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Introduction to Visual DRAW

Chapter 1
Visual DRAW is a general purpose, three dimensional CAD software for
Windows. With Draw, complex engineering drawings can be created and
plotted. This chapter gives an overall picture of the features supported in Draw
and describes the user interface tools and basic input techniques.

1.1 Basic Concepts

Visual DRAW entities, their attributes, and coordinate systems are introduced in
the following sections. Parts, Records, Draw models, and Model files are

1.1.1 Entities and Attributes

All drawings and models consist of geometric figures and related annotations.
Visual DRAW provides a set of predefined primitives for generating geometry
and annotations. These predefined primitives are called entities. Entities are
classified into the following groups.

Basic geometric entities: These are curvilinear entities which form the building
blocks of a drawing.

Construction entities: These are underlying or guiding entities which are used
for constructing true geometry.

Annotation entities: These entities highlight geometry characteristics, such as

dimensions, cross sections, center points. They are also used to display
information in the form of labels and title blocks.

Surfaces: These are the basic entities with which 3-D objects are modeled.
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Table 1(a) Entities and Attributes

Block Reference: Block references are higher level composite entities generated
from part definitions. These are comprised of several entities.
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Chapter 1 3

Table 1(b) Entities and Attributes

All entities in Visual DRAW are 3-D entities. Entities such as circles and
ellipses can be constructed on any plane in 3-D space.

Each entity has predefined class specific and entity specific characteristics.
These are known as attributes of the entity.
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1.1.2 Model and Model Files

A model is the primary object that Draw operates on. It can be thought of as the
collection of all entities, parts, and current settings. For example, a complete
drawing is a model.

Visual DRAW saves the model data in a specific file format. A file in which
Draw model data is stored is called a model file.

1.1.3 Layers

Layers are resources in a model or drawing which are used by entities. Each
entity has a layer associated with it. The visibility of a layer can be controlled.
Layer visibility can be ON or OFF in each view independently. If layer visibility
is OFF for a specific view, then entities on that layer are not seen in that view.
Entities which lie on invisible layers can not be selected for operations.

1.1.4 View Windows and Views

A view window is a rectangular region on the screen where the drawing is

displayed. By default, Visual DRAW loads one view window which spans the
entire client area. Visual DRAW provides operations to create, delete, move,
resize, minimize, restore and change the stacking order of the windows. Other
features include changing the appearance of the view window and arranging
multiple view windows on the screen. A collection of windows with their layout
is a scene.
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Chapter 1 5

Figure 1.1(a): View windows in a scene

Changes made to the model in one window are immediately reflected in all other
windows. View windows can overlap one another. In such a case, the topmost
window is seen completely while the overlapped portions of the lower windows
are hidden. Visual DRAW provides the Stay-on-top mode for windows which
are always to be kept on top.

A model may be viewed from different eye points and with different zoom scale
factors in various windows. For example, if a complex assembly drawing is
being worked on, the entire assembly can be viewed in one window and the
detail can be seen in another window.

The view window components are described below.

All newly created view windows display a title bar by default. The title bar
contains the view window number, a control menu and buttons for minimizing,
maximizing and closing the view window.

A single view window can show, one, two or four related views. The views are
related since they display various projections of the same model in space.
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The cross zoom feature in Visual DRAW allows the contents of a rectangular
zoom region to be seen in another window. For example, during an assembly
drawing, using the facility of cross zoom, a small region can be selected from the
assembly window and the fine details can be seen in the detail window.

1.1.5 Coordinate Systems

World Coordinate System

The abstract space in which models are created is called model space. The
World Coordinate System, WCS is the base coordinate system of the model
space. It is a fixed coordinate system in space. Other coordinate systems are
defined with respect to the WCS.

User Coordinate System

Geometry whose principal axes are not parallel to the WCS axes may be
encountered. It is useful to have a coordinate system with respect to which such
objects are defined and edited. This is called the User Coordinate System (UCS).
The UCS can be positioned and oriented in any manner. Input is assumed to be
in user coordinates unless otherwise specified.

Figure 1.2: User Co-ordinate System

The UCS is displayed in the form of an icon or as X, Y and Z axes. The icon
represents the orientation of the UCS.

By default the UCS is aligned to the WCS. There are various UCS manipulation
functions which can be used to locate a UCS anywhere in space. The UCS follow
technique allows the origin of the UCS to be changed to the last point input or
output. This is useful when dimensions are known relative to each other.
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Chapter 1 7

Scene Coordinate System

Windows are created in scene space. The Scene Coordinate System is the 2-D
base coordinate system of the scene space. The scene coordinate system and the
world coordinate system are independent of each other. A rectangle at the origin
of the scene coordinate system, extending in the first quadrant (the scene plot
limit rectangle) is mapped on the graphics area of the screen.

Figure 1.3: Scene Coordinate System

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1.1.6 Limits and Extents

Typical drafting applications involve creating and editing geometry within the
limits of the drawing paper and plotting the contents within these limits. The
limits of the drawing paper on which the drawing or model is plotted are called
drawing limits. The drawing limits are denoted by a rectangle lying in the X-Y
plane of the WCS. The rectangle is located at the origin and extends in to the
first quadrant of the WCS. The limits can be set to any paper size, standard or
non-standard. The plot-dwg-lim command creates a plot the size of the current
drawing limits.

Note that the drawing limits do not restrict entities from being created beyond
the limits. The drawing limits are only applicable during plotting.

The smallest box in space which has its faces parallel to the axes of the
coordinate system and in which an entity lies completely is called the extent box
of the entity in that coordinate system. In a 2-D application, this box is a

The smallest box encompassing the extent boxes of all the entities in the model
is called the model extent box. If there are no entities in the model, the model
extents are the same as the drawing limits with a nominal depth.

Since construction lines are infinite in length, their extent boxes are also infinite.
If construction lines are present in the model, then the extent box of the model is
the box encompassing the extent boxes of all entities excluding the construction

For a marker having zero area (for example, a point marker), the extent box
defaults to a single point. If there is only a single marker of this type in the
model, the model extent box is the same as that of the drawing limits with a
nominal depth, centered at the position of the marker.
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Chapter 1 9

Figure 1.4: Entity and model extents

1.1.7 Parts

It is often convenient to work with a group of entities as a single higher level

entity. For example, it is easier to work with the geometry of a screw by referring
to it as a screw rather than individual lines and arcs. Such a higher level entity is
called a part. A part can be made up of any number of entities. This part
definition can be used in subsequent work. It is possible to have multiple copies
of a single part definition.

1.1.8 Plotting

Draw uses the Windows Print mechanism and generates output for the device set
as the default printer. The Print Setup facility allows the printer, paper size and
orientation to be set. The print output may be redirected to a file. For more
information, refer to Chapter 10, PLOTTING and Appendix A, SETTING UP
PLOTTERS AND PRINTERS. Visual DRAW provides two plotting

Plotting Drawing Limits

In this method all entities within the drawing limits are plotted. If constructions
are made, they are projected on to the world X-Y plane. The projections are
plotted if they lie within the drawing limits.

Scene Plotting
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In this method a scene is plotted. The windows and views on the screen are
plotted as they are seen. The size of the plot is determined by the scene plot
limits. Thus if a model has been created and is viewed in multiple windows from
various eye points, all views are plotted as they appear.

1.1.9 Identifiers and Patterns

When working with Visual DRAW, many named objects are referred to. For
example, the color named white, the part named $world, the layer named 27,
and so on. All such names are called identifiers. A general Draw identifier is a
string containing between 1 and 31 characters. Each character in the identifier
string must be one of the following:

• a to z

• A to Z

• 0 to 9

• _ (underscore character)

• - (hyphen character)

• . (dot character)

• $ (dollar character)

Note that identifiers are case sensitive.

A sub-set of names can be selected from a given list. There may be common
characteristics by which the names can be identified. For example, one might be
interested in all the names which have the prefix dim. Such strings are addressed
by a single string, called a pattern. The characters in the string being selected
and the pattern are processed from left to right. Each character in the pattern is
either a simple character or a metacharacter. A simple character matches itself.
A metacharacter can match one or more characters which may be the same or
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Chapter 1 11
different from itself. Following are the metacharacters which can appear in a

• * matches any number (even zero) of any characters.

• ? matches any single character.

• \ serves as an escape character.

To enter metacharacters themselves, precede them with a back-slash ( \ ).

1.1.10 Extended Entities and Projected Points

Extended entities are the infinite entities underlying the finite entities. For
example, the infinite line on which a line entity lies is the extended line entity.
Similarly, the circle of which a circular arc is a portion is the extended circ-arc

Figure 1.5: Extended Entities

In many interactions, points close to entities are projected onto the entities. The
points close to the entities are called approximate points. The projected points on
the entities are called projected points.

For lines, the approximate point is projected along the normal from the point to
the line. For circles, the approximate point is projected along the line drawn
from the point to the center of the circle. For curves, the approximate point is
projected along the line drawn from the point to the closest point on the curve.
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Figure 1.6: Projected and approximate points

If only one point is input, and this point is to be projected, then the projection
line is a horizontal line from that point to the right.

1.1.11 Settings

All entity attributes in Visual DRAW are settings. They are taken from preset
values or attribute settings. There are settings other than the attributes. Some
settings are associated with the model and are called model settings. Others are
associated with the environment and are called environment settings. A list of all
settings is available in Appendix C, SETTINGS.

1.1.12 Undo

Almost everything that is done in Visual DRAW can be undone. Undone steps
can be redone as well. Undo and redo can be performed on any number of steps.
Undo and redo work in sequential manner. When undo is implemented, the last
action performed is undone. If undo is implemented again, the one before that is
undone, and so on. Similarly with redo, the last undone action is redone, then
the previous one, and so on.

1.1.13 Copy to Clipboard

Visual DRAW provides a feature for copying the screen contents to the clipboard
in a picture format. The picture can be pasted into documents using other
Window applications.
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1.1.14 On-line Documentation

Detailed descriptions of commands may be found on-line using the help feature
of Draw. On-line help is described later in this chapter.

1.2 Learning Visual DRAW

Now that the basic concepts underlying Visual DRAW have been described you
can start working with Draw. This section briefly describes the tools and areas
on the screen. It also teaches how to start and end a Draw session.

1.2.1 Running Visual DRAW

To run Visual DRAW, double click on the Visual DRAW icon in the RE 3D
Engineering Suite Program Group.

A startup screen appears indicating that Visual DRAW is being loaded. Once
Visual DRAW is completely loaded, the startup screen disappears and the
program waits for user input.
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1.2.2 Screen Layout

When the Visual DRAW screen appears and the startup screen disappears,
Visual DRAW is ready to accept commands. Before starting the session, take
note of the major components on the screen. The screen layout consists of
menus, icon toolboxes, text windows and graphic view windows. The screen can
be divided into the following areas.

Title Bar
Menu Bar
Paged Tool Bar

File optionsFile

Client Area

option area

Command Line


Message Bar Echo area

Figure 1.7: Screen Layout of Visual DRAW

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Chapter 1 15

Application Window and Frame

Visual DRAW, like any Windows application, has its own process window. The
Draw window is always invoked in maximized mode. The entire screen is
utilized and the window frame is not visible. This provides maximum area for
working on drawings. The frame for the window may be obtained by restoring
the window.

Title Bar
This bar, located at the top of each window indicates the application running in
that window. It is unique to each window. The title bar string consists of the
name of the application and the name of the drawing file separated by an
hyphen. The Visual DRAW window is of the form

Visual DRAW - <filename>

where <filename> is the name of the drawing file currently loaded. For a Draw
session without a specified filename, the string [Untitled] appears,
indicating that the filename has not been specified.

The Control menu on the left of the title bar contains commands for moving,
resizing, minimizing, maximizing, restoring and closing the application
window. Three buttons, Minimize, Maximize and exit, on the right side of the
title bar, are graphic equivalents of the corresponding commands in the Control

Menu Bar
The area below the title bar is the menu bar. It contains menu titles which bring
up drop-down menus for invoking commands. The menu bar is classified
depending on the functionality of the options under a particular menu bar option.

Options to read, clear, save and delete Visual DRAW files are located under this
title. Options for loading LISP programs and accessing plot related operations
are here. This menu also contains the Exit option for terminating the Draw
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16 Chapter 1
General editing operations such as move, copy, rotate, scale, and special editing
operations like trim, chamfer and fillet are located under this title. The undo and
redo commands are present here. This menu contains the Copy Image option for
transferring data to the clipboard. Also present are commands to edit text and
curves and a sub-menu to modify attributes of entities, dimensions and surfaces.

Construction options for entities are present here. Lines, circles, circular arcs,
ellipses and curve commands are accessible from this menu. This menu also has
sub-menus for creating biarcs, surface entities and blocks.

Display control operations such as zoom, pan, regenerate and refresh are located
under this title. Changing views and viewing 3-D objects with their hidden lines
eliminated are possible using the commands in this menu.

General attribute settings such as color and line style are located in this menu.
Entity specific attributes for markers, hatch and text are also provided. There are
also paper size and work scale settings, and commands to access UCS, grid and
snap related parameters.

Sub-menus for undo, layers and parts related options are classified under this
menu title. Automatic symbol generation and sketch update features are also
included in the utility menu.

Dimensioning is done using commands from this menu. Commands to place
text, hatch, center lines, markers and leaders supplement the dimension features.

Windows are created using the new window command in this menu. Options for
arranging multiple windows are also present under this menu.

Commands for accessing documentation on Visual DRAW commands and
guidelines for using on-line help are placed under this menu title. The About
Visual DRAW command displays package related information like version
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Chapter 1 17

Client Area
This is the working area where visual feedback of operations on the drawing
data is seen. Graphical input such as point input or picking entities is done in
this area. On invoking Visual DRAW, one view window is present in this client
area. More view windows may be created and arranged inside the client area.

Tool Bars and Tool Boxes

Under the menu bar are a number of icons. The icons represent various
commands. These commands can be invoked directly by clicking on the icon.

In the left corner are three icons for file handling.

The paged tool bar is located next to these. This tool bar is a collection of icons
which invoke frequently used commands. It toggles two pages of commands.

Edit Page

Dimensioning Page

The edit page of the toolbar contains editing commands. The dimensioning page
of the toolbar contain commands for dimensioning. On the right is an icon to
toggle between these two pages.

Next to these are icons for deleting entities and plotting.

The icons for entity construction are located on the right hand side of the screen.
The large range of commands available for constructing lines, circles, arcs,
polylines, curves and construction entities are contained in several tool boxes.
The icons for various tool boxes appear upon clicking the left arrow icon. To
select the desired tool box, click on the respective icon.
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Figure 1-8: Tool boxes for constructing entities

Below these tool boxes, there is a toolbox with icon buttons of different color.
These are transparent commands. They can be selected within any command
without terminating the previous interaction.

Auxiliary Toolbox Area

Below the transparent icons is the auxiliary toolbox area. This is where auxiliary
menus appear during certain interactions. An auxiliary menu option can be
selected by clicking on it. All auxiliary menus are transparent. The auxiliary
menus differ depending on the command.

Command Line
This area is used for entering input through the keyboard. In the idle state,
typing valid command names invokes appropriate interactions. Once inside a
particular interaction, this area is useful for providing text input, point
coordinates or numerical values through the keyboard. The up arrow button at
the right of the command line invokes the history window, showing all
previously typed inputs.
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Figure 1.9: Command line, Status Bar and Information

Status Bar
a. Message Area
Requests for information or status information about a selection, command or
process are displayed in the message area. A new message string causes the
previous string to scroll up. The up arrow button on the message area invokes
the Message window, where previous messages can be seen. The Message
window is closed using its control menu or by clicking the up arrow of the
message bar again.

b. Locator/Command Echo Area

This area is adjacent to the message area. Depending on the location of the
mouse cursor, this area serves a dual purpose. If the cursor is within the client
area, the locator displays the XYZ coordinates of the cursor. When the cursor is
over menus or tool boxes, the corresponding command is echoed in this area.

c. Setting Information
This area displays information on the entities present in the current drawing.
The information bar gives feedback on some of the important state variables of
Visual DRAW. The values of these variables can be changed by selecting the
menu option in which that variable is displayed.

Variable Description

layer Shows the current layer and displays a list of layers

ln-style Shows the line-style set and provides to set a new style

color Shows the current color and displays color table.

work-scale Shows work scale and allows setting new scale factor
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Variable Description

dwg-lim Shows drawing limits and gives list of paper sizes.

psnap Shows Psnap status and allows to switch ON or OFF.

undo Shows the Undo status and allows to switch ON or OFF

The status bar itself may be set ON or OFF using the i button at the bottom right
corner of the screen.

1.2.3 Working with Visual DRAW

Visual DRAW is always in one of two states, either a command is being

executed, or Draw is waiting for input. When Visual DRAW is waiting for a
command, it is said to be in idle state. When a command is entered, an
interaction for that command starts. Appropriate input results in an action.
Working with Visual DRAW involves creating drawings or models, editing and
detailing them, storing them in Draw model files and plotting them. These
operations will now be introduced.

Creating and Editing Drawings

There are various commands for creating entities in Visual DRAW. Commands
can be invoked by typing in the command names, selecting the command from
the menu bar or clicking the icon for that command from the tool bar and
toolboxes. After starting an interaction, Visual DRAW prompts for input. After
necessary inputs are specified, the entities are created or modified.

Saving Your Work

After creating a drawing it should be saved in the permanent memory of the
computer as a model file. The Save command allows the current Visual DRAW
model to be saved into a file.

1.2.4 Plotting The Drawing

The icon for plotting is located to the right of the paged toolbar. Use the
command plot-dwg-lim to plot the drawing limits, or plot-scn to plot the scene.
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Chapter 1 21
Refer to chapter 10, PLOTTING and Appendix A, SETTING UP PLOTTERS
AND PRINTERS for details.

1.2.5 Terminating Visual DRAW

To exit a Visual DRAW session, use the end command. If the current model has
not been saved, Draw prompts to save the current model. Options are available
to save the model or to quit without saving.

1.3 General User Interface

1.3.1 The Menu Bar

The menu bar shows several menu titles containing classified command items.
For example, all file related commands are located under the menu title File.
Drop-down menus appear upon clicking the menu title or by pressing an
ALT+<KEY> combination, where <KEY> is the letter underlined in the menu

The behavior of a command is indicated by special prefixes or suffixes.

• Commands with triangular markers to the right display sub-menus upon

selection. Commands may be run from items inside that sub-menu.

• Some menus have ellipses (...) appended to the command name. This
indicates that further input is required to completely execute the command.

• Menu items which toggle settings have a check mark ( ) before the menu
item name. The presence of a indicates that the setting is ON. Clicking
the option turns the setting OFF and the mark vanishes.

• Some commands are preceded by an asterisk (*). This indicates that these
are transparent commands. Transparent commands can be executed from
within other interactions without terminating the current interaction.
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22 Chapter 1

1.3.2 Toolboxes and Icons

A toolbar containing many icons is located under the menu bar. The icons
represent various commands. These commands can be invoked by clicking on
the icon.

Icons are graphical representations of the commands. Note that not all
commands are represented by an icon toolbox. The various types of toolboxes are
as follows.

Transparent Tool Boxes

Usually, if Visual DRAW is expecting input, and a command is invoked, the
previous command is terminated. Transparent commands can be executed from
within other commands without terminating the previous command. Upon
completion of the transparent command, the previous command resumes from
where it left off. Many transparent commands can be selected to achieve
cascading action. The icons for transparent commands are identified by their
distinct color.

Fixed on Screen and Pop Up Tool Boxes

Some toolboxes, like those for file related operations, remain fixed on the screen
for the entire duration of the Visual DRAW session. Others appear for specific
interactions only. Those toolboxes which appear temporarily are specific to
particular commands. A special category of such toolboxes are those which
appear in the auxiliary toolbox area. Otherwise pop up toolboxes are located at
the position of the mouse cursor.

Auxiliary Options
Auxiliary options are a means for providing access to related settings when a
command is in progress. For example, to set text height after invoking the text
command it is not necessary to terminate the command. The toolbox appearing
in the auxiliary area contains the option to do so.
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Chapter 1 23

1.3.3 List boxes

For some commands, Visual DRAW provides list boxes containing valid input.
It is possible to scroll through the list and select the entry. In an interaction
displaying a list box, the desired value can also be typed through the keyboard if
selecting through the list box is not convenient. Typically, input other than that
listed is invalid.

1.3.4 On-line Help

This section describes the organization and use of on-line help. Visual DRAW
On-line Help provides descriptions of various concepts and commands present in
the package.

There are two methods to view on-line help.

1. By selecting an entry in the help menu

2. Using accelerator keys F1 and SHIFT+F1

Getting Help Through Help Menu

Help can be invoked by selecting one of the options in the help menu listed

1. Contents
Selecting this entry displays the Contents page of the help file.

2. Search on Help
Selecting this entry opens a search dialog box. This dialog box can be used to
search for a specific command or help topic among those available.

3. How to use Help

Selecting this entry displays details about the use of the on-line help facility.

4. About Dialog box

Selecting this option displays information about the current version and the
copyright notice. Phone numbers for technical support are also listed here.
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Getting Help Using Accelerator Keys

On-line help can be accessed by using accelerator keys F1 and SHIFT F1. To get
help when a command is in progress, press F1. This displays the help of the
current command. Pressing SHIFT F1 changes to the help cursor and help on
any command can be accessed by clicking on an icon or an entry in the menu

Features of Visual DRAW Help

On selecting the Contents option, the help window appears in maximized mode.
Each help topic has a logo and a title in a non-scrollable region. Every command
is displayed as a separate help topic. Hence, when help for a new command is
displayed, the previous topic is erased. The Back, Search and History features of
Windows Help give help on other commands.

Below the menu bar of the help window are buttons to reach the contents page,
search through topics and obtain history of all commands which have been
scanned. There are underlined words in a distinct green color. These are called
hyper-text. They enable jumping to another topic when clicked on. Hyper-text
with a solid underline clears the current topic of help and brings the help of the
new topic. Hyper-text with a dashed underline brings up topics which display
additional text within a box.

Organization of On-line Help

The components of the contents page are as follows.

1. Using help
Press F1 to discover how to use Help. Find opens a search dialog box with the
names of all available commands. To get help on a particular command, type the
name of the command or another relevant word in the dialog box. As the
command is typed, Windows searches for the command name and displays it.
Select the topic, then click the display button to view help on the command.

2. Features
Selecting Pull-down menus brings up a window showing all entries that appear
in the pull down menus of the package. With this, the help for any command in
the menu bar can be obtained.
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Chapter 1 25
3. Glossary
The Glossary provides brief descriptions of various CAD specific terms. It also
contains terms commonly used command descriptions. Terms in the Glossary are
sorted in alphabetical order. The Glossary is structured so that the definitions of
terms can be seen by selecting its hypertext. All the terms beginning with the
same letter are placed in one group. Cross links to various groups are provided.
To view the definition of a term, select its entry in the Glossary. The definition
appears in a popup window.

1.3.5 File Dialog

File Dialog Box

The File Dialog box is a mechanism for operating on files. Visual DRAW
displays the file dialog for opening a file, saving an untitled file and saving a
named file with another name. The Open menu retrieves or opens an existing
file. The Save As menu stores the model or image into a specified file. When a
Visual DRAW session is started, the model is UNTITLED. Thus the Save
command behaves like Save As. Visual DRAW then associates the data with a
file name and displays it in the title bar. For models with an associated filename,
the Save command does not invoke the File Dialog box. Instead, the new
contents automatically overwrite the file.

The procedure for specifying a filename is as follows. Ensure that the disk drive
and type of file are properly selected. Change to the correct directory and either
type in the file name in the file name box or select the name from the list
displayed. For more details on file dialog, see the Windows User Manual.

Figure 1.10: File dialog box

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26 Chapter 1

1.3.6 History and Message Windows

Yanking Previous Inputs on Command Line

Visual DRAW maintains a history of previously typed inputs. The yank keys (the
up arrow and down arrow keys), on the keyboard can be used to browse through
previous inputs. The commands and values typed earlier are recalled and
displayed on the command line as if they were freshly typed. The user may press
Enter to invoke the input or modify a previously typed input. Some text editing
features of the command line are given below:

Key Action on command line

<- move cursor to left (cursor can be placed directly using mouse

-> move cursor to right (cursor can be placed directly using mouse

(up) see earlier commands and values in the order in which they
were input

(down) shows the n-1 th yanked text if n commands were yanked.

backspace erase text from right to left

DEL deletes selected text or single character from right of cursor


ENTER execute or accept the text in the command line.

Text can be selected for deletion or modification by highlighting characters with

the press to release action of the mouse. For example, if the command yanked
was ee-cont and the command to be executed is ee-3d, then press the left button
between the hyphen and the c character, move the cursor to the end of the t and
release the button. Cont becomes highlighted. Type 3d to clear cont and put 3d
in its place. Hit ENTER to execute the command.
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Chapter 1 27
History Window
A history of the last 25 typed inputs is maintained by Visual DRAW. The up
arrow button on the command line provides access to the history information.
When the up-arrow button on the right hand side of the command lineis clicked,
a window appears above the command line overlapping the client area. This
window displays the previous inputs. Using the vertical scroll-bar, it is possible
to see the inputs or pick a command for execution. The command may be edited
before pressing ENTER for execution.

Message Window
With an interaction similar to the History window, the up-arrow button on the
message bar can be clicked to open and close the message window. This facility
displays messages which have scrolled up or are not visible because of long

1.3.7 Error Window

Visual DRAW issues error messages or warnings for improper inputs. Some
command interactions accept values in a certain range and issue error messages
on receiving larger or smaller values. In some cases, the given input must be
from a displayed list of values. Other errors may be hardware problems, such as
the absence of the hardware lock or shortage of disk space. In restricted mode,
errors can be caused by exceeding the specified entity limits. Another class of
errors may appear where there is a logical mistake such as selecting two parallel
lines to obtain an intersection point or trying to draw a circle tangent to three
concentric circles.

When an error occurs, an error window appears indicating the error type. After
reading the error message click on the OK button to continue. Fatal errors may
cause Visual DRAW to terminate.

1.3.8 Status Bar

The status bar, as seen in Figure 1.10 consists of the message area, command
and locator echo area and the information status bar. The information status bar
can be toggled ON or OFF using the i toolbox icon. The buttons in the
information status bar display the current setting they represent. Upon selection,
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. Introduction
28 Chapter 1
they allow the values of the settings to be changed. The buttons function

1.4 Input

This section describes the concepts essential to the input of various objects in
Visual DRAW. It also describes the input mechanisms for these objects. Most of
the object input techniques include more than one mechanism of specifying
input. All these mechanisms are active simultaneously.

1.4.1 Basics of Input Input Plane

The input plane is a plane on which the cursor moves. It is always one of the
principal planes of the UCS, that is the X-Y, Y-Z, or Z-X plane. The direction
and the point input grid are applied on the input plane. Basic Input Actions

Basic input actions are described below.

Selection With The Mouse

A selection action is performed by pointing with the mouse cursor, then clicking
the left mouse button.

Note: Visual DRAW works with both two button and three button mice. In
a three button mouse, the middle button behaves as typing RETURN or
ENTER through the keyboard.

Keyboard Input
Keyboard input is achieved by entering text or numerals using the keyboard and
pressing the CARRIAGE RETURN or ENTER key.
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Chapter 1 29

A break action aborts the current action. For transparent commands, a break
action returns to the command from which the transparent command was
invoked. Otherwise, the package returns to the idle state and awaits the next
command. A break action is generated by clicking the right mouse button or by
pressing the ESCAPE key on the keyboard.

The confirm action results in the acceptance of input by the package or indicates
the termination of a series of sub-interactions. This is achieved by either clicking
the middle mouse button or by pressing ENTER on the keyboard.

Figure 1.11 : Default mouse button usage

Press to release action

This action is used for identifying two points. The points are identified by
pressing the left button at the first point, moving the mouse while keeping the
button pressed, then releasing the button at the second point. The interpretation
of these points depends on the specific commands.
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. Introduction
30 Chapter 1

Figure 1.12: Rectangle input by press to release action Default Input

In many input interactions, a default input value is displayed in the command

line. To input the default value, simply press ENTER or confirm using the
mouse without typing any other characters. Often, the current value of the
variable for which input is expected is shown in square brackets, for reference.
The default value is shown between angular brackets in the interaction messages.

Figure 1.13: Point grid

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Chapter 1 31 Point Grid

A point grid can be defined for cursor movement. If such a grid is set, the cursor
will snap to the closest point on the grid. The grid is defined by the grid spacing
and the grid origin. The grid spacing is the distance between two successive grid
points along a particular axis. The origin determines the starting point of the
grid application. The grid is active for only those coordinates which vary on the
input plane. This means that if the input plane is the X-Y plane then the grid is
applied for the X and Y directions only. Direction Grid

A direction grid can be defined for cursor movement during direction input. This
grid is defined by a grid angle. This is the angle between two consecutive
directions. As the cursor moves on the input plane, it snaps to the closest
direction as defined by the grid angle if the grid is ON. The direction grid is
applied on the X-Y plane of the UCS only.

Figure 1.14: Direction grid Axis Snap

A snap can be set along the UCS axes. Whenever the cursor is near one of the
axes, it will snap to the closest point on that axis as defined by the axis snap
settings. There are two axis snap settings, the snap origin and the snap spacing.
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. Introduction
32 Chapter 1
These are the same as the grid settings. Axis snap is applied in the two
directions which vary on the input plane. Object Snap

Points on entities can be snapped to, using the entity snap mechanism. There are
two mechanisms for snapping:

• permanent snap
• temporary snap

Permanent snap
This is a modal snap which remains ON or OFF until it's state is changed. There
are various snap types such as intersection point snap and end point snap. Each
has a modal setting which can be ON or OFF. Each type of snap can be applied
to a specific set of entities. All the snap types are arranged in order of
precedence. When a point is located using the mouse, all snap types that are on
are considered from highest to lowest precedence. They are tested on the entities
crossing or enclosed in the select aperture until an entity to which a specific snap
is applicable is found. If more entities than are needed by the snap type are
found, snap points are evaluated for all of these; the point closest to the point at
which the entity was selected is used.

Figure 1.15: Permanent snap to center of circle

Temporary snap
This snap is a temporary control which can be explicitly specify during point
input. It temporarily overrides all permanent snap settings. All snap types
available for a permanent snap are available here. The snap type and entities
must be explicitly specified. If multiple points result, then the points at which
entities were picked are used to resolve ambiguities.
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Chapter 1 33
Temporary snaps can be invoked in two ways:

• Through the transparent menu that appears during point input

• Through the accelerated-snap technique

Each snap type has a snap accelerator key associated with it. If an entity is
selected with this key pressed, the selected snap will be applied to the specified
entity. The following table shows the available snaps and associated accelerator
keys for each snap type.

Table 3. Available snaps

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. Introduction
34 Chapter 1 Work Scale

Objects on the drawing paper frequently need to be scaled due to the physical
limits of the paper size. However the dimensions still need to be of the true size
of the object. Visual DRAW provides a work scale with which this can be
achieved. The work scale can be set to any value. The geometry created
thereafter is generated on the drawing paper after scaling by the factor specified.
Dimensions shown are those of the true object size.

Visual DRAW distinguishes between geometric measurements and annotation

measurements. All dimensions of annotation related settings are assumed to be
defined on paper. Dimensions of geometric entities are assumed to be in the
scaled world. For example if the scale is set to 2.0, then a line created with a
length of 100 mm will have a length of 200 mm on paper. However, a text of
height 10 mm has a height of 10 mm on paper, irrespective of the work scale. Units

The basic units of Visual DRAW are millimeters. Thus, all data is assumed to be
in mm. Other units can be worked with by setting the appropriate work scale.
When it comes to dimensioning drawings, the units can be set to inches, feet or
any other unit. Refer to Chapter 4 DIMENSIONS AND ANNOTATIONS for
more details.

1.4.2 Command Input

Visual DRAW reserves a set of predefined keywords. When input they result in a
specific action. These strings are called commands. Commands can be issued to
Visual DRAW in the following ways:

• keyboard input

• menu selection

• toolbox selection
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Chapter 1 35
The previous command input can be executed by clicking the up arrow key once.
The command to be executed is echoed in the command prompt.

Keyboard Input
Typing the Command
When Visual DRAW is in idle state, a command may be entered through the
keyboard. Pressing enter will send the command to Visual DRAW for execution.

Note: Although Visual DRAW commands are Lisp expressions, it is not

necessary to provide the enclosing parenthesis. Visual DRAW adds them
and evaluates the Lisp expression. If the expression is a valid command or
any other Lisp function, the appropriate interaction starts. If not, Visual
DRAW issues an error stating that the given input is not recognized.

Accessing Menu Keys

A command may be selected by pressing the ALT key and the underscored
character of the menu title. For a menu title which brings up a drop down menu,
the command can be selected by pressing the character which is underscored for
that command. For example, the command Refresh under the View option can be
selected in idle state by pressing ALT+V and then F. ALT+V shows the View
menu and F executes the Refresh command.

Menu and Toolbox Selection

All menu items and icon toolboxes in Visual DRAW have an associated
command. If a menu item or icon is selected the command associated with it is

Some commands are mapped to accelerator keys. Such commands can be
executed by activating these accelerator keys. There are two types of accelerators
that can be used for command entry, function key accelerators and menu
accelerators. Function key accelerators can be activated by pressing a function
key, such as the F1 key. Menu accelerators are activated by pressing the ALT
key, and then the character which is underlined in the menu item.

Transparent Commands
It is often necessary to temporarily suspend an interaction to execute another
command, then return back to the original interaction. Visual DRAW allows this
to be done using transparent commands.
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. Introduction
36 Chapter 1

Transparent commands can be selected from the menus by clicking on the

command icon, or using command accelerator keys from within any interaction.
Transparent commands are shown in a color different from normal command
toolboxes so that they can be easily distinguished.

Commands In a Loop
Many commands in Visual DRAW repeat themselves. After the input has been
supplied and the command has been executed, the input sequence is
automatically repeated as if the command has been re-executed. A confirm
action terminates the current loop of repetition and starts a new loop. A break
action terminates the command entirely and brings Visual DRAW to idle state.
To break from an interaction and execute a new command, an explicit break is
not needed. The icon for the new command can be selected directly. The current
command will be aborted and the interaction for the new command will start.
However, if the new command to be executed is transparent, the interaction in
progress is not aborted.

1.4.3 Point Input

All mechanisms of point input result in a 3-D point. If only two coordinates are
specified, the final coordinate takes an appropriate default value. All coordinates
are assumed to be specified in the UCS unless explicitly specified otherwise.
There are three mechanisms of point input.

• keyboard input

• locator input

• entity snap

These mechanisms are all simultaneously active.

Keyboard Input
Points can be entered through the keyboard by typing the three coordinates
separated by space. Two coordinates are also acceptable. If a 2-D drafting
application is being worked on, the third coordinate does not need to be
specified. Any arbitrary Lisp expression which evaluates to a point can be given.
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Chapter 1 37
The specified Lisp expression is evaluated by Visual DRAW and the resulting
point is used.

The coordinates may be prefixed with modifiers during input. These modifiers
alter the interpretation of the coordinates. Following is a list of modifiers and
their meanings.

Modifier Interpretation

p Coordinates in cylindrical coordinate system (r, θ, z).

@ Coordinates relative to the last point.

w Coordinates in WCS rather than in the current UCS.

Locator Input
The mouse can be used to specify a point. The cursor always moves in the input
plane. A point can be specified in any view on the input plane by selecting the
desired location with the mouse. Point input through the mouse is governed by
the following rules.

• The active permanent snap settings at the time of input The permanent
snap can be set ON or OFF transparently

• The axis snap settings of the view in which the point is located

• The grid and input plane settings of that view

When a point is selected, the actual point selected is determined by permanent

snap settings, provided permanent snap mode is ON. If permanent snap mode if
OFF or the permanent snap settings do not result in a valid point, then the axis
snap settings are applied. If one of the axes lies in the pick aperture, the closest
point on the axis is used. If the axes do not lie in the aperture, the grid snap is
applied, provided grid snap is ON. If the grid is snap OFF, then a point on the
input plane which maps to the located point on the screen is the point which is

As the cursor moves, the point marker moves with it. It snaps to a point as per
the precedence mentioned above. The actually selected point is displayed with a
distinct marker on the screen.
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. Introduction
38 Chapter 1

Entity Snaps
Within the point input interaction, temporary snaps can be used to explicitly
snap to points on various entities. To select a point by temporary snap, select the
menu of the snap type to be activated. The entity (or entities) of interest should
be selected. Breaking from the temporary snap interaction takes you back to the
point specification interaction. Alternatively, the quick temporary snap
mechanism can be used.

Last Point
The last point which was input during any interaction is stored by Visual
DRAW. This can be used for relative point input with the @ modifier. In
temporary snaps, a snap to the last point is also available. Many interactions
result in automatic updating of the last point. For example, after lines are created
the last point changes to the second endpoint of the line.

1.4.4 Integer Input

Integers can be entered through the keyboard. Some interactions have a set of
commonly used values which are shown in a menu. Integers can be selected from
these. Any arbitrary Lisp expression which returns an integer can be typed as

1.4.5 Double Input

Real numbers or double precision floating point numbers, termed as doubles can
be entered through the keyboard. As in other interactions, any arbitrary Lisp
expression which returns a double value can be typed.

1.4.6 Distance Input

This interaction is similar to the double number specification interaction. Non-

positive values can not be entered as distance input.
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Chapter 1 39

1.4.7 Angle Input

This is similar to the interaction of double number specification. Angles are

positive if measured in the counter-clockwise direction and negative in the
clockwise direction. The clockwise direction is defined in a plane on the basis of
the direction of the plane normal by applying the right hand rule.

Figure 1.16: Positive and negative sense for angle

1.4.8 Direction Input

Direction input generates a 3-D direction. For convenience, 2-D directions can
be specified which are converted to 3-D by Draw. Directions can be specified by
one of the following mechanisms:

• keyboard input
• locator input
• two point input

Keyboard Input
Direction can be input through the keyboard by specifying the angle that the
direction makes with the X axis of the UCS. The angle should be specified in

Locator Input
Direction can be input through the mouse by clicking at the appropriate position
in one of the views. A dragged display of the current direction is shown from a
reference point or the center of the view port (if it has been specified in the
interaction). If the direction snap is ON, the nearest direction depending on the
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. Introduction
40 Chapter 1
direction grid angle is used. The direction snap can be set ON or OFF
transparently by selecting the menu which appears in the auxiliary menu area.
Similarly, the direction grid angle can be changed transparently.

Two Point Input

A transparent menu which appears during the direction input can be selected to
specify the direction through two points. Two points can then be input by point
input mechanism. The direction is assumed to be from the first point to the
second point.

1.4.9 Vector Input

A vector can be specified from one point to another, or by typing its i, j and k
components. Keyboard input is assumed to directly specify the vector while
location of a point is assumed to be a two-point interaction.

1.4.10 Text Input

Text can be specified by typing, or picking from a set of values given in a menu
for some interactions. Any arbitrary Lisp expression which returns a string may
be typed as well. In many interactions, as the text is typed, it is dynamically
echoed on the graphics screen.

Escape sequences
Some characters of a specified string may need to be specially interpreted. In
such cases, these characters must be inside a string. Some of the frequently used
special characters, which are are not available on all keyboards, may be specified
with special escape sequence. Visual DRAW uses the backslash ( \ ) character as
the escape character. The following table gives a list of escape sequences and
the substitutions to be used for these. A backslash used at any place other than
the sequences mentioned below is ignored unless specified at the end of the
string, in which case it is treated as a \ itself.
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Chapter 1 41

Sequence Substitution

\d Degree symbol

\p plus or minus symbol

\D phi symbol

\o sequence for overscoring a string.

\u sequence for underscoring a string.

\( open brace ( character.

\< less than < character.

\" double quote " character.

\\ backslash \ character.

The \u and \o escape sequences generate an overscore or underscore start or end

character. Text between two consecutive underscore (or overscore) characters
becomes underlined or overscored when drawn on the screen or plotted.

1.4.11 Picking Entities

Operations on entities involves entity pick interactions. Entities can be picked by

clicking on them in any of the views in which they are visible. Entities which are
not visible on the screen cannot be picked. Entities can be picked in only the
visible portions of their geometry. For example, if a line has a dashed line-style,
it can be picked only at the places where the dashes exist, not in the empty space
between the dashes.

Pick Interactions
There are two types of pick interactions in Visual DRAW.

