Sie sind auf Seite 1von 12

4.d .


Center for Bui~ding Research , The University of Texas at Austin, Austin , Texas , U. S . A.

Attempts to re duce the cost of high- rise buildings
have recentZy ~ed to the use of fr>ame~ess structura ~ In den letzten Jahren hat deI' VeY'Such , die Baukos ten
systems uti~ising masonry bearing wa~~s . Re s earch bei Hochbauten zu s enken, da z u ge fúh I't , das s die Bau-
in severaZ cc untr~ e s over the past quarter century weisen mit t I'agenden Mauem {ohne Beton - o<±I' Stahl-
has r es u lted in bui~di ng code revisions which require I'ahmen } rrehr in den Voruergrund ge treten sind . In veI'-
r ational design methods for such systems . sohiedenen Lande m haben die FOY'Soh ungseI'gebnis se de.r
letzten fÜYlfundzwanzig Jahren ihren NiedeY'S oh la{] ge -
Thú; paper> provides a structural design procedure to funden in Revisionen de r BaunoI'men, bei denen ration -
fa r(riiiaI'ise stuàents and pI'actitioners with bI'ick ne lle Rechenve I'fahren fü:f' tI'agendes Maue ThJeI'k einge -
11Y1Som>y desi gn c oncepts . fühI't wOI'den sind. Die voI'liegende Aroeit beschreibt
ein Bemcssungsve I'fahren das geeigne t ist, S tv.denten
FOI'ty - two refeI'ences aI'e cited. und Baufach leute mit dem t I'a{]enden Maue rwerk veI'traut
zu machen .

ZWeiundvierzi g Titel weruen in de I' Bibli ografie auf-

ge f ühI't .


Het zoeken naar goedkopere bouwwijzen voor hogere ge -
Des t entative s visant à I'éduiI'e le coíit des immeubles bouwen heeft de laatste jaI'en gevoerd tot het gebruik
tours ont conduit I'éc"mment à Z' emp Zoi de sysú!mes van systemen met dragende muren in '7IetseliJerk, z onder
stI'uc ture l s sans os sature en utilisant des murs pOI'- ske let . De studies di e de laatste vijfent?úintig jaar
teurs en maçonr;el'ie . in verschi lZ ende landen weI'den Ondel'1l0men liggan aan
de basis van herz ieningen van de nationale nOI'men,
Les r echerches menées dans plu sieurs pays au cours waaI'bij meer I'ationele I'ekenme thoden worden voor opge-
des v irtgt-'cinq det'nieres années ont abouti à des steld .
I'évisi o...zs ds s code s de la construction qui exigent
des méthoàes de calcul Y'ationnelles pOUI' de tels Deze mededeling gee ft een I'ekenmethode die van aar d
systemes . Cptte corr.mwlication pré s ente une procé- i s om studenten en bouwvaklieden meeI' ve rtx'oUl.Jd te
dl<1'2 d 'ét;ude str~,et!Ar>CaC r;,:fin de familiariseI' les ~aken met ontweI'pen in dragend mets elweI'k .
éfudia'7ts '2-t le s pr'ati::)Íer,s (l1',? C le s cO>icepts I'e-
b.tifs à ~ ' étude de la ma~c)}~nerie en br>iques . La De bibliografie O7m'at t weeenveeI'tig titels .
~iU'~Qgf'aphia cO!1:prend quaI'ante- deux titr es .
4 , d . I-I

systens . coll a ps R rlue to blilst or L:w ge i mpilct

IOél':s call IJG p r cvDntD~ vlith little or no i nc r ease
1 11 cost (20 . 29) . Fi vu story brick nlélson ry wall
Typic a l stru c tural ele men t s Df bri c k mE sonry i n - ll8al inf blJlldinf,s have satisfrlc t ol'i Iy pass e d tests
clude columns . bearing walls . cu r ta in wa lls . sh e ar for ~rQ~!'8s si ve co l1 2pse . \~hich involvcd r emoval of
wa l l s . s lab s . be ams . gird ers . ar c hBs and s hells . fir'st sLo r y oe arin [ '.'J eI ls (='1) . f'1ilny b !'i ck na s om'y
wh i ch may be no nreinforce d . r e infor ced c onv e nti o nally . stl'llcLurDs f lOVO bOD n SU bj DC t lld Lo sR i smic forces
prcst r esse~ o r p ust-t c nsion ed . This pa pe I' is c on ce r- an"l [Jclf""';)P.rI ,v Ed 1 [lf) . 2,,] . If i b ('dtion i n b ,' i ck
n e~ only with no nre in fo r ced colu mn s an d bsa rin g walIs . 'CiC;SOn ( y 11I.1i.ldi ng has a l sLl IJ"'81l stur. i ed (;':') .
hav i nc no Ion~ it ud in a l s hear . Columns a nd wa lI s
are c 1nlpre ssi o r mer;'bers (Iif'fere nti atecl b y
thc rilLio Df the i r ho ri zor,tal dirnensions . Len[; Lh
to thickncss ra ti o exce8U S t hrse fo r wall s ano is RECDr1MUJOt::O PRACT ICE
three DI' les s o r co l umns .
:otrLJC'turÕll p l'operties Df i:l br i ck 'vi:lll are often
qsLaulished by nonst r ucturaI cons i dLrations . For An dttCíllwt is rna;jp hers to pJ'oviJe a design meLho-
eXdmplr::: J c.1esiroble 68 SthoLic chi:1l'clctc !~ l st i cs may [J(JIOf'l (:e}oic of cquatior1 rjeriv3t i ons , ~\,hi--:h m[lY
l c rauna in a p2r~ i cular o r ick , s81o~tion of wh i ch Of; fuunrJ ~l~l!l.vIISl~ u l llJ fU I \·Jhic.:h B,-e ci te,-j .

