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reducible metals (such as precious

metals and copper) or less reducible

Preparing metals (such as cobalt, nickel, cadmium,

or lead) by précipitation in liquid poly-
ols.17 This reaction will be used as an ex-
ample in order to discuss the mechanism
Monodisperse of formation of uniform micrometer and
submicrometer size métal particles by
précipitation reactions.

Métal Powders Description of the Polyol Process

Expérimental Conditions
In the polyol process a powdered

in Micrometer and inorganic metallic compound is sus-

pended in a liquid polyol (ethylenegly-
col, diethyleneglycol, or mixture of both
hâve been mainly used). The suspen-

Submicrometer sion is stirred and heated to a given

température, which can reach boiling
point of the polyol for less reducible

Sizes by the
metals, e.g., cobalt or nickel. The start-
ing compound may be rather soluble in
the polyol (e.g., silver nitrate or cobalt,
nickel and copper acétate hydrate) or it

Polyol Process may be only slightly soluble (e.g., cobalt

and nickel hydroxides, or copper oxides,
CuO, and Cu 2 0). A complète réduction
of thèse compounds can be achieved
F. Fievet, J.P. Lagier, and M. Figlarz within a few hours, the métal being re-
covered as a finely divided powder. In
some cases the water and the volatile
products evolved during the reaction
must be distilled off, while the polyol
Introduction In so-called thick film technology, is refluxed in order to shorten the reac-
One of the newer tendencies in mate- conductive inks and pastes are screen tion time.
rials science has been to tailor-make printed on a ceramic substrate in order
classical products (long associated with to form, after firing, a conductive film General Mechanism of the Reaction
old applications) with controlled prop- with a thickness less than 10 /um. This The gênerai mechanism of the reac-
erties for spécial uses, especially in high technique is, for instance, used to form tion involved in this process has been
technology. Preparing dispersed Sys- the network in hybrid integrated cir- investigated mainly for the réduction
tems in which ail particles hâve nearly cuits or the internai électrodes of multi- into métal of Co(OH)2 and Ni(OH)2 in
uniform size (monodisperse solids) is a layer ceramic capacitors.11"16 ethyleneglycol. Itappears, fromdetailed
typical example. This goal can be Metallic powders in thick film compo- results published elsewhere,18"20 that the
achieved in some cases through cleverly sitions are usually precious metals (Au, reaction proceeds via dissolution rather
controlled particle growth from a liquid Ag, Pt, Pd), their mixtures, or alloys. than solid phase transformation.
médium. Examples of such prépara- Cheaper metals such as copper or nickel In this reaction the polyol at first acts
tions include gold colloids prepared by are tested and may be potential substi- as a solvent for the starting compound
Zsigmondy1"2 and later by Turkevich et tutes for precious metals in différent due to its rather high dielectric constant.
al.,3 sulfur sols obtained by LaMer,4 spécifie applications. Powders for thick Subsequently, ethyleneglycol reduces
métal oxides and hydrous oxides pre- film composition are mainly obtained the cobalt(II) and nickel(II) species in
pared by Matijevié et al.,5"8 silica,9 etc. through chemical précipitation from the liquid phase, in which nucleation
Thèse dispersions hâve been used either aqueous or organic solutions,11"13 which and growth of the metallic phase occur.
to check théories of colloid science, or to yield high purity powders. Modifica- Thus, ethyleneglycol also acts as a
a lesser extent, for industrial purposes.10 tion of précipitation parameters (such as crystal growth médium for the métal
In the case of fine métal particles, a uni- the nature and the concentration of the particles.
form size distribution associated with a starting metallic compound and of the In the réduction of Co(OH) 2 and
low degree of agglomération, and some- reducing agent, reaction température, Ni(OH)2, the reaction mechanism is
times the spherical shape, appear as par- viscosity of the médium) and the addi- more intricate due to the formation of
ticularly convenient characteristics for tion of additives and surfactants, can an intermediate solid phase between
certain applications. The production of often be used to control particle size and the starting hydroxide and the métal
conductive inks or pastes for electronic agglomération. powder. From x-ray diffraction and
materials11'13 and for the préparation of Over the past few years, we hâve de- infrared spectroscopy it can be inferred
conductive paints are particularly good veloped a new process for preparing that both cobalt and nickel intermediate
examples. finely divided métal powders of easily phases show a lamellar, incompletely

