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Working Paper 1.

Signatories: Jordan, Palestine, Mozambique, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Uganda, Syria, iran, oman, brunei,
Pakistan, Sudan, Gambia, Qatar, Egypt, Cameroon, Afghanistan, Albania, Nigeria, Tajikistan , UAE, Saudi
arabia, Qatar,Suriname,

1. Reaffirming our commitment to the principles that are entrenched in the OIC Charter, OIC
Convention on Combating International Terrorism, UN Charter and past UN Resolution
related to terrorism,
2. Having considered the definition of extremism as a term that is widely used to describe and
explain particular opinions, ideologies, views and a way of thinking that may be related to
religion, society or politics that are considerably far from the acceptable norms of society
and are extreme in essence,
3. Having examined Islamic Extremism as the extreme and radical interpretation of the
peaceful religion of Islam constituting of different extremist ideologies and belief systems
that are the cornerstone behind the motives of violent transnational actors,
4. Taking into consideration that extremism and radicalism is linked with terroristic acts as
extremism and radicalization of the general populace leads to eventually terrorism or
terroristic acts to be committed to fulfill the agenda behind the extremist ideologies or
belief systems adopted by the people and by transnational terrorist groups,
5. Fully aware of the definition of transnational or non-state actors as those entities or actors
who do not fall under the jurisdiction and control of governments and transcend
international borders, includes Inter-governmental Organizations(IGO's), Non-governmental
Organizations(NGO's), Multi-National Corporations(MNCs) etcetera but for the purposes of
this particular committee focusing on those transnational actors known as violent non-state
actors that pose a threat to international peace and security that includes terrorist
6. Keeping in mind that there has been no generally accepted definition of terrorism on which
a consensus exists among the Muslim Ummah which has been an impediment to drafting an
effective counter-terrorism strategy,
7. Draws the attention of the organization to the definition of terrorism provided in UN
General Assembly Resolution 51/210 which was adopted by consensus by the international
community thus provides the following definition,’’ criminal acts intended or calculated to
provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for
political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable, whatever the considerations of a
political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic, religious or other nature that may be
invoked to justify them",
8. Realizing that the issue of terrorism is an intermestic1 problem as it is both a domestic
problem concerning states and an international problem concerning the international
community as a whole thus the OIC must devise solutions and actions regarding terrorism
keeping in mind the two- level games2,
9. Recognizing and analyzing the western coined term of "Political Islam" which is the
exploitation of the religion of Islam by maintaining to use historical Islamic documents and
customs to achieve modern goals for political and expansionist purposes by violent non-
state actors,
10. Realizing the different Islamic ideologies that are either extremist, moderate or balanced
that fall under the ambit of the term Political Islam and are being used by various violent
transnational terrorist groups to justify their actions and also keeping in mind that the
actions taken by these groups are a result of ideological evolution such as but not limited to:

a) Islamic Fundamentalism and Neo-Fundamentalism:Islamic fundamentalism concerns strict

belief in the traditions and customs of Islam as well as the strict adherence to Islamic Law
which is known as Shariah and propagated by clergymen or Muslim priests also affiliated
with the Wahabbi or Salafi school of thought while its extreme offshoot neo-
fundamentalism supports violent means necessary if it comes to that to impose Shariah on
the general populace which has been adopted by several transnational terrorist groups,
b) Pan Islamism and Islamism: Pan-Islamism being another product of the nineteenth century
and envisaged by thinkers such as Jalal-ud-din Afghani who propagated the idea of the
universality of Islam and the need for a single Islamic State comprising of all the Muslim
Population of the globe more commonly known in the Arabic term as ''ummah'' while also
being critical of Muslim Nationalism as it confined Muslim within defined political borders as
derived from the western idea of the state and self-determination which was anti-thetical to
very concept or idea of a single "Islamic state", on the other hand the extreme branch of

concept used to describe those particular issues concerning states that are simultaneously domestic and
international problems
decisions and actions that will meet simultaneously both domestic and foreign goals
Pan Islamism being Islamism which was advocated by Islamic philosopher and extremist
Abul Ala Maududi who attacked western ideas and called the notion of secularism as
contrary to the teachings of Islam which today form the basis of the stance and motives
propagated by numerous transnational terrorist organizations,

11. Deploring the disruption and disturbance in the balance of power3 in the Middle Eastern and
South Asian region due to the birth of transnational terrorist groups who are advocating
extremist objectives and taking extreme actions to fulfill those objectives thus threatening
the peace, security and stability of this particular arena and certain states who are creating
WMD( Weapons of Mass Destruction),
12. Draws attention of the organization to the widely used cliché that one man’s terrorist is
another man’s freedom fighter which has led to serious misinterpretations as both non-
state actors claim that they struggling for freedom thus provides the definition of both the
terms as:
a) Terrorism and Terrorists are after having examined UN General Assembly Resolution
51/210 which describes terrorist activities to be,” Criminal acts intended or
calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or
particular persons for political purposes are in any circumstance unjustifiable,
whatever the considerations of a political, philosophical, ideological, racial, ethnic,
religious or any other nature that may be invoked to justify them’’,
b) Freedom Fighters are non-state actors who act on behalf of a civilian population
opposing an oppressive force and struggling to achieve legitimate end goals in
accordance with the OIC Charter ,United Nations Charter and Resolutions,
13. Keeping in mind the definition of insurgencies as any active uprising within a particular state
by a group of people who are actively opposed to body with a conflicting or opposite point
of view usually the government,
14. Having examined in particular and discussed the condition and causes that are conducive to
the spread of extremism and terrorism such as but not limited to:

a) Political instability and power vacuum caused by unnecessary interventions and

incompetence of the host government,

Equal distribution of power and weapons In a particular region
b) Backwardness in the general public and entrenched beliefs in their particular religions
thus making them sensitive about the question of religion making them vulnerable to
extremist ideologies propagated to them by transnational terrorist groups,
c) Corruption, lack of effectiveness and inefficiency in the governmental setup of a
particular state,
d) Aggrieved and deprived populations with a lack of awareness who are not getting the
basic necessities of life,
e) Religious intolerance and sectarian divides in the society such as Shia-Sunni Division,
f) Madrassas in the place of proper schools which is a main cause if not regulated by the
government effectively,
g) Various Transnational Terrorist groups trying to impose their extremist ideologies on
the people through bribes or financial inducements and giving various positions in
their organizational structure as seen in the case of Taliban exploiting the
marginalization of the people and as last resort when all options to convince fails
through threat to life and property,
h) Wide scale discrimination and socio-political marginalization of the population and an
exclusive society in place of an inclusive society,
i) Ethnic or internal conflicts in a particular state,
15. Keeping in mind the implications and effects that terrorism has on the global political system
such as but not limited to:
a) Disturbance in the balance of power,
b) Internal conflicts and insurgencies in states,
c) Economic impacts on the GDP(Gross Domestic Product) and the GNP(Gross National
Product) of a state,
d) Psychological and social impacts on the people instilling in them a constant fear,
e) Disturbance in the existing order prevalent in a state and leading to state of anarchy,
16. Taking into account the way transnational terrorist groups recruit people and keeping in mind
that these groups have a complete organizational structure which also includes propaganda
machinery specifically tasked to propagate the respective ideologies of the group and inciting
people to terrorism such as but not limited to:
a) Take advantage of the socio-political marginalization of the people and operate
around those particular areas where people are usually backward and sensitive in
regards to religion,
b) Bribe people to join and give them financial inducements if they are not well off or
threaten them with life and property,
c) Specifically target deprived populations and minorities and grant them important
positions in the organizational structure thus motivating more people to join,
17. Emphasizes in particular the significance of social media as a platform from where wide scale
recruitment happens and propagation of the ideologies of these groups through:
a) Posting of videos and messaging people online,
b) Accessing chat rooms to influence people,
c) Using the deep and dark web to remain anonymous,
d) Fake Facebook and Twitter accounts and pages to influence the opinion of the public,
18. Draws the attention to the ways through which these terrorist groups acquire funds and
finance for their activities such as but not limited to:
a) Licit means:
i. Charities,
ii. Profits from private businesses and agribusiness,
iii. Donor organizations,
iv. Through Multi-national Corporations,
b) Illicit means:
i. Extortion,
ii. Ransoms from kidnappings and bank robberies,
iii. Drugs and Arms Trade,
iv. Control over oil fields and refineries,
v. Trade of illegal artifacts, heritage, slaves and human trafficking,
vi. Taxation of the local populace where these groups have control through Jizya
or Fay,
19. Having examined State Sponsored Terrorism through either active or passive support to
violent transnational actors by individual states due tone conflicting interests and believes
that multi-literalism is one of most viable way forward in this regards keeping in mind the
Qatari Crisis where drastic action was taken by the GCC which further escalated the conflict,
20. Recalling the Responsibility to Protect (R2P), which is an effective and responsible doctrine
and the cases in which it has been applied in certain countries which have produced mixed
results, hence, we suggest further improvisations in the case of :
a) Capacity Building,
i. Using the strategy of BUILD-OPERATE-TRANSFER,
b) Conflict Prevention,
c) Post conflict measures,
ii. Development programs in war torn countries
iii. Providing humanitarian aid in light of the Oslo Guidelines to refugees and internally
displaced persons,
d) Accountability,
21. Believes that intervention can only be carried out and will be legal in the following proposal:
a) An ad-hoc committee consisting of a panel of experts under the OIC would be
b) The panel would determine the competency of the host government of a state where
a call for intervention arises through proper investigation and collaborating with
intelligence agencies of member states such as the General Intelligence Directorate
and also conducting a rigorous cost benefit analyses,
c) The panel would need to submit a report of its findings in a pre-determined time
frame of 2-3 months to the Islamic Summit and intervention would be done in the
following criteria:
i. If the government is competent enough, then intervention can be done
only with the consent of the government or invites the OIC for
intervention and would be assisted by the OIC’s member states to curb
the Violent non-state actors operating within their territory,
ii. If the government of the particular state is not competent and is unable
to curb the terrorist groups operating within their territory, committing
genocide on its own people and causing unnecessary collateral damage
then consent would not be required for intervention and the following
process will be taken:
A. An Extraordinary Islamic Summit would be called consisting of
the heads of states and representatives of every member state,
B. The Summit would review the findings of the experts and
extensively debate upon it,
C. Intervention would be stressed when determination of
negotiations with all parties in an inclusive process has failed,
D. Mutual Consensus and cooperation would be ensured through
sharing of information with regards to the terrorist groups,
E. Intervention would be done by a democratic vote and Islamic
Summit would decide through a simple majority,
F. This shall allow for equal representation for every member state
and at the same time preserve their autonomy by being
themselves the determiners of whether military intervention is
done or not,
G. This shall also allow states the basic option of deciding for itself
whether it chooses to accept military intervention or not,
H. Further believes that this shall allow the OIC member states to
democratically determine whether the sovereignty of another
state is to be held legally recognizable or not,
I. A coalition under the OIC would militarily intervene,
22. Emphasizes that intervention is a short term solution for combating active violent non-state
actors and stresses that as long term solution focus should be attached to preventing
extremism on the grassroots level through cooperation,
23. Reaffirms our commitment to solve regional crisis like Qatari Crisis which are an impediment
to cooperation between the Muslim Ummah and hopes to solve them in a diplomatic manner
reaching a middle ground between all stake holders on this particular issue while also
highlighting this bloc’s neutrality,
24. Draws attention to the refugee crisis caused by the activities of violent transnational actors
and civil wars which have been a burden on certain country’s economy while also
commending the efforts of states like Jordan in taking in refugees and providing for suitable
conditions in refugee camps,
25. Proposes a concept of burden sharing where a coordinated response to the refugee crisis
could be developed by allocating a certain amount of quota which OIC Member states would
be obligated to fulfill in regards to taking in refugees,
26. Stresses on the need to prevent conditions that contribute to extremism and eventually
terrorism thus proposes the following formula but not limited to:
a) Deradicalization of the general populace through using the forums of media, targeting
specifically those individuals who are vulnerable, providing incentives to the local
population and job opportunities,
b) Regulating Madrassas and bringing them under governments control as they play a
pivotal role in radicalization,
c) Issuing licenses through background checks to religious scholars and clerics,

