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Scan by Kernunos13 Gamemaster Sourcebook Authors: Mike Nystul, Doug Tabb Editor: Doug Tabb: Editorial Director: Ray Winninger Box and Book Cover Artist: Daye McKean Hibs and Role-Aids are trademarks for role- laying aids ap dyventures published Mayfair Games Inc. Note on Language: Vor the Feoriventence, the male gender is used as a neuter term throughout this product, This does not imply any chauvinism ‘on our part, it simply takes up less space ~ and makes for much smoother reading. Se if e © 1993 Mayfair Games Ine. All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be duced in any form or by any means, except for the inclusion of brief ations in a review, without permission in writing from the publisher. Herinission is granted to the purchaser of this book to copy the maps and hi és for personal use, provided that one of these copies are sold of trad ISBN: 0-923763-83-X 760 Sutroduction to Archmagirs » Welcome The soiuid of revsding eood signaled that the minions ‘ere sgpoi us, but ley were foo late. The last syllable of the Freenntation hivng th He room, causing the hair on the back of “iy. rieck to staid. Outside, beyond the hunreds ‘of thealls, the Sky was ready darkening as the muons roth out my began $0 disintegrale. A ragged, raging sere pierced idence ns Morphidius storied into He chamber, the Ax [Evegolhe leld igh, But before Ite could reacl the pertinetey she cotiurng cele, he ied crumbled, avid woe knew that al. ‘eros the world thousnids of sinilar fates coere taking place, The great works of fantasy fiction are filled with ingle, unbelievably powerfal miagik capable ‘affecting, for good oF ill, the entire world. In many sos ouchras these, only an unstoppable force ble of defeating an unspeakable evil Grand magic polls and aystical ontfaets embody this qstoppablg | force, going fat beyond the purview of “common” magia realm of Architigic. 4 : __ is elimanie sourcepsck conta information, “examples, and helpful advice, al aimed towards helping you introdtice powerful magies into your campaign world. fi ti Common Magic “My eyes. liane been opened for tte first tinte, ayid the. ‘eorld wiick spreads out before nie jush i ly We endless. Although “common” magic, the kind of magic typi cally anipunl by rca ands, ‘ ritacutous Brey confound the mundane, it is severely: fimited in scope and duration by what is;commonly ‘Known as the laws of magic. These laws dictate a niun ber of tings, stich as ehat a spell may. only effect a 8 ‘ifie number of targets or that a spells effects may last only for a specific time, There are also a number of orcas fects typically teperved only for gods an oliet Exceptional beings, which can be reproduced through common magic only in the most limited of ways, such Things ag immortality, creation ahd the manipulation of most mages attempt to stretch the limits either through gainirig mote experience ng enisting, spells through research. In Fhowever, their spells will always have ean perfoan feats £6. ‘There ave those two are content fo leit all tiere ts, aud & there ave those of tes zoo will never be content with mint fins Fees provid by the gods of creation. “Archmagics are the “loophioles’ which allow snortal wi. ards to bypass some or ‘what means these immense ‘known by: ‘all of the laws of magie. It is nol prowess ext tho ‘tote bev thatthe power was wover into the fabric oF the universe by plane. By creat mages could Immortality: Many have gone macl in their quest for"). vetlasting. When every ‘Lis exhaieted, those who are powerful in the mortal world grovel I bei “magical {he gods of ‘eatin 10 femipt mortals fo pr le the gods with energy while they walked the mortal 1g spells wwhicl fap into this primal force, pire tothe level of the goss themselves, Magical means at there dis: ‘before gods, demons and other supreme x (9 provide them with immortality, often at the cost of thelr souls, Tacs, “Througih the archunagical pow meri of the greatest Noes ‘and means can live for- ‘of rituals and arti- over withiout the ditect intervention of the iminortals, Creatio the divine ms Another ability that is the sale province of Ts rue creation, Mortal wizards can shape ‘vig Of magic OF fabricate whole objects from fragmen- tary sa most powerfu Renee allow fidinge lems from the stuff of nothingness which are as bull les bul [both methods are tenyporary. Only the J can make the conversion permanent. izatds to, perform acts of creation, veal and permanent as any item in the world, Time: shel arch thse ‘time the ble Any the eourde ebents being all and the old ev Bulito those with the correct vision, time and space stand out ‘Axchmages ny charges which have the only force as powerful as that from mages spring, s the force of Time, While itis Hamper with the slow moving stream that is“ jwet-of archmagics makes such a thing posst- ‘been made or are made to ceptible to most, the new t having never existed. / these alterations to. {ike scarred over wounds. bs il # of history are iny ‘Those mages who have reached suich an incredible 7) level of experience during th such powerful archmagics, are know! archmages spelleaster ‘world or perhaps even in the Likewise, th lives to successfully u archmages. These "7, possess vast knowledge in the ways of the 7) ‘a handful of peers in the entire entire multiplanat universe, {ives are rather different from th le and have only nary mages. Archmages could as easily be visited by an ‘elder diagon as by a faveling noble and could as likely be found living under the waves asin an isolated tower. _ Astifacts “Aplifets are arcane items which are unique and immensely powerful. A single artifact is capable of per- “forming miraculotis Feals and could easily be the single: foal of a mage’s life-long ambition, Artifacts frequently, fave the capacity to bypass the laws of magic to pro- duce effects on acworldwide of universewide scale, ipires are items of incredible mag. senna mounts of yyetedd information regarding magic and ac eral sea oles wrociced here else, The comprehension of this knowledge alone is often enough to grant the grimoite's thaster sig: | nificant abilities and magical insight. i ee : __ Archmagtes até greatest of the magic spells, rituals: | which are so powerful that no spellcaster could channel {4 produce sufiicient magica] energy to cast them, Those © yeho cast archmagics must draw on the energies within: ihagie items aid other sources of magi to power the rt: Walls effects, Like artifacts, archmagie spells are powver ful enough toslter an entire world or univers _ The Atchmagic Sourcepack Within the Archmagic sourcepack are several books and playing idl designe) eras your eo ing powerful magics in your games, This eS The Arehmagle Sourcebook, containing informa: tion on archihagi¢ rituals, archmages and artifacts of Archmagic Sourcebook What you are now reading is the Archmagics: Sourcebook. Within this tome you will find details on what life is like for those whom the world considers arehnitages, as well as two archmage NPCs (one good, ‘one evil) for use in your campaign. . ‘Also intcladed in the sourcebook are examples of artifacts and sample grimoires, items of stich magical power that few exist in the world, and those that do are Coveted by their owners and warred over by nations. Lastly, this sourcebook lists several qrchmagic spells; tiluals of the most powerful nature, Some arch- magics ase $o potent that they grant the abili destroy the world or create it anew. y “Adventure Book ‘The Archmapics Adventure Book contains detailed plans for introducing a number of the spells and items from this book into your high level campaign. These large ‘encounters can be run individually, diopped in between ‘other adventures of the GM's creation; of run as a single, epic eatfipaign, Many parts of the adventure make use of the Map'Book and the Game Aids mentioned below. Map Book ‘The Acchmagics Map Book contains eight beautiful- ly detailed, fold-out maps as well as extensive text describing cach magical land, reali or dimension. GMs “an ithier uiilize these maps curing the adyentures pre- - Sented in the Adventure Book, or integrate them into their own campaigns. “Realms of high magic await you, such 9s the Red Room, the Macrodrome, the Gibborigg,Caverns and the City of Bones Game Aids ‘Also included in the Archmagies sourcepack are twelve game aids, or props, to use in your archmagical Adventures. Many of the Archmagic game aids are specifically designed for use in the campaign presented in the Map Book ne @ A a 4 Archmages The Archmage Subclass ‘The path of magic is a long and twisting one. The skill | ‘apprentige can no mone see its ene! than catia skill 15 wizard ‘The urchmage, while he still has so Far to go, can begin fo see ind, Though they may not realize it, both the appren \wiaard are slowly, magically evolving into those evolution wil ee sie most fee ge a the archmage subclass begins when a wizard reaches skill 18. ‘AC his point if he totally commits hin)self 0 the magical ways, bie is kriowi ds a skill 18 archinage, The archmiage confines to "progress in skill level in the same manner as a svizard, becom: sill 19 ashanti 9.975.000 XP 4 SGI 20 archaea 150,000 XPs, ee, Likewise, archinages use the same 4ssiel HTK dice, saving throws, combat tables and spell progression fs normal wizars, They also, suffer the __sweapars and anor as tele fesse spell-casting bnethien _ Requirements _ “To complete the evolution into an aehimage, x yizard | inust five an Intelligence aind Insight OF 17 oF great, an _ Auilily ond Staining of at least 14, and a Strength of no less “tha HL hs far ony huss, elves and halle have bbeon Known to make the leap to arctiniage stalls, Archmage “members of thier faces may exist, but their existence es never been documented, ‘Onke a sharacter makes he decison ( become an a mage, he must dedicate himself to the Ways of magios he anit Take gay tet es fe ay be Mba na ey fever again bexin progression in another class. He mivst inumeyse himself completely inthe ways obmagi, ‘Charaeters who, successfully. be nsges gah the _ following benefit me # + If he does tot already possess it, the archiitge gains the non ~ sweapon profigioncy, Spelleral, He does not, However, suffer the =2 Check Moditier shen employing the proficiency, WAN archynage quiomatjeally receives a magie resistance ual 10 iy shi Jevel vs. spells cast by wizard of Jower i arehmage, ‘Thus, a skill 24 archniage sill resistance against spells east by wizards of ‘can detect magic within a 100" radius and will “have knowledge of what type of magic is being Ne estos of at pel), + Similaly, the Archmage Wil istanily be wamned whenever he is the subject of any Divinaiion type spel, no matter how fav away is being cast IF the archmage saves vs.. spells, b ays hnow exaetly what he spel wisn is Beng © cast ly, ani archinage can create the effects of rat ove spells a will without the indicated verbal, material and Somatic components or required time to cast Caking oily 1 Found to cast), At 21st level the arehtage ean cast | first | level spell at will; at 24th level he can cast 2 different first level spells at will; ete. The spell must be chosen when the archmage reaches the nécessary level and must be a spell ‘whieh he normally has access to. es aye negative aspects of being an archmage as well Upon reaching the status of archmage, the character constant- {y radiates majo eneraies, allowing tim to be automal “Ay detected! by oiher mages within 10° (similarto a detect Ihis tiation is constantly emanating from the - miage, whether he is magically active oF not, unless he can ‘someliasy cléak or suppress i An archmage is also a being of ‘obvious magical power, dnd as such is often the target of those shi would Kill or subvert all those of such power (see Life asan Aching, below) Level H -ogression ~ Archinage Experience Levels Vos HTK Necessary Dice (D4) i 1048 109 1010 Losi lo+12 10413 long lor 10H6) ee 10418 10419 10420, 10421 10122 10#23 1os24 10425, ‘Axchinatee 15,000 3,750,000 4,125,000 4,500,000. 4,875,000 5,250,000 5,625,000 6,000,000 6,375,000 6,750,000 7,125:000 7/510,000, 71875,000 8,250,000 8,625,000 9,000,000 9,375,000 ‘Po accommodate the archmage’s achievement of skill levels beyond (he 20th, a table Is given above showing the XP levelaiecessary to reach those levels. New HTK dice for the levels is also shown | Spell Progression __ | Archmage Spell Progression “ Archinage Spell Level 2 special 9 1 A 2 2 ee Banoo BS Gaseous oom 6 4 6 7 ey ak 8 & ay: 9 eee 25 19399 * Can past arefniagie spells of 10th level #8 Can cast avehiningic spells of 11th level)” #4 Gaur cast archmagte spells of 12th level, 4444 Can cist archiagie pels of 13th level. 440 Can cast avehiiagic spells of 14th level. sheen Can Ai schnagicsbels 150; level, “As archmoges frequently achieve skill levels. consider bly hiebier than otter mages, they are capable of using more ‘spells than are listed un the standard spell progression chart, ‘Below ig an extension of that chart showing how many spells are available al the higher levels. H s of the Elder Wise: As An Archmage ‘he lifestyle of an archmage is everything a wizard sts, An achmage is content in the knowledge: patient soul to demons oF yansforn ‘ages a6 i that he world, power may eventually lead to his demiset an eternal balance, ‘Their daily lives are as normal as they are stage. Gutlined below are various details of the lifestyles ~ of archmages, from where they live to how iby spend tlieir daily hours, from how they survive 10 Who they. ‘associate with, and from what motivates them to their eventual fates: The Necessities of Life Liven arehmages must pay some attention to the necessities of life (hough there are, notably, more ns anon afehmages than other groups). Food, helter, mortality: all must be attended to, These fyet, become 4 pritiary concern of many. Fe spent on the researching and devi Spell Telieve the mage of these responsibil i6s 9 his ow mortal forin. The less sticeessful, or less ‘ent even commit the ultimate sacrifice, selling their ig theniselves into such things as liches, Most, However, leath to deal with their ‘own moj(ality:and rely on themselves or others for the ‘her jiecessittes., © Magie is a rare commodity, and magie of the caliber which arehmages ean wield is even scarcer. Many benevolent or benign mages will often trade their ser viens fos the things they need to survi ‘ale latde amount oF as an ongoing source, depend the service which was provided. Particularly fed with equal Kindness by the surround esidents, who sill often provide the mage with ‘tinuous supply Of necessities, regardless of the “mount Of serviees provided in hopes that the mage will | likewise Continue his lletpful services. ore sinister and self-serving mages seo this as a waste of thelr-sirength. Why exchange their abilities when (ey might get what they need through coercion. and intimidation? Many mages ofifiis ilk build their ‘tronglholds in populated areas and extort the susround- ” “Ing countryside for necessifies and even servants. If the popilace becomes uncooperative, they can lay about the tegion with their devastating magics. Not too much, / however — the locals must still have enough to provide for him and to survive themselves so they may continue {6 provide, having learned their place. Many of these images also have a considerable army of meteenarles. or minions at their command, If the, m1 ‘yoary of dealing wlih the locals, he can simply send aiding pasties (0 take from them what he needs, Sone Aide enterprising achniages will often hire mete ties or adventurers to acquire valuable objects or treasure for then fi exchange for sons shagie bauble or « percentage ofthe salvage and the chaice for more assignments, This treasure can then be use 10 purchase the things the mage requires | The Jast option is available only to the most capable “of aichinages scho have researched ways and dovised “gpells which ean produce food and change mundane * inatetiols permanently into gold. Such mages keep these ‘spells stviely 10 theinselyes as they ate the most sought Ifler by Besedy, shortsighted wizards across the lands, Archmage Activities ae By i ‘ ‘ Like those in the Wotld around him, the daily jiterests and acivities of the archmage vary widely. Alissa