Preparing Monodisperse Métal Powders by the Polyol Process

ordered structure with intercalation of

ethyleneglycol molécules or the corre- Table I: General Mechanism of Réduction of Ni (OH) 2
sponding alkoxy radicals. 18 " 20 Conse- or Co (OH) 2 into Métal in Ethyleneglycol.
quently, one may consider the reaction
First stage: Crystallized Hydroxide -» Intermediate Phase
to proceed in two steps as described in
Table I.
Although the starting Co(OH) 2 and Progressive dissolution of the starting hydroxide
Ni(OH) 2 are only slightly soluble, this Précipitation of the intermediate phase
solubility is high enough to allow the Evolution of water by distillation
reaction mechanism described in Table
I. The reaction occurs because différent Second stage: Intermediate Phase -» Métal
equilibria shift as the metallic phase
grows until the réduction is completed.
Dissolution of the intermediate phase
This reducing action of ethyleneglycol Réduction in solution
has been investigated by analyzing the
Evolution of the volatile products of reaction
volatile compounds resulting from its
oxidation, among which diacetyl appears Homogeneous nucleation and growth of métal particles
as the main product. 1822 Its formation
can be explained by a duplicative oxida-
tion of acetaldehyde, previously pro-
duced by dehydration of ethyleneglycol, Table II: Chemical Analysis of Two Cobalt Powders Obtained from the Same
as follows: Parent Hydroxide by Solid-Gas Réduction and by the Polyol Process
(main impurities/cobalt ratios in ppm by weight).
2CH 2 OH—CH 2 OH ' 2 " 2 °>
Cobalt Cobalt (solid- Cobalt (polyol
2 C H 3 C H O ^ CH 3 — C — C — C H 3 Hydroxide gas réduction) process)
O O Ca 150 150 <5
+ H20 + M Fe 80 80 20
Ni 250 250 250
The reducing action of ethyleneglycol Si 150 150 130
is certainly différent for metals other Cl 2000 500 60
than cobalt and nickel. The occurrence S 150 150 <50
of an intermediate solid phase is not a
Na 250 250 <10
gênerai feature of ail métal reactions.
However, it must be emphasized that
the mechanism of métal particle forma-
tion through nucleation and growth
from the solution is quite gênerai for ail
metals obtained by the polyol process.

Characteristics of Métal Powders

Metals obtained by the polyol process
are recovered as finely divided crystal-
line powders, as determined by x-ray
diffraction. T h e y are c o m p o s e d of
equiaxed particles with a mean size of
1-10 /iim, depending on the métal con-
sidered and the reaction conditions. The
exceptions are precious metals, whose
mean particle size is usually smaller
than 1 ixm. It should be stressed that the
particle size distribution is usually nar-
row, as exemplified with a cobalt pow-
der obtained in a boiling mixture of
1 2 3 d iim
ethyleneglycol and diethyleneglycol
(20-80% by volume). Figure 1 illustrâtes Figure 1. Cobalt powder obtained from Co(OH)2 in a mixture of diethyleneglycol and
such particles of the mean diameter of ethyleneglycol and particle size distribution of the particles (d = 1.75 fim, a = 0.24 \xm).
1.75 ixm with the standard déviation of
—15%. In this case, the particles are
nearly spherical and show a very low
degree of agglomération. hydroxide, the intermediate poorly crys- the intermediate phase as thin crumpled
It is noteworthy that in the réduction tallized phase, and the final métal pow- films, and the metallic phase as equiaxed
of Co(OH)2 and Ni(OH) 2 , there is no simi- der. For instance Ni(OH) 2 appears as particles (d = 0.78 fim). Thèse very dif-
larity in the morphologies of the parent hexagonal platelets (0.1 jum x 0.02 ju.m), férent morphological characteristics are

