipped containers into a Facedwith the problem of directing
river, lifting up water as it revolved. enough water towards Rome -
Another method was a simple lever- water from the Tiber; a muddy, smellY
and-bucket system called the river, was out of the question -
shadoof. The invention of the lever, they set about constructing the
as well as a screw, to lift water is most extensive system of aqueducts
often attributed to Archimedes in the ancient world. These brought
(287-213 BC) but both devices were the pure waters of the Apennine
without doubt in use thousands Mountains into the city, with
of years before his time. A more settling basins and filters along the
accurate explanation is that way, to ensure the water's claritY
Archimedes was the first to try to and cleanliness. The first, built
describe in mathematical terms the around 3'l2BC during Appius
way these devices worked. Claudius Caecus's administration,
was Aqua Appia, an underground
By 2000 BC, the rulers of
aqueduct about '10 miles in length.
Mesopotamia, Babylonia and Egypt
had constructed systems of dams E The arch revolutionised water

98 mmNEilGETGffi
supply. By using it, Roman architects closing, he realised the weight was @i'!_ l

could raise aqueducts to the height displacing air and acting as a piston. #
needed to span valleys. The Aqua This realisation led Ctesibius to
Marcian in Rome - around 56 miles investigate methods of moving ffi
Iong with a 10-mile bridged section - fluids along a pipe using a piston, #
was built by the praetor Marcius in and to the founding principle of mr::'1
'144 BC, and was the first to'carry ffi,
hydraulics. Ctesibius's force pump .
water above ground. Eventually, was not capable of pumping high ffi
Rome was served by eleven linked w:;.
volumes of water but it played a @:l
aqueducts. These kept the city's taps vital part in ancient Greek culture. ffi"':
and fountains running - providing &
Among other uses, force pumps s
an astonishing 38 million gallons of drained the bilges of the trading
water each day. Parts of several of ships of the time. They were used to #
these are still in use, although the extinguish fires and they brought to ffi.
construction of such massive water- life the fountains that graced ffi
supply systems declined with the fall ffi
of the Roman Empire. For several ffi
centuries afterwards, springs and G ln London, the first pumping ffir-
waterworks were completed in &ti,
wells provided the main source of
1562. This pumped river water to a ffi"
domestic and industrial water. : ffi.,,
reservoir suspended 120ft above the i #,,
The introduction of the force pump p
Thames. lt was then distributed by !
in England in the middle of the ffi
gravity via lead pipes to surrounding !
'l6th century greatly extended the
buildings. ln more recent times, ffi'r'
possibilities of development of
many aqueducts have been built ffir'
water-supply systems. This pump
worldwide. Among them are the
was by no means a new invention.
aqueducts supplying water to
It was in fact the brainchild of
Ctesibius of Alexandria and it dates
Glasgow (35 miles long), Marseilles :
(60 miles), Manchester (96 miles), :
to the 3rd century BC. Like all great
engineers, Ctesibius took his Liverpool (68 miles) and Vienna (144 i
inspiration from his surroundings. miles). California now has the most :

While working on a way to raise extensive aqueduct system in the !

and lower a mirror in his father's world. Water drawn from the :
barber shop by counterbalancing it Colorado River's Parker Dam is :
with a lead weight, he stumbled carried 242 miles over the San :

! on a method of automatically Bernardino Mountains, supplying i

: crosing the shop's door without it more
than a- L:il:^-
billion gallons
^-il^- a day. ln :

: slamming. He ran a weighted line addition, the 338-mile Los Angeles

$ I
*&.: : from the door over a pulley and into aqueduct draws water from the :

$ , a pipe, which slowed the speed at Owens River in the Sierra Nevada, :
i,: : which the weight dropped. As the giving a daily supply of around four :

H , door hissed away, opening and billion gallons. :

Copyright @ Telegraph Media Group Limited



Questions 1-6
Complete the tobLe below.
Choose N0 M0RE THAN THREE WORDS from the possoge for each 0nswer.

Write your onswers in boxes 1-6 on your onswer sheet.

r Persian Wheel . systems of dams r dealt with water . use of force

(a type of and canals supply 4........ pump
r water for . system of . water pumped to
.1 .,,.,...,. 2........ and........ aqueducts reservoir and
(a lever and carried to
r J ........ used for r invention of buildings
bucket systern)
keeping water in 5 ........ led to through
aqueduets above 6........

Questions 7-10
Reoding Passoge t has seven porogrophs labeLLed A-G.
Which porogroph contoins the following informotion?
Write the correct letter A-G in boxes 7-10 on your onswer sheet.

