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A Formality or An
Ika Lestari Damayanti, S.Pd., M.A.
Iyen Nurlaelawati, S.Pd.
 Act No. 14/2007 on Teachers and
 Adult participants
 Kealing’s popular and non popular
sessions (a research on teacher training in
Research Context: two trainings
 A training by the government
 A training by an international NGO
 Survey: implementation and expectation
 Observation
Descriptions of the Trainings
 Training by the government office
 50 teachers teaching English in junior high schools in
West Java
 14-hour training a day (ten days)
 Training subjects: professional development, content
standard, learning models, peer-teaching, teaching
media,learning evaluation, academic writing, and
classroom action research
 Techniques of delivery: lecturing, questions and
answers, and group discussions
 Training by an international NGO
 28 teachers teaching English in junior high
schools in West Java
 Three-phase of training
 8 hours a day (4 days)
 Technique of delivery: participation
 Stationeries
Participants’ Perceptions
 Beneficial trainings for professional
 Positive aspects perceived by the
 Less expected aspects perceived by the
Positive aspects perceived by the
Training 1 Training 2
Improving knowledge and Improving knowledge and
professional expertise professional expertise
Interacting with trainers and Interacting with trainers and
colleagues colleagues
Self-reflection Self-reflection
Less expected aspects perceived
by the participants

Training 1 Training 2
Trainers’ delivery Less trainers’ talk
techniques-boring Less energizing games
Lack of media
Loaded assignment
Tight schedule
Participants’ expectations
Training 1 Training 2
Better schedule: duration, trainers, More information and innovation of
subjects, break time teaching methods
Trainers’ delivery techniques Trainers’ more talk
Applicable examples of classroom More games
Sufficient time for the participants to
Trainers’ effectiveness in delivery:
clear, not too fast, and time awareness
Handout provision
Thank you very
Hope formality is turned into entity
Undang-undang Nomor 14/2007
tentang Guru dan Dosen
 Memilik dedikasi dan lotalitas tinggi (pasal 1)
 Mampu memberikan motivasi, fasilitas, pendidikan, pengarahan dan
pelatihan bagi siswa (pasal 1)
 Merancang dan melaksanakan proses belajar (pasal 9a)
 Mengkaji dan mengevaluasi pembelajaran (pasal 9a)
 Mempertahankan dan mengembangkan kemampuan profesionalnya
(pasal 9b)
 Meningkatkan kemampuan dan keterampilan agar dapat mengikuti
perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (9d)
 Bertindaklah secara objektif dan tidak diskriminatif atas gender,
agama, etnik, ras, fisik dan kondisi social ekonomi dari siswa yang
mengikuti pelajaran (pasal 9e)
 Bangun dan bina hubungan baik dengan sesama guru, antra guru
dan siswa, antara guru dan orang tua siswa atau wali dan antra guru
dan msyarakat (pasal 9h)
 Menegakan peraturan, kode etik dan profesi guru (pasal 9f)
 Mempertahankan dan menjaga lesatuan dankeutuhan bangsa
dalam proses belajar mengajar (pasal 9g)

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