Preparing Monodisperse Métal Powders by the Polyol Process

rities in the starting hydroxide, such as CONCENTRATION OF METAL

Ca, Fe, or Na, are considerably lower in IN SOLUTION
the cobalt p o w d e r o b t a i n e d by the
polyol process as c o m p a r e d w i t h a / _ \ NUCLEATION
cobalt powder prepared by solid-gas
réduction (Table II). This is caused by
the inability of the polyol to reduce
thèse contaminants into pure metals. / ! ! ^^SATURATION
Homodisperse System and
Homogeneous Nucleation 1
! D
! ID
Cobalt powder obtained by the polyol l 1 1 -»

process in an ethyleneglycol-diethyl-
eneglycol mixture is of very narrow size Figure 3. LaMer's model for the
distribution (Figure 1), which is also formation of a monodispersed System: u
observed with other metals obtained by I — prenucleation period; Il—nucleation
the polyol process, such as nickel (Fig- step; Ul—growth step.
ure 4a), copper (Figure 2a), and pre-
cious metals (Figure 2b-c). This expéri-
mental feature must be accounted for by
a reasonable reaction méchanism. particles, it is also necessary to prevent
their coagulation during the growth
LaMer's Model stage. In the polyol process, the grow-
It is well known that the précipitation ing médium, i.e., the polyol itself, can
of a solid from a solution proceeds in act to some extent as an inhibitor for
two steps: nucleation and growth. Dur- c o a g u l a t i o n . An a n a l o g o u s g ê n e r a i
ing nucleation, solid tiny particles form méchanism was proposed by Turkevich
from the supersaturated solution. If to a c c o u n t for t h e p r é p a r a t i o n of
thèse nuclei a p p e a r s p o n t a n e o u s l y , monodisperse gold colloid by réduction
without the promoting effect of impuri- of chlorauric acid solution by sodium
ties, the nucleation is called homoge- citrate. 3
neous. During the second step, the
original nuclei grow into larger parti- Modification of Particle Size
cles. In order to obtain monodisperse The mean size of the métal particles
particles, a gênerai condition must be obtained by the polyol process can be
fulfilled: nucleation and growth must be varied by modifying the parameters that
two completely sépara te steps.10-23 This govern the reaction méchanism.
condition has been expressed by LaMer
in his study of sulfur sols prepared from Température. In the polyol process, the
acidified thiosulfate solutions. 24,25 mean size of the particles usually de-
The LaMer diagram (Figure 3) can be creases as the reaction température in-
u s e d to d e s c r i b e t h e f o r m a t i o n of creases. For instance, micrometer-size
monodisperse cobalt and nickel parti- nickel particles (Figure 4a) are obtained
cles in polyol as follows. The métal is from Ni(OH) 2 in boiling ethyleneglycol
slowly generated in the solution by pro- under atmospheric pressure (195°C),
gressive dissolution of the intermediate whereas submicrometer-size particles
phase and by subséquent réduction of (d = 0.3 /xm; cr = 0.05 /am) are gener-
cobalt(II) and nickel(II) species in the ated at 210°C under higher pressure
liquid p h a s e . The c o n c e n t r a t i o n of (Figure 4b). The same trend is observed
metallic species in solution increases with cobalt or copper. This température
Figure 2. (a) Copper, (b) silver, and (c) and reaches the saturation concentra- effect can be explained in terms of the
platinum powders obtained by the polyol tion, which is unknown but probably previous model. As the température
process. very small. As the réduction reaction rises, the number of nuclei formed dur-
proceeds, the soluté content further ing the short nucleation stage increases
increases until critical supersaturation is due to faster dissolution of the interme-
reached, leading to rapid, spontaneous diate phase and faster réduction in solu-
consistent with the fact that each of the nucleation. Many nuclei are formed tion. Consequently, the mean particle
two stages of the méchanism described during a short time and, therefore, the size decreases for a given amount of
in Table I proceeds via dissolution. 21 métal concentration is quickly lowered precipitated métal.
The high degree of purity of métal below critical. Particle growth occurs on
powders obtained by the polyol process the original nuclei, as long as the métal Starting C o m p o u n d Polyol Ratio.
(except for the carbon content which is slowly provided by the réduction, When the starting compound/polyol
can reach 1 wt%) can also be related to eventually yielding solids of equal size. ratio is increased, the particle size sig-
the solution reaction méchanism. Impu- In order to actually obtain such uniform nificantly increases. For instance, when