7 an invention that could only supply limited amounts of water

8 a reference to a widespread but false belief
9 reasons why water-supply systems needed to be developed
1O the name of the person responsible for creating the first known aqueduct

Questions 11-13
Answer the questions below using l/0 M0RE THAN THREE W0RDS for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 1l-13 on your answer sheet.

11 What was Ctesibius trying to move?

12 What did Ctesibius succeed in causing to move?
13 What area of science did Ctesibius help to establish?


Questions 14-26
You should spend obout 20 minutes on Questions 14-26 which ore bosed on
Reoding Possoge 2 on the foLLowing poges.

Questions 14-19
Reoding Possoge 2 has six porogrophs A-F.
Choose the correct heading for.eoch porogroph from the list of heodings
below. Write the correct numbers i-x in boxes 14-19 on your onswer sheet.

List of Headings
i A change in dominant species
ii Two modern-day relatives of the dinosaurs
iii The likelihood of surviving a similar episode
iv Evidence of the collision and its effects
v A margin of distinct animal remains
vi A volcanic eruption
vii An explanation of the change
viii Poisonous gases
ix An abrupt and devastating event
x Hollywood movie to be released

14 Paragraph A
15 Paragraph B

16 Paragraph c
17 Pa rag ra ph D

18 Paragraph E

19 Paragraph F




opportunity to flourish unrivalled. The first

The collision that few days after the impact saw dramatic rises
in ground temperatures. This was due to the
transformed life asteroid tuming into an enornous ball of fire
and burning gases as it fell through the

on Earth earth's atmosphere. The resulting heat

proved too much for most dinosaurs, which
had nowhere to shelter from the rising
A temperatures. Mammals, on the other hand,
Around 65 million years ago, life on earth were able to take shelter in burrows or
changed. However, to say it merely'changed', water. Those dinosaurs that survived this
is something of an understatement. It would period of intense heat were then faced with
be more accurate to say that the living world another problem; namely, a lack of food. A
underwent one of the most dramatic, combination of heat and lack of sunlight
= cataclysmic transformations ever seen. The killed most plant life off relatively quickly.
skies darkened for a whole year and entire This left a barren landscape with nothing for
species were wiped out by a single event. the large herbivores to eat. As dead animals
This may sound like the stuff of a Hollywood decayed, then the camivores too were also
movie, but in fact the disaster, known as the left with a failing supply of food. Mammals,
K-T (cretaceous-tertiary) extinction event, is however, were able to adapt and live off the
well documented as a historical fact. abundant supply of insects and aquatic plant
1ife. No longer being threatened by
B dinosaurs, they could quickly multiply.
There has been some dispute over the cause
of I(-T, but in 2010, a review of the D
evidence by scientists from several leading The I(-T boundary layer gives us a whole
UI( universities agreed that a meteorite of wealth of evidence to support the claims of *
gargantuan proportions smashed into the impact theory, and also its consequences. **
earth with such a tremendous impact that Scientists look to this clay layer, dated to 65 =

its effects were felt globally. The rock, which million years ago, for two main pieces of
is estimated to have been around 15 proof. Within this seam of the earth's crust,
kilometres wide, hit Chicxulub in Mexico high concentrations of the metallic element
with an unimaginable force, said to be iridium can be found. While this element is
around one billion times greater than that not uncommon on earth, the intensity of the
of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. The impact traces suggests an extra-terrestrial source.
projected masses of dust and debris into The second piece of evidence is the layer of
the atmosphere, blocking out the sun and soot within the clay. Soot, a by-product of
resulting in darkness and an enduring, buming carbon, supports the ideas of a brief
global winter. period of intense fires circling the earth and
wiping out most land-based vegetation. The
C I(-T boundary layer also clearly demonstrates
The impact proved to be a seminal moment which animals died out, and which survived.
in the direction of the evolution of life. Through excavation and examination of
Dinosaurs, which had roamed and ruled the fossils below the 65 million year old
animal kingdom for over 200 million years boundary, evidence of many species can be
were wiped out almost ovemight, and found which simply do not exist today.
mammals, which had lived fearfully in the Above this boundary, as the dinosaurs and
shadow of the dinosaurs, were given an

