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Journal of Food Protection, Vol. 48, No. 1, Pages 11-15 (January 1985)
CopyrighMntemational Association of Milk, Food, and Environmental Sanitarians

Aflatoxin Conversion by Dairy Cattle

Consuming Naturally-Contaminated Whole Cottonseed1

Department of Nutrition and Food Science, The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721, Office of the Arizona State Chemist, Mesa, Arizona,
Cooperative Extension Service, University of Arizona, Phoenix, Arizona 85040, Triple G Dairies, Tolleson, Arizona and United Dairymen of Arizona,
Mesa, Arizona and Arizona Farm Bureau, Phoenix, Arizona

(Received for publication April 2, 1984)

ABSTRACT in feedlots because of its low cost and ready availability.

Whole cottonseed may comprise as much as 15% or more
Whole cottonseed determined to have aflatoxin B, (AFB,)
of the total diet, while cottonseed meal is rarely fed at
levels of 5, 31, 104, 280, and 560 jxg/kg was fed as 15% of
the total dairy ration to a commercial herd of 90 grade Holstein levels exceeding 5% (7).
dairy cattle for 70 d. Milk from the bulk tank was sampled Federal and state regulation of aflatoxin-contaminated
either daily or after each milking and analyzed for aflatoxin cottonseed has restricted its feeding to lactating animals
M] (AFM,). The ratio for AFB, in the dairy ration to AFM, to that containing less than 20 |xg/kg (2(9). Since cotton-
in the milk averaged 75 to 1 under conditions and at levels seed meal comprises a small percentage of a ration, ani-
tested with no consistent relation to the level of AFBj in the mals will ingest only a low level in the total ration. Re-
feed. Approximately 1.6% conversion occurred during the cently, the federal action level for aflatoxin-contaminated
steady state of consumption and secretion. The federal action cottonseed meal was raised to 300 |xg/kg when it is used
level of 0.5 p-g AFM^L of milk would be produced by cows as a feed ingredient in rations of beef, swine, and poultry
consuming a ration containing 15% whole cottonseed contami- (10). This change has no effect on regulation of the use
nated with approximately 250 p-g AFB]/kg.
of whole cottonseed in the rations of any animal nor on
the feeding of dairy animals.
Regulation of aflatoxin-contaminated cottonseed meal Because whole cottonseed may comprise a significant
and whole cottonseed used for livestock rations continues portion of a livestock ration and because contaminated
to be under reviewed by state and federal agencies. Af- whole cottonseed may inadvertently enter dairy rations,
latoxin, the carcinogenic mold metabolite, can be found a decision has not yet been made on any change in the
in cottonseed grown in Southwestern irrigated areas at federal action level for this commodity. Inadvertent or
levels which exceed those presently permitted in dairy ra- deliberate inclusion of cottonseed intended for livestock
tions (9). only into rations intended for dairy cows may occur in
A considerable portion of the cottonseed remains spite of rigorous regulation. To prevent production of
whole, to be used in ways other than crushing. At pre- milk contaminated with AFMi at levels greater than 0.5
sent, dairymen throughout the Western states routinely |xg/L, it is necessary to establish the feed-through ratio
add both cottonseed and cottonseed meal to dairy rations. of aflatoxin on a large number of high-producing cows
Whole, lint-covered cottonseed has been recognized as a being fed naturally-contaminated whole cottonseed with
valuable dairy supplement because of its relatively low more accuracy than presently exists. Dairymen, cotton
cost, high energy value, and its ability to maintain growers, livestock feed producers and regulators would
milkfat levels in milk from high-producing dairy cows benefit by being able to have a better idea about the
consuming large amounts of concentrate. In addition, it levels of aflatoxin-contaminated cottonseed which can be
has been used for many years as a feed for beef cattle permitted in the dairy ration.
Studies designed to establish the amount of an ingested
dose of aflatoxin B] (AFBj) that could be expected to
Arizona Agriculture Experiment Station Journal Article Number 188. be excreted as its mono-hydroxylated derivative, aflatoxin
University of Arizona, Tucson.
M, (AFM,) into milk found that the conversion varied
Office of Arizona State Chemist.
University of Arizona. Phoenix from 0.2 to 3.2% (19). In most previously published
'Triple G Dairies and United Dairymen of Arizona. studies, the number of animals was limited because of
Arizona Farm Bureau. the costs of the animals and of the contaminated milk,



