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Funds Transfer Initiation

Import Reference Guide


Revision History:
Created: May 2003
Revised: June 2007

Document ID: JPMACCESS_Funds_Transfer_IMPORT_v4_.0_r

Version 4.0

This document contains information that is confidential and is the property of JPMorgan Chase & Co.
It may not be copied, published, or used in whole or in part for any purpose other than as expressly
authorized by JPMorgan Chase & Co.

All trade marks, trade names, and service marks appearing herein are the property of their respective

© JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2003 - 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Overview............................................................................................................................. 1

Phases of the Import Process .............................................................................................. 2

File Check ........................................................................................................................ 2
Validation......................................................................................................................... 4
Data Import ...................................................................................................................... 5
The Status/Progress Dialog.............................................................................................. 6

General File Requirements ................................................................................................. 7

General Format ................................................................................................................... 7

Record Layouts ................................................................................................................... 9

Header Record Format..................................................................................................... 9
Trailer Record Format...................................................................................................... 9
Repetitive Line Record Format...................................................................................... 10
Freeform DMT Record Format - PAYMENTS............................................................. 13
Freeform DMT Record Format - RECEIPTS................................................................ 16
Freeform GMT Record Format...................................................................................... 18
Freeform ATR Record Format....................................................................................... 23
Freeform FX Wire Record Format ................................................................................ 25
Freeform FX Draft Record Format ................................................................................ 27
Repetitive FX Wire/Draft Record Format ..................................................................... 29

Codes Reference ............................................................................................................... 30

Bank / Additional Information Codewords (DMT/FX)................................................. 30
Bank Information (GMT) .............................................................................................. 31
GMT – Financial Institutions and non Financial Institutions (FI’s) ........................... 31
GMT Proprietary Codes.............................................................................................. 31
FX Sort codes................................................................................................................. 32

Pay Methods...................................................................................................................... 32
Pay methods for Freeform DMT Payments ................................................................... 32
Pay Methods for Freeform GMT Payments................................................................... 32
Pay Methods for FX Payments ...................................................................................... 33

Instruction code values For GMT ..................................................................................... 33

GMT Standard Payments (non –multibank) .................................................................. 33
GMT Multibank codes................................................................................................... 33
GMT - Regulatory Reporting Codes.............................................................................. 34

Allowed FX Clear Through Country Codes ..................................................................... 34

Asia Text codes - for Back Offices defined as Asia ........................................................ 34
Allowed Delivery Instructions....................................................................................... 34
Allowed Pay Through/Clearing Zone Codes................................................................. 35

SWIFT character set ......................................................................................................... 38

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

This document describes the valid file layout for importing Funds Transfer transactions
(repetitive and freeform) into the JPMorgan ACCESS Funds Transfer Initiation system. The user
should reference this document as he/she prepares to transfer (import) payment files from a
mainframe or micro application for subsequent processing using Funds Transfer Initiation. This
document should also be referred to to correct format errors for files that fail import validation.

The JPMorgan ACCESS Funds Transfer Initiation system accepts data imported in comma-
delimited format (CSV).

To import a file:

1. Select the Import button on the Funds Transfer Initiation Summary Screen. (The Import
button is available to users who have the “Import a File” entitlement in User Setup Forms).
The standard file open box will be displayed.
2. Choose the file to be imported.
3. Click Open.

Once opened, the file will undergo three phases:

1. File Check – The system will perform file format checks on the header detail, and trailer
2. Validation - The system will perform record format checks to determine that the record, if
repetitive, is based on a repetitive line, or if the record is a freeform transaction.
3. Import - Imports the data that successfully passes validation. If your current filter is
“Entered – not Approved” or view “Unreleased transaction”, then upon successful
completion, the summary screen will automatically refresh and show the imported
transaction. If you are set up for the auto approve entitlement, these transactions will appear
in the “Approved – not Released” view.

As these phases complete, the Import Status dialog box indicates the progress of the import.

Note(s): • Procedures for using the import facility are also available through the Funds Transfer
Initiation online help.
• Importing of transaction payment information based on existing Bank Verified or FX
Lines is supported by the JPMorgan ACCESS Import feature. Importing/requesting of
the setup of a “repetitive line” is not supported with the import feature.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Phases of the Import Process

File Check
The comma-separated file will be checked for proper format after it has been chosen and opened
in the standard file open box. Each line of the file will be considered as a record to be imported.
Data type and mandatory field checks will be performed to ensure the data lines are correct. A
list of lines failing the file check will be kept in memory. If problems are found with the file
structure, the user will be displayed with a dialog box with the import results. From this dialog
box, the user can either save the results or print them (which can be helpful to reconcile
transactions that failed validation back to the source file). If there are no problems with the file
structure, the user will be displayed with a dialog box presenting the details of the import. The
user will be asked to continue with the importation. Once the user selects Continue, the process
continues to the next phase.

Dialog Box after successfully validating the file.

ƒ To stop the import and return to Summary Screen, click the Cancel button.
ƒ To print the Import Confirmation, click the Print button.
ƒ To save the Import Confirmation, click the Save button. The user selects the directory and
enters the file name. Click Save.
ƒ To continue with the import process, press the Continue button.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

If the import fails, a box like this one will be displayed:

Dialog box when a validation has failed :

ƒ To print the Import File Errors, click the Print button.

ƒ To save the Import File Errors, press the Save button. The user selects the directory and
enters the file name. Click Save.
ƒ To return to the Summary Screen, click Close.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

During the validation process, the system will perform various checks on each detail record
contained in the comma-separated file. These checks are consistent with the checks performed by
the Funds Transfer Initiation user interface when entering a transaction directly. These checks
include: entitlement, date range, field length, allowed character, and various other semantic
checks. If any data is found to be invalid, a list will be presented via a dialog box to the user at
the end of the validation phase indicating any problem found at this stage. This dialog box will
allow the user to save or print the list. The user will be asked to continue with the importation.
Once the user selects Continue, the process continues to the next phase.

ƒ To continue with the import process, press the Continue button.

ƒ To stop the import and return to Summary Screen, press the Cancel button.
ƒ To print the Import Validation Errors, press the Print button.
ƒ To save the Import Validation Errors, press the Save button. The user selects the directory
and enters the file name.
ƒ Click on Save.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Data Import
Once the data import stage is reached, each record is passed to the back-end as if they were
entered using the Funds Transfer Initiation user interface. If there are any problems saving these
new transactions, a list will be presented via a dialog box to the user at the end of the data import

Transactions that have failed validation will need to be extracted from the original file and re-

Dialog Box after successfully importing the file.

