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CHAPTER 2 Sub-paragraphs a-c deal with the three formal

SOURCES OF INTERNATIONAL LAW sources of international law to which the Court

may resort and exclude material sources.
Article 38 (1), Statute of the International Court
of Justice Sub-Paragraph d refers to subsidiary means for
The Court, whose function is to decide in the determination of rules of law. It follows that
accordance with international law such disputes principal means for the determination of rules of
as are submitted to it, shall apply: law must exist.
a. international conventions, whether
general or particular, establishing rules These principal and subsidiary means of evidence
expressly recognized by the contesting are called law-determining agencies. Each of
states; these is composed of more or less fallible human
b. international custom, as evidence of a beings, and these cannot be taken to be passive
general practice accepted as law; agents who merely reflect true international law
c. the general principles of law recognized as it were in a faithful mirror.
by civilized nations;
d. subject to the provisions of Article 59, In case of law-creating processes, the emphasis
judicial decisions and the teachings of the lies on the form by which any particular rule of
most highly qualified publicists of the international law is created.
various nations, as subsidiary means for In case of the law-determining agencies it is on
the determination of rules of law. how alleged rule is to be verified.
2. This provision shall not prejudice the power of
the Court to decide a case ex aequo et bono, if the CLASSIFICATION OF SOURCES
parties agree thereto. FORMAL SOURCE is that from which a rule of
(ex aequo et bono- cases to be decided by law derives its force and validity.
principles of what is fair and just.) MATERIAL SOURCES are those from which
is derived the matter, not the validity of law. It
In order to enable the World Court to apply any supplies the substance of the rule to which the
asserted rule of international law, it must be formal source gives the force and nature of law.
shown that it is the product of one, or more, of the EXAMPLE:
three-creating processes, treaties, international A rule will be legally binding if it meets the
customary law or general principles of law. requirements of a custom. Custom is the formal
source of international law. Its substance will be
The significance of this enumeration lies in its indicated by state practice, which is the material
exclusiveness. source of custom.

The court is bound to take into consideration any ORDER OF APPLICATION

asserted rule which bears the hall-mark of one of When drafting the original text of Article 38, the
these three law-creating processes. It is committee considered a proposal that it should
immaterial whether such rule is also claimed as state that the sources listed should be considered
their own by any of the various brands of natural in the Court “in the undermentioned order”
law, has its origin in considerations of humanity, However, these words were not only superfluous,
or is postulated by the standards of civilization. but they might also suggest the idea that the judge
was not authorized to draw upon a certain source
2nd paragraph of Article 38 means that the Court before having applied conventions and customs
may ignore rules which are product of any of the mentioned respectively.
above three law-creating agencies and to If two states concluded a treaty in which the
substitute itself as a law-creating agency, depends solution of the dispute could be found, the Court
on agreement of the parties to a dispute. must not apply international custom and neglect
the treaty.
If a well-known custom exists, there is no asylum as a right appertaining to them and
occasion to resort to a general principle of law. respected by the territorial States as a duty
If the expression “undermentioned order” only incumbent on them and not merely for reasons of
meant that a convention should be considered political expediency.
before customary law, it is unnecessary.
This expression also seems to fail recognize that There has been so much inconsistency in the rapid
these various sources may be applied succession of conventions on asylum, ratified by
simultaneously and that nature of each source some States and rejected by others, and the
differs. practice has been so much influenced by
considerations of political expediency in the
CUSTOM various cases, that it is not possible to discern in
all this any constant and uniform usage.
ASYLUM CASE The Court cannot therefore find that the
COLUMBIA VS PERU Colombian Government has proved the existence
After an unsuccessful rebellion in Peru, a warrant of such custom.
was issued for the arrest on criminal charge But even if it could be supposed that such custom
arising out of rebellion of one of its leaders, Haya existed between certain Latin-American States
de la Torre, a Peruvian National. only, it could not be invoked against Peru which
He was granted asylum by Colombia in its repudiated it by refraining from ratifying the
Peruvian Embassy in Lima. Montevideo Conventions of 1933 and 1939.
