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2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

Samer Buna Follow

Author for Pluralsight, Lynda, and O’Reilly and curator of
Mar 30, 2017 · 14 min read

Yes, React is taking over front-end

development. The question is why.

The focus of this article is about React’s popularity and not how it compares to other frameworks or libraries

Here are a few reasons why React has become so popular so quickly:

• Working with the DOM API is hard. React basically gives

developers the ability to work with a virtual browser that is more
friendly than the real browser. React’s virtual browser acts like an
agent between the developer and the real browser.

• React enables developers to declaratively describe their User

Interfaces and model the state of those interfaces. This means
instead of coming up with steps to describe transactions on
interfaces, developers just describe the interfaces in terms of a
nal state (like a function). When transactions happen to that
state, React takes care of updating the User Interfaces based on

• React is just JavaScript, there is a very small API to learn, just a

few functions and how to use them. After that, your JavaScript 1/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

skills are what make you a better React developer. There are no
barriers to entry. A JavaScript developer can become a productive
React developer in a few hours.

But there’s a lot more to it than just that. Let’s attempt to cover all the
reasons behind React’s rising popularity. One reason is its Virtual DOM
(React’s reconciliation algorithm). We’ll work through an example to
show the actual practical value of having such an algorithm at your

React’s o cial de nition states that it’s a JavaScript library for building
User Interfaces. It’s important to understand the two di erent parts of
this de nition:

1. React is a JavaScript library. It’s not a framework. It’s not a

complete solution and we’ll often need to use more libraries with
React to form any solution. React does not assume anything about
the other parts in any full solution. It focuses on just one thing,
and on doing that thing very well.

2. The thing that React does really well is the second part of the
de nition: building User Interfaces. A User Interface is anything we
put in front of users to have them interact with a machine. User
Interfaces are everywhere, from the simple buttons on a
microwave to the dashboard of a space shuttle. If the device we’re
trying to interface can understand JavaScript, we can use React to
describe a User Interface for it.

Since Web browsers understand JavaScript, we can use React to

describe Web User Interfaces. I like to use the word describe here
because that’s what we basically do with React, we just tell it what we
want and React will build the actual User Interfaces, on our behalf, in
the Web browser. Without React or similar libraries, we would need to
manually build User Interfaces with native Web APIs and JavaScript.

When you hear the statement that “React is declarative,” this is exactly
what it means, we describe User Interfaces with React and tell it what
we want (not how to do it). React will take care of the “how” and
translate our declarative descriptions (which we write in the React
language) to actual User Interfaces in the browser. React shares this
simple declarative power with HTML itself, but with React, we get to be 2/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

declarative for HTML interfaces that represent dynamic data, not just
static data.

React has three main design concepts that drive its popularity:

1 —The use of reusable, composable, and stateful

In React, we describe User Interfaces using components. You can think
of components as simple functions (in any programming language). We
call functions with some input and they give us some output. We can
reuse functions as needed and compose bigger functions from smaller

Components are exactly the same; we call their input “properties” and
“state”, and a component output is a description of a User Interface
(which is similar to HTML for browsers). We can reuse a single
component in multiple User Interfaces, and components can contain
other components.

Unlike pure functions however, a full React component can have a

private state to hold data that may change over time.

2 —The nature of reactive updates

React’s name is the simple explanation for this concept. When the state
of a component (the input) changes, the User Interface it represents
(the output) changes as well. This change in the description of the User
Interface has to be re ected in the device we’re working with.

In a browser, we need to regenerate the HTML views in the Document

Object Model (DOM). With React, we do not need to worry about how
to re ect these changes, or even manage when to take changes to the
browser; React will simply react to the state changes and automatically
update the DOM when needed.

3 —The virtual representation of views in memory

With React, we write HTML using JavaScript. We rely on the power of
JavaScript to generate HTML that depends on some data, rather than
enhancing HTML to make it work with that data. Enhancing HTML is
what other JavaScript frameworks usually do. For example, Angular
extends HTML with features like loops, conditionals, and others. 3/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

When we receive just the data from the server (in the background, with
AJAX), we need something more than HTML to work with that data.
It’s either using an enhanced HTML, or using the power of JavaScript
itself to generate the HTML. Both approaches have advantages and
disadvantages. React embraces the latter one, with the argument that
the advantages are stronger than the disadvantages.

In fact, there is one major advantage that can make the case for this
approach by itself; using JavaScript to render HTML makes it easy for
React to keep a virtual representation of HTML in memory (which is
commonly known as The Virtual DOM). React uses the Virtual DOM to
render an HTML tree virtually rst, and then, every time a state
changes and we get a new HTML tree that needs to be taken to the
browser’s DOM, instead of writing the whole new tree React will only
write the di erence between the new tree and the previous tree (since
React has both trees in memory). This process is known as Tree
Reconciliation, and I think, it is the best thing that has happened in Web
Development since AJAX!

In the following example, we’ll focus on this last concept and see a
simple practical example of the tree reconciliation process and the big
di erence it makes. We’ll write the same HTML example twice, rst
using native Web APIs and vanilla JavaScript, and then we’ll see how to
describe the same HTML tree with React.

