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University of The Philippines Diliman, Collage of Architecture

The Workshop Project

(Research Booklet-)
Introduction to Urban and Regional Planning
Arch 162
Second Semester 2018
Dr. Takazi Okuda

01/20/2018 revised

Phase 1: Preparation after the theme and site selected by each team
Conducting Preliminary Research
Please fill in the outline as follows:
1. The theme, and site by team:


2. Introduction/Objectives:
Why did you select the topic for your WSP?
And, what are you interested in this theme?

3. Outline TABLE OF CONTENTS, such as: Introduction/Objectives: what is the

nature and scope of the project, Location of site, Site analysis, Conclusions: how
does analysis of structure of city, influences on site, needs of city, city requests,

4. Urban, Social, or Environmental Issues:

Are you aware of any problems in terms of urban issues and/or social issues for
your topic? If so, what are these issues?

5. Tentative Conclusions: Design solution….

Analysis of structure of city, influences on site, needs of city, city requests, other
environmental solution, sustainability, etc.

6. Gather Maps, Historical Information and Other Reference Materials:

 Maps: To understand your city you must familiarize yourself with its basic
“rules;” at a minimum your map must show the street and block pattern of the
city. Maps with geography, buildings, transit, neighborhoods, etc. are
invaluable and interesting. (In some cultures maps are scarce and difficult to read,
and addresses non-existent. In these cases it will be difficult to understand the
built-out blocks and empty spaces of streets, plazas, etc. which form the

building blocks of a city, but it can be done). Google Map, Satellite photo,

 History: You will research via internet which includes information on your city,
district, etc…..

 Photographic survey: make a preliminary plan of your photographic survey


 Other Reference Materials: Read about an aspect of your city which led you
to choose to study it. Articles, books and CD-ROMs might all be appropriate
and valuable.

7. Develop a Bibliography
 Bibliographic References (a minimum of three are required)

 Additional related references:

(YouTube, art, crafts, related learning, etc- keep track of sources of ideas and
relationships which interest you)

The documents will be prepared in a PPT format. It will be presented by each team
on Friday, January 26th…….

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