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Lopez 1

Roger Lopez
Professor Shkorupa
EDU 280

Objective: To demonstrate how racism has been a part of our education system throughout
history. Show the effects it has had on students, schools, and laws in the United States. Discuss
where we stand as of today in regards to racism in our schools, and have an open discussion to
find ways we can work on the issue to make it better.

Materials/Equipment: PowerPoint presentation, Kahoot activity/assessment, video “U.S.

Schools Still Segregated” on YouTube.

 Start out with a brief talk about racism in our past.
 State objective: Show how racism has been a part of our education system. Show the
effects of racism on students. How we can work to make it better.
 PowerPoint Presentation
o Slide 1 – Title slide.
o Slide 2 – Definition of racism.
o Slide 3 – History of racism in education
o Slide 4 - Plessy v. Ferguson.
o Slide 5 - Brown v. Board of Education
o Slide 6 – Racism now
o Slide 7 – U.S. Schools Still Segregated.
o Slide 8 – Effects of Racism.
o Slide 9 – Ending racism.
o Slide 10 – Works Cited
Closure: How do you think we can help out and make this less of a problem? Where do you
believe the problem begins? What can be done to decrease racism as a whole?
Lopez 1

Outline for Lesson Plan:

Racism in our educational system

 Brief discussion of how schools have opened up to offer more education to a wider
variety of students.
Slide 1: Title
Slide 2: What is racism?
 Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different
race based on the belief that one’s own race is superior.
Slide 3: History of Racism in Education
 A few Supreme Court Cases that dealt with racism:
 Plessy v. Ferguson
 Murray v. Maryland
 Brown v. Board of Education
Slide 4: Plessy v. Ferguson
 Homer Plessy, a man of both Caucasian and African American descent, sat in a spot
that was specifically assigned for “Whites Only”. He refused to give up his seat
which lead to being arrested.
 He tried suing, making the point that the law is unconstitutional.
 The case went to the Supreme Court and with a 7-1 majority decision said:
 Separation does not mean discrimination.
Slide 5: Brown v. Board of Education
 “We conclude that, in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but
equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” -
Justice Warren
Lopez 1

Slide 6: Racism Now

 After 9-11, Islamophobia has increased in the U.S., fueled by ignorance.
 According to a Pew research poll, Hispanics are the 2nd most discriminated race
after African Americans.
 African Americans make up 13% of the U.S. population, but are 37% of people
arrested for drug related charges.
 In 2010, the U.S. Sentencing Commission reported that African Americans receive
10% longer sentences than whites through the federal system for the same crimes.
Slide 7: U.S. Schools Still Segregated
Slide 8: Effects of Racism
 The toll that racism is taking on the students in our schools is huge, some of the
effects it has on students are:
 Creates disruptive behavior from the student.
 Widens the achievement gaps.
 Brews racial tensions.
 Can cause students to doubt themselves and bring down their self-esteem.
 May lead to low efforts in school and in return, low grades.
Slide 9: Ending Racism
 To end racism, we must:
 Review our thoughts and actions and evaluate if there are any racial biases.
 Create lesson plans that include and promote cultural diversity.
 Have a classroom environment in which all students feel safe and
comfortable being themselves and sharing their thoughts.
 Be mindful of all students and their cultures.
 Do not allow bullying to occur, especially based on race.
Slide 10: Works Cited

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