influcrlses the str c n~ t h of the nnso rlry . Fira r e - Salll in (33) prov i do s do !'i,vat i ons of nume"nu s Clqua -
sisla!lcc athGr tha n st l~ enEt h of"Cen dete r minE S
J Lions in tne str uc t ',J I' a l mecha rlics of n '::ls on r'y . Gross
n ir lir':IJrl ~'!rlll th i ckne ss . The r nlr':J J tra n s r ,issi on c r'J. - E't aI . (1 7 ) in c lLlue buil iJi n t; (:(J{~e requ ir 8n~::m t s ;
tS l 'iA ncly re q uire use of cav it y walls. r' a t h~ r' t hQ n rlocuí:lcnr.ú ti on in s ll pp ür' t Df tho SG rp.qui[,~l:len t5 ; and
solid it,IU] 15 . For the s e r eFlsu rl S strucL ur a] ,Jesic n illustrHt i on s of tho applici:lt i on 0(' the co~e to
pI [JL{~dLd'e typ i cally in vo.:v8S a rl alys i s ~ f él n QS - Lhe [Iesir;n Df b r~i ck mosonry str~r~tural s y stems . This
s H~cd l-Ja} 1 . pFl;Jel is~once r neli ,,11th tJrick (;\S I 1'1 CG::'- ~ C21G) . i. c .
A!lo~Jabl( loo~s on en assL,med column OI' ~Jall S BC - s:Jli..J llav ma s oílry units , \:Jhjch havp a not cross -
l':'on C:fC LO ~ 1pUtEd Llnd COir,pélrer: I,di th a ,tua} lO:":JI]S . scctionêll ClI'oa in any pl_lne para} leI LrJ the bcari!lE
SLI'frlce of 7~% ar r:iorp ()f tttu LrtJss ar2{) . l'iClSoflry
t)llil t. nf :;tn ,:::tul,-11 r).:y Lilf~ (/\,ljj'1 f34 ar r21")
flUI J;I: Ir; [J[jf OI htlLkJ or'it..-k (l\~l~r'l LL721 ie. not r.onsi!cled hCTL'in .
r'l~:lttly:i (JI. uJ . (?LJ) p r ".j)..;jI'fJcf I pcum:nen';r!l] sLnJ( tUl J]
d~ ~ii'''l I I iLcric'J fO I l,ldY tj II 'vJiJJ ls :Jdsa I on t~H,

-'rior ,u cho l'-JLO ' s , blJilJin.:..; r,L:ltl; n~ljlJ j lr~rr'lnLs r'es .lts oF f.:· 1 t0St.S in (on'pl'ossir:JfI , fle .... uf'!J ,']nd
fCJ! [:lI i.clr rTlwsol,ry ~'J8,"2 luf':cly " t'dlr's-c l'- tnurl) " S;"H":Clr [~r.) .

L dr" j In thc :ntuiLi'j '_ J J jr,~"'\I:.:nls r)-' -;vr;t! j '-' II'':l?lj ~\Js :' r Jmpu l. ~l' rq 'O!', ! 'ü;rIS rUI che '~Lsibrl uf br'ieJ,
ri I :;~; s ,JIl!1 in~LJFf'~ci:.jIL I Lr)I-=!, IJ ; 11 IJ(Jt I . rll [!l)~}ClI'l~ r'I,~~i[)fII'o/ ~~t l 'uctL : 2 1 :~vs L í'rlls d I :"" )'JtlLldtJll:; (l , r~ ,
LI); ! cr. l i , Illli /\ct o ' J(''',,: ~'nr l , i:·' ~ U II L : ~jç; c, . lll . li , I ~' . lJ . '1:'1 . ,1,,, ,s~('11i .iLy ~rl< (1-

Ji ','."lll LO fl (JS . :... r') i-I hf' i ,'!J!, til ~'C' <J 11 1. p ':' ,~it~.. I!i .. l,n;JI . tL; ! hflvJt \1, t' , pLJc::::s ull 8ven
'-.J:iC ,
lO . /t r'l} Lh.ic-" 011,':; inLI'P~ : :;C J ,:_1 ir, . (11·: "Ir) I'! I ' li ' .. : cb1irclLiLJ11 rl[1 "11l Irsi;'l't I f ! I tho!'oul ' :1
-OI rl h L1j~itionLJl s:,'Jr'j ,JJ . y l'~:; , t"·-:; I\",~~J':" - lIr1 L :-;t. ;1) J':" n[; 01' .3i,.]lyti 1'.,J;-1 :,~'Tl'....:IIi.,'jlc , :Jscaus';
Lclf' f)t jll';al',:: bui ll;lnf, CrJJr-' :-::!qIJj rf~:'Ir'n:s i O~ f'ld:,()nr'y (di-: !.JL,~~ s _.3'--j ,:J]sn ( ..d-.fJLJL[lI"J ,~! '-!; ,'li tíl '.l~ LI ( -

(JJ Ik~; !I? :uced lhiclrdlP.SS ·01 t-~I' tJOISL:! i..::! L!O f L f i SiL:d . For Ltds : i:isrli ..Jn: tJ,[,LSe tc;L.h'~iC;tJ!'s
("' . 1 m) IlÍí)l bCLl l i"l~ ~'!Cll~ to .' 1 ir], (. 1 _ill) t'JiLIl ( ";Jlj~.t-::: .. se .hw "- If·f I' liJ~ I~\/ . Ul:r: p,'Pt.:! L..Jí.-
. \ in . [lU cr-) inCrí:::.~_I :;i?S ;~OI f,r!'l 11::i:.:.tJn,d ')'~ t t L' 'l~',·~,; ~:r :~~:,=_[r ilJ;I.J;'·-'nL:l~ .

llíJ . 7 f~tl nf Il"i : ht . [j,Jr,.:? ! l',) dlll ;'lonk [-_'dJ f I '(]vi~c:

ll;'J L t'~·,I:) of i'npO !-tA;ll :=',-1 ; 1') 1 ~S~_~d l ~':ll t·.'.JI r, i~ 1',LJs()n -
l~' . 11L~'Hl\Jer , c]L;r' i n~ til'; 19t~,O ' s SC;/· ; tlL ;li : l _L :Jn s pr o -
CUCO!; t- JLiLniili = cr~ b uj lrllfl~' :::i],j,; n Cj ll .d i' r·l~r, l s iD !
:1 1 j '::,r\ r1IrJS.:Jn!·y , t'Jnj.L-:h \'.12 : '(: t),J~lf_::;, 1 (t I l I fl·; l'i !?Ju l 1. s
UI :JLJULlUI'LJl I'PSPFlnr~ ~1"'n:1 L t~r l IIIi'J:- ! :V ;; 1 1111.: ~;L~t -11 ' :l1d,; - I : 1 1 ~/ j 1\' IjJ'-J r,~ t.y ri li! ~ -I·, r~l ,:'1.:"" r j
1'/ , lC. , 30 , 31 , 3.' , .::r , .3r , 17J . 'J l uS:i ,lrl: )1 l'!' ~:Ji fl r·'TI ! ' ; S ; :, It-L"!TI:rlf'li L Y l'JLJ :l'Ii.' l-IJJI-
Jil',~r_1S (lu) Pl'O'lj le'J _.CllrJW : i~,lI ' l v ' i.'H' I!ljuil''';- c':"tiJ; , ' Jlt ! i Sldt; ' ) , ~~t.J·;llí~ · 11 nf "rl1.2!i-!ls ,

1;· ' 1',5 LI scvcr.31 ~rl!.r.:l;-:Llti.orl,Jl rl~C~ !01 r-dS"JI:Y . r:il'lljrJ"~:;l , ~!' :, J('S ' jdrL , ·_ C'lll.:-- : _i::jcs i l l -
S~r.J, ;:urCllr~SR Jr'c~. 0:-, tJri· ~. ";1t l SOrlry ~ S orr - ;'.J-t I =J l r::Jl ~ ~G leJd .... , -Ji,LJ !l!~""ltion OI 1.'1':~ '~ .... I·f_r-