life of intense mragioal ang and practice, oflen having aveled far and wide, most atchinages like © Sele ini single axes snd set up some kind of stconghold, Hers, a kind ot *relltemonl,” they, nay pursué thell interests t0,Wwhatever degree they chooses: Pay e ‘While some mages prefer (0 enjoy. “the simple things, _siigh as garfening, writing, painting, etc., which they. might hol hive had tne For in their younger days, others conte fo remaitt active in the field of magic. Ambitious niazes ‘ave 16 achieve world domination aid doggedly apply theit powers (6 these eis, While ios sioply craye, ulersip, ‘others see the position as a way to improve the world around (hein by uniting the lands under # single, strong leader, This motivation also guides those arehinages. who. avo leks amnbitigus, These mages practice theic magic for the ood ofthe wolld aod itn, curing diskaee, aver dis asters, advancing (eclmology pr even autsmpling to correct INS NIBIES GERIGOID, 0c la aaa ak ‘The Hunter or the Hunted? ‘The world i filled with people (and ctr beitgs) wih « “raving to be the thost powerful being in the sold, Though injoludes many archininges; drawons, demons, gods, nial cies all Vie for work supremacy as well ings pose « sigiicant threat to the existence 1, for only by defeating these rivals can one ibove all (or avoid destniction himsel!), i ‘rohmage ean asstime either the rote of the FGF sey, toe both ges ave targeted for only a few specie One is because the mage is viewed as a threat- either (0 oth 18 of his kind of to the world around him. While evil mages typically hunt dawn other mages of considerable power in ‘order (0 destroy the forder to eradicate the threat they pose tothe world, init. A considerable amount of time is spent by these mages ‘Worrying about whom thoy might seek out and planning bow they might avoid detection themselves, ‘Archinoges are also sought out for a, periaps only slight: ly, less threatening reason. These mages have usually, over {he course of thor lives, built up 0 vast storehiouse of wealth and powerful mugie ieins, There are those who would seek {o slay thom and pillage their holdings, or perhaps even force the mages themselves into doing their bidding. “To deter av untimely demise in this fashion, mages fre~ ‘quently employ 4 number of methods. Most merely hide from, the world around them, isolating themselves from most of ‘ivllization and\oking special precautions when casting their " inusies, Jest the be discovered, Such mages disguise them. “Selves as more ordinary folk whenever they. must venture “ heyond their stronghold and develop false personas when dealing with oihers, i ‘Other archmages fake the opposite approach and faunt heir magica abilifies to the extreme, presenting the miost for- midable flguse they can. Though they, hope, that in this way they ean intimidate ad deter others fron acting against them, ihe reverse fs usually true, the mage is seen #8 a considerable ihreat aid ty systemattelly elinvinated The Obedient & the Loyal | Biven avelinages ate seldom so solitary that they associate ‘vith absolutely. na one, Even the most sinister and paranoid ‘of wizards usually fas an apprentice or small retinue of faith~ ful (bu unainbitious) servants fo handle the anuindane tasks of > eyetyiay Tite Servants “Amnbitjous nuages (hoth good and eV} frequently employ {Lumber of servanis and guands, These commoners perfor ty of tasks which the mage cannot bother himself, {vith while he works, Housekeepers ave employed to maintain his keops riders to deliver messages into the surrounding Mieinity oF fetch supplies; guards to protect him; and advisor, “entertainers or concubines to engage in his leisure time, Mercenaries ean be hired by the hundreds to protect the image, his keep and his lands, orto launch asta Sounding area. These woops typically provide the Mi they themselves are visually sought in x! those i i a i entry ou hs tation as mots as posible ‘with @ massive force of men whose loyalties will last as long. ‘4s the mage’s gold is ood and continyes to flow freely. They ‘can prove unyeliable, however, as they may be hired 10 betray the arehimage by anyone capable of providing more gold. ‘Mages of good alignment sill typically employ such ser- Vant, treating them well and paying them regularly. U's insportant to: keep them Joyal to the mage.) Long-time ser ‘ants of sich mnages are often regarded as close friends and ‘are well tigated and respected by the mage (an outstanding ind conifortiig fringe-benefit for the servant), : “Evil archmages usually employ less kindly means of ‘ecuriig their servants, Slaves ore raided from nearby seltle~” meats and pressed ino servitude in the mage's keep. In the Nopinion of miages such as these, these servants ate easily Jaceable and omy liefally be worked 10 death, Meseenaries ‘ofien hired, not only to defend the mage from outside Site Bil to Keep te fervans i ltne as NOL. Lito wh int OF such a mage is seldom pleasant and can only 6rd in scape or death, 4 ‘ ie Some archinages sequlte setvants as a result of thei sta: tion of jn relum for some service the nage has péifortned, In uses Whese the archmage is the ruler of a given ated, ser vans, bodyguards attendants, advisors, ad messengers are provided fo atend him, advise hint and see to itthat ier 6 he pure ies his oiier interests. i eit Olen servanus come Into the magc’s employ as payment for servikes rendered by the mage, ILis coninion for the poor 10 soll their children or thetnselyes into seryitudé in exchenge. forthe wieard's aid in such things ss ending blight the Weather, or destroying nearby raiders servitude is permanent, though usually 1 laste pre-determined amouii of fine. i “Another type of servant, not mortals, aie altomatons aind creatures, of te Undead: Though evs versatile anid more coniples to create, tiese, greatutes, provide unswerving loyalty anid often possess @ umber of abilifies which ordinary servants lack, Golem, and auton’. {ons provide unbeatable srength and dusability while undead fare able to follow more coniplex orders and eannot die yihile such ds these ae normally, iniore isolated farchimages greedily hoard their scerets and ine time or another, will take on apprentices, a Nig dates are spirited away 16 the mage's stronghold where they sualy availble to lesser “These young ligpetil wiards ao Taken it for ; Most archmages are willing (6 share their knowledge (@t. 44 Ieast to some degree) with these apprentices for noble reasons. a ‘They realize that they will likely not live forever, and wish (0 « pass along their seerets or find someone to «tino hein’ Work, These mages take care to find candidates with the. potential and dedication necessary (o purse «lie as @ wizard "The mage works closely with these young wields of magic, showing them the necessary precautions as well asthe normal Tita! procedures, Such a apprentice often goos through i ‘considerable portion of his life inthe service of his “mastet ‘The avehmage himself is usually of such skill and power, that the apprentice may become a skillfol wizard in his own tight 9 aiid still have great deal he can lear from his. master, In most eases the archimage dies tong before all of his knowl: ‘edge un be jimpressed upon his apprentice, Oftimes arch- mages come «rexard these apprentices us dearly as children Likewise, ab archnvage’s even offspring inay We trained in fiihor's magic says. The natural children of archmages fcauenily have grea, inherent magical potential themselves, eoligving the mages of 4 sometimes lengthy process of desnigod as a boanley oc blacksmit The asehnage’s power granis hint «unique position i ‘eyes of other powerful beings, Oiler aichnages coll on hin “fhither theiy-own ends through somie cooperative effort _ Dertons fear him hecnse ofthe potential fos he represents and So treat hint sil espe. Tnimosals recognize Mie i and experience 1 oceasionally seek is ‘confide in, him some secret which they Know Ba Keep. Fantastic and powerful creatures such as intelligent dragons see the archmage as a kindred'spirit and peer, and will offen s to socialize with the mage to sélieve the isolation of their lives, “— Strongholds ‘Facilitated by theic Immense power aad evause they Are frequently wellsiraveled, archiiages cnn live nearly anywhete they want 16. Oflen the! have two oF more houses, Keeps, o: “trongholds. some or all of which are kept as secret as possi- ble to insure the mage’s anonymity and saley. 4 ie oe Location) 7 ae if ae ea Sain mages choose to live i isolation far Hom the new= est civilization, This could be for any Gf several Teasons ‘depending on the motivations and personality OF the mages, Some, realizing thot they may eventually be hunt Los ‘evil aichmages, will seek 0 divorce Ne 0 that when the inevitable happens. na innocent bystanders ‘will be hafmed in the ensuing struggle, Though fatalistic, this " intucte displays 4 dep caring for others : i In other, eases, avchmages ate inspired by paranott (0 17) lige the gone slated lraios, Hearing assissl: her maues or theft of their property, these mages as a line of defense, ih effect hiding from ai from anything which night threaten their exis cw of thes’ solitary mages often go an extra step heir keeps heavily, placing varlous guards oF "hwindane 18Ks as cleaning, secu ‘Some of these archmages fake their need for isolation to the extreme, building thelt strongholds on other planes of This step is the ulliniate barrier between the mage fand any danger; the mage himself is typically powertul ‘eough (0 travel easily from his domain to. the prime plane. ‘Mages who take this step have had (0 plan the mos years in vance in order to study the necessary building Yechniques: required for @ potentially unusual envisonimient ‘Osher archmages choose to live near or eveh amidst civi- lization. Typically, these mages either consider themselves ‘PoWverfu chougl Lo repel any attacks on thele persons oF do + hot believe they. are sigoificant enough (0 be of interest to ‘ther powerful beings. Many of these mages feel they need ‘he surrounding populace for thelr survival or erave the com- pany of the Gomnmon man “Mlvesd mazes frequently feel the eel to involve then selvesn thie fives of those around them. Many insinuate ihomelves inp powerful positions, becoming the viiers o visors of the araa’s rulers, oF becoming the rulers them Ives, Bvil or self-serving archmages lake this step 10 inorease their power by ruling all they survey, Life under these nilets is usually harsh, and the citizens are typically forced to/contribite motley, goods or even themselves or family members to the mage in return for his “protection” from outside forces, TMore benevolent archmages see this position a an ‘opportu {improve the lives of those around thems, They Constantly use thelt power for the betterment of those under thee cule, {ypically doing such things as making the land ‘more feule, chaiging the sveather, curing blights, repelling “sales, ef. Whicther life under these rulers is prosperons or fiok is dependant on the abilities of the archmage, though fost subjecis are tisually happy with such a mage’s rule. - While some arehmages enjoy thi Hee pister the company’ of humanity without the responsibit- Gl ice: Mages such as these will often live a “secret” life “smnong the conimion man. living in ordinary appearing, houses ‘and going abot their daly lives much as the common ‘would, Only within their homes does life change and the ‘mages employ their powers to any degregiposing them for suet an maintenance. If some ‘ulside force thteatens the city, however, they will usually drop this facade to cote tothe defense of the suronnding area Structures “The strongholds themselves vary widely depending’ on... the personality nd history of the archmage. Sone mages tise their wealth and power to erect massive stronahol sapble high-profile lifestyle, Ns ‘of repelling small aimies, These fortifications are usually equipped with dozens of lavish rooins, extensive Taborato- fics and libraties, labyrinthine eatacombs, amt magical servants and fortifications, Depending on the mage’s power and resources, the outer Walls of the fortification tel! could be made of beautiful marble, caived with nhicate reliels and polished smooth. A keep such as thls © olla ypeally serve an aichmage who might be as con: 1 Cetned itl iis ow it personal comfort or appearance 3 the study of magic, | Other aschmages, those with a narrower focus, might build towers or sina keeps with fewer comforts of supertias, + ous coms, whose main purpose fs (0 Facile the mage in B his study of magic. Such buildings Would be rather sturdy to lect them from any harmful side effeeis of the mage's perieition an oly wit ie sents of time iat the mage dosen't need to interrupt his work (0 repair ee Lee ‘As mentioned above, some archmges, Pe vdinary-appeariig houses, perhaps within de Kes ‘hese buildings could actually be common houses iypically they are structires which hiave been significantly renovated” through various maglcs to be sighiicantty big- ‘get, more comfortable, more seco, ete, of the inside, What {rom all appearaitees fs a mieie hovel of the outside, could dilually be an expansive palace on the owl Image all the comforts and facilities he ctaves, without con- emning his neighbors or attracting mettdlesome thieves. Cillicr arohinages liké to mnake use of existing feeiities, Soin haye either found vacant or more commonly, taken ‘over an existing castle or keep after destroying or diving off iis previous owner, Here they go about setting things up. (0 thelr likings though there ate frequently unknown factors ‘Goons, Cursed, neighbors, et.) which the. pfevious owners: ‘were aware of, but nowt must be deal vith by Ue arebinages, another disedvanie to these “ised” stronghold as that they could be of any age, and hence, in any conltion: stairs might be unsafe, walls unsound, timbers infested, ete, requiring the mage or his nilnions to invest time and esouices in repairs, ne “Another type of slionghold whieh the archinage would rot have tc build himself, fs the toyal palace. Mn situations ‘where the wage is filing the roll of ¥iziet oF ruler, he will, of couse, be living in he royal palace, Here Ie could go about “his everyday business of desting with maliers of state with “out having (0 rouble himself with the mundaneries Of upkeep: thee are a plethora of servants andl subjects (0 do these thing note isting” stronghold, usually found in isolated areas, which ate Ofled thade use of by archmages are eaves and cavers. These nlassive unldergiound expanses provide a significant amount of open space within a sturdy Hone contine, The mage sill usially modily these chambers to suit his, purposes, adding doors, furnishings, Security, and: ‘other necessities, but leaving the areas primad}y natural. Siich strongholds are frequently quite fantastic, having enor ‘ous halls lined with naturally forined columns, bathing. chambers with undergeound rivers and waterfalls. nd fu hishings omately carved into the very stone of the caver. Also on the fantastic side, are Keeps built into gigantic ‘trees, donned cities beneath the sea, oF strongholds built gn the clouds whic: ronin Jozily oyer the unsuspecting cou sige. ‘though they are, strongholds such a these are! onimonly svithin the power of archmages (0 construct.” Toumieys fo keeps such as these are offen an integral part of aasy adventures, "sh uliniledesidng factor n eteryining the lifestyle ‘of archmiges ae, of course, their motivations, These moti- vations ate coinmonly fOrged from birth, starting with the typical racial personality of the mage. This mental founda. tion. theo ifligniced by the mage’ life experiences as he As Flom child to adult and from novice to wizard. A age who vas taken in @s 8 child and taught to respect iiatize and selflessly live in harmony with other creatures ‘vill Haye a radically different lifestyle as atv archmage thon ne who was chused as a child and constantly harassed by moss I njagicians. “Neharaeters motivations, in game terms, ave represent 4 primatilyby their alignment. In the above example, the fist sizafd described would have an alignment of lawful {oad while the olfcr Would likely end up neutral evil. This Fe ot 4 ha and fas role life experiences are handled dit. fereny by different people, The abused