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c Ê  Group of physical, psychological, social and cultural elements lodged in an individual.

Current and potential patterns of behavior, which reside in a person and alternate between nature and
„9 ×anifested through behavior
„9 îtability and change
„9 Consistency
„9 istinctive identity and individual differences
„9 iological and social influence

3  Ê  It͛s the innate and inherited disposition which induces us to react emotionally in a
certain way towards environmental stimuli .
„9 Intensity
„9 uration
„9 xatency
„9 3reshold
d Ê  Ê Part of personality acquired, formed throughout the course of life, psychologically, socially
and culturally influenced; it includes values, environment and culture. eveloped by learning.

Characteristics that make us
unique and independent.
3hrough the interaction with
other people, we discover
characteristics that make us
different from others.
3herefore, we search for a
sense of identity to feel

Id: It is present from birth, it͛s
formed by instincts and basic
drives that search for
independently of the consequences.
Ego: It begins to develop during the first year of life. It is made up by mental processes, the c apacity of
reasoning and common sense, which help the Id to find its own expression avoiding problems.
îuper Ego: It develops as a result of parental and societal teachings. It represents the social values
incorporated to the personality
structure of the child.

efense ×echanisms:
„9 0epression
„9 0egression
„9 enial
„9 0eactive Formation
„9 Projection
„9 0ationalization

   3 Ê     
u   3he satisfaction centers on
the lips, the tongue and afterwards, the
Π  It is between two and four
years old. 3here is control of the anal
and bladder sphincter, which
constitutes a source of pleasure.
c  V  3he child concentrates in the genital areas of the body.
  3he child leads all its energy towards its friends, school or sports; sexual desire is
 V  It appears in puberty; the sexual energy returns to the sexual organs, looking to satisfy its
erotic and interpersonal needs.

î  Ê

It states that people learn from observing and imitating other people͛s behaviors.xearning while
observing and imitating other͛s behavior is called
 V . Once a behavior is imitated, it can be
strenghtened or weakened, through reinforcers and punishments. We can think about what we see and
imitate. Not mechanical.
m Ê  Ê Ê It is the possibility that your own behavior increases, when you observe the model
to imitate has positive consequences.
m Ê
   It is the possibility that your own behavior decreases or is eliminated, when you
observe the model to imitate has negative consecuences.

  xearning theory. îcheme: represents a mental structure, a thought pattern that a person uses to
understand or act upon an environmental situation.
Adaptation: they are adjustments of thought to new conditions or situations and are given by:
Assimilation: Consists in acquiring new information and incorporating them to the existent schemes.
Accommodation: Consists in adjusting new information, enriching a previous scheme, creating others or
discarding others when they don͛t work anymore.
Equilibrium: it is the balance between the scheme and the information adjustment. Imbalance arises
when there is a conflict between reality and comprehension.

î d Ê  Ê 

îensorimotor Children learn to coordinate sensorial experiences with motor activity. 3hey learn
(0 to 2 years) how far a ball is in order to reach and touch it, to move their eyes and head to follow
an object (Is the conquest of the object)

Preoperational It is the stage of thought and language that determines their capacity for symbolic
(3 to 7 years) thinking, imitating behavior, symbolic games, drawing, mental imagery and the
development of spoken langauge.

Concrete In this stage, they show a bigger capacity for logical reasoning, limited to things that
Operations are actually experimented.
(8 to 11 years)
Formal 3hey go from real concrete experiences to thinking in abstract logical terms. 3hey can
Operations think in what could be, projecting the future and making plans. 3hey can use
(12 years to metaphoric language.

Ê           Ê

îtage 1-asic 3rust vs. ×istrust
îtage 2 - Autonomy vs. îhame and oubt (become dependent)

îtage 3 ʹ Initiative(confidence about capacities) vs. Guilt (feel like a burden) 

îtage 4 - Industry (pride, confidence, good workers) vs. Inferiority (

îtage 5 - Identity vs. 0ole Confusion (or "iffusion") 
îtage 6 - Intimacy vs. Isolation
V  V
îtage 7 ʹ Generativity (productive, belong) vs. îtagnation (apathy)   VŒ 

îtage 8 - Ego Integrity (fulfilled with life achievements) vs. espair (feel like it wasn͛t woth it) 

1. Identity Acquistion
ecisions are made about beliefs and goals. It͛s a personal decision.
(emocratic parents)
2. Identity Exclusion
3hey opt for an identity that people offers them and they become what other people want
them to be.
(Authoritative parents)
3. ×oratorium
Is the process of examining various role options, but without adopting one.
(Permissive Parents)
4. Identity ifussion
It is to avoid analyzing role options in a conscious way. ×any are insatisfied with their situation,
but they are incapable of starting the search ͞to find themselves͟.

3o solve an identity crisis:

3he adolescent shuold develop three aspects:
1.îexual Identity (a mature concept of a sexual role)
2. Occupational Identity
3.Ideological Identity

Early adolescence : 12 to 15 years ͻetter emotional stability.
ͻFeelings of emptiness.
ͻEstablishing of new relationships. ͻCapability for intimacy is developed.
ͻîelf-control threatens to break down. ͻîocial Integration.
ͻErotism and idealization in friendship. ͻIdentity is achieved.
ͻElection of ideals.
        Ê ͻCritical attitude towards the world.
ͻ͞Grief͟ and ͞infatuation͟.
ͻevelopment of interests and capabilities. Post Adolescence (21-24)
ͻ͞3his is me͟. ͻîocial role with defined goals.
ͻConsolidation of sexual orientation and ͻConsolidation of values with past and future
preference. experiences.
Further objective and analytical thinking ͻPersonal permanent relationships.
ͻîelection of environment to interact
xate Adolescence (19-21)

Ô Œ      
c Π              



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