I uz -=!==+==i?==-==-i
REA ntNt

can no longer be found. While many therefore can go for long periods of time
fossilised dinosaur remains are found below without food. Non-avian dinosaurs, on the
this boundary, above it, evidence of other hand, are endothermic (warm-blooded)
mammals dominates. and can survive for only a relatively short
period of time before they need to refuel
E with food.
To say that dinosaurs died out and mammals
flourished is somewhat over-simplistic.
While non-avian dinosaurs became extinct,
The long-term consequences of this dramatic
avian-dinosaurs survived and went on to
event in the history of the evolution of life
evolve into modem birds. It is speculated
on earth led to the evolution of apes, and of
that this was down to two main reasons:
course, ultimately to man's world
firstly their ability to fly and therefore scour
wider areas for food; and secondly their dominance. Meteorites half the size of the
smaller size, which meant that they did not one experienced in the I(-T event occur every
need as many calories, and therefore needed ten million years or so. It is a sober thought
less food to survive; and also they were more to consider if we are due another planet-
easily able to hide from the worst excesses changing impact, and whether humans
of heat. Crocodiles, another close relative of would have the resources and technology to
the dinosaur also survived. This was because survive such a catastrophic event.
they are ectothermic (cold-blooded) and

Questions 20-23
Complete the notes below.
Choose N0 MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the plssoge for eoch onswer. Write your lnswers
in boxes 20-23 on your onswer sheet.

e;iii;i;; ;;;"srormed E;;h
The I(-T event produced initial sharp increases in 20
If a creature survived the intense heat, it then had to overcome the issue
of the 21
. 11 : r11tr
The blazing wildfires destroyed22 ...........
. Avian dinosaurs survived because of their size and 23

Questions 24-26
Choose THREE letters A-F.
Write your answers in boxes 24-26 on your answer sheet.

Which THREE of the following are mentioned as happening after the K-T event?
A Animals increasingly took to living in trees
B Sea creatures were able to survive the intense heat under the sea.
C Cold-blooded creatures were better equipped to deal with the declining food supply.
D Some dinosaurs survived and ultimately evolved into modern-day creatures.
E lt took many decades for the climate to become stable again.
F Mammals were able to hide underground.


You should spend obout 20 minutes on Questions 27-40, which are based on Reoding Possoge 3
on poges 104 ond 105.

T -1




I On space missions, weightlessness and lasts up to two months and is I

radiation are often seen as being the key dominated by adjustments to the new
dangers. But there is increasing environment. This is followed by I

evidence to show that one of the increasing fatigue and decreasing

greatest hazards lies in the crew itself. motivation, 'asthenia'. What once
The hostile space environments and the seemed exciting becomes boring and
hardware are, of course, crucial factors repetitious. Next comes a lengthy period
in any space mission. But so is the during which the asthenia, which can I

software of the human brain. include depression and anxiety,

I worsens. The spacefarers are unusually I
During long missions, space travellers upset by loud noises or unexpected
have shown signs of increased information. This is the period when I
territoriality, withdrawal and need for crew members get testy with one
privary. As a result of these sorts of another and with the ground crew. I

psychological difficulties, one There have been reports describing how

I cosmonaut had a religious experience one crew member did not speak to I

that led him to make a dangerous, another for days; there are even
unauthorised spacewalk. Nasa's Skylab rumours of fist fights * one over a chess

missions in1973 and1974 almost game. Tensions frequently spill over to

immediately ran into trouble. One mission control, as they did in the
astronaut erroneously changed the Skylab strike. One Russian crew aboard
control systems while suffering from a Salyut space station reportedly got so
psychological problems. Crew members cross with mission control that they I

began the third mission with a schedule shut down communications for
I that was too strenuous. They fell behind 24 hours. I

in their work and became demoralised.

I On their 45th day in space, the crew
According to Henry Cooper, who wrote a I

went on strike, refusing to perform book, A House in Space, on the loneliness

scheduled tasks. Disregarding orders ofthe long-distance astronaut, at least I

was an unusual and dangerous three missions have been aborted for
I reasons that were in part psychological. i *E
response for astronauts. After B
In the 1976 Soyuz-21 mission to the
concessions from mission control, the =
Salyut-5 space station, the crew was I

crew settled down and eventually **

brought home early after the
I completed an 84-day mission. I E
cosmonauts complained fiercely of an 5
The Russians have identified three acrid odour in the space station's r
I I €
phases in adaptation to space. The first environmental control system. No cause g

rv+ IIEEJ}=Ei!E!=I=EE=

was ever found, nor did other crews by humans, is the coldest, windiest and I

smell it; conceivably, it was a driest ]and mass. Because of the

I hallucination. Coincidentally, the crew extreme environment, researchers must I

had not been getting along. The crew of 'winter over' for six months out of the
year. During this period, there is little
I the Soyuz T-14 mission to Salyut-7 in I

