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Acknowledgments. We are indebted to the Uni- tion. We also gratefully acknowledge the support of
versity of Minnesota Computing Center for a grant the donors of the Petroleum Research Fund, adminis-
supporting the calculations reported in this communica- tered by the American Chemical Society.

Thermodynamics of Electrolytes. IV. Activity and

Osmotic Coefficients for Mixed Electrolytes
Kenneth S. Pitzer* and Janice J. Kim
Contribution from the Inorganic Materials Research Division of the
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and the Department of Chemistry,
University of Californiu, Berkeley, California 94720. Received April 16, 1974

Abstract: An equation has been developed with the guidance of recent statistical theories of electrolytes which
is designed for convenient and accurate representation and prediction of the thermodynamic properties of aqueous
electrolytes including mixtures with any number of components. The three previous papers have given the theo-
retical background and the evaluation of parameters for pure electrolytes of various charge types. The equation
is here applied to a wide variety of mixed aqueous electrolytes at room temperature and at ionic strengths up to 6
M in many cases and occasionally even higher. The first objective is the prediction of properties of mixed elec-
trolytes using only the parameters for pure electrolytes; on this basis standard deviations in In y or r#~ for 69 sets
of mixtures are less than 0.01 in 36 cases and above 0.05 in only seven cases all involving Cs+ or OH-. A second
objective is the determination of parameters giving the differences in short-range interaction of ions of the same
sign where these differ significantly from zero. As expected, these difference terms, while always small, are rela-
tively most important for singly charged ions (and especially for OH- and Cs+)and less important for ions of
higher charge. The equations, including difference terms where known from binary mixtures with a common ion,
were finally tested on 17 sets of mixtures involving four or more ions without any further adjustment of parameters.
The standard deviation is less than 0.01 in all cases and is 0.003 or less in 11 cases. Thus these equations appear
to yield accurate predictions of properties of mixed aqueous electrolytes.

interest. Hence reasonably accurate and reliable

M any systems of practical, biological or geological
as well as chemical, interest involve mixed
aqueous electrolytes. One of the primary objectives of
equations covering this enormous range should be of
great value in making relatively accurate predictions of
the present series of papers is the prediction of the these properties.
thermodynamic properties of such mixed electrolytes at The form of equation used throughout the series is
concentrations of practical interest by equations no defined initially for the excess Gibbs energy
more complex than necessary. The three preceding
papers in this series, cited hereafter as I,’ and 111,3
respectively, have prepared the basis for the treatment
of mixed electrolytes in this paper. The first paper Here n, is the number of kilograms of solvent and
gave the theoretical and empirical bases for the choice
n,, n j , etc., are the numbers of moles of the ionic species
of form of equations and some preliminary applications
i, j , etc. The function f depends only on the ionic
to mixed electrolytes. The evaluation of parameters
strength, I , and represents in essentially the Debye-
for the activity and osmotic coefficients of pure elec-
Hiickel manner the long-range effects of Coulomb
trolytes at room temperature is given in I1 for 1-1, 2-1,
forces. In I it was shown that an alternate mathematical
3-1, and 4-1 types2and in 111for 2-2 electrolytes3 where
form arose from a different but equally sound statistical
a slightly different but compatible form of equation was
derivation from the Debye-Huckel distribution and
required. In I1 and I11 the measured osmotic or activity
that this form was slightly preferable empirically to the
coefficients were fitted substantially within experi-
conventional one. Our form yields exactly the same
mental error up to ionic strength about 6 M i n most cases.
limiting law as the familiar Debye-Huckel form and a
Since the activity or osmotic coefficients of most pure
similar but somewhat smaller effect of ionic size.
electrolytes of interest have been measured at room
Since we want to use a single function f regardless of
temperature, the equations provide primarily greater
ionic size, we must accept an approximate expression
convenience of interpolation for pure electrolytes.
in any case.
But for mixed electrolytes there are experimental data
for only a very limited number of cases in contrast to The At, and p i j k are, in effect, second and third virial
the enormous range of compositions of potential coefficients which represent, respectively, the effects of
short-range forces between ions considered two and
(1) K. S . Pitzer, J . Phys. Chem., 77, 268 (1973). Minor typographi- three at a time. The second virial coefficients, XZj,
cal errors are corrected in ref 2.
(2) K. S. Pitzer and G. Mayorga, J . Phys. Chem., 77, 2300 (1973). depend somewhat on ionic strength ; this dependence
Sign errors should be corrected by reversing the sign of E in eq 12, the is implicit in the work of Mayer4 and is shown simply
signs of the last two terms in eq 13, and the sign preceding 2m in eq in the derivation in I. We assume that the third virial
(3) K. S . Pitzer and G. Mayorga, J . Solution Chem., in press. (4) J. E. Mayer, J . Chem. Phys., 18,1426 (1959).

