Sie sind auf Seite 1von 6

218 d 5 Frame and Grid Equations

force, shear force, and bending moment effects as follows:

2       3
2 12I 2 12I 6I 2 12I 2 12I 6I
6 AC þ L 2 S Aÿ 2 CS ÿ S ÿ AC þ 2 S
ÿ Aÿ 2 CS
ÿ S7
L 7
6     7
12I 2 6I 12I 12I 2 6I
6 7
6 2 2 7
6 AS þ 2
C C ÿ Aÿ 2
CS ÿ AS þ 2
C C 7
6 L L L L L 7
6 7
6 6I 6I 7
6 4I S ÿ C 2I 7
6 7
6 7
6   7
2 12I 2 12I 6I
6 7
AC þ S Aÿ CS S
6 7
6 L 2 L 2 L
6 7
6 7
6 2 12I 2 6I 7
6 AS þ 2
C ÿ C 7
4 L L 7
Symmetry 4I

The analysis of a rigid plane frame can be undertaken by applying stiffness matrix
Eq. (5.1.11). A rigid plane frame is defined here as a series of beam elements rigidly con-
nected to each other; that is, the original angles made between elements at their joints
remain unchanged after the deformation due to applied loads or applied displacements.
Furthermore, moments are transmitted from one element to another at the
joints. Hence, moment continuity exists at the rigid joints. In addition, the element
centroids, as well as the applied loads, lie in a common plane (x-y plane). From Eq.
(5.1.11), we observe that the element stiffnesses of a frame are functions of E, A,
L, I, and the angle of orientation y of the element with respect to the global-coordinate
axes. It should be noted that computer programs often refer to the frame element as a
beam element, with the understanding that the program is using the stiffness matrix in
Eq. (5.1.11) for plane frame analysis.

d 5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples d

To illustrate the use of the equations developed in Section 5.1, we will now perform
complete solutions for the following rigid plane frames.

Example 5.1

As the first example of rigid plane frame analysis, solve the simple ‘‘bent’’ shown in
Figure 5–4.
The frame is fixed at nodes 1 and 4 and subjected to a positive horizontal force
of 10,000 lb applied at node 2 and to a positive moment of 5000 lb-in. applied at
node 3. The global-coordinate axes and the element lengths are shown in Figure 5–4.
5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples d 219

Figure 5–4 Plane frame for analysis, also showing local x^ axis for each element

Let E ¼ 30  10 6 psi and A ¼ 10 in 2 for all elements, and let I ¼ 200 in 4 for elements
1 and 3, and I ¼ 100 in 4 for element 2.
Using Eq. (5.1.11), we obtain the global stiffness matrices for each element.

Element 1
For element 1, the angle between the global x and the local x^ axes is 90 (counter-
clockwise) because x^ is assumed to be directed from node 1 to node 2. Therefore,
x2 ÿ x1 ÿ60 ÿ ðÿ60Þ
C ¼ cos 90 ¼ ¼ ¼0
Lð1Þ 120
y2 ÿ y1 120 ÿ 0
S ¼ sin 90 ¼ ¼ ¼1
Lð1Þ 120

Also, 12I 12ð200Þ

¼ ¼ 0:167 in 2 ð5:2:1Þ
L2 ð10  12Þ 2
6I 6ð200Þ
¼ ¼ 10:0 in 3
L 10  12
E 30  10 6
¼ ¼ 250,000 lb=in 3
L 10  12
Then, using Eqs. (5.2.1) to help in evaluating Eq. (5.1.11) for element 1, we obtain the
element global stiffness matrix as
d1x d1y f1 d2x d2y f2
2 3
0:167 0 ÿ10 ÿ0:167 0 ÿ10
6 0 10 0 0 ÿ10 07
6 7
6 7
6 ÿ10 0 800 10 0 400 7
k ð1Þ ¼ 250;000 6
6 7 ð5:2:2Þ
6 ÿ0:167 0 10 0:167 0 10 7
7 in:
4 0 ÿ10 0 0 10 05
6 7
ÿ10 0 400 10 0 800
where all diagonal terms are positive.
220 d 5 Frame and Grid Equations