The Hash Total represents the sum total of payment amounts, regardless of currency and
can be used to help reconcile back to the import file.

ƒ To return to the Summary Screen, click Close.

ƒ To print the Import Results, click the Print button.
ƒ To save the Import Results, click the Save button. The user selects the directory and enters
the file name.
ƒ Click Save.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

The Status/Progress Dialog

During each step of the process a progress meter is displayed. Upon completion of each step a
check mark is placed to the left of the import step.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

General File Requirements

General Format
• The import file will contain
• one header record,
• many detail records,
• one trailer record.

• Each record, regardless of type, should be on one line, delimited by a CR-LF sequence
(0D0A hex).

• All data entered before the header record/and or after the trailer record will result in the file
import failing.

• Each field within a record will be delimited by a comma.

• The final field on the record line will not require the comma.

• The field lengths specified in this document indicate the maximum length for the indicated
field. This length does not include the double-quotes surrounding text fields (e.g. data type =
‘A’). In cases where there is no data in a text field, double-quotes are invalid and will be
rejected (i.e. “ “ to indicate a blank field).

• Leading and trailing spaces within a field will be ignored.

• The characters allowed within text fields (e.g. data type = ‘A’) will be defined by what the
text fields represent. The characters allowed will be checked during the validation phase. If
the text field includes a comma, the text field must be surrounded by double quotes.

• Numeric fields (e.g. data type = ‘N’) appear as digits, with no surrounding quotes required.
A decimal point (.) must be used if specifying decimal places. The number of significant
digits after the decimal point will be up to a specified maximum defined by the field
validation. Leading or trailing zeroes are not required. The length of a numeric field
includes the decimal point character.

• Date fields (e.g. data type = ‘D’) will conform to the format of YYYYMMDD with no quotes
required and a fixed length of 8.

• Mandatory fields must contain data (i.e., the field must have a value other than spaces).

• Optional fields may be blank, but must be contained within the record if they are present
before another field. If the field is intentionally be blank, but there are other non-blank fields
subsequent to the field, the blank field in question must still have a comma to mark its place
in the record.

• Unused fields are currently optional. No data will be imported from them, regardless of the

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

• Name, Address and the Reference text fields should be filled in from the first line. If there
are several lines of text, blank lines should go after non-blank lines.
• When a “DMT location” 1 is specified below, this indicates one of the following location
• “020” - The DMT back office code (preferred).
• “NYC” - New York City
• “SAN” - San Angelo
• “HOU” - Houston

• When a “GMT location” 2 is specified, you can look up the location code from the Add
Transaction screen by selecting the Account drop-down list or by clicking the Account link
to see the Back Office. If you are unsure of this value, please contact your representative.

DMT (Domestic Money Transfer): US dollar funds transfer payments (payment methods of FED, CHP,
BKT or CHK) that debit a US JPMorgan back office.
GMT (Global Money Transfer): Multi-currency transactions debiting all non-US JPMorgan back offices
(i.e.London, Frankfurt etc.) or Multibank (global non-JPMorgan) multi-currency transactions.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Record Layouts

Header Record Format

The header will be the first record within the file. All data entered before the header record will
be ignored.

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?

1 Record Indicator A 2 Must be “CI” Yes
2 Timestamp N 14 YYYYMMDDHHMMSS Yes
3 User Identifier A 8 ID of the user doing the import. There No
is no validation. This ID will be
displayed in the dialog box. If it is
blank, then the logged in GID will be
4 Batch Number N 4 A sequential batch number. The Yes
number should be higher than the
previous import done by any user in the
same customer CCAP ID within the
same day (as given by the timestamp)

Trailer Record Format

The Funds Transfer Initiation Import expects to find the trailer record at the end of the file. All
data entered after the trailer record will be ignored.

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?

1 Record Indicator A 2 Must be “99” Yes
2 Total Number of N 7 The number of detail records in the Yes
Records file
3 Hash Total of N 20 The amount hash total, currency Yes
Amounts ignored, maximum 3 decimal places.
Note: All Header and Trailer fields are required except User Identifier.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Repetitive Line Record Format

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
1 Record Indicator N 2 Must be “3” Yes
2 Bank Line Code A 10 Must be a valid bank line number. Yes
Used with Account to select a specific
line. For most * US Domestic accounts,
this is four unique numbers input by
the client when creating the line plus six
leading zeroes. For global accounts,
this field is assigned by the Bank and
appears on the detail screen after the
line is active (also four unique
numbers plus six leading zeroes).
3 Bank A 11 Unused. No
4 Location A 3 This field will be used on the search Yes
criteria for the Line Table lookup. See
page 8 for more information on this
field. For DMT, usually “020”; for
GMT, if you do not know the value,
please contact your representative.
5 Account A 34 Must be a valid account entitled to the Yes
user importing the file. Used with the
Bank Line code to select the specific
6 Currency A 3 Must be a valid currency code accepted Yes
by Funds Transfer Initiation for the
given line’s pay method. If provided,
this field will be used on the search
criteria for the Line Table lookup.
7 Amount N 15 14 digits plus the decimal point. Must Yes
be >0.
8 Value Date D 8 A valid value date for the transaction. Yes
9 Customer/ A 16 Unused. No