To purely focus on this last concept, we will not be using components,

and we will mock a state change operation using a JavaScript timer. We
are also not going to use JSX, although using JSX will make for a much
simpler code. I use JSX all the time when I write React, but working
with React API directly in this example will hopefully make you
understand this concept much better.

React’s reconciliation algorithm example

To follow along with this example, you need a browser and a code
editor. You can actually use an online coding playground, but I’ll use
local les and test them directly in a browser (we don’t need a web

We’ll start this example from scratch. Create a new directory, and
launch your favorite editor there: 4/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

mkdir react-demo
cd react-demo
atom .

Create an index.html le in that directory, and put a standard HTML

template in there. Include in that template a script.js le and put a
console.log statement in that script to test that the include works:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>React Demo</title>
<script src="script.js"></script>

Open the index.html le in your browser and make sure you can see
the empty template without problems, and that you can see in the
Console dev-tools tab the console.log test message that you put in
script.js :

open index.html # On Mac

explorer index.html # On Windows

Now, let’s bring in the React library itself, which we can include from
the Reactjs website. Copy both the react and react-dom scripts, and
include them in index.html :

<script src="">
</script> <script src="
dom@15/dist/react-dom.js"></script> 5/17
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We’re including two di erent scripts here for an important reason: The
React library itself can be used without a browser. To use React with a
browser, we need the ReactDOM library.

When we refresh the browser now, we should see both React and
ReactDOM available on the global scope:

Image captured in Chrome

With this simple setup, we can now access both React and ReactDOM

APIs, and of course, we also have access to the native Web APIs and
JavaScript which we are going to use rst.

To insert HTML dynamically in the browser we can simply use pure

JavaScript and the DOM Web API itself. Let’s create a div element to
host our JavaScript HTML content and give it the id "js" . In the body
element of index.html , right before the script tag, add:

<div id="js"></div>

Now in script.js , let's grab this new div element by its id and put it
in a constant. Let's name this constant jsContainer . We can use
document.getElementById to grab the div from HTML:

const jsContainer = document.getElementById("js"); 6/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

To control the content of this div , we can use the innerHTML setter
call on the div element directly. We can use this call to supply any
HTML template that we want inserted in the DOM. Let's insert a div

element with a class of "demo" and the string "Hello JS" as its content:

jsContainer.innerHTML = `
<div class="demo">
Hello JS

Make sure this works in the browser. You should see the “Hello JS” line
on the screen now.

This demo div is our User Interface so far. It’s a very simple one. We just
output a text for the user to see.

Both document.getElementById and element.innerHTML are actually

part of the native DOM Web API. We are communicating with the
browser directly here using the supported APIs of the Web platform.
When we write React code, however, we use the React API instead, and
we let React communicate with the browser using the DOM Web API.

React acts like our agent for the browser, and we mostly need to
communicate with just React, our agent, and not the browser itself. I
say mostly because there are cases where we still need to communicate
with the browser, but those are rare.

To create the exact same User Interface that we have so far but with
React API this time, let’s create another div element and give it an id
of "react" . In index.html , right under the div#js element, add:

<div id="react"></div>

Now, in script.js , create a new container constant for the new div :

const reactContainer = document.getElementById("react"); 7/17
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This container will be the only call we make to the native web API.
ReactDOM needs this container to know where to host our application
in the DOM.

With the react container identi ed, we can now use the ReactDOM
library to render React's version of the HTML template to this

/* TODO: React's version of the HTML template */,

What we’re going to do next is your rst milestone in truly

understanding the React library. Remember when I told you that with
React we write HTML using JavaScript? This is exactly what we are
going to do next.

To write our simple HTML User Interface, we are going to use

JavaScript calls to React API, and by the end of the example you’ll have
a better picture about the reason for doing so.

Instead of working with strings (as we did in the native JavaScript

example above), in React, we work with objects. Any HTML string will
be represented as an object using a React.createElement call (which is
the core function in the React API).

Here’s the equivalent HTML User Interface we have so far with React:

{ className: "demo" },
"Hello React"
); 8/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

React.createElement has many arguments:

• The rst argument is the HTML tag, which is div in our example.

• The second argument is an object that represents any attributes

we want this tag to have. To match the native JS example we used
{ className: "demo" } which translates to class="demo" . Note
how we used className instead of class in the attributes
because with React it's all JavaScript that matches the Web API,
not HTML itself.

• The third argument is the content of the element. We’ve put a

“Hello React” string in there.

We can test this now. The browser should render both “Hello JS” and
“Hello React”. Let’s style the demo divs as a box, using this CSS, just so
that we can visually split the screen. In index.html :

<style media="screen">
.demo {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
margin: 1em;
padding: 1em;

Image captured in Chrome

We now have two nodes, one being controlled with the DOM Web API
directly, and another being controlled with the React API (which in
turn uses the DOM Web API). The only major di erence between the 9/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

ways we are building these two nodes in the browser is that in the JS
version we used a string to represent the content, while in the React
version we used pure JavaScript calls and represented the content with
an object instead of a string.

No matter how complicated the HTML User Interface is going to get,

when using React, every HTML element will be represented with a
JavaScript object using a React.createElement call.

