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To Fullfill the Course Assignment

Dasar-Dasar Ilmu Lingkungan (Basic of Environmental Science)
Which is Guided by Mr. Dr. Sueb, M.Kes
Presented on, 10 April 2018

By :

Group 11 Offering G 2017

1. Fairus Zain :170342615564

2. Feby Lorenzia :170342615536


April 2018

TABLE OF CONTENT ......................................................................................... i

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................1

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...........................................................................1

1.1 Issue Background ...........................................................................................1

1.2 Problem Formulation ......................................................................................1

1.3 Purpose of The Paper......................................................................................2

CHAPTER II THEORYTICAL REVIEW .........................................................3

2.1 Water Pollution ...............................................................................................3

2.2 Source of Water Pollution ..............................................................................4

2.3 Type of Water Pollution .................................................................................6

2.4 Impact of Water Pollution ..............................................................................8

2.5 Indicators of Water Pollution .......................................................................11

2.6 Water Pollution Causes ................................................................................14

2.7 Water Pollution Control ...............................................................................15

CHAPTER III REMARK ...................................................................................16

Conclusion ..........................................................................................................16

Suggestion ..........................................................................................................16

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................17

Figure 2.1 Underground Mining...........................................................................5

Figure 2.2 Sewage ................................................................................................6

Figure 2.3 Cholera Disease...................................................................................9

Figure 2.4 Eutrification ......................................................................................10


Zain, Fairus; Lorenzia, Feby. 2018. Supervisor: Dr. Sueb, M.Kes. E-mail: Water Pollution Management Strategy. Paper
Basics of Environmental Science, Offering G S1 Biology Faculty of
Mathematics and Science State University of Malang.

One of the environmental problems faced today is water pollution. whereas water
is essential to human life. Approximately 70% of water composes the earths layers.
one component of human body also consists of water. But today water pollution
can not be avoided. Water pollution is he entry of substances into the water that
cause changes in smell, taste, and color in water. Water pollution is caused by many
things. The purpose of this paper is to know the sources, kinds, impacts, indicators,
causal factors, and efforts to overcome water pollution. To cope with water
pollution required the right strategy one of them is municipal treatment.
Keywords: Water pullution, Source of water pollution, stratetegy of water

1.1 Background

Water is a wonderful substance - flowing, spinning, seeping,

constantly moving from sea to land and back again. It shapes the earth
surface and moderate climate. Water is one of the most important elements
in life. Humans, animals, or plants need clean water to live their lives. This
media where all life processes occur. Water dissolves nutrients and
distributes them to cells, regulates body temperature, supports structure, and
eliminates waste products. About 60 percent of your body is water. You can
survive for weeks without food, but only a few days without water
(Cunningham, 2013)
Water is also needed for agriculture, industry, transportation, and a
number of other human uses. In short, fresh clean water is one of our most
vital natural resources. Water covers about 70% of the earth's surface while
0.002% of water is available for human consumption (Alrumman, 2016).
Clean drinking water and basic sanitation need to be prevented infectious
diseases and to maintain a healthy life. When Population grows, more
people move to town, and agriculture and industry competing for an
increasingly scarce water supply, water shortages are expected to worsen.
Water can be recycled if the quality is not degraded with use. Water
with drawal is the total amount of water taken from water bodies. Much of
this water can be redistributed in a reusable form. Water consumption, on
the other hand, is the loss of water for evaporation, absorption, or
contamination (Cunningham, 2013).

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the background, the problems discussed can be formulated as


1. what is the source of water pollution?

2. What are the kinds of damage and water pollution?

3. What is the impact of water pollution?
4. What are the indicators of water pollution?
5. What are the factors causing water pollution?
6. how to prevent water pollution?