IMPORTANT NOTE: Some bank line numbers may contain five unique digits with five leading
zeroes. If your system only allows bank line numbers with four unique digits, it should be updated to
accommodate bank line numbers containing either four or five unique numbers with six or five
leading zeros, respectively. Processing import files that do not meet this format requirement may
result in transaction failure or incorrect processing of your transactions.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Repetitive Line Record Format - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
10 Semi-Repetitive A 35/70 Freeform text. The line must be setup No
Text OR allowing this text.
Reference Text 1 DMT: 3 One line of reference text,
length 35.
GMT: 4 The first line of 4 lines of
reference text, length 35.
If the pay method for the line is ATE or
DFE (Asia Text), the field length
allowed is 70.
11 Reference Text 2 A 35/70 GMT: Freeform text, length 35. No
If the pay method for the line is ATE or
DFE (Asia Text), the field length
allowed is 70.
12 Reference Text 3 A 35/70 GMT: Freeform text, length 35. No
If the pay method for the line is ATE or
DFE (Asia Text), the field length
allowed is 70.
13 Reference Text 4 A 35/70 GMT: Freeform text, length 35. No
If the pay method for the line is ATE or
DFE (Asia Text), the field length
allowed is 70.
14 Reference Text 5 A 70 GMT: Freeform text, for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
15 Reference Text 6 A 70 GMT: Freeform text, for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
16 Reference Text 7 A 70 GMT: Freeform text, for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
17 Reference Text 8 A 70 GMT: Freeform text, for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
18 Reference Text 9 A 70 GMT: Freeform text, for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
19 Reference Text A 70 GMT: Freeform text, for ATE and DFE No
10 pay methods.
20 Reference Text A 70 GMT: Freeform text, for ATE and DFE No
11 pay methods.
21 Reference Text A 70 GMT: Freeform text, for ATE and DFE No
12 pay methods.
22 Serial Number N 9 Unused. No
23 Branch Number N 4 Unused. No
24 Related A 16 Unused. No
25 Code Value 1 A 8 Unused. No
26 Code Value 2 A 8 Unused. No

DMT (Domestic Money Transfer): - US dollar funds transfer payments (payment methods of FED,
CHIPS, BKT or CHK) that debits a US JPMorgan back office.
GMT (Global Money Transfer): - Multi-currency transactions debiting all non-US JPMorgan back offices
(i.e.London, Frankfurt etc.) or Multibank (global non-JPMorgan) multi-currency transactions.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Repetitive Line Record Format - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
27 Code Value 3 A 8 Unused. No
28 Code Value 4 A 8 Unused. No
29 Code Value 5 A 8 Unused. No
30 Code Value 6 A 8 Unused. No
31 Field text line 1 A 25 Unused. No
32 Field text line 2 A 25 Unused. No
33 Field text line 3 A 25 Unused. No
34 Field text line 4 A 25 Unused. No
35 Field text line 5 A 25 Unused. No
36 Field text line 6 A 25 Unused. No
37 Regulatory A 8 Up to 8 chars – must be a known code. No
Reporting Code See page 36 for more information.
38 Regulatory A 2 2 character Country Code – only No
Reporting required if the above Regulatory
Country Code Reporting Code is populated and
Country Code is required. Unused if
there is no code.
39 Regulatory A 35 If Regulatory Reporting Code is No
Reporting line 1 populated then this field can contain up
to 21 characters of free format SWIFT
text; else this field can contain up to 35
40 Regulatory A 35 Free form format – If Regulatory No
Reporting line 2 Reporting Code is supplied then this is a
continuation line – max 33 characters
41 Regulatory A 35 Free form format – If Regulatory No
Reporting line 3 Reporting Code is supplied then this is a
continuation line – max 33 characters
42 Instruction codes A 4 4 character instruction code No
– code 1
43 Instruction codes A 30 Free format text if code 1 allows it. No
– text 1
44 Instruction codes A 4 4 character instruction code No
– code 2
45 Instruction codes A 30 Free format text if code 2 allows it. No
– text 2
46 Instruction codes A 4 4 character instruction code No
– code 3
47 Instruction codes A 30 Free format text if code 3 allows it. No
– text 3

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform DMT Record Format - PAYMENTS

Detail records for freeform US domestic payments use debit accounts with the following location
codes: 020, NYC, SAN, or HOU.

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?

1 Record Indicator N 2 Must be “4” Yes
2 Pay Method A 3 Must be a valid DMT pay method: Yes
“FED”, “BKT”, “CHP”, or “CHK”
3 Bank A 11 Unused. No
4 Location A 3 Must be a DMT location. Usually Yes
5 Account A 34 Must be a valid DMT account entitled Yes
to the user importing the file.
6 Currency A 3 Must be “USD” unless the pay method Yes
is BKT, in which case “USN” is also
7 Amount N 15 14 digits plus the decimal point. Must Yes
be >0.
8 Value Date D 8 A valid value date for the transaction. Yes
9 Intermediary ID A 35 Freeform text. No
10 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
11 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 1
12 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 2
13 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. If ‘Intermediary ID’ is No
Addr 3 supplied then this must be blank.
14 Intermediary A 3 Unused. No
Advice Type
15 Bank Info 3rd A 35 Freeform text. The third line of bank No
Line information. Use Slashes to reflect a
3rd line of instructions. Without the
slashes, it is a continuation of bank
line two.
16 Bene Bank ID A 35 Freeform text. No
17 Bene Bank Name A 35 Freeform text. No
18 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. No
19 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. No
20 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. If ‘Bene ID’ is supplied No
3 then this must be blank.
21 Bene Advice A 3 Unused. No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform DMT Record Format - PAYMENTS - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
22 Bank Info 2nd A 35 Freeform text. The second line of bank No
Line information. Use Slashes to reflect a
2nd line of instructions. Without the
slashes, it is a continuation of bank
line one.
23 Ult Bene ID A 35 Freeform text. No
24 Ult Bene Name A 35 Freeform text. Yes
25 Ult Bene Addr 1 A 35 Freeform text. No
26 Ult Bene Addr 2 A 35 Freeform text. No
27 Ult Bene Addr 3 A 35 Freeform text. If ‘Ult Bene ID’ is No
supplied then this must be blank.
28 Ult Bene Advice A 3 Unused. No
29 Bank Info 1st A 35 Freeform text. Used as the first line of No
Line bank information. Slashes are required
around the code word. For example
“/codeword/data”. See the section
“Codes Reference” for the list of valid
codes. You also have the ability to add
your own codeword. Length 35
including slashes.
30 Customer A 16 Freeform text. No
31 Bene Reference A 16 Beneficiary Reference Text No
32 Originator Ref A 35 Unused. No
33 Reference Text 1 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
34 Reference Text 2 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
35 Reference Text 3 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
36 Reference Text 4 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
37 Reference Text 5 A 35 Unused. No
38 Reference Text 6 A 35 Unused. No
39 Code Value 1 A 8 Unused. No
40 Code Value 2 A 8 Unused. No
41 Code Value 3 A 8 Unused. No
42 Code Value 4 A 8 Unused. No
43 Code Value 5 A 8 Unused. No
44 Code Value 6 A 8 Unused. No
45 Field text line 1 A 25 Unused. No
46 Field text line 2 A 25 Unused. No
47 Field text line 3 A 25 Unused. No
48 Field text line 4 A 25 Unused. No
49 Field text line 5 A 25 Unused. No
50 Field text line 6 A 25 Unused. No
51 By Order ID A 35 Freeform Text. No
52 By Order Name A 35 Freeform Text. No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform DMT Record Format – PAYMENTS - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
53 By Order Addr 1 A 35 Freeform Text. No
54 By Order Addr 2 A 35 Freeform Text. No
55 By Order Addr 3 A 35 Unused. No
56 Bank Info. 4th A 35 4th Line of Bank Information. Use No
Line Slashes to reflect a 4th line of
instructions. Without the slashes, it
will be a continuation of bank line
57 Bank Info. 5th A 35 5th Line of Bank Information. Use No
Line Slashes to reflect a 5th line of
instructions. Without the slashes, it is
a continuation of bank line four.
58 Bank Charges A 1 ‘R’ for Remitter No
‘B’ for Beneficiary

