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Ambivalence having two different feelings at the same time

Affluence the state of great deal of money

Opulence Great wealth, Lavishness

Malign To say false things and unpleasant things about someone or to unfairly criticize them

Martinet Someone who always demands that rules and orders are always be obeyed

Incorrigible (of a person or their behavior) not able to be changed or reformed.

Inveterate Having specific habit for long time

Magnate Wealthy or Influential Business man

Clandestine something that is done in secret

Disparage express a negative opinion of , belittle or degrade a person or idea.

equivocate be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information

disheveled not clear or untidy

baffling If something is baffling, it's completely confusing or mysterious

repulsive Disgusting, loathsome, hateful

attempt Bold, willing to take risks

parry a blow Ward off, to prevent an attack or something coming to you

to avoid giving a direct answer to (a question) by being skillful or clever

Displace, replace, taking place of

indefatigable Tireless

loquacity Someone who talk too much, the quality of talking a great deal; talkativeness.

"he was renowned for loquacity"

demagogue a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather
than by using rational argument.
"the Senator was a gifted demagogue, with particular skill in manipulating the press"

(of a person or action) showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.

naïve "the rather naive young man had been totally misled (of a person) natural and unaffected;

magnanimous generous or forgiving, especially towards a rival or less powerful person.

apathetic Uninterested, Indifferent, uninvolved

placate If you placate someone, you stop them from being angry by giving them something or doing something that
pleases them.

Vacillate means to waver back and forth, unable to decide.

unhappy about being away and longing for familiar things or persons
feeling happy and also slightly sad when you think about things that happened in the past:

antipathy A feeling of strong dislike or anger

circumspect Careful not to take risks ………Pehle sochna pir kaam krna

intrepid Bold , fearless

taciturn (of a person) reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little

iconoclastic criticizing or attacking cherished beliefs or institutions.

Cavalier not considering other people's feelings or safety:
That's a rather cavalier attitude
Enervated to make someone feel weak and without energy

Perspicacity the ability to understand things quickly and make accurate judgments:
a woman of exceptional perspicacity
Gregarious (of a person) fond of company; sociable.

Phlegmatic A phlegmatic person does not usually get emotional or excited about things:

As a football player, his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner. A phlegmatic person does not
usually get emotional or excited about things:
outstandingly bad; shocking.
egregious "egregious abuses of copyright"

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