1.3 Purpose of the Paper

1. Know the understanding of the source water pollution

2. Know what are the kinds of damage and water pollution
3. Know what is the impact of water pollution
4. Know the understanding of indicator water pollution
5. Know what the factor causing water pollution
6. Know how to prevent water pollution



2.1 Definition of Water Pollution

According to Environmental Management Act No. 32/2009,

Environmental pollution is entered or the inclusion of living things,
substances, energies, and / or other components into the environment live
by human activity so it goes beyond environmental quality standards that
have been set.We live in a layer that contains water, and most of our bodies
are composed of water. water is very important in our lives, but sometimes
we forget and waste it, even contaminate the water. Water pollutionis any
change in water quality that harms humans or other living organisms or
makes water unsuitable for desired uses (Miller, 2010). Olaniran (1995)
defined water pollution to be the presence of excessive amounts of a hazard
(pollutants) in water in such a way that it is no long suitable for drinking,
bathing, cooking or other uses.

Substance can be said to be a pollutant if it has a level that has

exceeded the limit, also in place and at times that are not appropriate. these
types of pollutants may be in the form of dust, radiation exposure,
chemicals, and others. Pollutants that exist in this particular environment
can damage the environment and life in it depending on the amount of
pollutants they contain and the living things they are affected. The higher
the level of pollutant the more severe the environmental damage is affected,
and vice versa. We are also charge too little for making it available.

2.2 Sources Of Water Pollution

1. Point sources
Discharge pollutants at specific locations through drain pipes,
ditches, or sewer lines into bodies of surface water. Examples include
factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines, and oil tankers.
Because point sources are located at specific places, they are fairly easy
to identify, monitor, and regulate.

The establishment of a factory, does not close the possibility of
adjacent to the water source. When processing at the plant, sometimes
the waste is thrown into the river causing water pollution. In the waste
the base contained some substances that could endanger the
environment and living creatures in the river, consequently could disrupt
the balance of the ecosystem.
Every mining process, there must be some waste of gas that is
wasted or spilled. the gases are usually bad for the environment. what if
these gases are wasted in close proximity to the water source, eating the
water source has been contaminated and will have a fatal impact if used
by humans.

Figure 2.1 Underground mining

2. Nonpoint sourcesare
Broad, diffuse areas, rather than points, from which pollutants enter
bodies of surface water or air. Examples include runoff of chemicals and
sediments from cropland, livestock feedlots, logged forests, urban
streets, parking lots, lawns, and golf courses.
Household waste also affects water pollution. Waste such as soap
water can contaminate water because soapy water contains harmful
Where animal feed can also cause water contamination. where
animal feeds do not have landfills, will usually just drain away cattle
dung. So that the impurities can have an impact on the surrounding water

Figure 2.2 Sewage
2.3 Type of Water Pollution
1. Algae and Water Pollution

The problem that many pollute the reservoir, the lake is the growth of
algae. algae cause taste and bad odor in water. Other than that algae can also
provide toxins for humans. The causes of the rapid growth of algae in lakes
or reservoirs are warm water, high temperatures, sunlight, and adequate
nutrients such as nitric phosphate and carbon dioxide.

2. Eutrophication

Wastewater not only provides organic material to bacterial growth but

provides nutrients for algae growth. The growth of algae adds organic matter
back to the water thus increasing the BOD that is causing a deterioration of
water quality. Nitrate and phosphate are especially important in water
pollution because they are effective nutrient sources for algae.
3. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
Biochemical Oxygen Demand one of the most important factor that
depleted the dissolved oxygen in the water. Because, water contains organic
matter and bacteria that oxidize organic matter, in the process consuming
oxygen (Baldry et al., 1991). The decrease in oxygen content has several
important consequences: i. it makes the watercourse partially or completely
anaerobic, and this lead to the development of odors, flavors, and toxic