and they were usually low producers because of their ad- Analysis of other feed ingredients
The dairy ration prepared on-site consisted of barley, hominy, molas-
vanced stages of lactation (5). It has been postulated that
ses, beet pulp, wheat bran, corn silage, alfalfa hay, a cottonseed meal-
high producing cows are more likely to secrete a greater based vitamin and mineral supplement and the whole cottonseed lots
amount of AFM, into their milk because of a more rapid later described. Samples of each ingredient were ground with a Bauer
metabolic rate (6,21). The one large-scale study which mill to pass through a 20-mesh screen and were sent to all three labora-
may have given information on feed-through of aflatoxin tories for analysis by their respective methods for cottonseed analysis.
from naturally-contaminated cottonseed at a commercial
Composition of the dairy herd
dairy, suffered because of difficulty in accurately deter-
Ninety grade Holstein dairy cows representing all ages from 2 to
mining AFBj levels in the dairy ration (77). 9 years and in all stages of lactation through 215 d post-partum were
The purpose of this study was to establish the extent selected at random from those at a dairy of 1200 cows. Cows were
to which AFM! is excreted into the milk of a large placed in a typical dry lot dairy corral for 10 d before the experiment
for in-herd adjustment. Medical records were available and the cows
number of cows which have been fed to ration containing
were observed routinely throughout the experiment by a veterinarian.
15% whole cottonseed which had been naturally-contami-
nated with AFB] at different levels, under conditions rep- Feeding schedule
resentative of commercial scale and practice. The entire dairy ration was placed in the feed bunker. This included
Because of the recurrent nature of the contamination the whole cottonseed which was incorporated in an amount equal to
and the problems associated with regulating the resultant 15% of the total dry matter of the ration. The daily ration for each
animal consisted of the following:
milk, meat and other animal by-products, this study was
commissioned and supported by state educational, health, Mineral and vitamin supplement
industrial and regulatory institutions to further explore the (cottonseed meal-based) 1.32 kg 2.91 lb
effects of aflatoxin as it relates to its pass-through charac- Cracked barley 2.66 5.86
teristics. Corn hominy 2.05 4.52
Molasses 1.1 2.4
Wheat bran 2.3 5
MATERIALS AND METHODS Dried beet pulp 1.8 4
Alfalfa hay 7.3 16
Cottonseed procurement and preparation Corn silage 7.3 16
Whole cottonseed was donated by an Arizona oilseed crushing com- Whole cottonseed 3.6 8
pany. An attmept to locate cottonseed contaminated with AFB, at ap- Total 29 kg 64 lb
proximately the desired levels was made by first using records of the
company's original analyses and segregation of the seed when it entered Since the concentrate portion and the cottonseed were completely
from the gin. Samples were taken from the selected piles using a Prob- consumed, cleaning of the feed bunkers was limited to every-other-day
A-Vac pneumatic grain sampler (Cargill, Minneapolis, MN) and sampl- removal of alfalfa stems.
ing techniques described in the State of Arizona Feed Regulation R3-3- After the 10-d adjustment period, cows were given successively
53 (4). higher then lower levels of aflatoxin in the ration, according to the
A minimum of 7.5 kg (30 lb) was dehulled using a Bauer disc mill following schedule:
set at about 3-mm clearance. The meats were separated from the hulls Days 1-10 5 u.g/kg in cottonseed, 0.8 ^g/kg n feed
and lint by passing the milled seed across a shaker table perforated Days 11 -20 31 u.g/kg in cottonseed, 5.6 jig/kg n feed
with 5-mm (diameter) holes. Both portions were weighed, and the Days 21-32 104 u.g/kg in cottonseed, 18 ^g/kg n feed
meats were ground with another Bauer mill to pass a 20-mesh (U.S. Days 33-42 280 u.g/kg in cottonseed, 48 jig/kg n feed
Standard) screen. The entire ground meat portion was mixed thoroughly Days 43-52 560 u.g/kg in cottonseed, 94 ^ig/kg n feed
and passed through a divider to be split into four equal portions for Days 53-62 157 u.g/kg in cottonseed, 27 jig/kg n feed
distribution to each of the laboratories doing the aflatoxin analyses; one Days 61-70 8 n-g/kg in cottonseed, 0.8 ^g/kg n feed
was retained for future reference.
After levels of aflatoxin were determined, 5-ton lots from the selected Dry matter of all feed ingredients with the exception of the corn
piles were transported to the dairy farm where the study was to be silage was calculated as 90%. Dry matter of the silage was calculated
done. They were stored on concrete under cover but with natural air as 40%. This gave a total of 21.8 kg (48 lb) of dry matter in the
circulation. Sampling, sample preparation and analysis were carried out ration. The aflatoxin levels in the total ration were calculated by deter-
as before on the lots after delivery to the dairy farm. mining the amount of AFB| in both the cottonseed and the supplement
Analysis of aflatoxin in cottonseed and calculating its equivalent in 21.8 kg.
Laboratory A. Analysis for aflatoxins was by the Association of Offi-
cial Analytical Chemists (AOAC) method 26.A01-26.A08 for TLC (2) Milk sampling
with the following modifications: aluminum chloride-zinc acetate was Cows were milked twice daily; the combined milk was cooled to
used in place of lead acetate; chloroform rather than methylene chloride 4°C in a refrigerated bulk tank in which it was stored until samples
was used for partitioning; the chloroform was passed directly through were taken. The milk was agitated for 10 min before sampling with
a chromatographic column containing 4% deactivated alumina and silica a 225-ml glass container. Samples were collected initially once daily
gel; and the thin layer plates were developed with a tank solvent of in the morning during the first 25 d, but problems developed with freez-
toluene:ethyl acetate:formic acid (6:3:1) (v:v:v). ing milk which was stored overnight, so separate samples were col-
Laboratory B. Analysis was by the AOAC method for aflatoxins in lected twice daily from the morning and evening milkings throughout
cottonseed, 26.A01-26.A04, using the TLC method of quantitation. The the remainder of the trial. For protection against microbial activity, 4
method was modified by inclusion of a hexane wash of the acetone ml of a solution of 15 mg of sodium azide/ml was added to each liter
extract to remove the fat before chloroform extraction. No column of milk for preservation of the sample which was sent to Laboratory
cleanup was done before TLC. Z. Evening samples were stored at 4° overnight. After morning samples
Laboratory C. Analysis for aflatoxins was by the AOAC method, were taken, both samples were placed on ice and transported im-
26.A01-26.A08, for HPLC with a Waters, Inc. HPLC using a 10-^M mediately to the laboratories for analysis. Transportation to Laboratories
Partisil column. X and Y required less than 1 h and to Laboratory Z about 6 h.