• fixed pick
• variable pick
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. Introduction
42 Chapter 1
The fixed pick interaction is activated when a fixed number of entities are
required in the interaction. The interaction terminates after the required number
of entities have been selected.

The variable pick interaction is activated when any number of entities can be
specified, like in the interactions of rotate and move. An explicit confirm action
is required to indicate the termination of the selection procedure.

When selecting a variable number of entities, the set of entities which were
selected in the last pick interaction is remembered. These can be directly selected
using the last input selection set option.

Pick Operations
A basic input action which results in the selection of one or more entities is
called a pick operation. There are various types of pick operations:

• Picking an entity: This is achieved by selecting a single entity by

clicking on it.

• Picking by enclosing rectangle: This can be achieved by press to release

action indicating a rectangle. The press and release points are assumed
to be diagonally opposite corners of the rectangle such that the first
point is to the left of the second point. Only the entities which lie fully
within the rectangle are selected.

• Picking by crossing rectangle: This is similar to the above interaction,

except that the direction of specifying the rectangle is reversed. All
entities which are fully within and those crossing the rectangle are

• Specifying the last input selection set: While picking, the inset
auxiliary option can be selected. This selects the last input selection set.

The last three pick operations are not available for a fixed pick interaction.

Pick State
The variable pick interaction is always in one of two states, add or subtract.
When in the add state, the seletced entities are added to a list one after the other.
In the subtract state, the selected entities are subtracted from the list. The add or
subtract state remains active until it is changed. Changing the pick state is done
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Chapter 1 43
by clicking on the toggle menu for add and subtract which appears during the

Undoing Pick Interactions

All pick operations performed in the variable pick interaction can be undone or
redone to any level. This works for the add as well as the subtract state. Undo or
redo can be achieved through the auxiliary menu which appears during the
variable pick interaction.

Entity Filters
For many interactions only specific types of entities are acceptable. If a selection
rectangle, or a cluster of entities are selected, Visual DRAW selects only those
entities which are valid for the interaction.

Picking and Parts

Editing operations can be performed only on the entities in the part $world.
Refer to Chapter 6 PARTS. If the operation on entities is a read only operation,
then an entity in the part $world or an entity within an instance of another part
in the part $world can be selected. For example, when creating a line tangent to
a circle, a loose circle or a circle within an instance may be selected.

Pick Aperture
The pick aperture determines whether or not an entity is selected by clicking the
mouse button. The pick aperture is a rectangle on the screen that moves with the
cursor. It appears during all entity pick interactions. An entity is selected if a
portion of this cursor lies on the entity. If more than one entity crosses the
aperture, the one which was created most recently is selected. The environmental
setting pk-aper is used to change the pick aperture. This sets the height and
width of the aperture to a specified value in pixels.

Figure 1.17: Pick aperture

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. Introduction
44 Chapter 1

1.5 Visual DRAW Startup and Termination

Double clicking on the Visual DRAW icon in the RE 3D Engineering Suite

folder invokes Visual DRAW.

1.5.1 Start Up and Termination Control

Visual DRAW has two login and two logout scripts. They are in standard Lisp
format. They can contain Lisp functions or Visual DRAW commands to be
executed after startup or before termination. These are used to initialize defaults
and set up an effective work environment. These scripts are:

GCADIN.LSP : Executed after Visual DRAW starts.

GCADOUT.LSP : Executed before Visual DRAW terminates.

MODELIN.LSP : Executed for every new model loaded.

MODELOUT.LSP : Executed before clearing the current model.

Upon startup and termination, these files are searched for in the Visual DRAW
configuration directory and then executed. If these files are not found, they are
searched for in the current directory of Visual DRAW, if present.

When Visual DRAW starts, the following sequence of operations take place.

1. Command line options are processed.

2. A blank drawing with various default settings is created.

3. GCADIN.LSP is executed, if found.

4. If a model was specified on the command line, it is loaded.

5. MODELIN.LSP is executed, if found.

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Chapter 1 45
When Visual DRAW terminates, the following sequence takes place.

1. The current drawing model is destroyed.

2. GCADOUT.LSP is executed, if present.

3. The Visual DRAW process is terminated.

1.5.2 Temporary Directory

Visual DRAW creates temporary files when it operates on models. These files
are created in a temporary directory which is removed whenever a Visual
DRAW session is terminated. The names of these temporary directories are a
running number of four digits prefixed with a DRA text string and have
extension .T to indicate their temporary nature. The location of this temporary
directory is determined by the following variables in this order of preference.

VETMP: The installation procedure does not set this variable. This may be set
in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file if you desire to utilize space of other disk drives.

TEMP: If VETMP is not specified, the Visual DRAW temporary directory

location is determined by the Windows temporary directory variable.

1.6 Common Lisp Interface

Visual DRAW supports a complete Common Lisp interface. All functions

defined in Common Lisp are accessible in Visual DRAW. Any valid Lisp
program can be executed in the idle state. During the input of any of the basic
object types, an arbitrary Lisp expressions which return a value of the
appropriate type can be entered.

Most Visual DRAW commands are Lisp functions which are interactive in
nature. They are generally called without any argument and receive all required
input interactively. However, many of these can take input through appropriate
arguments. For example, if the command line is executed without any
arguments, the interaction for creating a line starts. On the other hand, if
coordinates are supplied, a line is created without a point input interaction.
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. Introduction
46 Chapter 1
Lisp programs may be loaded and executed from within Draw. Frequently used
programs can be preloaded by putting them in the file GCADIN.LSP. Once this
is done, they are always available inside Visual DRAW.

In addition to the basic package commands which are available as Lisp

functions, many other utility functions are also supported. Using these, complex
programs can be developed to solve specific problems.

1.7 About Visual DRAW

Information about the current version of Visual DRAW is displayed in the About
Visual DRAW dialog. This dialog appears on clicking the About Visual DRAW
option under the Help menu. A click on the OK button is required to continue
using the package.
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Chapter 2
A new drawing is started by creating basic geometric entities such as lines,
circles, and arcs. Visual DRAW supports an innovative constraint based
construction technique in which geometry can be constructed without drawing
construction lines or trimming unwanted edges. This technique makes the
process of construction easy and quick. In this chapter, frequently needed
construction features are introduced. Then the constraint based construction
technique is discussed.

Most of the constructions discussed in this chapter (with the exception of curves)
are 2-D constructions and result in planar entities. However, these planar
entities may be located arbitrarily in space. They are always created in the X-Y
plane of the UCS. The UCS can be oriented in any direction. Only X and Y
coordinates of the points for 2-D constructions must be entered. If a point,
which is not on the UCS X-Y plane is specified, the projection on the X-Y plane
is used. Within construction operations the UCS can not be changed
transparently such that its X-Y plane does not remain coincident with that of the
previous UCS.

During construction, a transparent command can be executed to change settings.

All constructions can be undone within a command or outside the command.

2.1 Direct Constructions

A toolbox showing a horizontal arrow on the right hand side of the screen (see
Figure 1.8) provides a set of tools for construction. Next to it is an icon
indicating the current construction option. Clicking on the arrow displays a fly
out toolbox which contains options for other sets of construction tools. The
selected option replaces the existing set of construction tools with the new set.
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48 Chapter 2

2.1.1 Line Between Two Endpoints

Command: ee-cont

This command draws end to end connected or chained lines.

• first end point of the line
• for each subsequent line,
- second endpoint
• confirm action to start a new continuous line
• break action to terminate the interaction

Specify the first point. Drag the rubberband line to specify the second point. The
locator coordinate area shows the coordinates of the line as the mouse is moved.
The previous endpoint becomes the starting point of the next line.

TUTORIAL 2.1 Creating a Continuous Line

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 40, 110

message: Specify the point

input: 100, 110

Notice this operation continues in a loop. Specify the points (245, 372) and
(245, 110) in a similar manner. Press the BREAK button of the mouse to
complete the interaction. The line created should look like that of Figure 2.1.
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Chapter 2 49

Figure 2.1: ee-cont

2.1.2 Line With Endpoint, Direction and Length

Command: edl

This method of line creation is useful if the length of the line is known. The
direction of the line is the inclination of the line with the UCS X-axis.

• endpoint of the line
• direction of the line
• length of the line
• break action to terminate the interaction

On specifying an endpoint, the direction is shown as a dragged display emerging
from this endpoint. If the cursor is moved after the direction is specified,
dragging of the line is seen. The length of the line is echoed in the value display

TUTORIAL 2.2 Creating a Line with an Endpoint,

Direction and Length

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

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50 Chapter 2
input: 20, 45

message: Specify the direction

input: 30

message: Specify the length

input: 235

Press the BREAK button of the mouse to terminate the interaction. A line like
that shown in Figure 2.2 is created.

Figure 2.2: edl

2.1.3 Orthogonal Lines With Endpoint and


Command: Oex

This command draws a series of horizontal and vertical connected lines whose
direction is measured with respect to the current UCS X-axis.

• endpoint of the first line
• for each subsequent segment,
- approximate endpoint
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Chapter 2 51
• over action to terminate the interaction
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52 Chapter 2
The first line has the specified point as its endpoint. A horizontal or vertical
rubberband line is seen depending on the mouse movement.

2.1.4 Horizontal Line With Endpoint and


Command: hex

This command is useful when one endpoint of a line is known, the other
endpoint is approximately known, and the line is constrained to be horizontal.

• endpoint
• approximate endpoint
• break action terminating the interaction

The direction of the line being specified is horizontal.

2.1.5 Vertical Line With Endpoint and Approximate


Command: vex

This is a counterpart of the hex command. It constrains the line to be vertical.

• endpoint
• approximate endpoint
• break action terminating the interaction

The direction of the line being specified is vertical.
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Chapter 2 53

2.1.6 Construction Line With Point and Direction

Command: pd

This command draws a construction line through a specified point in a specified


• point
• direction
• break action terminating the interaction
A infinite line passing through the specified point is displayed as a rubberband.
Note that an angle of theta and theta + 180 produce the same line.

TUTORIAL 2.3 Creating a Construction Line with a

and Direction

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 500, 500

message: Specify the direction

input: 45

Press the BREAK button of the mouse to terminate the interaction. A

construction line like that shown in Figure 2.3 is drawn.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
54 Chapter 2

Figure 2.3 : pd

2.1.7 Three Dimensional Line With Endpoints

Command: ee-3d

Generally, all constructions are on the X-Y plane of the current UCS.
Occasionally it is necessary to draw lines in space. This command draws lines
between two endpoints in space.

• first endpoint of the line
• second endpoint of the line
• over action terminating the interaction

The line is dragged in 3D space as the second endpoint is being specified. All
three coordinates can be specified for both end points. If the Z coordinate is
eliminated, the result is a line in the UCS X-Y plane.

TUTORIAL 2.4 Creating 3D Lines with Endpoints

First, switch views so the entities can be seen more clearly.

input: Select the menu option View/*Number of views

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Chapter 2 55

input: Select from the pop-up toolbox

Now we are ready to input the entities.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the start point

input: 0, 0

message: Specify the end point

input: 100, 0

The interaction repeats itself in a loop. Specify the following lines in a similar

Line L2 : (100 0) to (0 100)

Line L3 : (0 100) to (0 0)

Line L4 : (0 0 100) to (100 0 100)

Line L5 : (100 0 100) to (0 100 100)

Line L6 : (0 100 100) to (0 0 100)

Line L7 : (0 0 0) to (0 0 100)

Line L8 : (100 0 0) to (100 0 100)

Line L9 : (0 100 0) to (0 100 100)

Press the BREAK button of the mouse to terminate the interaction. The drawing
on your screen should look similar to Figure 2.4.
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56 Chapter 2

Figure 2.4 : ee-3d

2.1.8 Circle With Center and Radius

Command: cr

This command draws a circle with a given center and radius.

• center
• radius
• break action terminating the interaction

Draws circles for a given center and a specified radius.

TUTORIAL 2.5 Creating a Circle with Given Center


input: Select icon

message: Specify the center point

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Chapter 2 57
input: 0, 0

message: Specify the radius

input: 150

Press the BREAK button of the mouse to terminate the interaction. A circle like
that shown in Figure 2.5 is created.

Figure 2.5 : cr

2.1.9 Circle With Center and Point

Command: cp

This command creates a circle given the center and a point on the

• center
• point on the circle
• break action terminating the interaction

This command is useful when the center and a point through which the circle
passes is known.
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58 Chapter 2

TUTORIAL 2.6 Creating a Circle with Given

Center and a
Point on the Circumference

First we will create a square and it’s diagonals.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

Specify the points (0,0), (0,100), (100,100), (100,0), (0,0), (100,100) and (100,0)
in sequence.

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the center point

Specify the center by clicking the mouse at the intersection point P1 of the

message: Specify the point

Specify the point on the circumference of the circle by clicking the mouse at the
vertex point P2. BREAK to terminate the interaction. Your screen should
appear similar to Figure 2.6.
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Chapter 2 59
Figure 2.6 : cp

Note: During point input it is often convenient to put the temporary snap
ON or use snap accelerator keys. For example, use temporary
intersection snap by typing i on the keyboard and simultaneously clicking
the mouse at the point of the diagonals to input the point of intersection of
the diagonals. Refer to section, Entity point snap, for details on
available snaps and corresponding accelerator keys.

2.1.10 Concentric Circles with Center and Radius

Command: Ccr

This command draws concentric circles with the given center and radii.

• center
• for each circle,
- the radius of the circle
• break action terminating the interaction

Concentric circles are constructed using this command. Once the center is
specified, only the radius must be specified for each circle. The center remains
fixed for all the circles.

TUTORIAL 2.7 Creating Concentric Circles with

Center and Radii

input: Select icon

message: Specify the center point

input: 0, 0

message: Specify the radius

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60 Chapter 2

input: 100

message: Specify the radius

The interaction continues prompting for radii, assuming concentric circles, all
centered about the same point.

input: 200

input: 300

BREAK to terminate the interaction. Circles like those of Figure 2.7 are created.

Figure 2.7 : Ccr

2.1.11 Construction Circle with Center and Radius

Command: c-cr

This is similar to the cr command, except a construction circle is created.

2.1.12 Circular Arc with Two Endpoints and a Point

on The Arc
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Chapter 2 61

Command: eep

This command creates a circular arc, given two endpoints and a point on the arc.

• first endpoint
• second endpoint
• point on the arc
• break action terminating the interaction

This command creates a circular arc given the two endpoints and a point on the
arc. A dragged display of the circular arc is seen as the point on the arc is

TUTORIAL 2.8 Creating a Circular Arc with Two

and a Point on the Arc

First let us create a few entities to aid with the arc creation.

input: Select icon

message: specify the center point

input: 0, 0

message: specify the point

input: 100, 0

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

input: Select icon (rescale)

input: Select icon

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62 Chapter 2

message: specify the point

input: -150, 50

message: specify the point

input: 50, 50

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

input: Select icon

message: specify the point

input: 50, -150

message: specify the point

input: 50, 50

BREAK to terminate the interaction. Rescale the drawing.

Now we will make the circular arc.

input: Select icon

message: specify the point

input: Specify the first endpoint as the intersection of line L1 and the

message: specify the point

input: Specify the second endpoint as the intersection of the line L2 and
the circle.

message: specify the point

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Chapter 2 63
input: Specify the point on the arc as the center of the circle.

BREAK to terminate the interaction. The resulting drawing should be similar to

Figure 2.8.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
64 Chapter 2

Figure 2.8 : eep

2.2 Constraint Based Construction

Constant based construction is a construction method which allows lines, circles,

circular arcs, construction circles, and construction lines to be created based on
certain criteria.

2.2.1 What is Constraint Based Construction?

Creating geometry by specifying constraints is called constraint based


Consider creating a line with the following conditions:

Draw a horizontal line with one endpoint at (100, 100), and its other endpoint
on the circle. See Figure 2.9. This line must satisfy the following conditions:

• it should have a specified endpoint,

• it should have a specified direction,
• it should end on a specified entity,

The coordinates of the point and the direction, are called the values of the
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Chapter 2 65

Figure 2.9 : Example of constraint based construction

Constraint based construction involves identifying the constraints and specifying
the values of these constraints. The entities which can be generated by constraint
based construction are lines, circles, circular arcs, construction lines and
construction circles.

2.2.2 Why Constraint Based Construction ?

Conventional drafting packages generally support one of the following

construction methods:

• Tracing over infinite geometry

• Creating approximate geometry then doing detailed editing

In the first method, infinite construction entities which form the basis of the true
constructions are created first. Finite geometry is then constructed over these.

Figure 2.10 : Tracing over geometry

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66 Chapter 2
In the second method, finite geometry is constructed, but rather approximately.
Detailed editing is then carried out. This may involve trimming trailing edges,
cutting unwanted intermediate portions or extending lines and arcs.

Figure 2.11 : Creating approximate geometry and editing

Both methods involve either preprocessing or postprocessing to generate the
actual geometry. The constraint based construction in Visual DRAW allows
geometry to be created without preprocessing or postprocessing. In addition, it
makes a set of combinations available to create entities. For example, lines can
be created in over 108 different ways in Visual DRAW. Whenever it is necessary
to have a particular combination for constructing an entity, invoke the
constraints menu for that entity and select the desired combination. Some
commands seen in the previous sections are customizations of various
combinations for the entities.

Figure 2.12 : Constraint based construction

Some constraints are fixed in nature while other constraints accept various
values. Thus, variants of similar geometry can be created quickly without any
programming. For example, concentric circles can be created by fixing the
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Chapter 2 67
center and inputting only the radius. The advantages of constraint based
construction are summarized as follows:

1. No construction geometry required.

2. No trimming and breaking required.

3. A large number of creation methods are available.

4. You can select your own combination. No need to memorize any special

5. Fixing constraints allows fast creation of variants of a geometry without

actual programming.

6. Constraint combinations can be customized to fit your needs.

2.2.3 Steps in Constraint Based Construction

The steps in constraint based construction can be summarized as follows.

1. Identify appropriate constraints [and modifiers].

2. Input the constraints [and modifiers].

3. Specify the values of the constraints.

4. [Select one or more of the desired solutions]

The steps shown in square braces are optional. Step no. 4 is only needed if
multiple solutions result. The last two steps are repeated for all the entities, so
many entities can be created with the same constraint combination.

2.2.4 Identification of Constraints and Modifiers

The first step is to identify the constraints needed to create the entity. The
constraints must be one of the constraints supported for that entity.
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68 Chapter 2
Consider the case where the line in Figure 2.13 is to be created. The line

• has one endpoint on arc A1,

• has one endpoint on arc A2,
• passes through the center of A1, and
• lies along 45 .

Hence the constraints for the line to be drawn will be ending-on-entity, ending-
on-entity, point and direction. That is

E, E, p and d

Figure 2.13 : Identification of constraints

2.2.5 Input of Constraints and Modifiers

After selecting constraint based construction for an entity, a toolbox containing

all possible constraints appears. Constraints and appropriate modifiers can be
selected from this toolbar by clicking on the option showing the icon for that
constraint. Feedback of the constraints selected appears in the auxiliary tool box
area. A constraint can be selected more than once if it forms a valid

Constraints can be specified in any sequence. The overall effect is the same, only
the order of specifying the values will change. While specifying constraints,
Visual DRAW minimizes the chances of making a mistake. An invalid
combination can never be selected. Any constraint which becomes invalid on the
basis of previously selected constraints is immediately deactivated and cannot be
selected. Similarly, the constraint specification process automatically terminates
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Chapter 2 69
when the number and type of constraints that have been specified are sufficient
to construct an entity.

2.2.6 Specification of Constraint Values

After a valid set of constraints have been specified, the interaction for specifying
the constraint values begins. The values must be specified in the sequence in
which the constraints were input. A question mark appears in the auxiliary tool
box area below the feedback icon of the constraint whose value is expected. After
the value has been specified, this question mark changes to a tick, and the value
of the next constraint is asked for. Dragged display is shown as the point for
location or the mouse cursor is being moved during the specification of
constraint values. In case of lines, an infinite line on which the line would lie is
displayed, even when a partial combination is specified.

TUTORIAL 2.9 Creating a Line Using Constraint


In this tutorial, we will create the line of Figure 2.13. First we shall create arcs
A1 and A2.

input: Select icon

message: specify the point

input: Define a line with endpoints at (0,0) and (100,0).

input: Select icon

message: specify the point

input: 0, 0

message: specify the point

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70 Chapter 2
input: 100, 0

message: specify the point

input: 50, 200

Rescale the image.

message: specify the point

input: 30, 0

message: specify the point

input: 70, 0

message: specify the point

input: 50, 80

BREAK to terminate the interaction. Now we shall construct the line.

input: Select icon

A pop-up toolbox appears.

message: specify a constraint

input: Select the icon from the pop-up toolbox.

message: specify a constraint

input: Select the following icons from the pop-up toolbox in the same

, , and . The pop-up toolbox disappears and the interaction of

specifying constraint values begins.

message: pick the entity

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Chapter 2 71

input: Click on arc A1.

message: pick the entity

input: Click on arc A2.

message: specify the point

input: Click near the center of arc A1.

message: specify the direction

input: 45

Notice that the line drawn extends all the way through arc A1.

message: select one entity or specify if multiple

input: Click on the portion of the line which lies between arcs A1 and

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

2.2.7 Selection of the Desired Solution

The last step is to select the desired solutions. This step is only required if the
values of the constraints yield multiple solutions. In the case of multiple
solutions, a mult option appears in the auxiliary toolbox area. Any number of the
resulting solutions can be selected.

Consider a line tangent to the two circles of Figure 2.15.

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72 Chapter 2

Figure 2.15 : Multiple solutions

To select a single solution, click on the solution. To select more than one
solution, select the mult option. Locate all the solutions of interest and confirm
the selection with an over action. To select all the solutions, confirm without

Selecting an entity is accomplished by specifying a point near the entity.

However, in some cases solutions may overlap. Any point specified would be
close to more than one solution. Take Figure 2.16 for example.

Figure 2.16 : Overlapping solutions

Lines AC and AB are two solutions which overlap. They are equally close to
point P. In such cases, locate the entity of interest using press to release action.
Press the button near one endpoint of the entity and release it near the other
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Chapter 2 73

2.2.8 Constraint Modifiers

Constraint modifiers are additional conditions which enhance the constraints.

Draw has two constraint modifiers

• Fix
• Last fix

These are useful when many entities are to be created on the basis of the same
constraint combinations. To define a constraint modifier, first select the
modifier, then select the constraint. If a second modifier is selected before
selecting the constraint, the first modifier is ignored.

Fix Constraint Modifier

If a constraint is common to a number of entities being created with the same

combination, the value of that constraint can be fixed. For example, the center of
a circle can be fixed to draw concentric circles.

Once the value of a constraint is fixed, that value is carried throughout the
interaction. When a constraint is fixed, its value must be input before the other
constraints are specified.

Figure 2.17 : Example of fix

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74 Chapter 2

TUTORIAL 2.10 Creating Lines Using Fixed


As an extension of TUTORIAL 2.9, we will construct the lines shown in Figure


First, we must identify the constraints and modifiers. It is seen that each of these

has an endpoint on arc A1,

has an endpoint on arc A2,

passes through the center of arc A1, and

is along various directions, which are a multiples of 15 degrees.

The first three constraint values for these lines can be fixed. The constraint
combination is:

fix ending-on-entity, fix ending-on-entity, fix point, direction

i.e., fix E, fix E, fix p, d

Now we can input the constraints and modifiers.

input: Select icon

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Pick the entity

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Chapter 2 75

input: Click on arc A1

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Pick the entity

input: Click on arc A2

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Specify the point

input: Select the center of arc A1

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Specify the direction

Since all other constraints are fixed, only the directions of the lines must be

input: Specify the directions of the lines at 15 degree intervals.

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76 Chapter 2

Last-fix Constraint Modifier

Creating lines, circles, circular arcs and construction circles with constraint
based construction automatically updates the last point. This last point may be
needed for subsequent constructions. Consider creating a series of line segments
connected end to end. This can be done using the last-fix modifier. Once a point
constraint is last fixed, the value of the point constraint in the subsequent
interaction becomes the value of the last point. Last-fix modifiers can be applied
to point constraints only.

TUTORIAL 2.11 Creating a Pentagon Using the

Constraint Modifier

The last-fix constraint modifier is used to create a regular pentagon of side 100
at point (200, 200).

Figure 2.18 : Example of last fix

First, identify the constraints and modifiers. We are going to create a pentagon.
The length of each side is 100, thus the length can be fixed. The pentagon has
its base point at (200 200). To form the pentagon, lines are connected end to
end, therefore lfix endpoint = (200 200). For a pentagon, the angle between the
sides is 72o. Select the direction of the line as the last constraint and use the
direction grid to construct lines at 72o with respect to each other. The constraint
combination that should be selected is

fix length, last-fix endpoint, direction

i.e.: fix l, lfix e, d

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Chapter 2 77

Now we can input the constraints and modifiers. This can be done in the same
manner described in TUTORIAL 2.10. Be careful not to confuse the FIX and
the LAST-FIX icons in the constraints toolbox. Input the constraints in the
above sequence. The values of the fixed and last-fixed constraints should be
specified per the above values.

Set the direction grid to ON, and set the angle to 72 . For each of the lines,
select the approximate angle required with the mouse. The resulting pentagon
should look like that of Figure 2.18.

2.2.9 Bypassing Explicit Constraint Input

The constraint based construction method is a powerful tool for geometric

constructions. Visual DRAW provides a predefined set of constraint
combinations in the construction toolboxes. These predefined sets of constraint
combination may be specified by abbreviated commands. For example, ee=
(endpoint, endpoint), and edl=(endpoint, direction, and length), etc. In each of
these commands, the constraint combinations are pre-specified. In the next few
sections, pictorial representations of the constraint combinations and the inputs
required are given.

2.2.10 Some Notes on Constraint Based


This constraint based construction method provides many possibilities. Other

conventional methods are also available in Draw. Construction geometry can be
traced over. Special editing operations can be used. Each method has its own

2.3 Lines

This section describes constraint based construction of lines. All the constraints
available for lines are shown in the table.
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78 Chapter 2

The above table shows the icon for a constraint, its abbreviated name, the
description of the constraint, and the Lisp command for the constraint. The icon
shown appears in the constraint menu for lines. The abbreviation is a single
character which is referred to in constraint description combinations. For
example, for a line with a specified endpoint (e), specified direction (d), and
specified length (l), the combination is denoted by placing the symbols one after
another as edl. The following abbreviations are also used in the commands: V
for vertical lines, H for horizontal lines, CONT for continuous lines, C for
concentric circles, S for semi-circles and Q for a quadrant of a circle.
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Chapter 2 79

2.3.1 Constraint Based Construction of Lines

Command: line-r



These commands allow lines to be created using constraint based construction.

The commands hline-r and vline-r are used to create horizontal and vertical lines
respectively. The line command terminates after creating a single line, but the
commands line-r, hline-r and vline-r allow multiple lines to be defined.

• set of constraints and modifiers
• for each line to be constructed,
- constraint values
- solution(s) of interest if more than one result
• over action allows a new set of constraints and modifiers to be selected
• break action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary option
mult Allows multiple solutions to be selected.

The interaction proceeds in the manner described in the previous section.

TUTORIAL 2.12 Creating a Tangent Line Using

Based Construction

In this tutorial, we will create the line shown in Figure 2.19. Before we start, we
will create the circle and the arc.
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80 Chapter 2

Figure 2.19 : TEe

input: Select icon

message: Specify the center point

input: 25, 25

message: Specify the point

input: 0, 25

BREAK to complete the circle.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 200, 70

message: Specify the point

input: 200, -50

message: Specify the point

input: 180, -10

BREAK to complete the arc.

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Chapter 2 81
Now we will identify the constraints and modifiers of the line.

The line is tangent to the circle T

ends on the arc E

and has P1 as its endpoint e

We are now ready to input the constraints and modifiers of the line.

input: Select icon

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon

message: Pick the tangent entity

input: Click on the circle

message: Pick the entity

input: Click on the arc

message: Specify the point

input: -35, -10

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

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82 Chapter 2
Now consider the case of Figure 2.20, where point P1 has moved toward the
circular arc.

Figure 2.20 : TEe

Although the line does not touch the circle, its extension is tangent to the circle.

TUTORIAL 2.13 Creating More Lines Using

Based Construction


Figure 2.21 : Lslx

Using constraint based construction, we will create the line of Figure 2.21. First,
we will create the line L1.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 100, 100

message: Specify the direction

input: 30
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Chapter 2 83

message: Specify the length

input: 200

BREAK from the interaction.

The constraints of the line must be identified.

The line is parallel to line L1 L

The line is at a distance of 100 from line L1 s

The line has a length of 500 l

The line has an endpoint along the normal direction from P1, i.e. P1 is the
approximate end point x

Now that the constraints have been identified, we can input them.

input: Select icon

message: Specify a constraint

The constraints can be specified by clicking on the icons for

L, s, l, x; , , and respectively.

We are ready to define the values of the constraints.

message: Pick the line

input: click on the previously drawn line

message: Specify the distance

input: 100

message: Specify the length

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84 Chapter 2

input: 500

message: Specify the point

input: click at point P1

Notice that there are two possible solutions.

message: Select one entity or specify if multiple

input: click on the line which lies below the original line

BREAK to terminate the interaction.


We will create the line of Figure 2.22 using constraint based construction. First,
we will create circles C1, C2 and line L1.

Figure 2.22 : NEEp

input: Select icon

message: Specify the center point

input: 50, 100

message: Specify the radius

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Chapter 2 85
input: 25

message: Specify the center point

input: 200, 50

message: Specify the radius

input: 25

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 125, 25

message: Specify the direction

input: 70

message: Specify the length

input: 100

We can now identify the constraints of the line.

The line is perpendicular to line L1 N

The line ends on circle C1 E

The line ends on circle C2 E

The line passes through point P1 p

Now that the constraints have been identified, they can be input. The constraints
can be specified by clicking on the icons for

N, E, E, p; , , and respectively.
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86 Chapter 2
We are now ready to define the values of the constraints.

Pick line L1

Pick circle C1

Pick circle C2

Specify point P1 (95, 95)

There are four possible solutions, each overlapping the other as shown in Figure
2.23. To select the desired solution :

Place the cursor near point ps

Press the left mouse button and move towards point pe

Release the button.

Figure 2.23 : Multiple solutions in NEEP

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Chapter 2 87


The line in Figure 2.24 will be created using constraint based construction.

Figure 2.24 : fsel

First we must identify the constraints.

The line is at a distance 200 from P1 f,s

The line has an endpoint at P2 e

The line has a length of 1000 l

Now we can input the constraints. The constraints are specified by clicking on
the icons for

f, s, e, l; , , , and respectively.

Specify the values of the constraints.

Specify point P1 (0,0) as the reference point.

Specify the distance as 200.

Specify point P2 (200,0) as the endpoint.

Specify the length as 1000.

Select the desired solution. Multiple options are displayed. Click on the solution
which appears in the first quadrant to select it.

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

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88 Chapter 2


Consider the construction of the notches of the key shown in Figure 2.25.

Figure 2.25 : UCS follow with lfix

The lines are all connected to each other. Each line lies on a grid with a spacing
of 5. The UCS follow technique (refer to Chapter 9 UTILITIES), along with the
last fix constraint modifier can be used to achieve this.

Turn UCS follow ON.

input: Select menu option Settings/UCS/*Follow ON/OFF

Set the grid spacing to 5.

input: Select menu option Settings/Grid/*Grid spacing

message: Specify the X spacing [100.0000] <100.0000>:

input: 5

message: Specify the Y spacing [100.0000] <100.0000>:

input: 5

message: Specify the Z spacing [100.0000] <100.0000>:

input: 5

Identify the constraints and modifiers. All the lines are connected end to end.
The endpoint of the lines can be last-fixed.
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Chapter 2 89
Input the constraints and constraint modifiers. The constraints can be specified
by clicking on the icons for lfix, e, e.

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Specify the point

input: 0, 100

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon from the constraints toolbox

message: Specify the point

Specify the values of the constraints. Since UCS follow is ON, the axes will be
positioned at the point last input. Now, by looking at the axes ticks, input the
points in the sequence from 2 to 16 as shown in the figure. Construction of this
figure becomes very simple using this procedure.

input: Select menu option Settings/Grid/*Grid ON/OFF to turn the grid


input: click the mouse cursor at the following points:

(0,85), (5,85), (5,95), (10,95), (10,80), (15,80), (15,100), (20,100),

(20,90), (25,90), (25,95), (30,95), (30,75), (35,75), (35,100)

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

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90 Chapter 2

2.3.2 Direct Combinations Available For Lines

Many frequently used combinations are supported as direct commands for line
creation. There are three sets of construction toolboxes for lines. One for
horizontal lines, other for vertical lines, and the third for arbitrary lines.

The following is the format in which the interactions are described:

• The icon for the specific combination is put in the top left corner of the
• A figure explaining the construction method is shown in the center.
• At the bottom, the command and its Lisp command counterpart with
explicit constraint specification is mentioned.
• A brief description of the interaction is given on the top right in step
wise form.

The following conventions have been used in the figures:

• Points to be input are marked by a + sign. Entities to be selected are

marked with a square.
• The solutions generated are drawn with a thick line. The ones which
actually get drawn are in solid line-style, the ones which are not
selected are shown in dotted line-style.
• Numbers are shown next to the plus signs and square markers to
indicate the sequence of input.

2.3.3 Vertical and Horizontal Lines

Figure 2.26 : vel Figure 2.27 : vex

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Chapter 2 91

Figure 2.28 : vpxx Figure 2.29 : vTxx

Figure 2.30 : vEe Figure 2.31 : vpxl

Figure 2.32 : vTEE Figure 2.33 : vEEp

Figure 2.34 : vpEx Figure 2.35 : vTEx

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92 Chapter 2

Figure 2.36 : vfsxx

Figure 2.37 : hel Figure 2.38 : hex

Figure 2.39 : hpxx Figure 2.40 : hTxx

Figure 2.41 : hEe Figure 2.42 : hpx

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Chapter 2 93

Figure 2.43 : hTEE Figure 2.44 : hEEp

Figure 2.45 : hpEx Figure 2.46 : hTEx

Figure 2.47 : hfsxx

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94 Chapter 2

2.3.4 Inclined Lines

Figure 2.48 : ee Figure 2.49 : edl

Figure 2.50 : edx Figure 2.51 : pdxx

Figure 2.52 : Tpxx Figure 2.53 : eTx

Figure 2.54 : Oex Figure 2.55 : Tdxx

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Chapter 2 95

Figure 2.56 : TTEE Figure 2.57 : TEe

Figure 2.58 : Lsxx

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96 Chapter 2

2.4 Construction Lines

The command c-line allows construction lines to be drawn using constraint

based construction. The interaction is similar to that of lines. The constraints
available for these commands are shown below.

TUTORIAL 2.14 Creating a Construction Line

In this tutorial, we will draw the construction line shown in Figure 2.59. First,
we will draw circles C1 and C2.
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Chapter 2 97

Figure 2.59 : TT

input: Select icon

message: Specify the center point

input: 100, 100

message: Specify the radius

input: 50

message: Specify the center point

input: 300, 70

message: Specify the radius

input: 30

Now we can identify the constraints.

The line is tangent to circle C1 T

The line is tangent to circle C2 T

Switch to the construction line toolbox.

input: Select icon

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98 Chapter 2

input: Select icon from the poop-up toolbox

Input the constraints and their values.

input: Select icon

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon

message: Specify a constraint

input: Select icon

message: Pick the tangent entity

input: click on circle C1

message: Pick the tangent entity

input: click on circle C2

Multiple solutions appear on the screen. Click on the construction line which
matches that of Figure 2.59.

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

The following figures illustrate the direct commands available for construction

Figure 2.60 : pp Figure 2.61 : pd

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Chapter 2 99

Figure 2.62 : vp Figure 2.63 : hp

Figure 2.64 : Lp Figure 2.65 : Np

Figure 2.66 : vT Figure 2.67 : hT

Figure 2.68 : Tp Figure 2.69 : Ls

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100 Chapter 2

Figure 2.70 : TT

2.5 Circles and Construction Circles

The commands circle and c-circle allow circles and construction circles to be
drawn using constraint based construction. The interaction is similar to that of
lines. The constraints available for circles and construction circles are shown
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Chapter 2 101

TUTORIAL 2.15 Creating Circles


Figure 2.71 : ppp

In this example, we will create the circle shown in Figure 2.71. First we must
identify the constraints.

The circle passes through point P1 p

The circle passes through point P2 p

The circle passes through point P3 p

Now we can input the constraints. Switch to the circle toolbox.

input: Select icon

input: Select icon from the pop-up toolbox

input: Select icon

The constraints can be specified by clicking on the icons for p, p and p; ,

and respectively.
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102 Chapter 2
message: Specify the point

input: 100, 100

message: Specify the point

input: 200, 90

message: Specify the point

input: 170, 200

BREAK to terminate the interaction.


In this example, we will create the circle of Figure 2.72. First, we will create
line L1.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 0, 0

message: Specify the direction

input: 5

message: Specify the length

input: 200
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Chapter 2 103

Figure 2.72 : ppT

Identify the constraints.

The circle passes through point P1 p

The circle passes through point P2 p

The circle is tangent to line L1 T

Input the constraints. Switch to the circle toolbox. The constraints can be

specified by clicking on the icons for p, p and T; , and


Specify the values of the constraints

Specify point P1, (125, 30)

Specify point P2, (140, 90)

Pick line L1

Select the desired solution. Click on a point near the smaller circle.


We will create circles C4 and C5 of Figure 2.73. Before we start, we will first
create circles C1, C2 and C3.
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104 Chapter 2

input: Select icon

message: Specify the center point

input: 100, 100

message: Specify the radius

input: 10

message: Specify the center point

input: 90, 130

message: Specify the radius

input: 13

message: Specify the center point

input: 130, 125

message: Specify the radius

input: 15

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

Figure 2.73 : TTT

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Chapter 2 105
Identify the constraints.

The circles are tangent to circle C1 T

The circles are tangent to circle C2 T

The circles are tangent to circle C3 T

Input the constraints. Switch to the circle toolbox. Select icon . The

constraints can be specified by clicking on the icons for T, T and T; ,

and .

Specify the values of the constraints

Pick circle C1

Pick circle C2

Pick circle C3

Select the desired solutions. We are interested in two of the eight possible
solutions. Select these two as follows.

Click the mult menu option,

Click a point on circle C4

Click a point on circle C5

Hit enter to complete the interaction.



We will create the circle of Figure 2.74.

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106 Chapter 2

Figure 2.74 : DD
Identify the constraints.

The circle has points P1 and P2 which are diametrically D

opposite points on the circle D

Input the constraints. Switch to the circle toolbox. Select icon . The

constraints can be specified by clicking on the icons for D and D; , .

Specify the values of the constraints.

Specify point P1, (50, 50)

Specify point P2, (230, 150)

Refer to the figures below for the direct commands available for circles and
construction circles. Commands shown for circles must be prefixed with a c- to
obtain commands for construction circles. For example, cr draws a circle while
c-cr draws a construction circle.

Figure 2.75 : cp Figure 2.76 : cr

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Chapter 2 107

Figure 2.77 : rpp Figure 2.78 : Tpp

Figure 2.79 : Tc Figure 2.80 : ppp

Figure 2.81 : TTp Figure 2.82 : DD

Figure 2.83 : TTT Figure 2.84 : TTr

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108 Chapter 2

Figure 2.85 : Ccr

2.6 Circular Arcs

The circ-arc command allows circular arcs to be drawn using constraint based
construction. The table below shows the constraints available for circular arcs.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Chapter 2 109

TUTORIAL 2.16 Drawing Circular Arcs



In this example, we will create the arc of Figure 2.86. First, we will draw lines
L1, L2, L3 and L4.

input: Select icon

message: specify the point

input: 0, 0

message: specify the point

input: 0, 100

message: specify the point

input: 200, 100

message: specify the point

input: 200, 0

message: specify the point

input: 0, 0

BREAK to terminate the interaction.

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110 Chapter 2

Figure 2.86 : eep

Identify the constraints.

The arc has point E1 as its endpoint e

The arc has point E2 as its endpoint e

The arc passes through point P1 p

Input the constraints. Select icon . The constraints can be specified by

clicking on the icons for e, e and p; , and respectively.

Specify the values of the constraints.

Specify the first endpoint as the intersection of L1 and L3

Specify the second endpoint as the intersection of L2 and L3

Specify the point as the midpoint of L4



In this example, we will create the arc of Figure 2.87

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Chapter 2 111

Figure 2.87 : reda

Identify the constraints.