materials in the water. When the water becomes anaerobic, many
animals such as fish die, and their remains putrefy and add further foul
odors and organic matter to the water. iii. Even if odors do not develop,
water depleted of oxygen has a flat taste. Decomposition of organic
materials takes place much more slowly in the absence of oxygen; the
purification process in the water course are therefore slow, and a thick,
unsightly, organic-rich sediment may accumulate on the bottom of the
watercourse. The consumption of oxygen by bacteria is called the
biochemical oxygen demand, usually abbreviated BOD, the extent of
oxygen consumption determined by the amount of oxidizable organic matter
present in the water. The BOD commonly used as a measure of organic
pollution degree in waters.
4. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Chemical Oxygen Demand is another evaluation that used to measure
the level of water contamination by organic matter. In this evaluation, the
organic matter is oxidized via oxidizing agent (potassium dichromate). The
COD is usually higher than the BOD because some organic materials in the
water that are resistant to microbial oxidation and hence not involved in
BOD will be easily chemically oxidized.
5. Self-Purification of Water
When sewage added to a river or other watercourse, pollution occurs.
Pollution followed by purification, the process in which the quality of the
water returned toward normal. When purification occurs without human
intervention, it is called self-purification and occurs as a result of
microbiological, chemical, and physical changes. Microbiological changes
include the death of many intestinal microorganisms present in the sewage
and growth of normal aquatic microorganisms able to oxidize organic matter
entering the system. Chemical changes include oxidation of organic matter,
the release of phosphate, nitrate and re-oxygenation of the water by the
oxygen solution from the air. The most important physical changes involve
sedimentation, in which particulate matter settles out of the water onto the
bottom of the watercourse.

6. Microbial Indicators of Sewage Pollution
Microbial indicators provide an excellent means of monitoring natural
water for sewage pollution; because they easily detected. Any of the
organisms used in evaluating drinking water for microbial purity can used
as indicators of sewage pollution. The most frequently two indicators used
are the coliform group and the subgroup of the coliforms (fecal coliforms).
In general, any gram-negative, rod-shaped, facultative anaerobic bacterium
is called coliform (Escherichia coli is typical coliform).
7. Thermal pollution
Usually effluent from cooling systems of power plants or other
industries, alters water temperature. Raising or lowering water
temperatures from normal levels can adversely affect water quality and
aquatic life. Water temperatures are usually much more stable than air
temperatures, so aquatic organisms tend to be poorly adapted to rapid
temperature changes. Lowering the temperature of tropical oceans by even
1°C can be lethal to some corals and other reef species. Humans also cause
thermal pollution by altering vegetation cover and runoff patterns.
Reducing water flow, clearing streamside trees, and adding sediment all
make water warmer and alter the ecosystems in a lake or stream.

2.4 Effects Of Water Pollution

Sources and kinds of water pollution certainly have an impact on nature.

Water pollution has a negative impact on humans, animals, plants, and the
environment. there are also various impacts that affect the health, sustainability
of marine life, the beauty of the environment, as well as the impact on ground
water quality.

2.1.1 Impact On Health

Pathogens The most serious water pollutants in terms of human health
worldwide are pathogenic (disease-causing) organisms. Among the most
important waterborne diseases are typhoid, cholera, bacterial and amoebic
dysentery, enteritis, polio, infectious hepatitis, and schistosomiasis.
Malaria, yellow fever, and filariasis are transmitted by insects that have

aquatic larvae. Altogether, at least 25 million deaths each year are blamed
on waterrelated diseases. Nearly two-thirds of the mortalities of children
under 5 years old in poorer countries are linked to these diseases. The main
source of these pathogens is untreated or improperly treated human wastes.
Animal wastes from feedlots or fields near waterways and food-processing
factories with inadequate waste treatment facilities also are sources of
disease-causing organisms.

Figure 2.3 Cholera disease

2.1.2 Impact On Sustainablility of Marine

clarity (transparency) is affected by sediments, chemicals, and the
abundance of plankton organisms; clarity is a useful measure of water
quality and water pollution. Rivers and lakes that have clear water and low
biological productivity are said to be oligotrophic (oligo = little + trophic =
nutrition). By contrast, eutrophic (eu + trophic = well-nourished) waters are
rich in organisms and organic materials. Eutrophication, an increase in
nutrient levels and biological productivity, often accompanies successional
changes in lakes. Increased productivity in an aquatic system sometimes can
be beneficial. Fish and other desirable species may grow faster, providing a
welcome food source. Often, however, eutrophication produces “blooms”
of algae or thick growths of aquatic plants stimulated by elevated
phosphorus or nitrogen levels. Bacterial populations then increase, fed by

larger amounts of organic matter. The water often becomes cloudy, or
turbid, and A federal study of the condition of U.S. coastal waters found that
28 percent of estuaries are impaired for aquatic life, and 80 percent of all
coastal water is in fair to poor condition. Marine animals in hypoxic zones
die not only because of depleted oxygen, but also because of high
concentrations of harmful organisms, including toxic algae, pathogenic
fungi, and parasitic protists. Excessive nutrients support blooms of these
deadly aquatic microorganisms in polluted nearshore waters. Red tides—
and tides of other colors, depending on the species involved—have become
increasingly common where nutrients and wastes wash down rivers.