Aflatoxin Mi analysis The mean value of all analyses of a specific lot was then
Laboratory X. When received, milk samples were placed into a re- used for calculation.
frigerator at 4°C. Analyses were performed on a weekly basis with
AOAC method 26.090-26.094 for AFM, using TLC visual comparison Analytical results of different lots are shown in Table
and estimation (2). 1. Some of the lots did not meet the specifications and
Laboratory' Y. Milk was analyzed daily along with the cooperative's were discarded. The original thought was to feed cotton-
quality control samples using AOAC method 26.A10-26.A14 for
HPLC. Analysis was done on 20-JJ.I portions of the sample extracts.
seed contaminated with AFB, at 0, 20, 100, 300, 1000,
Percent recovery was determined by adding known amounts of AFM, 300, and 0 (xg/kg as 15% of the dairy ration. It was ex-
in acetonitrile:benzene (10:90) to aflatoxin-free milk. pected that the stepwise increase of AFB! in the ration
Laboratory Z. Milk was stored overnight at 4°C and analyzed daily would minimize the time to reach the constant conversion
except for weekends. AOAC method 26.A10-26.A14 was used. TLC rate at each level, and a 10-d feeding period at each level
development was for 8 cm using ether:methanol:water (95:4:1) as a de-
would provide sufficient samples for statistical evalua-
veloping solvent. Confirmation of AFM, identity was by AOAC method
26.A16. Percent recovery was determined by spiking aflatoxin-free milk tion. By comparing results near the end of the test with
with known amounts of AFM| in acetonitrile:benzene (10:90). those at the beginning of the test, we hoped to have an
indication of the effect of feeding high levels of AFB,
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION upon the rate of metabolic conversion. The average levels
of AFB, in the lots of cottonseed selected were 5, 31,
Dairy herd 104, 280, 560, 157, and 5 (xg/kg.
On days 11, 29, 41, and 43 it was necessary to remove The factor which was surprising is that the salt and
individual animals from the herd because of mastitis or mineral mix had 15 (xg AFB,/kg. Cottonseed meal had
hardware disease. They were not replaced. Total feed ra- been added as filler. It was necessary to include this in
tions to the herd were adjusted accordingly. Average the total aflatoxin consumed during the experiment.
daily milk production of the entire period was 27.7 L (60
lb) per animal. The 8% decrease in milk production (av- Milk analysis
erage of 28.4 to 26.1 L) per animal over the 70 d of the Each of the laboratories which was asked to analyze
lactation period was considered to be normal according milk samples had several years of experience in AFM,
to Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) records. analysis. One was regulatory, one was commercial and
DHIA records kept on all individual cows showed no the other was research. Before this experiment, numerous
aberrations from previous lactations. check samples consisting of naturally-contaminated milk
had been distributed regularly to each of the laboratories
Procurement of aflatoxin-contaminated cottonseed. as part of in-state quality control.
One of the major problems in feeding a naturally-con- In this experiment, examination of the results of AFM,
taminated feed has always been the difficulty in determin- analysis indicate that the results from laboratories Z and
ing the exact amount of aflatoxin that is in the experi- Y have a correlation of 0.96 with each other and a corre-
mental feed. Cottonseed has the same spotty distribution lation of 0.98 with changes in levels of the AFB, fed.
of contamination that has been seen in peanuts and in The results from laboratory X have serious anomalies;
corn (27). Some investigators have attempted to avoid when levels would be expected to be highest, they are
this problem by feeding known amounts of pure aflato- only moderate; when they would be expected to be de-
xin. This, we believe, is an artificial situation which does creasing, they suddenly rise. Whereas laboratories Z and
not duplicate what will be seen under commercial condi- Y analyzed daily, and laboratory Z had sodium azide
tions. In this study, we attempted to determine, as far added as a preservative because of the 72-h holding
as possible, the true levels of aflatoxin in all groups by period over the weekends, laboratory X held samples
first selecting a portion of cottonseed, which had been from several days to 2 weeks at times until personnel
analyzed by the oil mill has having approximately the de- were available from other analytical duties for these
sired AFB, concentration. After analysis on-site, trans- analyses. In addition, in an international check sample
portation to the dairy farm, resampling and reanalysis, program involving more than 80 laboratories, the official
the cottonseed was used as a feed ingredient only if the AOAC method used by laboratory X has recently been
coefficient of variation of all analyses was less than 25%. shown to give the poorest reproducibility of all official