Element 2
For element 2, the angle between x and x^ is zero because x^ is directed from node 2 to
node 3. Therefore,

C¼1 S¼0

Also, 12I 12ð100Þ

¼ ¼ 0:0835 in 2
L2 120 2
6I 6ð100Þ
¼ ¼ 5:0 in 3 ð5:2:3Þ
L 120
¼ 250,000 lb=in 3
Using the quantities obtained in Eqs. (5.2.3) in evaluating Eq. (5.1.11) for element 2,
we obtain
d2x d2y f2 d3x d3y f3
2 3
10 0 0 ÿ10 0 0
6 0 0:0835 5 0 ÿ0:0835 57
6 7
6 7
6 0 5 400 0 ÿ5 200 7
k ð2Þ ¼ 250,000 6 7 ð5:2:4Þ
6 ÿ10
6 0 0 10 0 0 7 in:
4 0 ÿ0:0835 ÿ5 0 0:0835 ÿ5 5
6 7
0 5 200 0 ÿ5 400

Element 3
For element 3, the angle between x and x^ is 270 (or ÿ90 ) because x^ is directed from
node 3 to node 4. Therefore,
C¼0 S ¼ ÿ1

Therefore, evaluating Eq. (5.1.11) for element 3, we obtain

d3x d3y f3 d4x d4y f4

2 3
0:167 0 10 ÿ0:167 0 10
6 0 10 0 0 ÿ10 07
6 7
6 7
6 10 0 800 ÿ10 0 400 7
k ð3Þ ¼ 250,000 6
6 ÿ0:167
7 in: ð5:2:5Þ
6 0 ÿ10 0:167 0 ÿ10 7
4 0 ÿ10 0 0 10 05
6 7
10 0 400 ÿ10 0 800

Superposition of Eqs. (5.2.2), (5.2.4), and (5.2.5) and application of the boundary con-
ditions d1x ¼ d1y ¼ f1 ¼ 0 and d4x ¼ d4y ¼ f4 ¼ 0 at nodes 1 and 4 yield the reduced
5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples d 221

set of equations for a longhand solution as

8 9 2 38 9
10:167 0 10 ÿ10 0 0 > >d2x>>
7>>d >
0 > 6 0 10:0835 5 0 ÿ0:0835 5 7>
> > 6 >
> > 2y>
> > 7>> >
f2 =
< 0 = 6 10 5 1200 0 ÿ5 200 7 <
¼ 250,0006 7
> 0 >
> >
> 6 0 0 10:167 0 10 7
7> >
7>> >
0 0 ÿ 0:0835 ÿ5 0 10:0835 ÿ5 5> d3y>
> >
> 6 >
> >
> 4 >
> >
> > : >
5000 0 5 200 10 ÿ5 1200 f3
: ; ;


Solving Eq. (5.2.6) for the displacements and rotations, we have

8 9 8 9
> d2x >> >
> 0:211 in: > >
> > > >
d 0:00148 in:
> > > >
2y >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
< f = < ÿ0:00153 rad >
> > =
¼ ð5:2:7Þ
> d3x >
> > >
> > 0:209 in: >
> >
> d3y > > ÿ0:00148 in: >
> >
> > >
> > > > >
> > > >
f3 ÿ0:00149 rad
: ; : ;

The results indicate that the top of the frame moves to the right with negligible vertical
displacement and small rotations of elements at nodes 2 and 3.
The element forces can now be obtained using f^ ¼ kTd ^ for each element, as
was previously done in solving truss and beam problems. We will illustrate this proce-
dure only for element 1. For element 1, on using Eq. (5.1.10) for T and Eq. (5.2.7) for
the displacements at node 2, we have
2 38 9
0 1 0 0 0 0 >> d1x ¼0 >
7> >
ÿ1 0 0 0 0 0 7>
> d1y ¼0
6 > >
6 >
6 7>
> >
6 0 0 1 0 0 077 f1
< ¼0 =
Td ¼ 6 ð5:2:8Þ
6 0
6 0 0 0 1 07 > d2x
7> ¼ 0:211 >
7> >
4 0 0 0 ÿ1 0 0 5> d2y ¼ 0:00148 >
6 > >
> >
> >
0 0 0 0 0 1 f2 ¼ ÿ0:00153
: ;