Pitzer, Kim Actiuity and Osmotic Coefficients for Mixed Electrolytes

coefficients may be taken to be independent of ionic where vhI and vx are the numbers of ions M and X in the
strength and may be neglected if all three ions have the neutral salt and ZM and zx are the charges on the ions in
same sign. electronic units. Also v = V M V X . +
The principal features in this system are (1) the use of As mentioned above only certain combinations of the
ions rather than neutral electrolytes as components and A’s and p’s are observable. For the osmotic coefficient
(2) the ionic strength dependence of A,, which makes it the definitions previously used are very convenient.
feasible to adopt a universal function f and to obtain
rapid convergence in the virial series. The 1970 equa- f, = l/*[f’ - (f/Z)l = -A@,[Zl/?/(l + l.2Z1~!)] (5)
tions of Scatchard, Rush, and Johnson5 also use ions as
components, but in order to obtain comparable agree-
ment with experimental data, they use, instead of a
single function f, a series of terms involving parameters
determined pairwise for the ions, and they require
fourth virial coefficients. These differences enormously
complicate their equations.
The virial coefficients A and p are not measurable in-
dividually but only in certain combinations. Ap-
propriate sums are determined by the properties of pure
electrolytes and these are reported in papers I1 and 111.
The properties of mixtures involve, in addition to these
sums, also certain differences between the interactions
of different ions of the same sign from the interactions
of like ions of the same sign. If Bronsted’s principle6 Here A , is the Debye-Hiickel constant for the osmotic
of specific interaction held fully, all of these diff,erence and has the
coefficient [ 1/3(2~TTNgdw/1000)1/2(e2DkT)3/2]
terms would be zero. While we shall find that these value 0.392 for water at 2 5 ” . The value 1.2 for the
difference terms are often measurably greater than parameter in f * was chosen empirically in I. Normally,
zero, they are small and can be neglected without 01 has the value 2.0. Also in the special case of 2-2 or
serious error. In this paper we evaluate these differ- higher valence types it was necessary to add a term to
ence terms when the necessary data are available but pmas follows.
also indicate the accuracy attainable without including
them. Thus one can estimate with some confidence Bd’ = PIIX(O) + exp(--11’/?
P ~ I x ( ~ ) +
the accuracy of predictions in other cases where differ- PJIX(*) exp(-d 2, (IO)
ence terms have not been determined. For 2-2 electrolytes a1 = 1.4 and a2 = 12.0. Also one
Equations for Mixed Electrolytes should remember that the superscript 4 is a label and
Starting from eq 1 as defined and discussed above one not an exponent. In these terms the osmotic coefficient
may obtain working expressions for the osmotic co- for a mixed electrolyte is
efficient of a mixed electrolyte and for the activity co-
efficient of each neutral electrolyte which can be said to
be present. We writef’ = bfldland At,’ = aA,,/bZand
for the various ion molalities m , = /zZ/nR. In these
terms the equations for the osmotic and activity coeffi-
cients are

+ +
Ca Ca‘m u m a V a a f IOaa!’ zmc$caatl) (11)

Here ( 2 m z ) = ZCmcz,= 2 u m a l ~ aalso

l ; c and c’ are in-
1 bGeX- z12
lny, =
RT bn, - -2f ‘
~ - _ _ + 2Cm,A,, +
dices covering all cations while a and a’ cover all
anions. We note that the first term within the braces
is the general “Debye-Hiickel” term for long-range
forces and that the second term comprises a double sum
over molalities and the second and third virial coeffi-
For the activity coefficient of a neutral electrolyte cients for pure electrolytes. These terms can be eval-
this yields uated from information on pure electrolytes and these
quantities are presented in papers I1 and I11 for a large
number of solutes, The final two terms include the
differences between the second and third virial co-
efficients for unlike ions of the same sign from the ap-
propriate averages for like ions. As indicated above,
these quantities are expected to be small.
Next we convert eq 4 for the activity coefficient into a
( 5 ) G . Scatchard, R. M. Rush, and J. S. Johnson, J . P h j ) ~ Chem.,
. form based upon these same observable quantities.
74, 3786 (1970). In this case it is convenient to define the following
(6) J. N. Brpnsted, Kgr. Dan. Vidensk. Selsk., .Mat.-Fys. Medd.,
4, (4) (1929); J . Anrer. Chem. Soc., 44,877 (1922); 45,2898 (1923). quantities, some of which were defined in I.

Journal of the Anierican Chemical Society 1 96:18 / September 4, 1974

aqueous phase and in certain electrical cells. The
pertinent combination of activity coefficients may be
written, for M+znfand N + g ~
ZN In YM - ZM In YN = zxzM(zhr - ZN)~’ +
- ZhfBNa + (Cmz)(zSChfa -
ZMCNa)] + 2zmc(ZN8Yc
- +

l/zzszdzlf - z d C p C m c & ~ ’
c c
- ZN)&’
e l l
(2pMx(1)/azP)[- 1 + (1 + aZ1’2 +
Zi&rca - ZM+S~~] + l/zCCmamaf[ZN+hiaaf
a a

