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The British Journal of Radiology, 84 (2011), 1121-1124

National reference doses for dental cephalometric radiography


Occupational Services Department, Health Protection Agency, Leeds, UK

Objectives: Diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) are an important tool in the

optimisation of clinical radiography. Although national DRLs are provided for many
diagnostic procedures including dental intra-oral radiography, there are currently no
national DRLs set for cephalometric radiography. In the absence of formal national
DRLs, the Health Protection Agency (HPA) has previously published National Reference
Doses (NRDs) covering a wide range of diagnostic X-ray examinations. The aim of this
study was to determine provisional NRDs for cephalometric radiography.
Methods: Measurements made by the Dental X-ray Protection Service (DXPS) of the
HPA, as part ofthe cephalometric X-ray equipment testing service provided to dentists
and dental trade companies throughout the UK, were used to derive provisional NRDs.
Results: Dose-area product measurements were made on 42 X-ray sets. Third quartile Received: 29 April 2010
dose-area product values for adult and child lateral cephalometric radiography were Revised: 10 August 2010
found to be 41 mGy cm^ and 25 mGy cm^ respectively, with individual measurements Accepted: 16 August 2010
ranging from 3 mGy cm^ to 108 mGy cm^.
DOI: 10.1259/bjr/26420990
Conclusion: This report proposes provisional NRDs of 40 mGy cm^ and 25 mGy cm^ for
adult and child lateral cephalometric radiographs, respectively; these doses could be © 2011 The British Institute of
considered by employers when establishing their local DRLs. Radiology

Since tbe introduction of tbe Ionising Radiation examinations carried out tbrougbout tbe UK and to provide
(Medical Exposure) Regulations in 2000 (IR(ME)R 2000) a major source of information for tbe review and adoption
[1], employers responsible for tbe use of dental and of new national DRLs. In July 2007, tbe HFA publisbed tbe
medical X-ray equipment bave been required to establisb 2005 review of tbe NPDD [5]; tbis time, tbe review included
local diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for eacb common dose data from dental X-ray examinations and proposed
radiograpbic procedure undertaken. Reviews of tbeir new National Reference Doses (NRDs) for intra-oral and
radiograpby practices are required if DRLs are consis- panoramic examinations, wbicb updated tbose nrst pro-
tentiy exceeded. In effect, a diagnostic reference level can posed in 1999 [4]. Altbougb tbese NRDs for intra-oral and
be considered tbe level of dose expected not to be panoramic examinations bave not been formally adopted
exceeded for a standard procedure wben good and by tbe Department of Healtb as national DRLs, tbe data
normal practice regarding diagnostic and tecbnical collected are representative of current practice.
performance is applied. Local DRLs sbould be estab- Wben setting a local DRL, national DRLs and NRDs
lisbed by tbe employer in consultation witb tbe sbould be considered and it would be expected tbat tbe
appointed medical pbysics expert (MPE). local DRL sbould not normally exceed tbe national level.
To assist employers to set appropriate local DRLs, tbe However, just ensuring tbat patient doses are below tbe
Department of Healtb adopted national DRLs for many national DRL or NRD does not mean tbat local practices
common X-ray examinations [2]. National DRLs are are being optimised. Dental surgeries using modern
normally set at tbe tbird quartile value of tbe patient equipment and tecbniques sbould be able to set a local
dose distribution observed for a particular tjrpe of X-ray DRL significantly lower tban tbe national level, based on
examination during a widescale survey (i.e. tbe patient tbeir local circumstances.
dose value tbat only 25% of assessed X-ray sets exceed). A national review of doses arising from dental
Tbe national DRLs adopted by tbe Department of cepbalometric examinations bas never been imdertaken
Healtb were primarily based on tbe Healtb Protection in tbe UK and cepbalometiic doses bave not, to date,
Agency's (HPA) 2000 review of tbe National Patient been included in tbe NPDD. For many years, bowever, tbe
Dose Database (NPDD) [3]. However, at tbe time of tbe Dental X-ray Protection Service (DXPS) of tbe HPA
review, dental X-ray examinations were not included in bas carried out tbe commissioning and routine quality
tbe NPDD. Subsequenfly, tbe national DRL for dental assurance testing of cepbalometric equipment installed
intra-oral examinations was based on separate patient tbrougbout tbe UK. As part of tbe testing procedures,
dose data publisbed by tbe HPA in 1999 [4]. measurements are made of representative patient doses.
Tbe NPDD was designed to collate measurements of Tbis report proposes a patient dose measurement metbod
patient radiation doses from common diagnostic X-ray togetber witb rounded tbird quartile dose values for adult
and cbild lateral cepbalometric radiograpby based on tbe
patient dose measurements made by DXPS.
Address correspondence to: John R Holroyd, Health Protection
Agency, Occupational Services Department, Hospital Lane, Owing to tbe specialist applications of cepbalometric
Cookridge, Leeds LS16 6RW, UK. E-mail: radiograpby, tbere are only a relatively small number of