The circular arc satisfies the following conditions:

radius is 200, r

end-point at origin, e

lies in the first quadrant and

is tangent to the Y axis, d

included angle is 90o. a

Input the constraints. Select icon . The constraints can be specified by

clicking on the icons for r, e, d, a; , , , respectively.

Specify the values of the constraints.

Specify the radius as 200

Specify endpoint as (0 0)

Specify direction as 90o

Specify angle as 90o

Select the desired solution. Click on the arc which lies in the first quadrant.
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112 Chapter 2

In this example, we will create the arc of Figure 2.88.

Figure 2.88 : ceh

Identify the constraints.

The circular arc satisfies the following conditions:

center at C1 c

endpoint at E1 e

chord length h h

Input the constraints. Select icon . The constraints can be specified by

clicking on the icons for c, e, h; , , respectively.

Specify the values of the constraints.

Specify center as (200 200)

Specify endpoint as (0 200)

Specify chord length as 282.8

Select the desired solution. Click the mouse in the vicinity of (325, 370).
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Chapter 2 113
Direct combinations available for circular arcs are shown in Figures 2.89 to

Figure 2.89 : eep Figure 2.90 : eer

Figure 2.91 : eea Figure 2.92: eed

Figure 2.93 : reda Figure 2.94 : ceh

Figure 2.95 : cea Figure 2.96 : Sred

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114 Chapter 2

Figure 2.97 : See Figure 2.98 : Sce

Figure 2.99 : Qred

2.7 Ellipse

Command: ellipse

This command allows an ellipse to be created by specifying its center and the
points at the tips of two conjugate axes. These points form the midpoints of two
sides of the parallelogram encompassing the ellipse. The major and minor axes
can be different from the conjugate axes.

• center of the ellipse
• first conjugate tip point
• second conjugate tip point

A dragged display of the ellipse is shown as the second point is being specified.
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Chapter 2 115

Tutorial 2.17 Creating an Ellipse

In this tutorial, we will draw the ellipse of Figure 2.100.

Figure 2.100 : ellipse

Switch to the miscellaneous profiles toolbox.

input: Select icon

input: Select icon

input: Select icon

message: Specify the center point

input: 100, 100

message: Specify the first tip point

input: 160, 120

message: Specify the second tip point

input: 90, 130

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116 Chapter 2

2.8 Elliptical Arc

Command: elipt-arc

This command allows an elliptical arc to be created. This is done by creating an

ellipse, then specifying the parametric start angle and the parametric included
angle. The parametric start angle is measured with reference to the first
conjugate axis. The parametric included angle is the difference between the
parametric start angle and the parametric end angle.

• center of the elliptical arc
• first conjugate tip point
• second conjugate tip point
• parametric start angle
• parametric included angle

The basic ellipse construction is the same as explained in the previous section.

TUTORIAL 2.18 Creating an Elliptical Arc

In this tutorial, we will create the elliptical arc of Figure 2.101.

Figure 2.101 : elipt-arc

Switch to the miscellaneous profiles toolbox.

input: Select icon

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Chapter 2 117
message: Specify the center point

input: 100, 100

message: Specify the first tip point

input: 160, 120

message: Specify the second tip point

input: 90, 130

message: Specify the parametric start angle

input: 0

message: Specify the parametric included angle

input: 270

2.9 Biarcs

A biarc is a connected sequence of segments. These segments can be either lines

or arcs. A biarc is treated as a single entity and can be used to represent complex
profiles. Biarcs can be either open or closed. An open biarc has two distinct
endpoints while a closed biarc has no explicit endpoints. Biarcs can be created in
the following ways.

• By creating polylines
• By creating rectangles
• By free hand sketching
• By tracing over construction geometry

2.9.1 Polyline

Command: pline
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118 Chapter 2
This command allows a polyline to be drawn. A polyline is a series of lines that
are connected end to end. The resultant entity is a biarc.

Figure 2.102 : pline

• start point of the polyline
• for each subsequent segment,
- endpoint of the segment
• over action terminating the interaction

A rubberband display of each segment is shown before its endpoint is specified.
A feedback of the polyline created is always shown. If you break from this
interaction, none of the segments are drawn.

2.9.2 Rectangle

Command: rect

This command is used to draw rectangles. The entity created is a biarc.

• corner point of the rectangle
• diagonally opposite corner point

Any corner point can be specified. The sides of the rectangle are always drawn
parallel to the current UCS X and Y axes. The relative point input specification
can be used to indicate the width and height of the rectangle.
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Chapter 2 119

TUTORIAL 2.9 Creating a Rectangle

In this tutorial, we will construct the rectangle of Figure 2.103.

Switch to the miscellaneous profiles toolbox.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the corner point of the rectangle

input: 200, 200

message: Specify the diagonals opposite corner point

of the rectangle

input: @250, 150

(@250, 150) means that the second point is at a distance of (250, 150) from the
last specified point, in this case (200,200).

Figure 2.103 : Rectangle

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120 Chapter 2

2.9.3 Free Hand Sketch

Command: free-sketch

This command allows free hand sketches according to the mouse movement. A
biarc with a series of lines which have endpoints along the indicated path is

Figure 2.104 : Free hand sketch

• start point of the sketch
• mouse movement to define the free-hand sketch
• optional intermediate points in the sketch
• over action terminating the interaction

The middle button temporarily interrupts the sketch. The interaction asks for a
start point. This start point is automatically connected to the last point specified
in the interaction.

2.9.4 Tracing Over Construction Geometry

Command: ctrace
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Chapter 2 121
This command allows profiles to be traced over construction geometry.
Intersection points of construction entities are treated as the possible endpoints
of the finite segments being drawn. The input automatically snaps to intersection
points near the cursor.

• start point of the profile
• for each subsequent segment,
- end point of the segment preceded by an appropriate mouse movement
over the entity of interest
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
split If split is ON, lines and circular arcs are created. If
split is OFF, a single biarc is created.
split OFF

Only construction entities can be traced over. As the mouse is moved, the profile
is dragged over the construction entities. When the cursor is near an intersection
point, the current point snaps to the intersection point. Any construction entity
that passes through the last point specified can be traced. If the point specified is
not an intersection point, then the profile is automatically terminated.

TUTORIAL 2.20 Tracing Over Constructions

In this tutorial, we will draw the profile of Figure 2.105. First we will create the
construction circle and construction lines.

Switch to the construction circle toolbox.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 100, 0

message: Specify the point

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122 Chapter 2
input: 100, 100

Switch to the construction line toolbox.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 100, 0

message: Specify the point

input: 200, 25

message: Specify the point

input: 0, 75

message: Specify the point

input: 0, 100

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: 0, 100

message: Specify the point

input: 200, 0
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Chapter 2 123

Figure 2.105 : ctrace

We can begin tracing now that the constructions are drawn.

Switch to the miscellaneous profiles toolbox.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the start point

input: click at point P1

message: Specify the next point

input: click the following points in order:

P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P1

Hit enter to complete the interaction.

2.10 Curves

Visual DRAW can be used to create and modify free form curves. Visual DRAW
supports a powerful set of shape design tools based on non-uniform rational B-
splines (NURBS).
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124 Chapter 2

2.10.1 Basic Concepts

Visual DRAW supports creation and editing of control point curves. The shapes
of these curves are governed by a sequence of points called control points. The
set of segments formed by joining this sequence of points is called the control
polygon of the curve. Moving a control point affects the shape of the curve in the
vicinity of the control point.

Figure 2.106 : Control point curve

Weight control
Additional control over the shape of the curve is provided by associating a
weight with each control point. Increasing the weight associated with a control
point increases the influence of that control point on the curve, as compared to
other control points. As a result, the curve is attracted towards that control point.
Conversely, if the weight is reduced, the curve moves away from the control

Figure 2.107 : Weight editing

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Chapter 2 125
Another technique of local control is called refinement. Occasionally, moving a
control point affects a large span of the curve. The control point spacing is said
to be coarse in such a case. This effect can be decreased by refining the curve.
The refinement operation adds a new control point and appropriately alters the
control polygon. The shape of the curve is unaffected by refinement. The curve
can be modified locally by moving the new control point.

Figure 2.108 : Refinement of control point curve

Interpolating point curve

Visual DRAW provides a facility to create and modify interpolating point
curves. Interpolating point curves pass through a set of interpolating points.

Tangent control
Visual DRAW provides a mechanism for specifying magnitudes and directions
of tangents at the interpolating points. The direction of the tangent determines
the slope of the curve at that interpolating point. The magnitude determines how
close the curve is to the tangent line at that interpolating point. A larger
magnitude results in flattening the curve at that point. The curve has two
tangents at every interpolating point, except the endpoints. Visual DRAW
provides independent control of both tangents.
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126 Chapter 2

Figure 2.109 : Interpolating point curve

Closure can be controlled in both interpolating point curves and control point
curves. There are three different types of closure: open, closed and periodic.

Note: In many interactions, a curve is created from other curvilinear

entities such as lines, circular arcs, circles, etc. In such cases, if the entity
is open, then the sense of the resultant curve is from the first endpoint to
the second endpoint. If it is closed, then the sense is counter-clockwise.

Control point curves have the following implications.

open: The two extreme control points are distinct. For such a curve, the
endpoints are coincident with the extreme control points.

closed: A closed curve is one whose extreme control points are coincident. The
curve is said to have two endpoints which are coincident.

periodic: A periodic curve has no extremity as such. The curve is cyclic in

nature and does not pass through any control points
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Chapter 2 127
The effect of closure on a control point curve is shown in the figure below.

Figure 2.110 : Control point closure types

Sense of a curve
The first point specified is the passive end of the curve. The end to which points
are added is the active end of the curve. Whenever a curve is extended, points
are added to the active end of the curve. Each curve has a sense (direction)
associated with it. This is defined from the passive to the active end. The sense
of the curve can be reversed.

2.10.2 Curve Creation

As a curve is created, it may need to be modified by moving the control points or

editing the weights associated with the control points. Visual DRAW provides
curve editing options during creation. Control Point Curve

A unified interaction for creating and editing control point curves is available.
Auxiliary editing options appear during curve creation. Dynamic display
feedback and unlimited Undo and Redo facilities are also provided.

Command: cntl-pt-crv

This command creates a curve given a set of control points. The interaction
involves giving point input. Editing operations are optional.

• control points of the curve
• optional
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128 Chapter 2
- auxiliary tool box for curve editing
- input as required by editing operation
• over action terminating the interaction

Note: Curves are created in space. Even if a curve lies on a plane, all
creation and editing operations are assumed to be in 3-D space. Thus, while
working with curves, all three coordinates of every point can be specified.

Auxiliary options
Move Moves a control point.

Extend Extends the curve by adding control points to the active

end of the curve.

Shorten Shortens the curve by removing the last control point

from the active end.

reverse Switches the active end of the curve and reverses the
sense of the curve.

weight Changes the weight associated with control points.

refine Refines the curve at a specified location.

closure Changes the closure type of the curve. Toggles between

open, closed and periodic.

undo Undo previous operation.

redo Redo last operation.

A minimum of four control points are needed to define a curve. From the fourth
point onward, a dynamic rubberband display is seen on the screen. A stationary
curve resulting from the points specified is displayed. If the enter button is
pressed, the stationary curve is accepted. If enter is pressed before four points are
specified, the curve is not drawn.
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Chapter 2 129
Auxiliary toolbox options can be selected at any time during curve creation. To
return to adding more control points to the curve, select the extend option. Interpolating Point Curve

Command: intrp-pt-crv

This command creates an interpolating point curve which passes through a given
set of points.

• interpolating points of the curve
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
move Moves an interpolating point to another location.
extend Extends the curve by adding interpolating points
to the active end of the curve.
shorten Shortens the curve by removing the last
interpolating point from the active end.
reverse Reverses the sense of the curve by switching the
active end.
refine Refines the curve at a specified location by
adding an interpolating point at that location.
closure Changes the closure type of the curve.

undo Undo the previous operation.

redo Redo the last operation undone.
tangent Change the tangents at a point.
tangent lock status Locks or unlocks the two tangents at an
interpolating point.
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130 Chapter 2
The curve is drawn dynamically, assuming the current cursor position to be the
next interpolating point. The interaction is similar to the control point curve
command, except the sub-interactions operate on interpolating points rather than
on control points.

Figure 2.111 : Editing of locked and unlocked tangents

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->


Entity Editing

Chapter 3
After the basic construction is done, the geometry can be edited or modified.
Editing operations include mirroring objects, copying them to other locations, or
geometric detailing, such as trimming unwanted portions of entities, chamfering
and filleting sharp corners. This chapter describes the entity editing operations
supported in DRAW. Familiarity with entity construction and selection is

3.1 Basics of Editing

There are three types of entity editing operations in Draw

• general editing
• special editing
• entity specific editing

General editing operations affect all entities, irrespective of their type and
location. If 3-D points and vectors are specified, the operations take place in 3-D
space. A 2-D point or vector specification results in in-plane operations.
Examples of general editing operations are rotate, copy, and mirror.

Special editing operations operate on a class of entities. They generally operate

on 2-D entities in the UCS X-Y plane. Examples of these operations include
chamfering, filleting, chopping, breaking and trimming.

An entity specific editing operation affects only a certain type of entity.

Examples of these are editing curves or dimensions.

Editing operations change the entities by default. All the attributes of the new
are the same as those from which they were derived. In some cases, it may be
desirable to retain the original entities and to generate new entities after
modifying the existing ones. Draw provides a mechanism for controlling this,
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
Entity Editing
130 Chapter 3
the keep control. If keep is ON, the original entities are retained in their original
form and new entities are created. If keep is OFF, the original entities undergo
the editing operation.

Note : In some commands, such as pt-break, keep control has a slightly different
meaning. This is explained with the command description.

3.2 General Editing Operations

The following commands are included under general editing operations:

• delete
• move
• copy
• rotate
• scale
• mirror
• rectangular repeat
• circular repeat
• stretch
• rotational stretch

General editing operations affect only the true geometry of annotation entities,
not the geometric attributes. For example, rotating a dimension results in
rotation of its keypoints, the text direction remains the same.

3.2.1 Deleting Entities

Command: del-ent

This command deletes entities.

• selecting entities to be deleted
• over action terminating the interaction
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Chapter 3 131
The undo command restores the deleted entity.

3.2.2 Moving Entities

Command: move

This command moves entities from one position to another.

• entities to be moved
• translation vector

A dynamic drag of the entities is displayed as they are moved from one position
to another.

TUTORIAL 3.1 Moving Entities

In this tutorial, we will perform a move operation. First, draw the geometry as
shown in the first part of Figure 3.1. Now we can move the table.

input: Select icon

message: Pick the entities

Select the entities that make up the table.

message: Specify the translation vector

Specify a translation in the negative X direction so that the drawing appears as

in the second part of Figure 3.1.

Break from the interaction.

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Entity Editing
132 Chapter 3

Figure 3.1: move

3.2.3 Copying Entities

Command: copy

This command copies a group of entities. Multiple copies can be made at

different locations.

• entities to be copied
• reference point
• for each copy,
- destination point
• over action terminating the interaction

The entities are copied such that the reference point matches the destination
point. A dynamic drag of the entities is displayed as the destination point is
being specified.
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Chapter 3 133

TUTORIAL 3.2 Copying Entities

In this tutorial, we will use the copy command to create the steps of Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 : copy

Switch to the miscellaneous profiles toolbox.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the start point

input: 300, 0

message: Specify the next point

input: 0, 0

message: Specify the next point

input: 0, 300

Hit ENTER to complete the interaction.

message: Specify the start point

input: 300, 400

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Entity Editing
134 Chapter 3
message: Specify the next point

input: 400, 400

message: Specify the next point

input: 400, 300

Now we are ready to use the copy operation.

input: Select icon

message: Pick the entities

input: Click in the vicinity of (300,400)

Hit ENTER to accept the selection.

message: Specify the reference point

input: Click on the point that coincides with point 2 of Figure 3.2.

message: Specify the destination point

input: Click on the points that coincide with points 3, 4 and 5 of Figure

Hit ENTER to complete the interaction.

3.2.4 Rotating Entities

Command: rotate

This command rotates a set of entities about a point.

• entities to be rotated
• center of rotation
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Chapter 3 135
• rotation angle

A positive rotation angle indicates counter clockwise rotation, a negative rotation
angle indicates clockwise rotation. The rotation takes place in 3-D space about
an axis parallel to the UCS Z axis and passing through the specified point.

TUTORIAL 3.3 Rotating Entities

In this tutorial, we will use the rotate command. First, draw the geometry as
shown in the first part of Figure 3.3. Now we are ready to rotate the part.

input: Select icon

message: Pick the entities

Select the entities to be rotated.

message: Specify the point about which to rotate.

input: Click at point 2, in the center of the part

message: Specify the rotation angle

input: 30

Break from the interaction.

Figure 3.3: rotate

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136 Chapter 3

3.2.5 Scaling Entities

Command: scale

This command scales entities about a point.

• entities to be scaled
• reference point for scaling
• scaling factor

Auxiliary options
keep keep ON Retains the original entities if ON,
removes them if OFF.

Scaling of entities is done about a point.

TUTORIAL 3.4 Scaling Entities

In this tutorial, we will scale entities using the scale command. First, draw the
geometry as shown in the first part of Figure 3.4.

input: Select icon

message: Pick the entities

Select the entities to be scaled.

message: Specify the point about which to scale

input: Click at point 2

message: Specify the scale factor

input: 0.5
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Chapter 3 137

Break from the interaction.

Figure 3.4: scale

3.2.6 Mirroring Entities

Mirroring operations are helpful in the construction of symmetric objects.





These commands mirror objects about a point, line and plane respectively. The
keep control determines whether the original entities are retained or deleted.

• entities to be mirrored
• reference point, line or plane about which mirroring takes place
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138 Chapter 3
Auxiliary options
keep keep ON Retains the original entities if ON

Removes them if OFF.

A dragged display is seen in point mirroring. In line mirroring, you can either
specify a line or a construction line about which to mirror. With line mirror, text
and hatch are not mirrored. Plane mirroring can be done about the UCS X-Y, Y-
Z or Z-X planes. By default, the keep control is automatically set to ON during
mirroring. The original keep control status is restored after the operation.

TUTORIAL 3.5 Mirroring Entities

In this tutorial, we will mirror entities as shown in Figure 3.5. First, draw the
geometry as shown in the first part of Figure 3.5. Now we can complete the part
by mirroring it.

input: Select icon

message: Pick the entities

Select the entities to be mirrored.

message: Specify the mirror line

input: Click on the dashed line at point 2

Break from the interaction.

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Chapter 3 139

Figure 3.5: mirror

3.2.7 Rectangular Array

Command: rect-rep
This command makes copies of entities at regular intervals along one, two or
three directions.

• set of entities to be repeated
• number of directions
• for each direction,
− direction
− distance between two copies along this direction
− total number of copies along this direction

With rectangular array, entities can be placed at regular intervals from each
other in a row-column arrangement. The existing entities are counted as one
occurrence of the copy. If the total number of copies is n, then n-1 new copies
are generated.
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140 Chapter 3

Figure 3.6: rect-rep

3.2.8 Circular Array

Command: circ-rep

This command makes several copies of entities at regular intervals along a

circular path.

• pick entities to be repeated
• specify reference point of repeat
• specify angle between two copies
• specify total number of copies along the circular path

If the angle between the two successive copies specified is positive, copies are
generated in the counter clockwise direction with respect to the current UCS. If
the angle specified is negative then copies are generated in the clockwise
direction with respect to the current UCS. The number of copies includes the
original copy.
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Chapter 3 141

3. Specify angle between two copies

4. Specify number of copies

Figure 3.7: circ-rep

3.2.9 Stretching Entities

Command: stretch

Command: rot-stretch

These commands allow selected portions of entities to be modified as desired.

Stretch allows linear deformation of the entities. Rotated stretch allows angular
deformation of the entities.

• entities to be stretched
• stretch box indicating significant points of entities
• displacement vector for stretch or the point and
angle of rotation for rot-stretch
Auxiliary options
keep keep ON Keep ON retains the original entities,
Keep OFF removes them.
These commands operate on the basis of points. Significant points of entities
which lie inside the stretch box are affected by the translation vector or the
rotation. Significant points which lie outside the stretch box are unaffected. The
geometry of the entities is redefined on the basis of the fixed and transformed
significant points. If all significant points of an entity are inside the stretch box,
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142 Chapter 3
the result is the translation or rotation of the entire entity. If all significant points
are outside the stretch box, the entity is unaffected by the stretch operation. A
dragged display of the result is shown. Stretch does not operate on construction
lines and surfaces. Associative dimensions are automatically updated after
stretching. The significant points of each entity are shown in table below.

Entity Significant points

line two endpoints
circle center points
circ-arc two endpoints
ellipse center of ellipse
elipt-arc end points of elliptic arc
c-circle center point
biarc significant points of individual entities
curves control points of curve
text position of text
marker position of marker
hatch significant points of boundary segments
dimension keypoints, intersection points of dimension line and
extension lines and the text position
instance position of the instance

Figure 3.8: Translational stretch

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Chapter 3 143

3.3 Special Editing Operations

Special editing operations operate on a class of entities. In all special editing

operations, if an entity is split into more than one entity, the attributes of the
original entity are inherited by the new entities. If more than one entity
participates in an operation and creates a new entity (for example, in fillet,
chamfer etc.) all common attributes of the participating entities are inherited by
the new entity. Those attributes which are not common are inherited from the
current entity settings.

The special editing operations available in Draw are:

• pt-break
• extend
• shorten
• lengthen
• chamfer
• fillet
• chop
• trim
• auto-trim
• explode

Many of the above operations operate on a single entity by default. If multiple

entities are needed, the auxiliary option mult must be selected before selecting
the entities for editing.

In some of the operations, a specific portion of an entity must be identified. This

can be done two ways. The first is by an explicit interaction. The second makes
use of the entity pick point. This control is called the pk+pt mode. If this mode is
ON, the pick point is used. If pk+pt mode is OFF, either an explicit interaction
takes place or the default is used. If multiple entities are being operated upon,
the pk+pt mode is assumed to be OFF.
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144 Chapter 3

3.3.1 Breaking Curvilinear Entities



This command breaks an entity between specified points. One or more break
point can be specified.

• optionally, the mult option
• entities to be broken: valid entities are lines, circles, circ-arcs and
• optionally, the mult-pts auxiliary option
• points at which to break
• terminated by an over action if mult-pts has been selected

Auxiliary options
mult Allows the selection of multiple entities.

mult-pts Allows the specification of multiple break


keep If ON, broken portions are retained. If

keep ON OFF, broken portions are removed.

The selected entities are broken from the first to the second break point. In the
case of circles, breaking is from the first to the second breakpoint in the counter
clockwise direction. If a periodic curve is selected, it is broken from the first to
the second point along the sense of the curve. If the point specified is not on the
entity, the closest point on the entity after projection is used. If the closest point
is the endpoint of the entity, the entity is shortened.

In the case of multiple points, pairs of points are used to break the entity. After
all the break points are given, they are sorted. The point at the extreme end is
numbered one, the next is numbered two, etc. Breaks take place between points
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Chapter 3 145
one and two, three and four, etc. If an odd number of points are given, the last
point is ignored. If only one point is specified, the entity is split into two entities.

Figure 3.9: break (default) Figure 3.10: break (multiple entities)

Figure 3.11: break (multiple points) Figure 3.12: break (multiple entities,
multiple points)

3.3.2 Extending Entities


This command extends an entity up to a specified entity.

• optionally, the auxiliary tool box mult
• entities to be extended. Valid entities are line and circular arc.
• entity up to which extension is required. Valid entities are
− lines
− c-circles
− c-lines
− circles
− circ-arcs
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146 Chapter 3
Auxiliary options
mult Allows the selection of multiple entities.

pk+pt If ON, the end of the circular arc at which it is

picked, is extended.

pk+pt OFF If OFF, the end closer to the delimiting entity

is extended.

The candidate entity selected for extension is extended up to the delimiting
entity, or an extension of the delimiting entity. Lines are extended along the
underlying infinite line. Circular arcs are extended along the underlying circle.
Extension is done such that the intersection point with the delimiting entity
becomes the new endpoint of the candidate entity.

Figure 3.13: extend (closer)

Figure 3.14: extend (closer) Figure 3.15: extend (further and through pk+pt)

Figure 3.16: extend (mult, pk+pt)

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Chapter 3 147
Extending the line in Figure 3.13 up to the arc results in extending the line up to
the intersection point of the underlying infinite line with the circular arc.

Figure 3.14 shows the effect of extending an arc up to a line. End A of the arc is
extended since it is closer to the line.

To extend end B, the transparent tool box pk+pt should be selected. Select the
arc near end B for the arc to be extended at that end. See Figure 3.15.

3.3.3 Shortening Entities at a Point



This command shortens an entity at one of its endpoints.

• entity to be shortened. Valid entities are lines and circular arcs.
• point up to which the entity is to be shortened

Selecting an entity at an appropriate point determines which portion of the entity
is to be cut. The side on which the entity is picked is retained.

Figure 3.17: shorten

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148 Chapter 3

3.3.4 Lengthening Entities up to a Point



This command lengthens an entity up to a point.

• optionally, the auxiliary tool box mult
• entities to be lengthened. Valid entities are lines and circular arcs.
• point up to which the entities are to be lengthened

Auxiliary options
mult Allows the selection of multiple entities.

pk+pt If ON, the end of the entity at which it is

pk+pt OFF picked is lengthened.
If OFF, the end closer to the point specified
is lengthened. This applies to circular arcs
This facility is similar to extend. A point up to which an entity should be
lengthened must be specified.

Figure 3.18: lengthen

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Chapter 3 149

Figure 3.19: lengthen (pk+pt)

3.3.5 Chamfering

Command: chamfer

This command creates a chamfer between two lines. The lines are either
trimmed or extended up to the chamfering line. The chamfer line itself is also a
line entity. The types of chamfer supported are:

• distance-distance (dd)
• distance-angle (da)
• distance-point (dp)
• point-point (pp)
• point-angle (pa)
• type of chamfer
• two lines to be chamfered
• chamfering point, distance or angle, as needed
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150 Chapter 3
Auxiliary options
dist1 dist2 dist1 dist2 The two distances in dd chamfering.

Dist1 angle2 dist1 The distance from the first line, and
the angle of the chamfer line with the
second line in da chamfering.

Dist1 dist1 The distance from first line in dp


Angle1 The angle of the chamfer line with the

first line in pa chamfering.

keep keep ON If ON, portions of the participating

lines which extend beyond chamfer
line are retained. If OFF, these
portions are trimmed.

Chamfering is done on the basis of distances, angles or points.


The distance between the intersection point of the two lines and the intersection
of the chamfer line with the individual lines.


The angle made by the chamfer line with one of the lines.


Points are projected on the line. The chamfer line ends at that point on the line.

Values of distances and angles are accessible through the auxiliary tool boxes.
They can be changed transparently. The current settings of the distances and
angles are used to define the chamfers.

distance-distance (dd): The chamfer line is defined by the two distances of the
chamfer line endpoints from the intersection of the two lines.
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Chapter 3 151

Figure 3.20: Chamfer dd

distance-angle (da): The distance along the first line and the angle with the
second line are used to define the chamfer line.

Figure 3.21: Chamfer da

distance-point (dp): The distance along the first line and an approximate
chamfer point on the second line define the chamfer line.

Figure 3.22: Chamfer dp

point-point (pp): Approximate chamfer points for both lines are used to define
the chamfer line.
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152 Chapter 3

Figure 3.23: Chamfer pp

point-angle (pa): The angle of the chamfer line with the first line and an
approximate chamfer point on the second line define the chamfer line.

Figure 3.24: Chamfer pa

For two intersecting lines, four different chamfers are possible. The solution is
determined by where the lines are selected.

Figure 3.25: Picking in chamfer

Another way of selecting these lines is with a single click of the mouse. The pick
aperture should include both lines while clicking. In such cases, the line which
was most recently created is taken as the first entity.
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Chapter 3 153

Figure 3.26: Single click chamfer

If distances, angles or points are specified such that the lines need to be extended
away from the intersection point, no chamfer is created.

3.3.6 Filleting

Command: fillet

This command creates a fillet between two entities. As in the case of chamfer,
the entities are either trimmed or extended up to the filleting arc. The fillet is a
circular arc entity.

• two entities. Valid entities are lines, circles and circular arcs.

Auxiliary options
radius Sets the radius of the fillet used in the

keep keep ON If ON, retains portions of the participating

entities extending beyond the fillet arc.

If OFF, these portions are trimmed.

The filleting operation results in a circular arc which is tangent to the two
specified entities. It’s radius is equal to the current fillet radius. The procedure
for making fillets is the same as that for chamfers. If the two selected entities do
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154 Chapter 3
not intersect, no fillet is created. If circles participate in the operation, they are
not trimmed.

Figure 3.27: fillet

3.3.7 Chopping Entities

Command: chop

This command chops off a portion of a set of entities with a single knife entity.
The chopping knife splits the entities into two portions and removes those in the
delete region.

• entities to be chopped: Valid entities are lines, circles and circular
• knife: valid entities are lines, circles, circ-arcs, c-lines and c-circles.
• point indicating the delete region

Auxiliary options
extended extended ON If ON, the knife is treated as being an
infinite knife.

If OFF, the knife is treated as finite.

keep keep ON If ON, chopped portions of entities are

retained. Otherwise they are removed.
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Only those candidate entities which intersect the knife are considered. Other
entities are untouched. If closed entities intersect the knife only once, then they
are also untouched.

Figure 3.28: chop


Figure 3.29: Candidates for chop

If all the entities in Figure 3.29 are selected as candidate entities and the circle is
the knife, the entities are chopped at the circular boundary. If the delete region is
specified inside the circle, the result is as shown in Figure 3.30. Figure 3.31
results if the delete region is outside the circle.

Figure 3.30: Delete region inside circle

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156 Chapter 3

Figure 3.31: Delete region outside circle

3.3.8 Trimming Entities

Command: trim

This command trims multiple entities with multiple knives. The knives split the
entities into many portions. Selected portions can be removed.

• entities to be trimmed: valid entities are lines, circles and circ-arcs.
• knives: valid entities are lines, circles, circ-arcs, c-lines and c-
• trimmed portions to be deleted

Auxiliary options
split-mode If OFF, the candidate entities retained
are not split.
split OFF

Keep keep ON If ON, the trimmed portions of entities

are retained. Otherwise they are deleted.

Entities are split at the points where they intersect the knives. If there are no
intersections, or if circles intersect the knives at only a single point, these entities
are not trimmed. The portion of the entities to be removed are selected after
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Chapter 3 157
If no knife entities are specified, then candidate entities themselves act as knife

Figure 3.32: trim

3.3.9 Auto-trim

Command: auto-trim

This command is similar to the trim command, except knife entities are not
specified. All entities in the drawing act as knife entities. The selected portion of
the entity can either be retained or deleted.

• portion of entities to be removed
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary tool box

auto-trim-mode There are two modes: trim and anti-trim. If
the mode is trim, the selected portion is
deleted, other portions are retained. If it is
anti-trim, the selected portion is retained.

The portion at which an entity is selected is used to find the intersections of this
entity on either side. The entity is trimmed between the first intersection points
on either side. The knife entities considered here are the same as those allowed
for trim.
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158 Chapter 3

Figure 3.33: auto-trim

3.3.10 Exploding Entities

A compound entity is a collection of entities, behaving as a single entity. For

example, a biarc consists of lines and arcs. Other compound entities are
dimensions and part instances.

Command: explode
This command explodes compound entities into their components. Biarcs,
dimensions and instances can be exploded using this command.

• entities to be exploded: valid entities are biarcs, dimensions and

The entities are exploded into their components as per the type of the entity.

Segments of a biarc become individual entities. Line segments become lines.

Circular arc segments become circ-arcs.

With a dimension, dimension lines, extension lines and depth lines become
lines. Terminators become markers. Various texts of the dimension become
individual text entities. If the dimension is an angular dimension, the dimension
arc is converted into a circular arc

Attributes of the entities are those which were in the original part.
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Chapter 3 159
Note: For all general and special editing commands, the default state of
the following auxiliary tool boxes are given below.


keep OFF (except mirror, where it is ON )

split ON

pk+pt OFF

extended OFF

3.4 Entity Specific Editing Operations

Entity specific editing operations are used for editing and merging curves.

3.4.1 Editing Curves

Curves created using control points can be edited as interpolating point curves.
Curves created using interpolating points can be edited as control point curves.
Any linear entity can be edited as either an interpolating curve or an
approximating curve. You can start with the basic shape of a circle or rectangle
and modify the shape as you wish.

Command: edt-crv

This command edits curves. Any curvilinear entity can be selected for this

• curves to be edited: valid entities are lines, circles, circ-arcs, ellipses,
elipt-arcs, biarcs and curves.
• for each point to be moved,
− its new location
• optionally,
− auxiliary options selection for curve editing
− inputs needed for that particular editing operation
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160 Chapter 3
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
All options available during curve-creation are also available during editing.

Cntl A mode indicating whether the curve is

being edited as an interpolating point curve
or a control point curve.

If the selected curve was created (or previously edited) as an interpolating point
curve, the auxiliary options for interpolating point curve editing are available,
else the control point curve editing options are displayed. Curvilinear entities
other than curves are treated as control point curves. The interactions in curve
editing are identical to those during curve creation. The auxiliary option cntl
allows you to change the curve type.

In this example, the curve shown is obtained by editing a simple rectangle.

Figure 3.34: Editing of curves

3.4.2 Merging Curves

Draw has flexible curve merging features which allow any two connected
curvilinear entities to be merged into a single curve. The resultant curve can
then be edited using curve editing operations.
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Chapter 3 161
Command: mrg-crv

This command allows you to merge many end to end connected curvilinear
entities. The resultant entity is a curve entity.

• first entity
• for each subsequent merge,
− an end to end connected entity to be merged with the resultant
curve of the previous merge. Valid entities are lines, circles,
circ-arcs, ellipses, elipt-arcs, biarcs and curves
• over action terminating the interaction

The curves to be merged must be connected end to end. The curves are merged
together into a single curve entity. The final curve can be merged with another
curve. The attributes of the resulting curve are the same as that of the first curve

Figure 3.35: Editing of curves

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Dimensions and Annotations

Chapter 4
A set of lines, arcs, markers and text drawn to denote measurement is called a
dimension. Adding dimensions to a drawing is called dimensioning the drawing.

The conventions used for dimensions differ across countries and institutions. To
ensure uniformity, international standards such as ANSI, ISO and DIN have
emerged. The dimensioning features in Visual DRAW allow dimensioning in
any of these styles. In addition, dimension settings can be tuned to your own
local standards.

This chapter introduces the dimensioning and detailing features of Draw. It

discusses various types of dimensions, the underlying concepts of dimensioning,
dimension creation interactions and settings. Other annotation features such as
adding text, markers, center lines and hatch are also discussed.

4.1 Basics of Dimensioning

This section discusses the basics of the dimensioning procedure of Draw.

4.1.1 Characteristics of Dimensions

Visual DRAW dimensions have the following characteristics:

• associativity

• behavior as an entity

• richness of attributes

• ease of editing
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164 Chapter 4
• fast and flexible methods of creation

Draw dimensions are associative. Every dimension is associated with key points.
As these points change, the dimension changes. The geometry of the dimension
adjusts to the new points and the value of the dimension displays the new

Behavior as a single entity

Lines, arcs, texts and markers form a single dimension entity. One may move,
rotate, delete or perform other operations on these primitives, retaining their
relationships. It is possible to explode dimensions into individual components.

Richness of attributes
Dimensions have a rich set of attributes. Small clearances and extensions in the
dimension geometry can be controlled.

Ease of editing
The attributes of a dimension or group of dimensions can be edited. The
attributes of a dimension are retained with the dimension entity. Thus specific
attributes can be associated with specific entities.

Fast and flexible methods of creation

Different dimensions can be drawn with different attributes. There is no need to
break from an interaction to draw two dimensions with different precision.
Access to all the settings within an interaction makes dimensioning in Visual
DRAW very fast.

Exclusive quick dimensioning feature

Visual DRAW offers quick dimensioning, where linear, diameter and radius
dimensions can be drawn within a single interaction and a few clicks of the

These characteristics are explained in detail in the subsequent sections.

4.1.2 Types of Dimensions

Visual DRAW has four basic types of dimensions:

• linear
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Chapter 4 165
Linear dimensions are classified into the following types:

• chain linear
• single linear
• datum linear
• coordinate linear

• angular

• diameter

• radius

Single linear dimensions

A single linear dimension is an independent dimension by itself. The other three
are compound dimensions, made of many linear dimensions.

A linear dimension covers the distance between the projections of its key points.
It may be horizontal, vertical, rotated or aligned.

Figure 4.1: Single linear dimensions

Chain linear dimensions

Chain linear dimensioning creates a chain of continuous single linear
dimensions. The first key point of every dimension, except for the first
dimension, is the second key point of the previous dimension in the chain.
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166 Chapter 4

Figure 4.2 (a): Chain linear dimensions Figure 4.2 (b): Datum linear dimensions

Datum linear dimensions

Datum linear dimensions have a common reference point called a datum. The
dimension line can be short or full length.

Coordinate linear dimensions

Coordinate linear dimensions have a common reference point called the origin.
The dimension value is written along the second extension line. The dimension
line is absent.

Figure 4.3: Coordinate linear dimensions

Angular dimensions
Angular dimensions measure the angle between the lines formed by two pairs of
key points. Either the included angle or the opposite reflex angle can be
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Chapter 4 167

Figure 4.4: Angular dimensions

Diameter dimensions
These measure the diameter of a circle or circular arc.

Figure 4.5: Diameter and radius dimensions

Radius dimensions
These measure the radius of a circle or circular arc.

Note: All dimensions which measure a length are called length dimensions in
this chapter. This term does not apply to angular dimensions.

4.1.3 Common Terms in Dimensioning

This section explains the basic concepts and terms used in dimensions.
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Dimensions and Annotations
168 Chapter 4 Dimension Geometry

Dimension geometry is comprised of key points, depth lines, projection points,

extension lines, dimension lines, arrowheads and dimension text. Most
dimension geometry is drawn on the dimension plane. The dimension plane is
the current UCS X-Y plane.

Figure 4.6: Dimension geometry

Key points
The distance between key points is measured by the dimension.

A linear dimension has two key points. An angular dimension has four key
points. In angular dimensions, the first and second pair of key points each define
one line. The angle between these lines is measured by the angular dimension.
The two key points of a diameter dimension lie on the circle (or circular arc)
whose diameter is measured by the dimension. A radius dimension has one of its
key points at the center of the circle (or circular arc) whose radius it measures.
The second key point is on the circumference of the circle (or circular arc).

The key points of 2-D geometry lie on the dimension plane.

Depth lines
Depth lines project the key points from the WCS onto the dimension plane. A
clearance is maintained on both ends of the depth lines when they are drawn.
When working with 2-D geometries, the depth lines are absent.
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Chapter 4 169
Projection points
Projection points are the projections of the key points (in WCS) onto the
dimension plane. The projection points of 2-D geometry are the same as the key

Extension lines
Extension lines are lines in the dimension plane which extend from the
projection points to the dimension line. Linear dimensions normally have
extension lines which are perpendicular to the dimension line. When isometric
views are dimensioned or oblique dimensions are drawn, their extension lines
are inclined at an angle. This angle is called the projection angle.

For angular dimensions, extension lines pass through the first and second pair of
projection points.

Extension lines start at a clearance from the projection point and extend beyond
the dimension line (or arc).

Dimension line (or arc)

A dimension line (or arc) is a line (or arc) that runs across the length (or angle)
of the dimension. The value of the dimension is generally displayed along the
dimension line.

In linear dimensioning, the value of the dimension is the distance between the
projection points as projected on the dimension line. The value is affected by the
inclination of the dimension line. There are four types of linear dimensions
based on the angle of the dimension line:
• horizontal
• vertical
• rotated
• aligned
The angle of the dimension line is measured with respect to the UCS X axis.

horizontal The angle of the dimension line is 0o.

vertical The angle of the dimension line is 90o.
rotated You can enter a value for the angle of the dimension line.
This is useful when dimensions are measured on an auxiliary
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170 Chapter 4
aligned The dimension line is parallel to the line joining the
projection points. The dimension value is the actual distance
between the projected points.
Arrowheads are the markers at both ends of the dimension line. When the
dimension value is displayed outside the extension lines, these markers are
flipped (i.e. arrows point inward from outside).

