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The reason for Smith's firing is because he lied in his employment application.

Click on the
clearest, most
A romantic dance in three-quarter time, the waltz is where two people can
A) glide across the floor in each other's arms.
A romantic dance in three-quarter time, the waltz is when two people can
B) glide across the floor in each other's arms.
A romantic dance in three-quarter time, the waltz allows two people to glide
C) across the floor in each other's arms.

Incorrect. A waltz is not a place, so where is illogical; also, the linking
verb is must be followed by a subject complement.

Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.
For two singers in Don Giovanni, an opera by Mozart, contains the famous
A) duet "La ci darem la mano."
The opera Don Giovanni by Mozart contains the famous duet "La ci darem la
B) mano."
"La ci darem la mano," from Mozart's opera Don Giovanni, is a duet, or a
C) piece for two singers.

Correct. This sentence attempts to use a prepositional phrase For two
singers as the subject of the sentence.

INCORRECT Click on the clearest, most grammatically correct sentence.

A plague is often when a contagious disease reaches epidemic proportions.

Plague is the term often used for a disease that reaches epidemic
B) proportions.

A plague is often where a disease reaches epidemic proportions.


Incorrect. A plague is not a time, so when is illogical; also, the linking
verb is must be followed by a subject complement.

INCORRECT Click on the clearest, most grammatically correct sentence.

Cosmology is when scientists study theories about the structure of the

A) universe.
Cosmology is where scientists study theories about the structure of the
B) universe.

Cosmology is the study of theories about the structure of the universe.


Incorrect. Cosmology is not a time, so when is illogical; also, the linking
verb is must be followed by a subject complement.

Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.
Because Napoleon failed to defeat the Russians in 1812 does not indicate
A) that he was a poor general.
His failure to defeat the Russians in 1812 does not indicate that Napoleon
B) was a poor general.
Napoleon did not defeat the Russians in 1812, but he was still a great
C) general.

Correct. Because Napoleon failed to defeat the Russians in 1812 is a
dependent clause, which cannot be the subject of a sentence.

INCORRECT Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.

Our company has never treated anyone else as badly as it treated Millie.

In our company has never treated anyone as badly as it treated Millie.

No other employee has ever been treated as badly by our company as Millie
C) has.

Feedback: Incorrect. This sentence is clear and grammatically correct.

Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.

Shock therapy is where electricity is used to treat a serious mental disorder.


Shock therapy is the use of electricity to treat a serious mental disorder.

Shock therapy is a method that uses electricity to treat a serious mental
C) disorder.

Correct. Shock therapy is not a place, so where is illogical; also, the linking
verb is must be followed by a subject complement.

INCORRECT Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.
We got angry while listening to the news report because the story was
A) obviously slanted.
The reason we got angry while listening to the news report was because the
B) story was obviously slanted.
The reason we got angry while listening to the news report was that the
C) story was obviously slanted.

Feedback: Incorrect. The sentence is clear and grammatically correct.

E-mail Your Results

 Incorrect: In his attempt to win the election broke several rules about pre-poll
 Correct: In his attempt to win the election, the candidate broke several rules about
pre-poll publicity.
 Correct: The candidate’s attempt to win the election broke several rules about pre-
poll publicity.

In the incorrect sentence given ab

 ncorrect: The new automated answering machine we began to use it in the fall.
 Correct: We began to use the new automated answering machine in the fal

Click on the
clearest, most
A theory often used in sales training, Maslow's Hierarchy is where
A) physiological and psychological needs are categorized.
A theory often used in sales training, Maslow's Hierarchy is when
B) physiological and psychological needs are categorized.
A theory often used in sales training, Maslow's Hierarchy categorizes
C) physiological and psychological needs.

Incorrect. Maslow's Hierarchy is not a place, so where is illogical; also, the
linking verb is must be followed by a subject complement.

Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.
Because Harriet failed to get a raise does not indicate that she is a poor
A) negotiator.
Harriet's failure to get a raise does not indicate that she is a poor
B) negotiator.
Harriet failed to get a raise, but that does not indicate that she is a poor
C) negotiator.

Correct. Because Harriet failed to get a raise is a dependent clause, which
cannot be the subject of a sentence.

INCORRECT Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.

We got angry while reading the annual report because the sales figures
A) were obviously exaggerated.
The reason we got angry while reading the annual report was because the
B) sales figures were obviously exaggerated.
The reason we got angry while reading the annual report was that the sales
C) figures were obviously exaggerated.

Feedback: Incorrect. The sentence is clear and grammatically correct.

INCORRECT Click on the clearest, most grammatically correct sentence.

Although Mario is well known as a successful businessperson doesn't mean

A) he shouldn't also be recognized as a generous philanthropist.
Although Mario is well known as a successful businessperson, he should also
B) be recognized as a generous philanthropist.
Mario is well known as a successful businessperson but who was a generous
C) philanthropist as well.