mage in our exami: ie ‘ple could possibly have overcome his adversities and devel- ‘oped cholic good at least neutral alignment, A charace fee's aligninent, however, will sill belgrgood representation ‘of his motivations, ‘Arioier determining factor in the archmage’s lifestyle is hhs drive or ambition: how actively he pursues his beliefs. Is.) he content (0 lay back and let things happen around him, pos | Sibly believing this is the way things are meant 10 be? Or» does he doggedly strive to take an active roll in the world ‘around him? Such a motivating factor will primarily dete ‘mine where he lives and how much the archmage will elfes those around hin al i Pi, Esta elo was, many tig years ago you 1 tsines 0.45, gompetence among his peers but w Maliger's Thoughts: all could be traced tothe actions off Ulutately, it was not enouy it a sense of responsibi idan’ chose to cusb his wanderings and claim the dead L aor and grounds were fraught with ti “Snathmat’s life, but all were eventually eradicated, Flore “school, teaching young apprentices, tw ‘nypressing upon each the need! for self co When the allies returned and bade hin ian was resolved. Only when ne leanne his closest comrade, di Esti the life of more tha {o travel to its final reward. Only the body will ane returned to the city wher days had taken their toll, and Estiian wanted nothing mor semblance of a normal life city, he purchased a small, secure: ly to his former keep on the coast By this dens outside his city cottage the security of his stronghold where he could a leisure. The demon, Fargus, in the ™manservant. The fiend i still under the mage verbally, Estidian j lemon is impotent to harm iti hopefil. conjure of the College Bifens. He as summoned from his schooling prematurely sete "Viscount Ephemere in his war against the renegade troll tribes of Wolke 5 Serving aboard weil-guarded wagons near the foedtont of the battle, Etat Ai his fellows launched destructive magies at th misshapen togledstes tnt tea “au no longer stand by their own strength. Only then would te wagone bese drawnand the mages allowed to rest, ‘After this routine had gone on for many ges lng with several ofthe inane, eventually chose to pursue a old pl epee war Working together, the mages cast an ancient Spel, banalonig the toll warlords into humans. The resulting insurrection among the tac ranks set the tribes against cach other until none Wasa threst Estdian and his ales returned to ther homes as heroes but could nof stay long, adventurlust now in their blood. The band traveled for sane see Brongn power all the while, The downfall of Fuit-Kol the eleansg i eves of Porton the saying ofthe best, Clana he sleeping of theo ha ian and his comrades. igh to Keep estidian satis, His skill began to bring ty. With the defeat of the sinister Lord Shathmat. cord’s holdings as his ps and unexpected legacis of Estiian set up a small ot sy ata tne nthe arcane ats and) mttol and the respect of others m accompany them on one last quest, thatthe prize to be had was the soul of n consent. The quest was long and arduous, costing i one of his fellows, but inthe end the imprisoned soul wes front ned, inhabited andl mate animate ig demon. Using his magic, Estidian forever bert this demon to hig te he frst rained to retire, The trials ofthe past. vot his past ie, oly the and the enjoyment ofthe simple things long dena! hint domicile and tied it extradimensional- arrangement he could tend the small pas ann socialize with his neighbors, while sil enjoying labbe in the mystic atts at his body of his former comsrade, serves a his ian’ control but constantly defiles ‘ores these ramblings, knowing the ‘months, Estidian and some ofthe other These days, Fstdian fees his health failing. Though he dee ot wis to prolong his existence, as other dnchmages des heb fel he une to pass his knowledge along tone wh mii \wonthy.To this end he has begun a search to find thi ideal candidate ols apprentice, screening each carefully and passing them on lo more haditonal me Schools of magi. He grove impatient hosvever aid muy be force ccd jes GOO" for less than his ideal in hopes of falling his dy Wish 10 ti 32 " 10 ee “ oe Coon OM ao Ree eH . PSOE Nor eco a ee Latics rons sue mM Ue Tenet . . SURG ein nesta anid caninol be denied, proof ever COG Gini neal fh LOE UMTS Corr ear ae Cou a ete rea CSAS ease ere CR et Seat eater Cena N ro) ed 1 ‘py weno" au yess ane 1 axl nS sands 8 ‘sn 4g i ois soni ot may ven his pyran i longer (foo anys avy ia Hehas tence mero wan bn GAP" Feds andthe feiture of huriedly-wroughe spel 4 ne ope of donne posts gpd ou the spp of ca ‘ron asia hi quest for work datnaion. The rs bonever danendedit en a erence arr. When Maphiis ied pec he Sul that he ve £05 gers n exchange, giving hi tiny remus ofthe nfemis in tee pce ee ‘timinuve ends ie upon is knuckles, ding abe as mack-digie aan cry ev sockets, whoring descriptions of al hat les borin Dec sof the demonic pct. these sal deans mus serve hima nommal apfendoges eae completely unhampered bythe Morph began his lite of magic asthe toaying apprentice of Laslon a ou! wird Lao ook several unaverble stands tonanleteetoag eee evenly became“ ns inthe yal eyes Moai ce {om ove him to accept an off to replaces former master and mde ne sheling’s name . ff enti te ing tt: Mors becans wily. ey eral li : 1 fhe kingdom. He cally he King’s tmbons of wine heh i rep Sea, song vue, auing ad asin biota i oe ache be GAS. Staines be ovened be kng's prc wi den ch [Sebel alsin th excitons himtn he erent te nee on i He that Mepis aed at his easing nor archaic, ein to destroy athe champions of the sounding nds inasnge How ane es 4s econ le Moyphidis igus and raced, loving nee eal ons igi tive him ou ofthe stronghold ding hs weatnese goa in th Legrun nouns, Mons lame he downfl of heing Sow fx yer hi greed andl antition involving him several ies inthe eee rower mages and pests. Many tines he tied to topple thud loch ehh ‘maze, omtines with militar force, bu every tine fing. Exenualy Mise ha dean nse inhi at oping io achieve emu power oeners fein ening ton Hisislation and he anperings wih he primal foes slowiy doe tn though hisascane genius sued. uh is servings ofthe ether, Maps ud of he existence of gateway [ne infra eas ang sae, nd ofthe renege ote Rnpiocd tin, {See destroyed Predicting ter eventual invlvemen, Mpa ee ct Area illed assassins anda lesion of mercenaries, an sent ihe odes heey rile, he could eacentae en how to best lize the nea eo Me dvs an achagic which ould allow him contel over ay ing which ested tough sch ge, bu needed an awn cue of Un eve ne, Alter long months of delving int ancien religious texts Mone loon ‘he 200s of old, who lvedin a iy inthe clonds Bulk oftheewene one fos themselves, th ity was sid t tack a lengtytat ego coe throug te ans Remy, Marphiius has dctennined iain he. gb loud yan is locaton. Jus days before he woul be cipal find ‘by the Knights of Ages, he transported himself and his eflensto the ity, There he onl ete rar scene rin tt pover his pel and po ee Now he wait fr th oper alin othe si af ta pe diglEN” SbNetketbe tesa gue Hs mewed die eet Neutcal BI ota te Knits a anyone be Wome stan wa 10 ‘ 9 ve 4 ‘ogether:we could rule all ep weapon OP he said, "Togetherl" As it he gan zay® COTTER OM NTE Eanes senor é UR URUGnr sree rane {Dattip 14 parts of Ve Pia asa An Yen SST ge i : UE AU on ran rat ant aS ch Oe8 a gyeleeti DO La Str TIS eas yal prowess anh DON) COOLS nanos ae HS ST sae WoT Pes from his living body as enters LUE aera ee) uss gic (1001 erect Magic ol Touch Perso File Eee na ental Cog eel Ue RG ABIL eT Se, See effects: Matic D's ‘chavm Artifacts ‘The: enchaninient was coniplete. As } gasped for cool breath tn the fresh night air, Lreflected on my condition, Yes, it woilld riot be long before the world and I parted, but “ing heart Was tess heavy now, Steaniing tn the molst grass Before ine was the golden scepter, wrought by my ova ids, which would kee 10 it that my lands would never ne fall. to darkness, t Jie ‘conjtrations of mortal wizards ate often as fleeting: shi ali bref lives al ths sag items they create ca ‘immorality heir spells are denied, Many. power: b imate ep “ould never be oisuotly introduced into a ‘ampaten as they ave of sich power that they could easily unbataice te game svithin a very short tie, Aritacts should be frequently excoiiieted by the characters, hoviey- oh ‘through’ miyths, legends arte the stories ‘of bards. These veiled and distoried feferences should be'used tov whet the characters) appetites so that when the time: oes © inler one, is significance will carry the propet weight. “IH Ps should ever go questing for such items 9 tongs out ‘of 10 they should be following false statics ‘oF encounter ‘sone’ tess powerful item (whi A}, When angatifuet {> intiodiced into play, it should Be fone of the MO significant things thal Ean happen in the ‘eanpaign, perhops the g0al of a he Aiduous dies © ying many months. y us Power Bleed [Most magic items are an aioe point for a complex kaot! of spells: Anlfets contain suet powerful mage thal nd to "bees nto he inet envionment ef none place t00 lon. | det effec! of extended exposure to an artifacts “energy: depends on its powers and the length of exposure. & © few hours will Trae lite effect, but hag percep Over the iv may. of may not work at, artifact is left fh one place for centuries, the area is often remiade in its image, 3 For instance, a crown that gives the wearer the ability 10% conimand fie would raise the ambient temperature in the, immediate area in a mater of hours, Tn day or by plant life would begin to die, anf over the « first year, the surrounding earth would become cracked. If ihe crown svas abandoned for decades, the area would ‘atiract the attention of creatures drawn to flame stich as ele- rigntals, Centuries of exposure could open a gale tothe cles ‘menial plane of fire, transforming the immediate area into-a woledsie wasteland, “This process is « good way for gamemasters to rationalize. | ‘he creation of dangerous adventures syhich would make _biaiing artes seal challenge he of Magic ‘An artiast containg a great deal of energy. In worlds * ¢ ‘phere there’ area fot of magic items, the amount of may “{teiny anid ariifacts may eventually reduce the amount of available ambient niapic the are, Nence making spell cast Kull to perform. If some powerful wizards realize this is happening, they may : fe that the easiest solution is t0 destroy a few isit coniained energies back into the the edneg ote He are 10 Nays a gamenaster can use this principle Lea ss the chavacters could be hited by a wi isi insite and convinces them tht some: a atfact to release te power it contains ‘haators already” possess am artifact, they may be stalked, ‘by-agents of a wizard who has decided one of the arti- facts they possess must be among dhe fist too, AC firs the eres Wl ot kiwis gong, but even if Figore i ul the wizard aay be able 0 convince the heroes a “desisoy their own magic items. Creation of the Relics Arcane Grealing an artifact ig an arduous and dangerous un {aking alfempted only by the mos! ambitious or powerful is the wlti- fate goal in the lives of many archmage ‘The potential artifact must be ei it falugady possesses some great magica siggy that of ordinary: magi¢ items (such as the hond of a lich oF ‘fone from the throile of @ god) or else must be crafted by the the enchanter himself or those’ under his personal direc- tion, The craftsinan (craftsmen) must achioye at least 5 points above the necessary Proficiency Check to create the tein and tt must be made of the finest materials available © fo} 100 mile “The enchanter continues by collecting no fewer than 6 “magic items of exceptional value and power (worth at least “30,000.XP combined), which are drained and rendered use “Tess in the anifact's creation, the items must be in pristine ‘condition aid tnaliefed by magic. The enehianter must sur- ound himself with these ftems and meditile on them undis- furbed for at least 37 hours to discern the patter of eldriteh ~ Higuamony which will be cteated by their combined cnorgies. 4 With this design foremost Un his mpd, the enchantey “ Inseribes the pattefn’ onthe ground using « combination of 60% gold dust, 33% ground semi-precious stones (of various types) au 7% eintabar Cor similar mineral). The collected ” ‘nagie items ate then airaiiged in their positions of sigoifi ‘canes about the pattern along with the ie & be cnctinted Now begins the hazardous ritual of Airifaer Enchantment (see page 39 for more details), Each of the following steps inst be suecessfol or the enehantinent will all, + Hah item must make a save ys... Highinin ecurs as the onehaniter chamiels his magic } ‘and back to himself. ae * ‘The enchanter, acting as a syncheonous conduit for this ‘must save V6. death aU -3 oF be Constimied, This intended artifact must save vs. death as if fh were a spelleailer of significantly fower level thatthe enchanter C1 {evel for éach of the colivcied magic emis), ‘Once this procedure i< completed, the new-mnade axtfact ‘must be quenched jn the darkness of a anbaniless night ull ‘dawn, The timing of this last step is oruclal as the item could beoome warped by the nevly-imbuied envggtes and explode ‘or fave its magic slowly leak away. , ‘The enchantor of 4 new artifact must take entra Cate, however, as any arehinage oF neat-archmage within 100 smiles ill certainly know of the enchantment. ‘This then anifget is potentially as dangerous undertaken only by the most | or needful) of souls, Destroying an artifact is alyays dangerous. Either the procedure itself is immediately life-threatening (such as submerging it into the.lava of a active volcano), oF th required to accon ing the cavemous temple of « humanoid death god and plac- ng the tein on the alter). Every artifact has ifs own unique means of being destroyed which is typically unknown, even toMthe person ‘ho created it, Only the most powerful of beings sich as ‘rls and demon lords can “pre-progrann” the means by which the atifact they create can be destroyed, 4 ‘To besin the quest for an asifact's unmaking, a spelleast ‘eof al least 8th level must cast legend (ove spell, The aster must have possession of the artifact (0 be destroyed, ‘long with 3 or siore powerful magie items (whose combined XP value is atleast 13,000) which are completely drained by the Hal, AL the completion of the spell, the easter niust maken save v6. rods or suffer 10-60 points of damage as the tage of the apifact lashes out sin le astra for 16 hours ddring which time he will dreann ofthe objects “unmakibg. As this knowledge comes in the form of a dream, ‘he infosmation may be clouded or misleading. Spending « ‘seek in contemplation ofthis information or spending S'days in discussion with a competent diviner or gifted seer has a 30% change f adding some clarity tothe dream, ‘An atifact could yespond to its unmaking in a number of sways, fropy niaspifigent to éoticlinactic, ‘There is only a TOs kine tha the dan of eestitton will foretelt ofthis event, Some items explode, annihilating everything for hun- ‘feds of feet around Somie merely crumble into dust; thers vansfort in a bUgst Of light into small creatures; white th- ‘ee sinibly lose their magical abilities while retaining their Toshi, Many other effects are possible and GMs are encout- fed 10 delenineelfecis which ave appropriate 10 the arti fact and the campaign. Somns examples of methods by which ar agsuioyell are. An enchanted weapon is rendered inert by plunging it Anrough the breast of is ereator. : + power cloak mst be rapped ie in pe saspbery Co 4 i pets nay be, ies pluiged into an Alive Vea, Tx ngtia eonstet aust be estsembled by he inst son cof a storm giant king. 27s powerful sveapon must be used to slay one of highly dis fiptned purty and ton Tithe artael must be breathed upon by an ancient, acid gear cng A magie device must be doused inthe lifeblood 6F jgpreonel y sh / ‘ r ‘ ih ) fe hi ms The Bastion x Zhe Bastion looks Ike a massive sult of armor forged from Kon 938 SAgtt8® plates hall an inch thiele hohe together with steet and inlaid wit ast ah NO GAKNG sliver nines that cover mostof te se <0 cath SG The Bastion wos forged out of an earth elemental by a dwarven he creature's spirit into the armor 8, sorts Fateh et wizara who bond oh a Oe