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Tabel 1.

Koding Penyakit gigi dan mulut sesuai PPK

ICD 10 Diagnose Nomer

K02.3 Arrested caries 1

K02.51 Dental caries on pit and fissure surface

limited to enamel
Dental caries on smooth surface limited to
K02.61 enamel

K02.52 Dental caries on pit and fissure surface

penetrating into dentin
Dental caries on smooth surface penetrating
K02.62 into dentin

K02.8 Other specified dental caries 4

K03.80 Sensitive dentin 5

K04.00 Initial (hyperaemia) 6

K04.01 Reversible pulpitis 7

K04.01 Irreversible pulpitis 8

K04.1 Necrosis of pulp 9

K04.6 Periapical abcess with sinus 10

K04.7 Periapical abcess without sinus 11

K03.6 Deposits (accretions) on teeth 12

Posteruptive color changes of dental hard

K03.7 13

K08.3 Retained dental root 14

K00.63 Retained (persistent) primary tooth 15

K03.0 Excessive attrition of teeth 16

K03.1 Abrasion of teeth 17

K03.2 Erosion of teeth 18

Posteruptive color changes of dental hard

K03.7 19

Aggressive periodontitis, localized/

K05.21 20
periodontal abcess

K05.30 Chronic periodontitis 21

K12.00 Recurrent aphthous ulcer 22

K12.04 Traumatic ulcer 23

A69.10 Necrotizing ulcerative (acute) gingivitis 24

B37.00 Acute pseudomembranous candidal stomatitis 25

Chronic erythematous (atrophic) candidal

B37.03 26
Denture stomatitis due to candidal infection

Tabel 2. Koding jenis tindakan dokter gigi pelayanan primer berdasarkan PPK drg
Kode ICD 9 CM ICD 9 CM Nomer
89.31 dental examination and consultation 1
89.31 dental examination with oral medicine 2
23.01 Extraction of deciduous tooth; removal of residual root (deciduous) 3
23.09 extraction of permanent tooth; removal of residual root (permanent) 4
23.2; 23.49 restoration of tooth by filling 5
96.54 Dental scaling and polishing 6
24.99 Trepanation of the pulp 7
23.2; 23.70 restoration of deciduous tooth by filling with pulp caping 8
23.2 ; 23.70 restoration of tooth by filling with pulp caping 9
24.99 Devitalization of the pulp 10
24.00 incision of gum or alveolar bone 11
89.31 Topical aplication ; Other dental restoration [other] 12

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