~~i [d_i.;· in r',anv n~Lions , ,]nc tl1P t'CS _1 t is ,U'lstClnt J ic':"--jf'::i . f' t~~ 'l - c;"·r.I' ··-.sii.·r, I~: OCr>ClJI't i:- S i:-;·cslLC .
ui },!j i r (j,-:S rcv~siOll . irl r .... 1-11' crW,"'1or-,ly 1St. ~ in r I J • st.-~rJlisj helf'll! ~r, I ] í )'-/1 r f i·II:.r {lI I .
: 17'1 ~II 'he u . ~I . r\ . cnd Li"'oC IJnlJ IJS8(~ hcn?ill fJl) {\(;S"~ L! tr ~r( n~_ss -:11 j :lrJ t .:1 p. In JIl j .;: I . lil~-

1-11S :J',í n ü:úPi e ... : by til'",,: r',o ~f 1 t!uilllillE Lajes in t: !I:':,'}'_ : S( St~r ' ,j' r:, . 01.-:" ~':ll.r,l 'f'lf' t,J:J iin; · CI)I. :iJ
U . 3 . (r . 3:1 . 3~ . 35) . "O,,]F) al1(1 Dif,r,C' ( s (,11) p~ - (:: L J r :~ss l:::õi ,'] 1.118 c·:.~>iL'1 . r rr::-ssiv- , F."n,'t'l
b'!. ~r;nGtl ~l nf.2~·! nason!'y desiEn rne1.hod . vi f-, i, ~I \rJi~ l 'J~C 1 (./ .1 11 st ~ 'I..?:-ILLh lO) . rlf!SU1!!\) in c,Jl~h ',:,'all 'd'jthc ,

JndoutllnrJly have ~r'3 3 t i nfluenco Or1 f u t u n: bui l din ;v se~r'ILnt , 3nr:..: s e'--:t i Jn . F i i~l l :-e 1 di..:pisLS l i-fJlj~-- -

:-;IJC ri..~q Ji r cnents fo r ma s onry . ~·Jy:tlf] ,-:r) ':lpOS,!, t e cov i ty 'da l l cor·pos;~ (li t;,,!Os'-'( -
t i rJ~; , JnG ntJ'J in f, ", rit; 'v,' y t. hój IJl!j t!lL cLlI;:~! -:-.nre·:
,·;~/Ltll:s . T'l8 irlt'= r i ,::J r sr)"r,ioll is ,oMI osr]rj o-~ ~_.',JCJ
LOilllS C'>eç· ~ ilcnLs . Dn2: S C!~ TI C' ll ·_ ha'./irl~ - I:\:JU ', ·"yTnp.s ([ .n s .
~~ ent: 3) thc olhe i ~;e.c:-rl~ni... tkl'Jing O~ e \.rJythe t:b .
,1) . :iythc f :o " 1 -rn]'l!s thc sln? ' le \:!yt.'H~ 2AtEr i ol'
Gri;'k nason :'y s t r uLturc:il systGns may be \)B sig npc ss:...t :' CIn . :,'},r.:,2S I:OS . '~ ~n,: 3 'j [ 'G Df t~f:: SilílC J:-:a -
to rL:sist loaas def i nen by national conCGnSI_;S SL an ~ C! i -l:S ~·/hic~l Jif-;-'[!T l'corl -,r:.'lsc i ' l ")ytne :lc "
(Ji)C'C:S (::) or local bu U d i "E eoue r8q!Jir'emor,t s . (:.) F ,1 COí'lpo si tc S{~l tiDr--;s (l . f~ . c:)f'l~ose: 0+
Gener2IIy . bui l ding co~e s in the U. S . do not re - diS5i~r.ilcl! "'ILl t. 2r i als e . f . ~rJy ~!ick L1lrJ con-

qlJirc ~osign tu r es i st b l cst pr8GSUrSS , howeve r' Llet~ :'luf'k (J; ':,l~y t)~i"',~ UI lifrr~!'ent s trf~n[ths)

b l'id, masonr'y vlB I I s have oe8" subjBcte:: to bnth ~ei.~r'nllrlt-~ the lnr:al.luli 01 1.111 h'-JI iZcinLal - lon~i­
atoGic and chem i ca I b las t te s t s . The 08s i gn Df b r i ck :"U"':~I.r~l ',entrü i ,jQl ax i s 0+ 'Lfln t r ·unsl0Ir~p.d hor i -

mesonry to res is t b I ~ s t fo r ces Wi:l S t r eated by Monk zuntaJ =reCl (rq . L ) . F í} ~ srJ li : i'lonogeneou s IJIBson -
()7) i:lnd Gabr i u Is en( 16) . Heat in ~ fu eI gas exp l o s lon ry s~ctions t he ~8ntro i dal ~/is i s at thc cen[er
tBStS havu ueen co nd uc t 8c l o n I' u ll -sca l e nult i- 11-'0 of Um SW, U ClI"I . ,",ce Fi[> 2 . Co("putF) the i:lcLual
sto;'y brick bemil1!; 'va l I b(jjlrJi n[;s ( 1. 4) . e:,cC"ltrlcity a b o ut t hi s ce nt roirJal F.l / i s aL top of
lhe "clilu r'e Df a sin[lD s t n lctu l'aI cIRmen t :ection , 0 t i n .
in a bDar i nE wi:l I I s ysLen may cauSR nrograssiv8 (J) Oeter;111flR a x iAl livr~ aflcl rjCCld loads (P) '1n Gach
collapse . Hnwever . by p r ovid i ng welI-b r acHd . bearing Sf!C tion . Fxp r e s 5 a,e 102d on columns in k i ps a(jJ
sh8ar wal I s i n bo h j ir e~t i ons an~ welI - t i ed f l oo r wa~l sur:tions i n kips/Ft (seo F i g . 3) . For cavi -
4. d .1 - 2

ty walls with both sections support in g a common 19.2 . 2J Determin e the be nding e cce ntricitv
load SEt the sum Df ttlB momEnts a bout the c en t r oi- ratio, E , d im ensionless (see step 9 . 2 .2 J
d é I axis of onG se ctirlrl eq u al t o zero . Determine [9 . 2 . 3 . Je Determine t hs eccent r icity coe rieie nt
tll B a llo\~ a ble s tr'8 SS lncr e ase facto r -For each loa- C , from Fig . 4 , dimensio n less .
dinE c ClrlditiGn . lac h , sQctiorl s ho lJld be e xamine d under IIOJ 8C omp ut8 a llowable axial loado n t h8 as su me d
ea c h Df t h 8 fo l lOvJ:iI-If, lCJacJing co n di t iqns t o deter- s e etion (P ) fro m Eq . I a nd compa r e with ac-
mi ne the }eas t allow~bl e axial load : tual load a[p) , determined in Step 3 above .