Figure 2.4 Eutrification

2.1.3 Impact on Ground Water

Among the chemicals of greatest concern are heavy metals, such as
mercury, lead, tin, and cadmium. Supertoxic elements, such as selenium and
arsenic, also have reached hazardous levels in some waters. Other inorganic
materials, such as acids, salts, nitrates, and chlorine, that are nontoxic at low
concentrations may become concentrated enough to lower water quality and
adversely affect biological communities.
Many metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium, and nickel, are highly toxic
in minute concentrations. Because metals are highly persistent, they
accumulate in food chains and have a cumulative effect in humans.
Acids are released as by-products of industrial processes, such as leather
tanning, metal smelting and plating, petroleum distillation, and organic
chemical synthesis. Coal mining is an especially important source of acid

water pollution. Sulfur compounds in coal react with oxygen and water to
make sulfuric acid. Thousands of kilometers of streams in the United States
have been acidified by acid mine drainage, some so severely that they are
essentially lifeless. Acid precipitation also acidifies surface water systems.
In addition to damaging living organisms directly, these acids leach
aluminum and other elements from soil and rock, further destabilizing

The two principal sources of toxic organic chemicals in water are (1)
improper disposal of industrial and household wastes and (2) pesticide runoff
from farm fields, forests, roadsides, golf courses, and private lawns. Dioxins
and other chlorinated hydrocarbons (hydrocarbon molecules that contain
chlorine atoms) have been shown to accumulate to dangerous levels in the fat
of salmon, fish-eating birds, and humans and to cause health problems similar
to those resulting from toxic metal compounds. Hundreds of millions of tons
of hazardous organic wastes are thought to be stored in dumps, landfills,
lagoons, and underground tanks.

2.5 Indicators Of Water Polution

1. Dissolved oxygen (DO)

The DO test measures the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water. Oxygen is
essential for both plants and animals, but high levels in water can be harmful
to fish and other aquatic organisms. Nonpoint-source pollution can decrease
the amount of dissolved oxygen in water, which can be harmful to fish and
other aquatic organisms. The decomposition of leaf litter, grass clippings,

sewage and runoff from feedlots decreases DO readings. Dissolved oxygen is
measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L). Expected levels: 4.0 to 12.0 mg/L

2. Water temperature

Aquatic organisms are dependent on certain temperature ranges for optimal

health. Temperature affects many other parameters in water, including
dissolved oxygen, types of plants and animals present and the susceptibility of
organisms to parasites, pollution and disease. Causes of temperature change in
water include weather conditions, shade and discharges from urban sources or
groundwater inflows. Temperature is measured in degrees Celsius (°C).
Seasonal trends: May to October: 22 to 35°C, November to April: 2 to 27°C

3. pH

A pH test measures the alkalinity or acidity of water. A pH of 7 is neutral,

below 7 is acidic and above 7 is basic or alkaline. Acid rain, from auto exhaust
or other pollutants, causes a drop in the pH. Pollution from accidental spills,
agricultural runoff and sewer overflows can also change the pH. Buffering
capacity is water's ability to resist changes in pH, and is critical to the survival
of aquatic life. The limestone soils of Central Texas act to neutralize these acids
and often result in a more basic pH. While young fish and insect larvae are
sensitive to a low pH (acid), extreme values on either end of the scale can be
lethal to most organisms. Expected levels: 6.5 to 9.0

4. Escherichia coli (E. coli)

E. coli is a fecal coliform bacteria that comes from human and animal waste.
The Environmental Protection Agency uses E. coli measurements to determine
whether fresh water is safe for recreation. Disease-causing bacteria, viruses and
protozoans may be present in water that has elevated levels of E. coli. Levels
of E. coli can increase during flooding. E. coli is measured in number of colony
forming units. The EPA water quality standard for E. coli bacteria is 394 colony
forming units per 100 mL.