Ww ot raat the enchanted annor a wanior of Skill 9 or bet. Ber ust (speaking in dwarven) command the spit to awal| Spat ae eReVE him. If these conditions are not met there fe as Tee fone on the armor short of a wish spell. The Bastion aives'thg Weater the fotlowing advantages; {he'atinor offers protection equivatent to platemall +4 {he armor wil absorb hal ofall physical damage tnfcted on the RANGE teaver has 125 nit ports and regenerates Seog ee {ound the amor is ever killed ull colapse rescore fe earth and stone from which it was forged, jie etemental bound in the Bastion will manipulate the armor to Bric and ampily the wearer's actions, giving him the een ee Of a 25 Strength white ne wears ihe ou nite i am arbalest bull into the shoulder of the suit that ean Wig once round, in adltion wo the characters noveal watt @ THACO of 11, The bolts are +2 weapons they oe ees Points of damage. The sull never needs relosdney (pate armor has spiked gauntiets that are the equivalent of «2 weapons that do 248 points of damage (plus Strenath bec {ge armor will continue (0 fight ulten the wearer fe secon sclous but wil stop when it nis out of opponents ert anee fries tas a THACO of 11 and can attack once por ence both of its mailed fists, TA’ oly danger to using the suit is the living spirit within It The earth elemental witl oceasionally decide that Ie ‘wants something and will try to wander off. Ifthe suit Is being worn, the occupant may save vs, spells (0 keep the Bastion under control The creature's desires are Infrequent but bizarre. Tong had the craftsmen Jabored into the nigh, a hundied USDC Sea ernst are ey LNCS Wana sen TTR SU ene ATI ET Secor Ave ROUTES een DUDES Nance ee ann WU te Nat he neh Heer A or ety UST tieon repr SOIC ih a fe a ‘ a This mighty weapon can only be used effectively by gw character with a strength of 23 or better. It is possible sll lall weaker characters to use We bat they receive a weg WH, every point under 23, toa marys 9 ath Hammer has the following abilities: 8 a gS Hy nee gall at oath 0h «0 “une llammer is a +4 weapon that does 5-30 points of damage. “When used against fortifications, each blow from this mo cPon does structural damage equal to a battering ram. ;The Hammer can destroy any ite blow In one swing. No saving throw is allowed magical, in which case it may save at a-2 penalty. A successful attack with the Hammer will destroy the Huns armor or shield (wielders Choice) unless the armor or _ Shleld is magical, in which case it saves as stated aban 'm vulnerable to crushing untess the object ice ‘The Hammer Resounding is made of living metal that subconbers everything its wielders have experienced, Tha pupconscious reinforcement can be quite educational ts Warrior characters. Fighters of shill level 6 or less carn triple hee aexberience while using the Hammer in combat, aoe those of skill 7 to 12 earn double experience. (ree @ day the Hammer may be used to strike the earth itself. The force of the blow reduces the wielders Strength points for 3 days, and the superhuman and Stamina by 2 Hoagtion reduces his maximum hit point total to hall fer an hour, The blow causes tremors the same effects as an rant idtake spell cast by a skill 18 Priest and create a ton re cee btls that rains down with the same effects acy meteor swarm spell cast by skill 20 Wizard, The tiving metal of the Hammer Resounding has ah ambitions and desires that may not coincide with to Whee those of the wielder, If the wielder does not calls 10 engage in melee combat on a reqular basis, the artifact will try to lure the wielder onte «i the battlefield by entering dreams)And. 1s, implanting suggestions that will infltience him’ during their waking hours. These powers work like the, dream and suggestion wizard spells, Pisa ca) SRE tas oM I Manes CLALIT ton eis DIGIC tay DTS RIE I CUSSETIR)TRS Rua LEO OL TSn SHEA. thy feet by a RCT a rin} CATO Sea Tt ‘ ae Fin should ever ry hess) itll a the Waer a. hail 4 aeonvenient pace: Fat to save ts oni fox et ater Life's Wellspring sien jn room enclosed ears 10 be 8 Frage ile inh quickly rang 9 oe aes FE won vy iting 119 Fr Faves wettping 2 rot vee ge rod te it eh a oh cael wat auewo 10082 pois eae eel gyn em vom’ sie) ts eee nei res! a ; Surveyir ° ge yng the 0 snference of the SPE Sgraved in fe Looks she apr tiny ore moore on and NS i the _ teat reform (alloseiN 018 the ill i . pring eines BS SD gen eon Re tie ering). He ee ta ag a, it will contin: ge, Caso we santace of sins ca BS Ming about 10 tHE * square. the Wellspring pndcnpes where hy 48012 oe exist tn poepsaion xi aM inginable 1oHe a ich the WelspEE securing doors testes, he ware ofthe mended CE fw mt sent eyctng ee ot et tl By ae ers dean 1 oe lad tay of le we pody aged te Ne ery and pecpares a smal one ids the: WateTS val er: eats pen of one of INE oes ate weg ae ese he inser is in the ground ye werlsping as created Forme prin seca perf aie FeO tod, The set Comins + ally 10 BSCE within 24 nos siete ne size of HEE eran AS Tite the size OF EE aa ad plane wi es © iain 2 days, ce seca a saat ier. to grow a hess of the Fae ik smashes the SHEE ait of water eeiely AT to issue forts $0"? ae Wellspring. rowing Bows towed te site Panis will beeit Mine ont sume om rm ne Pras previes coneiton Be tim co aes tw vase its destination, and he ‘elspa wil reo Hen ithin Fee fn, vl be te Size of river “peta for 100 acts SEE recone alive with plants ition, Local animals will reaches i ec age reforms 200 2 «sO contin 10 108. TH reieneurse TS ata of ye ess ad ont ey eS yrs the spring is born OF Ipgin wo eave 8 ne aes month yaar of ANY Ene a man en eS for ail rv pgino reside ithe EO" spent nl the 3 ie setrieved FOr acts ea fr Wa eer’ grow Wil HAN abilized. THE 5 at sae Fc a Fee ‘Animals | time the sai the 18 cemirely presse ah which defies He OAT of is the om magic. The Wells end tee ie tows ual oF impossible yy swater is broken premature (ili A er ill si ion). the a ral course (possibly reaches 8 1ET 4 uhe Wellspri out proper ist Pill follow a nat! BE gem or wits se ato, the way) wn BS forth as betore. BM Tooding itsbited # a and cou be broken PS ye sphere Bsa rate a8 a8 RE The Lode Arcane ¥ qe Lode Arcane Is a magical stomnge battery whose energy is so val ong he Gina of archniogic spel said ts be hese eco ae “ron beneath which meqic tne Lode is said (0 be altuned to asta any spell he Lede Arcane as its slightest i myone wishing to wiek! i sks belng maha Unless hie saves vs. Rods al 4 anyone wii “Bd as ceased mages potent the Holaee e RAS “Te of aver iat PetSon mey never pursue Ie as sage oe ae ‘ape OF gal (oun magic items sit Function). i Ue hokey Sea and fails to save: he is immediately reduced tena es 2 ver ‘gain practice the mystic arts These conditions ae: pone ne cannat ‘d, even through a wish spell. If the Save VS. Rods is Scceslu at person reed never fear touching ts an Si ; dial drawbacks age tfetivey draining the image of a ee inst and continues for as long as teat touch can drain all magi Sterlized by the Lode, lis wlelder at twice the normal rate, his Body, This effect cannol be saved ay holding or carrying the Lode. {2 Abide: trom the abitity to ows lied tater, the Lode Arcane oe 7 anal er foucted tothe Lode i permanent dratned of al magi Ef and tendered facts an re ng at 2 1+ Any mage item whieh hse of all its chaiges less drained by the Lode i aiged by touching the Lode at {he restoration of each charge, however: the hem yeh etic Oe bunt ot by the pone of the tae’ hi Ass oe gives ts wleide the ability to detect adhe to see oF | mile Gals sictdr becomes atanca'wi i eaey Make 2 fargo tm of though feat making an Insight Check. The inal Cheek eave though this improves by's| per week the Lode hades hen for see enables any wizard welding to cant Speke Cas the need Maer fycompanents: Verba Somat'or Matera the tea ae Mee Ot ae ormaly Grown rom the components Res oer ey ofthe spell changes, however (une to cast at of archmagle spells en esses a number of other abies 1 Lote Aranes most powell aby. Hower, ss ably to peng atin a cg ap tz ers aby 1 the toe ca ke ne ce ng sing ese Sue a set sre spc up ie cat nen! ich dot Fesull. The Lode also prevents any side effects {not backfires) as a result orth casing cn ane Pada in dept fr tse\ne Sn eel casting hater: he nage Acar st be change pei Seva aes: the Lod eA eee sen es Pi shes in chain ra fe SHG aaa eo THis event s'S0 notable tat al arched Ge ai Wie, Soler noma hace ee chen reshape aaa 4 When this “harging takes place, al nag ems in the area are inmmediatly and ever Has Ne tena f lous ules 01 AWAY: ‘drained of power (a 6or Ade: ers previously ase ee may Save Van: ‘are spelleasters ‘ make WO ‘death to retail ae ‘magical creatures nueh sage fivell WS Gath or De destroyed. Those thal co save may ier hiG lela Hi ‘are rendered comepletely nonsmagiealt freaks and aber y tions. Even priests are wiped clean of thelr speticasting «bill i ties. Their situation Is reversible, however The‘ate pulsates with imysti¢ ON Cet a ea aaa Mienrar (2th tere Sh LEC eronnsn se higher oF b WITASUne ae in soi PSHE aa ae ree EST Te Iara A Uae eles pat ae ae OATS ciKer ers ena LES Serine one Magee OF unimatched ability Would see wea of tse comb tn eat ot can et ‘his nique avtfact a Toe eae 20 2 st san ike poet ka cota pas is msl. TN 1 mt Eee ns we a Bisa erat mnptey teers tet won egsisone Peers the ower ha nee rete 2s or the powers Poe ve ake eet 28 S008 nana te Divine Sha NY theca is eon OMNES he ame to develop PP” manera eatin wil Be LNG TS honk ee sare ave lon pr toh, an the ast of e- *f aies nbbe deadly rein phys yeket dimension orig opulent but at any delay 62 ‘The Mantle immortal ppalae a cloak whiclt nset ipane’s speci ver than 13 ‘ete wearer can cast a comb rane fib putes 10W' to 18 are the character's Ate pation of prtind all Attributes ann aition the character > best i nation at does not FeANES rcate Meonsponent aN Jncveased artibuie 5 NCEE or instance 3, dy another point aby age ith SHE 18, Int Ty Ins 16 Sir 20, ht 13, Ins 17 him to Fe Tin ait at Will. gi ek ty an ADS Sab, Dex 18 bese cons the Mane 2 imanortal shen got age 5 ng 8 wet ets and er one ell cot tne gamemasters dis tack every Je craiain extended Conta crate Sra ca gE IN, 2m Bites sch a5 SUPE sible SL use. ILi5 even ‘ebestow gochood. Peenties oF cOnUNL Himited to Spavacter tly di sees poner ere es eae: Ie Magic Tolerance phe wearer receives? Magic what he seems ODE naa sarees ae Fe inne to spells cast tional at regula fn et fave their effect nally intlicted: PP javutlnerability idivease ard vearer is ont fr innate The weare! poison and Paaition, the feat weapon’: Authority: Jo of the divine character at throug he symulate WOF ninions of 2 me iter Meatart tO occue OD A ve mantle rors presence i Ty all that has ut is only effective The wea warn when the character Bas S01 the mantle for a mont io receives 20 NSB ‘Check every week (0 Yes of the Divine Salen When he abiliies: ke atlowing ational tunderstand the F vngecesstl He BANS hy nse sero seh a tasks stag ors, as fete inst io ath but each 5° sve regeneration” fhe toss, but i rhe wearer will be atten de vill see to men jn ti up with t The Mount Fantastic gia The Mount Fantastic is a flendish, terrible creature, con sisting of the carpse of hhuge. dragon-tike creature overlaid and fused saith 4 ‘massive device of bronze dears and crude mech nisms: the oldest af long dead beasts made an mate through the forced infusion of ‘magic and technolo: ay. Desiccated, athery wings sprout from bleached baries and are {ippotted by rods of thetted steel spel tssles'ana cartilage which normsily iipuldte the wings and tall are replaced b> Kl Dellows which pulse and hiss wilh Inharna, # 20d the decomposed head stings securely at i, e702 Jong, articulated neck of inesterhiek Ef vlates.') THe Mount Fantastic can be ridden only by the fost skilled riders. requiring an Alrborne Rive Droficlency Check at takeoit and during any eifieed ‘This successful fusion of the arcane and the mundane provides the Mount with « mune oy ique abies; «The Mount Fantastic Is highly resistant to both magic and technology. has a magic tolerance ot 70% and Technology Tolerance of 43%. When faced by any non-magical resistance, the Moot generates an inprobablity Held which tin 35% ef ok Situations) causes the laws of physics being esc! Against Ito occur absiormall: a sword banding pith Its body instead of doing damage, winehe being pulled inte the ground instead lity the creature, ete * The Mounts supernaturaltechnotogleal wings can ‘cay it (and is rider! at speeds up to 4S, sat allow It to travel within the Ethereal ang Astral planes, “The Mount can spew forth gobbets of ‘decomposed flesh from somewiere deep within its. [ronlaced ribcage. These gobbets ae pital targets and have an elfect:simiar to 1 of the lundead, draining 2 life levels from any ‘one they it 4 ze Mount. tke undead creatures, is immune seep, charm, hold, de Id based spells, The Mount ean be ps aired in a numbed Of says. Spells such as cure ght wounds and cone serious wounds will have full effect on the creas Anyone making a successful proficiency Check using Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Healing, of Herbalism will restore 1-4 points to the cieeiune The effects of these proficiency rolls is Cumulathe The ereature has an Armor Class of 4. a THACO of 4, and makes 3 attacks per rounds iad Inet 2-12 points of damage with its claws or fan and 4-24 points with its bite. The Mount has BO Hit f points (remember to apply the Mounts Technolo Tolerance to each altack\. When the Mount reece © HTK. it ceases to function. It can only be cons Dietely destroyed by doing an additional 160 poi Of damage tagainst which the creatures Ter hgag Tolerance wil not functions and filling Kes skull cavity With molten gold (about 10,00 gp wouth If this last Step is not completed, the Creature can" be full repaired, The Mounts undead halure also makes It sus ceptible to taming by priests. If successfully lured as ich, the mount Will retreat from the priest toa distance of 100 yards, hough it may stil follows hiv at this distance. I discovered in its dormant state, the Mount Fantastic can be reanimat: 64 and attest to the of a specific "master" who must be of shi higher and h Insight of a least 13. The potential master must engrave onto plates of purest siver (worth 50 sp each) the various eam mands he wishes the Mount to respond to up to 4 pet plate). these Plates are placed into, 7 {he creature's skull cavity etoha wil an ie or pe sonal significance to the master, which Moth at least 10 gp and have been canted by the master for over 5 yeais. Lastly, the master auet Bhi! halt of bis ove tie sbigod thalf the charactors HTH points worth) into the mae. S Mounts mouth, The “dion of this blood wil bi beast to ie. Chiat iyeh lefendet's blade struck (rue, LLL one ante nee of Tolten flesh sail away in CUTEST nT at Pe) MLCT TRS TI Ts Fest ROG LOTS Ten net ne Sound as its bon through the plate armor. TNE ee ee Jeon’s Move= re ices the ga! ment } ‘The Serpentine Galleon rate mment by 5.” HE the ship's move! Feaches 0", the ship will fall the _ Serpentine wood that wil Galleon has the Power to. sail betwee? worlds. f Staciog ar ae Dimensional travel is fests positions Gane ia eave ata ne ‘The Serpe! ship made ou ‘a strange Fe float, but th cannot the air as swiltly 98 4 dragon ; Massive clave Gent Pe made to BraSP: difficult serving as efficient be ys or physical iMitive guidance of Seapons that can TIP ‘decks and shred Canard of skill 12 OF” sails. oMeer who hasj learned a series © 2 ‘phe ships Kommand words DY | automatons W| Casting legend lore OF drive the oars, the ship. his artifact has existed many worlds, T Cunningly crafted the automal ligence couple ength, a potentially nation, Each of the aul an Armo! TITK points and yeunder any circ tary intel- rhuman forms on Mrreause to despise ME Se who would sal fos hunt theit pre many s combi- those wil has 30, and tho: iy ancient enemi f similar er ships Spear from time 0 4 f these veng fons have rudimen | with supe’ dangerou romaton: Class of sumstances- yy on Tess- design and may me, anxious for a eful captains £ will not attac The gears cannot De turned by anyone th of less than 18: fight. Few ©! wil be willing t© explain their presences Borate, without a fight with a Strens! or stay their § is powered by an inferh ower source can be ws force super the figurehead’ s the dragonship. 