FIG . 1 Wall s , Sections, Segments and Wythes FIG. 2 Centroidal Axis of Composite Section
(see Eq. 2)
Two segment
I Centroidal axis of composite
I section


./ ~~/
Exte r ior / / ~/j
.. ~
/ "/


/ //~/ High strength
Low s trength
/ / //

o, ne
wythe t~r
< ,ection tho fr oug
composed twoh wy the
sectio ~ segme nts, one a f t wo
'< wy t hes and one of one
- --- -- ')/-th.e-- -- - - - -

Wa 11

l aJ rjpLl rj 10iJ d p lus f ld l li. VB IOiJd plus vJ i nd per'pen- DESI GN EOUAlIDNS

cli cu l a r t o wa -LI [inCI 'C QS C allowatl 1H stress one
t h i n j , i . c. \.,}= 1 . 3 J )
(ll J rlc el ,1 11l iJ d plu s rr " lll c e, 1 li'JO 1[1,3CJ (I'J =IJ OesiEll nquation s Fl r'8 hF:re p res8n te d il l V,f' OU pS k e yerJ
[ l": ) rJ i' ô l J L lklLl plu s \tJ in rJ p[ ~ rp p r H l i cuLJ J' t o h'Llll (t~l=]) n urr , riccally I',,, UIU iJbove rl e si[',n proc8d u re .
(d J lic CleJ ln,](l pl us '.üml pa I' FJ11 e 1 to vJ3 11 ("J=I J lhe
- - - - a- -l -l owablc
- - - - - - - iJXiêll l oad i s ds termine d as fol-
- - - - - - - -- -
[c ] J C i_~ f j
l oac pl lls fuJl li v e l oau pl l l s ~-Ji rl rJ p:3ral- low s :
1" j 11 j i( i n r: n ---; Fl!-lB c=Jl lo1.'Ja b l u stress urre P c' F f ' C C vJ A ..•....••••......••.••. • .• [ I J
t ili nJ , i . r' . h,' = l . wAer c : ~ ~llBwahlc iJxiiJI l oacl , kips
[4 J [JfdJ1 n rÜ r-lf? th c ITlrJc r l i LLJ r! f; f-lrIt1 diI' [!r= tio n clf the I' factor ,iJ o f sa f r:lt y . rlimen s l ll r!.l css . Equal to
IJ E:~ I Kl J I W) íl il Jrlc nt i.J t f. . ~ EH: l l ci l Jp p o r't. Lxpruss tt18 mn - 0 . 25 fOI' I'u i rlforcBIJ wAIJs , 2 . 2 1"0 1' norlr ~ ~nforccd
rr;:= rl t j_ll C(] l I Hnil ~::J i l1 i rl . - kips ·:Jrl U in vh:- Jll sBc tions vJal1 s and r 8i nfon ~e ( 1 c o Jumns rlncJ O. IE, for nun -
in i n. - klr s / f t . Fnr CQvity walls d l strib utB rei rl force d co l lHTHls . L'Jherl ~/t < :l , t h 8 sactLO !l is a
t n t r:Jl b f? i Hj j ri r; rl lilrn f-; Il t t D c iJe h .s r~ct j . un j n Flcco r - c olu rTm .
d aí' CF! Vii til its r rd Cl tlv R fle x:ur l:ll ri r: i -jity When 2 / 1 3 , thA scc tion 15 Cl wal1 .
l E' ll S . 3 , 4 . ' " I, . 7 , IJ , ~J . F I m [J :? s i Cn c Ilmpl'f:ss i\/ 8 s t I'u rlgth of !ncOJ:':)onr y , ksi
[ S ] l )etf-; nlll rl C! t h e lOCLltioll ô n;j IT\cl l ~ l l it udc of thr~ rna - [5 s l e n,! e rT1 e SS coeff ,l cic nt +r'om Eq . 2 1. d imensi on -
x irn urJ1 -IJe n eJjrlf-'; nmment , My " for mult i story 18 s s
wcd I s th e rnF1Y Ü TllHIl LJe n[ i i\!;~ x m omcn t wi 1 1 lJslJôll y F3 c ce ntri ci t y copf fi c i Bnt frorll Fi g . 4 , rI :lm en -
b" l ocu LC!c l r'l1. êl \.ILlll-flu o r jol nt. Fo r sin,,1e
:l t CJl 'y '",Jell J s t h u rnCJ x inll Jnl ce n d i nl3 moment may be A horizontéJl-tf'clnsver' s f: su c tlo n (lI'!---;ô , in . )
.lCJc él LH d bV u s e Df r_ qs . l U , 11 , 1 2 , 13 , 1'1 . W a l lowable stress i ncrsos e fa ctur , equal to o ne for
[6] De t 8 r rnin R the virt lJQl c r:ce nl: ricity about th e ho ri - loa cli ng co ndi tirms [b) , [ c J, a rro [d J and rôqual to
:-~CJ ;l L:Ll l on g i tlJcJlrla J . '--''''ntro i dal axis at eac h
J 1 . 33 f o r loadi ng cond i tions la ) and [ e ) , d i me nsion-
S IJ p r!()I't ( 8 éJrl -J J, i n Eq . I S ] . e 185s
1 1
, VJ tl i c tl f:\jt---; I j S 18 l' ; 87 :-::~t or 8 h , ~ section lcr lgth , in .
! (l l'/ ',er . Co mput e thc lJi r tuíJ .L eccenTc i c i t y at tlle t sec ti on thick n css , in .
s8ctior l n f rClAxi r"rlln mornen t [ o J , in . [E q . 15) . [I J Draw sket c h of wal l se c t ion . Determine de s i g n va-
I. e1 =etor e whic hever i5 sma ller - l~B~ - fõ~- cõ mpressive s tre ng t h [ f' J and for
b max i mum allowa b l e f1 ex ural t ens i l~ stress [f ta 1
e_=e o r e wh lchev e r 15 largar
(7 J tom~u t,e s~e r ld er n8 "s 8ccentric i ty ra t io E , d i- fro m the buil d i ng eooe 131 J or frorn tpst ~ata .
mcnsionless I Eq. 16), a nd the min imum s e~t io n (2) ~Q~~!!Q~ _ Qf _ ~~~!~~~!~!!_!Q~~!!~~!~~!!_~~~!~~!~~!
t hickness, t . , in. [Eq . 17J . axes in cnmposite sol i d wal ls may be dete r mine d
(OJ CornprJte e ~Enratio, dimen sionl e ss . ~~ - f ollows , when there is no tensile s t re s s
[aJ Control fT~~ ure : i n the wall (ser· F ig. 2 J.
( 9 .IJ For sect i o ns with e /t > 0 . 167 compu t e 0 = 12ab + a 2 + nb2 J /2 [a + nbJ . ............. 12 J
actual net flexural t8n si T~X s tre ss (f J from whero : O dis t a rlce fro"r ex t erior fa ce Df t he wa ll s8g-
[q. lO , 19 . or 20 and cornpa r e with th~ all owabl c ment hav ing highe r stren gth material to th e
ft~ ' I f e x c ess i v8 , . redu c e momen~ . i n creas~ centroida l axis,in .
th l ckn e ss Df n onr~ l nfu r c ed s8ctlo n, DI' reln- a th i ckness Df the wal l segm e nt ha vin[', low-
f o r ce t he s e ction to take the required tensi l e s t ren gt h mAter i al , in .
strcss. b t hicknsss of th 8 wall s egme nt having high-
Fo r sectio ns wi th e
1 ~ . 7. I J /t < 0 . 167 or s t ren[',t h miJterial , in .
when f < f, " comp ut e s l en ~~ ~nes~ coe f f icient n ra t l0 Df mo dul us of slasticity in eompression
Cs di~8nsi~~less I Eq. 21J . Df h i gh-strength material to that Df low-