5. Specific conductance

The specific conductance test measures the ability of water to pass an electrical
current. Conductivity in water is affected by inorganic dissolved solids such as
chloride, sulfate, sodium, calcium and others. Conductivity in streams and
rivers is affected by the geology of the area through which the water flows.
Streams that run through granite bedrock will have lower conductivity, and
those that flow through limestone and clay will have higher conductivity. High
conductance readings also can come from industrial pollution or urban runoff,
such as water flowing from streets, buildings and parking lots. Extended dry
periods and low flow conditions also contribute to higher conductance. Organic
compounds, such as oil, do not conduct electrical current very well, so an oil
spill tends to lower the conductivity of the water. Temperature also affects
conductivity; warm water has a higher conductivity. Specific conductance is
measured in microsiemens per centimeter (µS/cm). Expected levels: 300 to 700
µS/cm in most of the Colorado River watershed; higher near San Saba and the

6. Nitrates

Nitrogen is a nutrient necessary for growth of all living organisms. nitrogen

tests measure nitrate (NO3-N). Excessive amounts of nitrates increase algae
growth. Algae can rob the water of dissolved oxygen and eventually kill fish
and other aquatic life. Sources of nitrates may include human and animal
wastes, industrial pollutants and nonpoint-source runoff from heavily fertilized
croplands and lawns. Under certain conditions, high levels of nitrates (10 mg/L
or more) in drinking water can be toxic to humans. High levels of nitrates in
drinking water have been linked to serious illness and even death in infants.
Nitrates are measured in milligrams per liter (mg/L). Expected levels: less than

7. Transparency

Transparency measures how far light can penetrate a body of water. Sunlight
provides the energy for photosynthesis and determines the depth at which algae
and other plants can grow, defining the ecological make-up of a water body. A
change in water clarity may be noticed after heavy rains, as silt and debris can

run off, causing the visibility to decrease. Transparency usually decreases in
the summer when plankton, silt and organic matter are more likely to be

2.6 Water Pollution Causes

Based on origin of pollutants and sources of pollution, water pollution can be

distinguished among others:

1. Agricultural Waste

Agricultural waste can contain insecticide pollutants or organic

fertilizers. Insecticides can kill river biota. If the river biota does not die then
it is eaten by animals or humans, people who will become poisoned. To
prevent this, try to select a narrow spectrum insecticide (specifically killing
the target animal) and biodegradable (biodegradable) and spraying
according to the rules. Do not throw the rest of the obet into the river. While
organic fertilizer that dissolves in water can fertilize the water environment
(eutrophication). Because water is rich in nutrients, algae and aquatic plants
thrive (blooming). Such a thing would threaten the sustainability of the dam.
the bush shall be shallow and water biota will die of it.

2. Household Waste

Liquid household waste is a source of water pollution. From liquid

household waste can be found a variety of organic materials (eg vegetable
residue, fish, rice, oil, human waste water) carried by water drains / ditches,
then join the flow of the river. There are also inorganic materials such as
plastics, aluminum, and bottles drifting in the water currents. Trash is piled
up, clogging waterways, and causing flooding. Other pollutants from
household waste are biological pollutants such as disease, bacteria, and
fungi. The water-soluble organic material will decompose and decompose.
As a result the levels of oxygen in the water dropped so that the biota of
water will die. If the contamination of organic matter increases, we can see
the reddish Tubifex worms clustered. This worm is a biological clue
(bioindicator) of severe pollution by organic matter from residential waste.

In cities, the water got blackish and gave off a strong smell. In such sewage
there is no living organism except bacteria and fungi. Compared with
industrial waste, household waste in urban areas in Indonesia reaches 60%
of all waste.