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform DMT Record Format - RECEIPTS

Detail records for Freeform U.S. domestic payments use debit accounts with the following
location code: 020.

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?

1 Record Indicator N 2 Must be “5” Yes
2 Pay Method A 3 Must be a valid DMT pay method: Yes
“FED”, “BKT” only
3 Bank A 11 Unused. No
4 Location A 3 Must be 020. Yes
5 Account A 34 Must be a valid DMT account entitled Yes
to the user importing the file. This
will represent the account to be
6 Currency A 3 Must be “USD” unless the pay Yes
method is BKT, in which case “USN”
is also allowed.
7 Amount N 15 14 digits plus the decimal point. Yes
Must be >0.
8 Value Date D 8 A valid value date for the transaction. Yes
9 Debit Account A 34 Freeform text. – NOTE: Number or No
Number Name MUST be supplied.
10 Debit Account A 35 Freeform text. – see above. No
11 Debit Account A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 1
12 Debit Account A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 2
13 Debit Account A 35 Freeform text – do not enter if debit No
Addr 3 acct number supplied.
14 Debit Bank No. A 35 Freeform text. – valid for FED pay No
method only else blank field.
NOTE: Number or Name MUST be
15 Debit Bank A 35 Freeform text. – (FED) see above No
16 Debit Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. – (FED) No
17 Debit Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. – (FED) No
18 Debit Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. – (FED) – do not enter No
3 if debit bank not supplied.
19 Customer A 16 Freeform text. No
20 Reference Text 1 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
21 Reference Text 2 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform DMT Record Format – RECEIPTS – continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
22 Reference Text 3 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
23 Reference Text 4 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform GMT Record Format

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
1 Record Indicator N 4 Must be “4.01” Yes
2 Pay Method A 3 Must be a valid GMT pay method. Yes
Cannot be “ATR”.
3 Bank A 11 Unused. No
4 Location A 3 This is the Back Office associated Yes
with the Bank ID for the Account. If
you are unsure of this value, please
contact your representative.
5 Account A 34 Must be a valid GMT account entitled Yes
to the user importing the file.
6 Currency A 3 Must be a valid currency code Yes
accepted by Funds Transfer Initiation.
7 Amount N 15 14 digits plus the decimal point. Yes
Must be >0.
8 Value Date D 8 A valid value date for the transaction. Yes
9 Bene Bank ID A 35 Freeform text. Please see Party Rules No
10 Bene Bank Name A 35 Freeform text. Yes
11 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. No
12 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. No
13 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text. Please see Party Rules No
3 below.
14 Ult Bene ID A 34 Freeform text. Enter account into No
here. For Swift – see further below.
15 Ult Bene Name A 35/70 Freeform text. For ATE and DFE Yes
pay method (Asia Text), the field
length allowed is 70, otherwise, it is
16 Ult Bene Addr 1 A 35/70 Freeform text. For ATE and DFE No
pay method (Asia Text), the field
length allowed is 70, otherwise, it is
17 Ult Bene Addr 2 A 35/70 Freeform text. For ATE and DFE No
pay method (Asia Text), the field
length allowed is 70, otherwise, it is
18 Ult Bene Addr 3 A 35/70 Freeform text. Please see Party Rules No
For ATE and DFE pay methods
(Asia Text), the field length allowed
is 70, otherwise, it is 35.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform GMT Record Format - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
19 Ult Bene Addr 4 A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
20 Intermediary ID A 35 Freeform text. If specified, should No
contain an identifier – See Party
Rules section below.
21 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
22 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 1
23 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 2
24 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. Please see Party Rules No
Addr 3 below.
25 Instructions to A 35 Freeform text. Slashes are required No
Debit Bank 1 around the code word. For example
“/codeword/data”. See the section
“Codes Reference” for the list of
valid codes. Optionally, you can add
your own codeword. Length, 35
includes the slashes.
26 Instructions to A 35 Freeform text. For a 2nd line of bank No
Debit Bank 2 information, the slashes and code
word are required, without slashes,
indicates a continuation of bank line
27 Instructions to A 35 Freeform text. For a 3rd line of bank No
Debit Bank 3 information, the slashes and code
word are required, without slashes,
indicates a continuation of bank line
28 Instructions to A 35 Freeform text. For a 4th line of bank No
Debit Bank 4 information, the slashes and code
word are required, without slashes,
indicates a continuation of bank line
29 Correspondent A 1 “R” for Remitter or “B” for No
Charges Beneficiary.
If blank will default to “B”
30 Debit Bank A 1 “R” for Remitter or “B” for No
Charges Beneficiary.
If blank will default to “R”
31 Customer A 16 Freeform text. No
32 Delivery A 3 Mandatory for ATE and DFE pay No
Instructions methods. Must be a valid 3-character
Delivery Instruction code.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform GMT Record Format - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
33 Pay Through A 10 Mandatory for ATE and DFE pay No
Code methods. Must be a valid 10-character
Pay Through code.
34 Remitter's Text 1 A 35/70 Freeform text. For ATE and DFE No
pay method (Asia Text), the field
length allowed is 70, otherwise, it is
35 Remitter's Text 2 A 35/70 Freeform text. For ATE and DFE No
pay method (Asia Text), the field
length allowed is 70, otherwise, it is
36 Remitter's Text 3 A 35/70 Freeform text. For ATE and DFE No
pay method (Asia Text), the field
length allowed is 70, otherwise, it is
37 Remitter's Text 4 A 35/70 Freeform text. For ATE and DFE No
pay method (Asia Text), the field
length allowed is 70, otherwise, it is
38 Remitter's Text 5 A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
39 Remitter's Text 6 A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
40 Remitter's Text 7 A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
41 Remitter's Text 8 A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
42 Remitter's Text 9 A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
pay methods.
46 Remitter's Text A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
10 pay methods.
44 Remitter's Text A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
11 pay methods.
45 Remitter's Text A 70 Freeform text, only for ATE and DFE No
12 pay methods.
46 Code Value 1 A 8 Unused. No
47 Code Value 2 A 8 Unused. No
48 Code Value 3 A 8 Unused. No
49 Code Value 4 A 8 Unused. No
50 Code Value 5 A 8 Unused. No
51 Code Value 6 A 8 Unused. No
52 Field text line 1 A 25 Unused. No
53 Field text line 2 A 25 Unused. No
54 Field text line 3 A 25 Unused. No
55 Field text line 4 A 25 Unused. No
56 Field text line 5 A 25 Unused. No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform GMT Record Format - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
57 Field text line 6 A 25 Unused. No
58 By Order ID A 35 Freeform Text. Please see Party No
Rules below.
59 By Order Name A 35 Freeform Text. No
60 By Order Addr 1 A 35 Freeform Text. No
61 By Order Addr 2 A 35 Freeform Text. No
62 By Order Addr 3 A 35 Please see Party Rules below. No
63 Bene is a bank A 1 B => bene is bank No
N => bene is not a bank
64 Instructions to A 35 Freeform text. For a 5th line of Bank No
Debit Bank line 5 information, the slashes and code
word are required; without slashes,
indicates a continuation of bank line
If Asia text back office and pay
method is GIR/ATE or DFE, then this
is an unused field.
65 Instructions to A 35 Freeform text. For a 6th line of Bank No
Debit Bank line 6 information, the slashes and code
word are required; without slashes,
indicates a continuation of bank line
If Asia text back office and pay
method is GIR/ATE or DFE, then this
is an unused field.
66 Ult Bene Swift A 11 Supply Ultimate Bene Swift ID in this No
ID field – not a valid field for
67 Bene Bank Swift A 11 Supply Bene Bank Swift ID in this No
ID field – not a valid field for
68 Intermediary A 11 Supply Intermediary Swift ID in this No
Swift ID field not a valid field for ATE/DFE
69 By Order Of A 11 Supply By Order Of Swift ID in this No
Swift ID field.
70 Regulatory A 8 Up to 8 chars – must be a known code No
Reporting Code
71 Regulatory A 2 2 character Country Code – only No
Reporting required if the above Regulatory
Country Code Reporting Code is populated and
Country Code is required. Unused if
there is no code.
72 Regulatory A 35 If Regulatory Reporting Code is No
Reporting line 1 populated then this field can contain
up to 21 characters of free format
SWIFT text; else this field can contain
up to 35 characters.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform GMT Record Format - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
73 Regulatory A 35 Free form format – If Regulatory No
Reporting line 2 Reporting Code is supplied then this
is a continuation line – max 33
74 Regulatory A 35 Free form format – If Regulatory No
Reporting line 3 Reporting Code is supplied then this
is a continuation line – max 33
75 Instruction codes A 4 4 character instruction code No
– code 1
76 Instruction codes A 30 Free format text if code 1 allows it. No
– text 1
77 Instruction codes A 4 4 character instruction code No
– code 2
78 Instruction codes A 30 Free format text if code 2 allows it. No
– text 2
79 Instruction codes A 4 4 character instruction code No
– code 3
80 Instruction codes A 30 Free format text if code 3 allows it. No
– text 3