exp( - aZ1’z)]
1/2a21) (14) Zhf$”aa’ + zXzJf(z,\f - ZN)eaa”] (17)
ChIX = CMXQ/2/Z4fZXI1’~
The corresponding equation for the difference in ac-
tivity coefficients of anions is readily obtained by trans-
Again for 2-2 and higher valence types of electrolytes posing symbols in eq 17.
another term must be added to BMXand BMX’with As indicated above all of these equations include the
parameters phfx(’) and az but with the same form as the Debye-Hiickel limiting law. While we shall use the
term in P M X ( ~ )Then
. extended forms in our applications, it seems worth-
while to express the limiting law forms to which these
In Y S ~ X = lzhlzXlfY + (2vhf/v)Cm,[B&1~+a
reduce at very low concentration in mixed electrolytes
without limitation as to valence types.
(Cmz)Chr, + ( v x / v d 8 x a 1 + ( 2 v x / v ) C m c [ B c x +
C G”“
~- - -4A,f/~
(Cmz)CcX + (vM/vX)~Mel + n,RT (18)

CCm,ma{1zxzx/BCa’+ v-’[2vMZMcca +
c a - 1 = -2A,I’//’/Cm, (19)

vll+hfCQ + vxlc/CCX] 1 + l / Z C ~ m C m C ‘ [ ( v x / Y > ~ e+C f x

c c In yhfx = -3A,/zlIzX/Z1/? (20)
/ z ~ ~ z ~ I ~ +~ ~ l ~/ 2’ CI C m a m a ’ [ ( v l ~ / v ) ~ M a a r +
a a
ZX hl YM - ZIT hl YN = - ~ A , Z N Z M ( Z ~ ~- Zs)zl’? (21)
I Z ~ ~ Z ~ (1
/ ~5 ) ~ ~ ~ There
’ I are two “higher order” limiting laws which
should be noted. One is the limiting law for mixing
There are many somewhat simplified forms of eq 15 discovered by Friedman’ and discussed also by Ro-
for cases where all solutes are of the same valence type binson, Wood, and Reilly.s These authors found no
and further where this is a simple type or where there is inconsistency between existing activity or osmotic co-
a common cation or a common anion or where there efficient data and this limiting law for mixing. On the
are only two solutes. Since these transformations are other hand, the use of this law has no significant effect
quite straightforward and in many cases do not shorten on results for mixed electrolytes at the present level of
the expression very much, we will not burden this paper experimental accuracy. Recent heat of mixing mea-
with them. For a mixture of just two symmetrical surements by Falcone, Levine, and Woodg have con-
electrolytes of charge z and with a common anion the firmed the corresponding law for heat of mixing. We
expression is considerably simplified. We write y for will show in paper V of this series how the ionic strength
the solute fraction of the component NX. The ac- dependence of 8 may be defined to satisfy this limiting
tivity coefficient of MX is law. In order, however, to avoid complications of no
In YMX = z2fy + m{(2 - ~ ) B M+x practical significance for most existing data, we shall
neglect this ionic strength dependence of d for the pres-
+ ~ ( B N +x ~ B N X ’+)
(1 - J’)l&rx’ ent paper. In other words we take all to be
mK3/2 - Y)CMX++ yCNXm] + y(& + zero.
‘/&“fNX) + y(l - +
y)[(m/%hIrl;X z’%lN’]} (16)
There is also a higher order limiting
pertains only to unsymmetrical electrolytes. This

likewise has a negligible effect in most practical ap-

In this case the ionic strength is, of course, Z = m z 2 ;
also we have substituted C+ which in this case is 2zC. plications and was ignored in paper 11. Its effect is
For comparison of this equation with the equivalent clearly very small for systems with only univalent and
eq 41 in paper I, we note that B = BY- B@and B‘ = bivalent ions and we confine ourselves to such cases in
this paper. For 3-1 or 4-1 electrolytes this effect may
(28‘ - BY)/Z.
Another observable combination of activity coeffi- (7) H. L. Friedman, “Ionic Solution Theory,” Interscience, New
cients is that for the exchange of an amount of one ion York,N. Y.,1962.
(8) R. A. Robinson, R. H. Wood, and P. J. Reilly, J . Chem. Thermo-
by an equal electrical charge of a different ion of the dyn., 3,461 (1971).
same sign. This occurs, for example, with exchange (9) J. S. Falcone, A. S. Levine, and R. H. Wood, J. Phys. Chem.,
between two liquid phases when positive ions are com- 77,2137 (1973).
(10) V. K. LaMer, T. H. Gronwall, and L. J. Greiff, J . P h j s . Chem.,
plexed to form neutral molecular species in the non- 35, 2245 (1931).