Dimension text
Alphanumeric text displays the value of the dimension. This is called the
dimension text. It is comprised of the following:

main text Main text is automatically generated for user defined text.
This usually displays the value measured by the dimension.

tolerance texts Text showing specified values of upper and lower tolerances
are displayed after the main text. The upper tolerance is
drawn above the lower tolerance. Values for both tolerances
can be specified separately.

Figure 4.7: Dimension texts

limits, tolerance, prefix, suffix and alternate

limit texts The main text and the tolerance texts are absent and the two
limit text strings are drawn. The upper limit text is drawn
above the lower limit text.
alternate texts Dimension text can be drawn in alternate units. It appears
within a pair of square brackets after the text in the default
unit. Limits and tolerances apply to alternate text as well.

prefix text If prefix display mode is ON, the current prefix text setting
is applied to all the dimensions. The dimension is drawn
with the prefix text inserted before the main text.
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Chapter 4 171
suffix text If suffix display mode is ON, the current suffix text setting
is applied to all the dimensions. The dimension is drawn
with suffix text appended to the main text.
All of these except the main text are optional. The main text is replaced with
limit text when limits are ON. Dimension Text Control

The following characteristics of the text dimension can be controlled.

• dimension text string

• dimension text position
• dimension text location
• dimension text orientation

Dimension text string

The dimension text string can have a calculated value, which is the default, or it
can be replaced with a user defined text achieved by a modal setting. The default
value can be embedded by inserting a $ (dollar sign). All occurrences of a $ in
the user defined text are substituted by the default value. To include a dollar sign
in the user defined text, two dollar signs must be used. (i.e., use a $$.).

Dimension text position

Normally the position of the text along the dimension line is calculated
automatically. However, it can be specified. There are various ways of specifying
the text position (Figure 4.8).

def Text is drawn at the default position (midpoint of the dimension line
or arc). If there is not enough space, it is drawn over the extension
def-lft Text is drawn at the default position. If there is not enough space, it
is drawn outside the left extension line.
def-rgt Text is drawn at the default position. If there is not enough space, it
is drawn outside the right extension line.
def-usr Text is drawn at the default position. If there is not enough space, the
text position is prompted.
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usr Text position is prompted irrespective of the amount of available

Figure 4.8: Various positions of dimension text

In the modes def-lft, def-rgt and def-usr above, the dimension text is at the
default position whenever space is available. If the key points are changed or the
number of digits in the dimension text are reduced so that more space is
available, the text is re-adjusted and drawn at the default position.

Dimension text location

This specifies the location of dimension text with respect to the dimension line.

Figure 4.9 : Dimension text location and orientation

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Chapter 4 173
above Text is drawn above the dimension line (or arc).

below Text is drawn below the dimension line (or arc).

on-line Text is drawn on the dimension line (or arc). This cuts the
dimension line into two components if the text is between the
extension lines. If the text is drawn outside the extension lines, it is
aligned with one of the arrowheads.

Dimension text orientation

This specifies the base line angle of the dimension text.

parallel Text is parallel to the dimension line.

perpendicular Text is perpendicular to the dimension line.
horizontal Text is always horizontal, i.e., parallel to the UCS X axis,
independent of the angle of the dimension line.
vertical Text is always vertical, i.e., perpendicular to the UCS X
axis, independent of the angle of the dimension line.
The text location is ignored in the case of horizontal and vertical orientations. It
is always drawn on-line.

4.2 Dimension Settings

This section describes dimension related settings. These settings and their names
can be used in setv or getv. (Chapter 9 UTILITIES explains the use of getv and
setv ). The dimension settings are classified as follows:

• control settings
• line settings
• arrowhead settings
• text settings
• tolerance and limit settings
• units, formats and precision settings
• color and line weight settings

The following sections describe these settings. Appendix D, DIMENSION

SETTINGS AND TOOLBOXES lists all the settings with their icons.
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4.2.1 Control Settings

There are two control settings which apply to dimensions.

• dim-geom-scale
• dim-project-len

Setting: dim-geom-scale
Default value: 1
This positive non-zero value is applied to clearances and offsets of a dimension
before it is displayed. Other scale factors are not affected. For a dimension text
height of 3mm and dim-geom-scale of 2, text is drawn at 6mm.

Figure 4.10: dim-geom-scale

Setting: dim-project-len
Default value: ON
By default, linear dimensions display the distance between projection points as
projected on the dimension line. If dim-project-len is OFF, the true distance

between key points in WCS is displayed.

4.2.2 Line Settings

These settings affect all dimension lines (or arcs), namely depth lines, extension
lines and dimension lines.
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Setting: dim-align-dim-ln
Default value: OFF
In linear dimensions, the dimension line can be made parallel to the line joining
the projection points by setting dim-align-dim-ln ON. In such a case the
dimension displays the true distance between the aligned projection points.

The dimension line is at a specified angle (dim-dim-ln-ang ) if dim-align-dim-ln

is OFF. This results in a rotated (or horizontal or vertical) dimension.

Setting: dim-mid-ln
Default value: ON
This mode specifies whether the dimension line (or arc) should be drawn
between the extension lines if the arrows are flipped. If this mode is OFF, the
dimension line (or arc), is not drawn between the extension lines.

Figure 4.11: dim-mid-ln

Setting: dim-depth-ln1
Default value: ON
This mode specifies whether the first depth line (first pair of depth lines, in the
case of angular dimension) should be drawn or not. This is used to suppress
multiple depth lines from the same point in continuous dimensions such as
chain, datum, coordinate.

Setting: dim-depth-ln2
Default value: ON
This mode is similar to dim-depth-ln1, but has control over the second depth line
(or second pair of depth lines, in the case of angular dimension).
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Setting: dim-extn-ln1
Default value: ON
This mode controls the display of the first extension line (not applicable to
diameter and radius dimensions). This mode is used in continuous linear
dimensions. It suppresses multiple extension lines from a common point.

Setting: dim-extn-ln2
Default value: ON
This is like dim-extn-ln1 but has control over the second extension line.

Setting: dim-short-dim-ln
Default value: OFF
This setting controls the length of the dimension line in datum dimensioning. If
the mode is ON, the dimension line is not drawn full length. A line with dim-
short-dim-ln-len is drawn and the first arrowhead is set to OFF.

Setting: dim-short-dim-ln-len
Default value: 12.0
This positive, non-zero value specifies the length of the short dimension line. It
controls the length of the flipped dimension lines or arcs (when text does not fit
inside the extension lines) and the length of the short dimension line in the case
of datum dimensioning (when dim-short-dim-ln is ON).

Setting: dim-start-offset
Default value: 2.0
This positive value specifies the offset at both the ends of a depth line and at the
beginning of an extension line. See Figure 4.12.

Figure 4.12: dim-start-offset and dim-end-extn

Setting: dim-end-extn
Default value: 2.0
This positive value specifies the extension of the extension line beyond the
dimension line (or arc). In linear dimension, if the dimension line joins the two
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Chapter 4 177
projection points, then the extension lines are extended beyond the dimension
line in both directions by dim-end-extn. See Figure 4.12.

Setting: dim-dtm-step
Default value: 20.0
This value specifies the distance between two consecutive dimension lines in
datum dimensioning. It is measured in the direction perpendicular to the
dimension line. The value can be positive, negative or zero. When it is positive,
the next dimension line is drawn below the previous one at a distance of dim-
dtm-step. When it is negative, the next dimension line is drawn above the
previous one. If the value is zero, coincident dimension lines are drawn. This is a
creation setting only and not a part of the dimension entity.

Setting: dim-dim-ln-ang
Default value: 0.0
This value specifies the angle of the dimension line in all linear dimensions.

Setting: dim-proj-ang
Default value: 90.0
This value specifies the angle along which the projection points are projected
onto the dimension line. It is defined as the angle made by the direction of
projection with the direction of the dimension line. Extension lines are drawn at
dim-proj-ang with respect to the dimension line. See Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.13: dim-proj-ang

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4.2.3 Arrowhead Settings

These settings apply to the arrowheads of the dimension line (or arc).

Setting: dim-term1-type
Default value: arrow
This specifies the type of marker to be used for the first arrowhead of the
dimension. Any marker can be used.

Setting: dim-term2-type
Default value: arrow
This specifies the type of marker to be used for the second arrowhead of the
dimension. Any marker can be used.

Setting: dim-term1
Default value: ON
This mode determines if the first arrowhead is displayed or not. If the mode is
OFF, the first arrowhead is not displayed. See Figure 4.14.

Figure 4.14: dim-term1 and dim-term2

Setting: dim-term2
Default value: ON
This mode determines whether the second arrowhead is displayed or not. If the
mode is OFF, the second arrowhead is not displayed. See Figure 4.14.
Setting: dim-term-scale
Default value: 3.0
This is a positive, non-zero scale factor for the geometry of arrowheads.
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4.2.4 Text Settings

These settings control the display of the dimension text.

Setting: dim-txt-font
Default value: txt
This specifies the font of the dimension text. All fonts available for drawing text
are also available for dimension text.
Setting: dim-txt-ht
Default value: 5.0
This is a positive, non-zero value that specifies the height of the main text (and
limit text).
Setting: dim-txt-tilt
Default value: 0.0
This specifies the tilt of the dimension text.
Setting: dim-txt-spc-f
Default value: 0.0
This is a positive value that specifies the spacing factor of the dimension text. It
is specified as a factor of dim-txt-ht.

Setting: dim-txt-expn-f
Default value: 1.0
This is a positive, non-zero value that specifies the expansion factor of the
dimension text. It is specified as a factor of dim-txt-ht.

Setting: dim-tol-ht-f
Default value: 0.5
This is a positive, non-zero value that specifies the height of the tolerance text as
a factor of dim-txt-ht. See Figure 4.15.

Setting: dim-tol-v-spc-f
Default value: 0.2
This is a positive, non-zero value that specifies the spacing between the two
tolerance texts as a factor of dim-txt-ht. The spacing is measured along the
direction of the text tilt.
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Figure 4.15: dim-pre-suf-ht-f and dim-txt-ht-f

Setting: dim-lim-v-spc-f
Default value: 0.5
This is a positive, non-zero value that specifies the spacing between the two limit
texts as a factor of dim-txt-ht. It is measured along the direction of the text tilt.

Setting: dim-pre-suf-ht-f
Default value: 1.0
This is a positive, non-zero value that specifies the height of the prefix and suffix
text as a factor of dim-txt-ht. See Figure 4.15.

Setting: dim-itxt-spc-f
Default value: 0.5
This is a positive value that specifies the spacing between dimension text as a
factor of dim-txt-ht.

Setting: dim-txt-extn-ln-clr
Default value: 6.0
This is a positive, non-zero value that specifies the minimum clearance between
the dimension text frame and the extension lines. If the clearance available is
less than this value, then the text is said to be not fitting at the default position.
In angular dimensions, the clearance is applied along the dimension arc.

Setting: dim-frame-clr
Default value: 1.0
This is a positive value that specifies the clearance of the frame from the
dimension line. This is measured along the dimension line if the text location is
on-line. This is also used as the clearance of the frame from the dimension texts.
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Chapter 4 181
See Figure 4.16. For angular dimensions, the clearance outside the frame is
measured along the dimension arc.

Figure 4.16: dim-frame-clr and dim-txt-offset

Setting: dim-txt-offset
Default value: 2.0
This is a positive value that specifies the offset of the dimension line (or arc)
from the dimension text frame. The dim-txt-offset is the frame around the
dimension text even if the mode dim-frame is OFF. See Figure 4.16.

Setting: dim-txt-pos
Default value: DEF-LFT
This specifies the position of the dimension text along the dimension line. It can
be DEF, DEF-LFT, DEF-RGT, DEF-USR or USR. See Figure 4.8.

Setting: dim-txt-loc
Default value: ABOVE
This specifies the location of dimension text with respect to a dimension line (or
arc). The dimension text can be either BELOW, ABOVE, or ON-LINE. See
Figure 4.9.

Setting: dim-txt-orient
Default value: PARL
This specifies the orientation of the dimension text with respect to the dimension
line. Orientation can be PARL, PERP, HOR or VERT. See Figure 4.9.
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Setting: dim-usr-txt
Default value: OFF
This mode specifies whether the main text is calculated automatically or is user
defined. If ON, text input must be specified for each dimension.

Setting: dim-prefix
Default value: OFF
This mode specifies whether the dim-prefix-str is applied to the dimension texts
created. If the mode is ON, the newly created dimensions are drawn with the
current dim-prefix-str prefixed to their main text (or limit text).

Setting: dim-suffix
Default value: OFF
This mode specifies whether the dim-suffix-str is applied to the dimension text.
If the mode is ON, the newly created dimensions are drawn with the current
dim-suffix-str suffixed to the main text (or limit texts).

Setting: dim-prefix-str
Default value: ""
This string is prefixed to the main text (or limit text) if dim-prefix is ON.

Setting: dim-suffix-str
Default value: ""
This string is added to the main text (or limit text) if dim-suffix is ON.

Setting: dim-phi
Default value: ON
A φ denotes a diameter. Dim-phi mode draws a φ before the main text (or limit
text) if it is set ON. It is not drawn before the alternate text. dim-phi is applicable
only to linear and diameter dimensions.

Setting: dim-minus
Default value: OFF
In datum and coordinate dimensioning, it is sometimes necessary to have a
minus (-) sign for the dimensions on the negative side of the origin (or datum
point). This is achieved by making dim-minus ON. A minus sign is drawn either
before the main text or the limit text. This does not apply to the alternate texts.
This applies to datum and coordinate dimensions only.
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Setting: dim-frame
Default value: OFF
Dimensions are drawn with a frame surrounding the dimension text by setting
dim-frame ON.

Figure 4.17: dim-frame and dim-uscore

Setting: dim-uscore
Default value: OFF
If this is ON, an underscore is drawn below the dimension text. The underscore
is the edge of the frame that lies below the dimension text. See Figure 4.17.

Note: Setting dim-frame overrides the dim-uscore setting if both are ON.

4.2.5 Tolerance and Limit Settings

These settings govern the appearance of tolerances and limits.

Setting: dim-tol
Default value: OFF
This mode specifies whether tolerance text is shown with the main text. It is
shown if dim-tol is ON. Both dim-tol and dim-lim can not be ON. Dim-lim is set
OFF when dim-tol is set ON. This mode also applies to alternate text.

Setting: dim-lim
Default value: OFF
This mode specifies whether limit text is shown instead of the main text. It is
shown if dim-lim is ON. Both dim-lim and dim-tol cannot be ON simultaneously.
Dim-tol must be OFF when dim-lim is ON. This mode also applies to alternate
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184 Chapter 4
Setting: dim-upper-tol
Default value: 0.0
This positive value specifies the value of the upper tolerance. If dim-tol is ON,
the value is displayed separately as upper tolerance text. If dim-lim is ON, the
value is added to the dimension value and displayed as upper limit text. If both
dim-upper-tol and dim-lower-tol are equal, they are displayed as only one
tolerance text prefixed by a ± sign.

Setting: dim-lower-tol
Default value: 0.0
This positive value specifies the value of the lower tolerance. If dim-tol is ON,
the value is displayed separately as lower tolerance text. If dim-lim is ON, the
value is subtracted from the dimension value and displayed as lower limit text. If
both dim-upper-tol and dim-lower-tol are equal, they are displayed as only one
tolerance text prefixed by a ± sign.

4.2.6 Units, Formats and Precision Settings

These settings control the appearance of the units, format and precision of the
dimension text.

Setting: dim-unit-type
Default value: MM
This specifies the units of the main text for all length dimensions. This is one of
MM (millimeters), MT (meters), or INCH (inches).

Setting: dim-format
Default value: DECI
This specifies the format of the main text display for length dimensions. Formats
are related to units. Some formats are incompatible with certain units. The feet-
inch format is not compatible with millimeter or meter. The inch unit, however,
can have any format. See Figure 4.18.
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Chapter 4 185

Figure 4.18: Dimension formats

Setting: dim-prcsn
Default value: 2
This positive integer value specifies the number of decimal places displayed after
the decimal point for length dimensions. This is applied to the main text.

Setting: dim-fract-base
Default value: 4
This specifies the largest denominator for length dimensions when a fractional
format is used. This is applicable to the main text. The fraction is simplified if
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Setting: dim-unit
Default value: OFF
This mode specifies whether the unit string is displayed in all length dimensions.
If dim-unit is ON, the unit string is displayed after the main text (or limit text).
For formats like feet-inch, where units are implicit or displayed, the unit string is
not re-drawn.

Setting: dim-alt-dim
Default value: OFF
This mode specifies whether the dimension text is displayed in alternate units as
well. If dim-alt-dim is ON, the text with alternate units is displayed in square
brackets [ ] after the main text.

Setting: dim-alt-unit-type
Default value: MM
This specifies alternate units in which all length dimensions are displayed.

Setting: dim-alt-format
Default value: DECI
This specifies alternate formats in which all length dimensions are displayed.

Setting: dim-alt-prcsn
Default value: 2
This specifies the precision for the alternate units of length dimensions.

Setting: dim-alt-fract-base
Default value: 4
This setting specifies the fractional base for alternate units of length dimensions.

Figure 4.19: Units and format related settings

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Setting: dim-alt-unit
Default value: OFF
This mode specifies whether the unit string for the alternate text is displayed or
not. See Figure 4.19.

Setting: dim-lead-0
Default value: ON
This mode specifies whether a leading zero is displayed before the decimal point
if the value is within the range of ± 1. If the mode is ON, the zero is displayed
before the decimal point. See Figure 4.20.

Figure 4.20: dim-lead-0 and dim-trail-0

Setting: dim-trail-0
Default value: ON
This mode specifies whether trailing zeros are drawn or not. When OFF, all non
significant zeros after the decimal point are truncated. See Figure 4.20.

Setting: dim-decimal-type
Default value: DOT
This specifies the type of decimal point in all types of dimensions. This can be
either DOT (.) or COMMA (,).

Setting: dim-ang-unit-type
Default value: DEG
This specifies the alternate format in which the main text of angular dimensions
are displayed. This can be either DEG or RAD.
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Figure 4.21: Angular dimension formats

Setting: dim-ang-format
Default value: DECI
This specifies the format in which the main text of angular dimensions is
displayed. Units and formats are related. Some formats are not compatible with
some units. The DEG-MIN-SEC format is not compatible with radians.

Angular dimension settings derived from linear dimension settings are shown
below. The names contain a letter pattern ang after the prefix dim.

Setting name Default value

dim-ang-prscn 2
dim-ang-fract-base 4
dim-ang-unit OFF
dim-ang-alt-dim OFF
dim-ang-alt-unit-type DEG
dim-ang-alt-format DECI
dim-ang-alt-prscn 2
dim-ang-alt-fract-base 4
dim-ang-alt-unit OFF

4.2.7 Color and Line Weight Settings

These settings control the color and line weight of dimensions.

Setting: dim-txt-col
Default value: white
This setting specifies the color of all dimension text.

Setting: dim-depth-extn-ln-col
Default value: white
This setting specifies the color of depth lines and extension lines.
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Setting: dim-dim-ln-term-col
Default value: white
This setting specifies the color of dimension lines (or arcs) and arrowheads.

Setting: dim-txt-wt
Default value: 1
This setting specifies the line weight of dimension text.

Setting: dim-depth-extn-ln-wt
Default value: 1
This setting specifies the line weight of depth lines and extension lines.

Setting: dim-dim-ln-term-wt
Default value: 1
This setting specifies the line weight of dimension lines (or arcs) and

4.3 Creation of Dimensions

This section describes various dimension creation interactions. Dimensioning in

Visual DRAW is easy, with many settings available transparently. Many
auxiliary commands appear in the dimension auxiliary area. These options are
common to all dimensioning interactions. There are mechanisms provided for
changing the dimension settings without breaking from the command. Some
commands have more options depending on the type of interaction.

All dimension creation actions can be undone from within the interactions and
in the idle state.

Note: In the auxiliary options section of the command descriptions in the

following sections of this chapter, only the options specific to the
command are listed. The common auxiliary options are not

4.3.1 Single Linear Dimensions

Command: lin-dim
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190 Chapter 4
This command creates single linear dimensions.
• two key points
- two explicit points or
- auxiliary option for an entity, and picking an entity
Valid entities are lines, circles and circ-arcs
• dimension line location
• dimension text string if dim-usr-txt is ON
• dimension text position if dim-txt-pos has a value of USR, or has a
value of DEF-USR and the text does not fit
Auxiliary options
points or entities Toggles to specific key points or select

Horizontal Makes dimension line horizontal.

Vertical Makes dimension line vertical.

Rotated Allows the dimension line angle to be


Aligned Makes dimension line aligned to the line


If key points are specified, a line is draged from the first to the second key point.
If entities are selected, the two end points of a line are taken as the key points.
For a circle, two extreme points in the direction of the dimension line are used.
If the dimension is aligned, enter a point on the circle. The closest point on the
circle is the first key point and the diametrically opposite point is the second key
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Chapter 4 191

Figure 4.22: Key point in linear dimensions

As the dimension line is located, it is dragged with the cursor. The dimension
line angle can be changed before specifying the dimension line location.

The text must be entered if dim-usr-txt is ON. The dimension text is dragged as
the string is being specified. Enter the text position if dim-txt-pos has a value of
USR or DEF-USR and the text does not fit. The point specified is projected on
the dimension line and the text is dragged with the point.

TUTORIAL 4.1 Creating Single Linear Dimensions

In this tutorial, we will dimension the drawing as in Figure 4.23. First, we must
draw the shape.

Figure 4.23: Single linear dimensions

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input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

input: click at the following points in sequence.

(0,0), (44,0), (44,35), (131,35), (131,0), (175,0), (175,80), (14.14,80), (0,65.86),


Press enter.

Now we are ready to add the dimensions.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point or select the option

To create the horizontal dimension, specify points P1 and P2 as the key points.
Locate the dimension line at point P3.

To create the vertical dimension, change the key point specification mode to
entity pick.

input: Select icon

message: Pick an entity

Pick the vertical line at point P4. Change the dimension line angle to vertical.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the dimension line position

Specify the location at point P5.

To draw the aligned dimension, select aligned mode.

input: Select icon

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Chapter 4 193

message: Pick a line/circle/circular arc

Specify the line by selecting point P6. Specify the location of the dimension line
by clicking at point P7.

To specify your own text position, change to USR text position before specifying
point P7.

input: Select icon

input: Select icon from the pop-up toolbox

Specify P8 as an approximate point to be projected onto the dimension line.

4.3.2 Chain Linear Dimensions

Command: chain-lin-dim

This command creates chain linear dimensions.

• first key point or an entity pick
• for each subsequent dimension in the chain,
- second key point
- dimension line location if the mode is manual
- dimension text string if dim-usr-txt is ON
- dimension text position if dim-txt-pos has a value of USR
or DEF-USR and text does not fit
• over action terminating the interaction
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Auxiliary options
dim-line Toggles automatic and manual location of the
location dimension line.

points or Toggles specific key points or selects entities.


horizontal Makes the dimension line horizontal.

vertical Makes the dimension line vertical.

rotated Allows to specify the dimension line angle.

Aligned Makes the dimension line aligned to the line


The interaction for the first dimension in the chain is the same as that for single
linear dimensions. Successive dimensions require only the second key point to be
specified. Their first key point is the same as the second key point of the
previous dimension.
The dimension line location is required explicitly for the first dimension. All
successive dimensions created with automatic location have their dimension
lines in line with the first one. However, you can specify an explicit location
point for any dimension in the chain by the manual location mode. The
dimension line angle for the chain using the same as that of the first dimension

TUTORIAL 4.2 Creating Chain Linear Dimensions

In this tutorial, we will draw the chain linear dimensions of Figure 4.24. First,
we must draw the part.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the point

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Chapter 4 195
input: click at the following points in sequence.

(0,100), (0,75), (25,75), (25,60), (65,60), (65,75), (95,75), (95,85), (115,85),

(115,100), (0,100).

Press enter.

Now we are ready to place the dimensions.

input: Select icon

Change from key point specification to entity pick mode.

input: Select icon

message: Pick an entity

Pick the line at point P1 and specify the location of the dimension line at point
P2. Specify points P3 and P4 to create the next dimensions in the chain. Now
select point P5. Notice the chain grows in both directions. Press enter.

Figure 4.24: Chain linear dimensions

4.3.3 Datum Linear Dimensions

Command: dtm-lin-dim

This command creates datum dimensions.

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• datum point
• for each subsequent dimension,
- second key point
- dimension line location if the mode is manual
- dimension text string if dim-usr-txt is ON
- dimension text position if dim-txt-pos has a value of USR or
DEF-USR and the text does not fit
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
dim-line Toggles automatic and manual location of the
location dimension line

datum-step Allows change to the datum step.

Short-arrow Toggles between short and full dimension lines.

Horizontal Makes the dimension line horizontal.

Vertical Makes the dimension line vertical.
Rotated Allows to specify the dimension line angle.
Aligned Aligns dimension line to lineselected.
The datum point is the common first key point for all the dimensions. Only the
second key point is needed for subsequent dimensions.

The dimension line location must only be explicitly specified for the first
dimension. All successive dimensions created with automatic location have their
dimension lines one datum-step ahead of the previous one. The datum step is
applied in the direction perpendicular to the dimension line angle. If positive it
is applied in the downward direction. If negative it is applied in the upward
direction. Under manual location mode, the location must be specified.

The length of the dimension line can be made short by selecting the short-arrow
option. It is full by default.

The dimension line angle for datum dimensions is the same as the angle of the
first dimension line.
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Chapter 4 197

TUTORIAL 4.3 Creating Datum Linear Dimensions

In this tutorial, we will create the datum linear dimensions of Figure 4.25. First
we must draw the part.

input: Select icon

Input the following points in sequence.

(0, 0), (0,75), (100,75), (100,60), (200,60), (200,45), (300,45), (300,30),

(400,30), (400,0).

Press enter.

Input the points (0,15) and (400,15). Break from the interaction.

Next, create a horizontal construction line along the X-axis.

Now we will create the hatch.

input: Select icon

message: Give a point inside the boundary

Click the mouse inside the area to be hatched.

We can mirror this about the construction line to complete the part.

input: Select icon

input: Select the line mirror icon,

message: Pick the entities

Draw a window around all the entities. Press enter.

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198 Chapter 4
message: Specify the mirror line

input: Click on the construction line

Figure 4.25: Datum linear dimensions

Now we are ready to add the dimensions.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the datum point

input: Specify point P0 as the datum point

Specify point P1 as the second key point and point P2 as the dimension location.

As you move the mouse, notice how the dimension wants to appear below the
first dimension. We must change the datum step to a negative value.

input: Select icon

message: Enter new datum step

input: -20

Now click at points P3 and P4.

To manually locate the dimension position of the fourth dimension, switch the
location mode to manual.
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Chapter 4 199

input: Select icon

Click at point P5 and then P6 to specify the location. Press enter.

To obtain the dimensions shown in the bottom portion of Figure 4.25, repeat the
above procedure with a datum step of zero and line length set to short.

4.3.4 Coordinate Linear Dimensions

Command: coord-lin-dim
This command creates coordinate linear dimensions.

• origin of the coordinate dimensions
• for each subsequent dimension,
- second key point
- dimension line location if the mode is manual
- dimension text string if dim-usr-txt is ON
- dimension text position if dim-txt-pos has a value of USR
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
dim-line Toggles automatic and manual location of the
location dimension line.

Horizontal Makes the dimension line horizontal.

Vertical Makes the dimension line vertical.
Rotated Allows to specify the dimension line angle.
Aligned Aligns the dimension line with the line picked.
This interaction is similar to that of datum dimensioning. The dimension line
location and the dimension line angle for all the dimensions is the same as that
of the first dimension in the interaction. Dimension line location for a single
dimension is specified by setting the location mode to manual. Specifying the
user dimension text or the text position for every dimension in the interaction is
the same as for a single linear dimension. The approximate text point is
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200 Chapter 4
projected onto the extension line, not onto the dimension line. The dimension
line is OFF by default.

TUTORIAL 4.4 Creating Coordinate Linear


In this tutorial, we will create the coordinate linear dimensions of Figure 4.26.
First we must draw the part.

input: Select icon

Specify the following points in sequence.

(0,0), (0,30), (10,30), (10,20), (25,20), (25,10), (40,10), (40,0), (0,0)

Apply the hatch pattern.

Figure 4.26: Coordinate linear dimensions

Now we are ready to apply the dimensions.

input: Select icon

message: Specify the origin

input: click at point P0

message: Specify the second keypoint

input: click at point P1

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Chapter 4 201

message: Specify the dimension line position

input: click at point P2

message: Specify the next keypoint

Specify points P3 and P4. Break from the interaction.

4.3.5 Angular Dimensions

Command: ang-dim

This command creates angular dimensions.

• four key points
- two pairs of points, each pair as
- line
- auxiliary option for two points and two points
- auxiliary option for three points and three points
- circle and two points on it
- circ-arc
• dimension arc location
• dimension text string if dim-usr-txt is ON
• dimension text position if dim-txt-pos has a value of USR or
DEF-USR and the text does not fit
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
Two points Allows to specify the key points as explicit

Three points Allows to specify three points as the key


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Dimensions and Annotations
202 Chapter 4
An angular dimension has four key points. Angular dimensions are usually
drawn between two lines. The default for specifying key points is picking two
entities. While specifying the first or second pair of key points, two different
points can be explicitly picked by selecting the option for two points.

If a circle or a circular arc is picked, the center is taken as the second and third
key points. For a circular arc, the two end points are taken for the remaining key

Figure 4.27: Key points in angular dimensions

Clicking on the three points option lets you specify three key points. The second
point specified is duplicated to make a total of four points.

The lines defined by the two pairs of key points intersect each other at a point
and define four regions on the dimension plane. All four angles can be
dimensioned. Specification of the dimension arc measures the included angle.

TUTORIAL 4.5 Creating Angular Dimensions

In this tutorial, we will draw the dimensions of Figure 4.29. First we will draw
the geometry.

input: Select icon

Specify the following points in sequence.

(0,0), (175,0), (175,100), (0,100), (0,60), (71.51,60), (0,0)

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Chapter 4 203

Figure 4.29: Angular dimensions

Now we can add the dimensions.

input: Select icon

message: Pick a line/ circle/ circular arc or select an option

input: click at points P1 and P2 respectively

message: Specify dimension arc position

input: click at point P3

message: Pick a line/ circle/ circular arc or select an option

input: click at points P4 and P5 respectively

Then specify the dimension arc location as P6.

4.3.6 Diameter and Radius Dimensions


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204 Chapter 4


These commands create diameter and radius dimensions respectively.

• a circle or a circ-arc
• dimension line location
• dimension text string if dim-usr-txt is ON
• dimension text position if dim-txt-pos has a value of USR, or DEF-
USR and the text does not fit

This interaction is similar for both diametric and radial dimensioning. The
dimension text is prefixed with phi (φ) in diameter dimensions and with R in
radius dimensions.

TUTORIAL 4.6 Creating Diameter and Radius


In this tutorial, we will create the diameter and radius dimensions of Figure
4.30. First, draw two circles, each with a radius of 15. After the circles are
drawn, we can apply the dimensions.

input: Select icon

message: Pick a circle or circular arc

input: click on one of the circles

message: Select approximate diameter position

Notice the font is too large to fit inside the circle. We will make the font

input: Select icon

input: Select icon from the pop-up toolbox

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Chapter 4 205
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206 Chapter 4
Enter a new text height of 2.5.

Specify point P2 as the approximate diameter position.

Figure 4.30: Diameter and Radius dimensions

Now we will dimension the radius of the other circle.

input: Select icon

Click on the other circle to select it. Then specify the approximate radius
position as point P2. Break from the interaction.

4.3.7 Quick Dimensioning

Quick dimensioning minimizes the number of steps required to create a

dimension. Three frequently used dimensions can be created within a single

• single linear
• diameter
• radius

Quick dimensioning determines the type of dimension to be created on the basis

of the entity selected. A linear dimension is created if a line is picked. Diameter
and radius dimensions are created for circles and circular arcs respectively.

Quick dimensioning makes some assumptions as far as specification of the key

points is concerned. For example, a single linear dimension can be created only
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Chapter 4 207
by selecting a line. Assumptions are based on the most frequent cases in
dimensioning. Explicit ways of creating a particular type of dimension can be
used in special applications.

Command: qdim

• entity
• dimension line location if the dimension is linear
• dimension text string if dim-usr-txt is ON
• dimension text position if dim-txt-pos has a value of USR, or has a
value of DEF-USR and the text does not fit
• over action terminating the interaction
(a) Linear dimension
The dimension line angle of the linear dimension is calculated automatically. If
the line is horizontal, a horizontal dimension is created. If it is vertical, a vertical
dimension is created. For inclined lines, the dimension line location determines
the dimension line angle. A point specified in the vertical strip bounded by the X
coordinates of the line results in a horizontal dimension. A point specified in the
horizontal strip bounded by the Y coordinates result in a vertical dimension. The
intersection of these two strips or a point outside these strips gives rise to an
aligned dimension.

Figure 4.31: Quick linear dimension

(b) Diameter and Radius dimensions

These require one click in quick dimensioning. A point on the circle or circular
arc is selected as an approximate point for the dimension line angle.
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208 Chapter 4

TUTORIAL 4.7 Creating Quick Dimensions

In this tutorial, we will dimension the drawing of Figure 4.32. First we must
draw the geometry.

input: Select icon

Specify the following points in order.

(0,8), (0,41.97), (60,41.97), (76.97,25), (76.97,0), (8,0)

input: Select icon

Specify the constraints for radius, endpoint and endpoint. Enter a radius of 8 and
the endpoints (0,8) and (8,0). Select the appropriate arc.

input: Select icon

Specify the center point as (30,20) and radius 8.

Figure 4.32: Quick dimensioning

Now we are ready to add the dimensions.

input: Select icon

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Chapter 4 209
message: Pick a line/ circle/ circular arc

input: Select the line at point P1

Specify the dimension line position at point P2.

Select the next line at point P3 and it’s dimension line position at P4.

For the aligned dimension, select the line at point P5 and specify point P6 as the
dimension line location.

To dimension the circle, select it at point P7.

Select the arc at point P8 to obtain the radial dimension.

Break from the interaction.

4.4 Dimension Editing

Dimension settings can be changed while creating the dimensions. However,

sometimes attributes of existing dimensions need to be changed.

Command: chg-dim-attrb

The chg-dim-attrb command changes the attributes of existing dimensions. All

the settings available during dimension creation can be changed.

Figure 4.33: Dimension attribute editing

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210 Chapter 4
• set of dimensions for changing the attributes
• for each attribute to be changed,
- identification of the attribute
- specifying its new value
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
All the options which appear during dimension creation are available.

Changes made to the attributes are reflected in the selected dimensions. The
dimensions are changed after an over action.

4.5 Text

Text is treated as an annotation entity. Text is used to convey information about

the drawing.

Many attributes related to text are used to control it’s appearance. These
attributes can be changed within the interaction of text creation. Figure 4.34
displays various attributes such as height, expansion factor, spacing factor, and

Figure 4.34: Text attributes

Command: text
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Chapter 4 211
This command creates text entities. Single line text, multi-line text, text at
specified points and text fit between two points can be created. All the attribute
settings for text are available transparently during text creation.

• for each text,
- position of the text or
- first point with extended mouse button for fitting text, followed
by the second point
- text string
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
set-txt-tilt Sets the text tilt.

set-txt-font Sets the text font.

set-txt-dir Sets the text direction.

set-txt-ht Sets the text height.

set-txt-align Sets the text alignment.

set-txt-path Sets the text path.

set-txt-expn-f Sets the text expansion factor.

set-txt-spc-f Sets the text spacing factor.

set-txt-ln-spc-f Sets the line spacing factor.

multi-ln-txt Toggles the multi-line text mode.

fit fit Fits text between two limiting points.

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212 Chapter 4
By default, if a point and the text string are specified, text is created at that
point. An Undo command from inside the text command reverses the creation of
one text entity. A command level Undo reverses the entire text interaction.

Multi-line Text

If the multi-line text mode is ON, text is written on equally spaced lines. After
the position of the first text line is specified, the positions of subsequent lines are
automatically calculated. Spacing between two successive lines of text can be
changed using the auxiliary option for line spacing. The line spacing is specified
as a factor of the text height (txt-ln-spc-f).

The distance between any two consecutive lines is ( txt-ht * txt-ln-spc-f ). See
Figure 4.35. If the text is to be D distance apart, and text height is T, then txt-ln-
spc-f can be calculated as

F = D/T

Figure 4.35: txt-ln-spc-f

Fitting Text

The auxiliary option fit (Figure 4.36) is used to limit the text characters between
two points. Select the fit option before giving the text insertion point. The base
direction of the fitted text is the same as that of the line joining the two points.
The path is always to the right. The expansion factor is calculated automatically.

Figure 4.36: Fitting text

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Chapter 4 213
The multi-line mode is available for fitting text. Both fitting points for the
successive text are calculated automatically by Draw.

4.6 Text Editing

Text which has already been created can be edited.

Command: edt-txt

This command changes the text string of existing text.

• set of text entities
• new text string

Changes the text string of all the text entities selected to the new text string. All
other text attributes remain unchanged.

4.7 Marker

Markers denote significant points in the drawing. Markers can vary in their type,
scale, tilt or orientation.

Command: marker

This command creates markers at specified points.

• position of the marker

Auxiliary options
set-mrk-type Sets the marker type.
set-mrk-scale Sets the marker scale.
set-mrk-dir Sets the base direction of the marker.
set-mrk-tilt Sets the marker tilt.
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214 Chapter 4
Any of the settings can be changed while specifying the point. A marker with the
current settings is created at the specified point.

4.8 Leaders

A leader points to a part of the drawing. The text written at the end of the leader
annotates information related to an object that the leader points to. As shown in
Figure 4.37, there are many ways in which leaders are used for annotations. All
these variations can be achieved with the settings in Visual DRAW.

The text path, direction and alignment are calculated automatically. Other
attributes such as text height, and font are taken from the current text settings.

The text is always horizontal. It is justified either left or right with respect to the
last point of the leader. The location of the text can be either above or on the
leader line. If the text is above the leader line, the leader line is extended to the
end of the text.

Figure 4.37: Types of leaders

A frame can be placed around the text. Frames can be of the following types.

• box
• balloon
• bubble

Frame sizes are automatically calculated by Visual DRAW. When the frame is of
type balloon or bubble, the text location is ON-LINE.
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Chapter 4 215
The setting dim-frame-clr is used to offset the text from the frame and the leader
line. dim-txt-offset is used to offset the frame above the leader line when the text
is written above the leader line.

Leaders are comprised of various entities. These are an arrowhead, a biarc for
the lines of the leader, another biarc (or circle) for the frame and text.

Command: leader

This command creates a leader.

• start point of the leader
• for each subsequent segment of the leader
- its endpoint
• over action terminating the leader
• leader text

Auxiliary options
set-lead-term-scale Sets the scale of the arrowhead.
set-lead-term-type Sets the type of the arrowhead.
lead-term Sets the arrowhead ON or OFF.
lead-txt-loc-online Aligns the text with the leader
lead-txt-loc-above Puts the text above the leader line.
set-lead-bub-rad Sets the radius for leader bubble.
frame type Sets the tool frame type.
lead-frame-type-bub Sets the frame type to bubble.
lead-frame-type-box Sets the frame type to box.
lead-frame-type-ball Sets the frame type to balloon.
lead-frame Sets the frame ON or OFF.
As the points of the leader line are being specified, the leader is dragged. The
string and frame are also dragged as they are being specified. If text is not to
appear at the end of the leader, press ENTER.
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216 Chapter 4

4.9 Center Line and Center Marker

Center lines and markers are commonly used annotations. When annotating
circles with center lines, four center lines with dashdot line-style are created for
every circle or circular arc. They start at the center of the circle and extend out of
the circle by an environmental setting cen-lin-extn. Center markers are markers
of type plus.

Command: cen-line


These commands annotate circles with center lines and markers.

• circles and circ-arcs to be annotated

The selected circles and circular arcs are annotated with center lines and/or
center markers

Figure 4.38: Center lines and center markers

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Chapter 4 217

4.10 Hatch

Hatch is an entity comprised of a bounded region and the pattern which fills this
region. The pattern is called the hatch style. The hatch style can be rotated, tilted
or scaled.