1985 was brought home after 65 days contact with the outside world and
after Vladimir Vasyutin complained that groups tend to be confined indoors by I

he had a prostate infection. Later, the the extreme temperatures. Antarctica

doctors believed that the problem was has served as one of the primary means
partly psychological. Vasyutin had been ofgathering psychosocial data for I

getting behind in his work and was space missions, according to Dr rohn
Annexstad, a space scientist and ten-

under pressure, having been passed |

over for a flight several times before. time veteran of scientific missions
I Alexander Laveikin returned early from to Antarctica. I

the Soyuz TM-2 mission to the Mir space

station in 1987 because he complained During the first few months of an I

of a cardiac irregularity. Flight surgeons Antarctic mission, interpersonal

problems don't play a major part. The
could find no sign of it. The cosmonaut
had been under sffess - he had made a problem arises, says DrAnnexstad, after
couple of potentially serious errors. And the initial shock and awe of the
he had not been getting along with his environment wear off, and crew

partner, Yuri Romanenko. members get to know their

surroundings a little better. Then they I
The same psychological phenomena b'egin to rebel against authority and
curse men and women on expeditions each other. In one ice base, anxiety

to remote places. Isolation and sensory episodes increased from 3 during the
i deprivation are the common first four months to 19 dudng the last

denominators, whether the mission is four. In a study of personnel who I

I in the Arctic wastes or the realm of the wintered over in the Antarctic, 85 per

deep, causing a series of symptoms -

cent reported periods of significant I
heightened anxiety, boredom,
depression, 65 per cent had periods of
depression, loneliness, excessive fear of
I anger or hostility, 60 per cent suffered I
danger and homesickness. The
from sleep disturbance, and 53 per cent
scientists and support staff who work in I
I had impaired cognition. During the 1977 I
Antarctica have been studied by Dr
International Biomedical Expedition
I Joanna Wood of the National Space to Antarctica, a 1-2-man adventure

Biomedical Research Institute in

lasting 72 days, bickering became
I Houston, who also studies how crews I
such a problem that psychologists
behave in a special test chamber. After a
accompanying the expedition had to
few months, you get tired of looking at I

intervene. Antarctic literature is full of

the same faces. People frequently have
I stories about teammates who stopped I
behaviours that might be endearing in
talking to one another or even fought -
the larger society, but when you're living ,
one concerns a cook with a meat cleaver I
with it day after day it's an annoyance.'
facing off against an engineer
."f"1 the last to b" "T,Y brandishing a fire axe.

Copyright @ Telegraph Media Group Limited

AC"& r] E [Vr le

REA m l'\{&

Questions 27-29
CompLete the sentences below with words token from Reading Possoge 3.
Use N0 M0RE THAN THREE WORDS for eoch lnswer.
Write your onswers in boxes 27-29 on your onswer sheet.

27 Space travellers on long missions demonstrate the desire to have some ............
28 Astronauts can get into a state ca||ed............ aftertwo months in space.
29 The causes.of psychological problems on both space missions and expeditions to remote
places are together with ............ .

Questions 30-35
Look ot the stotements (Questions 30-35) ond the list of spoce missions beLow. Motch eoch
stotement with the space mission it refers to.
Write the correct letter A-D in boxes 30-35 on your onswer sheet.
IVB You may use any letter more than once.

30 Two of the astronauts had a bad relationship with each other.

31 The astronauts decided not to carry out their duties.
32 0ne of the astronauts did not complete the mission.
33 0ne of the astronauts had failed to be selected for previous missions.
34 0ne of the astronauts made a mistake with the equipment.
35 The astronauts perceived something that may not have existed.

List of Space Missions

A Skllab
B Soyuz-21
C Soyuz T-14
D Soyuz TM-2

Questions 36-40
Complete the summory beLow using words from the box.
Write your 0nswers in boxes 36-40 on your onswer sheet.