Colombia sought, and Peru refused, a safe (MC – first to include a rule concerning the
conduct to allow Haya de la Torre out of the qualifications of the offence in matters of
country. diplomatic asylum)
Colombia brought this case asking the Court to
rule that: “Colombia, as the state granting asylum, In the Legality of Nuclear Weapons case, the
is competent to qualify the offense for the purpose Court confirmed that the substance of a
of the said asylum” customary rules is to be found “primarily in the
JUDGMENT OF THE COURT actual practice and opinion juris of states.”
The party which relies on a custom of this kind
“must prove that this custom is established in As the Court recognized in this case, although
such manner that it has become binding on the refers to a “general practice”, it allows for local
other party.” customs amongst a group of states or just two
The Colombian government must prove that the states in their relations inter se as well as for
rule invoked: general customs may supplement or derogate
1. it is in accordance with a constant and from general customary international law.
uniform usage practiced by states in
question, Although local customs exist, general customs
2. that this usage is the expression of a right are by far more numerous and important.
appertaining to the State granting asylum
and a duty incumbent on the territorial The International Law Commission included the
State. following in a non-exhaustive list of the forms
This follows from Article 38 of the Statute of the that the state practice may take: treaties, decision
Court, which refers to the international custom of international and national courts, national
“as evidence of a general practice accepted by legislations, diplomatic correspondence, opinions
law”. of national legal advisers and the practice of
The Colombian Government has referred to a international organizations.
large number of cases in which diplomatic Other categories listed are policy statements,
asylum was in fact granted and respected. press releases, official manuals on legal
But is has not shown that the alleged rule of questions, executive decisions and practices,
unilateral and definitive qualification was orders to naval forces, and comments by
invoked or that it exercised by the States granting
government on drafts produced by the Cannot evaluate the ratification of the
International Law Commission. Convention by a large maritime country or state
practice represented by its concluding an
ANGLO-NORWEGIAN FISHERIES CASE agreement on the basis of the equidistance
This cannot be established by citing cases where principle, as having exactly the same importance
coastal states have made extensive claims, but not as similar acts by a land-locked country which
have maintained their claims by the actual possesses no particular interest in the delimitation
assertion of sovereignty over trespassing foreign of the continental shelf.
Such claims may be important as starting points, Opinio Juris is a factor relating to international
which, if not challenged, may ripen into historic motivation and being a psychological nature,
title in the course of time. cannot be ascertained very easily, particularly
The only convincing evidence of State practice is when diverse legislative and executive organs of
to be found in seizures, where the coastal state a government participate in an internal process of
asserts its sovereignty over the water in question decision-making in respect of ratification or other
by arresting a foreign ship and by maintaining its State acts.
position in the course of diplomatic negotiation
and international arbitration. Ascertain the existence of opinion juris from the
fact that the of the external existence of a certain
Although acts in support of a claim may be “the custom and its necessity felt in the international
only convincing evidence where the claim is community, rather than to seek evidence as to the
challenged by the acts of another state, abstract subjective motives for each example of State
statements of a legal position have been practice, which is something which impossible of
recognized as being of value in other cases, as the achievement.
extract from North Sea Continental Shelf cases.
Delay in ratification of and accession to
Persons who act or speak in the name of a state multilateral treaties is a well-known phenomenon
do acts or make declarations which either express in contemporary treaty practice, experience
or imply some view on a matter of international indicates that in most cases cause by factors
law. extraneous to the substance and objective of
Any such act or declaration may be some instrument in question.
evidence that a custom and therefore that a rule of Therefore, number of ratifications and accessions
international law, does or does not exist but cannot in itself be considered conclusive with
course its value as evidence will be altogether regard to the general acceptance of a given
determined by the occasion and the instrument.