Party Rules:

For By order of, Ultimate Beneficiary, Intermediary and Bene Bank please note the following
combinations can be entered:

• Name + 3 lines of address (4 lines in total).

• Swift ID and optionally up to 3 lines name/address.
• Party ID + Swift ID and optionally name/address (3 lines total of name and address).
• Party ID + Name and up to 3 address lines (making 4 lines in total of name and address).

For each identifier field please note:

• By Order Of and Ult Bene identifier fields are expected to contain accounts.
• Intermediary and Ultimate Bene identifiers MUST specify the identifier type as follows:
o If the ID type is not supplied, OR the associated SWIFT ID has been supplied, then
only 4x35 can be entered rather than the full 5x35 (last address line 3 will not be
o If the ID = Account then prefix 34 characters with a single forward slash ( /).
o If the ID is a bank code such as SC (sort code), then prefix the identifier with two
forward slashes (//) and the Bankcode followed by the value (eg. //SC123456).

* If Address Line 3 is populated when it is not supposed to (i.e. The ID is supplied where the type is not specified), the user
will receive an error on the import.
* If the import file contains the ID and the type is not specified AND 3 lines of name and address are valid, a warning will
be displayed.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform ATR Record Format

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
1 Record Indicator N 2 Must be “4” Yes
2 Pay Method A 3 Must be “ATR” Yes
3 Bank A 11 Unused. No
4 Location A 3 This is the Back Office associated Yes
with the Bank ID for the Account. If
you are unsure of this value, please
contact your representative.
5 Account A 34 Must be a valid GMT account entitled Yes
to the user importing the file.
6 Currency A 3 Must be a valid currency code Yes
accepted by Funds Transfer Initiation.
7 Amount N 15 14 digits plus the decimal point. Must Yes
be >0.
8 Value Date D 8 A valid value date for the transaction. Yes
9 Intermediary ID A 35 Unused. No
10 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
11 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 1
12 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 2
13 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text. No
Addr 3
14 Ordering A 35 Freeform text. Yes
Customer Name
15 Ordering A 35 Freeform text. No
Customer Addr 1
16 Ordering A 35 Freeform text. No
Customer Addr 2
17 Customer A 16 Freeform text. No
18 Code Value 1 A 8 Unused. No
19 Code Value 2 A 8 Unused. No
20 Code Value 3 A 8 Unused. No
21 Code Value 4 A 8 Unused. No
22 Code Value 5 A 8 Unused. No
23 Code Value 6 A 8 Unused. No
24 Field text line 1 A 25 Unused. No
25 Field text line 2 A 25 Unused. No
26 Field text line 3 A 25 Unused. No
27 Field text line 4 A 25 Unused. No
28 Field text line 5 A 25 Unused. No
29 Field text line 6 A 25 Unused. No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform ATR Record Format – continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
30 Ordering A 35 Freeform text. No
Customer Addr 3