Pitzer, Kim Activity and Osmotic Coeflcients for Mixed Electrolytes

Table I. Binary Mixtures with a Common Ion
u CJ with
System Exptl MaxZ e=#=o e ic 0 and $ Ref
HC1-LiCl 5 0.023 0.015 O.OO0 0.007 U
HBr-LiBr 2.5 0.027 0.015 O.Oo0 0,011 b, c
HC104-LiC104 4.5 0.006 0.015 -0.0017 0.001 d
HCl-NaCl 3 0.040 0.036 -0.004 0.002 C
HBr-NaBr 3 0.028 0.036 -0.012 0.002 c
HC104-NaC10n 5 0.025 0.036 -0.016 0.002 d
HC1-KCl 3.5 0.014 0.005 -0.007 0.010 e
HBr-KBr 3 0.030 0.005 -0.021 0.008 e
HC1-CsCl 3 0.082 -0.044 -0.019 0.005 f
HCl-NHnC1 2 -0.016 O.Oo0 g
HC1-Me4NC1 0.1 0.003 -0.0 0.003 h
HC1-EtrNCl 0.1 0.003 -0.0 0.003 h
LiC1-NaC1 6 0.002 0.012 -0.003 0.001 8
LiN03-NaN03 6 0.014 0.012 -0.0072 0.002 8
LiClOr-NaC1O 2.6 0.003 0.012 -0.0080 0.001 d
LiOAc-NaO Ac 3.5 0.004 0.012 -0.0043 0.002 8
LiCl-KCl 4.8 0.045 -0.022 -0.010 0.003 i
LiCl-CsCl 5 0.100 -0.095 -0.0094 0.004 i
NaCl-KCl 4.8 0.014 -0.012 -0.0018 0.001 k
NaBr-KBr 4 0.009 -0.012 -0.0022 0.003 1
NaN03-KN03 3.3 0.008 -0.012 -0.0012 0.001 m
Na2SOa-K2S04 3.6 0.011 -0.012 -0.010 0.004 n
NaClCsCl 5 0.027 -0,033 -0.003 0.001 0
KCl-CsCl 5 0.003 O.Oo0 -0.0013 0.001 i
HC1-SrCI, 8 0.034 -0.020 0.018 0,010 P9 4
HC1-BaC12 3 0.009 -0.036 0.024 0.005 C
HC1-MnC12 3 0.008 O.Oo0 0.000 0.008 r
LiCl-BaCl2 4.3 0.006 -0.070 0.019 0.002 S
NaCl-MgC1, 5.9 0.002 O.Oo0 0.OOO 0.002 t
Na2S04-MgS04 9 0.005 OOOO O.Oo0 0.005 t
NaC1-CaCl2 8 0.004 0.000 O.Oo0 0.004 U
NaCl-BaC1, 5 0.001 -0.003 O.Oo0 0.001 c
NaC1-MnCl, 5.5 0.004 0.@?4 -0.003 0.003 W
NaBr-ZnBrz 0.4 0.007 0.0 0.007 X
KCl-CaCI, 5 0.025 -0,040 -0.015 0.003 Y
KCl-BaCh 5 0.018 -0.072 O.OO0 0.001 2
CsC1-BaC1, 4 0.024 -0.150 0.000 0.003 S
MgCl2-CaCl2 7.7 0.003 0.010 0.OOO 0.002 aa
NaC1-NaBr 4.4 0.001 O.Oo0 O.Oo0 0.001 1
KCl-KBr 4.4 0.002 O.Oo0 0.000 0.002 1
NaCl-NaOH 3 0.155 -0.050 -0.006 0.002 bb
KCl-KOH 3.5 0.196 -0.050 -0.008 0.008 cc
NaBr-NaOH 3 0.225 -0.065 -0.018 0.009 CC
KBr-KOH 3 0.212 -0.065 -0.014 0.012 cc
NaC1-NanS04 9 0.004 -0.035 0.007 0.002 t
KCl-K$304 2.3 0.005 -0.035 O.Oo0 0.002 n
MgC12-MgSOa 7 0.011 -0.035 O.Oo0 0.002 1
LiC1-LiNO3 6 0.008 0.016 -0.003 0.004 I
NaC1-NaNO3 5 0.007 0.016 -0.006 0.001 m
KCl-KNO3 4 0.003 0.016 -0.006 0.001 m
MgClz-Mg(N03)z 4 0.008 0.016 O.Oo0 0.002 dd
CaC12-Ca(N0& 6 0.014 0.016 -0.017 0.003 dd
a H. S. Harned and H. R. Copson, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 55,2206 (1933). J. E. Vance, ibid., 55,4518 (1933). H. S. Harned and B. B.
Owen, “The Physical Chemistry of Electrolyte Solutions,” 3rd ed, Reinhold, New York, N. Y . , 1958. R. M. Rush and J. S. Johnson,
J . Phys. Chem., 72, 797 (1968). e See text for references. J H. S. Harned and 0. E. Schupp, Jr., J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 52, 3892 (1930).
0 R. A. Robinson, R. N. Roy, and R. G. Bates, J . Solution Chem., in press. C. J. Downes, J. Phys. Chem., 74, 2153 (1970). R. A.
Robinson and C. K. Lim, Trans. Faraday Soc., 49,1144 (1953). 3 R. A. Robinson and C. K. Lim, ibid., 49,1147 (1953). R. A. Robinson,
J. Phys. Chem., 65, 662 (1961). 2 A. K. Covington, T. H. Lilley, and R. A. Robinson, ibid., 72, 2759 (1968). C. P. Bezboruah. A. K.
Covington, and R. A. Robinson, J . Chem. Thermodyn., 2, 431 (1970). R. A. Robinson, R. F. Platford, and C. W. Childs, J . Solution
Chem., 1,167 (1972). R. A. Robinson, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 74,6035 (1952). J. E. Vance, ibid., 55, 2729 (1933). q H. S . Harned and
T. R. Paxton, J . Phys. Chem., 57,531 (1953). C. J. Downes, J . Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. I , 68, 1964 (1972). S. Lindenbaum, R. M.
Rush, and R. A. Robinson, J. Chem. Thermodyn., 4, 381 (1972). Y . C. Wu, R. M. Rush, and G. Scatchard, J. Phys. Chem., 72,4048
(1968); 73,2047,4433,4434 (1969). R. A. Robinson and V. E. Bower, J . Res. Nat. Bur. Stand., Sect. A , 70,313 (1966). R. A. Robin-
son and V. E. Bower, ibid., 69, 19 (1965). C. J. Downes, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 18,412 (1973). * G. €. Boyd, s. Lindenbaum, and R. A.
Robinson, J . Phys. Chem., 75, 3153 (1971). y R. A. Robinson and A. K. Covington, J . Res. Nut. Bur. Stand., Sect. A , 72,239 (1968). R.
A. Robinson and V. E. Bower, ibid., 69,439 (1965). aa R. A. Robinson and V. E. Bower, ibid., 70, 305 (1966). bb H. S. Harned and G. E.
Mannweiler, J . Amer. Chem. Soc., 57, 1873 (1935). cc H. S . Harned and W. J. Hamer, ibid., 55, 2194, 4496 (1933). d d R. F. Platford, J .
Chem. Thermodyn., 3, 319 (1971).