Preparing Monodisperse Métal Powders by the Polyol Process

the molar ratio Ni(OH)2/ethyleneglycol Seeding by External Foreign Nuclei

is changed from 0.01 to 0.15, the mean This method has been used for the ré-
particle size in the micrometèr range duction of Co(OH)2 in an ethyleneglycol-
almost doubles. The same trend is ob- diethyleneglycol mixture. The System
served during the réduction of Co(OH)2 has been seeded with ~3 nm palladium
into cobalt. This trend can be related particles suspended in ethyleneglycol.
to the previous model if one considers The Pd particles are introduced before
that, at a given température, the num- the spontaneous nucleation occurs with
ber of nuclei formed during the short a molar ratio Pd/Co of -4.10-4.
nucleation step remains independent
of the amount of starting material Formation of Foreign Nuclei in situ
brought into the System. When this In this alternative method, the hetero-
amount is increased, the number of par- geneous nuclei are formed in situ. This
ticles remains constant and their mean can be obtained by admixing a small
size increases. amount of silver nitrate solution in
In conclusion, the size uniformity of ethyleneglycol to the original reactant
the particles and the influence of différ- solution. Due to the easy réduction of
ent expérimental factors on the main AgN0 3 into Ag by polyols, tiny parti-
size are consistent with the formation of cles of metallic silver form more rapidly,
métal particles through a spontaneous i.e., before the métal of interest nucle-
nucleation step followed by a well- ates. Thus, silver particles act as nuclei
separated growth step. for the subséquent growth of the métal
particles. This method has been suc-
Modification of Particle Shape cessfully used in the réduction of
For ferromagnètic metals like cobalt Co(OH)2 in an ethyleneglycol-diethyl-
and nickel, particle shapè can be drasti- eneglycol mixture and in the réduction
cally modified when the précipitation of of Ni(OH)2 in ethyleneglycol.
thèse metals occurs under the influence
of a magnetic field. For nickel, the appli- Métal Particles in the Submicrometer
cation of an external magnetic field Range
leads to metallic filaments rather than In both the above cases, seeding of
spherical particles (Figure 4c). The the reactive médium is followed rapidly
field's rôle is to line up small ferromag- by the beginning of the précipitation of
nètic particles, which resulted from the cobalt or nickel. When the growth step
homogeneous nucleation step, during is completed the métal particles recov-
the early stages of their growth. Thèse ered show a mean size significantly
tiny particles join together and lead to smaller than that obtained under stan-
metallic filaments as subséquent growth dard conditions, as shown in Table III
proceeds. and Figure 6 for nickel and cobalt. Con-
sequently, seeding allows obtaining
Modification of Particle Surface cobalt or nickel particles in the sub-
Chemical redox cycling can modify micrometer range. Thèse ultrafine parti-
the surface of the original metallic parti- cles remain uniform in size, which
cles. For example, if standard cobalt implies a complète substitution of
particles are submitted to a superficial homogeneous by heterogeneous nucle-
oxidation followed by hydrogen réduc- ation. In the latter case, the significant
tion, important surface modifications decrease of particle size can be explained
occur. The particle surface which was if one considers that the number of for-
initially smooth becomes spiky. eign nuclei introduced into the System
is higher than the number of nuclei
Figure 4. Ni powders obtained from
Heterogeneous Nucleation which would spontaneously form Ni(OH)2 in boiling ethyleneglycol: (a) at
In order to separate the nucleation through homogeneous nucleation. 195°C, micrometèr size; (b) at 2W°C,
step from the growth step more effi- The number of nuclei formed in situ submicrometer size; (c) at 205°C in a
ciently, and to better control the num- can easily be altered by varying the magnetic field, nickel filaments (10 fxm
ber of nuclei, one can add preformed amount of silver nitrate added in order x 0.5 pm).
particles as seeds. Zsigmondy1"2 intro- to seed the reactant médium. The mean
duced this substitution of the homoge- size and the standard déviation of métal
neous by heterogeneous nucleation in particles obtained for différent amounts
the préparation of gold sols. In the of AgN0 3 are given in Table III for
polyol process two attempts hâve been Ni(OH)2. For molar Ag/metal ratio <10-*,
rnade to seed the solution with hetero- the métal is recovered as a polydisperse
geneous nuclei by: (1) adding external powder because the number of silver
foreign particles and (2) forming hetero- nuclei is too small to completely replace
geneous nuclei in situ. homogeneous by heterogeneous nucle-