States like individuals, often put forward SHELF
contentions for the purpose of supporting a There are other elements that must be given their
particular case which do not necessarily represent due weight.
their settled or impartial opinion. 31 states comes into existence during the period
between its signature and its entry into force,
The repetition, the number of examples of State while 13 other nations have acceded to
practice, the duration of time required for the independence. Thus, the time during which there
generation of customary law cannot be 44 states could have completed the necessary
mathematically and uniformly decided. procedure enabling them to become parties to the
What is important in the matter at issue is not the convention has been rather limited.
number or figure of ratifications of and Taking into account the great and urgent
accessions to the Convention or of examples of problems of each of them had to face, one cannot
subsequent State practice, but the meaning which be surprised that many of them did not consider it
they would imply in the particular circumstances. as a matter of priority.
It is noteworthy that about seventy sates are at
present engaged in the exploration and
exploitation of continental shelf areas
It is the above analysis which is relevant, not the
straight comparison between the total number of
States in existence and the number of parties to
the convention. It reveals the fact that the number
of parties to the Convention on the Continental
Shelf is very impressive, including as it does the
majority of the States actively
A persistent objector cannot escape being bound custom: it is sufficient that any departure from the
by a new rule of customary international law that practice is recognized as illegal.
has the character of ius cogens. The concept of ius
cogens originated in the law of treaties, in which The above materials concerning custom are based
there is a rule prohibiting states from making a upon the voluntarist or consensual theory of the
treaty by which they derogate from a rule of ius nature of international law, by which states are
cogens. bound only by that to which they consent.
Example: A rule that proscribes conduct that is
fundamentally immoral or anti-social.
Does it matter whether the dissenting state was in Treaties determine the rights and duties of states
existence or not at the time the custom came into just as individual rights are determined by
being? Can the dissent of one state bring down a contracts.
custom if it is couple with that of others? If so, Their binding force comes from the voluntary
there is clearly a stage hem states leading an decision of sovereign states to obligate
assault upon a custom are, although participating themselves to a mode of behavior.
in an accepted law-changing process, While treaties are generally binding on the
delinquents. parties, the number of the contracting parties and
Another intrinsic weakness in the customary the generality of the acceptance of the rules
international law-making process is that, in some created by the treaty can have the effect of
cases e.g that concerning the breadth of the creating a universal law.
territorial sea.; the change from one rule of Treaties are, formally, a source of obligation
customary international law to another is rather than the source of law.
unacceptably slow with an interim period of In their contractual aspect, they are no more a
considerable uncertainty. source of law than an ordinary private law
contract which simply creates rights and
For the purpose of the formation of rules of obligations.
customary international law, consent is
commonly indicated by state practice not in the There is really no such thing as particular
form of positive statements or other action international treaty law, though there are
approving or following the practice in question, particular international treaty rights and
but of acquiescence. obligations.
Acquiescence describes as silence or absence of
protest in circumstances which generally call for The only law that enters into these is derived,
a positive reaction signifying an objection. principle pacta sunt servanda – an antecedent
general principle of law. The law is that the
Acquiescence cannot be established unless a state obligation must be carried out, but the obligation
has actual or constructive knowledge of the claim is not, in itself, law.
being made.
A statute is always, from its inception, law: a
Some rules of customary international law are treaty may reflect or lead to law but particularly
often broken, For example, it is not uncommon in its inception, is not, as such, law.
for states illegally to resort to armed force or to
intervene in the affairs of other states and more It reflects (e.g codifies) existing law, non-parties
than one government has tortured its opponents. may conform to the same rules, but they do so by
In such cases, the question must be whether the virtue of the rules of general law thus reflected in
delinquent and the other states continue to the treaty, not by the virtue of the treaty itself.
recognize the breaches as illegal.