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform FX Wire Record Format

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
1 Record Indicator N 2 Must be “7” Yes
2 Pay Method A 3 Must be a valid FX pay method: Yes
“WRE”, or “WCB”
3 Bank A 11 Unused. No
4 Location A 3 This is the Back Office associated No
with the Bank ID for the Account. If
you are unsure of this value, please
contact your representative. NOTE:
Required except in case of ‘For
5 Account A 34 Must be a valid account entitled to the No
user importing the file. NOTE: Can
be blank in case of ‘For Delivery’
6 Debit Currency A 3 Must be a valid sell currency code for Yes
the market
7 Credit Currency A 3 Must be a valid currency code for the Yes
8 Amount N 15 14 digits plus the decimal point. Yes
Must be >0.
9 Value Date D 8 A valid value date for the transaction. No
YYYYMMDD. If blank value date
will be set to Spot.
10 Contract Number N 8 Valid contract number (should exist No
in the JPM system in a confirmed
11 Intermediary Sort A n/a Unused No
12 Intermediary ID A 35 Freeform text: Intermediary bank Id No
13 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text: Intermediary Bank No
Name Name
14 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text: Intermediary Bank No
Addr 1 Address
15 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text: Intermediary Bank No
Addr 2 Address
16 Intermediary A 35 Freeform text: Intermediary Bank No
Addr 3 Address
17 Bene Bank Sort A n/a Unused No
18 Bene Bank ID A 35 Freeform text: Beneficiary Bank ID No
19 Bene Bank Name A 35 Freeform text: Beneficiary Bank No
20 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text: Beneficiary Bank No
1 Address
21 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text: Beneficiary Bank No
2 Address

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform FX Wire Record Format - continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
22 Bene Bank Addr A 35 Freeform text: Beneficiary Bank No
3 Address
23 Ult Bene Sort A 10 Freeform text: Identify the type of Ult No
Code Bene ID in Field 22. “IBAN” or “/”
for any other type of account. Can be
24 Ult Bene ID A 35 Ultimate Beneficiary Account No
25 Ult Bene Name A 35 Ultimate Beneficiary Yes
26 Ult Bene Addr 1 A 35 Ultimate Beneficiary No
27 Ult Bene Addr 2 A 35 Ultimate Beneficiary No
28 Ult Bene Addr 3 A 35 Ultimate Beneficiary No
29 Customer A 16 Customer Reference No
30 Reference Text 1 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
31 Reference Text 2 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
32 Reference Text 3 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
33 Reference Text 4 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
34 By Order Name A 35 Freeform Text. Yes
35 By Order Addr 1 A 35 Freeform Text. Yes
36 By Order Addr 2 A 35 Freeform Text. No
37 By Order Addr 3 A 35 Freeform Text. No
38 Correspondent A 1 “R” for Remitter or “B” for No
Charges Beneficiary.
If blank will default to “B”
39 Debit Bank A 1 “R” for Remitter or “B” for No
Charges Beneficiary.
If blank will default to “R”
40 Bank Info. 1st A 35 1st Line of Bank Information No
41 Bank Info. 2nd A 35 2nd Line of Bank Information No
42 Bank Info. 3rd A 35 3rd Line of Bank Information No
43 Bank Info. 4th A 35 4th Line of Bank Information No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform FX Draft Record Format

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
1 Record Indicator N 2 Must be “7” Yes
2 Pay Method A 3 Must be a valid FX pay method: Yes
3 Bank A 11 Unused. No
4 Location A 3 This is the Back Office associated No
with the Bank ID for the Account. If
you are unsure of this value, please
contact your representative. NOTE:
Required except in case of ‘For
5 Account A 34 Must be a valid account entitled to the No
user importing the file. NOTE: Can
be blank in case of ‘For Delivery’
6 Debit Currency A 3 Must be a valid sell currency code for Yes
the market
7 Credit Currency A 3 Must be a valid currency code for the Yes
8 Amount N 15 14 digits plus the decimal point. Yes
Must be >0.
9 Value Date D 8 A valid value date for the transaction. Yes
10 Contract Number N 8 Valid contract number (should exist No
in the JPM system in a confirmed
11 Ult Bene Sort A 10 Freeform text. No
12 Ult Bene ID A 35 Freeform text. No
13 Ult Bene Name A 35 Freeform text. Yes
14 Ult Bene Addr 1 A 35 Freeform text. No
15 Ult Bene Addr 2 A 35 Freeform text. No
16 Ult Bene Addr 3 A 35 Freeform text. No
17 Customer A 16 Freeform text. No
18 Reference Text 1 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
19 Reference Text 2 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
20 Reference Text 3 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
21 Reference Text 4 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
22 By Order Name A 35 Freeform Text. Yes
23 By Order Addr 1 A 35 Freeform Text. Yes
24 By Order Addr 2 A 35 Freeform Text. No
25 By Order Addr 3 A 35 Freeform Text. No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Freeform FX Draft Record Format – continued

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
26 Mail To 1st Line A 35 1st Line of Bank Information No
Mail to Name – Only needed if the
draft should be mailed somewhere
other than the Ultimate Bene Name
and Address.
27 Mail To 2nd Line A 35 2nd Line of Bank Information No
1st line of Mail to Address – Only
needed if the draft should be mailed
somewhere other than the Ultimate
Bene Name
28 Mail To 3rd Line A 35 3rd Line of Bank Information No
2nd line of Mail to Address – Only
needed if the draft should be mailed
somewhere other than the Ultimate
Bene Name
29 Mail To 4th Line A 35 4th Line of Bank Information No
3rd line of Mail to Address – Only
needed if the draft should be mailed
somewhere other than the Ultimate
Bene Name
30 Clear through A 3 Must be a valid Clear through No
Country Country.
“ATS” – Austria
“BEF” – Belgium
“DEM” – Germany
“ESP” – Spain
“FIM” – Finland
“FRF” – France
“GRD” – Greece
“ITL” – Italy
“LUF” – Luxembourg
“PTE” – Portugal
“NLG” -- Netherlands

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Repetitive FX Wire/Draft Record Format