Antarctic missions
,',,Aeeofdihgto Dr'lohn Annexstad, relationships are nof an important factor,during the
,: -flrst,Fartof a mission'because crew members {ack,36 ..,,,..,.... wit}r their.environrnent
. ,,dndr g.&teeling of 37 .."......,... . After this,,'1h"r* is less 38 ....;.....,;,,flqm crew '
, ,membelE.alrd the,nuttrberof events caused by 39-, .,.,,"r:;,.; increases enofirousbr a$ '

.lhe.mission'ean-ti4qes; According to qome stories; relationd:ips e&n'even result in

40 ............ involving crew members.

expectation boredom cooperation improvement

sym pathy d iscussi o n fa m il ia rity error
determination ca relessness d isa ppointment violence
a mazement involvement m isunderstand i ng confidence
failure tension com petition envy

I lfi
1rvvil@ lli"r{rHriaagl*Il

You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The toble below gives informotion obout online shopping in one yeor in the
UK. lt shows the omounts of money spent on vorious items by men ond
women ond the percentoges for men ond women of the totol money spent
on those items.

Summorise the informotion by selecting ond reporting the main features

ond moke comporisons where relevont.

Write at least 150 words.


Grocery 340.1 762.9 1103 30.8 69.2

Furniture and floor coverings 56.5 123.5 180 31.4 68.6

Health and beauty 40.2 81.8 122 33.0 67.0

Clothing and footwear 17 6.8 348.2 s25 33.7 66.3

Homewares 85.4 '120.6 246 41.5 58.5

Books '168.5 201.5 370 45.5 54.5

Electrical goods 829.6 324.4 1154 71.9 28.1

DIY goods 259.7 90.3 350 7 4.2 25.8

Music and video 280.0 148.0 428 65.4 34.6

0ther 242.1 187.9 430 56.3 43.7

Total 2479 2389 4868 50.9 49.1

Copyright O Verdict Research Ltd,



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following toPic.

These days is neither possibte nor desirable for most people to stoy in the
some job throughout their working lives.
To whot exte.nt do you ogree or disogree with this stotement?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge
or experience.

Write at least 250 words.



Example questions
. Where do you live?
o What kind of place is it?
o What do you like best about where you live?
o What kinds of jobs do people do where you live?
. Would you say it is a good place to work in?

. How much time do you speid playing or watching sports?

o Which sports are most popular in your country?
. Which sports did you do when you were at school?
. Do you think all children should do some sport?
o Do you like cooking?
o How often do you go to restaurants?
o What kinds of restaurants do you enjoy eating in?
o What does a restaurant need to do to be successful?

Example task
Read the topic card below carefully.
You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute
to think about what you are going to say. You can make notes if you want.

Describe a shop that you enjoy going to.

You should say:
o where this shop is
o what it sells
. how often you go there
and explain why you enjoy visiting this shop.

Example questions
. Are there certain kinds of shops that are becoming more popular?
o What disadvantages do you think there may be to an increase in consumerism?
r ln what ways do you think advertising affects people's attitudes?
e ln what ways do you think shopping may change in the future?

cENrcDAl "|-DAtnll^l/a ) SECT|ON 1


Questions 1-14
Questions 1-7
Reod the locoL counciL Leoflet obout recycLing on the foLlowing poge.
CompLete each sentence with the correct ending A-J from the box below.
Write the correct letter A-J in boxes 1-7 on your onswer sheet.

1 By phoning 020 8371 3670, you can find out about services that
2 The Bring Banks provided by the council
3 lt is possible that certain bring banks
4 The terms of the Compost at Home scheme
5 The containers at the Summers Lane site
6 The details of the Summers Lane site
7 Visits to the Summers Lane site in large vehicles

A require an arrangement to be made in advance.

B mean that residents can buy equipment at a reduced cost.
C have been changed recently.
D are situated in various locations in the area.
E are not available to local residents.
F involve residents leaving things out for collection.
G include a request that people organise items themselves.
H will accept a greater range of items than others.
I may be discontinued in the future.
J are not only for things that can be recycled.

110 xxmMKmrex
(rrtvl:t(AL I ttAlt\ilv{.1

}lENES HGtU ...

Recycle from Home:
is an easy-to-use weekly service for local residents that collects batteries
(household and cafl, cans, engine oil, foil, glass, mobile phones, paper, shoes,
textiles and yellow pages from your doorstep.
For further information, contact ECT Recycling: 020 8371 36701 quatinE ref: RH lDL

Bring Banks:
The council has many Bring Banks in the borough. They can take some or all
of the following materials: books, cans, glass, paper, shoes and textiles.
For more information call: 020 8359 4S54 quoting ref: BB lDL

Flats Recycling Service:

is an easy-to-use free weekly service for all local residents living in flats.
Recycling bins are installed to enable residents to recycle cans, glass
and paper.
To find out n"rors, contact ECT ftccycling: 020 8371 3670 I quofing ref: FR 1DL