The treaty may be an instrument in which the law
In Nicaragua, acknowledged that a practice does is conveniently stated, and evidence of what it is,
not always have to be followed for it to indicate a
but it is still not itself the law. (It is still formally the vessels of the states other than the riparian
not a source of law but only evidence of it.) state is left entirely to the discretion and the state,
and it has become an international waterway
A treaty becomes a material source of law, intended to provide under the treaty guarantee
because the rules it contains come to be generally easier access to the Baltic for the benefit of all
regarded as representing rules of universal nations.
applicability. When non-parties apply or conform
to these rules, this will be because the rules are or However, if a later treaty is contrary to customary
have become rules of general law. rule that has the status of jus cogens, custom will
If the treaty reflects/codifies existing law, then in prevail. A treaty is void, if at the time of its
applying it, the parties merely conform to general conclusion, it conflicts with a peremptory norm
law obligation already valid for them. (Same rule of general international law. A peremptory norm
applies where the treaty does not reflect existing of general international law is a norm accepted
law but leads to the emergence of a new general and recognized by the international community of
rule of law. States as a whole as a norm from which no
The parties apply the treaty not as law, but as an derogation is permitted and which can be
obligation inter se which antecedent general law modified only by a subsequent norm of general
respecting treaties compels them to carry out international law having the same character.
because they have undertaken to do so.
Where custom develops after a treaty, the rule is
If the treaty rule does eventually pass into general not clear. The logical rule perhaps should be that
law, its formal source as law is clearly custom or the later custom being the expression of later will,
practice, its adoption into general customary law. should prevail. But such an approach would
The parties are applying the treaty, but as they militate against the certainty of treaties.
would now be bound to apply it even if there were In practice, however, an attempt is made to keep
no treaty (or if the treaty had lapsed or the party the treaty alive by efforts at reconciling a treaty
concerned had formally denounced) its legal with the developing custom.
basis as law is clearly not the treaty, although it Example: reconciliation is the Anglo-French
retains a treaty basis obligation so far as the Continental Shelf Case, the issue was the
parties are concerned. applicability of the equidistance principle in the
delimitation of the continental shelves of the
Whether or not treaties override custom depends United Kingdom and France. The court does not
on the intention of the parties. If the treaty is overlook that under Article 6 the equidistance
intended to be declaratory or customary law, it principle ultimately possesses an obligatory force
may be seen as evidence of customary law. which does not have in the same measure under
the rules of customary law, for Article 6 makes
If a treaty comes later than a particular custom, as the application of the equidistance principle a
between the parties to the treaty, the treaty should matter of treaty obligation for parties to the
be prevail. A treaty manifest a deliberate choice convention. (The obligation to apply the
of the parties and the principle of pacta sunt equidistance principle is always one qualified by
servanda. the condition unless another boundary line is
For an instance, in the Wimbledon Case, although justified by special circumstance.)
the PCIJ recognized that customary international Multilateral Treaties – which a large number of
law prohibited belligerents from ferrying states are parties which lay down general rules of
armaments through a neutral state, the Court said conduct for the parties for them.
that Article 380 of the Treaty of Versailles opened Example: Vienna Convention on Diplomatic
the Kiel Canal to passage “to the vessel of Relations. They are referred as law-making
commerce and of war of all nations at peace with treaties.
Germany on terms of entire equality.” It follows
that canal has ceased to be an internal and Whatever dignity treaties may lose by not being a
national navigable waterway, the use of which by formal source of law, in practice they are a very
and increasingly, important source of state’s law are part of international law only to the extent
rights and duties. that they have been adopted by States in treaties
or recognized in State practice.

GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF LAW General principles recognized in national

Refers not to the principles of international law constitute a reservoir of principles which an
but to principles of municipal law common to the international judge is authorized by Article 38 to
legal systems of the world. They may be said to apply in an international dispute, if their
belong to no particular system of law but are application appears relevant and appropriate in
evidence rather of the fundamental unity of law. the different context of their Inter-State relations.

Either become part of the customary law or have The Travaux preparatoires of Article 38 and the
been incorporated into conventional international decisions of international tribunals support the
law. taken by majority. (Official record of negotiation
use in clarifying the intentions of a treaty.)
These restatement refers to the supplementary
rules of international law. These may be found in Even when apparently relying on this source of
judicial decisions and teaching of the most highly law, the Court has not infrequently either referred
qualified publicists of the various nations which also to customary law or left it ambiguous as to
the stature refers to as subsidiary means for the whether it was speaking of general principle of
determination of rules of law. national or international law.