trength material, dimensionless , n = Eb/E therefore , typically equal to one -s ixth Df the.
ca~cul~!§_~~~§_~~9_9§~9_~~~9 under applicabl~ bearing depth plu s the distance between th e ce ntroi-
-- -ing conditions, daI axis Df the wáll and the center line Df the
moment is dependent on the relative bearing (see Fig. 3).
ura -~igiaity Df a wall, wall section a nd The moment due to eccentricity i5 dete rmined as
r determined as follows : follows
C Ea I/L " " 3 · · · · " " ·,, ···,,· ·,,··,,,, (3)
1000 C f ' m t /L •... .• . • ••• ••.• •••.•••.. (4)
Met P e t </> • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •••. " (6)
where : I
FIG. 3 Example Problem Sketch II

~. 1- - J P 2 kips/ft

!I "3 I "
2." =.b7
Bearing I

Exterior brick

Interior wall
Grout--------~~~~~~~· section

Metal lath form

for grout

K flexural rigidity Df a column, in . -lb MDt = moment at .the top Df the section due to
KC flexural rigidity Df a wall, in . -lbs/ft Df eccentrically applied verti c al load, in.-kips
w width P vertical load . kips
C restraint coefficient , d imension l ess . Eq ual to e actual eccentricity Df the verti c al load about
on e for other e nd fix e d and 0 . 75 for ot her end t the horizontal - longitudinal centroidal axis
free . at the t op nf the wall section. in.
Ea mo d ulus Df e l asticity in compres s ion Df the The moment induc j by wind is determ in ed as follows :
weakest masonry in the sect i on , psl. M 0 . 012 w H 2 K </> • • • " •• " " " " . " . " • • • • • (7)
I moment of inert.ia Df ser:t i on , inc ,.
leng'th Df section, in. ( f or walls, equal to where:
height (h) betwe e n lateral supports and for Mw bending moment in a sectiun induced by wind.
floors equal to span) in. -kips .
f ' m design compressiv e strength Df the weaker w total uniform wind load on section . lb/ft
masonry in the section, psi . H actual section height tetween lateral supports .
</> = K/L:K" •••• •. • • ••. • • • . •••••.•••• •••.•••• • • (S) ft
where : K moment coefficient determined by continuity, '
</> moment distribution factor , ~ jmens i onless dimensionless
Bending moment is induced by 8ccentric vertical
load (M ), wind rM ) . and differential movement and Misalignement during construction may induce a ver -
misal i g~ement (Md'w, tical load eccentricity . A bending moment may be
Steel beams and bar joists are simply supported in d uced into the wall by horizontal movement Df the
on masonry and may introduce a bending moment floor in a direction perpendicular to the plane Df
due to an eccentric application of the reaction . the wa ll. Such movement may be caused by shrinkage
Similarly, hinged joints may be formed by precast of monolithic concrete and thermal expansion Df
Concreta beams ; joists . hollow planks or T ' s in stee l. The des i gner should determine the probable
whic h only the ~tem penetrates the wall. A larg e extent Df such movements and calculate the bending
load is often supported on a neoprene pad . Stress momen t in duced . In the absence Df rigorous calcu -
distribution ~nder a bearing seat is discussed lations, t he moment due to misalig nement and diffe -
by Sementsov (34) and Watstein (40) . In American rential movement could be assumed to eq ual tha t
practice this stress distribution is assumed to be produced by a vertical l oad eccent r icity Df 5% Df
triangular. The resultant , therefore . is a ;sumed the section thickness. Accordingly, the present
to act at the interior third point Df the bearing . autho r recommends that the bending moment due to
seat. The eccentricity Df the reaction resultant misal i gnemen t and differential movement can be very
about the centroidal axis of a wall section is . roughly e~timated as ·fol l ows :
Md ; 0 . 05 P t ........ .. ..................... (8) "s" at any point in either wythe may be determined
from equation 14, where q, is determined from equa-
where : tion 5.
Md assumed bending moment in section due to (6r . ~!~!~ê!_~~~~~!~!~!!Y is definedas follows :
misalignement and differential movement e M IP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15)
in. - kips x x
P vertical load on section of cavity wall or where
on solid section , kips/ft for walls , kips e virt ual eccentricity at any distance (x)
for columns x from the top of a section, in.
t thickness of section of cavity wal l or of Mx total bending moment at any di stance (x)
solid section , in. from top of a section, in. - kips
P vertical loa d on the section, kips
(7) Mi nimum thickness of wa ll sections may be deter-

The maximum bending moment is the sum of the moments t minw 1.2 He (3 - Es) .................. (16)
due to differential movement and misaligneme nt, eccen- For
tricity of the applied load, and wind . where : rio
ri - M + M + M ........ . .................. (9) t minw minimum wall section thickness, in.
wh e~~~ e w d
Mmax d istributed mome nt in a section at point H effective hei ght , ft . Equal to actual height (H)
of maximum moment, in . -kips . e for members laterally ·supported top and bottom
(5 ) Position of maximum ben ding moment must be deter- and equ al to twice actual height if supported
~i~~a~ ----- --------------~--------
only at base
For sections fixed at base and pinned at top , the E slenderness eccentricity ratio , equal to
s (e l /e 2 ), except that when e l and e 2 ; O,
ma xi mum moment is at thr t op of the wall when :
(M d + Met » 0 . 003 10 h 2 q, . .................. (lO)
Es is assumed to equal zero . Es 1s positive
For such sections the maximum moment may be deter-
minprl ~s follows : when wall is bent in single curvature and ne-
gative when wall is in double curvature. When
MI-lma x ; M + M ............................. ( 11 ) wall is ~ixed at one end and simply supported
f et d
at the other, E is assumed to equal -0. 5 a nd
For sections fi xed at ba se and pinned at top when
Eq. 10 is not satisfied , the maximum moment is when fixed at both ends , -1.
at the base and may be dete rmin e d as f ollows : e l smaller virtual eccentricity at la teral support
(i .e. e at top or base of wall , whichever is
less), ~n .
e 2 greater virtual eccentricity at lateral support
The maximum moment in a section pinned top and base (i.e . e at tàp or base of wall, whichever is
is located below the top of the section , de termined greaterf , in .
as follows ~!~~~~~_!~~~~~~~~_~i_~~!~~~~ may be determined as
x ; 0 . 5 {H - (167 Met/w q, H) I .............. (13) follows :
t . ; 2 . 4 . H (4 - E ) -1 ................ (l7J
mlnc e s
where : x distance from top to the point of maximum
moment in a sect i on pin ned at top and base , ft The code (3 1) provides for the waiver of minimum
wall and column thickness requirements when alI
When x is calculated to be less than zero , it has other code provisions are met o
no physical significance, in which case set x,O . (8) Ratio of maximum eccentricity to section thickness
(e---7t)-m~st-be-~õmp~tea - --- --- - ------- ---- - --- --
The total maximum mome nt in a section pinned top
a nd base may be determined as follows
(9.1) Eccentricities in excess of t/6 cause flexu -
rãl-tensiõn~-which must not exceed the allowa-
M~max ; Md + (Met (H - x)/H)
q, w x(H - , x)/167)
. . . . . . . . . . . . (14) bIe stress .
In the particular case of a cavity bearing wall ,
having a non-bearing exterior wythe laterally
f ta > - ~s:~~~ - Ã... .. ........................ (8)

