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[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]

Basic Bank Limited

Post name: Assistant Manager Exam date: 26-01-2018
Solution By: Khairul Alam: (Unedited)
1. In container, there are 2 green marbles and 2 red marbles. you randomly pick the
marbles. what is the probability that both of them are green? (GKwU K‡›UBbv‡i 2wU meyR Ges
2wU jvj gv‡e©j Av‡Q| hw` ‰`efv‡e 2wU gv‡e©j †bqv hvq Zvn‡j `ywU gv‡e©jB meyR nIqvi m¤¢vebv KZ?) [Basic
Bank- (AM)-2018]
1 1 1 1
A. B. C . D.
2 3 4 6

♦Solution: (D)
Total marbles = 2+2 = 4
total choices = 4C2 = 6 (4wU gv‡e©j B †gvU K)
Green marbles = 2
now choice of both the marbles are green = 2C2 = 1
So, Probability of getting both the marbles are green is =
♦Alternative Solution:
First one is green = [cÖ_‡g †gvU 4wU gv‡e©‡ji g‡a¨ meyR 2wU ]
Probability of second marble is green = [cÖ_g gv‡e©j †bqvi ci †gvU †_‡K 1wU K‡g‡Q meyR †_‡KI]
2 1 1
So, probability of both the marble is green = × =
4 3 6

2. To represent a family budget on a circle graph, how many degrees of the circle should
be used to represent an item that is 20% of the total budget ? (GKwU cwiev‡ii ev‡RU‡K GKwU
e„ËvKvi MÖvd w`‡q †evSv‡bvi mgq †Kvb wel‡q H cwiev‡ii 20% LiP‡K e„ËvKvi MÖvdwU‡Z KZ wWwMÖ wn‡m‡e †`Lv‡Z
n‡e? ) [ICB - (AE-IT)-2017]& [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A. 76 degree B. 72 degree C. 60 degree D. 20 degree
♦Solution:(B) 20%
We know, the circle has total = 100% = 3600
360 × 100
∴ 20% of total Circle is = 720 Ans:

3. A boat sailing against a stream of river takes 6 hours to travel 24 kms, while sailing with
the stream it takes 4 hours to travel the same distance. What is the speed of the stream?

Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 114

[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]
(GKwU †bŠKv †¯ªv‡Zi wecix‡Z 24 wKwg c_ †h‡Z 6 N›Uv mgq †bq| Avevi ‡¯ªv‡Zi AbyK~‡j GKB c_ wd‡i Avm‡Z 4
N›Uv mgq †bq| ‡¯ªv‡Zi MwZ‡eM KZ?) [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A. 2.5 km/hr B. 1.5 km/hr C.1 km/hr D.0.5 km/hr

♦Solution: ©
Speed of boat against stream = 4km/hr
6 ‡evSvi Rb¨ g‡b ivLyb:
24 AbyKzj MwZ - cÖwZKzj MwZ
and speed of the boat with stream = = 6km/hr =†¯ª v‡ Zi MwZ
4 2
6−4 2
So, speed of the boat = = = 1 km/hr
2 2

4. A milkman purchases the milk at Tk. x per liter and sells it at Tk. 2x per liter still be
mixes 2 liters water with every 6 liters of pure milk. What is the profit
percentage?(GKRb `yawe‡µZv cÖwZwjUvi `ya x UvKv `‡i µq K‡i cÖwZ wjUvi 2x UvKv `‡i wewµ K‡i Ges cÖwZ
6 wjUvi `y‡ai mv‡_ 2wjUvi cvwb wgwk‡q wewµ Ki‡j †gv‡Ui Dci Zvi kZKiv KZ jvf n‡e?) [Basic Bank- (AM)-
A. 116% B.166.66% C.60% D.100%

♦Solution: (B)
Cost price of 6 litre milk= 6x tk (‡h‡nZz µq K‡i‡Q 6 wjUvi Ges cÖwZ wjUv‡ii µqg~j¨ = x UvKv| )
When sells 6 liters then mix 2 liters. so total sell = 6+2 = 8 liters.
Selling price of 8 litre milk = 8 2x = 16x tk
Total profit = 16x-6x = 10x tk
10x × 100
Profit percentage= = 166.66% Ans: 166.66%