be more significant and we shall consider such ex- these equations we seek two principal results. First,
amples in paper V along with the appropriate theory. we want to learn how accurate our prediction would be
on the basis of parameters from pure electrolytes only.
Comparison with Experiment Second, we wish to obtain values for the difference
In our analysis of experimental data in terms of parameters 0 and $, if they are of significant magnitude,

Journal of the American Chemical Society / 96:18 September 4 , 1974

or to determine that they are negligible and can be determined accurately. In the very recent work on
taken to be zero. It should be remembered that the HCI-NH4CI, the data were analyzed using the equa-
principal effects on mixing electrolytes arise from tions of this series of papers; hence, we did not repeat
differences in the pure electrolyte parameters @(O), the calculations and have no u values. The fit is very
p ( 1 ) , and C6 and that the parameters 8 and $ have only good up to 2 M with the 8 value in Table I.
a small effect, if any. Table I1 contains the results for binary mixtures
The results are summarized in Table I for binary
mixtures with a common ion. The values of 8 and $ Table 11. Binary Mixtures without Common Ion
were obtained by calculating the difference between the
experimental value of 4 or In y and the value calculated U u with
with the appropriate values for all pure-electrolyte System Exptl Max I O = $ = 0 Oand $ Ref
terms but with zero values for 8 and $ in eq 11 or 15. NaCI-KBr $ 4 0.012 0.002 b
This difference, when multiplied by a function of com- KCI-NaBr $ 4 0.012 0.001 b
position, is found to be equal to 8 plus rl, times another NaC1-KNO8 $ 4 0.007 0.001 C
NaN03-KCI $ 4 0.007 0.002 c
function of composition. For the osmotic coefficient LiC1-NazS04 $ 5 0.008 (0.006)” d
of a MX-NX mixture one obtains NaCI-KzS04 $ 3.6 0.012 0.003 e
&[Zmi/2m~“] = 8hfN + mX$MNX (22)
NaC1-MgSO4 $
or the equivalent for mixing anions. For the activity NaZSOa-MgCl2 $ 7 0.005 0.005 f’
coefficient of MX in this mixture one has NaClCuSOa $ 2.8 0.003 (0.003)” g