Preparing Monodisperse Métal Powders by the Polyol Process

Table III: Size of Nickel Particles

Obtained in the Polyol Process by
Heterogeneous Nucleation with
AgN0 3 .
Ag/Ni (mole) dm (fim) a(fim)

5.5 10-" 0.20 0.058

5.5 1(T3 0.10 0.027
2.7 1CT2 0.07 0.015

.( Pm)

• Co

m Ag


Figure 6. Corrélation betiveen the mean

diameter, d, of submicrometer-size cobalt
and nickel particles luith the number of
silver nuclei (mAg in mg for préparation
ivith 250 cm3 of polyol ivith molar ratio
Ag/Co and Ag/Ni in the range of
Figure 5. Cobalt powders obtained from Co(OH)2 in diethyleneglycol ethyleneglycol boiling 10-4-10-2).
mixture by homogeneous or heterogeneous nucleation: (a) homogeneous nucleation,
micrometer-size particles; (b and c) heterogeneous nucleation, seeding by AgN03 ivith an
increasing amount of nuclei, submicrometer-size particles; (d) heterogeneous nucleation,
seeding with submicron-size cobalt particles, occurrence of coagulated particles.
ter range. In principle, this goal could
be achieved by seeding the reactive
médium with submicrometer métal par-
ticles (such as those obtained above).
ation. Therefore, both processes occur tional to mAg. If the amount of precipi- Numerous experiments with cobalt
simultaneously. On the contrary, when tated métal remains constant as mAg is hâve been conducted without being able
the number of nuclei is high enough varied, the relationship d = k m~Àg is to overcome a major difficulty. The cobalt
(Ag/Co ratio in the ÎO^-IO"2 range) the theoretically expected. This relationship powders obtained were made up of a
cobalt particles are uniform with a mean is indeed expèrimentally observed with mixture of homodisperse micrometer-
d i a m e t e r varying from about 0.3 to Co particles obtained from Co(OH) 2 in size spherical particles and of larger
0.1/um (Figures 5b-c), which may be an ethyleneglycol-diethyleneglycol mix- particles, as illustrated in Figure 5d. The
explained by a purely heterogeneous ture and with Ni particles obtained from latter coagulated solids are probably due
nucleation. Ni(OH) 2 in ethyleneglycol (Figure 6), as to a strong tendency of the submicron
It is possible to correlate the mean long as mAg is neither too small nor too cobalt nuclei to form agglomérâtes at
size of cobalt and nickel particles to the large. If the amount of A g N 0 3 intro- the very beginning of the growth stage.
amount of silver nitrate introduced into duced is too low, homogeneous nucle-
the System if two simple hypothèses are ation competes with the heterogeneous Conclusion
assumed. The first is that the size of the nucleation, whereas if the amount is too There is a growing demand for uni-
silver nuclei formed at a given tempéra- high silver nuclei coagulate. form métal powders, especially for pre-
ture is independent of the amount of sil- paring conductive inks and pastes for
ver introduced; therefore, the number Variation of Mean Particle Size in the various applications, including elec-
of nuclei is directly proportional to the Micrometer Range by Heterogeneous tronic thick film technology. One suc-
mass of silver (mAg) The second hypothe- Nucleation cessful method to obtain uniform métal
sis is that each silver nuclei yields to one We tried to use heterogeneous instead powders is the réduction of metallic
métal particle; therefore, the number of of homogeneous nucleation in order to compounds and précipitation of metals
métal particles is âlso directly propor- control the particle size in the microme- from aqueous or organic média, pro-

