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C O M B A T I N G P O R N O G R A P H Y : Replacing Darkness with Light

Helping Members Develop a Plan to Overcome Pornography

Each member who uses pornographic materials has different issues or tendencies. Accordingly, all members who view pornography
should not be treated the same way. (See “Accurately Assessing the Scope of a Member’s Pornography Use.”) Rather, each member
should have an individualized plan to help overcome the use of pornographic materials. The foundation of the plan should focus on
helping the member understand fundamental gospel doctrines and build Christlike attributes and faith. This focus on doctrine and
on becoming more Christlike is more productive and more likely to produce long-term change than focusing primarily on behavior.
In developing a plan, consider how to help the member increase faith, apply the blessings of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, and
keep covenants. Ask for the Spirit’s direction to guide you and the member in developing this plan. It is important the member be a
participant in the plan’s development and that he or she become invested in it.

A good plan will focus on the following elements:


See “Helping Those with Pornography Problems through Repentance and Forgiveness.”


Those who are deeply involved in the use of pornography will often have suffered other significant emotional injury. As a com-
mon judge in Israel, it is the bishop’s role to determine when a member has completed repentance. However, a member may have
repented and still have emotional issues caused by the use of pornographic materials. If you believe the member has developed an
addiction or is in need of emotional help, consider consultation with LDS Family Services or another appropriate professional.


In addition to his or her own faith and abilities, the member will often need assistance and support from others. The extent and
nature of this support depends on how long and how intensely the member has been involved with pornography. A member who
has viewed pornography only a few times may need less time and less outside help to eliminate the problem. However, a member
who has viewed pornography for a long period of time—or who has progressed into hard-core pornography—will probably need more
time and more help. Resources to consider:

1 The Lord Himself

He is the ultimate strength and possesses the ultimate wisdom. He knows best how the
member can overcome this problem and should be consulted constantly by the member in
thought and prayer. Bishops should prayerfully consider whether the member will best be
assisted in the repentance process by withholding Church privileges for a period of time
(for example, temple attendance, participation in Church meetings, and partaking of the
sacrament) or whether an increased pattern of participation in these activities will best
benefit the member. The focus should be on saving the member’s soul.

2 Family

Much love, support, and guidance can come from family members. Bishops should carefully counsel with the member and encour-
age him or her to draw upon the strength of parents or a spouse in dealing with a pornography problem. Addictions thrive in
secrecy; therefore, careful disclosure to family members when guided by the Spirit can be a helpful part of recovery.

3 Priesthood Leaders

Priesthood leaders should provide strong support and guidance and should have regular follow-up interviews with the member to
ensure that progress is being made.
4 Professionals

Especially when a member has indications of pornography addiction (see “Accurately Assessing the Scope of a Member’s Pornog-
raphy Use”), the resources of a trained professional are invaluable. Priesthood leaders should exercise great care to refer a member
to a professional whose counseling methods and views are in accordance with the standards of the gospel. Contacting the closest
LDS Family Services office or LDS Family Services at Church headquarters can help bishops or other priesthood leaders assess lo-
cal professionals and be sure that the member receives professional counseling that is in accordance with gospel teachings. When
professional help is needed, it is almost always helpful for the member to authorize the release of information from the professional
to the bishop. This helps ensure good communication, coordination, and understanding among all three parties.

5 Technology

Many different technological tools may be of help to the member as he or she works to overcome the temptation to view por-
nography. These tools may be particularly helpful during the early stages as a member tries to get the problem under control. It
is important to recognize, however, that such technology is not an end in itself. A member who stops viewing pornography only
because he or she is prevented from doing so by a technological tool will usually find success to be short-lived. Full repentance and
a change of heart are the only real and lasting solutions.

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