Incorrect. Although Mario is well known as a successful businessperson is a
dependent clause, which cannot be the subject of a sentence.

INCORRECT Click on the clearest, most grammatically correct sentence.

An incorporation is when owners hold shares in a company.


An incorporation is where owners hold shares in a company.


An incorporation is a company in which the owners hold shares.


Incorrect. A incorporation is not a time, so when is inappropriate; also, the
linking verb is must be followed by a subject complement.

Click on the clearest, most grammatically correct sentence.
Getting up ten minutes earlier means that I can avoid the heavy traffic that
A) always makes me late for work.
By getting up ten minutes earlier means that I can avoid the heavy traffic
B) that always makes me late for work.
If I get up ten minutes earlier means that I can avoid the heavy traffic that
C) always makes me late for work.

Feedback: Correct. The sentence is clear and grammatically correct.

Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.
A compromise between the most experienced candidate and the cheapest
A) candidate would be the ideal candidate.
A candidate who is neither overly expensive nor overly inexperienced would
B) be ideal.
The ideal candidate is one who is neither overly expensive nor overly
C) inexperienced.

Correct. The subject compromise and the subject complement ideal
candidate are logically incompatible.

INCORRECT Click on the clearest, most grammatically correct sentence.

The more we save today means much more to us in the future.


What we save today, the more we will have tomorrow.


The more we save today, the more we will have tomorrow.


Incorrect. The word more in the first part of the sentence initiates a
comparison that is not completed in the second part of the sentence. It
should read The more we save today, the more we will have tomorrow.

INCORRECT Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.

At its first American trade show in Phoenix, the young company attracted
A) international attention.
At its first American trade show in Phoenix was when the young company
B) attracted international attention.
The young company attracted international attention at its first American
C) trade show in Phoenix.

Feedback: Incorrect. The sentence is clear and grammatically correct.

INCORRECT Click on the clearest, most grammatically correct sentence.

When the CEO vetoed the manager's decision caused employee morale to
A) sink.
Vetoing the manager's decision, so the CEO caused employee morale to
B) sink.

Vetoing the manager's decision, the CEO caused employee morale to sink.

Incorrect. When the CEO vetoed the manager's decision is a dependent
clause, which cannot be the subject of a sentence.

INCORRECT Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.

Not having sold anything for two days, the shop owner was despondent.

Having sold nothing for two days, so the shop owner was despondent.

Having sold nothing for two days, the shop owner was despondent.

Feedback: Incorrect. The sentence is clear and grammatically correct.

CORRECT Click on the sentence that contains a mixed or illogical construction.

When Fatima took over the department, though she marvelled at the
A) inefficiency of its operations, which she had not anticipated.
When Fatima took over the department, she marvelled at the inefficiency of
B) its operations, which she had not anticipated.
Fatima, when she took over the department, marvelled at the inefficiency of
C) its operations, which she had not anticipated.

Revise the mixed constructions below; some sentences may be correct.

1. Because television’s first large-scale transmissions included news programs quickly became
popular with the public.
Because television’s first large-scale transmissions included news programs, these programs
quickly became popular with the public.

2. By increasing the time allotment for network news to thirty minutes increased the prestige
of network news programs.
Increasing the time allotment for network news to thirty minutes increased the prestige of
network news programs.

3. Lloyd Robertson’s outstanding characteristic is credible as a newscaster.

Lloyd Robertson’s outstanding characteristic as a newscaster is his credibility.

4. A disaster is when television news shows get some of their highest ratings.
Television news shows get some of their highest ratings when a disaster occurs.

5. One reason television news captured widespread attention is because it covered the
Vietnam war so thoroughly.
Television news captured widespread attention because it covered the Vietnam war so

In 1937, under the sponsorship of Lord Tweedsmuir, who was the Governor General at the time,

1. the launching of the Governor General’s Literary Awards.

In 1937, Lord Tweedsmuir, who was the Governor General at the time, sponsored the launching of
the Governor General’s Literary Awards.

2. The reason that Governor General Lord Tweedsmuir is better known in some quarters as
John Buchan is because under that name he wrote The Thirty-Nine Steps, a spy novel that
was filmed by Alfred Hitchcock.
Governor Gneeral Lord Tweedsmuir is better known in some quarters as John Buchan because
under that name he wrote The Thirty-Nine Steps, a spy novel that was filmed by Alfred Hitchock.

8. The Governor General’s Awards that he helped establish have become the greatest desirability
of any literary awards in Canada, and as a result, the categories of works for which they are awarded
have undergone frequent expansion and revision.

The Governor General’s Awards that he helped establish have become the most desired of any
literary awards in Canada, and as a result, the categories of works for which they are awarded
have undergone frequent expansion and revision.

3. The fact that at first, only books in English were eligible for the awards, a situation that
many believed to be a serious oversight.
At first, only books in English were eligible for the awards, a situation that many believed to be a
serious oversight.