The British Journal of Radiology, December 2011 1121

J R Holroyd

units in use in the UK compared with intra-oral or Collection of cephalometric dose data
panoramic equipment; consequently, the sample size con-
sidered in this report is fairly small. However, the dose Radiation dose measurements made by DXPS between
measurements are considered reasonably representative January 2008 and August 2009 are included in this analysis.
of UK practice so that the third quartüe values can be The radiation dose meastirements were made either during
considered as provisional NRDs and provide a useful guide initial commissioning or during routine quality assurance
to employers when establishing their local DRLs. Fur- testing. Where measurements were taken during commis-
thermore, it is anticipated that the patient dose data sioning, the equipment was operated using the exposure
presented in this report and any data subsequently collected factors that were intended to be used for clirücal imaging.
on cephalometric radiography doses wul be included in the Cephalometric equipment can typically be operated in
NPDD so that future reviews of the database can propose two modes, lateral and anteroposterior. It was established
NRDs for cephalometric radiography. from discussions with clinicians that lateral radiography
was the mode of operation in which the equipment was
predominately used; many clinicians had never operated
the equipment in anteroposterior mode. For this reason,
Methods and materials padent dose data were collected only for the lateral mode
of operadon.
Cephalometric dosimetry The cephalometric X-ray sets were operated using the
dental practice's standard technique factors for adult and
A review was carried out to determine if reference
child lateral radiography. The child setting was taken to be
levels for cephalometric radiography are applied in other
the setting the dentist would use when taking a radiograph
countries. This analysis identified only three countries
of a 13-year-old male padent, as this was considered to be a
that have set reference levels (Table 1).
typical age for when cephalometric radiographs are taken.
These reference levels use two different dosimetric
The radiadon dose was measured using a solid-state
quantities: entrance surface dose (ESD) and dose-area
X-ray detector (Unfors Xi meter with R/F detector;
product (DAP). ESD is a measure of the radiation dose
Unfors Ltd, Billdol, Sweden) and X-ray-sensidve film
absorbed in air at the position at which the X-ray field (Structurix; GE Technologies, Coventry, UK) was used to
is incident on the patient. DAP is the product of dose capture an image of the X-ray field size. These measure-
absorbed in air at a reference point and the area of the ments were made at the film cassette position (or, for
X-ray field at that point (hence, it is independent of the digital equipment, at the digital detector posidon) for
actual position used to make the measurement). The ease of measurement and without a phantom present.
use of DAP as a measure of patient dose is advanta- The acdve width of the Unfors detector is approximately
geous because it is more closely related to effective 2 mm, allowing it to be positioned within the X-ray beam
dose than ESD is; DAP also reflects any steps taken to for the full exposure even with the narrow X-ray beam
reduce the patient exposure by reducing the size of the used by some models that employ a scanning, narrow X-
X-ray beam incident on the patient. By collimating ray beam. The use of this solid-state detector means that
the radiographie image to only the area of diagnostic the measured doses will not include backscatter from the
interest, the DAP can be significantly decreased. It has imaging system, as the rear of the detector is shielded. If
been shown that, by using an appropriate collimator, doses were measured for comparison using an alter-
patient doses can be reduced by up to 47% [6] com- native detector type, this would need to be considered.
pared with a standard 30 x 24-cm sized cephalometric
In fact, the use of DAP as a dose metric for setting Results
DRLs is specifically recommended by the European
Commission for establishing reference levels for cepha- Table 2 presents a summary of the results obtained.
lometric radiography [7]. because the size of the X-ray Figures 1 and 2 show each padent dose measurement in
field is readily measurable for cephalometric radio- ascending DAP value. The horizontal bars represent the
graphy, it is proposed that DAP is adopted as the third quartile DAP value.
quantity for measurement of the reference level.
Nadonal DRLs are typically established for both adult
and child padents. Because cephalometric radiography is
predominantly udlised for adolescent padents, it is The difference in the number of X-ray sets included in
important that reference levels are set for both child the adult and child assessments is a consequence of
and adult radiography, separate third quartile DAP developments in the data collection methods and the
values are presented in this report. selecdon of representative examinations.

Table 1. Reference levels for cephalometric radiography in other countries

Cóuntry^and- reference Year No. of X-ray sets considered Reference level

USA [9] 2005 Not stated 0.25 mGy (ESD without backscatter)
Germany [8] 2007 20 26.4 mGy cm^ (child) 32.6 mGy cm^ (adult) (DAP) (lateral)
Spain [10] 2004 78 0.40 mGy (ESD) (lateral)
DAP, dose-area product; ESD, entrance surface dose.