Figure 4.39: Hatch

Creating hatch involves identifying the region. The style and other attributes are
taken from the global settings. Draw provides two methods for specifying the

• boundary based
• area based

In the boundary base method, a set of boundaries representing the hatched region
are specified. The area based method is a simple and quick method for
specifying enclosed areas and finds the region based on these areas.

4.10.1 Boundary Based Hatch

Command: hatch

With this command, a set of hatch boundaries, formed from the specified lines,
circles and circular arcs is specified. Given a start point, the boundary closest to
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218 Chapter 4
this point is detected by traversing selected entities. If the path is not clear, it is

• set of entities on which the boundaries are to be traced
• for each boundary,
- start point for the traverse
- path to traverse in case of ambiguity
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
set-hat-style Sets the hatch style.

set-hat-scale Sets the hatch scale.

set-hat-dir Sets the base direction of the hatch.

set-hat-tilt Sets the hatch tilt.

Visual DRAW traverses over the entities selected and attempts to find a closed
boundary. A path must be selected for the case of multiple paths emerging from
a particular point. If a point close to a circle which does not intersect any other
entity is specified, it is directly selected as a valid boundary. Detected boundaries
are highlighted.

An over action terminates the interaction. If no more boundaries are possible

from within the selected entities, the interaction automatically terminates.
Similarly, if only one boundary is possible from within the selected entities, that
boundary is hatched automatically.
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Chapter 4 219

TUTORIAL 4.8 Creating Boundary Based Hatch

Consider the hatch boundary shown in Figure 4.40.

Figure 4.40 : Boundary based hatch

You can specify a point anywhere near the boundary to be hatched. Assume that
you specify the point at P1. Taking the point B as the start point and edge BA as
the start edge, the traversal begins from B to A. At point E, ambiguity arises.
The path taken could be either EI or EA. Select EA, by specifying a point close
to EA, say P2. Now the traversal proceeds and the path becomes BE-EA. At
point A, the only path which can be taken is AF. Thus you are not asked for a
choice. The path now becomes BE-EA-AF. Continue by giving points close to
edges FI, ID, DH.

Had we been interested in only this boundary, an over action would have
terminated the interaction. Since we want more boundaries, continue with the
interaction. Now we specify a point close to the next boundary. As we are
interested in the circle, a point close to the circle would suffice. These are the
only two boundaries required. Now press the over button.

4.10.2 Area Based Hatch

As opposed to boundary hatch, area based hatch, or quick hatch, requires only a
single point input. The enclosing region is automatically hatched.

Command: qhatch
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220 Chapter 4
With minimum interaction, this command automatically detects the region
enclosing the specified point. To include holes or have more hatch regions, the
auxiliary option can be used.

• optionally, the auxiliary option holes
• for each area,
- point in that area
• over action terminating the interaction if holes is selected

Auxiliary options
hat-holes Allows to specify holes in the hatch.

set-hat-style Sets the hatch style.

set-hat-scale Sets the hatch scale.

set-hat-dir Sets the base direction of the hatch.

set-hat-tilt Sets the hatch tilt.

After a point is specified, the smallest area around this point is the region that is
accepted. Normally the interaction terminates after an area has been identified.
More areas can be added with the auxiliary option.

TUTORIAL 4.9 Creating Area Based Hatch

Figure 4.41 (a): Quick hatch boundary Figure 4.41 (b): Hatch without holes
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Chapter 4 221
In this tutorial, we will hatch the geometry of Figure 4.41(a). When you specify
point P1, the hatch covers the entire region as in Figure 4.41(b).

To include the hole in the hatch, as in Figure 4.41( c), select the option holes
and then specify P1. Specify point P2, inside the hole. Press the over button.

To obtain a hatch as in Figure 4.41(d), select the auxiliary option holes. Specify
point P1, in the outer boundary. Specify point P2, in the first hole. Specify point
P3 in the second hole. Press the over button.

Figure 4.41 (c): Quick hatch with a hole Figure 4.41 (d): Quick hatch with holes

Notes :

1. In figure 4.41(d), the sequence of providing inputs P1, P2 and P3 is

not important. For multiple holes and boundaries, internal sorting is
done to determine the inner and outer regions.

2. Only boundaries formed by solid lines, circles and circular entities

are considered as valid regions for hatch.

3. Hatch is drawn only if a closed region made up of valid entities

encloses the point.

4. If quick hatch encounters too many entities in the drawing, two

situations can occur.

a) Too many entities on the right hand side of the region to be

hatched. Move the region temporarily to the right of the drawing
and then quick hatch.

b) Still searching for hatch boundary. Do you want to continue ?

This message appears if the hatch interaction is still in progress
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222 Chapter 4
after a specific time period. This mechanism gives you an option
to proceed or break from the interaction.
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Chapter 5
Visual DRAW provides a set of attributes to associate with different entities.
Entities can be drawn in different colors, line-styles and line weights. Visual
DRAW also supports a wide range of hatch styles, markers types and text fonts
to enhance annotations.

This chapter introduces the various attributes in DRAW. Attributes can be

classified into the following classes.

• general entity attributes: apply to most of the entities

• marker attributes: specific to the marker entity

• text attributes: specific to the text entity

• hatch attributes: specific to the hatch entity

Specialized attributes of dimensions and surfaces are discussed in Chapter 4,


5.1 General Entity Attributes

The following attributes apply to most entities in Visual DRAW.

• line-style
• line weight
• color
• layer
• extrusion thickness
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. Attributes
224 Chapter 5

5.1.1 Line-Style

Setting : ln-style
Default value: solid
This setting determines the pattern to be applied to the entity.

Figure 5.1: Line styles

Line-styles are applied to the basic geometric entities only. Construction entities
are always displayed in the dot line-style. Annotation entities and surfaces are
always drawn in the solid line-style.

All line-styles are affected by the setting ln-style-scale. This is a scaling factor
by all line-style patterns are scaled during display. The default line-style scale is

5.1.2 Line Weight

Setting : ln-wt
Default value: 1
The line weight setting determines the thickness with which an entity is drawn.
This setting can have an integer value ranging from 1 to 5. While displaying an
entity on screen, this value denotes the number of pixels to be used for lines. For
example, a line weight of 2 is drawn with a thickness of two pixels. While
plotting, the Weight to width mapping table (Appendix A, THE PLOT
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Chapter 5 225
MODULE) determines the width in which an entity of a certain weight is to be
drawn. Construction entities are always drawn with a line weight of 1.

Figure 5.2: Effect of line weight

5.1.3 Color

Setting : color
Default value: white
Visual DRAW provides the following basic colors for drawing entities.


5.1.4 Layer

Setting : layer
Default value: default
Visual DRAW provides layers for classifying entities in a drawing. Each entity is
associated with a layer. A drawing may contain multiple layers. Entities can
exist on each of these layers. The visibility of each layer can be controlled in
different views. Thus, a group of entities can be made visible or invisible in a
particular view.
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. Attributes
226 Chapter 5

5.1.5 Extrusion Thickness

Setting : extr-thick
Default value: 0.0
All curvilinear entities in Draw have an attribute called extrusion thickness.
Entities having a non-zero extrusion thickness appear as flat surfaces generated
by extruding the entity along the extrusion direction. The default extrusion
direction is the Z axis of the UCS in which the entity is created. Annotations,
construction entities, surfaces and instances do not have extrusion thickness.

Figure 5.3: Extrusion thickness

5.2 Marker Attributes

A marker is an annotation with the following attributes.

• type
• scale
• direction
• tilt

5.2.1 Marker Type

Setting: mrk-type
Default value: plus
The marker type sets the shape, lines, and filled regions forming its geometry.
Every marker symbol is defined in a 1 x 1 square. The marker position
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Chapter 5 227
corresponds to the center point of this square. This square can be scaled, rotated,
or sheared as desired.

Figure 5.4: Marker types

5.2.2 Marker Scale

Setting: mrk-scale
Default value: 5.0
The marker scale is a magnification factor which determines the marker size.
This marker scale factor applies to the square in which the marker is defined.

Figure 5.5: Marker scale

5.2.3 Marker Direction

Setting : mrk-dir
Default value: 0.0
The marker direction is the angle made by the base of the marker square with
the positive X axis.

Figure 5.6: Marker direction

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. Attributes
228 Chapter 5

5.2.4 Marker Tilt

Setting: mrk-tilt
Default value: 0.0
By default, the height of a marker square is perpendicular to its base. Tilt is the
angle by which the height is slanted from its default position. This angle is
measured clockwise from the default height direction. See Figure 5.7.

Figure 5.7: Marker tilt

5.3 Hatch Attributes

The hatch entity has the following attributes.

• style
• direction
• tilt
• scale
• reference point

5.3.1 Hatch Style

Setting: hat-style
Default value: 45deg
Visual DRAW supports many hatch styles. The hatch styles are generated from a
family of lines having different line-styles and inclinations.
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Chapter 5 229

5.3.2 Hatch Direction

Setting: hat-dir
Default value: 0.0
The hatch styles are defined in their own X-Y coordinate system. Whenever a
hatch style is generated, the X direction is aligned to the UCS X axis by default.
It can be aligned to any other direction by setting the hatch direction. This
direction is specified as the angle the hatch makes with UCS X axis.

Figure 5.8: Hatch direction

5.3.3 Hatch Tilt

Setting: hat-tilt
Default value: 0.0
When a hatch style is generated, the Y axis is perpendicular to the hatch
direction. The hatch style can be sheared by specifying a tilt. This tilt is
measured at 90°to the hatch direction. The Y direction is then aligned to this
direction, shearing the hatch.

Figure 5.9: Hatch tilt

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. Attributes
230 Chapter 5

5.3.4 Hatch Scale

Setting: hat-scale
Default value: 5.0
Hatch styles contain a principal family of lines. The distance between two
consecutive lines, i.e. the hatch scale, is initialized to 1. For a simple hatch
pattern consisting of parallel lines only, the hatch scale is equivalent to the
spacing between the hatch lines.

Figure 5.10: Hatch scale

5.3.5 Hatch Reference Point

Setting: hat-ref-pt
Default value: (0.0 0.0)
The hatch pattern is defined in its own X-Y coordinate system. When the hatch
style is generated, the origin of this coordinate system is coincident with the
origin of the current UCS. The hatch origin can be placed at any point in the
UCS X-Y plane by specifying a hatch reference point. Changing the hatch
reference point results in a relative shift in the hatch pattern. See Figure 5.11.

Figure 5.11: Hatch reference point

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Chapter 5 231

5.4 Text Attributes

The text entity has the following attributes.

• font
• height
• direction
• tilt
• expansion factor
• spacing factor
• line spacing
• path
• alignment

The following sections refer to the text geometry as described in Figure 5.12.

Figure 5.12: Text geometry

5.4.1 Text Font

Setting: txt-font
Default value: txt
The text font determines the geometric appearance of each character.
Appendix B, TEXT FONTS lists the fonts available in Visual DRAW.
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. Attributes
232 Chapter 5

Figure 5.13: Text font

5.4.2 Text Height

Setting: txt-ht
Default value: 5.0
The text height is the distance between the baseline and the cap line. This is the
actual upper case letter height for most fonts. The height is measured along the
direction of the text tilt.

Figure 5.14: Text height

5.4.3 Text Direction

Setting: txt-dir
Default value: 0.0
Text direction is the direction of the base line. This is represented by the angle
between the base line and the positive UCS X axis.

Figure 5.15: Text direction

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Chapter 5 233

5.4.4 Text Tilt

Setting: txt-tilt
Default value: 0.0
Text tilt is the shear angle of the text. It is the inclination of the upright direction
of the text relative to its default height direction (perpendicular to the text base
line). It is measured as an angle in the clockwise direction.

Figure 5.16: Text tilt

5.4.5 Text Expansion Factor

Setting: txt-expn-f
Default value: 1.0
The text expansion factor scales the text along the base line as shown in Figure
5.17. The text height does not change. Increasing this factor stretches the text
along its base line.

Figure 5.17: Text expansion

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. Attributes
234 Chapter 5

5.4.6 Text Spacing Factor

Setting: txt-spc-f
Default value: 5.0
The text spacing factor governs the distance between two characters. It is
represented as a factor of text height. Increasing the text spacing factor adds
space between two adjacent text characters.

Figure 5.18: Text spacing

5.4.7 Text Line Spacing Factor

Setting: txt-ln-spc-f
Default value: 0.0
This factor controls the distance between two text lines. It is represented as a
factor of the text height. Increasing this factor increases the spacing between
successive text lines.

Figure 5.19: Text line spacing

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Chapter 5 235

5.4.8 Text Path

Setting: txt-path
Default value: RGT
This variable determines the path in which text characters are placed.

Figure 5.20: Text path

5.4.9 Text Alignment

Setting: txt-align
Default value: BOT-LFT
Text alignment controls text positioning with respect to the insertion point.
Alignment is specified in horizontal and vertical directions.

Figure 5.21: Text alignment

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. Attributes
236 Chapter 5

5.5 Setting and Changing Entity Attributes

The above attributes can be set to appropriate values which are used for creating
subsequent entities. Attributes of existing entities can be changed to any value.

Note: Visual DRAW stores attributes only if they are set to a value other
than the default. Thus, files are smaller if all entities have default
attribute values.

5.5.1 Attribute Settings and Inquiries

The attributes with which a new entity is created are governed by the current
settings. Each attribute has a corresponding setting. New values of these settings
can be specified. Visual DRAW has default values for all settings. See Appendix
C, SETTINGS. Unless these values are changed, each entity is created with the
default attribute values.

All current settings for the attributes can be changed transparently. The entities
created afterward inherit their attributes from these. Current settings can be
changed using the setv command. Draw provides auxiliary options in the
command interaction to access and change these settings interactively.

Setv for any attribute works as:

setv 'attribute value

where attribute is the name of the setting and value is the desired value. The
Settings menu contains all attribute settings.

Current values of attribute settings can be inquired using the command getv.
This function displays the current setting of a specified setting. For example, if
you type

getv 'txt-ht

the current value of the text height is displayed.

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Chapter 5 237

5.5.2 Changing Attributes

Command: chg-attrb

This command allows you to change the attributes of existing entities.

• entities whose attributes are to be changed
• for each attribute to be changed
- option identifying the attribute
- new value of the attribute
• over action terminating the interaction

The attributes specified are applied to the selected set of entities. Existing
entities are modified to display new attributes.

5.6 Layer Settings

Layer settings information is an attribute associated with each entity. Every

entity created resides on a layer.

The visibility of a layer can be set to OFF in a particular view. Setting a layer to
OFF does not delete it. Chapter 9, UTILITIES describes layer related operations.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->



Chapter 6
Typically, drawings consist of figures from simple to very complex geometry. A
particular geometry is often repeated in the same drawing or across different

Visual DRAW offers the concept of parts and mechanisms to retrieve and
manipulate specific geometry from different drawings. Object geometry can be
defined as parts and used as a single entity.

This chapter discusses how to make and use part libraries, thus saving time and
effort in handling a large number of drawings.

6.1 Basics of Parts

The term part originates from mechanical engineering. It is used to designate a

basic engineering component or a collection forming a single unit. In Visual
DRAW, a part is a collection of entities in a common coordinate system,
forming a single unit. For example, the symbol representing a chair (Figure 6.1)
is a part made of lines and arcs defined in its own coordinate system. It serves as
a single functional unit, namely, a chair.

Figure 6.1: Symbolic representation of a chair

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. Parts
240 Chapter 6

6.1.1 Advantages of Parts

Though a drawing can be generated using basic construction and editing

features, the use of parts becomes an efficient tool. Parts offer the following

• organization of data and work

• adaptability to design changes

• customization of standard geometry

• possibility of extending the entity set

• saving of repetitive efforts

• optimized usage of computer resources

Organization of data and work

Many design jobs are complex and must be divided into smaller units. Later the
components are integrated. Parts offer a way for such organization, since they
ensure that the integrated model retains the information contained in it’s various

Adaptability to design changes

Geometric components frequently change because of evolving design. If these
geometric components are isolated, the change process becomes easier. Parts
offer a means of doing this.

Customization of standard geometry

Many design applications require frequent use of symbols. These could either be
developed by an organization or third party developer or may be established as
international standards. Such customization can be done using parts. Part
libraries can be built for specific applications.

Possibility of extending the entity set

Although the basic entities represented in Visual DRAW can be used directly, it
is easier to refer to geometry in terms of the higher level objects they represent.
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Chapter 6 241
For example, when designing an office layout, it is convenient to treat a chair as
an entity and use it as any other basic entity.

Saving of repetitive efforts

Many geometric shapes are often repeated. If suitably identified, repetitive
geometry can be produced with less effort in less time.

Optimized use of computer resources

If the same geometry is repeated, duplicate information is stored in the drawing
and in the model files. Duplication is avoided by defining the geometry as a part
once and using it as needed.

6.1.2 Parts in Visual DRAW

The primary contents of a model are the parts defined in it. There can be many
parts in a model, each defined in its own coordinate system. Each part has a
unique name.

In Visual DRAW, entities do not exist independently. Every entity is a member

of some part. Entities automatically become members of the default part called
$world. This special part is present in every model and can not be deleted.
However, it can be modified as necessary. Every part is defined in its own
coordinate system. The part $world is defined in WCS (world coordinate

Each new part can be defined by selecting a set of entities from $world and
naming them. Once a part is defined, its geometry is defined in its own
coordinate system, and is remembered by Draw by the specified name. This part
can be used in $world by placing it at an appropriate position with desired
scaling and orientation. This use is called an insertion of the part in $world. It
behaves like any other entity. In a newly defined part, one can include insertions
of other parts. An entire hierarchy can be set up by nesting simple parts into
more complex ones.
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. Parts
242 Chapter 6

6.2 Part Related Operations

The following operations can be performed on parts.

• definition

• deletion

• inserting

• explosion

In addition to these basic operations, the following can be performed with part

• build a new part library

• add new parts to a library

• delete existing parts from a library

• change the geometry of a part in a library

• load selected parts from a library

• search for a set of parts across many libraries

6.2.1 Defining a Part

Defining a part involves specifying the geometry which constitutes the part. This
is achieved by picking existing entities. A reference point specified along with
the geometry defines the origin of the part coordinate system. When a part is
inserted, its position in space is determined by the reference point supplied by
the user.
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Chapter 6 243
Command: def-part

This command defines a part. The entities that form the geometry and the part
name must be given.

• set of entities that define the part geometry
• reference point
• name of the part

Auxiliary options
def-part-keep Options ot either delete or retain
the selected entities. They can
also be deleted and replaced with
an insertion using the toggle

Entities to be included in the part must be selected. The part name should be a
valid user identifier string (Chapter 1, INTRODUCTION). The reference point
specified is the origin of the part coordinate system. The axes of this coordinate
system are parallel to the UCS axes. Parts are stored only after the drawing file is

The auxiliary option for this interaction has three states: delete, retain, or
instance. In the delete state, selected entities are deleted. Retain leaves them
untouched and they remain individual entities. In case of Instance, the entities
are deleted and replaced by an insertion of the part just defined. The default
value of this setting is delete.

TUTORIAL 6.1 Defining a Part

Suppose you want to generate the layout of an office cubicle (Figure 6.2). There
are many chairs in this layout. You can define a part called chair (Figure 6.1),
and replicate it at desired positions.
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. Parts
244 Chapter 6

Figure 6.2: Layout of an office cubicle

To start, first draw the chair geometry using construction and editing commands.

input: Select menu option Utility/Part/Define

message: Pick a set of entities to go in part definition

Select all the entities that define the chair.

message: Give the reference point

Specify the reference point at the middle of the seat.

message: Give the name of the part

input: chair

Save the drawing.

After this part is defined, it can be used anywhere, just like other Draw entities.
You can put this chair at any location, orientation or scale. The component
entities will appear exactly as they were during definition, with the appropriate

Overwriting Existing Part Definitions

The definition of a previously defined part can be overwritten by specifying

another part with the same name. When a part name that already exists is
specified, a warning message informs you that the part already exists and asks
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Chapter 6 245
whether you want to overwrite it. All insertions of that part, are regenerated as
per the new definition.

6.2.2 Inserting a Part

A part insertion can be drawn at a given place with specified scaling and

Command: inst-part

This command inserts a part at a desired location.

• name of the part to be inserted
• for each insertion of the part,
- insertion point
- optional, selection of option rotate, and the rotation angle
- optional, selection of option scale, and the scaling factor
• over action, terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
Rotate Rotate the defined part about the insertion point by
a specified angle.

Scale Scale the defined part about the insertion point.

Only the parts belonging to the current model can be inserted. Parts in external
models or part libraries can be loaded into the current model. All general editing
operations apply to the insertion reference entity. Picking an entity of the
inserted part in any interaction picks all the insertions of that part. An insertion
can be used for creating a new part definition.

Note: When an entity in a part is picked for general editing operations, the
entire part is selected. However, the entities are picked for other
geometric constructions or for snapping to significant input points, the
loose entities are selected. For example, one may pick the circle inside
a part insertion for creating a tangent line.
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. Parts
246 Chapter 6

TUTORIAL 6.2 Creating Part Insertions

To make the layout as shown in Figure 6.2, you should insert the part chair that
was defined in the previous tutorial.

input: Select menu option Utility/Part/Instantiate

message: Select the part to be inserted

Select the chair from the parts list.

message: Specify the insertion point

input: Select the scale option

Specify the scale factor as 1.5.

Specify the insertion point to be point P1. See Figure 6.3.

Rotate the chair 90 by selecting the rotate auxiliary option. Insert the rotated
chair at points P2 and P3.
Change the rotation angle to 180 and insert the chair at point P4.
Change the rotation angle to -90 and insert the chair at points P5 and P6.
Save the file.

Figure 6.3: Chair inserted at various points

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Chapter 6 247

6.2.3 Exploding a Part Insertion

It may become necessary to change the definition of a part. This requires editing
the part geometry. To do this, first explode an insertion of the part to be edited.
This disassembles the insertion into loose entities. Edit these entities as required
and overwrite the old part definition. This changes the part definition and
updates all insertions of the part. Explosion of insertions is achieved using the
command explode.

TUTORIAL 6.3 Editing a Part

Figure 6.4: New definition of chair

Suppose the design of the chair undergoes changes.

input: Select icon

message: Pick insertions/ dimensions/ biarcs to be exploded.

Select one insertion of the chair.

This explodes the insertion. All the component entities are now available for
editing. Change the chair geometry as shown in Figure 6.4. Redefine the chair
as was done in Tutorial 6.1. All the part insertions are automatically updated.
See Figure 6.5.

If instead of using parts, the drawing was made by copying the constructions or
explicitly creating entities, these changes would have to be made to all
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. Parts
248 Chapter 6
occurrences of the chair. Thus, using parts makes drawings adaptable to changes
in component designs.

Notes: 1 Explosion of part insertions is only one level deep. This

means that insertions of other parts in this insertion are not
further exploded.
2 Redefinition of a part changes all insertions including the
ones embedded in other parts, whether or not they are
inserted in $world.

Figure 6.5: Automatic updating of insertions

6.2.4 Deleting Existing Parts

Command: delete-part

This command deletes selected parts.

• names of the parts to be deleted

A list of parts which can be deleted is shown. Parts can either be selected from
the list or their names can be typed in. The part $world or any other part
currently in use cannot be deleted. If parts are accidentally deleted, they can be
recovered using the undo feature.
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Chapter 6 249

6.2.5 Hierarchical Parts

When defining a part, an insertion of another part can be picked, along with
other entities, as a component of the part being defined. This allows the
definition of a higher level part. This mechanism is useful when working with
an assembly. Smaller components can be made first. Then a sub-assembly can be

TUTORIAL 6.4 Creating Hierarchical Parts

To complete the office layout as shown in Figure 6.2, we need six work-desks,
each consisting of a table, a chair and a terminal.

Figure 6.6: Table and terminal

Figure 6.7: Part definition of work-desk

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. Parts
250 Chapter 6
Draw and define the parts table and terminal as shown in Figure 6.6. Insert the
table at point P1 as in Figure 6.7. Insert the chair in front of it and the terminal
on top of it. This completes the creation of the geometry of a single work desk.
Now define a part called work-desk by picking all three entities. This part is a
hierarchical part which uses the parts table, chair and terminal.

To complete the layout, insert the work-desk at the desired locations with
appropriate rotations. See Figure 6.8.

Figure 6.8: Inserting work-desk

6.2.6 Part Libraries

If a part is used at several places or by several people, it is useful to put it in a

part library. Many libraries may exist together. Parts can be loaded from a
specific library or Visual DRAW can search a whole set of libraries for the part
of interest.

A part library in Draw is a drawing file in which $world may be empty. This
model is a collection of parts with or without their insertions. New parts can be
added to the library by defining new parts in the drawing.

Command: load-part

This command searches and loads from part libraries.

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Chapter 6 251
• file name from which parts are to be loaded
• names of the parts to be loaded
• a search pattern for parts (optional).

Auxiliary option
search Allows a search text pattern for part names to be
Invoking this command lists drawing files present in the current part search
directory. On selecting a drawing file name, the parts inside the drawing are
shown in the list box. Select one or more parts from the drawing. The definitions
of selected parts are copied into the current drawing. Continue by specifying
more files or break from the interaction.

The current part search directory is dictated by the Draw environmental setting
part-search-path. To list the drawings from a different directory, change the
current setting of part-search-path using the sete command. See Appendix C,
SETTINGS and Chapter 5, ATTRIBUTES. The default value of this setting
("."), implies that drawings in the current working directory are available. The
working directory can be changed using the cwd command.

Using the auxiliary option S_ON/S_OFF, a text pattern can be set. Only the
parts with the specified text pattern are seen in the part list if this option is ON.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->



Chapter 7
Surface modeling is an important part of 3-D design. Draw offers surface
creation features, making it a powerful tool for modeling complex three
dimensional objects.

This chapter deals with the standard surfaces, surfaces of revolution, and general
NURBS surfaces. Other topics covered include various facet mesh creation
methods and commands associated with hidden line eliminated display.
Knowledge of curves and their construction (Chapter 2, CONSTRUCTION) is
needed to fully understand the information presented in this chapter.

Figure 7.1: Surface models

7.1 Standard Surfaces and Surfaces of


Visual DRAW has direct commands for creating spheres, cylinders, cones, tubes
and torus’. Each of these result in a rev-surf entity, a surface of revolution. In
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. Surfaces
254 Chapter 7
addition to these methods, rev-surfs can be explicitly created by revolving any
curve about an axis.
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Chapter 7 255

7.1.1 Standard Surfaces Sphere

Command: sphere

This command creates a spherical surface.

• center
• radius

A closed spherical surface with specified center and radius is created.

Figure 7.2: sphere Figure 7.3: cylinder Cylinder

Command: cylinder

This command creates a cylindrical surface.

• base point
• radius
• height
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. Surfaces
256 Chapter 7
A cylindrical surface with it’s axis parallel to the UCS Z axis is created. Both
the top and bottom are open. Cone

Command: cone

This command creates a conical surface.

• base point
• bottom radius
• top radius
• height

Figure 7.4: cone Figure 7.5: Tube

A conical surface with it’s axis parallel to the UCS Z axis is created. Both the
top and bottom are open. For a non-zero radius at the top, the surface is shaped
like a frustum of a cone. Tube

Command: tube

This command creates a tubular surface.

• base point
• inner radius
• outer radius
• height
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Chapter 7 257
A tube whose axis is parallel to the UCS Z axis is created. Both ends of the tube
are open. However, there is a surface joining the inner and outer surfaces at both
ends of the tube. Torus

Command: torus

This command creates a toroidal surface with a circular cross section.

• center of the toroidal surface
• mean radius (ring radius) of the torus
• radius of the cross section (sweep sector radius)

A toroidal surface whose axis is parallel to the UCS Z axis is created.

Figure 7.6: Torus

7.1.2 Surface of Revolution

Command: rsweep

This command revolves a profile curve about an axis to create a surface of

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. Surfaces
258 Chapter 7
• profile curve to be revolved
• base point of the axis of revolution
• direction of the axis
• angle of sweep

Auxiliary options
keep keep ON Retains or deletes the profile used
to generate the surface. If keep is
ON, the profile is retained.

The right hand rule is applied to determine the path along which the curve is

Figure 7.7: Surface of revolution

Note: Many surface creation interactions are based on curves. Wherever
it is necessary to input a curve, any curvilinear entity can be input. For
convenience, reference is made only to curves.

7.2 General Surfaces

General or NURB surfaces are an extension of NURB curves. NURB surfaces

can be thought of as a number of closely placed NURB curves. The following
methods are available for creating a NURB surface.

• creating a surface patch bounded by four curves

• skinning a set of curves
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Chapter 7 259

7.2.1 Four Boundary Patch

Command: 4b

This command creates a surface patch bounded by four end to end connected

• four end to end connected curves

Auxiliary options
keep keep ON Toggle menu to retain or delete the curves used to
generate the surface. If keep is ON, the original
curves are retained.

Any four end to end connected curves can be selected as the boundary. Closed or
periodic curves can not be selected for this operation.

Figure 7.8: Four boundary surface

7.2.2 Skinning

In many applications, various cross section profiles of a surface are known. A

smooth surface which passes through all profiles can be created using the skin
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. Surfaces
260 Chapter 7
Command: skin

This command creates a surface interpolating a set of selected curves. Only open
curves can be used for this operation. The sense of the curves is maintained
during skinning.

• set of curves
• over action terminating the interaction

Auxiliary options
reverse Reverses the sense of the last picked curve
as used for skinning.

keep ON
keep Deletes or retains the curves used to
generate the surface. If keep is set to ON,
they are retained.

Skinning results in an interpolating surface passing through the set of curves.
Any curve in space can be used. Since only open curves are supported, on
picking periodic curves an additional point where the curve should be split open
must be selected.

If the curves do not have the same sense, the operation may result in a self
intersecting surface. The sense of individual curves as used by the skinning
interaction can be controlled. This does not change the actual sense of the curve,
but only affects the sense used during skinning.

Figure 7.9: Skinned surface

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Chapter 7 261

7.3 Facet Meshes

A facet mesh is a collection of connected planar faces. Draw provides primitives

for making closed surfaces which form entities called facet mesh . A face is a
planar polygon represented by a vertex list containing an ordered set of vertex
points. No more than two faces in a facet mesh can share an edge. Thus non-
manifold objects are not permitted. Draw supports the following facet mesh

• cuboid, tetrahedron and wedge

• rectangular, pentagonal and hexagonal pyramids
• triangular, pentagonal and hexagonal prisms

7.3.1 Cuboid

Command: cuboid

This command creates a cuboid.

Figure 7.10: Cuboid

• reference point
• length
• breadth
• height
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. Surfaces
262 Chapter 7
A cuboid is constructed by specifying a reference point, length, breadth and
height along the UCS X, Y and Z axes respectively.

7.3.2 Tetrahedron

Command: tetra

This command creates a tetrahedron.

• reference point
• length of the sides

A tetrahedron is constructed by specifying a reference point and length. One side
of the tetrahedron base is along the UCS X axis.

Figure 7.11: Tetrahedron

7.3.3 Wedge

Command: wedge

This command creates a wedge.

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Chapter 7 263
• reference point
• length
• breadth
• height

A wedge is created by specifying a reference point, length, breadth and height
along the UCS X, Y and Z axes. Triangular faces are formed parallel to the UCS
X-Y plane.

Figure 7.12: Wedge

7.3.4 Rectangular Pyramid

Command: rect-pyramid

This command creates a rectangular pyramid.

• reference point
• length
• breadth
• height
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. Surfaces
264 Chapter 7

Figure 7.13: Rectangular pyramid

A rectangular pyramid is constructed by specifying a reference point, length,
breadth and height. The length, breadth and height are taken along the UCS X,
Y, and Z axes. The reference point fixes the center of the base rectangle in the
UCS X-Y plane.

7.3.5 Pentagonal Pyramid

Command: pent-pyramid

This command creates a pentagonal pyramid.

• reference point
• length of the sides
• height

A pentagonal pyramid is constructed by specifying a reference point, length and
height. One edge of the base is parallel to the UCS X axis. The height is along
the UCS Z axis. The reference point fixes the center of the base pentagonal face.
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Chapter 7 265

Figure 7.14: Pentagonal pyramid

7.3.6 Hexagonal Pyramid

Command: hex-pyramid

This command creates a hexagonal pyramid.

• reference point
• length of the sides
• height

A hexagonal pyramid is constructed by specifying a reference point, length and
height. One edge of the base is parallel to the UCS X axis. The height is along
the UCS Z axis. The reference point fixes the center of the base hexagonal face.

Figure 7.15: Hexagonal pyramid

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. Surfaces
266 Chapter 7

7.3.7 Triangular Prism

Command: tri-prism

This command creates a triangular prism.

• reference point
• length of the sides
• height

Figure 7.16: Triangular prism

A triangular prism is constructed by specifying a reference point, length and
height. The reference point fixes the corner point of the lower triangular face.
One edge of the triangular base is parallel to the UCS X axis. The height is
along the UCS Z axis.

7.3.8 Pentagonal Prism

Command: pent-prism

This command creates a pentagonal prism.

• reference point
• length of the sides
• height
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Chapter 7 267
A pentagonal prism is constructed by specifying a reference point, length and
height. One edge of the base is parallel to the UCS X axis. The reference point is
the center of the base pentagon.

Figure 7.17: Pentagonal Prism

7.3.9 Hexagonal Prism

Command: hex-prism

This command creates a hexagonal prism.

• reference point
• length of each side
• height

Figure 7.18: Hexagonal prism

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. Surfaces
268 Chapter 7
A hexagonal prism is constructed by specifying a reference point, length and
height. One edge of the base is parallel to the UCS X axis. The reference point is
the center of the base hexagon.

7.4 Hidden Line Elimination

Rendering an object usually produces a wire frame display where all object lines,
including the hidden ones, are visible. Hidden line elimination, HLE, removes
hidden lines to offer a realistic view.

Figure 7.19: Hidden line elimination

7.4.1 Basics of HLE

Entities Participating in HLE

HLE operates only on entities on the visible layers. Annotation and construction
entities do not participate in HLE. Therefore markers, dimensions, text, hatch,
and construction entities remain unaffected. All entities with line-style other
than solid are assumed to be annotations and will not take part in HLE.
Extrusion entities are treated as surfaces.
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Chapter 7 269
The HLE Mechanism

Two interactions are available for HLE. The hide-vws command allows a set of
views for HLE to be selected. The hide command performs HLE on a set of
views which are candidates for HLE. The first method is useful for performing
an experimental HLE. The second gives a single control of applying HLE in all
pre-selected views.

Each view has an attribute telling whether it is a candidate for HLE. This
attribute can be turned ON to mark the view as a candidate for HLE. The hide-
vws command automatically sets this attribute ON for selected views. This
attribute is used by the hide and plot commands to determine in which views to
apply HLE. HLE can be aborted using a break action.

Effect of HLE on Entity Attributes

Visible parts of the entities participating in HLE appear in their original color,
and line weight. Optionally, hidden lines can be displayed in dotted line-style.
Every view has an attribute called hidden-line-visibility . If hidden line visibility
is set to ON, hidden lines are displayed with the dotted line-style.

Intersecting Objects

By default, it is assumed that surfaces are non-intersecting. If intersecting

surfaces exist, the inter-check flag can be set to ON. When it is ON, HLE checks
for such surfaces.

Threshold Angle

Wire frame displays generally show intermediate edges which represent the
curvature at those places. These lines appear because a surface is divided into
small segments for display purposes. The threshold angle setting can be used to
hide these lines. If the angle between the normals of two adjacent faces is less
than the threshold angle, the common edges between these surfaces are not
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. Surfaces
270 Chapter 7

Figure 7.20: Effect of threshold angle

7.4.2 Hiding Selected Views

Command: hide-vws

This command performs hidden line elimination on the selected views.

• views in which HLE is to be performed

HLE is performed on the views in the order in which they are selected.

7.4.3 Hiding Preset Views

Command: hide

This command performs hidden line elimination on all the views for which the
hide-view attribute is ON.
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Chapter 7 271

7.4.4 Presetting Views

Command: set-vw-hide

This command sets the hide-view attribute for the chosen views.

• views in which the attribute is to be set
• state to which it is to be set, ON or OFF

The hide-view attribute of the selected views is set to the specified value. The
default value of this attribute is OFF.

7.4.5 Setting Hidden Line Visibility

Command: set-hid-ln-vis

This command sets the visibility of the hidden lines for specified views.

• views in which hidden line visibility is to be set
• state to which it is to be set: ON or OFF

The visibility is set to the specified value in selected views. By default it is OFF.

7.4.6 Setting Intersection Checks

Command: set-inter-check

This command changes the setting of the intersection flag.

This command sets intersection checks ON or OFF. By default, it is OFF.
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. Surfaces
272 Chapter 7

7.4.7 Setting Threshold Angle

Command: set-threshold-ang

• threshold angle

This command changes the value of the threshold angle. The default value is
0.0. Thus all intermediate edges are displayed.

7.4.8 Some Notes on Using HLE

HLE is a specialized operation. The following points should be noted.

• The HLE algorithm works by comparing each edge of an object with

every other edge and face. Therefore HLE consumes more time than
any other operation. More memory is required for complex views. It is
desired to zoom in to the area of interest and perform hidden line
• If the intersection flag for any view is set ON, HLE checks for
intersections. This makes HLE considerably slower. Therefore,
intersection check should be set to ON only when necessary.
• As annotation leaders result in lines and arcs, they also participate in
HLE. This can be overcome by putting annotation entities on a different
layer and setting the visibility of that layer to OFF before HLE.
• A cuboid may be drawn using the cuboid command or by drawing 12
edges. In both cases the wire frame display is identical, but hidden line
elimination display is different. It is better to work with surfaces to get
an effective hidden line elimination display.

Note: Plotting views with HLE is possible through scene plotting.

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Chapter 7 273

7.5 Display Control of Surfaces

Wireframe displays consist of many curves which represent the curvatures of the
surfaces. These curves are known as iso-u and iso-v curves. For HLE, surfaces
are divided by intermediate lines into rectangular patches. The resolution of a
surface is represented by the number of such intermediate curves. The resolution
can be set to control the quality of display. These are controlled by the settings
disp-niso-u, diso-niso-v, hle-niso-u and hle-niso-v.

Command: chg-surf-resol

This command changes the resolution of a surface for rendering or HLE.

• Entities for which the resolution is to be set,
- valid entities
- surf
- rev-surf
• for each resolution parameter,
- parameter
- new value of the parameter

Parameters such as the number of iso-u and iso-v curves or lines for wire frame
rendering and hidden line elimination can be modified. Parameters for both wire
frame rendering and hidden line eliminated display are available in menus.

Note: A surface is represented mathematically by two parameters, u and v. The

curves displayed on the surface have the parametric values u and v. Such
curves are called iso-parametric curves. Hence, iso-u and iso-v signify
the isoparametric curves along the u and v directions.

The iso-u curves are parallel to the first curve selected. The iso-v curves are
always perpendicular to the iso-u curves. See Figure 7.21
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. Surfaces
274 Chapter 7

Figure 7.21: Display control surfaces

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Viewing and Display

Chapter 8
Visual DRAW offers a multi-window environment for viewing various regions
of a drawing or model. In each window, objects can be viewed with varying
levels of details.

In this chapter, procedures for creating and manipulating windows are

explained. Viewing operations such as changing the viewpoint or the number of
views in a window and resizing views are explained. The zoom and pan
operations are also discussed.

8.1 Basics of Viewing

8.1.1 Multiple View Windows

View windows and their components were discussed in Chapter 1,

INTRODUCTION. Multiple view windows allow various portions of the same
model to be worked on. Input can be given in any view window and the
modifications are reflected in all the windows.

Multiple windows may be tiled in Visual DRAW. Click on a particular window

to make it active. Windows can be resized, moved, deleted, and minimized. The
window title bar can be ON or OFF. When multiple windows are on the screen,
the window where the last mouse input was given is the active window. A
window can be set to always remain on top of all other view windows. Visual
DRAW provides options such as Cascade and Tile for arranging windows in
specific formats.
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276 Chapter 8

8.1.2 Eye Point, Target Point, and Orientation

An eye point is a point in model space from which the model is seen. The target
point is the point in the model space at which the eye point is focused. The
direction from the eye point to the target point is the base viewing direction.

Figure 8.1(a): Eye coordinate system

The model is visualized along the base viewing direction by either keeping the
eye vertical or oriented to get a tilted view. The angle of the eye with respect to
the vertical (positive WCS Z axis) is called the angle of orientation.