5. A man could buy a certain number of notebooks for Tk. 300. If each notebook cost is
Tk.5 more, he could have bought 10 notebooks less for the same amount. Find the price
of each notebook? (GK e¨vw³ 300UvKvq wKQz †bvUeyK µq Ki‡Z cv‡i| hw` cÖwZwU †bvUey‡Ki g~j¨ 5UvKv †ewk
nq Zvn‡j †m 10wU †bvUeyK Kg µq Ki‡Z cv‡i| cÖwZwU †bvUey‡Ki gyj¨ KZ?) [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A.15 B.20 C. 10 D.8
Let price of each notebook = x
‡evSvi Rb¨ g‡b ivLyb:
300 300
− = 10
x x +5
⇒ x2+ 5x = 150
⇒ (x+15)(x-10) = 0
⇒x = 10

Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 115

[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]
6. 4 men and 6 women can complete a work in 8 days, while 3 men and 7 women can
complete it in 10 days. In how many days will 10 Women complete it. (4 Rb cyiæl Ges 6 Rb
gwnjv †h KvR 8 w`‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i GKB KvR 3Rb cyiæl Ges 7Rb gwnjv 10 w`‡b Ki‡Z cv‡i| 10 Rb gwnjv H
KvRwU KZw`‡b Ki‡Z cvi‡e? ) [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A. 40 days B. 36 days C. 32 days D. 34 days
♦Solution: (A)
Easy way:
(4men + 6 women ) ×8 = (3men + 7 women)×10 [‡h‡nZz cÖ_‡g 8w`b Ges c‡i 10 w`b ZvB ¸Y]
∴32men + 48women = 30men + 70 women
or, 2men = 22women
So, 1 man = 11 women. [Gfv‡e cyiæl gwnjvi AbycvZ ev Zzjbv ‡ei Kiv hvq|]

4men + 6 women = 44women + 6 women = 50 (mevB‡K gwnjv evbv‡bv n‡q‡Q hv‡Z GKRvZxq nq)
50 women need 8 days
So, 1 ‘’ ‘’ = 50×8 days
50 × 8
and 10 ‘’ ‘’ = = 40 days.
Formal way,
1 Man's 1 day's work = x
1 Woman's 1 day's work=y
4x+6y=1/8 -------I
3x+7y=1/10 -----II

3*I & 4*II we get,


Subtracting III from IV, we get,


So, 10 woman's 1 day's work=10y=1/40

So, 10 Women can do the work in 40 days(Answer)

7. Tow-fifth of one-fourth of three seventh of a number is 15 . What is the half of the

number?(GKwU msL¨vi `yB cÂgvs‡ki GK PZz_©vs‡ki wZb mßkvs‡ki gvb 15 n‡j H msL¨vwUi A‡a©‡Ki gvb
KZ?) [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A.75 B.157 C.175 D.57
Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 116
[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]

♦Solution: (C)
Let the number is = x
ATQ, ⅖ *¼*3/7 x = 15
Or, 3/70 x = 15
Or, x = 350
Or, ½ x = 175 Ans:C) 175

♦gy‡L gy‡L:
‡k‡li w`K †_‡K: 7 fv‡Mi 3 fvM 15 n‡j 1 fvM 5 Ges †gvU 7 fvM n‡e 35 Avevi 35 hw` 4 fv‡Mi 1 fvM nq
Zvn‡j 4 fvM Kivi Av‡M wQj 35×4 = 140 GLb GB 140 hw` 5 fv‡Mi 2 fvM nq Zvn‡j 1fvM n‡e 70 Ges 5
fvM hLb wQj ZLb wQj 70×5 = 350| myZivs 350 Gi A‡a©K n‡e 350÷2 = 175|

8. Length of a train is 170 meters and speed of train is 63 km/hours. This train can pass a
bridge in 30 seconds, then find the length of bridge.(63 wKwg/N›Uv MwZ‡Z Pjgvb 170 wgUvi `xN©
GKwU †Uªb 30 †m‡K‡Û GKwU †mZz AwZµg K‡i| ‡mZzwUi ˆ`N©¨ †ei Kiæb| ) [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A.355 m B.325 m C.365m D.312m