Let’s now add some more features to our simple User Interface. Let’s
add a text box to read input from the user.

To nest elements in our HTML template, it’s straight forward in the JS

version because it’s just HTML. For example, to make the demo div

render an <input /> element, we simply add it to the content:

jsContainer.innerHTML = `
<div class="demo">
Hello JS
<input />

We can do the same with React by adding more arguments after the
3rd argument for React.createElement . To match what we did in the
native JS example, we can add a 4th argument that is another
React.createElement call that renders an input element (remember,
every HTML element is an object):

{ className: "demo" },
"Hello React",
); 10/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

At this point, if you’re questioning what we’re doing and thinking “this is
complicating a simple process”, you are totally right! But there is a very
good reason for what we’re doing. Keep reading.

Let’s also render a timestamp in both versions. In the JS version, let’s

put the timestamp in a paragraph element. We can use a call to new

Date() to display a simple timestamp:

jsContainer.innerHTML = `
<div class="demo">
Hello JS
<input />
<p>${new Date()}</p>

To do the same in React, we add a 5th argument to the top-level div

element. This new 5th argument is another React.createElement call,

this time using a p tag, with no attributes, and the new Date() string
for content:

{ className: "demo" },
"Hello React",
new Date().toString()

Both JS and React versions are still rendering the exact same HTML in
the browser. 11/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

Image captured in Chrome

As you can see, so far, using React is actually a lot harder than the
simple and familiar native way. What is it that React does so well that’s
worth giving up the familiar HTML and having to learn a new API to
write what can be simply written in HTML? The answer is not about
rendering the rst HTML view, it’s about what we need to do to update
any existing view in the DOM.

So, let’s do an update operation on the DOM we have so far. Let’s

simply make the timestamp tick every second.

We can easily repeat a JavaScript function call in a browser using the

setInterval Web timer API. So, let's put all of our DOM
manipulations for both JS and React versions in a function, call it
render , and use it in a setInterval call to make it repeat every

Here’s the full nal code in script.js :

const jsContainer = document.getElementById("js");

const reactContainer = document.getElementById("react");

const render = () => {

jsContainer.innerHTML = `
<div class="demo">
Hello JS
<input />
<p>${new Date()}</p> 12/17
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{ className: "demo" },
"Hello React ",
new Date().toString()

setInterval(render, 1000);

When we refresh the browser now, the timestamp string should be

ticking every second in both versions. We are now updating our User
Interface in the DOM.

This is the moment when React will potentially blow your mind. If you try
to type something in the text box of the JS version, you won’t be able to.
This is very much expected because we’re basically throwing away the
whole DOM node on every tick and regenerating it. However, if you try
to type something in the text box that’s rendered with React, you can
certainly do so!

Although the whole React rendering code is within our ticking timer,
React is changing only the timestamp paragraph and not the whole
DOM node. This is why the text input box was not regenerated and we
were able to type in it.

You can see the di erent ways we’re updating the DOM visually if you
inspect the two DOM nodes in a Chrome dev tools elements panel. The
Chrome div tools highlights any HTML elements that get updated.
You’ll see how we are regenerating the whole “js” div on every tick,
while React is smartly only regenerating the paragraph with the
timestamp string. 13/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

Image captured in Chrome

React has a smart di ng algorithm that it uses to only regenerate in its

DOM node what actually needs to be regenerated while it keeps
everything else as is. This di ng process is possible because of React’s
virtual DOM and the fact that we have a representation of our User
Interface in memory (because we wrote in JavaScript).

Using the virtual DOM, React keeps the last DOM version in memory
and when it has a new DOM version to take to the browser, that new
DOM version will also be in memory, so React can compute the
di erence between the new and the old versions (in our case, the
di erence is the timestamp paragraph).

React will then instruct the browser to update only the computed di
and not the whole DOM node. No matter how many times we
regenerate our interface, React will take to the browser only the new
“partial” updates.

Not only is this method a lot more e cient, but it also removes a big
layer of complexity for the way we think about updating User
Interfaces. Having React do all the computations about whether we
should update the DOM or not enables us to focus on thinking about
our data (state) and the way to describe a User Interface for it.

We then manage the updates on our data as needed without worrying

about the steps needed to re ect these updates on the actual User
Interface in the browser (because we know React will do exactly that
and it will do that in an e cient way!) 14/17
2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why.

Thanks for reading! You can view the source code of my demo here,
and you can see the demo running here.

. . .

I dedicated a big part of my 2017 to writing books which are all now
available on Amazon:

• Learn Coding with Modern JavaScript

• Learn React.js by Building Games

• Node.js Beyond the Basics

• The Professional Programmer

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I write books on many technical topics. My most recent
books are about Learning React and becoming a
professional programmer. I also create video courses for
Pluralsight and Lynda. My most recent courses are React
Native Essential Training, Advanced React, and Advanced

I also offer training for teams covering all levels from

beginner to advanced in JavaScript, Node, React, React
Native GraphQL PostgreSQL and more Email 15/17
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2/5/2018 Yes, React is taking over front-end development. The question is why. 17/17

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