The view in each window depends on the eye point, target point and orientation
angle. Together, the eye point, base viewing direction, and eye orientation define
the eye coordinate system, ECS. The origin of the ECS is at the eye point. The Y
axis is along the viewing direction and the Z axis is along the direction of eye
orientation angle.

If the viewing direction is along the WCS Z axis, then the orientation angle is
defined with respect to the WCS X axis.

8.1.3 Viewbox

A viewbox is a cube in model space whose faces are parallel to the principal ECS
planes. Each window has an associated viewbox that defines the region in model
space as seen in a window. The center of the viewbox is the center of the
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Chapter 8 277

Figure 8.1(b): A four view configuration


A view is the projection of model space along a specific direction on a projection

plane. There are three types of projections.

• Orthographic projections: All points on an object are projected along

the direction of projection, parallel to one of the principal planes of the
• Axonometric projections: The direction of projection is determined by
the axonometric parameters. Axonometric parameters are the scale
factors along the ECS axis directions and the X and Y shear angles.
This is also a parallel projection. The default scale factor in Draw is the
square root of 2/3. The X and Y shear angles are each 30°. This gives
the isometric view.
• Perspective projections: The direction of projection for each point on
an object is defined by the line joining the eye point and the point. This
gives a realistic view of objects as would be seen by the human eye. The
region behind the eye is clipped and is not displayed.

Note: The actual positions of the eye point and target point are meaningful
only in the perspective views. For orthographic and axonometric views, they
merely define the viewing direction.

The direction of projection for each view is called the relative viewing direction.
There are seven different types of views. Five are orthographic views, one is
axonometric and one a perspective view. The supported orthographic views and
associated viewing direction are listed below.
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278 Chapter 8

View Relative viewing direction (Axis of ECS)

Front view + Y axis

Top view - Z axis

Bottom view + Z axis

Left side view + X axis

Right side view - X axis

Views are displayed in rectangular window portions called viewports. Each view
has a delimiting border. The visible sizes of each orthographic view in WCS are
the same as the sizes of corresponding faces of the viewbox. These are mapped
on the viewport when a view is displayed in a window.

Views displayed in a single window are associated with each other. They all
show various projections of the same viewbox. Zooming or panning in one view
results in a corresponding change in the other views. The relative viewing
directions in a window are derived from the base viewing direction and from the
eye orientation.

For all views, except the perspective view, the projection plane is assumed to be
placed at infinity. For a perspective view, it passes through the viewbox center.

8.1.5 View Combinations and Layout

One, two or four related views can be seen in a window. Any of the seven views
can be seen. In a two-view window, the following view combinations can be

• Front-Top
• Front-Bottom
• Front-Left
• Front-Right
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Chapter 8 279
In a four view window, the following combinations can be seen.

• Front-Top-Left-Axonometric
• Front-Top-Right-Axonometric
• Front-Bottom-Left-Axonometric
• Front-Bottom-Right-Axonometric
• Front-Top-Left-Perspective
• Front-Top-Right-Perspective
• Front-Bottom-Left-Perspective
• Front-Bottom-Right-Perspective

Views are displayed in a window according to the third angle projection method.
For a four view window, the area available after laying out the three
orthographic views displays either the axonometric view or the perspective view.

8.1.6 Viewing Facilities of Visual DRAW

There are two types of viewing related operations in Visual DRAW, window
operations and view operations. Window operations are related only to the
window and its boundaries on screen. Viewing operations are the operations that
are performed in the WCS or model space.

8.2 Window Related Operations

Windows are used to view drawings. Operations on windows do not affect the
drawing. The available window options are:

• creating and deleting

• moving and resizing
• switching between multiple windows
• minimizing and restoring
• cascade, tile and arranging icons
• toggling the title bar
• maximizing and restoring
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280 Chapter 8

8.2.1 Window and View Picking

For most interactions, a window is implicitly selected. For example, in point

input, when the point is clicked, the point location as well as the window are
specified. Some interactions require choosing a window or view. There are two
types of pick interactions, picking a fixed number of windows (usually one) and
picking a set of windows. To pick a window, click on the window. To select
multiple windows, keep clicking on the desired windows. When a window is
selected, its frame is highlighted. An over action concludes the selection. To
select all the windows in a scene, confirm without selecting a specific window.

Picking a view is identical to picking a window. To select a view, click on the

desired view.

If only one window exists in the scene, Visual DRAW eliminates the
unnecessary window pick interaction. Picking all windows automatically
terminates the interaction without an explicit over.

8.2.2 New Window

Command: win

This command creates a new window.

• press-to-release action for two corners of the window or
• coordinate input
- lower left corner of the window
- width and height of the window
• or an existing window for duplication

The input mechanisms are active simultaneously. Any one of them can be used.
The coordinates specified are interpreted in the scene coordinate system.
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Chapter 8 281
In the press-to-release action, a rectangle of the size of the window is dragged as
the cursor is moved. A new window of the specified size is created. The window
shows the default view (top view) such that the entire model is visible in the
window. Alternatively, a new window can be created by clicking on an existing
window. The new window is placed exactly on top of the existing window and
has the same dimensions. The contents are also the same.

8.2.3 Close Window

Visual DRAW provides standard mechanisms for closing windows. The window
can be deleted by double clicking on the control menu toolbox or by selecting the
Close option from the control menu. An minimized window cannot be deleted
directly. However, clicking on the iconified window brings up the control menu.
Visual DRAW also provides short cut key combinations. CTRL-F4 deletes the
active view window. The undo operation is not applicable if windows are deleted
as mentioned above. However, the undo is available if a window is deleted with
the following command.

Command: delete-win

This command deletes existing windows.

• select windows to be deleted

Clicking on a window deletes the window. This window must not be iconified.
At least one window which is not iconified should exist in the scene. The last
window can not be deleted. When deleting multiple windows, a confirmation is
required after each selection. If only one window remains unselected, then the
confirmation is not required.

8.2.4 Move Window

View windows can be moved using the press-to-release mechanism. While

pressing on the title bar, move the mouse. This pulls the window, relocating it
where the button is released. The window can also be relocated using the
keyboard by selecting the move option from the control menu. This implies that
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282 Chapter 8
the windows shown in the title bar can be moved. Iconfied windows can be
moved using a similar press to release mechanism. These operations cannot be

8.2.5 Size Window

A window can be resized from its sides or its corners. Resizing is possible only
on non-iconfied windows. A window can be resized either through the Size
option in the control menu or by moving the cursor near the window frame and
dragging the frame in a press-to-release action. The cursor type changes to
double arrow when the window frame is touched. This indicates that pressing the
mouse button will select the window frame for resizing. Only one window can be
resized at a time.

Visual DRAW rescales the entities in the drawing area after a window is resized.
The contents of the other windows are unaffected by this operation. These
operations cannot be undone.

8.2.6 Toggling the Window Title Bar

The title bar for the view window can be switched to OFF by a keyboard and
mouse button combination. Hold the SHIFT key and click the right button. The
window dimensions do not change, but more of the drawing area is available.
The same combination restores the title bar. A window without the title bar
cannot be moved or iconified; however, it can be resized and deleted.

8.2.7 Stay on Top Setting

The Stay-on-Top option in the control menu is a toggle setting applicable to the
view window. Through this option, each view window can be set to have Stay-
On-Top mode ON. Once the stay-on-top mode is ON, this window will always
remain on top of the other windows. Multiple windows can stay on top.

Visual DRAW activates a window when it is clicked. The first window in a

Draw session has the Stay-on-top mode OFF. For all subsequently created
windows, Visual DRAW sets the Stay-On-Top mode ON. It is possible to change
this mode through the Control menu.
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Chapter 8 283

8.2.8 Switching Between Multiple Windows

Clicking on a window automatically brings the window into focus. To change

the stacking order of overlapping windows, the Next option in the Control menu
is provided. The Next option, using the short cut key combination CTRL-F6,
switches between multiple view windows. Each view window in the scene is
activated and raised on top in a cyclic sequence.

The Next window facility is useful for multiple overlapping windows. This
feature does not apply to windows with the Stay-on-top mode set to ON. For
Stay-on-top windows, the Next option is replaced with the Switch to option.

8.2.9 Minimize, Maximize and Restore Window

Standard procedures are used to maximize, minimize, or restore Draw windows.

The buttons on top right corner of each window provides these options. The
control button at the top left corner of a window can be used to bring up a
control menu. Options can then be selected from the menu. To restore a
minimized window, double click on it.

The maximizing effect differs for each window, based on its Stay-on-top mode.
A window with this mode ON is maximized to cover the entire screen. Besides
the magnified drawing contents of the view window, only the title bar of the
view window remains on the screen. All other components of the Visual DRAW
screen layout are obscured. The title bar may be turned off using the SHIFT-
Right mouse button combination explained earlier. With this feature, it is
possible to get a full-size screen dump of the required drawings and scenes.

A Maximize command on a window with Stay on top set to OFF results in the
following events.

• Window dimensions increase so as to cover the entire client area.

This also results in corresponding magnification of the drawing inside
the view window.

• The view window title bar disappears and its components are relocated.
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284 Chapter 8
- The control menu button and the maximize/restore button appear on
the menu bar. The functionality remains unchanged.
- The Draw window title string is updated. The view window number
is suffixed to the existing title string of the application window.

Only those windows having the title bar present can be subjected to the
maximize and minimize operations. Only one window can be minimized,
maximized or restored with a single interaction. On restoring a view window,
the dimensions and view contents of the restored window are the same as they
were at the time of minimizing or maximizing. However, changes made to the
drawing are reflected inside each restored window. Undo is not applicable to
these operations.

8.2.10 Cascade, Tile and Arrange Icons

In Visual DRAW, the Arrange Icons option rearranges the existing view window
icons in the client area. This operation does not change the drawing content of
the icon in any way. Each icon can be repositioned later.

The Cascade and Tile operations are different formats for arranging multiple
windows within the client area. These operations change the size of the view
window and the magnification factor of the drawing contents. Viewing windows
with the Stay-on-top mode ON do not obey the cascade and tile commands.
Undo is not possible on these operations.

8.3 View Related Operations

This section introduces the following view operations.

• resizing the viewports in a window

• changing the view combinations in a window
• changing the eye point, target point and orientation
• aligning the ECS to the UCS
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Chapter 8 285

8.3.1 Resizing Viewports

Command: resize-vport

This command offers the facility to change viewport sizes in a multi view
window showing adjacent viewports. Relative positioning depends on the
combination of the views being displayed.

Figure 8.2: Resizing view-ports

• window in which the viewports are to be resized
• new viewport border position

The viewport borders are dragged as the mouse is moved to specify a new
position. In the case of four view windows, resizing is done so that the
axonometric or perspective view remains a square. The size of the viewbox is
altered by this operation, but the viewbox center remains the same.

8.3.2 Changing the View Combination

Command: chg-n-vws

This command changes the number of views and the combination of the views
seen in a window.

• window of interest
• new view combination

All available view combinations are displayed in a menu. Changing the view
combination does not change the region being displayed. The newly specified
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286 Chapter 8
combination displays the region around the viewbox center with the same zoom
scale factor.

8.3.3 Changing Eye Point, Target Point and


Command: eye-tar-ornt

This command allows specific portions of a model to be visualized from a

specified eye point.

• window of interest
• for each change,
- selection of menu option indicating what to change
- new value
• over action terminating the interaction
A menu showing three options, eye point, target point and orientation, appears.
Select one of these and specify its value. An over action terminates the
interaction. The view isredisplayed with the new values. Figure 8.4 shows the
effects of changing the eye point, target point and orientation.
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Chapter 8 287

Figure 8.3: View combinations

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288 Chapter 8

Figure 8.4(a): Changing eye point

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Chapter 8 289

Figure 8.4(b): Changing target point

Figure 8.4(c): Changing the orientation

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. Viewing and Display
290 Chapter 8

8.3.4 UCS View

Since objects are created in the UCS, one may want to visualize them in this
coordinate system as well.

Command: uvw

This command aligns the ECS to the UCS. The X-Y plane of the UCS is seen in
the top view, the Y-Z in the side view, and the X-Z in the front view.

• window of interest

This facility provides a change in the eye point and the orientation while
maintaining the target point. The eye point is positioned so the original eye-
target distance does not change and the base viewing direction becomes parallel
to the positive UCS Y axis. The orientation is changed so the head up direction
is along the UCS Z direction.

Figure 8.5: UCS view

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Chapter 8 291

8.4 Zoom and Pan Operations

The position and size of the viewbox determines the portion of the drawing to be
displayed. A face of the viewbox is mapped on the viewport for an orthographic
view. If the viewbox is small, then a smaller volume of the model is mapped on
the viewport and a larger image is displayed. A reduction in the viewbox size
has the effect of enlarging objects. This is called zoom-in. The reverse operation
is called zoom-out.

The viewbox center is mapped on the center of the viewport. If the viewbox is
displaced, the contents in the model space around the new center of the viewbox
are displayed in the viewport. This operation is called pan.

The following zoom-pan operations are discussed in this section.

• zoom-in
• zoom-out
• pan
• zoom rescale
• zoom limits
• zoom true screen
• zoom true scene
• cross zoom in
• cross zoom out

Note: It is possible to access these commands transparently. This allows

smooth and flexible management of the screen display during the drafting

8.4.1 Zoom-in

Command: zoom-in
This command zooms-in in a window. You can either zoom by a rectangle or by
giving a center and a scale factor.
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292 Chapter 8
• press-to-release action for the zoom rectangle
• new center of the viewbox, and the scale factor

Zoom action is performed in the view in which the rectangle or center is
specified. If a rectangle is input, contents of the view inside that rectangle are
magnified to fill the entire viewport. Thus, the smaller the rectangle, the greater
the magnification. The center of the rectangle is mapped to the center of the

Figure 8.6(a): zoom-in by rectangle specification

If the center is specified, the scale is prompted. The current viewbox is scaled by
the factor entered, then displayed in the viewport. The scale factor can be greater
than or equal to one.

Figure 8.6(b): zoom-in by scale factor

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Chapter 8 293

8.4.2 Zoom-out

Command: zoom-out
This command zooms out by specifying a rectangle or giving a center and scale

• press-to-release action for the zoom rectangle
• new center of the viewbox and the zoom-out scale

The zoom action is performed in the view in which the rectangle or center is
specified . The contents of the viewport are condensed into this rectangle. The
view box expands in size to occupy the entire viewport. The smaller the
rectangle, the larger the volume in the viewport. If the center is specified
explicitly, it becomes the new center and the viewbox is scaled by the specified
zoom factor. The Zoom-out scale can be 1 or greater.

8.4.3 Pan

Command: pan
This command allows an adjacent portion of a model to be viewed without
changing the magnification.

• press-to-release action for the pan displacement
• displacement through the keyboard, and the window of interest
• selection of the auxiliary option vw-box-cen with the center viewbox
and window of interest if the point is not located using the mouse

Auxiliary option
vw-box-cen Allows specification of the new viewbox center.
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294 Chapter 8
If the displacement is specified, the viewbox center is shifted by the specified
amount. Otherwise, the specified point becomes the new viewbox center.


Figure 8.7: pan

8.4.4 Zooming to the Model Extents

Command: rescale
This command rescales the display so the entire model is visible in the viewport.

• window of interest

The new viewbox becomes the same as the model extent box. For clarity, a
clearance is left on all the sides of the view box.

Figure 8.8: rescale

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Chapter 8 295

8.4.5 Zooming to the Drawing Limits

Command: zoom-lim

This command displays the contents of the model within the current drawing
limits in the selected window.

• window of interest

The drawing limits are represented by a 2-D rectangle. A box is defined so that
the third dimension is the average of the two dimensions of the rectangle. The
center of the rectangle is treated as the center of the box. The view is adjusted in
such a way that this box is seen completely in the window.

8.4.6 Zooming to True Size on the Screen

Command: zoom-true-scr

This command zooms such that objects appear in their true size on the screen.

• center of the viewbox
• window of interest if the point was not located visually

If a point is located visually (using the mouse), then the window in which it is
located is assumed to be the window of interest. The size of the objects, as
measured on the screen are the same as specified in the model.
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. Viewing and Display
296 Chapter 8

8.4.7 Zooming to Required Scale on the Plot

Command: zoom-true-scn

This command allows a ratio between the dimensions of the objects in the model
space and their projections on the scene coordinate system to be entered. This
becomes useful for plotting scenes.

• center of the viewbox
• window of interest if the point is not located visually
• ratio of model dimensions to scene dimensions

Whenever scene plotting is done, entities in the model space are plotted as they
are seen in the windows. In most cases, entities are drawn to a specific scale. The
ratio of the entity size in the model space to the plots (in the scene coordinate
system) is set using this command.

8.4.8 Cross Zooming

The cross zoom feature allows you zoom in and zoom out across different

Command: xzoom-in


These commands allow you to expand or shrink the contents of one window into
another window.

• zoom rectangle in the source window by press-to-release action
• center of the viewbox and zoom scale in the source window
• destination window
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Chapter 8 297
• size of a new destination window by a press-to-release action

Auxiliary options
Copy Allows you to specify whether the views in the
destination window are to be retained as they are,
retain made into a single view, or copied from the source

Cross zooming works with two windows. The input for zoom is specified in the
source window. The effect appears in the destination window. The contents of
the source window are unaffected. The first part of the interaction is similar to
the zoom-in/zoom-out interactions.

Figure 8.9: xzoom-in

The auxiliary option for copy mode cycles between three states which govern the
number of views to be displayed in the destination window. If the state is retain,
the number of views in the destination window remains. If it is single, then the
number of views is changed to one, and only the view in which the zoom
rectangle or the viewbox center is specified is shown. If the state is copy, then
the number of views and the view combination is copied from the source
window. The default state is single.
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. Viewing and Display
298 Chapter 8

Figure 8.10: Cross zoom options

8.5 Refresh and Regeneration

Whenever a view is displayed, Visual DRAW stores the view in a compact form.
This saves time as rigorous recalculations are not necessary for regenerating a
new display. The process which uses the saved display to redraw the view is
known as refresh. Complete regeneration of the display using the Draw database
is called regen. Refresh is quick while regen is slow and exact. All small zoom
and pan operations use the saved display and result in a refresh whereas a regen
occurs for large display change operations.
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Chapter 8 299

8.5.1 Refresh

Temporary entities or dragged displays often leave blips or dots on the screen.
This command refreshes the screen.

Command: refresh
This command refreshes windows.

• windows to be refreshed

The displays in all the selected windows are refreshed.

8.5.2 Regeneration

Command: regen
This command allows the display to be regenerated.

• windows to be regenerated

The displays in all selected windows are regenerated with appropriate messages.
This command can be aborted with the break action.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->



Chapter 9
This chapter introduces Visual DRAW’s utility functions. In particular, the
following are discussed.

• Settings in Draw
• Undo operations
• Model and model file operations
• UCS manipulation commands
• Input control commands
• Layer operations

9.1 Settings in Draw

To minimize the interaction for commands where values do not change

frequently, Settings are used instead of asking for explicit input. For example, it
is time consuming and inconvenient to specify each color for every newly created
entity. It is easier to set the default entity color and then create the entities
having the default color. Therefore, the color of a newly created entity is a
setting. The value of the setting can be changed when needed.

During Draw startup, these settings are initialized to their default values. These
defaults can be changed at any time. Default values can be permanently changed
by editing the startup file GCADIN.LSP in the Draw configuration directory.
Appendix C, SETTINGS lists all the settings and explains the use of startup files

9.1.1 Model and Environmental Settings

Some settings are native to a model and are normally different across two
models. For example, for an A-1 size drawing, a certain text height may be used
for annotations, while for an A-4 size drawing, another text height might be
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. Utilities
302 Chapter 9
used. Such settings can be associated with the model. Draw treats such settings
as part of the model. They are called model settings.

There are other settings which are not part of the model, but are parameters that
express preferences of an individual user or configuration for a particular
hardware. For example, the aperture for selecting entities is a setting which
depends on the resolution of the screen and would be a user specified preference.
Such settings are called environment settings. They do not change upon loading
a new model file.

9.1.2 Changing and Inquiring Settings

The setv, getv, sete and gete commands set and inquire a specified setting. setv
and getv are for model settings; sete and gete operate on environmental settings.

setv 'setting-name value, or

sete 'setting-name value

getv 'setting-name, or

gete 'setting-name

The set commands set the value of the setting to the specified value. The get
commands display the current value of the specified setting.

9.2 Undo Operations

The multi-step undo feature of Draw assures recovery from erroneous actions.
The effects of one or more previous commands can be nullified. After
performing undo, the actions can be redone. Undo works for commands of the
current Draw session.
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Chapter 9 303

9.2.1 Basics of Undo Command Level Undo

Undo operates on a command by command basis. Before any command is

executed, Draw is in a certain state. After you execute a command, it changes to
a different state. An undo at this point will allow you to go back to the first state.
Similarly, a redo immediately following this undo action restores the drawing to
the new state.

Figure 9.1: Undo and Redo operations

Consider the example of deleting an arc. After deleting the arc, the model in its
new state has one arc less. If you undo, you will be taken to the state that existed
before the arc was deleted. On a redo the arc will again be removed from the
model. See Figure 9.1.

Undo and Redo are sequential. This means that an undo at any point will undo
the last action performed. Subsequent undo actions will undo the effect of actions
prior to the last action undone. In redo, the sequence is reversed. First, the action
undone by the last undo is redone, and then the action of the undo before that,
and so on. Draw remembers the last undo action and confirms it only when any
command other than redo is executed next. This means that redoing an action is
possible only if it immediately follows an undo. In the above example, after
undoing the deletion of the arc once, if you perform any other action, say zoom
in on the endpoint of the arc, then redo will not delete the arc.
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. Utilities
304 Chapter 9
An undo for some Draw commands is meaningless. Examples are refresh,
cascade and save file. For such commands, a null action is assumed to be
performed. The undo or redo of this action does not produce any visible effect.
These commands are present in the sequence of undo-redo. In the previous
example, if you delete the arc and do a refresh, then you will have to undo two
commands to restore the arc. Subcommand Level Undo

Subcommands are smaller units of actions that together constitute a command.

For example, the copy command copies a set of entities from a source point to
many destination points. Specification of each destination point is treated as a
subcommand. If an undo is performed before specifying another destination
point, the last copy created is removed. Similarly, on redo, the deleted copy is
restored. Subcommand undo and redo are always performed transparently. Like
command level undo, the subcommands can be undone or redone to any number
of steps sequentially. However, transparent undo through command boundaries
is not possible.

Once the command is completed, the whole command is packed into a single
unit. In the above example of the copy command, if an undo is performed after
the copy command has been completed, all the copies created by the copy
command will be removed. Similarly, a redo will restore all the copies.

Commands executed transparently from a subcommand of the main command.

Assume that while creating a line, you zoomed in transparently before specifying
the endpoint of the line. Now, after you come back to the idle state, if you
perform an undo, then the line creation as well as the zoom action, are undone.
If you had undone transparently immediately after zooming, only the effect of
zooming would be undone. Undo Interactions

Any number of commands can be undone or redone at a time. Marks can be set
before executing a series of commands. Then an undo up to that mark can be
performed if the actions are not satisfactory. Thus it is not necessary to
remember the number of steps taken.
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Chapter 9 305

9.2.2 Undo1 and Redo1

The command undo1 undoes the last command or subcommand. Redo1 redoes
the effect of the last undo.

Command: undo1


9.2.3 Multiple Step Undo and Redo

Command: undo

These commands undo or redo a specified number of steps.

• number of steps to be undone or redone

If executed transparently, subcommands are undone or redone. In the idle state,
commands are undone or redone.

9.2.4 Placing a Mark and Undo up to a Mark

When trying out constructions or editing, a mark can be placed at the current
state. If the results are not satisfactory, the original state can be restored by
undoing up to this mark.. Undoing up to a mark does not remove the mark. You
can reuse it.

Command: put-undo-mark

These commands put a mark at a current state and undo up to the marked state
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306 Chapter 9
• name of the mark

Put-undo-mark places a mark at the current state. This can then be used in undo.
A mark can not be placed transparently.

9.2.5 Turning Undo OFF

Undo stores every action performed. After a substantial number of operations

have been performed, the number of actions stored grows large. Depending on
the hardware capabilities, working for a long period of time with undo ON, can
slow down Visual DRAW. When this facility is not needed, it can be turned OFF
using the command undo-status. This command toggles the state of undo
maintenance. The command reset-undo destroys all actions remembered by
Draw and starts afresh by turning the undo maintenance ON.

9.3 Model and File Operations

Draw stores its model data in ASCII files. These have an ASD extension.

9.3.1 Reading a Model from a File

Command: read-model
This command reads the specified ASD file. The specified model is retrieved and
displayed on the screen.

• confirmation to clear the current model, if present
• name of the .ASD file from which the new model should be read

The Open file dialog box appears. Select the file to be loaded. The extension
does not need to be specified. The current model is cleared.
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Chapter 9 307
If the current model has changed but is not saved, a dialog box reminds you that
the changes have not been saved. This dialog box provides buttons to terminate
the read-model command or proceed with optional saving of the current model.

9.3.2 Writing a Model to a File

Command: save-model

The difference between these two commands is that the save-model command
saves the model with the current filename unless the model is UNTITLED. The
file name must be explicitly specified for the write-model command or if the
model is not named while using save-model.

• If the model is UNTITLED
- name of the file in which the model is to be saved

If the model name has not been assigned, the save model command brings up the
Save As file dialog box. Otherwise the model is saved using the existing file
name. The write-model command always calls the Save As file dialog box.

9.3.3 Merging a Model From a File

An external model can be inserted in the current model. Entities in the $world
part of the model to be merged are appended to the entities in the $world part of
the current model. Part definitions existing in the incoming model are also

Command: merge-model

This command merges the model from a specified file with the current model.
The model is located at the given reference point with the specified scaling and
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. Utilities
308 Chapter 9
• name of the model file
• point of insertion where an entire model is merged
• optionally, auxiliary options scale or rotate, if desired.

Auxiliary option
scale Applies a specified scale factor to entities of the
incoming model.
rotate Rotates the entities of the incoming model by a
specified angle.
The point of insertion specifies where in the current model, you want the newly
merged model is to be located. The file which is to be merged can be selected
using the file dialog box. The auxiliary options scale and rotate the incoming

9.3.4 Opening a New Model

Command: new-model

This command loads an empty model after clearing the contents of the current
model. The empty model is UNTITLED.

• if the current model has not been saved after changes
- confirmation to clear the model
- interaction to save the model if UNTITLED.

If the model has been saved, then the model is cleared without asking for
confirmation. If the model has not been saved, then the model is cleared after
confirmation. In both cases, the command loads an UNTITLED file.
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Chapter 9 309

9.3.5 Delete File

Command: delete-file

This command deletes a specified set of files.

• selection of files for deletion
• confirmation

The files are specified through the Delete file dialog and removed from the disk
after confirmation. This operation cannot be undone.

9.3.6 Auto Write Mechanism

Draw provides a mechanism to automatically save the model after a certain

number of operations have been executed.

Setting: autowrite-cmd-step
Default value: 0
This environment setting specifies the number of commands, after which the
current model is automatically written. The default value of this setting implies
that auto write will not be done at all. The count begins with the first command
following the last save command.

The model is written in the current working directory in an ASD file named
~<model-name>.asd. For example, if the current model name is knuckle.asd,
then the file generated is ~knuckle.asd. If the current model is untitled, then the
name of the auto written file is ~draw.asd. If the current file name is of eight
characters then the file written is suitably renamed. For example, if the current
file name is assembly.asd, the name of the auto written file is ~assembl.asd.

Note: The autowrite command is not meant as a substitute for the save-model
command. It is there to ensure against system failure. At the end of your
Draw session, please ensure that the model is saved explicitly. Draw
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310 Chapter 9
deletes the auto written file after the model has been saved or cleared

To retrieve the auto written file, rename or copy it into another file name without
the special first character ~.

9.4 UCS Manipulation

Models and drawings often contain smaller parts which are inclined at angles
with respect to the principal axes of the entire model, or the drawing paper. The
geometry of such parts is usually better understood, and can be easily created, if
these parts can be referred to in their own local coordinate systems. The UCS
feature in Draw allows a coordinate system to be placed anywhere in space and
oriented at any angle. Geometry can then be worked on in that coordinate
system. UCS manipulations are possible in 3-D and 2-D. However, in 2-D
constructions, it is important that planarity of the entities be maintained. Hence,
in such constructions, change in the UCS is restricted to the rotation of the UCS
about the Z axis and translation in the X-Y plane only.

All UCS change functions are available transparently. The UCS can be changed
using any of the following operations.
• translation
• rotation about an axis
• locating the origin
• direct UCS specification by 3 points
• aligning UCS to WCS
In addition, the following UCS control commands are available.
• UCS follow
• UCS style

9.4.1 Translate UCS

Command: tucs

This command translates the UCS from the current position by a specified
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Chapter 9 311
• translation vector

The origin of the UCS is shifted by the specified translation vector. The axes
remain parallel to the old axes. During 2-D constructions, the UCS translation
specified should be such that the X-Y plane of the UCS does not change.

Figure 9.2: Translate UCS

9.4.2 Rotate UCS

Command: rucs

This command rotates the UCS about one of the current UCS axes.

• axis about which to rotate the UCS
• rotation angle

The UCS is rotated about the specified axis by the specified angle. The UCS
origin does not change in this process. If the UCS is transparently rotated within
2-D constructions, the axis of rotation is assumed to be the Z axis and the
interaction for axis specification does not take place.
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312 Chapter 9

Figure 9.3: Rotate UCS

9.4.3 Locate UCS

Command: lucs

This command locates the UCS origin at a specified point.

• new origin of the UCS

When transparently locating the UCS for 2D constructions, the specified point
should lie in the current UCS X-Y plane.

9.4.4 3 Point UCS

Command: 3pt-ucs
A new UCS can be specified by specifying the origin of the UCS a point on the
X axis and a third point for the direction of the Y axis.
• new origin
• point on the new X axis
• point indicating the direction of the Y axis
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Chapter 9 313
The first point specified is the new origin of the UCS. It’s positive X axis points
along the second point specified. The third point is projected on to the XY plane
and the positive Y axis points toward this projected point.

TUTORIAL 9.1 Defining a Three Point UCS

In this tutorial, we will use the 3pt-ucs command to align the UCS to a part, as
shown in Figure 9.4. First, draw the part shown in Figure 9.4. Now we can
redefine the UCS.

input: type 3pt-ucs in the command line

message: Specify the new UCS origin

input: click at point P1

message: Specify a point on the +ve X axis

input: click at point P2

message: Specify a point on the +ve portion of XY plane

input: click at point P3

The UCS appears as shown in Figure 9.4.

Figure 9.4: 3pt-UCS

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. Utilities
314 Chapter 9

9.4.5 Align UCS to WCS

Command: wucs

This command aligns the UCS to the WCS.

9.4.6 UCS Style

Command: ucs-style

The ucs-style command toggles the way in which the UCS axes are displayed.
There are two methods of displaying the UCS axes.

• icon style
• axes style

If the style is icon, the orientation of the three axes is shown in each view at the
bottom left corner. If the style is axes, the axes are displayed at their true
positions, as infinite lines passing through the origin of the UCS. In addition,
ticks are displayed at regular intervals along the axes in the current input plane.
The distance between ticks is set by the grid spacing factor.

Figure 9.5: UCS Style

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Chapter 9 315

9.4.7 UCS Follow

Command: ucs-follow

When the UCS style is axes, the X and Y axes can be used as a set of drafting
rulers. The UCS axes can be rotated using UCS rotation facilities and they can
be snapped to significant points on the axes using axis snap methods.

A simple technique offered by Draw is the UCS follow mode. It automatically

changes the position of those drafting rulers to the last input point. As geometry
is created, the rulers follow the constructions. This is helpful when relative
geometries are created relative to each other. The UCS follow mode can be set
ON or OFF.

9.5 Input Control Commands

This section deals with related input commands. This includes commands for
setting the grid variables, input plane, permanent snap modes and work scale.

9.5.1 Grid Control

Command: set-grid

This command turns the grid ON or OFF. If the grid is ON, grid points are
displayed. When the grid is ON, the cursor snaps to the grid points during point
input interactions. The grid is displayed in the current grid style. If the grid is
too dense in a particular view, it is not displayed in that view.

If the grid is set to OFF, the cursor moves freely in the view and the grid points
are not displayed. The grid is OFF by default.
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. Utilities
316 Chapter 9

9.5.2 Grid Origin

Command: set-grid-org

This command changes the grid origin from the default (0 0 0).

• new origin of the grid

If grid is ON, then the command redisplays the grid.

Figure 9.6: Grid Origin

9.5.3 Grid Spacing

Command: set-grid-spc
This command changes the grid spacing.
• new spacing along the X, Y and Z directions

The grid is redisplayed if it is ON. Default grid spacing along X, Y and Z is 100.
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Chapter 9 317

Figure 9.7: Grid Spacing

9.5.4 Grid Style

Command: grid-style
This command toggles the display of grid styles between point style and line
style. In point style, grid points are drawn as small dots. In line style, they are
intersection points between the infinite lines. The default style is point.

Figure 9.8 : Grid style

9.5.5 Coordinate Input Plane

Command: inp-pln
This command toggles the current coordinate input plane. There are three
possible toggle states: X-Y, Y-Z and Z-X. The default input plane is X-Y.
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. Utilities
318 Chapter 9

9.5.6 Permanent Snap Modes

Snaps were introduced in Chapter 1, INTRODUCTION. The permanent snap

mode turns various permanent snap settings ON or OFF. A single permanent
snap control mode decides whether or not to apply the feature. Other settings are
modal controls for each permanent snap.

Command: psnap
This command toggles the permanent snap mechanism for point input ON or
OFF. If this is set to ON, the mode is active.
Snap Commands:

int-snap ON by default
endpt-snap ON by default
center-snap ON by default

9.5.7 Work Scale

By setting the work scale, work can be done in true dimensions, while the
geometry is created with an appropriate scale in the drawing. If a work scale of
0.5 is set, then a line drawn with input length 20 mm will be 10 mm on paper.
Command: set-work-scale
This command sets the work scale.
• new work scale

This sets the scale factor for all inputs provided henceforth. The default scale
factor is 1.
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Chapter 9 319

9.6 Layer Operations

Layers are like tracing sheets used in manual drafting where different aspects of
a drawing are drawn on multiple papers and then viewed together. To classify
entities, Draw provides features for operating on layers. For a fresh Draw session
with an UNTITLED file, a layer called default is automatically created and made
the current layer. Entities drawn reside in this layer. Draw provides features to
create layers, change the layers of specified entities and other layer operations
like delete and visibility control.

9.6.1 Creating a Layer

Command: layer
This command creates a new layer.
• name of the layer

A layer of the specified name should not already exist. By default, the visibility
of the new layer is ON. The name of the layer should be a user identified string.

9.6.2 Deleting a Layer

Command: delete-layer
This command deletes a layer.
• layer to be deleted

The layer to be deleted must not contain any entities.
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320 Chapter 9

9.6.3 Changing Layer Visibility

Command: set-layer-vis
This command changes the visibility of layers in different views.

• layer whose visibility is to be changed
• views in which the visibility is to be changed
• status of the visibility (ON or OFF)

Entities on the selected layer become invisible if the visibility is set to OFF. A
layer can be visible in one view and invisible in another. Entities which reside on
a layer whose visibility is OFF in a particular view cannot be picked in that view.

9.6.4 Changing Current Layer

Command: set-layer
This command changes the current layer.
• name of the layer to be made current

Any of the layers shown in the list box can be selected to be the current layer.
Any new entities created have this layer as their layer attribute.

9.7 Copy Image

Command : copy-image
This command copies the contents of the specified rectangle to the clipboard in a
picture format.
• rectangle on screen to be copied to clipboard
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Chapter 9 321
Draw asks for the two corners defining the rectangle. The contents of the view
window inside the specified rectangle are dumped to the clipboard. This picture
can be pasted into other applications. It is possible to dump the entire screen to
the clipboard provided both the corners of the rectangle lie inside the same view
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->



Chapter 10
Visual DRAW offers features for plotting your entire drawing or specific views.
Drawings can be plotted with hidden lines eliminated as well. Visual DRAW
uses the Print Manager provided by Windows. The Windows installation
includes a range of drivers for different plotters and printers. For plotters whose
drivers are not installed by default, the appropriate drivers must be obtained
from the plotter manufacturer and installed before plotting using Draw.

This chapter describes the various plot settings and interactions. Throughout the
chapter, only references to plotting are made. However, this chapter applies
equally to printing.

10.1 Methods for Creating and Plotting Drawings

Visual DRAW offers two methods for creating and plotting drawings. The first
method is called plotting the drawing limits, while the second is called scene

10.1.1 Plotting the Drawing Limits

The drawing limits option in the print command allows the drawing to be plotted
in 1:1 scale. To print the drawing in 1:1 scale, the paper size should be at least
as large as the drawing limits. Plotting on paper smaller than the drawing limits
will clip part of the drawing.

The drawing limits are plotted by specifying the drawing limit, which is the
paper size on which the drawing is to be plotted. The geometry and annotations
are created at appropriate places on the paper. During creation, the composition
of the drawing sheet is arranged. When finished with the drafting work, the
complete drawing is plotted.
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. Plotting
324 Chapter 10
To create geometry with varying scales, the work scale can be set. The work
scale ensures that the geometry fits on the desired paper size.

Note that this method involves modeling the drawing paper and subsequently
plotting it. The activities of creating and composing the drawing on paper are
done together.

Plotting the drawing limits is independent of the views and windows on the
screen. The current drawing limits designate the size of the plot generated by
this method. The rectangle forming the drawing limits lies on the WCS X-Y
plane. All the entities lying inside this rectangle are plotted, others are clipped.
If there are entities which do not lie on the WCS X-Y plane, they are projected
onto the WCS X-Y plane. If these projections lie within the drawing limits, they
are plotted.

10.1.2 Scene Plotting

The scene option in the print command allows the current scene configuration to
be plotted on paper. Windows and views are plotted as they are seen on the
screen. The drawing area of the screen is mapped onto the paper.

Modeling can be done using the true coordinate system in which the objects are
defined. The work scale does not have to be set. When the model is complete, set
the scene plot limits to the size of the plot desired. The composition of the plot
can be designed with the help of windows. By zooming appropriately in the
windows, the geometry can be scaled.

When finished composing a drawing, use the scene plot facility. This mechanism
provides a visual plot composition feature.

Scene plotting is for plotting or printing the current scene. The screen displays
the contents of the scene plot limits in the scene coordinate system. All the
windows have specific sizes and locations in the scene coordinate system. Their
sizes and locations can be altered to suit the composition. A scene plot is a plot
of the size of the current scene plot limits with the windows as objects. Any
region in model space can be visualized through the window, at any zoom scale
factor, from any view point.

Generally, the zoom scale factor is relative to the view. That is, the zoom scale
factor is changed only in relation to that view in which it is changed. When
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Chapter 10 325
plotting the scene limits, the objects should be plotted with a certain absolute
scale with respect to the true object size. For example, consider a 1000 mm
diameter sphere which is to be plotted with a scale of 10:1. It’s diameter will be
reduced to 100 mm. It is necessary that you zoom in the window in which the
sphere is to be displayed and set the absolute scale factor to 0.1. The command
zoom-true-scn is used for this. In this way, modeling can be done in real world
coordinates, but a plot can be obtained at a different scale by visualizing an
absolute scale in the window. Related views ensure that the object scale in one
view is the same across all the views. The scale can be set in any view and the
scale factor for all other views will be set automatically. An axonometric view
with the default axonometric scale factors gives a true isometric view when
plotted along with the other views.

10.2 Plot Controls

Various settings control the final plot. These are either prompted during the plot
interaction or are available as auxiliary tool boxes.

10.2.1 Weight to Width Mapping

All entities in Draw have a line weight, used to determine the thickness of the
individual lines. In plots, the actual line thickness is of interest. The width to
weight mapping allows the desired line width to be chosen. The table below
gives the mapping of line weight used during display to the width of the lines
during plotting.

Line Weight Plot Width (mm)

1 0.20
2 0.35
3 0.70
4 1.00
5 1.30
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. Plotting
326 Chapter 10

10.2.2 Color Control During Plotting

Entities drawn in different colors on the screen can be plotted provided the
selected printer or plotter supports color plotting. Depending on the plotter or
printer, colors are mapped to those available. Refer to documentation on plotter
driver for more details.

10.2.3 Plot Transformations

Multiple drawings on a single sheet of paper are often required. This calls for
multiple plot commands with the same sheet used for plotting. The following
plot transformations are available during plotting.