(A In ylfX)[v/2v,\rmN] = Some $ values were not available from other mixtures and
+ +
hN l / ~ ( m ~m ~ ~ \ z & & , h f N(23)
were set at zero; also ONa.Cu = 0 for NaCl-CuSO4. A. K.
Covington, T. H. Lilley, and R. A. Robinson, J . Phys. Chem.,
72, 2759 (1968). c C. P. Bezboruah, A. K. Covington, and R. A.
with equivalent expressions for other cases. Robinson, J . Chem. Thermodyn., 2,431 (1970). R. A. Robinson,
We plotted the quantity on the left against the co- J . Solution Chem., 1, 71 (1972). e R. A, Robinson, R. F. Platford,
efficient of $ on the right. One should obtain a linear and C. W. Childs, ibid., 1, 167 (1972). f Y. C. Wu, R. M. Rush,
plot with intercept 8 and slope $. This presentation of and G. Scatchard, J. Phys. Chem., 72,4048 (1968); 73, 2047, 4433,
4434 (1969). 0 C. J. Downes, private communication.
the results, to which estimated errors could be at-
tached, allowed us to judge whether values of 8 or $
were significantly different from zero and whether the without a common ion. In this case we show only the
data were consistent with these equations within rea- standard deviation without the difference terms 8 and 9
sonable limits of error. and that with these terms. It is apparent that in most
Table 1 gives, in the fourth column, the root mean of these examples quite good results are obtained with
square average of A 4 or A In y when 8 and $ are taken only the pure electrolyte terms and in all cases there is
as zero. Then the selected values of 8 and 9 are given good agreement when the 8 and 9 values are included.
for the mixing indicated and finally the standard de- The values of 8 and y5 were determined from the mix-
viation when these values of 8 and $ are included. tures with common ion; hence, there were no adjustable
Thus, for the first entry the system HC1-LiCI relates to parameters in this treatment of the mixtures without
& , L i and $ H , L ~ , c ~ the
; quantity measured is In yHC1;the common ion.
data range up to I = 5; and the root mean square A In y In Tables I and 11, as well as others to come, the
is 0.023 with 8 = I) = 0. The value 8 H , L i = 0.015 is maximum I is usually that of the most concentrated
selected from consideration of the first three systems all mixed electrolyte measured, but in a few cases the
of which involve mixing of H+ with Li+. For the limit of validity of the equations for pure electrolytes
chloride $ was found to be zero and with these 8 and $ determined the maximum I for valid comparison. In
values the standard deviation is reduced to 0.007. cases involving K2S04, where solubility limits pure
The values of u with 8 = IC/ = 0 give an estimate of electrolyte data to I = 2.1 M , good fits were obtained
the accuracy to be obtained without difference param- for mixtures to considerably higher concentration as
eters. However, these deviations are usually pro- shown in the tables. This suggests that the equation
portional to molality. Hence, a better estimate is ob- for pure KzS04is valid somewhat above I = 2.1 M .
tained by noting the effect of Oeet or Oaa! in eq 11 or 15. A set of systems of particularly great interest is that
Thus, in the former one finds the result (m,m,~/Bn,). involving the ions Na+, Mg2+, C1-, and S042-which
OcCt. And, if one has an equimolal mixture of HCIO., was investigated thoroughly by Wu, Rush, and Scat-
and LiC104, for example, (m,m,t/Zm,) is m/8 where m chard.” They measured the osmotic coefficient over a
is the total molality of Clod-. With 8 H , L i = 0.015 one wide range of compositions. As shown in Tables I and
calculates the effect on the osmotic coefficient to be 11, our equations fit these data quite well. Indeed
0.0019 m. This is negligible for most purposes unless there is no need for difference parameters 8 and $ for
m is large (considerably above 1 M). The example the Na+-Mg2+ interaction, and the corresponding
chosen has a typical 8 ; in some cases the effect of 8 and terms for C1--SOd2- are small. Also this good agree-
$ is even smaller while in a few cases it is somewhat ment holds to high ionic strength, typically 6 to 9 M .
larger. Since these data for pure Na2SO4differ slightly from
In a few cases data are available only for rather the values of Stokes and Robinson12which were used in
dilute solutions and these results can be fitted quite
well without the difference terms involving 8 and $. (11) Y.C. Wu,R. M. Rush and G. Scatchard, J . Phys. Chem., 7 2 ,
In these cases we report 0.0 for 8 in Table I to indicate 4048 (1968); 73,2047,4433, 4434 (1969).
(12) R. A. Robinson and R. M. Stokes, “Electrolyte Solutions,”
that the correct value of 8 must be small but is not 2nd ed, revised, Butterworth, London, 1965.

Pitzer, Kim 1 Activity and Osmotic Coefficients f o r Mixed Electrolytes

paper 11, we modified one of the pure electrolyte param- Table IV. Dissociation Constant for Water
eters. Thus, for for Na2S04we took C4 = 0.0057. E"
Scatchard, Rush, and Johnson6 treated these data for System EO' (AgX,Ag)," V log K,, Ref
the Na+, Mg2+, C1-, S042- systems using a set of equa- NaOH-NaCl 1,0503 0.2224 13.995 b
tions considerably more complex than ours. Their re- KOH-KC1 1.0501 0.2224 13.991 c
sults (SRJ) are compared with ours (PK) in Table 111. NaOH-NaBr 0.8996 0.0710 14.007 c
KOH-KBr 0.8996 0.0710 14.007 c

Table 111. Standard Deviations of Fits for the System From Table X of paper 11. H. S . Harned and G. E. Mann-

