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I hope you managed to get some time for relaxation over the long weekend.
Below are the response papers. Please note that the deadline is different
depending on the group you are in, and the schedule for your Expert for a Day

Groups Paper assigned to you for your response Submit
(Papers will be listed on IVLE e-reserves) anytime

G & H DeVoe, S.E. & Pfeffer, J. (2009). When Is Happiness About 8 October
How Much You Earn? The Effect of Hourly Payment on
the Money–Happiness Connection

E & F Grant, A. M. (2008). Employees without a Cause: The 15 October
Motivational Effects of Prosocial Impact in Public Service

C & D Moore, C. Detert, J. Trevino, L., Baker, V.L. and D. Mayer 22 October
(2012). Why Employees do Bad Things: Moral
Disengagement and Unethical Organizational Behavior

A & B Grant, A.M., Christianson, M.K. and Richard H. Price 29 October
(2007). Happiness, Health, or Relationships? Managerial
Practices and Employee Well-Being Tradeoffs

Guidelines on Individual response paper (20%)
The individual response paper is meant to encourage you to:
1. Think critically and with greater depth about an MNO topic.
2. Communicate your opinions in a concise and persuasive manner.
To write the response paper, please use this guide:
a. Begin with a brief summary of the reading in 2-4 sentences.
b. Present three key points that address the following, e.g.,
1. The way in which the author presents his/her ideas
2. The adequacy of the evidence used to support arguments
3. Logic and flow – inconsistencies or problems in the argument
4. Your general opinion about the article (which aspects you
agree/disagree with and why)
5. Close by giving your assessment of the paper. What have you learnt
from it, and how can it be improved?
c. The maximum length should be 1500 words, and the minimum 1200
The Rubrics for the Response Paper are on the next page.
RESPONSE PAPER – Rubric for Assessment

Criteria Score
Overview of the article
(Aims, major points, assumptions and arguments)
Analysis of author(s)’ arguments
(How logical?
How strong is the evidence? 20
What assumptions are made?)

Arguments and Counter-Arguments
(Agree, disagree, why?)
Discussion of implications of author’s arguments

Suggestions for Improvement
(suggestions re: how to improve article, how other
authors might respond to this article)

Personal Response and Insights
(state response and insights, relate to the paper)

Quality of Writing 10

Penalty (e.g, late, exceeding word limit & others)

Total 100

NOTE: Plagiarism will lead to a score of 0 for the entire assignment.

The University and School expect every student to practise academic integrity &
honesty. Academic dishonesty is misrepresentation with the intent to deceive, or
failure to acknowledge the source, or falsification of information, or inaccuracy
of statements, or cheating at examinations/tests, or inappropriate use of
resources. Plagiarism is ‘the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas and
passing them off as one's own' (The New Oxford Dictionary of English). For more
on the University’s stance, please refer to:
Online Module on Plagiarism:

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