• translate
• scale
• rotate by 90o

Option to translate the plot to another location on the paper. The translation is
specified in the XY plane of the plot paper.

Option to reduce or enlarge the plot by a specific factor. The geometry, as well as
the annotation, is scaled by the specified factor.

Rotate by 90o
Option to rotate the plot by 90o. See Figure 10.1. The plot paper is first rotated
by 90o counter clockwise about the origin, then translated along the positive X-
axis by an amount equal to the plot paper breadth.
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Chapter 10 327

Figure 10.1: Plotting with rotation

10.2.4 Border Control

In scene plotting, the following border attributes can be controlled.

Visibility: The borders are drawn only if this is ON.

Color: Sets the color in which the borders are drawn.

Line-style: Sets the line-style of the borders, if they are visible.

Line weight: Maps the line weight of the border lines, if they are visible.

Independent controls exist for window and viewport borders.

10.3 Setting the Drawing Limits

In limit plotting, only that part of the drawing which lies completely inside the
plotting area, as determined by the paper size, is plotted. The setting for drawing
limit is accessible using set-dwg-lim. This controls the value of dwg-lim.

Command: set-dwg-lim
The command interactively sets the drawing limits. The default size is A1 (H).
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. Plotting
328 Chapter 10
• new drawing limits by selecting from choices or typing in values.

A menu showing standard paper sizes appears. Any of these sizes can be
selected, or a non-standard size can be specified. First specify the width of the
paper and then its height.

Standard Paper sizes are as follows.

A0 1189 mm x 841 mm
A1 841 mm x 594 mm
A2 594 mm x 420 mm
A3 420 mm x 297 mm
A4 297 mm x 210 mm
A5 210 mm x 148 mm
A6 148 mm x 105 mm

L0 1230 mm x 880 mm
L1 880 mm x 625 mm
L2 625 mm x 450 mm

A 11 in x 8.5 in
B 17 in x 11 in
C 22 in x 17 in
D 34 in x 22 in
E 44 in x 34 in

10.4 Setting the Scene Plot Limits

Scene plot limits (default size A1 ) are mapped on the entire graphics window
area. The lower left corner of the graphics window area corresponds to the origin
of the scene coordinate system, while the upper right corner corresponds to the
scene plot limit dimensions. If the aspect ratios of the graphics window and the
scene plot limits do not match, a clearance is seen on one side of the graphics
window area. All windows created have a corresponding size on the scene
coordinate system. Scene plot limits can be changed. Since previously existing
windows lose their frame of reference after the scene plot limits are changed,
they are all deleted. A newly created window fills up the entire graphics area,
showing the current model extents from a default eye position.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Chapter 10 329
Command: set-scn-plot-lim
This command sets the current scene plot limits.

• new scene plot limits

Setting the plot limits is done by selecting one of the standard paper sizes from
the toolbox or by typing in the values of the desired paper size.

10.5 Plotting Drawings

The Print option under the File menu prints or plots drawings to the selected
printer or plotter or to a file. Options such as the number of copies to be
printed and the print quality can be specified through the Print dialog box. A
picture of the Print dialog box is shown below.

Figure 10.1: Print dialog box

OK button
Accepts the settings shown in the dialog box and starts printing the drawing.

Cancel button
Cancels the changes made to the settings in the dialog box and breaks from the

Setup Button
Changes temporary plotter settings like type of plotter, page size and paper
orientation. Selecting this button is equivalent to selecting the Print Setup option
from the menu bar.

Help Button
Displays on-line help for plotting drawings.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Plotting
330 Chapter 10
This box allows the number of copies to be specified.

Print Quality box

Sets the quality of plotting of the currently selected plotter. If Print Quality is
dimmed, this option is not available for the selected plotter.

Print box
Sets the method of plotting to Drawing Limits or Scene Plotting.

Print to file box

Writes the drawing to a file in a format that can be sent to the plotter from the
MS-DOS prompt using the copy command. If this box is checked, a file dialog
box appears (for specifying a file name) after the OK button is clicked.

Displays the currently selected plotter.

10.6 Print Setup

The Print Setup command under the file menu changes the plotter settings
before making plots. Typically, the settings available through the application
are a subset of those available through the Control Panel and the Print
Manager. Only the settings that can be overridden are available.

The settings made to the printer or plotter through the print setup option are
valid for the current session only. Permanent changes should be made
through the Control Panel or Print Manager.

A dialog box similar to that of Figure 10.2 appears. The settings in this
dialog box that are not applicable to the current printer or plotter are grayed.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Chapter 10 331

Figure 10.2: Print Setup dialog box

OK button
Closes the Print Setup dialog box after saving the changed settings of the printers.

Cancel button
Closes the Print Setup dialog box without saving the current settings.

Options button
Allows parameters specific to the currently selected plotter to be set. Upon
selecting this button, a dialog box showing various parameters for the
currently selected plotter appears. The plotter settings can be changed from
this dialog box.

Network button
Allows a plotter on the network to be selected.

Default printer
Selecting this option selects the default plotter as set through the Control
Panel or the Print Manager. Output is sent to the default plotter. The name of
the default printer is shown below this option.

Specific printer
Allows a printer or plotter other than the default to be chosen. The drawing is
plotted to the selected plotter.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Plotting
332 Chapter 10

Allows the orientation of the paper to be set as either portrait or

landscape .

Paper size
Allows a paper size to be selected from those shown in the Paper size box.

Paper source
Allows the source of feeding paper to the printer to be specified from those
shown in the Paper source box.

Appendix A describes in detail how to set up various printer and plotter

devices for obtaining hard copies of your drawings.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->


Setting Up Plotters and Printers

Appendix A

A.1 Introduction

To plot a model onto paper, the plotters and/or printers must be installed and
setup. Please refer to the Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT manuals
for detailed procedures of setting up a printer or a plotter.

A.2 Printing Drawings

Printing is done through the Print option available in the File menu of Visual
DRAW. The drawing is printed on the printer indicated in the Print dialog box.
This dialog box has a check box to print the output to a file. If this box is
checked, the drawing is saved in a file that contains commands that can be read
by the printer. This file can be subsequently copied to the printer from the
MS-DOS prompt using the copy command. Refer to Chapter 10 for more

A.3 Basic Plotting Concepts

This section describes some common terms and concepts associated with

A.3.1 Clipping

Output to the plotter gets clipped on all four sides of the paper by margins
specified by the plotter manufacturer. This results in the actual plotting area
available being less than the paper size. Visual Solid plots the drawing with its
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Setting Up Plotters and Printers
334 Appendix A
origin on the lower leftmost corner of the limited plotting area. Thus if clipping
occurs, it affects only the top and right corners of the drawings. To prevent any
data overflow errors occurring on the plotter, Visual Solid appropriately clips the
drawing itself before sending the plot data file to the plotter.

A.3.2 Expanded Plot Modes

Some plotters have an expanded mode of operation where clipping is reduced

and more plotting area is provided. The Configure button in Plot Setup allows
for setting plotters to expanded mode of operation.

A.3.3 Interface Protocols

Data coming to plotters is buffered because the rate at which computers send is
much higher than the rate at which the plotter processes it. Unless
communication parameters are properly set, the output will be corrupted. For
this purpose, specific modes are set in the operating system shell.

A.3.4 Background Plotting

Plotting occurs in such a manner that the control alternates between itself and
other programs running under Windows. Thus it is possible to continue working
with the main application package while plotting is in progress. A print dialog
box appears during plotting. This dialog indicates that the plotting is in progress.
The Cancel button in this dialog box provides for aborting the plotting operation.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->


Text Fonts and Hatch Styles

Appendix B

B.1 Text Fonts

Visual DRAW supports many fonts for drawing text. other text attributes height,
direction, tilt, expansion factor, spacing factor, line spacing, path and alignment.

The table below shows each character in the character, [a-z] and [A-Z], for all
the English fonts supported by Visual DRAW.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Text Fonts and Hatch Styles
336 Appendix B

In addition, Visual DRAW also has some special characters which are frequently
\D Draws the PHI character for diameter dimensioning.
\d Draws the DEGREE symbol for angular values.
\p Draws the PLUS-MINUS sign for tolerances.
Escape sequences for switching underscoring and overscoring ON and OFF are
\u and \o respectively.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix B 337

B.2 Hatch Styles

Various hatch patterns supported by Draw are given below:

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Text Fonts and Hatch Styles
338 Appendix B
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix B 339
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Text Fonts and Hatch Styles
340 Appendix B
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->



Appendix C
Visual DRAW has two types of settings: model settings and environmental
settings. Model settings are the attributes or characteristics of a model.
Environmental settings are parameters that express individual preferences or
hardware configuration. The setv and sete command is for environmental
settings. The syntax for these commands is given below:

(setv 'setting-name value)

(sete 'setting-name value)

(getv 'setting-name)

(gete 'setting-name)

getv and gete are the corresponding inquiry commands. This appendix gives an
exhaustive list of all Visual DRAW model and environmental settings.

1. For settings dim-term-scale, hat-scale and marker-scale, a double value
must be input through Draw. Internally these values are treated as
2. For an enumerated value for a sete or a setv a preceding single quote is
required. For example, setv 'dim-unit-type 'MM

C.1 Model Settings

Model settings have been classified under the following headings.

• Dimension related settings
• Entity attributes related settings
• Hatch related settings
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
342 Appendix C
• Marker related settings
• Surface Display related settings
• Text related settings
• Other miscellaneous settings
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 343

C.1.1 Dimension Settings

Dimension Color and Type Default Description

Line Weight Settings value

dim-depth-extn-ln-wt integer 1 Specifies the weight of depth

lines and extension lines of all
the dimensions at the time of

dim-dim-ln-term-wt integer 1 Specifies the weight of

dimension lines (arcs) and
terminators of all the
dimensions at the time of

dim-depth-extn-ln-col string white Specifies the color of depth lines

and extension lines of all the
dimensions at the time of

dim-dim-ln-term-col string white Specifies the color of dimension

lines (arcs) and terminators of
all the dimensions at the time of

dim-txt-col string white Specifies the color of texts of all

the dimensions at the time of

dim-txt-wt integer 1 Specifies the weight of texts of

all the dimensions at the time of
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
344 Appendix C

Dimension Control Type Default Description

Settings value

dim-geom-scale double 1.0 Specifies the scale that is

applied to geometric attributes
of dimensions before displaying.

dim-project-len boolean ON If ON, the value of the linear

dimension is displayed as
distance between the projection
points as projected on the
dimension line. Otherwise, it is
displayed as the true distance
between key points.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 345

Dimension Line Settings Type Default Description


dim-align-dim-ln boolean OFF If ON, the dimension line in

linear dimension is drawn
parallel to the projection points,
otherwise it is drawn at dim-

dim-depth-ln1 boolean ON Mode to specify whether the

first depth line should be drawn
or not.

dim-depth-ln2 boolean ON Mode to specify whether the

second depth line should be
drawn or not.

dim-dim-ln-ang angle 0.0 Specifies the angle of the

dimension line in all the linear

dim-dtm-step distance 20.0 Specifies the distance between

two consecutive dimension lines
in datum dimensioning.

dim-end-extn distance 2.0 Specifies the extension of the

extension line beyond the
dimension line (arc).

dim-extn-ln1 boolean ON Mode to specify whether the

first extension line should be
drawn or not.

dim-extn-ln2 boolean ON Mode to specify whether the

second extension line should be
drawn or not.

Dimension Line Settings (continued on the next page)

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
346 Appendix C

Dimension Line Settings Type Default Description

(continued) value

dim-mid-ln boolean ON If OFF, the dimension line (arc)

is not drawn between the
extension lines when the arrows
are flipped.

dim-proj-ang angle 90.0 Specifies the angle along which

the projection points are
projected onto the dimension
line in linear dimension.

dim-short-dim-ln boolean OFF If ON, the dimension line in the

datum dimensioning is
displayed as a short line.
Otherwise, display is of full

dim-short-dim-ln-len distance 12.0 Controls the length of the short

dimension lines (arcs). The
flipped arrows and the short
dimension line in datum
dimensioning use this length.

dim-start-offset distance 2.0 Specifies the offset at both the

ends of a depth line and at the
beginning of an extension line.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 347

Dimension Tolerance and Type Default Description

Limit Settings value

dim-tol boolean OFF Tolerance is displayed, if mode

is ON.

dim-lim boolean OFF Limits values are displayed, if

set ON.

dim-upper-tol distance 0.0 Specifies value of the upper


dim-lower-tol distance 0.0 Specifies value of the lower

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
348 Appendix C

Dimension Text-Settings Type Default Description

dim-txt-font string txt Specifies the font of all texts of
the dimension.

dim-txt-ht distance 5.0 Specifies height of the main

text. The heights of all texts in
dimension text are defined as
the factor of dim-txt-ht.

dim-txt-tilt angle 0.0 Specifies the tilt of all the

dimension texts.

dim-txt-spc-f double 0.0 Specifies the spacing factor of

all the dimension texts.

dim-txt-expn-f double 1.0 Specifies the expansion factor of

all the dimension texts.

dim-tol-ht-f double 0.5 Specifies the height of the

tolerance texts as a factor of

dim-tol-v-spc-f double 0.2 Specifies the spacing between

the two tolerance texts as a
factor of dim-txt-ht.

dim-lim-v-spc-f double 0.5 Specifies the spacing between

the two limits texts as a factor of

dim-pre-suf-ht-f double 1.0 Specifies the height of the

prefix-str and suffix-str texts as
a factor of dim-txt-ht.

dim-itxt-spc-f double 0.5 Specifies the spacing between

various dimension texts, as a
factor of dim-txt-ht.
Dimension Text Settings (continued on the next page)
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 349

dim-txt-extn-ln-clr distance 6.0 Specifies the minimum

clearance between the
dimension text and the lines

dim-frame-clr distance 1.0 Specifies the clearance of the

frame from the dimension texts.

dim-txt-offset distance 2.0 Specifies the offset of the

dimension line (arc) from the
dimension text frame.

dim-txt-pos enum DEF- Specifies the position of the

LFT dimension text (text point)
along the dimension line. The
positions are : DEF, DEF-LFT,

dim-txt-loc enum ABOVE Specifies the location of the

dimension text with respect to
the dimension line (arc). This
can have one of following
values: ABOVE, BELOW, ON-

dim-txt-orient enum PARL Specifies the orientation of the

dimension text with respect to
the dimension line. The
orientations are : PARL, PERP,

dim-usr-txt boolean OFF Specifies whether the main text

should be calculated
automatically, or should be user

Dimension Text Settings (continued on the next page)

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
350 Appendix C

dim-prefix boolean OFF Specifies whether the dim-prefix

should be applied to the
dimensions created.

dim-suffix boolean OFF Specifies whether the dim-suffix

should be applied to the
dimensions created.

dim-prefix-str string "" String which is prefixed to the

main text (or the limit texts) if
dim-prefix is ON.

dim-suffix-str string "" String which is suffixed to the

main text (or the limit texts) if
dim-suffix is ON.

dim-phi boolean ON Specifies whether diameter

dimension should be prefixed by
φ or not.

dim-minus boolean OFF Specifies whether the main text

in datum and coordinate
dimension be prefixed by a
minus sign (-) or not.

dim-frame boolean OFF Specifies whether to display a

frame around the dimension text
or not.

dim-uscore boolean OFF Specifies whether to display an

underscore below the dimension
text or not.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 351

Units, Formats and Type Default Description

Precision Settings value

dim-unit-type enum MM Specifies the unit of the main

dimension text for all length
dimensions. The values for units
are : MM, MT, INCH.

dim-format enum DECI Specifies the format of the main

dimension text for all length
dimensions. The formats can be

dim-prcsn integer 2 Specifies the number of decimal

places to be displayed after the
decimal point for length

dim-fract-base integer 4 Specifies the largest

denominator for length
dimensions when fractional type
of formats are used.

dim-unit boolean OFF Specifies whether the units text

should be displayed or not for
the main text in all length

dim-alt-dim boolean OFF Specifies whether the dimension

texts should be displayed in
alternate unit-types as well, in
length dimensions.

Units, Formats and Precision settings (continued on next page)

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
352 Appendix C

dim-alt-unit-type enum MM Specifies the alternate unit in

which all length dimensions are
displayed. This can have one of
the following values: MM, MT,

dim-alt-format enum DECI Specifies the alternate format in

which all length dimensions are
displayed. This can have one of
the following values: DECI,

dim-alt-prcsn integer 2 Specifies the precision for the

alternate unit of the length

dim-alt-fract-base integer 4 Specifies the largest

denominator for alternate unit
of length dimensions when dim-
alt-format is of fractional type.

dim-alt-unit boolean OFF Specifies whether the units text

for the alternate texts should be
displayed or not in length

dim-lead-0 boolean ON Specifies whether a leading zero

should be displayed ahead of the
decimal point if the value is
within the range of a 1.

dim-trail-0 boolean ON Specifies whether the trailing

zeros should be truncated or not.

Units, Formats and Precision settings (continued on next page)

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 353

dim-decimal-type enum DOT Specifies the type of decimal

point in all types of dimensions.
This can have one of the
following values DOT,

dim-ang-unit-type enum DEG Specifies the unit in which the

main text of the angular
dimensions is displayed. This
can have one of the following
values: DEG, RAD.

dim-ang-format enum DECI Specifies the format in which

the main text of the angular
dimensions is displayed. The
format can be DECI, FRACT or

dim-ang-prcsn integer 2 Specifies the number of decimal

places to be displayed after the
decimal point for angular

dim-ang-fract-base integer 4 Specifies the largest

denominator for angular
dimensions when fractional type
of formats are used.

dim-ang-unit boolean OFF Specifies whether the units text

should be displayed or not for
the main text in all angular

dim-ang-alt-dim boolean OFF Specifies whether the dimension

texts should be displayed in
alternate unit-types as well, in
angular dimensions.

Units, Formats and Precision settings (continued on next page)

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
354 Appendix C
dim-ang-alt-unit-type enum DEG Specifies the alternate unit in
which all angular dimensions
are displayed. This can be DEG
or RAD.

dim-ang-alt-format enum DECI Specifies the alternate format in

which all angular dimensions
are drawn. Values are DECI,

dim-ang-alt-prcsn integer 2 Specifies the precision for the

alternate unit of the angular

dim-ang-alt-fract-base integer 4 Specifies largest denominator

for the alternate unit of angular
dimensions when dim-ang-alt-
format is of fractional type.

dim-ang-alt-unit boolean OFF Specifies whether the unit string

for the alternate texts should be
displayed or not in angular
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 355

Dimension Terminator Type Default Description

Settings value

dim-term1 boolean ON Specifies whether the first

terminator should be displayed
or not.

dim-term2 boolean ON Specifies whether the second

terminator should be displayed
or not.

dim-term1-type string arrow Specifies the type of marker to

be used for the first terminator.

dim-term2-type string arrow Specifies the type of marker to

be used for the second

dim-term-scale double 3.0 The geometry of the terminators

gets scaled by this value.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
356 Appendix C

C.1.2 Entity Attribute Settings

Name Type Default Description


color string white Specifies the color with which

entities are displayed. Draw
colors are white, red, green,
blue, yellow, cyan, magenta.

extr-thick distance 0.0 Specifies the extrusion thickness

for all basic geometric
(curvilinear) entities.

layer string default Specifies the layer of the entity.

ln-style string solid Specifies the line style of the

basic geometric entities only.

ln-style-scale double 1.0 Specifies the scaling factor by

which patterns of the line styles
are scaled during display.

ln-wt integer 1 Specifies the thickness with

which the entity is displayed.
This setting has an integer value
from 1 to 5. The number
denotes the number of pixels to
be used for the thickening effect.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 357

C.1.3 Marker Settings

Name Type Default Description


mrk-dir angle 0.0 Specifies the marker base


mrk-scale scale2 (5.0 5.0) Specifies the marker size

scaling factor.

mrk-tilt angle 0.0 Specifies the marker tilt


mrk-type string plus Specifies the marker type.

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
358 Appendix C

C.1.4 Hatch Settings

Name Type Default Description


hat-dir angle 0.0 Specifies base direction of hatch


hat-ref-pt point2 (0.0 0.0) Specifies reference point of

hatch style.

hat-scale scale2 (5.0 5.0) Specifies scaling factor of hatch


hat-style string 45deg Specifies pattern for hatch to be

created. (Appendix B)

hat-tilt angle 0.0 Specifies tilt direction of hatch

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 359

C.1.5 Surface Display Settings

Name Type Default Description


disp-niso-u integer 12 Specifies number of iso-

parametric curves in the u
direction that should be used
during normal display of

disp-niso-v integer 12 Specifies number of iso-

parametric curves in the v
direction that should be used
during normal display of

hle-niso-u integer 11 Specifies number of lines in u

direction that should be used
during hidden line eliminated
display of surfaces.

hle-niso-v integer 11 Specifies number of lines in v

direction that should be used
during hidden line eliminated
display of surfaces.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
360 Appendix C

C.1.6 Text Settings

Name Type Default Description


txt-align enum BOT- Specifies text alignment.

LFT Possible values BOT-LFT, BOT-

txt-dir angle 0.0 Specifies the text base direction.

txt-expn-f double 1.0 Specifies the text expansion


txt-font string txt Specifies the text font.

txt-ht distance 5.0 Specifies the text height.

txt-ln-spc-f double 2.0 Specifies text line spacing of

multiline text as a factor of the
text height.

txt-path enum RGT Specifies the text path. Possible

values are RGT, LFT, UP,

txt-spc-f double 0.0 Specifies text spacing factor as a

factor of the text height.

txt-tilt angle 0.0 Specifies the text tilt direction.

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 361

C.1.7 Miscellaneous Settings

Name Type Default Description


inter-check boolean OFF Specifies if intersection flag

should be ON of OFF for hidden
line elimination.

work-scale double 1.0 Specifies the scale by which the

basic geometric entities will be
scaled on the drawing paper.
Note that the dimension will be
that of the true object size.

dwg-lim rect ((0 0) Specifies the limits on the WCS

(841 594)) X-Y plane for the purpose of
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Settings
362 Appendix C

C.2 Environmental Settings

Name Type Default Description

autowrite-cmd-step integer 0 Specifies the number of
commands after which
autowrite is called. Default
value 0 means that autowrite is
cen-lin-extn distance 5.0 Specifies the extension of the
center lines out of the circle.
cwd string Note1 Specifies the current working

echo-last-pt boolean ON Specifies whether the last point

should be echoed or not.

feedback-icon boolean ON Controls display of feedback

icons displayed in construction

file-format enum ASD Suppressed. Not to be used.

def-part-keep enum DELETE Specifies the mode to define a

part. Possible values are

highlight boolean ON Controls highlighting of picked


part-search-path string Note1 Specifies the path in which

Draw searches for a part. This is
a space separated list of
directories and files.

Environment Settings (continued on the next page)

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix C 363

pk-aper integer 18 Specifies width in pixel of pick


plot-file-format enum PLB Suppressed. Not to be used.

print-fn-rval boolean ON Specifies whether to print or

suppress the printing of return
Note2 values of LISP functions and
commands typed from the text

temp-snap-menu boolean ON Controls display of temporary

snap menu for point inputs.

threshold-ang angle 0.0 Specifies the minimum angle

between two adjacent faces for
the display of the common edge
during HLE.

undo boolean ON Specifies the mode of undo


1. The directory from which Visual DRAW was started.
2. ON and OFF values for booleans are mapped to T and NIL
3. Double quotes ("") indicate a NULL string.

A single quote must precede values of settings involving enumerated data
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->


Dimension Settings and Toolboxes

Appendix D
This appendix gives a complete list of auxiliary options available during
dimension interactions. All these options appear in the dimension toolbar in the
client area. The icon column shows the icon as it appears on the screen, and is
followed by a small description. At the end of this appendix, the exact structure
of the dimension toolboxes is shown.

See Chapter 4 DIMENSIONS AND ANNOTATIONS for an explanation of

these options.

Name Icon Description

first terminator displays toolbox for terminators

type sets type of 1st terminator, dim-
scale sets the terminator scale, dim-term-
middle line toggles the setting dim-mid-ln
second terminator displays toolbox for second
type sets type of 2nd terminator, dim-
scale sets the terminator scale, dim-term-
frame toggles the setting dim-frame
prefix displays toolbox for prefix options
string sets the prefix string, dim-prefix-str
on/off toggles the setting dim-prefix
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Dimension Settings and Toolboxes
366 Appendix D

Name Icon Description

user-text toggles the setting dim-usr-txt

suffix displays toolbox for suffix options
string sets the suffix string dim-suffix-str
on/off toggles the setting dim-suffix
limits lim toggles the limit setting dim-lim
tolerance tol displays toolbox for tolerance options
upper sets value of upper tolerance dim-
lower low sets value of lower tolerance dim-
on/off toggles the setting dim-tol (ON/OFF)
text position toolbox for setting text position dim-
default sets the text position, dim-txt-pos to
default left sets the text position, dim-txt-pos to
default right sets the text position, dim-txt-pos to
default user sets the text position, dim-txt-pos to
user sets the text position, dim-txt-pos to
text orientation toolbox to set text orientation, dim-
parallel sets text orientation, dim-txt-orient
perpendicular sets text orientation, dim-txt-orient
horizontal sets the text orientation, dim-txt-
orient to HOR
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix D 367

Name Icon Description

vertical sets the text orientation, dim-txt-

orient to VER
text location toolbox to set text location, dim-txt-
above sets the text location, dim-txt-loc to
on-line sets the text location, dim-txt-loc to
below sets the text location, dim-txt-loc to
linear dimension options for setting linear dimension
formats formats
string related settings str sets the linear dimension string
leading zero 0 toggles the setting dim-lead-0
decimal type . , sets the dim-decimal-type
precision 123 sets precision of length value,
number of digits
trailing zero 0 toggles the setting dim-trail-0
unit unt toggles the setting dim-unit
format related fmt sets linear dimension format , dim-
settings format
decimal format sets the dim-format to DECI
fractional format FRACT sets the dim-format to FRACT
scientific format SCIEN sets the dim-format to SCIEN
engineering format sets the dim-format to ENGG
architectural format sets the dim-format to ARCH
feet and fractional sets the dim-format to FT-FR-INCH
inch format
feet and fractional sets the dim-format to FT-FR-INCH-
inch with symbol SYM
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Dimension Settings and Toolboxes
368 Appendix D

Name Icon Description

feet and fractional sets the dim-format to FT-FR-

inch with string INCH-STR
fractional base sets the fractional base
units unt sets dimension units, dim-unit-type
millimeter sets the dim-unit-type to MM
meter m sets the dim-unit-type to MT
inch sets the dim-unit-type to INCH
angular dimension options to set angular dimension
formats formats
string related settings str sets the angular dimension string
leading zero 0 toggles the setting dim-lead-0
decimal type . , sets dim-decimal-type to DOT or
precision 123 sets number of digits for angle value
trailing zero 0 toggles the setting dim-trail-0
unit unt toggles the setting dim-unit
format related fmt angular dimension format, dim-ang-
settings format
decimal format sets the dim-ang-format to DECI
fractional format FRACT sets the dim-ang-format to FRACT
minutes/seconds sets the dim-ang-format to DEG-
units unt angular dimension units, dim-ang-
degree deg sets the dim-ang-unit-type to DEG
radians rad sets the dim-ang-unit-type to RAD
text attributes txt toolbox options for setting text
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix D 369

Name Icon Description

tilt sets the value of dimension text tilt

font sets the font of dimension text dim-
height sets the value of dimension text
height dim-txt-ht
geometric scale sets the geometric scale factor, dim-
Note: Some settings are shared between format settings for linear and angular dimensions.
For example, the dim-trail-0 set either through AFmt or LFmt applies to both. The
dimension settings exclusive to angular dimensions are distinguished by a "-ang-"
pattern in the name of the setting.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->


Symgen and Sketch

Appendix E
Many components in a drafting application occur repetitively in the drawing.
Generally, symbols, or parts, are used to avoid drawing patterns again and again.
However, there are situations where the dimensions of the components are
different, but the basic geometry is the same. For example, with nuts and bolts of
different diameters, the basic geometry is similar, and dimensions like the height
and diameter vary from application to application. The basic geometry is called a
template, while figures derived from the template, and having various
dimensions are called variations of the template (See Figure E.1).

Generation of such variations for an application is typically done in two ways.

First method is to actually make symbols or parts of all possible variations and
use them wherever necessary. The second method is to identify the parameters
which vary across such variations, and write a parametric program to get
different values for dimensions and generate the variations as per these values.

Creating similar geometries again and again with varying dimensions could be
time consuming and tedious. On the other hand, writing parametric programs
requires programming expertise. The symgen (for symbol generation) utility in
Visual DRAW allows you to generate variations of a template interactively,
without any extra drafting or programming.

Here, you simply construct the basic geometry, indicate the appropriate
parameters, and run symgen on it. Symgen processes the template geometry,
allows you to specify new values of the parameters, and then generates the
variations. Also, it automatically generates the parametric program which you
can separately run or modify.

This mechanism is also useful in the design process when some of the
parameters of the geometry are undergoing changes. Since parametric programs
for the parts are made by symgen, they can be executed any time to generate the
variation as per the current set of values. This saves the remaking of the part
geometry every time some parameter undergoes changes.
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. Symgen and Sketch
372 Appendix E

Figure E.1: Variations of a Template

E.1 Introducing Symgen

The steps involved in generating variations of geometry using symgen are :

1. Creating the template geometry.

2. Dimensioning the geometry using appropriate parameters and expressions.

3. Running symgen on the parameterized template.

4. Generating the variations by specifying the values of the parameters.

The key concept in symgen is that the dimensions in the template that are to be
varied are indicated by annotating them with appropriate parameters (like l1, h2,
or any expressions containing these). For the generation of each variation, the
new values of the parameters are specified. Each step is described below.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix E 373

E.1.1 Creation of the Template

This can be done by using the construction features of Draw. You can edit the
figures as required using the editing features. Symgen works independent of the
method in which you construct or edit your geometry. Within some constraints
of symgen utility, generally only the final geometry of the template, which must
be made to proper scale, is the input to symgen.

E.1.2 Parameterizing and Dimensioning

After the template geometry has been constructed, the parameters of variation
have to be indicated on the figure. This is done by dimensioning the geometry
with user defined text ON. Any dimensioning method in Draw can be used for
this. The name of the variable parameter (except T, NIL and the special
characters like PHI, DEGREE and PLUSMINUS) should be entered as the user
defined text. The value of this parameter will be asked when symgen starts
generating the variations. You can also enter any constant value as the user
defined text. In such a case, no interaction for that dimension will take place,
and the specified value will be directly reflected in the variation results.

Figure E.2 : Specifying Parameters using user defined dimension text

You can also enter any Lisp expression, optionally containing parameters, as the
user defined text. For example, as shown in Fig. E.3, the diameter of the hole
has been parametrized as d and the other diameters are specified as ( + 20 d )
and ( + 40 d ). During the interaction, the value of d and h is asked, and the
other related dimensions are determined by evaluating these expressions.
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. Symgen and Sketch
374 Appendix E

E.1.3 Implicit Constraints

Symgen first tries to read in the geometry of the template on the basis of the
dimensions and parameters that you have specified. If it is not possible to
correlate the entire figure with this, it tries to find out implicit constraints on the
entities in your drawing on the basis of your constructions. This means that if
you have drawn a line vertically, symgen will assume that you want it to be
vertical in all the resulting variations. Thus, if you want a line to be inclined in
any of the variations, you should draw it inclined in the template. The angle at
which you draw it is however not significant. The following implicit constraints
are recognized by symgen in an order of decreasing precedence:

Figure E.3 : Using LISP Expressions

• Horizontal and vertical lines

Lines which are horizontal or vertical are assumed to remain so in all the
variations generated.

• Symmetry
Figures which are symmetric about a line in the template, are assumed to be
symmetric in all the variations. The line of symmetry should be a line
having the line-style center. Thus, if you dimension or parameterize one
side of the symmetric figure, you need not do it for the other side.

• Levels
Unconnected points which are at the same level are assumed to remain at
the same level in all the variations. This allows you to put multiple views
within the template, and if you have defined the parameters in one view, you
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix E 375
need not do so in the related view. Symgen intelligently detects the

• Absolute distance
Finally, if none of the parameters, dimensions, or implicit constraints help
in reading the figure, absolute distances between points are maintained the
same as in the template. Thus, if some parameter is to be maintained
constant across all the variations, then it need not be dimensioned at all, if
the true dimension is used in the template geometry.

Note: Symgen needs a reference point such that some dimension indicates its
location. Otherwise the templates created lack reference point

Figure E.4 : Updating related views by dimensioning only one

E.2 Running Symgen on a Template

Command: symgen Utility/Generate symbol

This command generates variations of a specified template comprising of a set of
geometries and dimensions, by allowing you to specify values of all the
parameters in the figure. The geometries have to be dimensioned with user
defined text which is used as the parameter of that dimension. The value of this
parameter is obtained interactively, and variations are generated using the values
of all the parameters. This command also automatically generates a parametric
Lisp program to create the figure, which can be run separately.
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. Symgen and Sketch
376 Appendix E
• Entities and dimensions forming the template. Valid entity types are:
lines, circles and circ-arcs
Valid dimension types: linear, radius and diameter
• Reference point
• Filename to store the generated LISP program
• For each variation to be generated,
- position of the variation
- values of all the parameters
• An over action terminating the interaction
Auxiliary icon
draw-dim ON/OFF

Toggle setting to control the output of dimensions in the variations.

The template is to be specified by picking entities forming the template and a
reference point on or near the template is to be located. During the generation of
the variations, the reference point is mapped to the point at which the variations
are to be generated. The reference point should be placed at some significant
point on the geometry of the template like the endpoint of a line.

The Lisp program generated is put in the specified file name.

The resulting variations also display the dimensions by default. You can turn
them off by selecting the auxiliary option. The true values of the dimensions in
the variations are displayed if the user-defined text is set to OFF. If the original
parametric expressions associated with the dimensions are desired to be drawn,
then the user defined text for all these dimensions should be made ON.

The entities in the variations have the same attributes as the corresponding
entities in the template.

See Figure E.5. Figure E.5(a) shows the template, the variations of which are to
be generated. The length of the axle is parametrized as l and its diameter as d.
The depth and the width of the groove, and chamfer is parametrized as c. Pick
the figure along with the dimensions and specify the reference point at P1 as
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix E 377
For the first variation, specify the reference point at P2 and specify the values of
l, d and c as 150, 100 and 10 respectively. The variation of the template with the
specified values of the parameters will be drawn at P2. The dimensions drawn
will display the true values rather than the parameters (See Fig. E.5 (b)).

To draw the variation without dimensions, put the draw-dim mode OFF. Specify
the reference point at P3 and specify the values of l, d and c as 100, 50 and 20.

Figure E.5 : Defining template and generating variations

Symgen intelligently detects the geometric relationship between entities, and on
the basis of the dimensions and implicit constraints in the figure, allows you to
generate the variations of the template. However, it has the following limitations
due to which, a correct variation of some geometries might not be generated:

1. Dimensions:
• angular, coordinate and aligned dimensions are not considered
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. Symgen and Sketch
378 Appendix E
• some dimension attributes like short arrow length are not retained
2. Constraints which are not considered by symgen are :
• tangency of lines and circles
• parallelism of lines
• intersections of entities
3. Included angle of an arc does not get changed in the variations.
4. Speed of symgen might be slow for more complex figures.

E.3 Automatic Sketch Updating

When one commonly sketches a rough figure with dimensions on a paper, one
does not bother to draw the geometry with true dimensions, or even with exact
proportions. The text of the dimensions which are drawn by hand is used in such
a case, to communicate the drawing. This rough sketch can then be translated
into a precise drawing explicitly.

Based on a similar concept, a utility called update-sketch is supported in Visual

DRAW. Here, you draw a rough sketch without bothering about the true
dimensions and exact proportions. You also create dimensions, and specify the
true value of the distances and lengths as the dimension text. On running
update-sketch on such a figure, the entire geometry along with the dimensions is
proportionately adjusted, and true dimensions are reflected in it. Since you create
geometry without any consideration to dimensions, a lot of time is saved which
would otherwise be spent in detailing the geometry.

Working the Sketch Way

The process of drafting in this method is comprised of the following steps:

1. Creating the geometry without consideration to the actual dimensions or


2. Dimensioning the necessary measurements by putting true values of the

dimensions with user defined text.

3. Running update-sketch on the rough sketch.

The geometry may be constructed using any construction and editing methods in
Draw. The implicit constraints as mentioned for symgen apply here also.
Dimensioning can be done using any dimensioning technique in Draw.
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Appendix E 379

Running Update-Sketch

Command: update-sketch Utility/Update Sketch

This command updates a rough sketch annotated with the actual dimension
values required (created with user defined text ON), by making the geometry
exactly proportionate, and reflecting true dimensions on the geometry.

• Entities and dimensions in the rough sketch
Valid entities: lines, circles and circular arcs
Valid dimensions: linear, radius and diameter dimensions
• Reference point

The reference point should be some significant point on the geometry like
endpoint of a line. This point is maintained fixed, and all the geometry is
adjusted with reference to this point. After the reference point is specified, the
old geometry is deleted from the drawing, and is replaced with the new geometry
with the changed dimensions. The attributes of the entities in the updated figure
are same as those of the old entities.

Figure E.6 : Updating Sketch

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. Symgen and Sketch
380 Appendix E
Fig E.6(a) shows a rough sketch of three views of a component. The views are
not drawn proportionately but the dimensions drawn (with user defined text
ON), indicate the required radius and lengths. The related views are aligned to
each other appropriately.

Pick the three views along with the dimensions and specify the reference point at
P1 as shown in the figure. The old figure is wiped off and the updated figure is
drawn at the reference point (See fig E.6(b)).

The specified dimensions in the rough sketch are reflected in the geometry of the
updated figure. Note that, the relation between the three views also is
appropriately maintained.

Update-sketch has the same limitations as mentioned for symgen
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->



Appendix F
For exchange of drawing data across other CAD packages, Visual DRAW
provides utilities to convert drawings of standard file formats into its native ASD
format and vice-versa. These converters are MS-DOS programs which read the
source drawing file format and generate another file of the specified drawing

The list of converters that are copied on installing the Draw module are :

• dxf2draw Generates ASD files from DXF files.

• igs2draw Generates ASD files from IGES files.

• draw2dxf Generates DXF output from ASD files.

• draw2igs Generates IGES output from ASD files.

• plt2draw Converts PLB plot files to ASD format.

F.1 Reading DXF Files

A Data Exchange Format, DXF file must be converted to ASD format before the
data can be read and edited in Visual DRAW. The dxf2draw converter converts a
DXF file into a Draw file format.


dxf2draw [-p] dxf-file [draw-file]

where, dxf-file is the DXF file (extension .DXF) to be converted, and draw-file is
the Draw output file (extension .ASD) desired. If the draw-file is not specified,
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Converts
382 Appendix F
then the ASD file created will have the same name as that of the source DXF
file. The file extensions need not be explicitly specified for conversion.

By default, the converter processes the entities in the model space only. The
command line option -p, considers only those entities that exist in the paper

Conversion specifications and limitations

and ARC in a DXF file are recognized by the dxf2draw converter.

These are converted to the corresponding entities in Visual DRAW along

with their attributes. INSERTS, BLOCKS and pseudo BLOCKS are also
recognized. BLOCKS are converted to parts, and INSERTS to instances of
the parts. Layer information of the blocks is ignored.

2. From the header section of the DXF file, only those settings that are
relevant to Draw are converted. The tables section of a DXF file is ignored.

3. Dimension and hatch entities are read in as instances of its pseudo-block.

4. Warnings are flashed on the screen wherever conversion is not complete.

5. Blocks defined with different scale factor in X,Y & Z directions are ignored.

6. As ln-style-scale is a global variable in Visual DRAW, line-styles of

different scaling-factors are adjusted suitably such that they have a single
scale factor.

7. Filled arrows are transferred as hollow arrows.

8. Entities with BYBLOCK attributes are generated with the default attributes.

9. The text related information in ATTRIB entries within a block are mapped
as separate text entities in that block.

10. User-defined attributes for line and hatch entities are converted to default
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix F 383

F.2 Reading IGES Files

The igs2draw converter converts IGES files to ASD format.


igs2draw iges-file [ draw-file ]

where iges-file is the input IGES file (extension .IGS) and draw-file is the
Visual DRAW output file (extension .ASD) desired. Extensions are optional. In
the absence of a second file name, the ASD file created will have the same name
as the IGES file.