Na+, Mgz+, C1-, Soh2- weiler, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,57, 1873 (1935). c H. S. Harned and
W. J. Hamer, ibid., 55,2194,4496 (1933).
Pure electrolyte terms -All terms-
System PKa SRJb PK SRJ
terms ; hence, one has unusually large u values for 0 and
0.0009 + values which are substantial but not extremely large.
MgClz-MgSOa 0.0108 0.0066 0.0025 0.0012 Table V summarizes our results for mixed electro-
NaS04-MgS04 0.0052 0.0121 0.0052 0.0013
MgC12-Na2S04 0.0047 0.0074 0.0055 0.0042
NaC1-MgSO4 0.0079 0.0037 0.0021 0,0016 Table V. Mixed Electrolytes with Three or More Solutes
This research. Scatchard, Rush, and Johnson, ref 5. U u with
System Exptl Max I 6 = +=0 6, + Ref
LiCl-NaCl-KCl 6 3.1 0.023 0.004 a
If only the pure electrolyte terms are used, our results LiC1-NaC1-CsC1 6 5.2 0.085 0.004 a
are slightly superior, since our standard deviation is LiC1-NaC1-BaCh 9 3.3 0,002 0.001 a
smaller in four out of six cases and has a smaller av- NaC1-KC1-BaCb 6 4.5 0.015 0.003 a
erage and a smaller maximum. When the difference Sea water (no Ca) 6 6 0.004 0.001 b
terms are included their fits are all better than ours, but Sea water (with Ca) 6 2 0.002 0.000 b
~~~~ ~

they introduced 18 new parameters as compared t o 6 in a R. J. Reilly, R. H. Wood, and R. A. Robinson, J . Phys. Chem.,
our case. They adopted nonzero values for 11 of these 75, 1305 (1971). R. M. Rush and J. S . Johnson, J . Chem. Eng.
18 parameters in their difference terms while we used Data, 11, 590 (1966).
only two nonzero difference parameters. Since the
experimental error is probably as large as their stan- lytes with three or more solutes. The fits without
dard deviations and possibly as large as ours, our fits difference terms are good except in the case involving
are really quite satisfactory. And the fact that we can Cs+. With the difference terms there is excellent agree-
obtain agreement using very few parameters suggests ment in all cases. The results for sea water are espe-
that our equations relate more closely to the real phys- cially interesting. These data concern not only sea
ical relationships. water at normal concentration but also at much greater
These mixed electrolytes involving both Mg2+ and concentration as would arise after evaporation of much
S042- are also of special interest because they include a of the water. Under these conditions CaS04 will pre-
2-2 electrolyte. The fact that good agreement was ob- cipitate. Hence, for the measurements at high con-
tained for these mixtures offers further support for the centration Ca2+ was replaced by Mg2+. The agree-
treatment of 2-2 electrolytes in paper 111 which avoids ment for this complex mixture involving both singly and
an explicit association equilibrium and handles the doubly charged ions of each sign is very good without
peculiarity of this type with an extra term in the second difference terms and practically perfect when these
virial coefficient. As a further check on the effective- terms are included. While values for 0 and tc/ are not
ness of this treatment we calculated the activity co- available for a few of the interactions, these involve the
efficient of NaCl in mixtures with MgS04 for compar- less abundant species and their omission cannot be
ison with the cell measurements of Wu, Rush, and significant.
Scatchard. Excellent agreement is obtained, even There seems little need to comment on most of the
for solutions with a large fraction of MgS04 and at other systems listed in Tables I through V. Among the
ionic strengths up to 6.16 M ; the standard deviation for 69 systems, the standard deviation of fit with pure
all points is less than 0.01 in In y or less than 1 in the electrolyte terms only is less than 0.01 in q5 or In y (or
activity coefficient. 1 in 7)in 36 cases and more than 0.05 in only 7 cases,
Although all data for the system HC1-KCI are in all of which involve hydroxide ion or cesium ion.
reasonable agreement with the parameters in Table I, Thus one has a good chance of obtaining quite ac-
interpretations of certain of these data have been made curate results up to moderate concentration by the use
which indicated anomalous behavior. These matters of our equations with only the pure electrolyte terms
are discussed in the Appendix. which are available for almost all electrolytes.
The results involving hydroxide ion are based upon For maximum accuracy, all terms should be in-
measurements of cells of the type Pt, HzlMOH(m,), cluded, of course, and values of 0 and $ are given in
MX(mt,)!AgX, Ag which were discussed in 11. These Table I for many combinations of ions. Since the
data yield In ( ~ x - / ~ o H - )to, which eq 17 applies, and effect of any interaction is proportional t o the concen-
E,' = E"(AgX,Ag) - (RT/F) In K,, where K, is the tration of the ion involved, little error will be introduced
dissociation constant for water. The results for the by omitting terms in 0 and tc/ for ions present at small
activity coefficient are given in Table I and the values of concentration even if the total ionic strength is large.
Eo' and log K, are given in Table IV. The measured
quantity, In ( y -ITOH
~ -), and the compositions chosen Discussion
in these examples are very sensitive to the difference The parameters in our equations were selected to be

Journal of the American Chemical Society 1 96:18 1 September 4, 1974

related t o interionic forces, although this relationship is, for many of the pairs of ions likely to be present at high
at times, complex or only approximate. Considera- concentration in systems of practical interest. Thus
tion of such relationships for the difference parameters the equations and parameters given in this series of
8 and $ must begin with eq 8 and 9 which show that papers should allow effective prediction of the osmotic
these quantities are differences between the virial co- or activity coefficients of most aqueous electrolytes at
efficients for interaction of unlike ions of the same sign room temperature.