It is general conception of law that every violation The main spheres in which these principles have
of an engagement involves an obligation to make been held to apply have been either the general
reparation. principles of legal liability and reparation for
Affirmation that private rights acquired under one breaches of international obligations or the
regime does not cease upon change of administration of international justice.
Principle of estoppel. CHORZOW FACTORY CASE:
A party cannot take advantage of its own wrong,
The affirmation of general principles of law as principle “generally accepted in the
found in domestic system as a source of jurisprudence of international arbitration as well
international law makes up for the fact that there as by municipal courts. It is general conception of
is no international legislative system. law that every violation of an engagement
involves an obligation to make reparation, and it
If the Court were to decide the case in disregard went on speak of restitution and damages.
of the relevant institutions of municipal law, it
would invite serious difficulties. There are number of reference to general
It is to rules generally accepted municipal principles of law in connection with questions of
systems and not to the municipal law of particular jurisdiction, procedure, evidence or other aspects
state. of the judicial process; circumstantial evidence,
this indirect evidence is admitted in all systems of
WALDLOCK, GENERAL COURSE ON law, and its use is recognized by international
Article 38 has the effect of incorporating “natural
law” in international law and even claim that In inter-state relations, the court transport into
positive rules of international law are invalid if international law substantive doctrine of national
they conflict with natural law. law; as different from principles of legal liability
Paragraph C adds nothing to what is already and reparation.
covered by treaties and custom; for these
authorities hold that general principles of national
Common law is authorized to apply under Article practice of the court to insist upon proof
38, paragraphs (b) and (c) very much as a single of manifestation of principle or to
corpus of law. Paragraph c adds a flexible indulge in elaborate comparative studies
element which enables the court to give greater of the legal systems of the world. Judges
completeness to customary law and in some have taken into account their own
limited degree to extend it. knowledge of the principles of the
systems in which arbitrators were
It is never question of importing into international themselves trained; and these would
law private law institution ready made and fully usually have been common law, roman
equipped with a set of rules. law, Germanic systems.
It is rather a question of finding in the private law
institutions indications of legal policy and Paragraph C was necessary to meet the possibility
principles appropriate to the solution of the of a non liquet (a situation where there is no
international problem in hand. It is not the applicable law)
concrete manifestations of a principle in different
national systems, but the general concept of law A rule answers the question what, a principle
underlying them that the international judge is answers the question why.
entitled to apply under paragraph C.
The general principles referred to were those
Phrase, “Civilized nations” which were accepted by all nations such as certain
Purpose: To leave out of account undeveloped principles of procedure, the principle of good
legal systems so that a general principle present faith and the principle of res judicata. (a matter
in the principle legal systems of the world would that’s has been adjudicated by a competent court
not be disqualified from application in may not be pursued further by the same parties.)
international law merely by reason of its absence There is identity of parties, subject matter, and
from, for example, the tribal law of a backward causes of action
people. There is "bar by prior judgment" when, as
between the first case where the judgment was
General principles of recognized in the legal rendered and the second case that is sought to be
systems of independent states. barred, there is identity of parties, subject matter,
and causes of action. In this instance, the
Does this mean that today a principle has to pass judgment in the first case constitutes an absolute
the test of a hundred legal systems and that in this bar to the second action.
legal tower of Babel no principle will ever be a But where there is identity of parties in the first
able to qualify for application under paragraph c? and second cases, but no identity of causes of
1. some of the principal European systems action, the first judgment is conclusive only as to
of law have penetrated over large areas of those matters actually and directly controverted
the globe, mixing in the greater or less and determined and not as to matters merely
degree with the indigenous law and often involved therein. This is the concept of res
displacing it in just those spheres of law judicata known as "conclusiveness of judgment."