supported 5t its top only by wall ties to the in-

where : f ta allowable stress i n flexural tension , psi
terior wythe , the interior wythe earries the entire
bending moment ih . the top Df the wall . When " x"
section modu~us, in~
f ro m Eq . 13 is zero for the interior wythe (i . e .,
evirtual eccentricity aboutfhe horizon-
when theben d ing moment in the interior wythe is
max tal-longitudina l axis at point of
maximum at its top) : the exte rior wythe does not
maximum moment in the sect i on from
assist in resisting this maximum momento Aecordingly ,
equatio n 15, in.
in a cavity bearing wall with no vertical load on
the exterior wythe, in equation 14 when x ; o , q,;l For rec tangular sections :
f >[Q3 P/tl {( ~ e It) - li • .•.•. • •••••. (19)
for the int e rior wythe and q, ; O for the exterior ta ; max
wythe . The term q, in Equation 14 is less than one
for the interior wythe only when the exterior wythe For circular co 1umns : -3
f > 1, 273 P (8 e - d) d ... . ........•..• (20)
assumes some of the moment from the interior wythe . ta ; max .
This oeeurs in a eavity bearingwall with no verti-
where : d circ 1e diameter , i n.
cal load on the exterior wythe at about the leveI
(9 . 2 .1) Sle nd erness coefficient (C ) is a function
of the second row of ties measured downward from
of-t he-slenderiiess-rãt1 o s( h/t ) and the
the top of the wall .
slenderness eccentric ity ratio e (E ) as
Accordingly , in a cavity bearing wa ll wit h no verti- s
follows :
cal load on the exterior wythe in equatioh l4 . set -1
C 0.1 {(h/t ) + 14 E - 45} {E 3 .8 } ... (21)
q, ; O for the exterior wythe when x < s , where s .e s s
Os " is the distance from the t op of the exterior where: C slenderness coefficient, d imension1ess
wythe to the second course of ties below the top s
of the wall . Since a row of ties should be placed
h effect i ve section hei ght, in.
in the first cou rse below the top of the wall ,
t ac tual sec ti on thickness, in. For hollow
"s" is equal tothe vertica l spacing of ties plus e recta ngul ar or nonrectangular columns
one course height. When x > s , the moment be l ow
te is equa1 to 3.464 times the radius of
4 . 0 . 1. - 5