3. Industrial Waste

The existence of some industries that throw their waste into the water.
The type of pollutant produced depends on the type of industry. It may be
organic pollutants (foul smelling), inorganic (stained, colored) pollutants, or
may be pollutants containing sulfuric acid (smelling rotten), or in the form
of temperature (water becomes hot). The government sets the rules for
controlling water pollution by industrial waste. For example, industrial
waste must be processed first before discharge into the river in order to avoid
pollution. At sea, oil leaks often occur due to colliding with other vessels.
The oil that is in the ship spills the ocean within hundreds of kilometers.
Fish, coral reefs, sea birds, and many marine animals are dying from it. To
overcome this, the pollutants are confined with a floating pipe so as not to
spread, then the surface of the pollutant is sprinkled with a substance that
can decompose.

2.7 Water Pollution Control

The cheapest and most effective way to reduce pollution is to avoid

producing it or releasing it in the first place. Eliminating leads from gasoline
has resulted in a dramatic decrease in the amount of lead in U.S. surface waters.
Studies have shown that as much as 90 percent less road deicing salt can be
used in many areas without significantly affecting the safety of winter roads.
Careful handling of oil and petroleum products can greatly reduce the amount
of water pollution caused by these materials. Although we still have problems
with persistent chlorinated hydrocarbons spread wide lyin the environment, the
banning of DDT and PCBs in the 1970s has resulted in significant reductions
in levels in wildlife. Industry can reduce pollution by recycling or reclaiming
materials that otherwise might be discarded in the waste stream. These
approaches usually have economic as well as environmental benefits.

Companies can extract valuable metals and chemicals and sell them, instead of
releasing them as toxic contaminants into the water system. Both markets and
reclamation technologies are improving as awareness of these opportunities
grows. In addition, modifying land use is an important component of reducing

Nonpoint sources are often harder to control than point sources Farmers
have long contributed a huge share of water pollution, including sediment,
fertilizers, and pesticides that flow from fields. Soil conservation practices on
farm lands aim to keep soil and contaminants on fields, where they are needed.
Precise application of fertilizer, irrigation water, and pesticides saves money
and reduces water contamination. Preserving wetlands which help capture
sediment and contaminants, also helps protect surface and ground waters. In
urban areas, reducing waste that enters storm sewers is essential. It is getting
easier for city residents to recycle waste oil and to properly dispose of paint
and other household chemicals that they once dumped into storm sewers or the
garbage. Urbanites can also minimize use of fertilizers and pesticides. Regular
street sweeping greatly reduces nutrient loads (from decomposing leaves and
debris) in rivers and lakes. Pollution- prevention measures, such as banning
phosphate detergents, also are important, as are upgrading wastewater
treatment plants and improving compliance with discharge and filling permits.
Efforts are underway to replant thousands of hectares of sea grasses and to
restore wetlands that filter out pollutants.

Municipal treatment has three levels of quality. This topic is an important part
of pollution control, and is a principal responsibility of every municipal

Primary treatment physically separates large solids from the waste

stream with screens and settling tanks. Settling tanks allow grit and some
dissolved (suspended) organic solids to fall out as sludge. Water drained from
the top of settling tanks still carries up to 75 percent of the organic matter,
including many pathogens. These pathogens and organics are removed by
secondary treatment, in which aerobic bacteria break down dissolved organic

compounds. In secondary treatment, the microorganism-rich slurry. Fluids can
also be stored in a sewage lagoon, where sunlight, algae, and air process waste
more cheaply but more slowly. Effluent from secondary treatment processes is
usually disinfected with chlorine, UV light, or ozone to kill harmful bacteria
before it is released to a nearby waterway. Tertiary treatment Plants remove
nutrients, metals, and other contaminants that are not cap, effluent is aerated,
often with sprayers or in an aeration tank, in which air is pumped through
removes dissolved metals and nutrients, especially nitrates and phosphates,
from the secondary effluent. Although wastewater is usually free of pathogens
and organic material after secondary treatment, it still contains high levels of
these inorganic nutrients. If discharged into surface waters, these nutrients
stimulate algal blooms and eutrophication. Allowing effluent to flow through
a wetland or lagoon can remove nitrates and phosphates. Alternatively,
chemicals often are used to bind and precipitate nutrients. Sewage sludge can
be a valuable fertilizer, but it can be unsafe if it contains metals and toxic
chemicals. Some cities spread sludge on farms and forest lands, while others
convert it to methane (natural gas). Many cities, however, incinerate or landfill
sludge, both expensive options. Often, sanitary sewers are connected to storm
sewers, which carry contaminated runoff from streets, parking lots, and yards.
This allows treatment to remove oil, gasoline, fertilizers, and pesticides. Heavy
storms, however, often overload municipal systems, resulting in large volumes
of raw sewage and toxic surface runoff being dumped directly into rivers or