1° does 9-72 (9D8) points be used as with no The ship of damage: often as once Joss of mobility: ane, re beth ae The Singularity Engine The Singularity Engine is one of the but the oniy'part of is vast mach Father ordinary looking key When a mortal touches by the engine. I this happens Mie And only a fal wish ean bring them back, acter becomes attuned 10 the power of the hey ‘destructive effect from thal moment forors ‘The Key fs cold to the touch ad carries tke a staic charge Power and has.a 83 Tocate object Thowah Engine actly 1s four diferent dimensions . these devices draw two worlds together, u aig LIS composed of haf ofthe other two. Theil wh 6 8 0, a nat Si the key. he must save vs, key to be th posed of sever a acto aah ky CaN saw on the awesome energy of the engine Jess ch Act. wil sing the artifact to create any object heey regard: ess of Size or complerily. tng etter" tuned fo the Rey Ne can use Ito produce any ofthe Following effects, my ey mi oblects at wil. the object is something the character could Coins ene oar haNe: ME may create Ie with minimal elton, etek Cons is no problem inner dey madterately sized objects once a turn. These objects may be no rear te caster. On the folowing round the caster ieee the arvorcan nor and may take no action save recovery. Large ee Le armor can be easily produced with this power soa moves, beets once an Hour A large object ks no bigger than a the caer ual ths power stns the character fora ay on nae the casters current hit points by tral, fas a sree beets There is no upper tat to this power, but the caster Ktneneane Se SPels the attempt ‘simply fais, ane te cha his sete Tor an te HEY. Using this powser sso strenuous that stress e hall Lost nF atk feduces Ns cumrent HTK pots to 0 an ni ta Hal Lost Stamina returns at the rate ofa point per day of untnteeee Tes a ee sed 10 create tving things or magic items, but the orang ceateates may not be permanent. it cannot recreate yk ining which already exists (existed) since it creates ait lems scratch, bing into the raw essence of Some of the original world will be woven into the new construct. When creating 4 Imige object there is.a 16% chance that the confusa, ‘lon wilfhave unexpected results, 11 primal entities exist in the campaign world, ime a small object Is created that 1 attention of a planar guardian. This ehinee large and 8% for a huge obj ‘moderate, 4 per body and soul are I the save was s and Is Immune to the artifact, al complex devices carefully artifacts ever created,| ‘appears on the plane prime Is a death or be consumed ulerly destroyed successful, the char 4 mild etecteical current K cannot be deformed or destroyed by any moray Magle Tolerance that it can use to resist sete Mh the singularity: there Is a 19 sil attract the Is raised to. 25% for jects Believing ourselves safe, we OUST Sth oan Pats US ITS eran ae ROT cat rad estan there were subie differences.that fflcull 10 Spot but proved Moat ST ican Rute eee SH SLM ESTE aa Tae satt ai ee Ler Aa ara eer nS BSCS ar Tesora | LM Sele ta ier eae Ae i ‘a ings elas tracts of cast. a small © es away ae chats. 6 sno can ea «400 wall fe The atte 4 can ere ry Omnipotence hone at wil: He recs walls &te bain, WIE -phrone of Earthl spre origins of he THEO Earthly up Apu ire mystery a constrict yup 1023 se away Throne, 3 roveal ca cF2aNe seaence or Fa one ne pe bastom of 2 ee Copies win oe tes nas. THE Messe, the att earn le Estee aga gan a oe otems any nee grolied BY il ns hve svn oT wath 5 muh Tough gee win ay gle an CT . Bough ir appeared Merion 1 8 a hota ae pbearet Legend has i that § rong-forgoten. go of He andere every Huet AN Pr stome golem ev! ah Mecal Bri pears hi idence be Hs ETL ote Beene HME ON tb earthly itloo, stave vith impurity Ne ameinay ¢ bassty: Ue atuned can cause foriiardh, ang, waren) 2 Lay a and avant One Of thoes GR ‘area and cause, i Bhi: sower to Me entail 8 p20 square mile Finmense Ps bare documented One ofthe THON vc this belie ae i assis we EA sPivone must save SS 2a co ust MBNA 4 a pears the SUrBe Smeal energies OY ips sales Sita © pase who fall ate hor hy ta a voteanoes within 100 en can be made to evant a petition Pease ring the stun heir stone £2 Trunateeas of other will cs jini Ta anyene alterP walls, Show! 5, the transformed sun artifact of mens PONE ne powers entity weet adorn the surround 6 ym te Thro, hese ove (cane wa ard HE ems hk wl attack offenders being foe panth Eat THOT Frequensty vse” BY oe wor pse burns commonly PE Mabstantiat 200 wr Famer, and even the cor anol refs aout tHe nto prevent of those entities the form of “Those Who 5 “Thaone tone may wtilize 9 © its powet from wtilizing 510 F taunch capi ve The sutton lasted, rook ‘nd Wat hers frequent! from each othe ese assaults: ES and unstable, et fits powers mountail Likewise nthe Throne 3 fence of 1 sc of World Sympathy for nthe power venteating, they 6 ‘rose attuned are we" a there. By cone satel Goto, they ave eal that happens 1 OT Tee world, These who i cua of session must EN rea shows evi vregs melted smooth, FIRE ELEMENTAL ARTIFACT ENCHANTMENT FPaIMUIR Uc eRCONNa) ashe ZR RE DN Ycsconacoe acl Sts POU SSM SN tEAM RIOR CCN ISAT aacacnihcas) RisiisMFanarLaky TAL LasUyita aat xa Me SAA dal Co TENG ARTIFACT CAN BE ENCHANTED (THOUGH THERE MUST CASON Thana ACUI Me Nina CeriTaNnte Cala TSCA ON ia CaO NLL So ala LNCS MORE POWERFUL MAGIC ITEMS INTO ONE FINELY CRAFI €D ITEM. THE COMPLETE PROCEDURE OF ARTIFACT. ESTan Shen IO IIPCaICa U0 - Archmag | Archmagics. Seribing the fast of the runes on the wall of the cave, she waited anxiously for the first of them 10 arrive, clutch ing the knives to the pounding tn her breast, Only a minute of s0 passed but it secined like ait eternity. When the spieit rose up, the sorceress nearly missed at with a “deft dagger sroke, S003 thes: were all around her, dozens of worded shades howling their anguish, When they had “heen chastised to the last, she ordered the phantoni legion 10 go,forth aiid devour the hope of the Ting. “_Archinagies ar stuals whose effects transcend the lim “lations of mete spells. As rare as they ste powerfUl these " higicks allow mortal slzards fo perform temendous nin les that can change the course of au entire re Obtaining Archmagics, My miniols had travelled 10 the fa carners of the knowin world and beyond in search of & rcane ref- ‘erence Known to the Order, but none aivarded the prize. These tomes held the conppited wisitont of the ages bit none contained the power t had been promised. When t ‘had all bu given ip hope, iny apprentice broneht me ‘one of the scrolls that I had somehow overlooked. Shice we had acquired the manuscript, sections of te (ext had changed, and it was clear that the new. passages” desoribed one of the greater rituals 1 had sought My) destiny was athand. te Many archmagies have the power t0 change the World, Such spells are valuable sid are carefully looked after by those who created them and those fortunate enougli to have obtained copies of them, Getting access (0 an archmagic should be one of the mnost difficult things @ player character can aspire (0, Conyinctng the owner of an archmagie to share his secrets would be nearly inipossible, aind discovering @ a be the abject of an extensive and proba- ‘bly dangerouis quest. If obtaining an archmnagic iy too io then sihat should be an epic occurance is robbed “of its sighifican p The master stood alone on the mountaantop clad only in the white robes that symbolized purity, | watched for hours as he repeated his mantra ver and ver again until he cleared his niind of all Tibacions tand signalled to me that he was ready to begin. As an apprentice, L had assisted in the casting of all manner of | “spells, but there was something different about this oney Something dangerous that seemed to shake the old’ man's confidence to the cove, As things tirned ou, Ie would pay dearly for his tack of faith, Lave at night 1 ‘can still hear: him screaming. ‘Atchmagics like nonnal apells. ‘The required energies could not be impressed onthe mottal mind, making memorization mpossible, Wizards must read the archmagic directly from the manuscript, Also to cast an archmagic spell, a wizard must be’ of suffigiently high level (as showi on the table below). If gn attempt is made to cast an arch- insufficient skill level, the mage channeled enough magic to activate the spell but not Successlully, and the spell will backfire, See individual spell descriptions for exact eftects ARCHMAGIC SKILL REQUIREMENT spell ‘Skill Level Level. Necessary to Cast 10. 20th alt 22th 12 2ath 13 26th 4 28th 15 30th Researching Archmagics Since the master's return from the far, reae! has spent most of his time inthe tow ‘are So powerful that they cannot be east.” he, a ‘Occasionally he sends me out to dequire some peculiar mateyial, Last sunimer I brought hint « chalice filled with mare's sweat. Futve no idea what he could do with ‘such a fhing, but my position is not to question, In rare moments. of lucidity, we discuss his work, but little of what he says makes sense (0 me any nore. AIL know is thar he is obcessed with the inipossible | Ihis possible for player character wizards “create archmagies of their own, but the process is So lime consuming that most prefey to seek out ig magicks. © To research an archmagic the wizard must be skill es 12 or better and have red an extensive rary containing at feast 20,000 gold | books and sefolls, In addition, researcher must have a combined Ih Tnsight of atleast 32 to have a chanc The player begins vith aiv idea of whal kind of” ritual they hope to create, This idea should be dis: cussed in detail with the pumemaster who.sell decide 31ir possible and haw Tong should Os j Running Archimagies, Obviously, these powestul situals a additions fo the wizard spell list ‘The casting OF a sin- ale Archmagic oan be the turning point for a ohare: {ers career oF for the entire campaign. Fantasy fictto contains mafly examples of powerful spells of this kind, Just be avvare that when a gamemasier decides {o inlude an archmagie in-his campaign, he is. tke ing a decision that could have an iireyocable effet on his game, Copying Archmagics zs AAs afbhnagics can sever be memorized, making « copy OF ofie is « difficult and time consuming, nocess, Oily a wizard with the ability to ink scrolls ‘may attempt t6 copy it Creating 4 copy takes 2 days per Jevel of the — Creatina! “fio, the temple of an ancient must have aevess (0 the original fext of the archmag- ic. As with Grimores it is unadyisable to copy a copy. When the wizard has spent the allotted time, his ‘work is complete, but he must check (0 see if he has copied it correctly. He has a percentage change equal to the total of his Intelligence, Insight and Skill Level minus the level of the spell, If this roll is unsvecess- ful the author has created a flawed copy that will ‘automatically backfire. One week of study and a suc cessful Insight Check will allow the researcher to recognize a flawed copy. Creating ‘Archmagics ie riginal archmagic spells is:one of the difficulty dangerous, costly and time consuming tusks thay a mage can undertake, requiting @ great amount of skill, time and gold, gin Work on an archmagic spell, the researcher must be an archmage of at Jeast 5 skill higher than required fo cast the potential spell, ‘and have an Intelligence and Insight of 16 or greater: 0 construct & magical laboratory ot work- shop (ac potentially a library) which is one of the most extensive in the world. Not only must the work- ~ shop itself be exceptional, but the very area which it is constricted on must be unusually in tune with the harmonies of magic. Such areas are the former lair of \y, a mine rich in magi¢ elements, etc, To determine if an area has the ‘magle potential, the mage must cast a legend lore spell usilizing the finest spell componants obtainable for 100 miles. Failure to use the propper components Will reveal an unsatisfactory locatt@ifrand the ultimate failure of any research, ‘Once the propper location has been discovered the workshop must be constructed and equiped. Note that a workshop designed for research into archmagic spells is different in many ways than a workshop. designed for the construction of artifacts, Such a workshop must be built sepratly and would include. equipment which would focus on/yarious ‘or construction skifl rather than those skills required for pure magical research. ‘The archnjagie workshop must be well equiped with ‘mumerolls types of tools and materials, from extensive ‘alchenvical equipment 10 exotic spell componants (0 powerful magic items, Depending on whether magic “tomes are, conveniently available, the mage may alse seed t6 assemble 4 forinidable library, Construction of ~ suclt a lab requires 1 week and 10,000 gp per level of -archmagi (0 be researched, While this cost is extreme- “ly high, it is necissary for the type of workshop sequited, as no workshops or labs which might be ayail- ‘able to mages on a rental basis are equiped with the ny (0 research archmagics, Fy must also be readily available “10 the mige Because of the exhaustive amount Of tine that mist be spent in written research To itis end the "nage must cither assemble a great many lexts on magic al his, workshop o have a sufficient brary nearby to, study in, Such’a library might be found in a + large city, ata magic college or owned by a private: collector. The table below illustrates Both the cost of a custom tibrary:and the amount of time whieh would have to be spent in an eaisting library Searching for the ngcissary texts. Library Requirements for Arehuvagic Research, Time to local necissany tests Spell level GP yalue tobe Aof library, researched. 10th {ith 12th. 13h 19 weeks Tmonths. 10 months 15 months: 2 months 2.1/2 years 94,000, 124,000 170,000 247,000 388,000 required workshop (and libraiy) has been ie research into the spell may begin, search time, the arehmage must pay an pense cost of 1,500 gp per week of *his cost covers the cost of materials, addi« yell as food and other, necessities for the mage, The mage is best served devoting all of his waking time to the spell’s researc! However, m amount of time to research, and the mage,may not wish to (or be able to) devote full attention to. research for that long a period. Such mages, for exam- ple, often still engage in “adventuring,” requiring a onsiderable amount of time away from home. The jable below shows the amounts of time necissary to. snecessfully conduct magic research in a given spell level, Both the “fully devoted” and the “adventuring” research times are shown. Required Archmagic Research Time “Adventuring” 20 weeks 22 weeks 24 weeks IG. weeks 28 weeks 30 weeks 43 weeks 48 weeks 52 weeks 56 weeks 60 weeks 65 weeks th. 12th 13h tam 15th Sully devoted” assumes that the mage is spending, most of his waking time (12-16 hours @ day) in inten- sive study and fescarch: studying text, confirming ref- erences, condicting experiments, and making notes “Adventuring” assumes the mage is spending time abroad in ihe world, though an average of 36-48 hours per week must Still be spent at home conducting. | Fesearch, ‘The GM may reduce this time by 10% if the inage is on en adventure which specifically relates to. the research (logating @ rare, necegspry tome; obtain ing dangerous components} elc.). “Every month (4 weeks) of research, the mage must ‘make ap Intelligence Check. Suceess indicates that the research 1s going smoothly svhile failure indicates a setback, adding I additional week (2 weeks if adven- turing) of research time. If the mage rolls a | on. the Check, a breakthrough is indicated, and the mage may subtract 1 week from the required researeh times ; any of the spell levels requite ait amiacing “hy During the research time, the mage typically spends 1-8 hours bn meditation on the spell and the potential - formaigs whieh might be used in its creation, Varolus components (verbal, material and somatic) are then test- ed 10 sce how they’ react together, It is this stage of the ‘esearch that is the most dangerous; when most acci- dents happen, On the Intelligence Check mentioned | above, if the result was a natural 20, the mage must then ave vs. spells. If the save is unsuccessful, an acident * has resulted, The