4. The solution to this problem was remedied in 1959, when the Canada Council began to
administer the awards and established an identical set of Governor General’s Awards for
works in French.
This problem was remedied in 1959, when the Canada Council began to administer the awards
and established an identical set of Governor General’s Awards for works in French.

6. A controversial episode was when the refusal of an award in 1968, when Leonard Cohen
declined the prize for his Selected Poems, 1956-1968 and said, “Much inme strives for this
honour, but the poems themselves forbid it absolutely.”
A controversial episode occurred in 1968 when Leonard Cohen declined the prize for his Selected
Poems, 1956-1968, and said, “Much in me strives for this honour, but the poems themselves forbid
it absolutely.”

7. About the same time, a less enigmatic explanation for refusing the award was given by
several nationalist Quebec writers announced they were rejecting it for political reasons.
About the same time, a less enigmatic explanation for refusing the award was given by several
natonisht Quebec writers who announced they were rejecting it for political reasons.

12. Although the judgement and taste of the awards’ juries have sometimes
been questioned, but we can note in their favour that recipients have
included important writers such as Margaret Atwood, Northrop Frye, Alice
Munroe, Mavis Gallant, and Robertson Davies.

Although the judgement and taste of the awards’ juries have sometimes been questionsed, we can
note in their favour that recipients have included important writers such as Margaret Atwood,
Northrop Frye, Alice Munroe, Mavis Gallant, and Robertson Davies.

13. When we examine this list of writers stands up well against the winners of
any literary award.

When we examine this list of writers, we see that it stands up well against the winners of any
literary award.

14. Every year, a gala ceremony is where the current Governor General
presents the literary prizes first awarded by Lord Tweedsmuir, the writer
of suspense stories who became the monarch’s representative in Canada.
Every year, at a gala ceremony, the current Governor General prestents the literary prizes which
were first awarded by Lord Tweeedsmuir, the writer of suspense stories who became the
monarch’s representative in Canada.

For athletes who play contact sports have increased risk of arthritis later in their lives.
When students are late is very distracting to other students. Being late to class is very distracting.
Although celebrities live charmed lives, yet they can have serious drug problems.
Either although or yet needs to be deleted.
Celebrities live charmed lives, yet they can have serious drug problems.
Although celebrities live charmed lives, they can have serious drug problems.
Mixed constructions occur when the subject and the predicate of a sentence do not grammatically fit
together. Mixed constructions occur in three common cases: 1. The subject does not perform the verb’s
action. a.  Incorrect: Subject: Predicate: The purpose of the computer | was designed to calculate long
algorithms. b.  Correct: The computer was designed to calculate long algorithms. or The purpose of the
computer is algorithm calculation. 2. Using ‘is when…’ or ‘is where…’. a.  Incorrect: A hiring freeze is
when a company stops hiring new employees due to budget constraints. b.  Correct: A hiring freeze
occurs when a company stops hiring new employees due to budget constraints. 3. Using ‘the reason…is
because…’. a.  Incorrect: The reason whole grain is healthier is because it has more nutrients than
processed grains. b.  Correct: Whole grain is healthier because it has more nutrients than processed
grains. Mixed Constructions Practice Identify the sentences that contain mixed constructions by labeling
them “MC”. Rewrite those that are incorrect. 1. __________ The temperature water freezes at zero
degrees Centigrade. 2. __________ The purpose of the advertisement influences how consumers think
about the product. 3. __________ Atherosclerosis is a condition in which artery walls thicken as a result
of plaque buildup. 4. __________ The reason electric vehicles are environmentally friendly is because
they have no emissions. 5. __________ Her hard work helped her earn an A in class. 6. __________ The
reason I brought my umbrella is because it is raining. 7. __________ Foreshadowing is when the author
suggests the possibility of future events in the plot. Find out more. Search the web or a grammar book f

Recognizing Misplaced and

Dangling Modifiers
Directions: In the exercise that follows, you will need to
determine whether or not sentences
contain misplaced or dangling modifiers.
In a clear, logical sentence, you will find most modifiers right
next to the words they describe:

The wai tre ss s erv ed Gil bert a plate of gray meatloaf

sauced with lumpy gravy .

Notice that sauced with lumpy gravy, a participle phrase,

follows meatloaf, its target noun.

If too much distance separates a modifier and its target, the

modifier is misplaced:

Sauced with lumpy gravy , the wai tress served

Gil bert a plate of gray me atloaf.

The waitress is sauced with lumpy gravy? That's not logical!

If the sentence fails to include a target, the modifier is dangling:

Studying the unappetizing plate of food , all appe ti te

was l os t.

We assume that Gilbert is the one studying the plate, but notice
that he doesn't appear in the sentence. Thus, studying the
unappetizing plate of food has no target to modify.

To keep track of your answers, print the accompanying handout.

If you are unsure which choice to make, consult the rules.
Disclaimer: All prizes in this exercise are cyber, which means
they have no physical reality and cannot be collected for use in the
material world.

Bite first to avoid getting bitten!

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