Natural wastewater treatment also can be an answer. Natural wastewater

treatment systems offer a promising alternative to remote locations, developing
countries, and small factories that can’t afford conventional treatment. These
systems are still unfamiliar and unconventional, so they are relatively
uncommon, but they offer many advantages. Natural wastewater treatment
systems are normally cheaper to build and operate than conventional systems.
They use less energy and less chlorine or other purifiers, because gravity moves
water, and plants and bacteria do most (or all) disinfection. With fewer pumps
and filters to manage, less staff time is needed. Captured by most conventional

systems. Constructed wetlands are a complex of artificial marshes designed to
filter and decompose

Saving Water and Preventing Pollution

Each of us can conserve much of the water we use and avoid water
pollution in many simple ways.
• Don’t flush every time you use the toilet. Take shorter showers, and
shower instead of taking baths.
• Don’t let the faucet run while brushing your teeth or washing dishes.
• Draw a basin of water for washing and another for rinsing dishes.
• Don’t run the dishwasher when it’s half full.
• Use water-conserving appliances: low-flow showers, low-flush toilets,
and aerated faucets.
• Fix leaking faucets, tubs, and toilets. A leaky toilet can waste 50 gal per
• To check your toilet, add a few drops of dark food coloring to the tank
and wait 15 minutes. If the tank is leaking, the water in the bowl will
change color.
• Put a brick or full water bottle in your toilet tank to reduce the volume
of water in each flush.
• Dispose of used motor oil, household hazardous waste, batteries, and
so on, responsibly. Don’t dump anything down a storm sewer that you
wouldn’t want to drink.
• Avoid using toxic or hazardous chemicals for simple cleaning or
plumbing jobs. A plunger or plumber’s snake will often unclog a drain
just as well as caustic acids or lye. Hot water and soap can accomplish
most cleaning tasks.
• If you have a lawn, use water, fertilizer, and pesticides sparingly. Plant
native, low-maintenance plants that have low water needs.
• If possible, use recycled (gray) water for lawns, house plants, and car

3.1 Conclusion
1. Water pollution is the entry of substances into the water causing changes in
color, odor, and taste in water.
2. Sources Of Water Pollution is divided into 2, Point sources discharge
pollutants at specific locations through drain pipes, ditches, or sewer lines
into bodies of surface water. Nonpoint sourcesare broad, diffuse areas,
rather than points, from which pollutants enter bodies of surface water or
3. Type of Water Pollution:Algae and Water Pollution, Eutrophication,
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD),
Self-Purification of Water, Microbial Indicators of Sewage Pollution,
Thermal pollution
4. water pollution affects the health caused by pathogenic bacteria, marine life
caused by water eutrophication, and on groundwater quality caused by
harmful chemicals in contaminated water.
5. Indicators of water pollution: Dissolved oxygen (DO), Water temperature,
pH, Escherichia coli (E. coli), Specific conductance, Nitrates, Transparency
6. Factors causing water pollution by source are obtained from agricultural
waste, household waste, and industrial waste. these three factors are caused
by human activities.
7. Efforts to overcome water pollution by applying municipal treatment,
modifying land use is an important component of reducing pollution, etc.
while the prevention of water pollution can be done by making water
savings, and avoid or reduce the use of hazardous chemicals on daily

3.2 Suggestion
1. We must better understand the understanding of Water Pollution

2. We must understand the effects of water pollution so as to increase human


3. We need to understand the water pollution indicators so they can control the
waste disposal that will be done.

4. We must know how to overcome and prevent water pollution.


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