GM may cither roll an explosion: ‘of " -5D6- +] point per level of spell being researched, or | may determine’ another appropriate effect (the mage is shifted onto another plane, a demon’ or elemental is inmioned, ef.) At the end of the fesearch time, the maue cheeks to if his research has been fruitful, ‘The play “(escent cice) and hg using the fll _ Suecess chance = (researcher Ih cll * Insight skill level) level of spell being reseirched, For ovample, assume that « 25th level archmage “with an Intelligence of 17 and an Insight of 16 has been “researching @ 12th level archmagie spell. The mage’s chance for successfully completing the spell i 16 4 25) + 12, 01 46%. If the Check is successful, the ‘mage his ereated the ew spell and nyust then carefully. in much the san scroll is wrilten, If the Check fails, the research has failed and the mage must begin again, though he need ‘only devote half the indicated {ime dU to fis previous experience, If the mage failed, but way within [0% of {he required roll, he believes that the research w: ‘cessful and will scribe an incorrect spell, ‘The fizting or potentially dangerous effects of this spell’s easting are left to the OM, though they should be spectacular or apron aha sal e Gia Nes "4 C included 20 Archinagic rituals to give _» An archmagic requi gamemasters a clear idea of how they ean. be used, but the most effective spells will be those whose mysteries are only known to the gamemaster, When creating new" archmagics, there are a few things the Tee should bear in mind i + Anarchmagic must be more powerful than a yvish. Unvil the advent of archmagics, the upper fimits of 3 mortal magic was defined by the skill 9 wvish spell. As avchmapic rituals are of higher skill level, i follows that they must be more powerfl than a wis spell This isnt ult as you might think considering the restric- tions. on what a vwish ean and cannot do coupled with.’ the ability of an archmagic 10 be far more specific and.) is effects. i 6 significant preperation, Ibis impossible for a wizard to gather the immense power needed fo east an archmagic quickly. The easter would either. go mad oF his body would be consumed, ‘and in neither case Would the spell function properly. ‘All archmagies take at least an hour to cast and usually ‘a night or more, During this time the wizard must work Slowly, constnicting matrix wards to contain the power. «An akchmagic requires unusual materials. Some materials have magical power inherent their physical form, either by themselyes or in combina. ‘tion with other materials, Using manna-rich material ‘components reduces the amount of ambient energy the ‘wizard has to gather to cast the spell, making it easier to cast, Objects with a powerful magical charge are rare and usually expensive. iys dangerolle'to cast. iu upon the primal forces of the universe to cast one of the most power spells kiown t0 20d or + An archmagic is alw Cal man is ap ‘The mortal who dares such a feat usually risks death or the permanent reduction of skill level or ativibutes at the very least. This cost will help maintain game balanc savoking this ritual - NE en powerful defen aders while Casting the Spell Ad for mortal hands a7e litierent son capable 9 the sa wea anes cast, Wengen oe pel Sow from hese ease of une tesece divine ce te sca mst Bee GES WNP This spell creat enang 2 2g HTN 1 6 orc 8 ween re ma en goUEAM ee ee 8 amore tha Sesame aC ile Mer agondaermine cael Ene IN oa er tat amin te Ean gel a re ie en Sey 2m hs ion oF BO GlOif with the does ate ROS pone a a ag agit ane GOS venase ue ‘ays TO Sine a ee mee a cn 8 beyond mee ake oly ngs hat emer ce sone Hl one wii Fo a eta me wha and ing Rpossibve what here are CLE farm aed mst a se ore craft the WT wast Me Re 1 ha rte Me the ritual is “or arornar ane te is spel point onward ay with the sinere irom " iting to trafic with ho. meana tn’ iy fina all le Hh fag nee iy fing half steal giten us ° petstog the tenor epee Tuncion 40 ton ofa an 86 nature weapons fhust a g08) ro vill be cons Biiferent every remnous fo0l5 you were HAT?) requirements Vi 7 yy ees the cost 3 recut cca, ne cegurvendet2 COMP axes ange 0 4 takes oe or eve ie must per mn his high rot beg the same, pints of 8 1 point fr Pet tribute 10 Spat, an you TAY Sear and a ay ° and a $12 qyeapon is Om, Ey f aloud 10 6 ‘ame and state is PUTPCS seca it requites very dllerer ay the blood of the ca ven ovary name NaN SARS inks an gemands an esters periment sie you TS ake. re may mar the Preparations Wt celebrate mye the spell ts 30 the ritual compare cored with all manner of mate entre commponns RCS eusarads of gold pieces Backfire ifthe spelt is wot pened correctly, the intended sol Pape attempted te) fand wil take cigs to Ha oye wT ST poe Ue ar work ton SBR oeako tries 10 Precautions Tuinen peeparing 8 WeaPen wizard and rostat sorcerers sow 9 reareful ra fron the 69 Oe eSaceating anything anyon’ ‘s ditficut, but NOt my Gob, Degin with ow att tha $5 oie th ee Ta exin wpa vengeance oF UNE Bee er in oppesition te theses Shose vine. This inet Be ne immaculate Wa is usta ihc in as ca vente batt ton itr il SSE solute Ine eiions ofthe tis wise EMP ance that turbance and tigate ih anrve to ve Blight This spells a potem ana Decrmanent curse tha wil enne the affected area to sulle fromy an Insiclous corupton Of everything thealtny and beautiful. The mast avea aflected by hs spel is @ sphere whose rads “in mies) equa a the casters sil level From the onset, no flower wl bloom, whit is one of te surest signs of gt Durfig the test month, anlitels sallense the coming matase and lh Yobeain toate tne area, 44489 Ne tied mora onty vermin wit remain, erops Aisi! plants wll wither and ele, Disease on iBbecohe more commen and nye enae i sete over the aren, shnggtt Mbths of blight sil begin to affect mone table Features such as lees and mance an lures. Wood wl tot, water wil stagnate ao ane ‘ations wil crumbe The Only way to remove a Blight i for a priest 2 sill 15 oF better to pronounces holy wa ga lowed immediately by a forblddance spelt thon ‘measure i temporary ules the pla has the des ice used to cast the Bight spell fee below | Preparations 0 eifonm thst chace must be cated of iin ser the caster must etch hs nae Into the basin thee times. He mus then cat niche 2 en onthe chalice flowed neater Gime spel EH fora year he caster must noe his own si pronounce the Tid Motion ae an he ood int the cates unt his von ls a Py course of an hourtne ser ino ae turing dark ts On the ts pe aga si, *eSel wl tim black as mio } 1 Te proces ull wear ne cas 74 Nwere 6 F considerabiy, causing the per enthe 90 manent 1o%s ot a potnt of J Streatham pint of out ‘Stamina, Me ag D have eyes io} = 0 know Precautions Calling upon the wasting splits is a dangerotg Process. Aller each of he seven nights of tne steal the caster should have his body purified with a caré Spell cast by a priest of sll 9 oF better 1 recaution is not observed, there is a 13% chance each night, that the caster will contract deadly plague Casting the speit befor you bean, determine the exat center SM ‘of the area you want to effect, This is where t itu. Al ons be peormed. the tual ake ae mgt forte ng ‘onthe fat high wear the sabes of grey ad Diack, speak the fst aid secon ne a rethe tne uocaion oe On the second nan lear Back woes pi the ist ana tna ra and anohtthe goa sa Biood ‘nthe te it wear the robes of lacey ta speak tne fourth ta sith passage On'the fourth night wear ine ey robe, Sa the sevent ana igh eat sage and “recite Desolate Lame Om the Mh ae a night wear tne robes st red speah the seven Passage and pou the rat Sr te blood tate the ea Backtive the speitis not pers formed correctly the power of Uie spelt will inflict the caster with a wasting disease that wil ‘cause iim to wither away, to nothing, Every day the) victim must save death or lose a point af Nit Strengti a point of Stamina and a point of Appeal. When the characters Stamina teaches 0, tne ehorcg ter dies and will rot away to nothing in the space of single might, full wish followed by a regcrormon UR ul al he races fora eat ane ada there is no permanent cure, ‘ Laine an LUST sees cancat eet Gone Were the hanging gardens and the golden roves, The col- CTT cma Eee Poe ineteninineare) fallen info disrepair, Rats the Size of small dogs roamed the Feels, competing with street Cae can of we Ta ee Precautions: to the spells castings the wired slagnment of he tial Realignment ihe pee prior yy oul During the Celest at i is actualy capable t he When property 8 srt have assists res aoe wt TE sw ihe entire day with ie stars oe HE he sine ved (018 ons. SES sy cater wil Ano constel ee ake. TV te St heavens swatchers mst rekutly plot the paths ‘of the remade for even amomen wach ra ul yea bene NY spe cenain OF Mune agent Cast alge aay, any ABS aight of bevel Sone Sa not fetion when they are Se 2 ad wil ely never feNeON completely Sh, we ray poet A ot be please slot nan wis whee ey abe plese He, ee aznments 800 1M we Mncient nO whieh the rovide favor” gimanest stats cfg represen ths Ta st bi bene or cay. We fil his vision sof his inten his vision mhe sp pede view oF THE is interrupted sil fail. vonganize imae the Spell jy involve the ents for all fives ave DUN rectly at ANE Astrolog} able dor untaor projects. In some Magen. ae the mage removes te Tindiold and stares Stake theie new pees in shy rina it ete oie cor pe ee esp 82° During the SP gram the fal of me anywhere wit a of 24 hows Sompletion. THis has ie ov the caster’ f eight and Stamina DY | permanently | reduc rece peti fer the spells Backfire et fails to pero Me pall correctly De #6 mea ink the sky, a « anishes. The stars of aa thee noma lien Tie wizands ca NE poh, if te GME SES: hae may merely Ted away by tHe dhe postion of Wine tea Te, ca akis has, CG awsurmed dea Preparations For a full ye each star in the Sky position. [) mine each stars intend five 60 Ho gat be collected ne coe rng INES MOONS have been spi angle Teter ed imprisoned oF Minished for MS ing day, OE “this could 2 mile square so tat the meadow 54) eset: | CO Dies ner contigration oh presen, Ned 10 exch and pile is place Ae tort DUZRITE en and exe inked with in the t's robe, at least There Fad itis places BF ion of the int the center of excl tess than $0 GP. es oF a bused pic no ures, je heavens. sine wuznndts BONY Gereamning, ne qoienna (Ne ie aire? ity bene ate ee OF ngs ai parva Dural Identity 46 wil esc inthe unseessl eae tn th al" THe spo allows the subject wo PO" sone purse diteren decieg SSI this mean tha i ch nay aa InP a i ate ‘oe Hramtie NS gente Het el ieepuding nar aaitteeesionspecataen on owth of a duplicate ofthe cha fiom the sujeets chest Casting the Spell throush the use of of at east 10th eve ‘cliss restrictions. «GMo 58” OF spiritual destiny is then parted on sub che ug he lot oie ear levine a ili Neer eelbeona: aves linconnected. Her the easter makes ‘heat fecal On der een ae ae Pom shuld oly fein feah esas ena Se © sim pi Tihs rca Blom ee eat nil SSicamuionronen oat) Skhivive eisien a eam ks Th saeco ie Da Heatiy NO" enterica Lal ch ay ncaa Te subee of te ig the subjects ambitions and eas te SRB RShes ne oloving hn toss is EF fits enter may pus any combinton af tases, pr ny rniog: ity wl Pe naree cce inbing hin ih epic 1f 1 Clasbaxtvancement is simuiancous, Awarded NPs are Nee eas, ‘ded 10 both classes for determining advancement wil Ay none leon re Baer TR hy om he ike The ne TK po stget propery ithe rad) iw feces EMIS Hae ving BEN pe te a + The character may use whatever ‘equipment he wishes !¥ Placed. (on, weap, te) sons ruse is permitted OMCE the spell is fn. by one of his classes, F tore, the spell magically me aS yee deca rt ay conti eon uo cae en and the sb Ce Amalonaze woul Re ate ta ah atl tended Spells while wearing armor ne subject must now spend : 6 weeks in contemplation Log Of his future, taking time out : A. Preparations ‘only to eat an seep, : } etre ity spell cam be cast the su " j Betore the Dual Idenvity spel eam be cas, the sub. Backfire FT _ject must somehow have his Devteriy. Intligenes a Insight and Stamina each permanenity increased by 1 Shoutd the spell fin 2 potptameg sed Tod of absorption must also be, ShoUld tho spell 4 hp d and sterilized by steaming over mane BS properly cast ve if rsa ange BY seaming over inte Prensa meee eaves and jane berries. subjects w ie eaves ad jn by the Lords of Destiny, « song bolt oF primal energy will strike down from the Care must be taken thar ther. The subject will \ the rod of absoaption be Tully tened ot ag by if he WANT, ertze jes His il level il be ec 1 04d he ay wy Howie PA 7 NS eA oc te nny 14 Vem A. attempts. Only a wish spell cast by th ieet’s deity ans am restore his ably 1p adves though fea Hh the : pai Canaverbereaned 3 steel < USCIS TORO et AIUCETTSH ATM SCN aa PD USA iy SUT st shrapk visibly nea and he Aces CSG excrete Te Malin anaes Ceti onits SIT POTS Iain eg UGC crores esas ‘they reall gor Ciera: of 3 life fevels Likewise ot tin the plan SME a ie ae WHE BS vrs holder into the pre a rou be drained the toreh's€ na hose WI cit a xorable pee TA caste’s "i seconds euros amber. 15PE OF Ha se? mss fan entire army ‘ppone era eto asin a ay ass SN black Casting the Spell am wave of consuming to spring fhe wizards 1¢ arch han of pie wave quickly SFO giving thanks 10 the Londs of tot tar sag op Mi rae raves Forth fore the caster, Pass ‘ight and Davkness ‘se the tore) ‘eaty ene ifs uta 10% Ligh pa basi commen Wt taste te hay ens recent this bre scons er a Ne the spell ner memess How HOt Ipecomes. Gammon wo Your CON gejous thoughts YOU; prapabe aed SINS fi The eternity of # $6 fears come (0 ip your han yy will 10 el foes of a single £0" ston a single opponent (0 ‘entire bale (ears it the easter nefecessfully makes fovasating eFfoets of INE spell grea, consuming he a ae. ime to the caster Trereatures are 5 Seontations field. How rnsight Cheek at ‘pill contin Deyo sorta Tete oF this cier Oe zie black ate Hite 190 foes. hie saves ¥Se~ HS SPE ig Tiongh te iva iS HOW ir apete, focus YOU ATCT ‘uifer 100-400 ost steaby atte Fates a er inknown. Main Fervor and tail at the SKY ar mmite F8 HE at ho your enemies STP rately consumed: Ot ing damage jpeen consume immedi points of D Backfire ipranch of a 100 beak atte wizard fi tuis hatred is in ny WAY ne flames of 88 41 correctly OF ang the spel’S preparations SA ta perform the SP Fimvinished ut eauvess will Fe UP ye from the ing from jails to jast be fashion torch mi nd the Fi Be year old mahozay ee Yes ae robe is destioye erie torch must then! De Wad of a king. nee NE casting. 