gyration about the axis considered . 2 . 49 y 10° ~n . - lb/ft

lhe ben~~~g_!~~!~!~~~~!Y_E~!~~ [Ee) lS equal Exterior section : 3
tõ-the - slenderness eccentricity ratio [Es) K = 1 , 000 x 1 x 1 , 340 x 2 . 63 /12 x 8 or
defined in equation 16 [Oesign Procedure ,
step 7) above , except that if the section 0 . 25 x 10 in . - lb/ft
supports a lateral load Df more than 10 lb Since the roof is simply supported , it has zero
per sq ft [48.8 kgf per sq m) , Ee is as- r igidity . If there were a wall above , the rigidi-
sumed to equal one . ty Df its sections would also be determined.
Ecc'entric i 'ty coefficient [C e) may be found Accordingly , in this example for a top story wall
in-Fi g:-4:-------------- the relative rigidity Df the interior wall section
i s determined from equation 5 às follows :
~i = K/[K or 2 . 49/ [ 2 . 49 + 0 . 25) o r 0 . 91
That is, 91% Df th e bending moment is taken by the
interi o r section .
for a single-st~~~ _~~~~!~_~ ~!! with only the inte- The bending moment due to eccent ri cit y at the top
~iõ~-w~ii-section loaded , the total bending mo- Df the wall is resisted by the concen tric axial
nent is proportioned to each wall section in accor- forces on each wall section , i . e . p . and P
iance with its relative stiffness . lhe exterior T here f ore , Met = O. 1 e
i) 5ection is designed as a non -bearing wall , and the
int er i or section is des igned as a bearing wall . From equation 8 : Md 0 . 05 x 1 . 44 x S . G3
In this situation the bending moment in the ex- 0 . 41 in . - kips/ft
terior wythe may be excessive , in which case bo th ( 5) From equa tion 10 ?
~all sections may be loaded as shown in Fig. 3 . O + 0 . 44 < 0 . 003 x 20 x 8 x 0 . 91 or 3 . 4 9
Consider a single-story , bearing , nonshear , Theref ore , the maximum moment occurs at the wall
cavity wa11 , 10 - 5/8 or 10 . 63 in . [ 270 mm) thick , base .
having a height [h) Df 96 i n . [244 cm) . The la- From equation 12
teral wind load [w) is 20 lb per sq ft [97 . 6 kgf MP = 0 . 0015 [20 x 64 x 0 . 91 + 333 x O) + 0 . 41
per sq m) . lhe wall i s anchored and simply suppor- fmax
ted by roof joists at the top and is fi xed at the DI' MP ~ 2 . 16 in . -kips/ft
base [the foundation grade beam is assumed not t o fmax
rotate) . lhe ex t erior wythe [t ) is 2- 5/8 or 2 . 63 [5) From equa ti on 15 :
in . [57 mm) thick . lhe interi of wythe thickness e 2 . 16/1.44 or 1 . 5 in .
[t.) is 5-5/8 or 5 . 63 i r, . [143 mm) . The cavity max
wi~th [t ) is 2-3/8 or ~ . 38 in . [60 mm) . 60 th [7) Since t he wall is fixed at one end and pinned
wall sec~ionsare built Df the same mater i a I s . at the o ther , the s l ender ness eccentric ity ratio
The comp r ess i ve strength Df the brick [f ' b) is . [E ) i5 equa l t o -0 . 5 . Accordin~ly , from equatio n 16 :
8 , 000 psi [141 kgf per sq cm) , and 1t 15 la1d 1n s
ASTM C270 Type N mortar with noninspected workman- t o 1.2 x 8 [3 - [-0 . 5) -10r 2 . 74 in . <5 . Fi3 in
ship . From the code (31)f ' = 1,3 iO and ft = 19 . rninw
The axial load CP) is 2kip~/ft [14 . 9kgf/c~) Df [O) 8 /t = 1. S/S . G3 DI' 0 . 27 0 . 167
wall , 85% Df which is de ad load , and th e r e is no max
live load reduction . The reaction Df the joist [~ . l) Si nce [e /t) > 0 . 167 f r om equat i on 19
is assumed to act at the third point Df a 4 in . max
[10 cm) square bearing plate , which is ce ntered on ft = [83 x 1.44/ S. Ei3) ([6 x 0 . 27) - I}
the wall [see Fig . 3) .
~~~~~~ g _ ~~~~ ~!~~~ [ a) , dead load plus f ull live ar f 13 psi < lG psi allowable [o k)
load plus wind perpendi cula r to wall , is cons idered t
first. [I) Data f Dl' the first step of the design [9 . 2 . 1J From equ,etiofl 21
procedure are g iven in Fig . 3 and the problem
Cs = ll . l {8 [1 2/5 . G3) + 1~, [- O. S J-4 5}[ - O. 5-3 . 8) -1
statement. (2) Since both "la11 sections are homo-
geneous , their centroidal axes co rrespond to their or C 0 . 82
center lines . s
Fo r the interior wythe under loading condition [a) [9 . 2 . 2) W .= O . ~l x 20 DI' 18 . 2 lb/sq ft
the-~~i~i - iõ~~-is-~ete~~in ed by taking moments 1

about the center Df the exterior wythe . Since the Therefore , E o 1.

axial load is assumed to occu r at the third point e
Df the bear ing seat , which is centered on the wall , [9 . 2 . 3) Therefore , Ce = 0 . 41 from Figur~ 4.
the eccentricity is one-sixth Df the bearing depth ,
i . e . 4 in . / 5 = 0 . 67 i n . [10) From equation 1 where :
(3) Summation Df momen ts about center line Df exte- F o 0 . 2 for nonreinforced wall
rior wythe equals zero : f ' o 1340 psi [given)
Mp P i [2 . 63 x 0 . 5 + 2 . 38 + 0 . 5 x 5 . 63) m
e C = 0 ~ 82 calculated a bove in step 9 . 2 . 1
2 [10 . 54 x 0 . 5 2 . 63 x 0 . 5 + 0 . 67 ) o s
or P , = 1 . 44 kips/ft C 0 . 41 determined above in step 9 . 2 . 3
Summation Df vertical forces equals zero t = 5 . 63 in . [given)
P = P + P W = 1 . 33 for loading condition (a)
i e
p 0 . 012 x 0 . 2 x 1 , 340 x 0 . 82 x 0 . 41 x 5 . 63 xl . 33
where:P. axial load on interi or section , kips/ft a
or Pa = 8 . 1 kips/ft > 1 . 44 = P i [ok)
P axial load on exterior section , kips/ft
The exterior wythe under loading cond iti on [a)
P vertical 10ad on wal1, ki ps/ft is-de~ig~ed-si~il~rly as follows
Accordingly [4) Met = O in . -kips/ft
P 2 - 1 . 440r 0 . 56 kips/ft
0 .0 5 x 0 . 56 x 2 . 63) or 0 . 0 74
[4) The ri g iditi es Df the two wall sections are de-
termined as foJlows from equation 4 on p . 13 [5 ) [O + 0 . 045) < O . OO~ x 20 x 8 2 x 0 . 09 or 0 . 34
Interior "'lction : 3
K = LODO X 1 , 1 , 340 x 5 . 63 /12 x 8 or
MP { 0 . 0015 (20 x 64 x 0 . 09 + O) + 0 . 074} E = 1)
fmax e
or MP 0 . 22 in . -kips/ft DO ' P 0 . 012xO . 2xl,340xO . 82x5 . 63x l xO.332
fmax a
(6) e = 0 . 22/0 . 56 or 0 . 39 in . or P 3.1 kips/ft > 1 . 22 (ok)
max a
(7l E -o . ~
(for simple support at one end and Thus , when the vertical live load i s removed from
fixed at the other) the interior wythe, the allowable stress is reduced
t . 1.2 x 8(3 - ( - 0 . 5) )-1 or and the allowable load is reduced from 8 . 4 kips/ft
for the interior wythe under loading condition . (a) .
2 . 74 > 2 . 63 (n . g . ) F o r the exterior wythe under loading eondition (c) ,
A thickness def iciency Df 0 . 18 in . is acceptable . d~~a-j~~a - ~l~s-~i~a - ~~rpendicular to wall , the
(8) e /t= D . 44/2.63 = 0 . 149 > 0 . 167 allowable loa d is determined similarly as follows
(3) P = 0 . 85 xo . 56 o r 0 . 48 kips/ft
[9.1) [83 x 0 . 56/2 . 63) (6 x 0 . 169 - 1) = 0 . 24 < 19 e
[9 . 2 . 1) C =0 . 01[96/2 . 63)+14(-0 . 5)-45) (-0 . 5-3 . 8)-1 (4) Met = O in . -kips/ft
or C 0 . 37 Md = 0 . 05 x 0 . 48 x 2 . 63 or 0 . 063 in . -kips/ft
[9.2 . 2) W = 0 . 09 x 20 or 1 . 8 < 10 ( 5) [0+[1.053) < [1 . [103 ?: 20 x 8 2 x. [I,[lq nr n . 34
E = E -0 . 5 [wall f ixe d at one end , simply MP 0 . 0015 (20 x64 xO . 09 + 333 x OI + 0 . 063
a s f max
supported a t the other)
[9 . 2 . 3) C
= 0 . 768 fr om Figure 4 . or MP = 0 . 24 in . ~kips/f t
f max
[10) P =0 . 012xo . 2 xl , 34oxo . 37xo . 768x2 . 63xl . 33 [6) e = 0 . 24/0 . 48 or 0 . 49 in
a max
or P 3 . 2 kip s/ f t > 0 . 56 [ok) (7 I E -O . S(wall fixed at one end and simply
a s
supported at tho other)
Lo ading cond ition [b) is not applicable in this case (8 I e /t ~ 0 . 49/2 . 63 or C,136 > 0 . 167
~~~-~~~ - i~~~~i~~-~Ç~~ e un dar loading condition (c) max
a~~a-j~~a-~i~~-~i~a-~~rpen d i c ular to wall, tha vert i- (9 . 11 ft = 183xO.4ôl2 . 63;{6,,0 . 18G-l) + 1.8 < 19 ok
cal dea d load 15 given as 85% Df total load .
(3) P . = 0 . 85 x 1 . 44 or 1 . 22 kips/ft (9 . 2.lJ C 0 . 37 (from step 9 . 2 . 1 for the exterior
wythe unner load i ng eondition
( 4) Met = O in . -kip s /ft (ai above )
19 . 2 . ;01 we 0 . 09 x 20 = 1 . 8 < 10
M 0 . 05 x 1 . 22 x 5 . 63 Dl' 0 . 34
[9 . 2 . 31 C 0 . 744 (from Table 41
[5) [O ' 0 . 34) < 0 . 003 x 20 x 8:'> x 0 . 91 or 3 . 4:) e
(101 P = 0 . 012 x 0 . 2 x 1 , 340 xO . 37 x 0 . 744 x 2 . 63
MP O. oOlS{ ;Ox64xO . 91)+[333xO)} 0 . 34 a
f max
or P 2 . 33 kips/ft > 0 . 48 lokl
or MP = 2 . 09 in . -kips/ft a
f max
Sin ee the wall is not in longitudinal shear , loading
(6) e = 2 . 09/ 1. ;;2 Dl lo/l in .
ma x conditiuns [di and (el do not apply .