from the average of interactions of like ions. Since We are extending this work to thermal properties
ions of the same sign repel one another and are seldom and to activity and osmotic coefficients at other temper-
close together, one would expect any differences in atures.
their interactions to be small and to be especially small Acknowledgment. This research was sponsored by
for ions with double charge. the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission.
This general view is confirmed in that all 8’s and $’s
are relatively small. Also the only systems where the Appendix
u value for 6 = $ = 0 exceeds 0.05 involve either Cs+ The Systems HCI-KCl and HBr-KBr. The behavior
with H+ or Li+ or OH- with C1- or Br-. These sys- of the HC1-KCI system as reported by Harned and
tems involve mixing of only singly charged ions and in Gancy13 seems peculiar; also these results conflict
particular of ions which differ greatly in their inter- somewhat with those of Harned and Hamer14 for the
action with the solvent. Thus, Cs+ is a strong “struc- HBr-KBr system in the limit of zero concentration
ture breaker” as are C1- and Br- whereas H+, Li+, and where the effect of the anion should disappear. In
OH- are strong “structure makers.” Thus it is not view of the importance of the ions involved, we in-
surprising to find a relatively large effect in these cases, vestigated these systems with special care.
but the details of solvent structure near these ions are so From eq 16 one readily sees that In Y M X is linear in
poorly known that it is not feasible to pursue the matter the composition fraction y except for the last term
in greater detail. which depends on the product y(l - y). For the cor-
Rubidium ion would, presumably, be similar to responding equation for In Y N X the last term will be the
cesium and F- similar to OH-, but no data are avail- same. Harned defines quantities a and /3 to express
able for mixtures involving Rbf or F-. The mixtures the linear and quadratic dependences of In y, respec-
of most other ions with potassium ion show effects in tively. For HCI-KCI, /3 is found13 to be zero for In
the same direction but much smaller than with cesium Y H C l but nonzero for In y K C 1 . This result is incon-
ion as one would expect. All of the doubly charged sistent with our equations and, if correct, requires a
positive ions are “structure makers” and their inter- very peculiar combination of terms involving the inter-
action with cesium ion yields significant, negative actions of three positive ions. Since there was no di-
difference parameters similar to those for H+ or Li+ rect measurement of In yW.71, however, it seems more
with Cs+. likely that errors accumulated in the long calculation in
As one moves, however, to cases where difference a manner to yield this peculiar result.
parameters are expected to be smaller, one can conclude The possibility that Harned and Gancy’s results may
only that they are smaller; there seems to be little be subject to larger error than they assumed receives
system or order t o their exact magnitude. One may support from four other sources. First, the less exten-
note that, where the ions mixed are singly charged, $ is sive but more recent work of Lietzke and O’Brien’j
either negative or zero, but if singly and doubly charged yields zero p for the activity coefficient of KCI as well as
ions are being mixed, then, with two exceptions, + is for HCI. Second, the exceptionally careful work of
positive or zero. Guntelberg’e at 0.1 M total concentration disagrees
When the ions mixed have the same charge, one can with the trend of Harned and Gancy’s data at slightly
show that long-range Coulombic forces cannot have higher concentration; third, the data of Harned and
any direct contribution to 8 or $. But when singly and Hamer14 on HBr-KBr yield an intercept a t m = 0 for
doubly charged ions are mixed, the direct effects of H+-K+ mixing more consistent with Guntelberg’s data
Coulombic forces cancel only in the first order, i.e., in than with Harned and Gancy’s for HCI-KCI; and fourth,
the Debye-Hiickel approximation, and there may be Bates, et a1.,l7 have shown that the Ag,AgCl electrode,
higher order effects which make small contributions to upon which the data depend, is more erratic than had
6 and $. We are investigating this last point and hope been thought.
to report on it in paper V. It should be emphasized that these various discrep-
Finally, how well can we expect to predict mixed ancies are not large. Indeed, they are smaller than the
electrolyte properties on the basis of existing knowl- 0.2 mV suggested” as the range of variability of the
edge which includes parameters for almost all pure Ag,AgCl electrode. If one allows these still moderate
electrolytes and difference terms for only a limited deviations, all of the data are in agreement with the
number of mixtures, mostly among singly charged parameters 8 H , K = 0.005, $ H , K , c ~ = -0.007, and
ions? For ions of the general type considered here one $ H , K , B ~ = -0.021 which are included in Table 1.
can expect good results for multicomponent mixtures
as well as for those of just two solutes. The only (13) H. S. Harned and A. B. Gancy J . Phys. Chem., 62,627 (1958).
difference terms of substantial magnitude are those in- (14) H. S. Harned and W. J. Hamer, J . Amer. Chem. SOC.,5 5 , 2194,
4496 (1933).
volving OH- and Cs+ (also possibly F- and Rb+) and (15) M. H. Lietzke and H. A. O’Brien, Jr. J . Phys. Chem., 7 2 , 4408
these are known or can be estimated reasonably well. (1968).
(16) E. Guntelberg, 2.Phys. Chem., 123,199 (1926).
For optimum accuracy, difference terms for other ions (17) R. G. Bates, et al., J. Chem. Phys., 25,361 (1956); see also R. 0.
should be included, where known, and they are known Bates and V.E. Bower J. Res. Nut. Bur. Stand., Sect. A , 53,283 (1954).

Pitzer, Kim 1 Activity and Osmotic Coeficients for Mixed Electrolytes

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