Gompost at Home:
Home composting can reduce the rubbish in your household's bin by one
third and create free compost! The council is helping to minimise waste
by offering residents the opportunity to purchase home composters at
subsidised prices. Anyone can take part and you do not need to be a
keen gardener or have a big garden to make compost.
For further information telephone: 020 8359 4654 and request a
\ leaflet/order form quoting ref: CAMF lDL
\, Civic Amenity and Recycling Centre:
\ is based at Summers Lane. At the site you can recycle and dispose
\ of a wide range of goods including: batteries (household and car),
\ books, cardboard, fridges, furniture, gas bottles, garden waste,
\ Oaint, plastic bottles, scrap metal, tyres and wood. Where possible
, \ please sort your waste into the above categories. The site is
open Monday to Saturday B am to 4 pm and Sundays and Bank
Holidays 9 am to 4 pm. The site is closed Christmas Day, Boxing
Day and New Year's Day. Residents bringing vans need to
ring and make an appointment. The site does not accept
commercial waste.
F*r m*r* infarn:ati*n contect the *it* *n: *zCI 8*rS2 S7521
info@ECTre* quotinE ref: CA



Questions 8-14
Reod the museum informotion below.
CompLete the sentences below with words token from the possoge. Write N0 MORE THAN
TWO WORDS for eoch onswer.
Write your onswers in boxes 8-14 on your onswer sheet.

8 Visitors can find out how well-directed their.............. are.

I After running in a race, visitors can see an .............. of it.
10 Visitors who don't want to take part in physical activities can learn about incredible
in sport.
11 Visitors can Iearn about the relationship between how tall they are and
their.............. .

12 Visitors can learn about the effect that wearing the right might have.
13 The interactives enable visitors to assess their.............. in a variety ofways.
14 The merchandise includes that cannot be purchased anywhere else.


SCIENCE OF SPORT explains the science behind sport and encourages children (and
adultsl) to get themselves interacting with our state-of-the-art exhibits. Instead
of looking at displays, you'll actually be in them, taking part in races, games and
quizzes to test your skills and knowledge of sport. And while you're playing,
you're leaming too!
Try out the interactive displays and simulated experiences - dribble a football
against the ciock, climb an indoor rock face, test the accuracy of your tennis
shots, or compete against friends in a quick sprint complete with action replayl
Compare your scores with those of your friends and family to see who comes
out on top.
You don't have to be an avid sportsman or woman to enjoy this exhibition -
you'll find it's just as much fun learning new activities or even discovering
hidden talents! For those who prefer a less energetic visit, you can get a closer
Iook at some of the amazing inventions in the sports world that have heiped
produce record-breaking competitors.
SCIENCE OF SPORT answers your questions about ail sorts of topics - coordination,
ability, diet, exercise and the technoiogy of sport today all feature in this
exhibition. Leam how your height influences your throwing abilities, why good
reflexes improve your game or even how a good pair of trainers can help you
run faster. V/ith the aid of our interactives you can also leam more about your
own fitness by checking your pulse, measuring how tall you are, weighing
yourself and testing your reactions.
The exhibition is open daily from 10.00 to 18.00.
Merchandise including professional equipment, exclusive branded souvenirs and inspiring
gifts, suitable for a range of ages, will be on sale in the accompanying exhibition store.

) sEcTtoN

Questions 15-27
Questions 15-20
Reod the informotion below obout student services at o college.
Answer the questions below USING N0 M0RE THAN THREE W0RDS for each onswer.
Write your lnswers in boxes 15-20 on your answer sheet.

15 Which individual can give students advice?

16 Which eating place is said to be comparatively cheap?
17 Which eating place may get full?
18 Who is employed to make sure that everyone is safe?
19 What does the college expect everyone to be?
20 What does the college check to make sure nobody is treated unfairly?