♦Solution: (A) eyS‡Z cvi‡j 10 †m‡K‡Û GK jvB‡b DËi

5 35 5
Speed 63 km/hr is 63× = m/s 63× ×30 = 525-170 = 355
18 2 18
So, goes in 30sec = ×30 = 525. Train is 170 So, bridge = 525-170 = 355

9. A water tank has tow taps (Tap –1 and tap-2). Tap -1 can fill a tank in 8 hrs and Tap -2
can empty the in 16 hrs. How long will they take to fill the tank if both taps are opened
simultaneously (GKmv‡_) but tap-2 is closed after 8 hrs? (GKwU cvwbi U¨vs‡K 2wU bj Av‡Q| cÖ_g
bjwU w`‡q m¤ú~Y© †PŠev”PvwU c~Y© n‡Z 8 N›Uv mgq jv‡M Ges 2q bjwU Øviv m¤ú~Y© †PŠev”PvwU 16 N›Uvq Lvwj nq| hw`
`ywU bjB GKmv‡_ Pvjy _vKvi 8N›Uv ci 2q bjwU eÜ K‡i †`qv nq Zvn‡j m¤ú~Y© †PŠev”PvwU KZ mg‡q c~Y© n‡e? )
[Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A.10 B.12 C.14 D.16

♦Solution: (B)
1 1 2 −1 1
In 1 hr the tank is filled = − = = part
8 16 16 16
8 1
in 8 hrs ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ = = part. Shortcut:
16 2 8 × 16
1 1 total time for both Taps = = 16
So, remaining part 1- = part. 16 − 8
2 2 1 1 1
1 part is filled by Tap-1 in = 8 hrs So,8hrs and another in 8× = 4hrs.
2 2 2
1 1
∴ ’’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ ‘’ 8× = 4 hrs Total time taken = 8+4 = 12hrs.
2 2
So, total time required = 8hrs+4hrs = 12hrs.
Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 117
[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]

♦gy‡L gy‡L mgvavb Ki‡Z PvB‡j Gfv‡e Mfxifv‡e fve‡Z n‡e:

GKUv 8 N›Uvq c~Y© K‡i Av‡iKUv 16 N›Uvq Lvwj K‡i, GLb `y‡UvB 8 N›Uv Pvjy _vK‡j cÖ_g bj w`‡q m¤ú~Y© U¨vsKwU
c~Y© n‡q hvIqvi K_v ( †h‡nZz Zvi 8 N›Uv jv‡M)| wKš‘ 2q bjwU H 8 N›Uvq U¨vsKwU Avevi A‡a©K Lvwj K‡i †d‡j (
†h‡ûZ dzj Lvwj Ki‡Z Zvi 16 N›Uv jv‡M) Zvn‡j ‡mB Lvwj nIqv A‡a©K Ask c~Y© Ki‡Z cÖ_g bjwU‡K 4 N›Uv
jvM‡e| ( †h‡nZz 2qwU eÜ n‡q 1g wU PvjyB Av‡Q ) Zvn‡j †gvU mgq jvM‡e 8+4 = 12 N›Uv|

10. A cylindrical rod of iron, whose height is equal to its radius, is melted and cast into
spherical balls whose radius is half the radius of the rod. Find the number of balls?
(GKwU †ejbvK…wZ †jvnvi i‡Wi D”PZv Zvi e¨vmv‡a©i mgvb| GwU Mwj‡q K‡qKwU e„ËvKvi ej ˆZix Kiv n‡jv hv‡`i
cÖwZwUi e¨vmva© H †jvnvi i‡Wi e¨vmv‡a©i A‡a©K | Gfv‡e KZwU ej ˆZix Kiv hv‡e?) [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6

♦Solution: (D)
Let, the radius of cylindrical rod = r
So, the height of cylindrical rod = r
So, the radius of spherical ball = r Number of spherical balls = n
area of cylindrical rod = π.r2.r = πr3 (GUv i‡Wi AvqZb Ges G¸‡jv w`‡qB ej ˆZi n‡e|)
4 r 4π r 3 π × r 3
again area of spherical ball = .π.   = × = (GK GKwU e‡ji AvqZb|)
3 2 3 8 6
π × r3
So, numbers of balls=πr3 ÷ (‡gvU AvqZb‡K 1wU e‡ji AvqZb w`‡q fvM Ki‡j e‡ji msL¨v ‡ei n‡e|)
= 6 Ans:

11. Rahim borrowed tk 800 at 6% per annum and karim borrowed tk 600 at 10% per
annum. After how much time, will they both have equal debts (FY)? (iwng evwl©K 6% nv‡i
800 UvKv Ges Kwig evwl©K 10% nv‡i 600 UvKv FY †bqvi KZw`b ci Zv‡`i Df‡qi FY mgvb n‡e?) [Basic
Bank- (AM)-2018]
50 83 44 20
A. yr B. yr C. yr D. yr
3 3 3 3

♦Solution: (A)
Let both have taken = x years
800 + 800×6%×x = 600 + 600×10%×x [‡h‡nZz `yR‡biB my`vmj mgvb]
⇒ 60x – 48x = 200
200 50
⇒x= = yr
12 3

12. The average of 6 numbers is 25. If 3 more numbers, with an average of 22 are added to
these numbers. What will be the average of the combined 9 numbers? (6wU msL¨vi Mo 25|

Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 118

[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]
G‡`i mv‡_ Av‡iv 3wU bZzb msL¨v hv‡`i Mo 22, †hvM Kiv n‡jv| GK‡Î 9wU msL¨vi Mo KZ?) [Basic Bank-
A.24 B.25 C.26 D.28

♦Solution: (A)
(6×25) + (3×22) = 150+66 = 216 new average = 216÷9 = 24

13. The difference of two numbers is 1365. On dividing the larger number by the smaller,
we get 6 as quotient and the 15 as remainder. What is the smaller number? ( `ywU msL¨vi
cv_©K¨ 1365| eo msL¨vwU‡K †QvU msL¨vwU w`‡q fvM Ki‡j fvMdj 6 Ges fvM‡kl 15 _v‡K| †QvU msL¨vwU KZ?)
[DBBL (AO)-2017] & [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A.370 B.270 C.350 D.720

Let the smaller number is x, So, larger number is x+1365
According to the question.
6x+15 = x+1365 (fvMdj (6) I fvRK(‡QvU msL¨v) ¸Y K‡i fvM‡kl †hvM Ki‡j fvR¨ = eo msL¨vwU )
Or, 5x = 1350
∴x= 270

14. The product of the positive numbers is p, If each of the number is increased by 2, the
new product is how much greater than twice the sum of original number ? (`ywU msL¨vi
¸Ydj p. hw` Dfq msL¨vi mv‡_ 2 †hvM Kiv nq Zvn‡j Zv‡`i eZ©gvb ¸Ydj Av‡Mi ) [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A. P times B.2p times C.(p+4) times D.(2p-3) times

♦Solution: (C)
Let, The numbers are x and y
So, Multiple xy = p
(x+2) (y+2) = xy+2x+2y+4
Greater = (xy+2x+2y+4 ) - 2(x+y) (we‡qvM Ki‡j †evSv hvq KZUzKz eo)
= xy+2x+2y+4-2x-2y
= xy+4
= p+4

♦Alternative easy way:

Again, (3+2)× (4+2) = 5×6=30
sum=3+4=7×2=14 difference=30-14=16 means p(12)+4

15. If a> b> 1, then which of the following is true?

A. a2 > b2 B.a2<ab C.b+a>2a D.a-b<0

♦Solution: (A)
let, a = 3, b = 2
Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 119
[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]
Then, a2 = 32 = 9
and, b2 = 22 = 4
So, a2 > b2 (eyS‡j, †QvU msL¨vi e‡M©i †_‡K eo msL¨vi eM© me mgqB eo B n‡e| )

16. A and B together can do a piece of work in 40 days . A having worked for 20 days , B
finishes the remaining work alone in 60 days, in how many days shall B finish the whole
work alone?() [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A.60 days B.70 days C. 80 days D. 90 days

♦Solution: (C)
40A + 40B = 20A + 60B
A:B = 1:1
80 days (Details c‡i †`qv n‡e| )