Data Field Type Length Description Mandatory?
1 Record Indicator N 2 Must be “8” Yes
2 Customer Line A 16 Must be a valid customer line name. Yes
Code Used with Account to select a specific
3 Credit Currency A 3 Must be a valid currency code Yes
accepted by Funds Transfer Initiation
for the given line’s pay method. If
provided, this field will be used on
the search criteria for the Line Table
4 Amount N 15 14 digits plus the decimal point. Yes
Must be >0.
5 Value Date D 8 A valid value date for the transaction. Yes
6 Contract Number N 8 Valid contract number (should exist No
in the JPM system in a confirmed
7 Customer A 16 Freeform text. No
8 Reference Text 1 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
9 Reference Text 2 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
10 Reference Text 3 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No
11 Reference Text 4 A 35 Freeform text. Payment Details. No

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Codes Reference

Bank / Additional Information Codewords (DMT/FX)

The codewords below are also available (in alphabetical order) from the Bank Information
dropdown list on the Additional Information tab on the Add screen / Modify screen.

Code Description
ACC The information that follows is for the account bank.
BEN ONLY The payment is to be made to the beneficiary only.
BNF The information that follows is for the beneficiary bank.
CABLE Cable the account party.
CABLEBEN Cable the ultimate beneficiary.
CHECK or CHEQUE Make the payment by check.
CHGS For intermediary or correspondent banks, indicates whether the
beneficiary of the originator of the transaction will pay the funds
transfer charges. Usually preset as a default.
DEDUCT Take the processing fees from the principal amount.
INS Enter ordering bank information.
INT The information that follows is for the intermediary bank in a three-
party transfer.
IRS Used to initiate non-value (Fedwire Type 1090) tax payments.
OCMT Original currency and amount.
OGB Originating Bank.
PHON Phone the account party.
PHONBEN Phone the ultimate beneficiary.
PHONEIBK Phone the intermediary bank.
PRIORITY Prioritize this instruction over your other payments and push to the
top of JPMorgan’s internal processing queues. (Additional fee
REC The information that follows is for the receiving bank. (Field
requires Repair.)
RTGS Send a settlement payment. (For payments involving Euro currency
SETTLEMENT Send a Fedwire settlement payment (Fedwire Type 16).
TELE Telex the account party.
TELEBEN Telex the ultimate beneficiary.
TELEXBEN or TELEIBK Advise intermediary by the most efficient means of

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Bank Information (GMT)

Recognized bank codewords for GMT are as below. However it should be noted that freeformat
codewords can be specified. These apply to the instructions to debit bank fields above.

This Information is for one of the pay through banks (vs. information for the beneficiary). Text
must be proceded by a valid SWIFT codeword. The Codeword must have a front-slash / in front
and in back of it. For example:

/ACC/Please lorem ipsum

GMT – Financial Institutions and non Financial Institutions (FI’s)

Bene Non FI List

/ACC/ Instructions following are for the account with institution.

The instructing institution which instructed the Sender to execute
/INS/ the transaction.

/REC/ Instructions following are for the Receiver of the message.

Bene FI List

/ACC/ Instructions following are for the account with institution

/BNF/ Information following is for the beneficiary

The instructing institution which instructed the Sender to execute
/INS/ the transaction

/REC/ Instructions following are for the Receiver

GMT Proprietary Codes

These are internal codes available for all GMT types except multibank (i.e. included in both lists
above). No warnings required

/ADVBEN/ Advise Beneficiary

/ADVREM/ Advise Remitter
/FXEQUIV/ Instruction to pay in FX equivalent

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

FX Sort codes
The codewords below are available to be entered into the code field along with the ID for each
party of the FX transfer.
Code Description
/ JPMorgan DDA

Pay Methods
The method to be used to fund the transfer.
The options for Pay Methods differ for Funds Transfer Methods (DMT and GMT) and also
within each method, depending if settlement is a Payment or a Receipt.

Pay methods for Freeform DMT Payments

FED Routing method (Fed Wire) operated by the Federal Reserve Bank and used
by Federal Reserve member banks and other depository financial institutions
for large, real-time US Dollar transactions
BKT Book Transfer or transfer of funds between two accounts at the same bank.
CHP Routing method through the Clearing House Interbank Payments System
(CHIPS) for international US Dollar payments to be settled among New York
CHK Check

Pay Methods for Freeform GMT Payments

TLX Telex
IAT Inter Account Transfer – Transfer of funds between two parties holding
accounts at the same JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Branch. Available for both
freeform and repetitive line Payments
DFT Draft (Check)
GIR GIRO - A credit method in which a payment order automatically transfers
funds from the customer’s account to the creditor’s account and notifies
creditors when the transfer is made.
ATE Asia Extended Text (Asia only). Freeform only. There are no GMT repetitive
line transactions for ATE and DFE pay methods.
DFE Draft Extended Text (Asia only). Freeform only. There are no GMT
repetitive line transactions for ATE and DFE pay methods.
LOC Local Currency Wire (Funds Transfer)

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Pay Methods for FX Payments

DFT Draft
WRE Wire
WCB Cross Border Wire

Instruction code values For GMT

These are the valid instruction codes appearing in the order in which they should be sent.

GMT Standard Payments (non –multibank)

SDVA = Payment must be executed with same day value to the beneficiary.
INTC = Intra-company payment - same company group
REPA = Payment has a related e-Payments reference.
CORT = Payment is made in settlement of a trade, (eg, foreign exchange deal, securities
BONL = Payment is to be made to the beneficiary customer only.
HOLD = Beneficiary customer/claimant will call; pay upon identification.
CHQB = Pay beneficiary customer only by cheque.
PHOB = Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by phone.
TELB = Please advise/contact beneficiary/claimant by the most efficient means of
PHON = Please advise account with institution by phone.
TELE = Please advise account with institution by the most efficient means of
PHOI = Please advise the intermediary institution by phone.
TELI = Please advise the intermediary institution by the most efficient means of

PHON, PHOB, PHOI, TELE, TELB, TELI, HOLD or REPA allow text entry.

GMT Multibank codes

CHQB = Pay beneficiary customer only by cheque

CMSW = Cash management instruction, requesting to sweep the account of the ordering
CMTO = Cash management instruction, requesting to top the account of the ordering
customer above a certain floor amount. The floor amount, may be specified after
the code.
CMZB = Cash management instruction, requesting to zero balance the account of the
ordering customer.
INTC = Intra-company payment - same company group
NETS = Payment should be settled via a net settlement system, if available.