[7) t . =1.2xS{3-[-0 . S : I - 1 or 2 . 74 in . <5 . l:i3[ok)

[8) e /t = 1 . 71/5 . 63 o r 0 . 30 > 0 .167 CONCLUSION
[9 . 1) Since (e /t) > 0;167 from equation 19
A rational struetural design method for masonry
f = (83 x 1./2/ 5 . 63J{ [6 x 0 . 30) - II has evolved during the past two decades . Building
codes in many countries provide for engineered
15 psi < 19 psi al l owa ble (ok) bri ck masonry to res i st static, blast and seismie
loads . Computer assisted struetural des i gn Df
1g . :;> . 1) C = 0 . 82 (from s te p 9 . 2 . 1 f or the interior masonry is available . A design proe edu re based on
wythe u nder loading co n dition the presEônt state - of-the-art is illustr3ted by
(a) abovEô) a typieal problem involving a nonreinforced eô
(9 . 2 . 3) C 0 . 332 (since wi > 10 Ih per sq ft and vity wall u n der statie loads .
l. - 6 4 . d . 1. -7

APPENDIX REFERENCES Nat i ona l Struct ural Meeting Pr e print 1399, New
York . N. Y., April 19 , 1971.

1. Adams . H. C. : "The Ueslgn Df Bri ckwork Against 17 . Gross , James G. , Robert D. Dikkers , and John C.
Gas Explosion ." ª!ê~~Ç_~[~~§§ ~ !~ g~ . British Grogan : Recommended Practice for Eng ineered Brick
Ceramic Research Association , Stoke - on - Trent, ~<'l~~~[y , §~i~k-In~t it ~~~ - õf-Ã~ê~i~~ : -M~C~~n :-Vã:~-
England , Un i ted Ki ng som, 1971 , p . 273 . 1969 .
2. 1\f!1§[!~ê~_~ ê!!~~ê~_?!ê~ ~ê[~ _ê~!~ ~ !~ g _ Ç~~§_f3§g~![§­
18 . Gross , James G. and Robert D. Dikkers , "Building
Code Requirements Relating to Load -Bearing Brick
f!1§~!~_i~[ _ ~ !~!f!1 ~f!1 _ g§~!8~ _~ ~ê~~_ !~ _ ê~!~~ !~ g~ _ ê~~ Masonry , " g§~!g~!~g !_ ~~g!~§§[!~g _ <'l~g _ ç~~~![~~!!~g
Other Structures , ~ !!~_~<'l~~~[y_~[~ ~~~!~ , Gulf Pub lishin g Corp .,
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4 . d . 1. - 9

t io_ APPENDIX NDTATIDNS P vertical load . kips

P allowable axial load . kips
A section area . in . 2 P vertical lnad nn exterior sect i on of cav ity
restraint coeffic ie nt . dimensionless . e
C wall . kips/ft
C eccentricity coefficient . dimensionloss P. vertical load on interior section of cavity wall
8 l
or of solid sect i on. kips/ft for walls, kips for
C s l e n dern~s5 coefficient , dimensionless columns 1
S section modulus , in . "
O distance from exterior face of the wall segment W allowable stress increase factor , dimensionless
having higher ~trength material ~o the centroidal a thickness of wall segment havi~g low"strength
axis , in . ma terial , in .
Eb modulus of elasticity in compression of the b thickness of the wali segment having high-strength .
stronger masonry in the section , psi . materia l, in.
E modulus Df elas t icity in compression of the d circle diameter , in
a weakest masonry in tne section , psi et actual eccentricity of vertical load , in
":. " F facto r of safety , dimensionless
H actual wall height between lateral supports , ft ex virtual ~ccentricity , in
H effective wall height , ft
1 e virtual eccnntricity about hor i zontal-Iongitu-
moment of inertia of section , in . maxdinal axis at point of maximum moment in section ,
K flexural l' igidity Df a column , in . -lbs _in .
smaller virtual eccentricity at lateral suppúrt ,
K flexural rigidity Df a wall , in . -lb/ft Df ~i d th in .
8 2 g reater virtual eccentricity at lateral support ,
leng t h of the s8ction , in . in .
moment at the base of the wall section , in . -kips/ f ' m d e sig~ c ompressive strength of masonry , ksi

MJ ~~:~~~~n~:~~ i :~dm~::~!r!~t::~lm~:~!!~~ , d~~ . ~~iPS f

flex ural tensile stress , psi

M assumed bend ing nlnrnent in wall sect i on due to f ta allowable flexural tens ilo stress , psi
o eccentric vertical load , in . -kips
Met moment at the top Df the wal l s8ct i on d uo to 9. soction l e ngt h, in .
eccentrically applied vertical load , in . -kips n rati o of modulus of elasticity in compression
M distributed moment in a section Gt point Df Df hir,h - strflnp;th rnaterial to that Df low strenp;th
max maximum mo~ent , in . -kips . matorial . d i monsionloss .
Mt mom ont at th~ top of the section . in . -kips t se c tion thi c kno s s . in .
t thicknoss of exterior soction of cav it y wall , in .
MP max ' momellt in a section pinnelJ at top and fixe d o
f at base in which the momont is maximum t . thicknoss of interior section of cavity wall
at the top of the section , in . -kips or of solid section , in .
t . minimum thickness of columns , in .
mom8nt in a section pinned a t top and f ix od mIne
at base in which the moment is maximum t . min i mum thic_kness Df wall section , i'l .
ut tlle baso of 'the section , in . -kips mlnw
x distance from top to point Df maximum momeni in a
MP max total maximum moment in a bearinH section section pinned ut top and base . ft
p pinned top and base . in . -kips K moment coefficient determined by continuity ,
M moment at any distance x down frorn the top of dimensi",nless
a sect i on , fn . -kips moment d i stribution factor , dimensio n less
M bending rnoment in a ~all s8ction induced by wind , w total uniform wind load on section , lb/ft
in . - kips

FIG . 4 Eccen t ricity Coefficients, Ce

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