in which we have seen that international Stated differently, any right, fact or matter in
law has most readily borrowed from issue directly adjudicated or necessarily involved
domestic law. There is a much larger in the determination of an action before a
unity in the fundamental concepts of the competent court in which judgment is rendered
legal systems of the world today than on the merits is conclusively settled by the
there might otherwise have been. judgment therein and cannot again be litigated
2. It was never intended under paragraph c between the parties and their privies, whether or
that proof should be furnished of the not the claim, demand, purpose, or subject matter
manifestation of a principle in every of the two actions is the same.
known legal system considered to be
civilized; and it has never been the
Concept of Unjust Enrichment is widely RIVER MEUSE CASE
accepted. Netherlands had complained that certain canals
constructed by Belguim were in violation of an
agreement in that construction would alter the
BARCELONA TRACTION CASE water level and rate of flow of the Meuse River.
Lifting the veil principle is found to be admitted The Court rejected the Netherlands claim and a
by municipal law generally, when deciding that Belgian counterclaim based on the construction
in exceptional circumstance, the national state of of a lock by the Netherlands at an earlier time.
the shareholders of a company could act to protect Principle of equity: where two parties have
them in the place of the national state of the reciprocal obligation, one party which is engage
company. Legal decision to treat the rights and in a continuing non-performance of that
duties of corporation as the rights and liabilities obligation should not be permitted to take
of its shareholders. advantage of a similar non-performance of that
obligation by the other party.
Equality is equity: he who seeks equity must do
Ex injuria jus non oritur – the does not arise from equity. A court of equity refuses relief to a
injustice/unjust acts cannot create law. plaintiff whose conduct in regard to the subject
Actio popularis was known only to certain legal matter of the litigation has been improper.
systems and hence was not a general principle. Equity has both a procedural and substantive
(lawsuit brought by a third party in the interest of aspect. Procedurally means a mandate given to a
the public as a whole.) judge to exercise discretion in order to achieve a
Unius est excluision alterius was held to be a determination that is more equitable and fair.
principle rooted in a good sense and common
practice of the generality of civilized nations, but
the English rule that grants by a sovereign should Different kinds of equity
be construed agains the grantee was not. (Express Within the law – adapted to the facts of the case;
mention of one thing, includes others; when one beyond the law – sued to fill gaps within the law;
or more things of class are expressly mentioned against the law – refusal to apply the law which
the same class are excluded.) is seen as unjust.
“the Netherlands claimed that Belgium had
infringed a treaty obligation by building canals
DIVERSION OF WATER FROM MEUSE that altered the flow of water in the River Meuse.
CASE Netherlands has lost the right to bring its claim
Equity have long been considered to constitute because of similar earlier conduct on its part.
part of international law and such as they have
been applied by international tribunals. Gulf of Maine case, “the concept of acquiescence
and estoppel in international law follow from the
The court has not been expressly authorized by fundamental principles of good faith and equity
the statute to apply equity as distinguished from
law. However, article 38 expressly direct the In what different ways was the Court using equity
application of general principles of law when applying the sources of law in these cases?
recognized by civilized nations and in more than As a general principle of law? As a concept found
one nation principles of equity have an in a state practice and hence a part of custom?
established place in the legal system. Reliance upon equity, and unduly subjective and
The Court’s recognition of equity as part of uncertain element into international law. (Equity
international law is allowed by the special power is simply reflection of the judge’s perception.)
conferred upon it. The Court has some freedom to
consider principles of equity as part of the In UN, equity has been referred to in General
international law which must apply. Assembly resolutions and other documents
concerning the New International Economic
Order as part of a distributive justice argument
favoring the establishment of new economic jurisdiction, and the straight baseline method in
order that is more sympathetic to the needs of drawing baselines for achipelagos.
developing countries. Stare decisis - once a question of law has been
The task of the court is to apply equitable examined and decided, it should be deemed
principle and to balance up the various settled and closed to further argument. This
considerations which regards as relevant in order simply means that a ruling on a certain state of
to produce an equitable result. facts established in a final decision of the
Philippine Supreme Court has to be followed in
Law-making treaties also now commonly rely subsequent cases by all courts in the land where
upon equity, with the Law of the Sea Convention, the facts are substantially the same, regardless of
being a striking example. whether the parties and property are the same.