d) Devising a religious curriculum by gathering all the influential Islamic scholars and
ensuring that the curriculum is moderate and balanced,
e) The issuing of fatwas and repudiation of the extremist ideologies by these clerics as they
are influential,
f) Figures of different sects to meet in order to settle disputes as seen in Sunni-Shia rift and
reaching a consensus on how the Muslim community will function,
g) Provide more recognition for minorities to diffuse use of force,
27. Proposes the framework by the name of CFP( Countering Finance Policy) which will be as
a) Carrying out intelligence sharing between member states in locating oil fields and
refineries and determining traders and dealers working in cooperation with these
i. Taking control of oil fields through ground operations and survellience,
b) Stricter border control facilities keeping in mind the Arms Trade Treaty to stop the
flow of heritage and artifacts from falling into the black market by:
i. Using advanced technology such as x ray scanners to identify such objects,
ii. Creating a database of missing items or which can be expected from certain
iii. Stricter implementation of custom checks and laws,
iv. Use of biometric and NIC’s for more organized processing,,
c) Formation of a financial action task force to identify and seize bank accounts of
people and corporations funding these forces,
d) A database be established containing all Non-Profit Organizations and their intentions
along with proper revenue and bank statements,
e) The database to be analyzed by OIC and also collaborating with World Bank and IMF,
28. Encourages implementation of the CR-7 Framework or the counter-recruitment-7 framework
which contains 7 different ways which are as follows:
a) Creating awareness for the general public on social media platforms to avoid interacting
with people of unknown backgrounds and following the controversial pages on these
b) Countering brainwashing of people by collaborating with NGO’s as well as UN Bodies such
as UNESCO and WHO,
c) Providing rehabilitation programs for people influenced by these groups,
d) Providing proper jobs and incentives to the unemployed people,
e) Proper establishment of family systems in order to protect the integrity of a family so they
cannot be exploited or be recruited,
f) Reintegrating refugees into society so that they do not join terrorist organizations in order
to survive or commit lone wolf attacks,
29. Proposes the formation of firearms hotspots under the ambit of UN Firearms Protocol in
conflict zones where any insurgents can surrender their weapons peacefully as well as thin
out zones to decrease the concentration of weapons in a particular area and ensuring it with
establishing ground sensors,
30. Believes Countries who are sponsoring terrorism or have been part of heinous crimes during
military interventions to be brought in the Islamic Court of Justice and if found guilty, there
will be sanctions and blockades imposed upon them,
31. Endorses the PDP Framework which is to Protect the people from radicals, to curb terrorism
and its roots, and to prevent terrorism from growing further as also highlighted in previous
32. Decides remain seized of the matter.

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