You can relax in the Student Common Room - We are an open access college and we
there's music, TV and help available from our take your safety and security very
student services team, including the Youth Worker seriously. In order to maintain a safe
and Student Union Executives. On the other hand. environment for everyone, we provide
you might want to let off steam in the Games Student ldentity Cards, which must be
Room with pool and table tennis. worn and be visible at all times. Our
commitment to maintaining a safe
and secure environment for our
The Refectory
r students, staff and visitors is
everything frcm confectionery, a quick snack,
supported by a security team and
hot and co{d drinks to a full meal - all at the
closely monitored Closed Circuit
keenest Frices. Open every day frorn .
Television (CCTV).
8.30 am.
The College attracts students from a
' the very best of European snacks and.light,
,meals. Second floor..of the,majn buildinq.
wide range of backgrounds and
Open every,day cultures. We work on the assumption
10.00 am-3.00 pm. that anyone entering the College
shares our view that all people have a
The Restaurant
rrght to an education to meet their
. for a' really sophistirated dining'experience,
particular needs, in an atmosphere in
try either lunch (noon-2.00'pm) or dinner
which individuals are respected. We
{7.00-X'0.00 pm) in our:licensed restaurant,
make every effort, therefore, to ensure
We recommend that you bCICIk in.adVance
that no one is treated unfavourably on
on 020 8982 5068.
grounds of race, gender, age or
The Oaktree Cafe disability. We have an Equal
. snacks and drinks are available, between,., Opportunitres policy, monitor our
10.00 am and,3.00 pm with a full rrreaf,, enrolments and have firm rules dealing
service at with racial and sexual harassment.

Copyright O Southgate College

&ff\tf RAL TRP'INlNG

Questions 21-27
Reod the information below from o college prospectus.
Do the foltowing stotements ogree with the informotion given in the possoge? ln boxes 21-27 on

your onswer sheet write

TRUE if the stotement ogrees with the informotion

FALSE if the stotement controdicts the informotion
NOT G|VEN, if there is no informotion on this

21 Entry requirements may differ on different courses.

22 Requirements for mature students have recently changed.
23 Acceptance on a course may depend on when the application is sent.
24 The Admissions Service will provide extra copies of the Application and Reference forms.
25 Course numbers are given for all courses.
26 Applicants should send their references to the Admissions service.
27 A firm offer may be withdrawn after receipt of a reference.


All full-programme applicants will be interviewed for their course. Students on ALL
courses must be dedicated and prepared to work hard. See the individual course details
in this prospectus for any specific admisslon requirements.
Students must be at least 16 years old, unless under an arrangement with their school.
Mature students are encouraged to apply - if you don't have the formal entry
requirements, you may be accepted on the basis of an intervlew'
Send us your application as soon as possible because some programmes fill up very
quickly. Don't wait for your exam results! Priority for the programme originally applied
for is based on the date the appllcation is received. All applicatlons should be received
5y 25 July. However, in some cases later applicants will be accepted.
Detach and complete the Application and Reference forms, which are at the back of this
prospectus. Read the following notes before filling in your forms. Call the Admissions
Service with any queries.
lf a course number is given, please make sure you write it in the box provided on the
application form. Course numbers are in the course pages of the prospectus, under the
course tiile and next to the college centre where the course is held.
Write your full name, address and the learning programmes you have chosen on your
reference form and send it to someone who knows of your progress so far. This will
usually be your present or last headteacher or tutor. For students over 20, we may
accept a reference from someone who knows you well - for example an employer
(not a relative). The suitabllity of your referee should be confirmed with the
Admissions Service.
Ask the person providing your reference to return the form as soon as possible to the
Admissions Service. You may not be offered an interview untll a satisfactory reference
form is received by the Admissions Officer. We cannot offer a firm place on a
programme until a reference has been received.
qryry--E!4: Fr4+!l'+q!- fr - r1ry?-. ff"-*ffi*ry--.*'r9+.'lni+i,1ry

Copyright O Barnet College



Ouestions 28-40
Read the foLlowing possoge ond onswer Questions 28-40

How a 2)-year-old idea eventually became a moneyspinner

The story of how games designer Paul market. 'I chose Ntropy', he explains,
Wickens achieved success with his 'because it involves all the family. I wrote
bestselling game Ntropy is an object lesson to several of the big games companies with
to those who want to strike out on their a brief outline of my game and received the
own. Firstly, there's no need to rush. 'I had polite "Thanks, but no thanks" reply'. It is
the idea for what ended up as Ntropy - at this point, says Mr Wickens, that he
which, by the way, is a play on the word began to think seriously about going it
entropy, meaning chaos or disorganisation alone as an independent. 'OK, I knew
- about 20 years ago', says Mr Wickens. 'I nothing about the UK toy market but I had
was building structures with matchsticks a lot more general business experience than
while waiting for some friends in a bar. I did when I left college'.
Later I made a scaled-up version of a box of
matches, which we used to play with at The next step was to make a full replica of
college for hours on end'. the game, mostly in his workshop - a
converted garage at home. 'Then I had to
After leaving college, Mr Wickens, though testit. My father helped here because he
interested in starting his own company and works at an outdoor centre. He gave it to
having designed another couple of games people who had no idea who I was. I figured
by then, took the safety-fust route. 'I got a I had to get third parties to assess it and
job in IT as a programmer', he recalls. listen to what they had to say'. The result
'Laterl moved into sales support in specific was a return to the workshop for 'a fairly
applications, mostly centred round drastic redesign and some rule changes'.
e-cofllmerce. For the most part I forgot
about my games'. So what reawakened his Nevertheless, the designer was convinced
interest? 'It was about two years ago', says by now that Ntropy had commercial
Mr Wickens, 'and there was a downturn in potential. The next question was: 'Am I
the IT industry. Several of my friends and prepared to spend what it takes for the next
even colleagues lost theirjobs and a couple stage of development?' On the money side,

