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UNIT 4 – Credit Recovery Study Guide

1. Solve for x.
5.𝟓𝒙 = 49.5

2. Solve for y
𝒚 + 23 = 465

3. Write 3 values that make the inequality p ≥ 10 true.

4. Write 3 values are NOT the solution for the inequality

𝒏 > 𝟖.𝟔

5. Write an expression that represents the area of a rectangular lawn that has a length of 7x feet and a
width of 2x – 4 feet.

2x - 4

6. Eric’s Lawn Service charges a one-time fee of $12, in addition to $8 per hour worked. Write an
expression that represents how much money they would charge if they worked 𝑛 hours?

7. George went to the concession stand at a football game and bought 5 hot dogs for 𝑚 dollars each and
3 sodas for 𝑝 dollars.
If he paid for his food with a $30, write an expression shows how much change he should receive?

8. Jerome earns $185 each week at Publix. Write an equation that could Jerome use to find w, the
number of weeks he has to work to earn $1110?

9. What is the value of x in the equation?

5 4
𝒙+ =
6 3
UNIT 4 – Credit Recovery Study Guide

10. Leilani charges $8.00 for each hour, (ℎ), she babysits. Last week, the total amount she earned by
babysitting was $96.00.

Write an equation that could be used to find the number of hours Leilani babysat last week?

11. Over summer break, Madeline and two of her friends started a pet sitting business. The first
month, they earned $658. If they divide the money equally, how much would each person earn?

12. The Drama Club is having a fundraiser selling novelty cups. Their goal is to make a profit of $2,250.
If they receive $5.50 profit for each cup (c), how many cups do they need to sell to make a profit
of $2,000?

Write an equation that could be used to find c, the number of cups they need to sell?

13. Which algebraic expression represents this graph?

14. Write an inequality statement does NOT represent p < 50?

15. Write an inequality represents the solution on the number line?

UNIT 4 – Credit Recovery Study Guide

16. Write an inequality that represents the solution set {11, 12, 13…}?

17. Oscar bought two bags of skittles for $1.55 each, and four other items that cost x dollars each.

Write an equation represents the total cost, c?

18. At Used Cars Emporium, the top car salesman averages 30 cars sold per month, represented by
the equation y = 30x. Their second-place salesman averages 10 cars sold per month, represented
by the equation y = 10x. Which graph shows the sales rates of both sellers?

A. B.

C. D.
UNIT 4 – Credit Recovery Study Guide

19. The equation m = 13h represents the number of miles, m, that Myra travels after h hours.

Create a table for the equation

20. A football team is selling donuts as a fundraiser.

Boxes of
Money Earned
Doughnuts Sold

25 $175

100 $700

b $1,650

Based on the table, write an equation represents the situation.

UNIT 4 – Credit Recovery Study Guide
Answer Key
1. 9
2. 442
3. {10, 11, 12, 13, etc.}
4. {8.6, 8.5, 8.4, etc.}
5. 7x(2x – 4) or 14x2 – 28x
6. 12 + 8n or 8n + 12
7. 30 – (5m + 3p)
8. 185w = 1110
9. ½
10. 8h = 96
11. $219.33
12. c =
13. x ≥ 2
14. Possible Answers
a. There are more than 50 people signed up for the trip
b. You must be at least 50 years old to receive a senior citizens discount
15. x ≥ 5
16. x ≥ 11 or x > 10
17. c = 3.10 +4x
18. D

Hours 1 2 3 11 13

Miles 13 26 39 143 169

20. 7b = $1650

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