1122 The British Journal of Radiology, December 2011

National reference doses for dental cephalometric radiography

Table 2. Summary of lateral cephalometric dose data DFilm Ö Digital (scan) a Digital • 3rd Quartile Dose
^ '^rl

No. of X-ray sets 100 -

42 27
Minimum dose (mGy) 0.07 0.03
Maximum dose (mGy) 2.85 2.21 Ê 80 -


Minimum beam size (cm^)
Maximum beam size (cm^) 832 832 O 60 -
Minimum DAP (mGy cm^) 3 3 a.'
Maximum DAP (mGy cm^) 108 102 o 40 -
Mean DAP 32 25
Third quartile DAP 41 25 20 -

DAP, dose-area product. t^iSo I^ JI ^

B™^^SL ^IJ^S
Es ^IJ ^jftgixi
ctfl I^ I1

Figure 2. Summary of dose-area product (DAP) measure-

The dose and beam size measuremenfs show a ments using child exposure parameters, ordered by increas-
significanf range of values. This variafion is primarily ing DAP. The horizontal bar represents the third quartile
due fo fhe image capfure process ufilised by cephalo- DAP value.
mefric equipment; the image capture process for fhe
majorify of direcf digifal equipmenf is significantly
differenf from film and compufed radiography. Film either that different digifal imaging devices require
and compufed radiography fypically capfure the entire significanfly differenf doses fo obtain optimum diagnos-
radiographie image in a single subsecond exposure, fic images or that technique facfors are nof being
whereas direct digital equipnienf uses a narrow X-ray opfimised for digifal imaging sysfems, resulfing in
beam fhaf scans fhe pafienf eifher horizontally or significantly higher patient doses. ,
vertically fo acquire fhe image over a number of seconds. The peak DAP measurements were obtained from
Consequently, the doses measured for scanning digifal equipment that uses large direct digital sensors thaf
sysfems are significanfly higher than for ofher sysfems; can capfure fhe enfire radiographie image without
however, fhe measured beam sizes are lower, which scanning. These machines typically use a larger X-ray
explains fhe significant differences in fhe dose and beam field size fhan fhe majorify of film or scanning digifal
size resulfs presenfed in Table 2. Nonefheless, fhe DAP systems fhaf, combinecl with comparable or even higher
measurements, which are fhe producf of dose and beann exposure parameters, lead to the higher DAP measure-
size, should be comparable between the two types of ments.
image capfure process. Comparing the adult and child third quartile DAP
Table 3 shows fhe fhird quarfile dose values for fhe values in Table 2 with the German reference levels
different image capture fechniques. Of the 42 X-ray sets presenfed in Table 1 shows fhaf fhere is good agreement
for the child value and reasonable agreement for fhe
where adult dose measurements were made, 12 used
adult value.
film-based imaging and 30 used either direct digital or
computed radiography imaging. The adulf fhird quar- The method presented in this paper uses a solid-stafe
file DAP value for equipment fhaf uses digifal imaging defecfor and an X-ray-sensifive film fo derive fhe DAP.
(either direct digifal or compufed radiography) was Care should be faken to ensure fhaf any inhomogeneify
found to be 40 mGy cm^ compared wifh a value of shown on fhe developed film is faken info accoimf when
calculafing fhe DAP {e.g. fhe reducfion in dose owing to
42 mGy cm^ for film-based sysfems. However, bofh the
additional filfrafion over part of fhe image area).
highest and lowest DAP measuremenfs were from
X-ray sets ufilising digital imaging. This could suggest An alfernafive mefhod thaf has been shown to be
appropriate for fhe measurement of DAP of cephalo-
metric equipmenf is fo use. a dedicafed DAP mefer
üFllm a Digital (scan) Q Digital • 3rd Quartile Dose affached to fhe fronf of fhe X-ray tube port [8]. The use of
a DAP meter would not require separate dose and beam
size measuremenfs fo be made and would compensafe
100 for any inhomogeneify within the X-ray beam.

Provisional NRDs of 40 mGy cm^ and 25 mGy cm^ for
40 adulf and child lateral cephalomefric radiography,
2 respecfively, are considered fo be representafive- of
currenf equipmenf performance and mighf be referred
to when setting local DRLs. X-ray sefs provided with
static digital imaging systems were associated wifh the
Figure 1. Summary of dose-area product (DAP) .measure- highest DAP measuremenfs, all of which exceeded
ments using adult exposure parameters, ordered by increas- fhe provisional NRDs. Exfra care should be faken fo
ing DAP. The horizontal bar represents the third quartile ensure fhaf exposures are opfimised for fhese X-ray sets,
DAP value. and, where variable collimafion is provided, fhe smallesf

The British Journal of Radiology, December 2011 1123

J R Holroyd

Table 3. Third quartile dose values, separated by image capture method

Imaging system Third quartile value (adult) Number of X-ray sets Third quartile value (child) Number of X-ray sets

Film 42 12 24 8
All digital 40 30 38 19
Digital (scanning) 20 24 19 14
Digital (static) 81 6 57 5
All 41 42 25 27

coUimation option should be selected consistent with in the UK - 2005 review. Chilton: Health Protection Agency.
accurate diagnosis. HPA-RPD-029, 2007.
Data from cephalometric X-ray sets will be stored in 6. Gijbels F, Sanderink G, Wyatt J, Van Dam J, Nowak B, Jacobs R.
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NPDD. exposures. Dentomaxillofac Radiol 2003;32:128-33.
7. European Commission. Radiation Protection 136: European
guidelines on radiation protection in dental radiology.
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1124 The British Journal of Radiology, December 2011

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