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

GMT Multibank codes - continued

PHON = Beneficiary to be contacted by telephone.

REPA = Payment has a related e-Payments reference.
CORT = Payment made in settlement of a trade, eg, foreign exchange deal, securities
RTGS = Payment should be settled via a real time gross settlement system, if available.
URGP = Time sensitive payment which should be executed in an expeditious manner.
OTHR = Bilaterally agreed code-word/information to be used within the narrative part of
the field.

CMTO, PHON, OTHR and REPA allow additional info text entry

GMT - Regulatory Reporting Codes

BENEFRES Residence of beneficiary

ORDERRES Residence of ordering customer

The Madrid value of “NONRES” – is also allowed. However, if using this field then the
Regulatory Reporting Country Code is not required.

Allowed FX Clear Through Country Codes

The following codes are only applicable to Freeform FX Drafts.
Code Description
ATS Austria
BEF Belgium
FIM Finland
FRF France
DEM Germany
GRD Greece
IEP Ireland
ITL Italy
LUF Luxembourg
PTE Portugal
ESP Spain
NLG Netherlands

Asia Text codes - for Back Offices defined as Asia

Allowed Delivery Instructions
Code Description
HLD Hold for pickup
MAP Mail To Payee
MPE Messenger To Payee
RMP Registered Mail To Payee
MPR Messenger To Payor

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Allowed Pay Through/Clearing Zone Codes

The Bank that the funds need to go through to get to the intended recipient.

NOTE: The Supported Clearing Zones are available for immediate use. The Available
Clearing Zone in Countries are not immediately available. Client wishing to use these
locations must consult with JPMorgan as arrangements must be made prior to their use.

Countries Support Clearing Zone Available Clearing Zone in Countries

Indonesia Jakarta Jakarta Nusa Tenggara Barat
Aceh Darussalam Nusa Tenggara Timur
Sumatra Utara Kalimantan Selatan
Sumatra Barat Kalimantan Timur
Sumatra Selatan Kalimantan Tengah
Bengkulu Kalimantan Barat
Jambi Sulawesi Utara
Jawa Barat Sulawesi Selatan
Jawa Tengah Sulawesi Tenggara
Jawa Timur Sulawesi Tengah
DIY Maluku
Bali Papua

Australia Melbourne Melbourne

Brisbane Brisbane
Perth Perth
Sydney* Sydney

Philippines Manila * Manila Cebu

Cebu Dagupan Cagayan
Consunji Davao

* Default (if no Clearing Zone information used)

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Countries Support Clearing Zone Available Clearing Zone in Countries

Thailand Bangkok * Bangkok Chiang Mai-Lampoon
Chonburi Supanburi Lampang
Rayong Ratchaburi Chiang Rai
Kanchanaburi Phitsanulok
Chonburi Nakhon Sawan
Lopburi Phrae
Saraburi Uttaradit
Nakhonpathom Nan
Rayong Pha Yao
Chanthaburi Kamphaeng Phet
Prachuap Khiri Khan Tak
Phetchaburi Sukhothai
Khon kaen Phuket
Nakhon Ratchasima Songkhla
Udon Thani Trang
Ubol Ratchathani Satun
Surin Phatthalung
Buriram Suratthani
Sakonnakhon Ranong
Nakhonphanom Chumphon

Malaysia Kuala Lumpur * Johor Perak

Pulau Pinang (Penang) Kedah Pulau Pinang (Penang)
Kelantan Sabah
Kuala Lumpur Sarawak
Labuan Selangor
Melaka Terengganu
Negeri Sembilan

* Default (if no Clearing Zone information used)

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Countries Support Clearing Zone Available Clearing Zone in Countries

Mumbai Ahmedabad Agra Kota
Bangalore Ahmedabad Kottayam
Baroda Ahmednagar Lucknow
Calcutta Ajmer Ludhiana
Calicut Akola Madurai
Chandigarh Allahabad Mangalore
Chennai Ambala Mapusa (Goa)
Cochin Amritsar Margao
Coimbatore Anand Mehsana
Delhi Aurangabad Moga
Hyderabad Bangalore Mohali
Indore Bardoli Mumbai
Jaipure Bharuch Mysore
Jallandhar Bhatinda Nabha
Ludhiana Bhavnagar Nagpur
Mangalore Bhiwadi Nasik
Margao Bhopal Navsari
Mumbai Bhubaneshwar Noida
New Delhi Bhuj Palakkad
Panjim Calcutta Panchkula
Pune Calicut Panipat
Surat Chandigarh Panjim (Goa)
Trivandrum Chennai Patiala
Vizag Cochin / Ernakulam Patna
Coimbatore Phagwara
Dahanu Ponda (Goa)
Daman Pune
Dehradun Raipur
Delhi Rajamundry
Durgapur (W . B.) Rajkot
Erode Rajpura
Faridabad Ranchi
Gandhidham Rohtak
Gandhinagar Ropar
Ghaziabad Salem
Guntur Sangli
Gurgaon Secunderabad

* Default (if no Clearing Zone information used)

JPMorgan ACCESSsm Funds Transfer Initiation Import Reference Guide

Countries Support Clearing Zone Available Clearing Zone in Countries

Mumbai Gwalior Siliguri
(continued) Hissar Silvassa
Hoshiarpur Sonepat
Hyderabad Surat
Indore Tirupati
Jabalpur Tiruvalla
Jaipur Trichur
Jalandhar Trichy
Jalgaon Trivandrum
Jamnagar Udaipur
Kalka Valsad
Kanpur Vapi
Kapurthala Varanasi
Karad Vasco (Goa)
Karnal Veraval
Khanna Vijayawada
Kolhapur Vizag
Kollam / Quilon Yamunanagar

* Default (if no Clearing Zone information used)

SWIFT character set

Where a screen field is enterable, for example, ID, Name or Address, the characters must
be SWIFT-allowable. The SWIFT character set includes:
Value Description
A—Z all ASCII letters (Upper case only)
0—9 all numbers
/ forward slash (Payment Detail and Bank Information fields only)
- hyphen (not allowed as the first character in any field)
? question mark
: Colon
( open parentheses
) close parentheses
. Period
‘ Apostrophe
, Comma
+ plus sign
* (DMT only) Asterisk (not allowed for CHP pay method transactions)


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