Courts are bound by prior decisions. Thus, once a
Natural law is source of international law. The case has been decided one way, courts have no
law of nature may have been helpful to build a choice but to resolve subsequent cases involving
new law of nations and the conception of the same issue in the same manner.
inalienable rights of men and nations may have
exercised salutary influence, but they have failed The focal point of res judicata is the judgment.
as a durable foundation of either municipal or The principle states that a judgment on the merits
international law and cannot be used in the in a previous case rendered by a court of
present day as substitutes for positive municipal competent jurisdiction would bind a subsequent
law. case if, between the first and second actions, there
Some general principles of law involve inherently exists an identity of parties, of subject matter, and
necessary principles of natural law. (Formal of causes of action.
source not merely material.) On the other hand, the focal point of stare decisis
Example: is the doctrine created. The principle, entrenched
Pacta Sunt Servanda – a state or government under Article 8152 of the Civil Code, evokes the
cannot plead the provisions or deficiencies of its general rule that, for the sake of certainty, a
own internal laws or constitution as ground or conclusion reached in one case should be
excuse for non-compliance with its international doctrinally applied to those that follow if the facts
obligations. are substantially the same, even though the
parties may be different.

Subsidiary means for the determination of the LAW
rules of law. (Stare decisis)
Decisions of the courts have no binding force Difference between a binding and persuasive
except between parties and in respect of that authority of judgment.
particular case. Hence, such decision do no A perusal practice of World Court will reveal
constitute stare decisis. consistency in its judgment. It did not hesitate to
refer from its previous judgments and advisory
The decisions of the ICJ are not only regarded as opinions. (greater degree of responsibility and
highly persuasive in international circles; they care that a average lawyer shows when he deals
also have contributed to the formulation of in judicial capacity with real issues as compared
principles that have become international law. with private comments on such issue or the
discussion of hypothetical case. Difference
ICJ is the source of principles recognizing the between practicing shooting with dummy
international personality of international ammunition at a wooden target and firing with
organizations, the doctrine on “genuine link” live ammunition at a living target.)
between a person and a state for purpose of
Where a case is argued by experienced counsel has no binding force except between the parties
from widely differing legal training, it more and in respect of that particular case.
likely that an all-round view of the matter will be
taken where the same topic is turned over by a One exceptional instance of a ruling by the court
writer in the isolation of his study. not finding general acceptance is that in the Lotus
case on criminal jurisdiction in respect of
World court – law-determining agencies. The collision at sea as well as the “preferential fishing
persuasive character of its judgments and rights.”
advisory opinions depends on the fullness and
cogency of the reasoning offered. Least International Courts not only do not make law,
convincing statements on international law made they are also not bound by their previous
by ICJ excel by remarkable economy of decisions as to the law which they apply. Despite
argument. their absence of a doctrine of binding precedent,
the word court does tend to follow or feel the need
Minority opinions of judges who could not square to distinguish its own jurisprudence.
it with their judicial conscience to join the
“compact majority” may constitute evidence of a Often the court will cite its own case law for
kind which has an intrinsic value than any of preposition and not bother to refer to state
particular majority opinion. practice supporting it.
Other international courts that decide more than
In the investigation of the rules of modern law of one case tend naturally to build up a consistent
nations, particularly with regard to the extensive jurisprudence too.
field of maritime capture, reference is generally
and freely made to the decisions of the English Although there is no hierarchy of courts, the
courts. They contain more intrinsic argument, World Court is indisputably pre-eminent and its
more full and precise details. judgment and advisory opinions are highly
persuasive for other international courts.
The judges of municipal courts are more likely to The persuasiveness of the pronouncement of
suffer from subconscious national bias than a international court depends upon their intrinsic
body of international judges drawn from all merit.
quarters of the globe.