Preparing Monodisperse Métal Powders by the Polyol Process

vided a clear séparation of nucleation powders, namely copper and precious 12. G.P. Demopoulos and G. Pouskouleli, /.
and growth stages is achieved and metals. In the latter cases the coagula- o/Mefa/s40(1988)p. 46.
coagulation between particles during tion of the particles during their growth 13. Y. Zeniya, Precious Metals 1986, edited by
their growth is avoided. The first condi- appears to hâve a more important effect, U.V. Rao, (IPMI, Allentown, PA, 1986)
tion is sometimes fulfilled by seeding which has to be avoided as far as pos- p. 409.
14. B. Walton, Radio Electron. Eng. 45 (1975)
the System with foreign nuclei, and the sible. Finally, the possibility of extend- p. 139.
second by using protective agents such ing this process to prépare uniform 15. T.H. Lemon, Platinum Metals Rev. 19
as surfactants or complexing species. composite métal powders should be (1975) p. 146.
The polyol process which applies to emphasized; the corresponding studies 16. J.R. Larry, R.M. Rosenberg, and R.O.
cobalt, nickel, copper, and precious are now in progress. Uhler, IEEE Trans., Components, Hybrids
metals (this article focuses on cobalt and Manuf. Technol. 3 (1980) p. 211.
nickel) is an interesting and unexpected Acknowledgments 17. M. Figlarz, F. Fievet, and J.P. Lagier,
example of such a method for preparing The authors are indebted to Ministère French patent no. 82 21483 (December 21,
uniform métal powders. The reaction 1982); Europe Patent No. 011 3281; U.S.
de la Recherche, the DGA/DRET and Patent No. 45 39041; Finland Patent
proceeds via dissolution, the polyol Eurotungstene Poudres, who supported No. 74416; Japan Application No. 24 303783.
acting simultaneously as a solvent, a this study. 18. B. Blin, Thèse de Docteur Ingénieur, Uni-
reducing agent, and to some extent a versité Paris 7, 1987.
protective agent. For metals such as Références 19. M. Figlarz, F. Fievet, and J.P. Lagier, in
cobalt and nickel, micrometer-sized 1. R. Zsigmondy, Z. Physik. Chem. 56 (1906) Powder Preparation/Rapid Quenching, Proc.
uniform particles can be obtained under p. 65. Int. Meeting on Advanced Materials, Tokyo
standard conditions through a ho- 2. R. Zsigmondy and P. A. Thiessen, Das Kol- 1988 (Mater. Res. Soc. Conf. Proc. 3, Pitts-
mogeneous nucleation step and a sub- loide Gold, (Akad. Verlagsges, Leipzig, 1925). burgh, PA, 1989) p. 125.
séquent growth step. Submicrometer 3. J. Turkevich, Gold Bull. 18 (3) (1985) p. 86. 20. K. Tekaia-Ehlsissen, A. Delahaye-Vidal,
uniform cobalt and nickel particles can 4. V.K. LaMer and M.D. Bames, /. Colloid G. Nowogrocki, and M. Figlarz, C.R. Acad.
Sci. 1 (1946) p. 71. Sci., Paris 309-11 (1989) p. 349.
be obtained by seeding the reactive 5. R. Demchak and E. Matijevic, /. Colloid 21. F. Fievet, J.P. Lagier, B. Blin, B. Beau-
médium with heterogeneous métal Interface Sci. 31 (1969) p. 257. doin, and M. Figlarz, Solid State Ionics 32/33
nuclei to achieve a complète substitu- 6. R. Brace and E. Matijevic, /. Inorg. Nucl. (1989) p. 198.
tion of homogeneous by heterogeneous Chem. 35 (1973) p. 3691. 22. B. Blin, F. Fievet, D. Beaupère, and M.
nucleation. By varying the number of 7. T. Sugimoto and E. Matijevic, /. Colloid Figlarz, Nouv. ]. Chim. 13 (1989) p. 67.
nuclei it is possible to control to some Interface Sci. 74 (1980) p. 227. 23. T. Sugimoto, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 28
extent the average particle size in the 8. E. Matijevic, Langmir 2 (1986) p. 12. (1987) p. 65.
submicrometer range. 9. A.K. Van Helden, J.W. Jansen, and A. 24. V.K. LaMer and R.H. Dinegar, /. Am.
Vrig, /. Colloid Interface Sci. 81 (1981) p. 354. Chem. Soc. 72 (1950) p. 4847.
For cobalt, a feasibility study to scale 10. J.T.G. Overbeek, Adv. Colloid Interface Sci. 25. V.K. LaMer, Ind. Eng. Chem. 44 (1952)
up this process to an industrial level is 15 (1982) p. 251. p. 1270. Q
now in progress. This process can also -11. G.G. Ferrier, A.R. Berzins, and N.M.
be used to obtain other uniform métal Davey, Platinum Metals Rev., 29 (1985) p. 175.

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