On multiplying the matrices in Eq. (5.2.8), we obtain

8 9
> 0 >
> >
> >
> >
< 0 >
Td ¼ ð5:2:9Þ
> 0:00148 >
> >
> >
> >
> >
: ;
222 d 5 Frame and Grid Equations

Then using k^ from Eq. (5.1.8), we obtain element 1 local forces as

2 38 9
10 0 0 ÿ10 0 0 > > 0 >
6 0 0:167 10 0 ÿ0:167 10 7> 0
> >
6 7>> >
> >
6 0 10 800 0 ÿ10 400 7 < 0 =
f^ ¼ kTd
^ ¼ 250,0006
6 7
6 ÿ10 0 0 10 0 0 7> 0:00148 >
6 7>> >
4 0 ÿ0:167 ÿ10 0 0:167 ÿ10 5>>
> ÿ0:211 >
> >
0 10 400 0 ÿ10 800 ÿ0:00153
: ;


Simplifying Eq. (5.2.10), we obtain the local forces acting on element 1 as

8 9 8
^ >
> f 1x >
> >
> ÿ3700 lb >
> > > >
> f^ >
> >
> 4990 lb
> 1y >
> >
> >
< 376,000 lb-in: >
< = =
¼ ð5:2:11Þ
> f^2x >
> > > > 3700 lb >
> > > >
^ ÿ4990 lb
> > > >
> > > >
> >
> >
> >
> > > >
223,000 lb-in:
:m > : ;
^2 ;

A free-body diagram of each element is shown in Figure 5–5 along with equilibrium
verification. In Figure 5–5, the x^ axis is directed from node 1 to node 2—consistent
with the order of the nodal degrees of freedom used in developing the stiffness matrix
for the element. Since the x-y plane was initially established as shown in Figure 5–4,
the z axis is directed outward—consequently, so is the z^ axis (recall z^ ¼ z). The y^
axis is then established such that x^ cross y^ yields the direction of z^. The signs on the
resulting element forces in Eq. (5.2.11) are thus consistently shown in Figure 5–5.
The forces in elements 2 and 3 can be obtained in a manner similar to that used to
obtain Eq. (5.2.11) for the nodal forces in element 1. Here we report only the final
results for the forces in elements 2 and 3 and leave it to your discretion to perform
the detailed calculations. The element forces (shown in Figure 5–5(b) and (c)) are as

Element 2
f^2x ¼ 5010 lb f^2y ¼ ÿ3700 lb ^ 2 ¼ ÿ223,000 lb-in:
f^3x ¼ ÿ5010 lb f^3y ¼ 3700 lb ^ 3 ¼ ÿ221,000 lb-in:

Element 3

f^3x ¼ 3700 lb f^3y ¼ 5010 lb ^ 3 ¼ 226,000 lb-in:

f^4x ¼ ÿ3700 lb f^4y ¼ ÿ5010 lb ^ 4 ¼ 375,000 lb-in:
5.2 Rigid Plane Frame Examples d 223

Figure 5–5 Free-body diagrams of (a) element 1, (b) element 2, and (c) element 3

Considering the free body of element 1, the equilibrium equations are

Fx^: ÿ4990 þ 4990 ¼ 0
Fy^: ÿ3700 þ 3700 ¼ 0
M2 : 376,000 þ 223,000 ÿ 4990ð120 in:Þ G 0

Considering moment equilibrium at node 2, we see from Eqs. (5.2.12a) and (5.2.12b)
that on element 1, m ^ 2 ¼ 223,000 lb-in., and the opposite value, ÿ223,000 lb-in.,
occurs on element 2. Similarly, moment equilibrium is satisfied at node 3, as m ^3
from elements 2 and 3 add to the 5000 lb-in. applied moment. That is, from
Eqs. (5.2.12a) and (5.2.12b) we have

ÿ221,000 þ 226,000 ¼ 5000 lb-in: 9

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