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1) The art of writing poetry in keeping with certain rules based on language regularities and

poets’ experience is
a) poetry
b) sound pattern
c) instrumentation
d) versification
e) style

2) A sound pattern used to create harsh and discordant effect is called ...
a) alliteration
b) euphony
c) cacophony
d) assonance
e) asyndeton

3) A group of syllables forming a metrical unit; a unit of rhythm is …

a) foot
b) rhyme
c) rhythm
d) rhyme scheme
e) meter

4) The naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (such as
buzz, hiss, zoom, whiz, crash, ding-dong, pitter-patter, yakety-yak) is ...
a) sound symbolism
b) instrumentation
c) alliteration
d) assonance
e) onomatopoeia

5) The formal arrangement of rhymes in a stanza or a poem is ...

a) foot
b) metre (meter)
c) rhyme scheme
d) rhythm
e) instrumentation

6) Determine the phonostylistic device used in the given example:

My life is cold, and dark, and dreary.
It rains, and the wind is never weary … (H.Longfellow)
a) assonance
b) onomatopoeia
c) alliteration
d) rhythm
e) rhyme

7) Determine the phonostylistic device used in the given example:

Silver bells!
What a world of merriment their melody foretells!
How they tinkle, tinkle, tinkle
In the ice air of the night! (E.Poe)
a) onomatopoeia
b) alliteration
c) assonance
d) rhythm
e) rhyme

8) Identify the type of rhyme employed in the following lines:

Presently my heart grew stronger; hesitating then no longer (E.A.Poe)
a) interior
b) eye
c) end
d) weakened
e) rhyme scheme

9) Indicate the type of rhyme scheme used in the following lines:

By the lakes that thus outspread (a)
Their lone waters, lone and dead, (a)
Their sad waters, sad and chilly (b)
With the snows of the lolling lily, (b)
By the mountains- near the river (e)
Murmuring lowly, murmuring ever, (e)
a) cross rhyme
b) frame rhyme
c) couplet
d) triple rhyme
e) eye rhyme

10) Indicate the type of rhyme scheme used in the following lines:
Make this kiss upon the brow! (a)
And, in parting from you now, (a)
Thus much let me avow— (a)
a) cross rhyme
b) frame rhyme
c) couplet
d) triple rhyme
e) eye rhyme

11) Decide on the factors originating graphons:

“Now, Mike, thith ith Thtevie Taggert, who you‘ve theen before, though you‘ve never been
properly introduthed. Thtevie – Mike” (C. Carr).

a) excitement
b) social status (lack of education)
c) age
d) intoxication
e) physical defect of speech

12) The phonetic stylistic device used in the sentence “Dreadful young creatures – squealing
and squawking (D. Carter)” is

a) alliteration
b) assonance
c) onomatopoeia
d) rhyme
e) rhythm

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