17. A jar contains white, red and green marbles in the rations 2:3:5. Six more green
marbles are added to the jars, and then the ratio becomes 2:3:7. How many white
marbles are there in the jar? (GKwU cv‡Î mv`v jvj Ges meyR gv‡e©‡ji AbycvZ 2 : 3 : 5| cv‡Î 6wU meyR
gv‡e©j †hvM Kiv n‡j bZzb AbycvZ nq 2 : 3 : 7| cv‡Î mv`v gv‡e©‡ji msL¨v KZ? ) (Janata Bank Off:- 2009) &
[Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A.5 B.6 C.9 D.10
♦Solution: (B)
Old ratio of white : red : green marbles is =2:3:5
New ratio of white :red : green marbles is = 2:3:7 (after adding 6 green marbles)
So, the ratio of green marbles becomes 7 from 5
We can write 7-5 = 2 part = 6 then 1 part = 3
So white marbles = 2×3 = 6

Formal way:
2x 2
5x + 6 7
⇒ 14x = 10x+12
∴x = 3 So, white marbels = 2×3 = 6

18. The length of a rectangular plot is 3 folds its width. Half the area of the plot is covered
by a playground whose area is 363 square meter. What is the length of the plot? [Basic
Bank- (AM)-2018]
A. 18.50m B. 13.61 m C. 17.21m D. 15.51 m

♦Solution: (D)

Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 120

[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]
3x2= 363×2 = 726
⇒ x2 = 242
⇒x= 242 (Ackb †`‡L 15 Gi eM© 225 Ges 16 Gi eM© 256 Zvn‡j 242 n‡e 15 Ges 16 Gi gv‡SB)
⇒ 11 2 ⇒ 11×1.41 = 15.51.

19. A box contains 10 electric bulbs from which 2 bulbs are defective. Two bulbs are chosen
at random. What is the probability the one of them is defective? (GKwU e‡· 10 wU ˆe`y¨wZK
evj¦ Av‡Q hvi g‡a¨ 2wU evj¦ bó| ‰`efv‡e `ywU evj¦ wbe©vPb Kiv n‡j Zvi †h †Kvb GKwU evj¦ bó _vKvi m¤¢vebv KZ?)
[Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
3 16 25 8
A. B. C. D
10 45 68 33

♦Solution: (B) evsjvq †evSv mnR| †evSv‡bvI mnR|

C2 1 ♦evj¦¸‡jv‡K 3fv‡e mvRv‡bv hvq|
Both defective = =
C2 45 1. `yw&U B bó 2.`ywU B fv‡jv Ges 3.‡h †Kvb GKwU bó|
GLb †gvU mvRv‡bv †_‡K cÖ_g `yfv‡e †bqv ev` w`‡j
no defective = 10
= cÖkœvbyhvqx Z…Zxqfv‡e mvRv‡bv †ei n‡e|
C2 45
1 28 29
Both defective + No defective = + =
45 45 45
29 16
one of them is defective = 1 - = = [‡gvU m¤¢vebv 1 - Ab¨ `yfv‡e m¤¢vebv = DËi: ]
45 45

♦Alternative Solution:
2 8 8
First one is defective and 2nd one is not defective = × =
10 9 45
8 2 8
Again first one is not defective but 2 one is defective == × =
10 9 45
8 8 16 16
So, probability of one of them is defective is + = Ans.
45 45 45 45
♦evsjvq e¨vL¨v:
‡h †Kvb GKwU evj¦ bó nIqvi `ywU c_ Av‡Q: K. 1g wU bó + 2q wU fv‡jv A_ev L. 1g wU fv‡jv Ges 2qwU bó
†gvU 10wUi g‡a¨ cÖ_‡g 1wU evj¦ wb‡j Zv bó nIqvi m¤¢ebv n‡e Gici Av‡iKwU evj¦ wb‡Z †M‡j 1wU evj¦ K‡g
†gvU evj¦ 9wU Ges ‡hLv‡b fv‡jv evj¦ Av‡Q 8wU| Zvn‡j Zv fv‡jv evj¦ nIqvi m¤¢vebv | myZivs cÖ_gwU bó Ges
2 8 8
Ab¨wU fv‡jv nIqvi m¤¢vebv = × = |
10 9 45

Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 121

[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]
8 2 8
Gici cÖ_gwUB fv‡jv Ges c‡iiwU bó nIqvi m¤¢vebv × = (cÖ_‡g 10wU †_‡K 1wU wb‡j Avi 9wU _vK‡e)
10 9 45
8 8 16
Zvn‡j 1g wU bó + 2q wU fv‡jv A_ev 1g wU fv‡jv Ges 2qwU bó nIqvi †gvU m¤¢vebv + = ( ‡h‡nZz
45 45 45
cÖ‡kœ †h †Kvb GKwU bó nIqvi K_v ejv n‡q‡Q hv `yfv‡e n‡Z cv‡i|)

20. Three pipes A, B and C can fill a tank in 6 hrs. After working at it together for 2 hrs, C
is closed and A and B can fill the remaining part in 6 hrs. The number of hrs taken by C
alone to fill the tank is? (A,B Ges C wZbwU cvBc GKwU U¨vsK 6 N›Uvq c~Y© Ki‡Z cv‡i| wZbwU bjB 2 N›Uv
Pvjy _vKvi ci cvBc C ‡K eÜ K‡i †`qv n‡jv| Aewkó Ask A Ges B 6 N›Uvq c~Y© Ki‡Z cvi‡j C GKvKx m¤ú~Y©
U¨vsKwU KZ N›Uvq c~Y© Ki‡Z cv‡i? ) [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A. 8 hours B. 10 hours C. 14 hours D. 18 hours

♦Solution: (D)
2 1
In 2 hours, ABC filled = = of the tank.
6 3
1 2
A & B filled in next 6 hours = 1 - = of the tank.
3 3
A&B&C can fill in 6 hours = 1 full tank
2 1
C can fill in 6 hours = 1 - = of the tank
3 3
C alone can fill the tank in 3×6 = 18 hours.

21. If x = 7- 4 3 then find the value of (x+ )? [Basic Bank- (AM)-2018]
A. 3 3 B. 8 3 C. 14 D. 14+ 8 3

♦Solution: (C)
x = 7- 4 3
1 1
⇒ =
x 7-4 3
1 7+4 3 1 7+4 3 1 7+4 3 1
⇒ = ⇒ = 2 ⇒ = ∴ = 7+4 3
x (7 - 4 3 )(7 + 4 3 ) x (7 - (4 3 ) 2 x 49 - 48 x
∴ x+ = 7- 4 3 + 7 + 4 3 ⇒14

22. An employer pays 3 workers X,Y and Z a total of tk. 36600 a week. X is paid 125% of
the amount Y is paid and 80% of the amount Z is paid. How much does X make a
week? [Basic Bank-(AM)-2018]
A)9000 B) 12000 C)10800, D)11700
Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 122
[Basic Bank- (AM) - 2018]

♦Solution: (B)
Let, Z is paid = 100tk
then X is paid 80% of 100 = 80tk
125 100
again X is paid 125% of Y or 125% of Y = 80 or Y× = X So, Y = 80× ∴Y = 64Tk
100 125
Now, X+Y+Z = 80+64+100 = 244
244% = 36600
So, 1% =
36600 × 80
∴80% (X) = = 12000

23. The volume rectangular solid is to increased by 50% out altering its base . To what
extent the height of the solid must be changed? (GKwU AvqZvKvi Nbe¯‘i f~wgi cwieZ©b bv K‡iB Zvi
AvqZb 50% e„w× ‡cj| Gi D”PZv kZKiv KZUzKz cwieZ©b n‡q‡Q?| ) [Basic Bank-(AM)-2018]
A.50% B. 40% C. 30% D. 20%

♦Solution: (A)
Area of the base = x & Height = h.
Original volume = xh.
Required volume = 1.5xh
Required height = 1.5xh/x = 1.5h
Increase in height = 50%. (a)

24. If (89)2 is added to the square of a number, the answer so obtained is 16202. What is the
(1/26) of that number? (GKwU msL¨vi e‡M©i mv‡_ hw` (89)2 †hvM Kiv nq Zvn‡j †hvMdj 16202 nq| †mB
msL¨vwUi 1/26 As‡ki gvb KZ? ) [Basic Bank-(AM)-2018]
A. 5.65, B. 2.70 C. 3.50 D. 6.66

♦Solution: (C)
Let, the number = x
x2 + 892 = 16202
⇒ x2 + 7921= 16202
⇒ x2 = 8281
⇒ x = 91
⇒ x/26 = 91/26 = 7/2 = 3.5. (c)

Khairul’s Bank Recent Math – 123

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