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Leave & Attendence Monitoring

System Using Fingerprint


Abstract :
Aim :

The aim of this project is to provide a reliable, secure, fast and an efficient system
that automates whole process of taking attendance and maintaining its records in
an organization replacing a manual and unreliable system. The system provides a
time and attendance application that includes a biometric solution to provide
additional security and more accurate records .

Process :

This system takes attendance electronically with the help of a fingerprint sensor
and all the records are saved on a computer server.

Leave & Attendance System maintains the attendance and leave details of

This system operates as follows

1. Individual places his or her finger on the fingerprint scanner

2. Fingerprint is scanned and the image is received

3. The image is stored in memory

4. A fingerprint identification algorithm analyzes the scanned image and a

fingerprint identification model is created.

5. The fingerprint identification model is stored in memory

6. The fingerprint identification model is transmitted to the computer server via

network cabling

7. The fingerprint is verified in the server database as valid or not valid

8 If the user is authenticated and authorized to commence work, the server records
the user ID, date, time and remote access station ID., and the server transmits an
acceptance code to the remote access station, where after an acceptance message
is displayed on the visual display for five seconds

9. If the user is authenticated but is not authorized, the server records the user ID,
date, time and remote access station I.D., and the server transmits a rejection code
to the remote access station, which rejection is indicated on the visual display

10. If the user is not registered with the system (e.g. no biometric sample on file),
the server records date, time and remote access station I.D., and the server
transmits a rejection code to the remote access station

11. After either event 8, 9, or 10, the remote station returns to a default mode
wherein the station is ready for the next fingerprint scan

Description :

This system has 2 sub systems :

1. employee subsystem
 Employee Log in and log out
 Compensatory off
 Leave Application
 Employee Leave Approval
 View Leave Balance
 Monthly Attendance Report
2. administration (H.R) subsystem
 Leave Eligibility
 Monthly Attendance
 Daily Absent Report

Employee subsystem :

 Employee Log in and log out :

Employees record their in and out times at the beginning and the
end of each day. Any exceptions (time-in or time-out record not
present for the previous day) are highlighted when employee logs
in on the next day. Employee can enter a justification for the
exception and it is forwarded to supervisor for approval

 Compensatory off :

When an employee works on a holiday or works overtime on a

working day, he/she can apply for a compensatory off. The
duration of comp-off will depend on the extra time worked by the
employee and is subject to approval by supervisor. The comp off
time can be banked for a maximum of 30 days

• Leave Application
Based on the availability of leave, employee can apply for
leave online. Several categories of leave are supported and
the following business rules govern each type of leave.

 Casual leave: Can not be availed for more than one day at
a time. Unused leave expires at the end of leave year

 Privilege leave: Should be for a minimum of two days.

Upto 5 days of privilege leave can be carried into next year.

 Sick leave : Can not be applied for a future date. Upto 5

days of sick leave can be carried into next year.

 Compensatory off : Can be taken only if comp-off balance

is available. All leaves and comp offs will require
supervisor’s approval.

 Employee Leave Approval :

All leave applied for has to be approved by the employee’s


Approval or rejection is communicated to the employee by email

1. View Leave Balance

Employee can view their eligibility and leave balance against each
type of leave. Details of the leave utilized in the current leave year
can also be enquired upon
2. Monthly Attendance Report
Employee can query on their attendance for a given period

Administration subsystem :
This module handles the administrative functions of the system and is used

by the HR department .

o Leave Eligibility
HR will enter the leave eligibility of each employee, for each type of
leave, at the beginning of each leave year. The leave eligibility will be
calculated based on the annual entitlement and the carry forward from
prior year.
o Monthly Attendance
HR can generate a monthly attendance report of all employees in the
o Daily absent report:admin can view the total number of absentees of a
particular department for a given day. They can also enquire on the
attendance history of an individual employee in a particular month.

Roles and Responsibilities :

 This system provides a cost effective access control and time and
attendance system that provides full biometric capabilities without
requiring an overabundance of computer hardware or software..

 No need of all the stationary material and special personal for

keeping the records
 It replaces the manual system .
 The system calculates the number of working days and the number
of absent days and provides inputs to the payroll department.
 System caters to multiple types of leave (casual, privilege, sick
etc.) and provides workflow for approval of leave applications.
Employees can check their own leave and attendance records
 This system will save time, reduce the amount of work the
administration has to do and will replace the stationery material
with electronic apparatus.
 It regularly updates the record and automatically calculate the
percentage of days attended..
 Employees can check their own leave and attendance records

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