Conversion specifications and limitations

1. The entities LINE, CIRCLE and COPIUS DATA ENTITY are recognized
by igs2draw converter. These entities are converted into the corresponding

2. The igs2draw converter changes color of black IGES entities to white.

3. During conversion, 3D entities in the IGES file, are skipped with

appropriate messages on the screen.

4. Layers are named in the following manner :

IGES-ges level, where ges level is the level number of the IGES entity.

5. Linestyle and line weight of IGES entities are retained after conversion.
Text associated with IGES entities is not converted.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Converts
384 Appendix F

F.3 Reading PLA and PLB Files

The plt2draw converter converts Virtual n'gineer plot files to ASD files.


plt2draw plt-file [ draw-file ]

where, plt-file is the specified plot file (extension .PLA or .PLB depending on
ASCII or Binary format), and draw-file is the Draw output file (extension .ASD).
If it is not specified, the name of the ASD file created will be the same as that of
the plot file. Specifying extensions of source and destination files is optional.

Conversion specifications and limitations

1. A circle marker in the input plot file is made into a plus marker in Visual

2. Line entities or polyline segments or zero length, if any, are skipped.

3. The text font ddfont is converted to txt . Also an appropriate factor is

applied to each of these text strings so as to provide a perfect visual match.
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix F 385

F.4 Writing DXF Files

The draw2dxf converter converts a Visual DRAW ASD file to a DXF file.


draw2dxf [-R n] draw-file [ dxf-file ]

where, draw-file is the Draw drawing file to be converted (extension .ASD) and
dxf-file is the DXF output file desired. If the DXF file name is not specified, then
the file generated has the same name as the ASD file but with the extension

The -R option suffixed with an integer value 10 or 11 is for specifying whether

the DXF file generated must conform to the DXF format of AutoCAD Release
10 or Release 11 respectively.

Conversion specifications and limitations

1. The following rule applies during an ASD to DXF conversion:

Data in ASD file Data in DXF file


2. The conversion retains all entity attributes and layer information. Visual
DRAW entities not listed above are ignored.

3. The settings section of the ASD file is converted to the corresponding

header section of the DXF file.
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. Converts
386 Appendix F

F.5 Writing IGES Files

The draw2igs converter converts Draw files into IGES format files.


draw2igs draw-file [ iges-file ]

where, draw-file is the Visual DRAW drawing file (extension .ASD) to be

converted and iges-file is the desired IGES output file (extension .IGS). If the
IGES file name is not specified, then the file generated has the same name as the
ASD file but with the extension IGS.

Conversion specifications and limitations

1. The converter recognizes the entities LINE, CIRCLE, CIRC-ARC and
BIARC (2-D) in Visual DRAW and transfers them to IGES as LINE,

2. The linestyle, line-wt and color attributes of entities are transferred.

3. Layer names are converted to level numbers of IGES entities.

4. Extrusion thickness and direction attributes are ignored.

- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->


Lisp Interface

Appendix G
Visual DRAW has a built-in Common Lisp environment. It also offers pre-
defined Lisp functions for construction of entities, point input for writing your
own interactions. You can execute Lisp programs from the Visual DRAW
command prompt by typing :

Command : load "program.lsp"

where program.lsp is the name of the Lisp program you want to execute. The
command can also be invoked through the Load Lisp... menu under the File
menu item. If a function has been defined in the Lisp program which is loaded,
then this function becomes an integral part of the Draw command set for that
session. The function can be directly invoked with arguments, if any.

G.1 Data Types

This section summarizes the Common Lisp data types used in Draw interface.

An integer data type in Draw Lisp interface. Identical to fixnum of Common

A floating point number same as double-float data type of Common Lisp.
Draw Lisp interface accepts any floating point number of the fixnum or ratio
data types of Common Lisp, when double is expected. It is internally converted
to a double-float. All Visual DRAW functions which are expected to return
a double, actually return a double-float.

For upward compatibility, the calling programs should not use upper case
letters in the names of the symbols.
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. Lisp Interface
388 Appendix G
This is a list of 2 double items. It signifies a 2-D Cartesian point.

This is a Lisp symbol object used for naming various items.

When a Visual DRAW function expects a symbol, you must quote it to protect
from being interpreted as a variable by Common Lisp. For example

(line 'endpt 'endpt)

This is a double object that represents a geometric angle.

This is a double object that represents the distance between two geometric
objects (For example, lines, points, etc.).

This is a Lisp object that indexes into the entity data base of Visual DRAW. This
is currently a fixnum. However, only those fixnum operations that are
explicitly specified by the Visual DRAW interface can be performed on this data

This is the Common Lisp string data type. Used for operating on texts.

This is a Common Lisp object interpreted as a boolean value. The Common
Lisp object nil is interpreted as FALSE. Everything else is TRUE. Two objects
on and off can also be specified as arguments where a boolean is expected.
off corresponds to nil. The integer value 0 is TRUE. It is FALSE in most
other languages, and can be confusing if used in Lisp at an inappropriate place.

A rect is a planar rectangle. It is a list of two point2 type variables. The two
points are any 2 diagonally opposite corners of the rectangle.

A scaling factor with two components which is a list of two doubles. When
Draw reads a scale2, it can either be a single double or a list of precisely
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix G 389
two doubles; single double means both components are identical. When
Visual DRAW returns a scale2, it returns a list of precisely two doubles.

At all places in the Draw Lisp interface where an enum is expected to be
specified, a symbol from a set of predefined symbols is expected. Similarly, all
Draw Lisp interface functions returning an enum return a symbol from this
predefined set. This set varies from function to function.

G.2 LISP Functions

The Lisp functions are loaded as commands every time Visual DRAW is
invoked. The commands have optional arguments consisting of Draw keywords
and inputs values for these keywords. If no argument is supplied or if all the
required parameters are not provided when calling a function, then Draw
interactively obtains the required parameter. In any function, if a keyword
argument is to be specified, then all non-keyword arguments must also be

G.2.1 Basic Constructions

Syntax for Line

line ['repeat]
[['fix] 'endpt [value-< point2> ]
[['fix] 'thrupt [value-< point2> ]]
[['fix] 'xendpt [value-< point2> ]]
[['fix] 'dirn [value-< angle>]]
[['fix] 'len [value-< distance> ]]
[['fix] 'parl [value-< entity> ]]
[['fix] 'perp [value-< entity> ]]
[['fix] 'tan [value-< entity> ]]
[['fix] 'endent [value-< entity> ]]
[['fix] 'dist [value-< distance> ]]
[['fix] 'refpt [value-< point2> ]]
['closept sel-pts ]
Syntax for Construction Line
c-line ['repeat]
[['fix] 'thrupt [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'dirn [value-< angle>]]
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->
. Lisp Interface
390 Appendix G
[['fix] 'parl [value-< entity>]]
[['fix] 'perp [value-< entity>]]
[['fix] 'tan [value-< entity>]]
[['fix] 'refpt [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'dist [value-< distance>]]
['closept sel-pts ]
Syntax for Circle
circle ['repeat]
[['fix] 'cen [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'rad [value-< distance>]]
[['fix] 'thrupt [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'tan [value-< entity>]]
['closept sel-pts ]
Syntax for Construction circle
c-circle ['repeat]
[['fix] 'cen [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'rad [value-< distance>]]
[['fix] 'thrupt [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'tan [value-< entity>]]
['closept sel-pts ]
Syntax for Circular Arc
circ-arc ['repeat]
[['fix] 'cen [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'rad [value-< distance>]]
[['fix] 'thrupt [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'endpt [value-< point2>]]
[['fix] 'ang [value-< angle>]]
[['fix] 'chordlen [value-< distance>]]
['closept sel-pts ]
Each of these functions creates Visual DRAW entities of the kind specified by its
name, in the X-Y plane of the current UCS. The functions accept only entity
geometry and attributes are taken from the current settings.

The entity geometry is specified by constraints. If too few (including zero)

constraints are supplied, rest are taken interactively. The value of a constraint
can be supplied as an argument to the constraint. If it is not supplied, it is taken
interactively. Each constraint is named by a symbol. This symbol must be
quoted, else it will be interpreted as a variable.

The constraint modifier fix can be specified to any constraint by a prefix

symbol argument named fix. If this is supplied, and if the constraint value is
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Appendix G 391
to be taken interactively, it will be taken only once even when many entities are
to be created. The same value is used for each entity that is created. It is not
sensible to supply fix as well as constraint value for the same constraint.

If it is meaningful, the same constraint can be multiply used. It is an error to

specify more constraints than necessary.

repeat is a pseudo-constraint used to control the creation of single or multiple

entities. If no argument is supplied to the function, all constraints and values are
taken interactively. As many entities as desired can be constructed by this single
call. On the other hand, if one or more arguments are supplied to the function, it
creates one entity by default. However, if repeat is specified as an additional
argument, it allows the creation of as many entities as desired, until the
interaction is broken. It is illegal to supply this constraint if no interaction is

Some constraint combinations result in more than one entities. To choose

specific entities in a program, the constraint closept is supplied with an
argument to select one (or more) entity. The argument is either a single point
(point2), or a pair of points. All the entities closest to both (or sole) point are
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. Lisp Interface
392 Appendix G

A brief description of the various constraints is given in the following table.

Constraint Description

endpt an end point of the entity.

thrupt a point through which the entity passes.

xendpt an approximate end point of the entity.

dirn the direction of the entity.

len the length of the entity.

parl an entity to which the entity is parallel.

perp an entity to which the entity is perpendicular.

tan an entity to which the entity is tangent.

endent an entity on which the entity ends.

dist the distance of the entity from a point or another


refpt a reference point from which the distance of the entity

is known.

cen the center of the entity.

rad the radius of the entity.

angle the included angle of a circular arc entity.

chordlen the chord length of a circular arc entity.

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Appendix G 393
Return values
• nil, if no entity was created.
• new entity-<entity>, that is the index of the newly created entity in the
entity database, if the constraints were such that at the most one entity
could be created, and the entity was created successfully.
• Unspecified, but not nil, if the constraints could result in more than one
entity, and at least one was actually created.

G.2.2 Settings

Commands to set and inquire settings are : setv, sete, getv, gete

setv setting-name-< symbol> value
sete setting-name-< symbol> value
getv setting-name-< symbol>
gete setting-name-< symbol>
setv and sete set the specified model and environmental variable respectively, to
the specified value. The type of the value must conform with the setting.

getv and gete extract the current value of the specified sete or gete respectively.

Return values
Return value of setv and sete is not specified.
getv and gete returns the current value of the setting.
Appendix C provides a detail description of model and environment settings.

G.2.3 Input

General format of accepting input interactively is : get-< type>

get-< type> prompt-< string> [ :n n-< fixnum> ]
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. Lisp Interface
394 Appendix G
These functions take interactive input of the type specified by type from the user.
The interaction which is invoked is same as the input interaction for these types
in Draw. The specified prompt is displayed before interaction starts.

n is the number of items to be interactively input. If n is negative, precisely n

items are taken. If positive, up to n items are taken. Predefined constant
infinity can be used, if needed. Default value of n is -1 for all cases except
get-entity, where it is infinity.

Type can be integer, double, string, entity, point2, angle,


Return values
The functions returns nil if an interaction is broken without supplying the
value. A single item of appropriate type is returned, if no more than one item
was requested, and it was actually input.

If interaction could have selected more than one items, and if type is not
entity, and at least one item was input, a list of input items is returned.
However, if the type is entity, the value returned is unspecified, except that it
is not nil. In such a case, entities selected are kept in the input selection set,
and can be accessed using the with-selset macro. (Explained later in this

G.2.4 General Lisp Commands

G.2.4.1 Issuing Messages

msg string-< string>

msg prints the given string in the text dialog area. Formatted messages can be
generated when it is used in conjunction with the Common Lisp function

Return value
Not specified.
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Appendix G 395

G.2.4.2 Escaping to System Shell

system [ command-< string> ]

This function passes the given string to the DOS shell for execution. If command
is not supplied, it is asked interactively. On using system, the screen flips to text
mode and the specified command is executed. This command can be utilized
more for manipulating existing data files and generating some reports based on
the Draw entity data rather than for commands which display some result on

Return value
The exit status of the shell is returned as a fixnum.

G.2.4.3 Operating on Visual DRAW Model Files

Commands to operate on files are : read-model, write-model, clear-model.

Analogous to Visual DRAW menu commands File/Open, File/Save (As) and

read-model [data-file-< string> ] [ :quiet quiet-< boolean> ]
write-model [data-file-< string> ] [ :quiet quiet-< boolean> ]
clear-model [:quiet quiet-< boolean> ]

read-model destroys the current model, and reads the one in the given data-

write-model writes the current model to the specified data-file.

clear-model destroys the current model. A fresh drawing is loaded.

data-file is an ASD file. If the file name is not supplied, it is asked interactively.
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396 Appendix G
read-model and clear-model issue a warning if the current model was
not saved after the last change to it, and you are given a chance to save it.
Similarly, write-model asks for a confirmation if the specified file exists, and
would get over-written. If the :quiet argument is specified, these functions do
not invoke any interaction, and quietly execute their actions.

Return value
Not specified.

G.2.4.4 Operating on Input Selection Set

with-selset (eid-< entity> ) body

with-selset macro processes multiple entities picked by get-entity.

body is a list of any Lisp expressions (similar to the body of defun). The body
is executed as many times as there are items in input selection set.

eid is a caller supplied variable that is assigned the next item from input
selection set on each iteration. This can be used in the body.

Return value
Not specified.
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Commands and Menu Layout

Appendix H
This appendix give the list of Visual DRAW commands. The Location column
gives the sequence to be traveled in the menu for executing the command. In the
Icon column, the icon for the command, if it exists on the Draw screen, is
shown. A preceding star (*) character indicates that the command is ia-active.
Some icons have an i near them. This signifies that they are part of the
information bar.

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

3pt-ucs * Settings/UCS/3 point position - 9-12
4b Create/Surfaces/Four boundary - 7-6
Ccr -NoMenu- 2-8

DD -NoMenu- 2-42

Lp -NoMenu- 2-38

Ls -NoMenu- 2-38

Lsxx -NoMenu- 2-35

Np -NoMenu- 2-38

Oex -NoMenu- 2-4

Qred -NoMenu- 2-49

Sce -NoMenu- 2-49

See -NoMenu- 2-49

Sred -NoMenu- 2-49

TEe -NoMenu- 2-35

TT -NoMenu- 2-36
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398 Appendix H

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

TTEE -NoMenu- 2-35

TTT -NoMenu- 2-41

TTp -NoMenu- 2-44

TTr -NoMenu- 2-44

Tc -NoMenu- 2-43

Tdxx -NoMenu- 2-35

Tp -NoMenu- 2-38

Tpp -NoMenu- 2-43

Tpxx -NoMenu- 2-34

about-draw Help/About Draw - 1-48

ang-dim Annotate/Dimension/Angular 4-34

arrange-icons Window/Arrange Icons - 8-10

auto-trim Edit/Auto trim 3-25

boundpt-snap * Temporary Snap ICONS 1-34

pt-break Edit/Break/By points 3-12

c-Ccr -NoMenu- 2-8

c-DD -NoMenu- 2-42

c-TTT -NoMenu- 2-41

c-TTp -NoMenu- 2-44

c-Tc -NoMenu- 2-43

c-Tpp -NoMenu- 2-43

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Appendix H 399

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

c-TTr -NoMenu- 2-44

c-circle-r Create/Construction circle 2-39

c-cp -NoMenu- 2-7

c-cr -NoMenu- 2-8

c-line-r Create/Construction line 2-36

c-ppp -NoMenu- 2-43

c-rpp -NoMenu- 2-43

cascade-wins Window/Cascade - 8-10

cea -NoMenu- 2-49

ceh -NoMenu- 2-48

cen-line Annotate/Centre line 4-47

cen-mrk Annotate/Centre marker 4-47

center-snap * Settings/Permanent Snap/Center - 1-34

chain-lin-dim Annotate/Dimension/Chain 4-29
chamfer Edit/Chamfer 3-18

chg-attrb Edit/Change/Attributes 5-16

chg-dim-attrb Edit/Change/Dimension attributes 4-39

chg-n-vws * View/Number of views - 8-12

chg-surf-resol Edit/Change/Surface Resolution - 7-19
chop Edit/Chop 3-22

circ-arc-r Create/Circular Arc 2-43

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. Commands and Menu Layout
400 Appendix H

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

circ-rep Edit/Repeat/Circular 3-8

circle-r Create/Circle 2-39

new-model File/New (Lisp call : clear-model) 9-8

cntl-pt-crv Create/Control point 2-61

cone Create/Surfaces/Cone - 7-3

coord-lin-dim Annotate/Dimension/Coordinate 4-32

copy Edit/Copy 3-3

copy-image Edit/Copy Image - 9-18
cp -NoMenu- 2-7

cr -NoMenu- 2-7

trace Create/Biarcs/Trace 2-55

cuboid Create/Blocks/Cuboid - 7-8

cylinder Create/Surfaces/Cylinder - 7-2
def-part Utility/Part/Define - 6-4
del-ent Edit/Delete 3-2

delete-file File/Delete - 9-9

delete-layer Utility/Layer/Delete - 9-17
delete-part Utility/Part/Delete - 6-9
dia-dim Annotate/Dimension/Diameter 4-36

dimpt-snap *Settings/PermanentSnap/Dimension point - 1-34

dtm-lin-dim Annotate/Dimension/Datum 4-31
eTx -NoMenu- 2-34
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Appendix H 401

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

edl -NoMenu- 2-3

edt-crv Edit/Curve/Edit curve - 3-28

edt-txt Edit/Edit text - 4-44
edx -NoMenu- 2-34

ee -NoMenu- 2-34

ee-3d -NoMenu- 2-6

ee-cont -NoMenu- 2-2

eea -NoMenu- 2-48

eed -NoMenu- 2-48

eep -NoMenu- 2-9

eer -NoMenu- 2-48

elipt-arc Create/Elliptical arc 2-51

ellipse Create/Ellipse 2-50

end File/Exit Draw - 1-22

endpt-snap * Settings/Permanent Snap/End point - 1-34
endpt-stk * Settings/Permanent Snap/End point Stick - 1-34
ent-stk * Settings/Permanent Snap/Entity stick - 1-34
explode Edit/Explode/All 3-26
explode-biarc Edit/Explode/Biarc - 3-26
explode-dim Edit/Explode/Dimension - 3-26
explode-inst Edit/Explode/Instance - 3-26
extend Edit/Extend/Upto entity 3-14
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. Commands and Menu Layout
402 Appendix H

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

eye-tar-ornt * View/Eye Target Orientation - 8-12
fillet Edit/Fillet 3-21

free-sketch Create/Biarcs/Freehand sketch 2-54

grid-style * Settings/Grid/Grid style - 9-15
hEEp -NoMenu- 2-33

hEe -NoMenu- 2-32

hT -NoMenu- 2-38

hTEE -NoMenu- 2-33

hTEx -NoMenu- 2-33

hTxx -NoMenu- 2-32

hatch Annotate/Boundary hatch 4-49

hel -NoMenu- 2-32

help * Help/Contents - 1-24

hex -NoMenu- 2-4

hex-prism Create/Blocks/Hexagonal prism - 7-13

hex-pyramid Create/Blocks/Hexagonal pyramid - 7-11
hfsxx -NoMenu- 2-33

hide View/Hide/Hide Preset Views - 7-17

hide-vws View/Hide/Hide views - 7-17
hline-r -NoMenu- 2-23

hp -NoMenu- 2-37

hpEx -NoMenu- 2-33

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Appendix H 403

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

hpxl -NoMenu- 2-32

hpxx -NoMenu- 2-32

inp-pln * Settings/UCS/Input plane - 9-16

inst-part Utility/Part/Instantiate - 6-6
int-snap * Settings/Permanent Snap/Intersection - 1-34
intrp-pt-crv Create/Interpolating 2-63

layer * Utility/Layer/New layer - 9-17

leader Annotate/Leader 4-46
lengthen Edit/Extend/Upto point 3-16
lin-dim Annotate/Dimension/Linear 4-27
line-r Create/Line 2-23

ln-mirror Edit/Mirror/About Line 3-6

load File/Load Lisp - G-1
load-part Utility/Part/Load - 6-12
lucs * Settings/UCS/Locate UCS - 9-11
marker Annotate/Marker 4-44

merge-model File/Merge - 9-7

midpt-snap * Settings/Permanent Snap/Mid point - 1-34
move Edit/Move 3-3
mrg-crv Edit/Curve/Merge curve - 3-30
pan * View/Pan 8-19
pd -NoMenu- 2-5
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. Commands and Menu Layout
404 Appendix H

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

pdxx -NoMenu- 2-34

pent-prism Create/Blocks/Pentagonal prism - 7-13

pent-pyramid Create/Blocks/Pentagonal pyramid - 7-11
pline Create/Biarcs/Polyline 2-52

pln-mirror Edit/Mirror/About Plane 3-6

posn-snap * Settings/Permanent Snap/Position - 1-34
pp -NoMenu- 2-37

ppp -NoMenu- 2-40

psnap * Settings/Permanent Snap/Snap ON/OFF 9-16

pt-mirror Edit/Mirror/About Point 3-6

put-undo-mark Utility/Undo/Set undo mark - 9-5
qdim Annotate/Dimension/Quick dimension 4-36

qhatch Annotate/Quick hatch 4-50

rad-dim Annotate/Dimension/Radial 4-38

read-model File/Open 9-6
rect Create/Biarcs/Rectangle 2-53

rect-pyramid Create/Blocks/Rectangular pyramid - 7-10

rect-rep Edit/Repeat/Rectangular 3-7
reda Create/Circular Arc 2-49

redo Utility/Undo/Multiple Redo - 9-5

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Appendix H 405

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

redo1 * Edit/Redo 9-5

refresh * View/Refresh 8-24

regen * View/Regenerate 8-24

rescale * View/Rescale 8-20

reset-undo -NoMenu- - 9-6

resize-vport View/Resize vport - 8-11
rot-stretch Edit/Stretch/Rotary - 3-9
rotate Edit/Rotate 3-4
rpp -NoMenu- 2-43

rsweep Create/Surfaces/Rotational Sweep - 7-4

rucs * Settings/UCS/Rotate UCS - 9-11
save-model File/Save 9-7
scale Edit/Scale 3-5

search-help Help/Search on Help - 1-24

set-color * Settings/Color 5-3
set-dwg-lim * Settings/Drawing Limits Pap:A1:H 10-6
set-extr-thick * Settings/Extrusion thickness - 5-4
set-grid * Settings/Grid/Grid ON/OFF - 9-14
set-grid-org * Settings/Grid/Grid origin - 9-14
set-grid-spc * Settings/Grid/Grid spacing - 9-15
set-hat-dir * Settings/Hatch/Direction 5-7
set-hat-ref-pt * Settings/Hatch/Reference point 5-9
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. Commands and Menu Layout
406 Appendix H

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

set-hat-scale * Settings/Hatch/Scale 5-8
set-hat-style * Settings/Hatch/Style 5-7
set-hat-tilt * Settings/Hatch/Tilt 5-8
set-hid-ln-vis View/Hide/Hidden Line Visibility - 7-17
set-inter-check View/Hide/Intersection Check - 7-18

set-layer * Settings/Current layer 9-18

set-layer-vis * Utility/Layer/Visibility - 9-17
set-ln-style * Settings/Line style solid 5-2
set-ln-style-scale * Settings/Line style Scale - 5-2
set-ln-wt * Settings/Line Weight. - 5-2
set-mrk-dir * Settings/Marker/Direction 5-6
set-mrk-scale * Settings/Marker/Scale 5-5
set-mrk-tilt * Settings/Marker/Tilt 5-6
set-mrk-type * Settings/Marker/Style 5-5
set-threshold-ang View/Hide/Threshold angle - 7-18
set-txt-align * Settings/Text/Alignment 5-14
set-txt-dir * Settings/Text/Direction 5-11
set-txt-expn-f * Settings/Text/Expansion factor 5-12
set-txt-font * Settings/Text/Font 5-10
set-txt-ht * Settings/Text/Height 5-11
set-txt-ln-spc-f * Settings/Text/Line spacing factor 5-13
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Appendix H 407

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

set-txt-path * Settings/Text/Path 5-14
set-txt-spc-f * Settings/Text/Spacing factor 5-13
set-txt-tilt * Settings/Text/Tilt 5-12
set-vw-hide View/Hide/Set hidden views - 7-17
set-work-scale * Settings/Work scale S:1.000 9-16
shorten Edit/Break/Shorten 3-16
skin Create/Surfaces/Skin - 7-6
sphere Create/Surfaces/Sphere - 7-2
stretch Edit/Stretch/Linear - 3-9
symgen Utility/Generate Symbol - E-1
tetra Create/Blocks/Tetrahedron - 7-9
text Annotate/Text 4-41
tile-wins Window/Tile - 8-10
torus Create/Surfaces/Torus - 7-4
tri-prism Create/Blocks/Triangular prism - 7-12
trim Edit/Trim - 3-24
tube Create/Surfaces/Tube - 7-3
tucs * Settings/UCS/Translate UCS - 9-10
ucs-follow * Settings/UCS/Follow ON/OFF - 9-13
ucs-style * Settings/UCS/UCS style - 9-13
undo * Utility/Undo/Multiple Undo 9-5

undo-status * Utility/Undo/Undo ON/OFF - 9-6

undo-upto-mark Utility/Undo/Undo upto mark - 9-5
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. Commands and Menu Layout
408 Appendix H

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

undo1 * Edit/Undo 9-5

update-sketch Utility/Update Sketch - E-9

using-help Help/How to use help - 1-24
uvw View/UCS view - 8-16
vEEp -NoMenu- 2-31

vEe -NoMenu- 2-30

vT -NoMenu- 2-38

vTEE -NoMenu- 2-31

vTEx -NoMenu- 2-31

vTxx -NoMenu- 2-30

vel -NoMenu- 2-30

vex -NoMenu- 2-5

vfsxx -NoMenu- 2-31

vline-r -NoMenu- 2-23

vp -NoMenu- 2-37

vpEx -NoMenu- 2-31

vpxl -NoMenu- 2-30

vpxx -NoMenu- 2-30

wedge -NoMenu- - 7-9

win * Window/New window 8-6

write-model File/Save As 9-7

wucs * Settings/UCS/Align to WCS - 9-12
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Appendix H 409

Command Name Location in the menu Icon Page

xzoom-in * View/Cross zoom In 8-22
xzoom-out * View/Cross zoom Out 8-22
zoom-in * View/Zoom/Zoom In 8-18
zoom-lim * View/Zoom/Zoom Drawing Limit 8-20
zoom-out * View/Zoom/Zoom Out 8-19
zoom-true-scn * View/Zoom/Zoom True Scene - 8-21
zoom-true-scr * View/Zoom/Zoom True Screen - 8-21
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410 Appendix H
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Appendix H 411
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. Commands and Menu Layout
412 Appendix H
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3 Point UCS ................................................. 312

About Visual DRAW ................................... 46
Advantages of Parts ................................... 240
Align UCS to WCS ..................................... 314
Angle Input ................................................... 39
Angular Dimensions ................................... 201
Area Based Hatch ......................................... 219
Arrowhead Settings .................................... 178
Attribute Settings and Inquiries ............... 236
Attributes ...................................................... 223
Auto Write Mechanism ............................... 309
Auto-trim ....................................................... 157
Automatic Sketch Updating ...................... 378
Axis Snap ..................................................... 31
Background Plotting ................................... 334
Basic Concepts ........................................... 124
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Basic Constructions ................................... 389

Basic Input Actions .................................... 28
Basic Plotting Concepts ............................ 333
Basics of Dimensioning ............................. 163
Basics of Editing ........................................ 129
Basics of HLE ............................................. 268
Basics of Input ............................................ 28
Basics of Parts ........................................... 239
Basics of Undo ........................................... 303
Basics of Viewing ....................................... 275
Biarcs ............................................................ 117
Border Control ............................................. 327
Boundary Based Hatch .............................. 217
Breaking Curvilinear Entities .................... 144
Bypassing Explicit Constraint Input ........ 77
Cascade, Tile and Arrange Icons ............ 284
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Center Line and Center Marker ............... 216

Chain Linear Dimensions .......................... 193
Chamfering ................................................... 149
Changing and Inquiring Settings ............. 302
Changing Attributes .................................... 237
Changing Current Layer ............................ 320
Changing Eye Point, Target Point .......... 286
Changing Layer Visibility .......................... 320
Changing the View Combination ............. 285
Characteristics of Dimensions .................. 163
Chopping Entities ........................................ 154
Circle With Center and Point ................... 57
Circle With Center and Radius ................ 56
Circles and Construction Circles ............. 100
Circular Arc with Two Endpoints and a 60
Circular Arcs ................................................ 108
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Circular Array ............................................... 140

Clipping ......................................................... 333
Close Window .............................................. 281
Color .............................................................. 225
Color and Line Weight Settings .............. 188
Color Control During Plotting .................. 326
Command Input ........................................... 34
Command Level Undo ............................... 303
Commands and Menu Layout .................. 397
Common Lisp Interface ............................. 45
Common Terms in Dimensioning ............ 167
Concentric Circles with Center and ....... 59
Cone .............................................................. 256
Constraint Based Construction ................ 64
Constraint Based Construction of .......... 79
Constraint Modifiers ................................... 73
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Construction Circle with Center and ..... 60

Construction Line With Point and ......... 53
Construction Lines ...................................... 96
Control Point Curve ................................... 127
Control Settings .......................................... 174
Coordinate Input Plane .............................. 317
Coordinate Linear Dimensions ................. 199
Coordinate Systems .................................... 6
Copy Image .................................................. 320
Copy to Clipboard ...................................... 12
Copying Entities .......................................... 132
Creating a Layer ......................................... 319
Creation of Dimensions ............................. 189
Creation of the Template .......................... 373
Cross Zooming ............................................ 296
Cuboid ........................................................... 261
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Curve Creation ............................................. 127

Curves ........................................................... 123
Cylinder ......................................................... 255
Data Types ................................................... 387
Datum Linear Dimensions ......................... 195
Default Input ................................................ 30
Defining a Part ............................................ 242
Delete File .................................................... 309
Deleting a Layer .......................................... 319
Deleting Entities .......................................... 130
Deleting Existing Parts .............................. 248
Diameter and Radius Dimensions ........... 203
Dimension Editing ....................................... 209
Dimension Geometry .................................. 168
Dimension Settings ..................................... 173
Dimension Settings and Toolboxes ........ 365
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Dimension Text Control ............................. 171

Dimensions and Annotations .................... 163
Direct Combinations Available For ......... 90
Direct Constructions ................................... 47
Direction Input ............................................. 39
Direction Grid ............................................... 31
Display Control of Surfaces ..................... 273
Distance Input .............................................. 38
Double Input ................................................ 38
Editing Curves ............................................. 159
Ellipse ............................................................ 114
Elliptical Arc ................................................. 116
Entities and Attributes ............................... 1
Entity Attribute Settings ............................ 356
Entity Editing ............................................... 129
Entity Specific Editing Operations .......... 159
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Environmental Settings .............................. 362

Error Window ............................................... 27
Escaping to System Shell ......................... 395
Expanded Plot Modes ................................ 334
Exploding a Part Insertion ........................ 247
Exploding Entities ....................................... 158
Extended Entities and Projected ............ 11
Extending Entities ........................................ 145
Extrusion Thickness ................................... 226
Eye Point, Target Point, and ................... 276
Facet Meshes ............................................... 261
File Dialog .................................................... 25
Filleting .......................................................... 153
Four Boundary Patch ................................. 259
Free Hand Sketch ....................................... 120
General Editing Operations ....................... 130
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General Entity Attributes ........................... 223

General Lisp Commands ........................... 394
General Surfaces ......................................... 258
General User Interface ............................... 21
Grid Control ................................................. 315
Grid Origin ................................................... 316
Grid Spacing ................................................ 316
Grid Style ..................................................... 317
Hatch ............................................................. 217
Hatch Attributes .......................................... 228
Hatch Direction ............................................ 229
Hatch Reference Point ............................... 230
Hatch Scale .................................................. 230
Hatch Settings ............................................. 358
Hatch Style ................................................... 228
Hatch Tilt ...................................................... 229
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Hatch Styles .................................................. 337

Hexagonal Prism ......................................... 267
Hexagonal Pyramid ..................................... 265
Hidden Line Elimination ............................ 268
Hiding Preset Views ................................... 270
Hiding Selected Views ............................... 270
Hierarchical Parts ........................................ 249
History and Message Windows ................ 26
Horizontal Line With Endpoint and ......... 52
Identification of Constraints and ............ 67
Identifiers and Patterns ............................. 10
Implicit Constraints ..................................... 374
Inclined Lines .............................................. 94
Input ............................................................... 28
Input Control Commands .......................... 315
Input of Constraints and Modifiers ......... 68
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Input Plane ................................................... 28

Inserting a Part ........................................... 245
Integer Input ................................................. 38
Interface Protocols ...................................... 334
Interpolating Point Curve .......................... 129
Introducing Symgen .................................... 372
Introduction to Visual DRAW ................... 1
Issuing Messages ........................................ 394
Layer .............................................................. 225
Layer Operations ......................................... 319
Layer Settings .............................................. 237
Layers ............................................................ 4
Leaders .......................................................... 214
Learning Visual DRAW .............................. 13
Lengthening Entities up to a Point ............. 148
Limits and Extents ..................................... 8
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Line Between Two Endpoints .................. 48

Line Settings ................................................ 174
Line Weight .................................................. 224
Line With Endpoint, Direction and ......... 49
Line-Style ...................................................... 224
Lines .............................................................. 77
LISP Functions ............................................ 389
Lisp Interface ............................................... 387
List boxes ..................................................... 23
Locate UCS .................................................. 312
Marker ............................................................ 213
Marker Attributes ......................................... 226
Marker Direction .......................................... 227
Marker Scale ................................................ 227
Marker Settings ........................................... 357
Marker Tilt .................................................... 228
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Marker Type ................................................. 226

Merging a Model From a File .................. 307
Merging Curves ........................................... 160
Methods for Creating and Plotting ........ 323
Minimize, Maximize and Restore ............ 283
Mirroring Entities ......................................... 137
Miscellaneous Settings ............................... 361
Model and Environmental Settings ......... 301
Model and File Operations ....................... 306
Model and Model Files .............................. 4
Model Settings ............................................. 341
Move Window .............................................. 281
Moving Entities ............................................ 131
Multiple View Windows .............................. 275
Multiple Step Undo and Redo ..................... 305
New Window ................................................ 280
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Object Snap ................................................. 32

On-line Documentation ............................... 13
On-line Help ................................................. 23
Opening a New Model ............................... 308
Operating on Input Selection Set ............ 396
Operating on Visual DRAW Model ......... 395
Orthogonal Lines With Endpoint and ..... 50
Pan ................................................................. 293
Parameterizing and Dimensioning ........... 373
Part Libraries ............................................... 250
Part Related Operations ............................ 242
Parts .............................................................. 239
Parts in Visual DRAW ............................... 241
Pentagonal Prism ........................................ 266
Pentagonal Pyramid .................................... 264
Permanent Snap Modes ............................. 318
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Picking Entities ............................................ 41

Placing a Mark and Undo up to a ........ 305
Plot Controls ................................................ 325
Plot Transformations .................................. 326
Plotting .......................................................... 9
Plotting Drawings ........................................ 329
Plotting The Drawing ................................. 20
Plotting the Drawing Limits ...................... 323
Point Grid ..................................................... 31
Point Input .................................................... 36
Polyline .......................................................... 117
Presetting Views .......................................... 271
Print Setup ................................................... 330
Printing Drawings ........................................ 333
Quick Dimensioning .................................... 206
Reading a Model from a File ................... 306
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Reading DXF Files ...................................... 381

Reading IGES Files .................................... 383
Reading PLA and PLB Files .................... 384
Rectangle ...................................................... 118
Rectangular Array ....................................... 139
Rectangular Pyramid .................................. 263
Refresh .......................................................... 299
Refresh and Regeneration ......................... 298
Regeneration ................................................ 299
Resizing Viewports ..................................... 285
Rotate UCS ................................................... 311
Rotating Entities .......................................... 134
Running Symgen on a Template ............. 375
Running Visual DRAW ............................... 13
Scaling Entities ............................................ 136
Scene Plotting ............................................. 324
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Screen Layout .............................................. 14

Selection of the Desired Solution ........... 71
Setting and Changing Entity ................... 236
Setting Hidden Line Visibility ................... 271
Setting Intersection Checks ...................... 271
Setting the Drawing Limits ....................... 327
Setting the Scene Plot Limits .................. 328
Setting Threshold Angle ............................ 272
Setting Up Plotters and Printers ............. 333
Settings in Draw ......................................... 301
Shortening Entities at a Point ................. 147
Single Linear Dimensions ......................... 189
Size Window ................................................ 282
Skinning ........................................................ 259
Some Notes on Constraint Based .......... 77
Some Notes on Using HLE ...................... 272
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Special Editing Operations ........................ 143

Specification of Constraint Values .......... 69
Sphere ........................................................... 255
Standard Surfaces ....................................... 255
Standard Surfaces and Surfaces of ........ 253
Start Up and Termination Control ........... 44
Status Bar .................................................... 27
Stay on Top Setting ................................... 282
Steps in Constraint Based Constructi .... 67
Stretching Entities ........................................ 141
Subcommand Level Undo ......................... 304
Surface Display Settings ........................... 359
Surface of Revolution ................................ 257
Surfaces ........................................................ 253
Switching Between Multiple Windows .... 283
Symgen and Sketch ................................... 371
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Temporary Directory ................................... 45

Terminating Visual DRAW ......................... 21
Tetrahedron .................................................. 262
Text ................................................................ 210
Text Alignment ............................................ 235
Text Attributes ............................................. 231
Text Direction .............................................. 232
Text Editing .................................................. 213
Text Expansion Factor ............................... 233
Text Font ...................................................... 231
Text Fonts .................................................... 335
Text Fonts and Hatch Styles ................... 335
Text Height ................................................... 232
Text Input ..................................................... 40
Text Line Spacing Factor .......................... 234
Text Path ...................................................... 235
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Text Settings ................................................ 179

Text Settings ................................................ 360
Text Spacing Factor ................................... 234
Text Tilt ......................................................... 233
The Menu Bar .............................................. 21
Three Dimensional Line With .................. 54
Toggling the Window Title Bar ................ 282
Tolerance and Limit Settings ...................... 183
Toolboxes and Icons .................................. 22
Torus ............................................................. 257
Tracing Over Construction Geometry ..... 120
Translate UCS .............................................. 310
Triangular Prism .......................................... 266
Trimming Entities ........................................ 156
Tube ............................................................... 256
Turning Undo OFF ...................................... 306
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Types of Dimensions ................................. 164

UCS Follow .................................................. 315
UCS Manipulation ........................................ 310
UCS Style ..................................................... 314
UCS View ...................................................... 290
Undo .............................................................. 12
Undo Interactions ........................................ 304
Undo Operations ......................................... 302
Undo1 and Redo1 ....................................... 305
Units .............................................................. 34
Units, Formats and Precision Settings .. 184
Utilities .......................................................... 301
Vector Input ................................................. 40
Vertical and Horizontal Lines ................... 90
Vertical Line With Endpoint and ............ 52
View Combinations and Layout ............... 278
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

View Related Operations ........................... 284

View Windows and Views ......................... 4
Viewbox ......................................................... 276
Viewing and Display ................................... 275
Viewing Facilities of Visual DRAW ......... 279
Views ............................................................. 277
Visual DRAW Startup and Termination .. 44
Wedge ............................................................ 262
Weight to Width Mapping ......................... 325
What is Constraint Based Constructio ... 64
Why Constraint Based Construction ? ... 65
Window and View Picking ........................ 280
Window Related Operations ...................... 279
Work Scale ................................................... 34
Work Scale ................................................... 318
Working with Visual DRAW ...................... 20
- Visual Draw - - Back to STAAD/Pro ->

Writing a Model to a File ......................... 307

Writing DXF Files ........................................ 385
Writing IGES Files ...................................... 386
Zoom and Pan Operations ........................ 291
Zoom-in ......................................................... 291
Zoom-out ....................................................... 293
Zooming to Required Scale on the ....... 296
Zooming to the Drawing Limits ............... 295
Zooming to the Model Extents ................ 294
Zooming to True Size on the Screen .... 295

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