1 raeris end by cOnSUME Tham, TF the caster blood nto & pe fails 10 spells. all those i the immediate nis will farea who ave allied with ion jonsumed torch ime! al plane, soaked aoe vo handle HE with are © jr prest of at Teast aa well Precautions ang the tore, tae fe been bless bY swnen tight sgarlets which he Eye smnins sol Tine us cools This spell does exactly what it Says. If performed correctly the subject gains limited mas. tety over the heavens, which Bives a mortal character the following abilities, + Te cha conjure bound storms at will with no mate. rial components an can maintain contol af p'to 3 of these creatures ata (OE Fegartess of range or line of ‘Pade! J -Miie’ricer can hear anything tha takes place Asn the ope sky and may send messag Wind, This, power works ike § plairaidience that has no visual element but allone ‘tvo-Way communication. * The character can com 4p, allowing him to fy with Yerabilty ofa dragon, The winds Objects tke a telekinesis spell * The character can consol seather at with, and if hhe makes a storm he ean cal fighaning from i "This nit takes precedence over the spel or powers of other characters the speed aril n also lift other Preparations 4 censer comroling air used at least 7 times over 13 Years. A new censer will cause he This ritual requires elementals that has beon the course of no less, created for use with the spel sa. tObacktre automaticly we i ler aais jeter te , abou! oy aia neaed a a. eho iucoudl Uke shetel Precautions Casting this spell will create massive disturbances in weather patterns for Come J whvepe4 ‘miles in atl directions. ‘The freakish windstorn Gf case a lot of damage ancl can aed the locals tothe 15 presence, soit s best 10 perform the ritual some dl tance from civilized areas to minimize the chance a imerference. Casting the Spett The stwal must be cast on a high place stich as a ‘mountaintop but cannot be performed within a hun stred feet of earth, water oF fire, This can be avoided by building @ wooden tower and performing the spell sbove the ground in, disrobe completely and shave al of the hair off of your body. When you stand naked in the ‘ind, draw in hundred and one short, sharp breathe, This will make you quite dizzy but it must be done t se the lugs of impurity Incant the seven verses oF the ritual, By the third verse your throat will go rough and the words will be silent, but read on, By the filth verse your throat will), bleed, and your voice will return, but read on, The se eenth verse will thunder out of you, echoing aeross the vast expanse of the heavens When the spirits of the sky begin 10 rise up, show them the censer, and destroy it with three blows Of your bare fist, Fear no the ritual will empow you. Upon seeing you might the ereatures will begin to lament, Silence ‘hen with the Fntervicton, Draw the spirits into, the vessel of your soul ‘wilh the final passage, nd the sky Is yours to com: and, led Backfire " I the spell is not performed correct ‘of the winds will tum on the easter in a ‘The caster is killed instantly, Ih is possible 4 character the spirits have forw asunder, bu Of the parts need 10 be locat- ed first, and a wisi or regen: erate must be used to rejoin them. to vesureer if Car ey UTI Cseo Coie) COUTTS rT ceay ene Crone COUR ol Scrat a coniitig UT O A TS Lane OT iaieona Ts Utica ni) CUAL Pe eae Coan, CE Sea nT Ea res ears but we could not Exclusive Essence This spell allows the easter to take bient magic in his immediate area so that he an choose wha may cast Spells and who may not, or ‘een decide what spells may bbe cast, These decisions ‘must be made when the Spell is east and may not be changed thereafter luntess the spell is repeated, These restrie- tions’may be lifted for specitic individeals and spells or under eerttin ‘elteumistanic’s bur these exceptions must be av Precautions ‘When the ward is first established there is a backlash that ean shalter enchantmients, It is Wise to keep any magic item not directly involved the spell out of the intended area of the exclusion ‘nt enchantment exposed to a new in 8 chance of giving way before this greater magic Casting the Spell the spirit latent in each of the gemstones you have readied for the spell If you intend a large area, this can be a lnDorious Process that could be expedited by assistants of at least skill 6, Surround yourself with three interlockliig wards, Work thé stones into if Begin by invokin gaat hehe pe fret (Of isiace, is posible to create a ward that EFF sacl enero cast doce ange spe Wey DRS ould in earisons such a psn ond sl ‘elimi Wiad who els than a the caste’ kil evel May not cast magic of any ind, Tha whe ae hate cfsers sill evel or beer may cast mage tthe sa $5 spel. Tis save mist be mae every tne the Gan It est cst all a if he sive ee Ue fuilsant sto knges memories, Sisters whose higher vel dan the spel easer ta cist spels cal oe ditewnce eet ei da sete For insane, ithe wizad ho oat ene {sence il level 16. skill 20 irl can ee spall fil ores her evel pl oq ca tho the pattern a incidental» neds ut rete he yt in inspiration oan fe ners vith your fous Empty Your ind of al rmemoraad matic pti them no the earth np ken. When the power hes passed, pty yorself wih Sorts il and water Compete each canto of theta in tum and Before. cach pavtags anoint each of fhe ht cast by a hooded ante or a conpse candi. When all of the pas: sages have been propery pronounced, ery out the final invocation ‘and snap the waud of negation in half. As the ward begins to manifest, isste what ever demands you may have before the light fades from the last of the ‘gems, Backfire | Prepara ions ‘Ten uncut gemstones of no less than S00 gold Piece value total awe required for every square le ihe ward will affect. A jeweler musi be employed 7) 10 shape then into te symbolic farms, spect ~Avgified by the ritual, which can be very expensive and time consuming as the required cuts are very sophisticated and delicate. A ivan of nega: tion is also required to com Plte the ritual, If the spell is not performed comeetty, the ward fails to take shape and the energy called up by the Fitual will feed back on the caster, all with a binding that prevents him from ever casting ev the simplest of spells. Not even a full wish’ can reverse this lamenta- ble condition, BAS We entered the necroman ULES STST LD aon Ce CUR rostear aera T nt LET orm te PICA Paterna ony sor ie Da Stari titan ECU USO tarer ts COO SPR Se Se PTE Ceci sarod tae lest Pucca Set eat LOTS nae Rete ait} pe warped or dese etme HE cease. Casting the Spell ge eos consis isa rete red 10 Genesis into being ‘seats. plantlife and animal Site. ‘The ony thing BS Casting: se ie chou ss BAS evenly come 140 PH ate adsips wits 108 OS ‘oyersoine ee to open 3 ne. This portal xo have Sto any centuries) is new word (EE itso exis his neve plane ‘trou. es Om) iar pel cre BP ssid wou vist se easier #5 64 wwsice ily an ent songs the plane oF HE CaS srt separate te pare of ane). mis gona reed cet) rand a eligence Chose TS tion (determining HOW ies 10 protee ace eee amas 1k sn the rea ere sorts of the port and must be plane all {aoe tat cvigin from a “the workd if ae caster ™ nentaty Ole ji be, how He ae. jete, he ease is highly hove have some ni ater there much save ib woes eat © a uber of jnvo the eter in tl will ha ‘Grae the spit com Jinks to his 80K te is kind FSA seth is ne wont and TE te ca rt ugh te wil not won Wrest spe tes eT con er mus bese ie TAN ase gamma ae expected SoeTE ie Forihe power aivine "8 cf Creation veahen ats asa const rem ies te ough pao. The MABE ways be abies mraing nc in De WEE ti Strength and Stain pone eee OY 7 Sr inte before the SUS competion. the 1 Hovsing the divine ey will eoslesee panel krow its tally knw by cal ese be hae BY 2 gear of this woud the + ru sil be sascepibe 11 be iets 40 ante SES nna is wot at wi as eee ito e177 Fens and HSE ecient age must he will ah wo the eer 8 en fished est" 2057 Bansporie tthe new wont Preparations ‘open the con at mew wo Wen purest crystal tami te spel 8 cast sa the 1eFE Backfire sae aoa of 1S ot rs CMY ey we spe fal hy wil oes tassee nstormed DY the by math Iefore he ters fist 8g the cece of Eat teeth eseNeeS gen SM ‘Death and M one mage will 10 nies reer hissed! Wl DE se ave fr last. The € uivine of Lites in vessels of whic i a Precautions i spel Ht 8 108 isting mae ses will De ons of the te taken in cating Tot cast into 2 elemental aa id Ease pot _Abeotute cae mast Aap heer, stad Blow ihe reauling oveTaPins for heeds tol plane evasating sort il be inet ‘weapon. These spells are permanent and need not rememoriae’ Glory Everlasting ‘This spelt permaneily transfers « h Clwapen Oxcitce nmr Preparations ace ind wil ever de, Bate caing ths he ase oi a ge Sox afer te pesnaiy done wor no ks tha 10D gp an aio ae erie comple avarnessfesses, He mist ako dering wit mae neg © of everthing around itasifit personality will be placed imo, had normal senses, and ‘etn he Ineigence and Precautions ‘nie it poeta when Choose ie receptacle weapon with eare, Though alive. In addition, the magical, os ofthese versonatty may guide or even control anyone * suber, the personal 6 uses the weapon. IF the per Wil suff sn alignment change when it is fused with thy sais paced nto. weapon ‘weapon JOG NE HE peisin wielding the ‘weapon makes an Y Insight Check, the personality ‘may speak telepathically with ‘te Siecer. The caster begins by cast. 7 tie penalty is placed intoa 420713 weapon noted magi far spell CEES may amoral sak wit he wider eye na mes acquired Svhencter it wishes, semstone instead ofthe unl Ie wie fas ase v5 paniyzation. the peony ie reeptcl. Once imo | Pinwreramentbfsnovenens whee wegen wih te ogee ee Se OMNES cH he umber iesve he gem oben ss ai by. bank of viegin wool, Soaking nc pennaiy plc ion Worbster ean: the nel nao ‘ea engtanhy may amen speak wih Weller pee erence mee whenever itwishes the ‘weapon, reciting. the 1 He wieler ils a save v.. pala ‘oan of evetsting fetiude fia Conlin comply eter the weapon beng nso Tet erate remeber pe pe Ne a mings suming he was seep or uncmcous spel the caster animats the in aperanay maks a sce Ielgence Check, owes eae ves yy of soon scot ora pid of mines min ‘weapoy race te amount We Check ws oak by. Dang tec Ins fe Ween wl ve a Skentheqao we per Stet Sonali Itetigence successful Check vs the personality is placed into an anita: System Shock, the personal. ‘Tiepesomally may sesesal eb wil anion lise under +4 weapons. ‘weapon and the evaeuated + I the personality a 4 tex will dap ites may east those spel, hich tet memorZed shen Backfire j the was "placed in the i cy, the personaly pp a some ig3 othe rane play inthe gemstone. At any of hee tine ages po, Salty will be wae i sou i wl Beco pletely unable to affect then in Nee 4 ‘my way. The only way of exact. | ing the sou at this stage destroy the receptacle, Ailing the persona " Has ie peal METS Eas iets TS TSS) Delvin's [ero rea UTP) he Was to'be still hangs MEAL Oto ee rate ate ed tan OS | he mas intent HEDIS ng. has bee vernal aken. vaiwpse calyPSE cenit Sethe cs Greater Apo fovce which wewld 0.408 {there he altimate desteucting spis spell iS Hostal can possess © Mesirys te word. OFT roe, bu dozens OF YATRA haus ever the end of tie: ound the mage fe ‘Those a their business: wag meen writen WHE Hypse salt one cou need: “Gpviowsty this isa sPeH “get might ony De wed free 10 go about roy tae words OBLNIOL To their impending aot Those who have Ped rofien seek t© ge, universetineaterE che darkest villains, We trey heroes in the wt situations ‘The ettect of th someho} inate given up HOPE TINT the sit ‘hy ation might considey substantial eas of tron sink i we of a0 sus ate world ve spell creates 8 ae ich seeps ove swore’ ent Strom its power: TH et - og oe ea Teen Gites Se oe ma a ne coning tbe é fee ace teins he sel a plane a The world one 85 the mage must © pe yoowing fats. NONE of hem Fnieved through KROWT magical MEAS: ney thro Lensthy Pe. research. A ie aterveion OY ine se uimate spell may be eas na the nearest CHA hovel pesaps oe xed itn Fund best Se hag protect set seculS feamacaeds aps ad wads vie must Wa fe yet krosen ate hig spell, al chara mass anes ofthe SPRUCE! ‘He mst SP sing. This Fores cr wished tl oe mst inex preparations ne who wishes 10 cast HF rade himself gods. sak aloud the causes OF YE being who bas ne workd to td ly link Winnsell, Boss and s jul, 10 tbe nat would-be word aie mages casting ALITY Tarot be disracted UY vans security MEBSEES cay seems (© ‘iharacters world M he spell’ existence OF Ti is often at this point soancidentatty into HE mierfere wit ineradle uanbble 6 time be is sing fully ating. oF anything. 161) impending © cs plans “Tie mage mst way hate can wisn the tution in such fasting inte of | also fortify his const x by the elie uniter Pee slition HE formed Backfire oy ah whch snst Be Pot ee or foo oF rest. SHON iisiraction. 10 Pie tain mas Be ETE fo 19 oF better: sin damnation (¢€ Precautions above) Precautions aun the nes stated above CA procations cnet th ew ‘ when Yama’ of tt ieaience: SE. gpore ane anaes ye prin skal the spelt Knell of Darkness eh ying rain ca be ad wating wath 4 ee Precautions Caton must te mained in protecting the exence Btn asthe undead minis wl icy sna ‘keuoying all dead 10 recover them. While the) ate well ale ee ‘ church, many cunning undead ill devise way to nein back ste though coercion or by dest ing He che a nfyactery i ecovee the ole ih wll separa ing exacts evens, ‘Wherever they may be in the world, and any other crea ture whose existence is that eui isl could be cut off fo the work this spell thik kn wh i happening tndti w be hermit, he memorization a the vampire suvext fey ea jiegative plane. Whether this the spelen’ fea Joyal ir inust be termined by the Gal bevines inpratine a Shoah the connpetion of sich a spl wll end is cain. (What albenreis treo be fun it Gregg Ur stro eo ees eS Casting the Spelt MIE yu be exirely legendary. th spell would cer Sheating the top from th EFF iy eso a eens orth necromancer’ skull th removes and dank Preparations cated brain, Ta The materials to be collected in preparation fr eas inp this spell are extremely dangerous to acquire. The ong sstk ou and dea 6 lets and ls the phys ME ese leantag a ies containing th nes, Obtaining these. Fa var seen ne dash tspead them within the inner sanctum of a 8 Yani piss crmnmded onal sis by ions, whi came SMES ae rescaled using a of holy ois ara seating wan at nto sheep wid lose with the want of Final Tracts dying breath. These fe ca Bing. At this point, the tines wie he makes his al preparations. nemorzing z . is eta ats es omens Ae fords or ngs Must ha the os angie should begin to have dheams in phgttmiecr ate a Taco thet of he worsen wo appear le eth in an i a 100 must be siten down and memorized I the y ubient does not make itself known, the mage hee GL) iocorcetty do ust Toca a necro and strike ‘The Mesh is cleaned 2 dak lisence from the head and the skulls vatvig cai willbe! drain Backfire The prsparations ad esting ofthe spl a tisely done, the spell will planes will open Tor 13 days, Eompss which have not been prop- erly la to rest wil absinthe ‘egave energy an sein ONieynea lS areca eta te CCTs tet COTTE ial ena ays UiGinoeranatnt ing at my fortifica- This is my doom, ah of the life Te ih the sunerst ' ay go sas embroidered my 2 en to sake DOE INS am the sa tie ger une subject wih Lines con °c aa the ahs os amiions: BS That the i exch ith th awit Mtject's Neat MANES satiety nt sha a x in sel fal invocations OF Ape cle sera ome tte : ‘eyapeset path fs the his rare Te gesiny, BYPASS 1 for (ors nameiy snot ine ye to er te de cowcstsite egal rine gael your eves i known 10 rane tien the Fst SO st preva until 1h yw ‘ye si jocenvt know wheter OH ‘not the poke silane sea oa sie oe a SI he ti eto: Ne deed wo enforce the Stem pe ait ed se subjects sucests iB AEE fan Insight Check . er eeegage to retest ST of the subs saan aram, Bach arcamt Sit the snood woul effected im he wh gears of his am ‘Mosiiers shou ets ambit. sae spell A ndest destiny 06h jets youn Wwe fF ter FEE ee nae ie yeasts 8 abe en oF good shawls NE early 05 ‘nore When a5 ites by this spe umnORy con is conpse sips ted Wg rom she EH conjure on pe recovered DY 2 ei wynision vel gemands shat will tat wae a et 2OU 20 oe eowsning wim wea st the abn rt oats ge sible (HOOF ina whispered ‘monotone Test levy. but Hh preparations se easter ast no sen ays before this sek ca also estoy B= secant vo prevent is ATE ating with cose of «he re i ete cn of lis 1° ning ed to ensue wae Backfire ina ar ae ell is nt pesto ccorectly it will alter ave subjects destiny TH ee muafilt to define #8 EOE thee out ca tea 0 NTE ei mes, The ICUS Os 10 oat he nevet SENAY ain Bas 80 Ir provide the only fF othoss wi Precautions “peor nt pee oe ese Me foe ore aged wih utes He aa ee ae ot ea his spelt cam crete, ripples that effect = a Ts TE reais 00 Beart ares 1 pestiny is and shoul 80 ata eter EERE he entire ne sheet iis spel F casting the Spell ay sigio ice ssid Bn the ena eer ofthis anche fhe is att subjeet in FOE ie pat of i r i ie gen years tae cone Ten one aNG ha 4 ast on This spell will ereate « aCe of servitor minions who Serve their creator with mind less loyalty. This loyalty is enetic and will be passed on to future generations. The ritual also gives the caster fer has the power to heal. He may. tay ands on each of his min sgyidns once per day, curing 1-6 nis of damage ata touch, Once an hour Say’ also cure porson or cure disease un one Ouce per day he may heal or regenerate, and ft eek ie may ruse dead a the cost ofthe perme ~ient loss of | hit pain, Fa Seam the master ts the power of authait. His ‘word is aw to his minions. He may utter a command at 1 Will hat affects any evinion within earshot. Once per ound he may cast charm person or suesestion on dee inion in ine of sigh «Third, the master has the power to destroy. Inverse tation of certain of the rtual’s Key passages will lumweave the minions essence. single phrase takes wo Segments to utter but wil do 6-36 points of damage to al ‘minions in a 18" rads. An