of them started their own companies. And Mr Wickens says it represented his savings
yes, I suppose I did reevaluate in the way over 20 years and remortgaging his house.
He set up a company, Tadpole Games -

you do when you think "What would I do
if I were made redundant?" '
friends helped with the design and logo for
$ the firm and the game box - and he
What most people don't do is try to crack registered with the UK Patent Office at a
the f-2 billion-a-year UK toy and games cost of f4,000.


The next stage was to design the plastic weren't the exact size I needed. It's the first
s base on which the stick structure could be really big lesson I've leamed. Never do a
ri; built. Mr Wickens says: 'A friend came up deal like this without going and checking it
-i with the design and a firm I found used this out frst'.
very futuristic process called Selective
i,* Laser Sintering to produce the first mould. I Mr Wickens formally launched Ntropy to

kept the different larts of the project the trade at the London Toy Fair. Then a
]E separate to protect it'. stroke of luck, essential to al1 budding
entrepreneurs, came his way. As he tells it:
Each Ntropy game consists of 64 identical 'Igave the game to a friend who was
sticks. 'I could only have done this with the meeting some mates in the pub. They
help of the Internet', he says. 'I spent
ili played and really enjoyed it. My friend rang
weekend after weekend looking for a the next day to tell me and added: "Oh, by
H sustainable source of timber. In the end I the way, they work at Hamleys." 'Hamleys
i} found a firm in southern Thailand which is London's top toy shop. 'Then their boss
.il used wood from rubber trees and could do rang me to say, despite one or two concerns,
,.€ it for about 20p a stick. It was also through "We like it, so let's give it a go" '. The rest,
,.# the Net that I leamed about letters of credit as they say, is history. Ntropy took off and
'an and shipping cargo on boats'. the first batch of 2500 moved fast.
After an anxious six-week wait,

arrived. 'I think it was a shock to J And the future? 'I've iust taken on someone
to develop the commercial side of Tadpole' ,
,s my neighbours', says Mr Wickens. 'There says MrWickens. 'If that works out, he will
were 700 boxes with 300,000 sticks. I
::a take a stake in the business. I want Ntropy
checked some samples and they were the to be a global product but I don't necessarily

right size. I was overjoyed'. Too soon. see myself as an out-and-out businessman. I
'Over the next few days I went through the already have another couple of games I'd
,ts other boxes and found around half of them like to develop'.

Copyright @ Telegraph Media Group Limited





) sEcTtoN

Questions 28-34
CompLete the fLow chort beLow.
Choose N0 M0RE THAN THREE W0RDS from the possoge for eoch onswer.
Write your onswers in boxes 28-34 on your onswer sheet.

Paul Wickens's development of Ntropy

built matchstick struclures and created a big model of a 28

*:,* a nd worked in lT

sent 29 of Ntropy to games companies

i-11119----,-::illi:ll -- --- i

tested the game i

--t - -

r;;il;*--- ,:
redesigned the game and introduced 31
founded a firm

i* had the base for the game designed by a friend

had the base made by a firm using something called 33

had the sticks made using material that comes from 34

Questions 35-40
The possoge hos ten porogrophs LobeLled A-J.
Which porogroph contoins the following informotion?
Write the correct letter A-J in boxes 35-40 on your answer sheet.

35 a reference to an assumption Paul Wickens made that proved to be incorrect

36 a reason why Paul Wickens thought he was qualified to start his oi',,n games company
37 Paul Wicl<ens's aim regarding the market for Ntropy
38 a description of a coincidence that proved fortunate for Paul Wickens
39 a reason why Paul Wickens began to consider his future
40 an explanation of the name Paui Wickens gave t0 his qame






I ntermed iate Cou rsebook

Second Ed ition

Richard Hallows Martin Lisboa


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