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Cholesterol is a soft, fat-like substance found in the bloodstream and in all your body's cells.

Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL or 'bad') cholesterol
can join with fats and other substances to build up in the inner walls of your arteries. The arteries
can become clogged and narrow, and blood flow is reduced. High-density lipoprotein (HDL or
'good') carries harmful cholesterol away from the arteries and helps protect you from heart attack
and stroke.

9 Unknown High Cholesterol Symptoms!

1. Loose stools
2. Chronic poor appetite or lack of appetite
3. Tiredness or fatigue
4. Poor memory, depression, excessive emotions and or drop in memory
5. Excess weight gain (sensation of body heaviness)
6. Masses in the body, such as bumps, and moles
7. Chest and stomach distension
8. Aching pain (felt at particular parts; an example headache or knee/back pain)
9. Heart pain/palpitations

Have few high cholesterol risk factor and symptoms, then you need high cholesterol diagnosis.

Why high cholesterol patients have loose stool?

Fat metabolism problems are due to digestion, absorption, and or stool consistency disturbance.

Why high cholesterol patients have lack of appetite?

Improper food digestion stays longer in the intestinal tract. This delay makes you feel fullness
and lack of appetite.

Why high cholesterol patients have tiredness or fatigue?

Chronic improper digestion absorption causes low energy. Due to lack of needed energy, high
cholesterol individuals experiencing tiredness or fatigue.

Why high cholesterol patients develop memory-drop, depression or emotions?

The brain contains 25% of the total cholesterol in the body. The brain contains more cholesterol
than any other organ. Clinical study shows cholesterol metabolism defect linked with
Alzheimer’s disease & other neurodegenerative conditions. Study shows depression, memory
loss & emotions linked with high LDL-C or low HDL-C.

Why high-cholesterol patients have lumps (bumps & moles) in the body?

Improper fat metabolism leads to the formation of fatty moles or deposits called lipomas. This
lipoma develops between the muscle and skin. They can develop at any age (mostly late 30s and
40s). Usually develops in the abdominal region, neck, legs and arms. Some with high cholesterol
may develop moles in different parts of the body.

Why high cholesterol patients gain excessive weight?

Improper fat metabolism leads to unusual lipid storage mostly in the abdominal region. Thus,
people with high cholesterol gains excess weight.

Why high cholesterol patients experience chest or stomach distension?

Improper digestion causes excess gas in the intestinal tract. This excess gas leads to chest and
stomach distension.

Why high cholesterol patients experience pains (headache, knee, or back)?

High cholesterol causes plaque. Plaque are not only in the heart but also arteries in the
extremities. Plaque leads to low circulation and nutrient supply to the extremities causing aching

Why high cholesterol patients experience heart pain or palpitations?

Even a minimal plaque formation in any parts of the body can lower blood flow and nutrient
supply. The heart works hard to restore normal blood flow causing pain or palpitation.

How about fat from vegetables?

Has The Fat Content

Not only animals that contain fat. Vegetables are also there in its own fat. Its function is very
good for cleaning your blood cholesterol. The highest fat found in bean sprouts made from soy
beans due to reach 2% of their subjects.

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