entire passage take a fat found to pronounce but will kill ay minion in line of ‘Sight who fils a save vs..death, Preparations The spell requires 1 minimunn of forty hurnanoid xptives, Atleast half must be female and al st be bl level 0 and have intelligence and Insight scores of le than 13, of they wil beable to resist the effects af he (p71, Sins tee vale ae ica t ox mon ination Bo walle? int ryt Ri Sa Yih ov 4 they The captives must be kept inthe dark fora year and a day. daring which Aime they must eat omly eed ‘meat the name of any of g more ita the fos of nature is spoken aloud in ther presence ritual wil kept gazed. Pasticulal ‘wel enchanters may have their tongues ten Precautions The first generation of minions e are none too bright and bbocome accustomed to their fusion over the idemity of their master any ba ssisans should ear masks or hoods lest ty taken as master. Some wizards will sel the fist governs tion in ther cells, using them exclusive Sock forthe reliable generations to falls Casting the Spell After reciting the nam Of sin inposters of gods, the caster inllicts in the flesh of ‘each, the sigil of transfor tion.” A tinted wish is th east and the heart of potential minion ‘and bummed ina tion, The minions created by this spell are hideous hhumanoid ereatures whose description should be uitated by the eruel whims of their cteator. They have limited intelligence and a doglike lifespan. They have 242 HTK Dice, an AC of 8 and may make T unarmed att, Per round for 1-6 points of ‘damage. Other details vary ng on the minions? tteserition Backfire IE the spetl isnot pero formed correctly the pris: ‘nets will be transformed but they will harbor a hatred of their “ynaster that ot surface until the second or third gene rage finally consumes reason, the edsters will become the guiding purpose, of the entire face mo ay 1 blunts ingle erase bul spells will overtide the mperative for as long as they are effective, Se cata Rite PINUS essen tie mines DCIS Tig aes Celene CUD ALTUL Ration eanie CORRSSAitn Teal rete they PT SAS ete eae IU ATE as a CITE Toate Tne ie CSOT irk hey ON TEST a ee Tea NE Re renown with signs of rave made contact fas presence soit make Open Gate sah pin, he 3 eae fica eT gan wl ges MME sit oh nt ot Wo oP 2 al opens a gateway 10 8 ms aris ad he gti se and This unholy rt ind spectees Wl inersion popatate entSh NY te gine ores ca ony cymes the eT SE gr ee sate sore tte, USS. woe gt Sgame pe ome one : se wards te ot FOSS peo to use tis se a one y 1h theresa, Sonepat of OHNE fay oe of th OH ot st Ha te isl tte cates oleh ie Dominion a sary are he raion TNS sess go sis Ca es Preparations be ee a emptaton 10 ae thee ia ‘and case those who falter woetet= fongey Lt OF the | ‘ays can only be opened in A onty na dation BETO I, Se Mee te th ee not on, Welt to you a ee ae i ee teas YOU 1H ibaa 1A gate 10 the suthere no prayer Has DEE. tattered SINC Fairly ca OIYP sake’ Tange your FODES wer pce a yor rae Suet ct! te NE iagerel fore spell fete to a abyss ees gente Fipineen 108 Ne or sympathy ta ro ceri the SPY ‘Som a ave ten Ne Se ior the fy the i Test you fall = virgin souls. Its more 8 Moving than the" PHSEAT ndiion but a dred $P ‘would help, juring sight must be marked! wih fe swords ofthe sla. ne aaap cach sword and wah the fire within, plone Pio che auth. When he Fyve stand before YOU ihe wound they Wve eave sold thelr souls for le ‘ood and enchanted v 8 a encneney SO “re ritual reetation ONE | come Hf your Heat is DC rd your. sil as st08 Spd yu wil ave YOU EE: Sources he pit wi OPE Backfire tae spel “r gate to the abyss crafted by blind tits 9 These weapons must DE “quenched in Dy he caster, a reat oS. fof Stains 0 pest be caSt) ss begin their 1" the vitwal will rate rach in the wen eee he Se iar soa nam pert as PM Si tan Se irs 6% with one of the Jords of the mderworld, the easter fly be satisfied by Me ‘viatent demise oF WE foolish wizard te pan for soe in of He? te ee ae ao SH en rene 10 09 tes ws aki aH she character 8 tre vee spell NS vegmat eae ante te el sonal Se a nel ne SOU SS rise oF es ss eis pres eer eel sponse correctly Precautions unen the hordes of the aby if of oral Casting the Spell aconjoring ct ‘he tools ofthe at be ier each D insti sant invoke ean cover Yo bein. with ash tans in black anxl ea ght dhe braziers ‘Garnanas) ME whut NE This ritual permanentiy binds the subject's spitt 10 the Plane prime, bestoving a pec far form af immor his sou! eamnot 110 the afterworlds 50 he is reincarnated. The spell ensures 8s a child of firth the eharact Be & normal chill but Personality will bo reborn. The char all OF his memory and abit’ on the 16th OF his birth, The only way to preven fodestroy or capture the soul with spells such ‘f death or trap the soul Preparations ‘This spell requites a very special ruby mask The iask must be one piece, so the ruby requited to erat the ‘mask must be of enormous size. Such gemstones are nly found atthe heart of certain snountains of on other planes of existence, The stone must be shaped to resem ‘le the subject's Features, a feat that requites the skill of an expert craftsman. When the mask is ready, it mast be Kept out of direct sunlight uatil the spells cast. Precautions Whea a character is reborn, he will ofen have an ‘envical twin that isthe child that should have been, Gi The twin of a rebom eharacter will not ¢ DD cuwwstert extraordinary bond most vins sh on thal there is seme thing ssrong wit ereate ll will that an, develop into deep-seated Fesentihentor even hated, The tsboun should take steps t0 ‘Fins as soon as they remember what the dan ‘oF the twin may deal with them fast, Somet is the only altemative, For this reason those {or the reborn should ask after the surviving twin pairs that have recently suffered a "tragic lows Casting the Spell The subjects clad in rod robes oud with three tack cords. timing is critical Invoke the sitem voice and callout t the fare spirits t he Beain the ritual one hour before dawn, The 80 be sure to consult a reliable Your den 8. or they will be angered by your ar nls. Console them with the © Up the ruby mask and tecite the first four pas sages of the spell. Fee the great stone, Wait until the eyes begin 10 glow and place the mask over the subjects face, completely obscuring his features, Complete the spelt Watching for the shadows of Forbiddance. If any of the Bey spitits begin t0 mani feStrone banish thern with Gregor’s Dismissal. When you have read the final pa sage the mask will vanish, and the subject will be bound. Backfire was not Performed correetty, the subject's spirit will be. bound so’ securely that cannot body’ ‘When the charaeter is Kit Upon the cursed charac- ters death, he becomes 4 zombie wit bee of hit dice equal:to his former level When hese points ars lost, the boxy can no longer move vin something i done to heal the dat B I the spel UA Tete ete Tein TPS Seinen UCR eh cena Acer DCMT Enna erticare SCS Aine ee ne CHAZ ST ee Cue ties a Re er yt inatterabyoange Pe flow of time, by pe ken co dese ‘the intent rats far down HE Saving Grace it : his spelt has the PONE! arama pers oahu ve will ot produce negative ® he pow Cty, HNESETE Casting the Spell sefive OME rime 10 The gon the oppor 12 sate person is effectively Transported thvOUs or pe the even 1008 PRES ile seta (Me seNeapeniences since HE EYE eh anintes before spell is ee ahen proceed iTS EE 2 racer mst it He Sfapelled pours of Our and Gt! anes of the fall knowledge of! jv mind NE don the ihe inscribed teat Sed from this poi On sometimes pe asiod events GMS NT ether planes. BUT for accuracy (8 Pratane Tree of Ages and SPE Neth the chat = from this point 0” | cto bis-Kle the ashes be ATS feet while beseechin® i: ign istO8) oceaure), of He ca CT ng Pryered by te cane act seventies been fel ae gworfacest Lowa of Caer Femory of ft urn the pales SS pmemory bY MARIOS subject with coals unt sab ece breaks and He Co en ind ME J ahe second day. ct) xl €XP ye is wow 1 ‘and allow te Jeep, all the white Che wean. When the sebles appear as Ne 8 4 tne ent i is ew ime of the event 10 Backfire uh day, HOWENET: Ach the fist da sans the characte hose appropri wounds ning the fakens navurall ind place of th rien memories 3 fe yo te time curative Failore me are reauced 101 Preparations arly ask sre caster ust fs cael afar of dy (lO Ce nila of the : rane spat fais or the sub prema i sede subject wll Be to within om AL instantly eh he ONCE tbe changed he year”, "ust ost hrough the 2 vi ae, 122d day oF Sin day of the year» ch) ars date must be penned the blood of an Ppmortal cfeaure OMI fresh leat from ened, the spell wi Staicate fro tHe CvetT of the Tived. His spiril S gavept eternally t ene banks of ay er We ace of AEES HY Txt of set oti vet reset a Nh tbe chine ispel 88 x ee he potions DY 8 ME ate pe once belonged tise cat 10 axons en earings ete Betore the sand intended tare are under Sok place: if stich event which aces, ‘sous 1S cone will cake yas travel 10 the &%8 posse, an cae! of mace an Ways BE nc target aurine totally wnrelat= fed to the cba sped for every 5 years ed, ai 8 which tl ve. except the ne Precautions ell scter voto be capered with Tal Asis 5 ‘Tame is wh Te rave You eye can HON olf ienoys saree 8. apecce Ne tle “Twisted Path i this ie" Jiect to rein himself by choas- ing another path for his fe. hy ‘Be terms. the spel fs sue cessfully ast the character I of his prot allows the sub For instance, if the spell is east on a skill level 9 fighter who decides he wants to be a wird, the expe tiie points he has camed stay thelshme, making hina skill level 10 2 iwi HE coutd have chosen tobe 4 prea _lbieFos I¢ about cass or cays combination his eee Pf osibatibstes qualita hin for Note that sis transformation is just that lt does the result. The subjee™ ven though he may end up A very different characte ometimes the character's clothes al equipment wil change to suit his new desing. This sad tees lwollable side effect ofthe spell that sometimes pre lces peculiar anomalies suc as a noe fom someone the character has never met Preparations Before the ritual is performed, the subject must Prepare a series of serolls which deal the new path, life will tke, These scrolls are created by peering inns alternate timeline using the techniques in the spell {ext and a trance brought on by a sugeesrion spell coat bya wizard of skill 120 beter, [very night the subject enters the same trance and ‘the wizard places a quill in is hand. When he sees what iat have been more clearly than what iss he will in to write. These sessions vary in intensity ‘and duration, Sometimes the subject will ‘oly write a Few words, but in others he Will be active For hours ‘The entire process takes a month oF more. tis important that the subject limit his, ane, ison het em eesti When th sil nie th aj wth sate fan de ae ths nc red esi eh js eh ihe ps Precautions As discussed, th subject's gear to suit Extend fo magic items, so any valuable equipine sould be renioved before the spel complet When magic items are transformed they wil us ally Become magic items of equivalent purpoe value. For instance, thagie armor oF a magic shield worn by a wartior reinvented ay Wizard, might become brac rs of protection or a ring of protection tual will sometimes atter ne ff neve path, This Casting the Spell nh ward oF time ‘of destiny, beo- ken by the greater sigil of transformation. The easter, Speaks the mantra of rebirth aS he tears the scrolls and coofines them to the fre of faith. When the document is lestroyer preseat, ‘and future will collide in cleansing wa will recast the subject in hig chosen image Backfire 1 the spell is nox per formed coneeily, the acters personality will be, lected by the new fife he has chosen. He wil actually experience the altemate past ad may like it belle thay the original version. Whit this sill enéan, is up tothe Bameniaster, but it can test adventures, TOM ROT ee TRO cia otras ct thieves had ever enicounterod COATS Gr tele GENTS Sa HUST Tet eae Tae tines CHM Conti PCTS AU Toee ream ih MALI MG aUHom nae conn Olina eis arable Insight c re ast mn fas for wee only veavened ss the sujet no 101° Naar seater is allowed Man once a day during tis vragen whe Yom the tess ead and el perio a fateh It he siete al Since cha reni¢ne mie Seaton | ae ne sora Ma, eee seback uy a oe ioral Mopn hor he Que otion bar ia gasses ts spell rer thinks. allow rs Aibexperiens® ser jyence of NS ters wai to the coi sone ea 5, isting ayant <1 ito Tea pve 7 comes obsessive fe oes His 3b Mipamacters candle ved by waa are ee 1 hace te helm st that the subject fe om slp ant he Fat omit of this HE ya point. His Stannin ‘py anor point i fhe first year an fot seciing he Sh pet est OF a os oN acts SEO je cemibined es. O¥ me course fa we EE arora dine suieets Oe swith wun sae hae wads mae character nwa MAKE of the py ues NE na si sts Bis #8 aver of & Pred wish, ba his al wey ose a point of Stains ther 00 processis repeat tots world d cut ym ave ditt 300 esi ‘Pen ae is sen ne pect the pa 1 eI nuove he ‘sil, ose the i pn hes ate rated of See AE eit ening ugh we Cones ces oe oe aula 1S jackie routings. ‘THE ‘ro be of any Use 18 if ae ital is “this spell requites sir, Te elon has 19 view bis St yo pert of its interns svenrer could ou estat bi the Oe SFr rob the wearer of ae past se have the OPPOSES of Hye ebaracter Wil axlvanee cca the Heine HE Uy sensory inputs A872 shill 158 or bet aM han a cr, ue ess 10 € tes and ea the HEI se uard Foi 10 to this Curse fu pu an end feting te rial a tropes oF ‘put will not in ona chit ersing ypower the ence, award Fe snaking U8 vrish spell wie any Yost points CIE spe chaser 8S restr eign ask gee witlt EW CVE information M8 be effect, it automatically ye pst go renee TS penses one at pence ue subject® or enore, Most suber Taner rh vl) atively SS. auch We i at ce seen Gy This expanded rie 2. precautions when the setfect ad den rsh of novwledge a cing 8 2 -xpored (© a Unnatural Fortitude rts is fom can performed, tis, ly enhance the by 2 points and iste Casting the Spel Points are raised tothe max imum possible for a char Aacteh oF their skill Jevel ‘and Stamina For instance, if Bathe the subj, making bis exh wih thle eae tunes of pesntet preservation medi ne Sign of twilight Some use charcoal dust ey Mit bt putin sete ipo arcu bah ee ane. _ its inherent powers three times. Combine: sein wa, tS dink in no ks thar slog pon and 34 bt pois. i "a he sell asking the abject Je. ATR points to 117! th rece RSE i The jones th pe ehifleact Wances in level, his H a 7 \f eee level, his HTK ‘meaningless, Repeat th 7) The cost of enhanced vigor is accelerated aging. From Te gel 20U ae sasied with the ‘Homeut the ritual takes effect, the subject wil age twice Pa in #48 fest and al penaies for advanced ape ae debi goer left hand over the subj maul the body beyond the aby of the spell 0 esto, Many techngs have Boon used succes, bn death spel are the mos ef When te subjers it force takes reluge inthe amet. ly the by inthe opp tu and open the pte his alee of hace, cmt Renae Tinea IN BAK owl era of iin mar OED; he ay ‘ined with beaten copper seca yh The ritual also requires @ complex mechanism con: ye ea ee ae a sic trom sass and asst freee gage will flow takes team skilled ran sere fhe ectanian ahs Potions infused with the >recanti Dower of her, On the Precautions seventh day the subject will tn spells whlch ates the vit ISSA essence of moray. tf widely tev tha the bJood should bbe kept as'pure as possible Backfi This spelt may only be east by a wizard who has {earned the healer and herbologist proiciencies. Ifthe faster does not have these skills, he may employ: an ‘ssitant who docs. tn either ease, a proficiency Check ee will neod an aner of fife protection, a otion of vital and seven porions of extva healing al ‘f which are consumed during the casting process tank in whieh the subs Ir the spell isnot perforied correctly the pres will hin the blood, aMMitng the subject wih urgemead weakness that lowers his Strength and Stamina to hale The only way to reverse this loss isthe use of a full wiv followed by a eat spe MTT tae) UST COR Ta TeoT ENTS AUTRES HONS Sica en hy DOS ont RES the iarble basin: Tearing the Tastof the cloth from his face, the Warlock glanced down af DUET Con rae an atte CUS e EES Can)

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