Cases do not make law. The decision of the Court

has no binding force except between parties and THE TEACHINGS OF HIGHLY
in respect of particular case. QUALIFIED WRITERS AND PUBLICISTS
Although judgments do not constitute a formal The extent to which they are referred to depends
source of law, those of World Court at least play on the tradition of the court or of individual
a larger part in the development of international judges.
law than theory might suggest. In common law jurisdiction, there is reluctant to
World Court as any other international court or use them, more so in the US than in Britain. The
tribunal is by no means the mechanical recorder ICJ is generally reluctant to refer to writer but
of law that might be supposed, a fact which they are often taken into consideration.
becomes important in assessing the contribution
of the Court because of undoubted influence that Publicists are institutions which write on
its pronouncements have on subsequent state international law.
practice. International Law Commission – an organ of the
The decision in a particular case has a deep U.N
repercussions, particularly in international law, International Law Commission – a multinational
because views which have been confirmed by that body; Restatement of Foreign Relations Law of
decision acquire quasi-legislative value, in spite the United States; the annual publication of the
of the legal principle to the effect that decision Hague Academy of International Law.
It should be noted that these institutions are customary rule: practice or usage and opinion
generally government sponsored, hence, they juris.
bear within themselves a potential for national
bias. Unless one takes the extreme and untenable,
position that only physical acts constitute
practice, General Assembly Resolutions which
PARRY, THE SOURCES AND EVIDENCE are collective pronouncements of States must be
OF INTERNATIONAL LAW considered a part of State practice.

Subsidiary status. State Practice is any or or statement by a state

No legal order wherein the publicist has played a from which views about customary law can be
greater part than international law. inferred; include physical acts, claims,
Grotius is the father of law of nations and at the declarations in abstracto, national judgment,
beginning of the last century, all states seemed to national laws.
rely heavily on Vattel.
State practice may be evidenced either in
As the body of judicial decisions increases, the declarations of general principle or in resolutions
authority of the commentator is diminished. dealing with particular cases.
The literature of international law possesses
evident defects. The writers of one country thus With respect to declarations of general principles
reflect their national legal tradition and technique it may be objected that the practice, to be
rather than any national political viewpoint. constructive of custom, must relate to a specific
claim or dispute.
By attracting attention to international practice
and apprising it, the writers indirectly influence Resolutions may satisfy the subjective element of
its further evolution, that is the development of customary international law by expressly
customs. articulating a belief concerning the existence of
principles and rules of international law.
They were largely responsible for establishing the Such belief may also be complied either by the
basic idea that there was such a thing as law terms and context of a resolution or by the
governing the relations between states. circumstance surrounding its adoption,
Their statements of the law were derived by particularly if the resolution is dealing with a
deduction from natural law principles and by specific dispute or situation.
generalization from what state practice they could
Naturalists – based international law on natural Declarations of legal principles and resolutions
law; Positivist based it on the consent of states by the United Nations are generally considered
evidence in state practice; Eclectic relied on both. merely recommendatory, But if they are
supported by all the states, they are an expression
It is true that the great majority of writers show a of opinion juris communis.
very marked tendency to restrict the But growing a number of weaker nations, who
responsibility of the states. Their doctrines are have a very substantial vote, feel that U.N
frequently politically inspired and represent a resolutions should have the force of law. It can
natural reaction against unjustified intervention in also be the reflection of what has become
the affairs of certain nations. customary law.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION Non-treaty agreements. They are international
Related to customary international law as one of agreements not concluded as treaties and
the elements required for the validation of a
therefore not covered by the Vienna Convention
on the Law of Treaties.
Source of soft law is administrative rules which
guides the practice of states in relation to
international organization. They can be carried
out with the varying degrees of consistency and
uniformity that may eventually ripen into
customary law or become formalized later on its
It plays an important role because states prefer
non-treaty obligations as a simpler and more
flexible foundations of their future relations. The
difference lies mainly in the wish of the parties to
model their relationship in a way that excludes the
application of treaty of customary law on the
consequences of breach of obligation.

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