TABLE 1. Aflatoxin B] (\x,glkg) in lots of whole cottonseed included as 15% of the dairy ration.
Desired Control Lab A LabB LabC Average
levels number TLC TLC HPLC AFB,
0 482 6 5 5 5
20 466 32 28 34 31
100 467 103 100 108 104
300 492 213 265 361 280
1000 496 539 705 435 560
300 709 157 160 153 157
Mineral mix 483 16 15 Missing 16



methods tested (77). Laboratory X also reported values would be the p.g of AFM, excreted daily in the milk
less than 0.1 jxg/L as less than 0.1 ji-g/L rather than try and X would be the jxg of AFB, consumed daily by the
to estimate the value. This is a satisfactory system for animal. If values from the initial and final 10-d periods
regulation but not for statistical evaluation. (where analysis was close to detection limits for both
Because of the difficulty in trying to assign values to AFB, and AFM,) were excluded from the calculations,
those reported as "less than" a certain value, and be- the regression equation (Y = -.0025 + .0162X,
cause of the reported variations in the analytical methods r2 = 0.955, n = 41) was the result. If values from day 3
used, the results from laboratory X were excluded from were excluded (to allow more time for equilibrium to
estimation of the level of AFM, in the milk. Figure 1 occur), the equation was Y=.0069 + .0162, ^ = . 9 6 4 ,
shows the levels of AFB, in the cottonseed and the n = 36. The slopes and intercepts of these regression equ-
AFM, found in the milk over the course of the experi- ations were not significantly different. The high correla-
ment. tion coefficients support the results of earlier research
Calculation of AFB, infeed-AFM, in milk ratio showing a linear relationship between AFB, consumption
Two different methods may be used to calculate the and AFM, excretion (14). In this instance, however, be-
ratio of AFB, in the feed to AFM, in the milk. Both cause the data were sequentially obtained, the day-to-day
are useful for different purposes. regression observations may be somewhat inflated (75).
To calculate the percentage of AFB, that was con- An attempt to verify autocorrelation gave inconclusive re-
verted to AFM, and excreted in the milk, the total sults (8).
amount of AFM, produced each day by all cows was The slopes and intercepts of these equations are differ-
divided by the total AFB, consumed daily and a regres- ent from those of Mertens et al. (14) who used data of
sion equation of these two factors was calculated. To all previous tests where steady state of excretion was at-
allow for biological equilibrium to occur, the average of tained. The present study would predict significantly
AFM | values obtained from only days 3-10 of each feed- higher levels of AFM, excretion than would either their
ing period were used. The resulting regression equation average regression equation, Y = -515 + .0091X,
was Y=.0055 + .0159X, r2 = 0.962, n = 55 where Y r ^ 0.976, n = 20, or that which they called the higher




5 ppb in 31 ppb in 104 ppb in 2 8 0 ppb in 560 ppb in 157 ppb in 8 ppb in
.90 - cottonseed cottonseed cottonseed cottonseed cottonseed cottonseed cottonseed

* .80
^ .70
— .60
D_ .30

.20 -

.10 -

.01 111 Jjlll

10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 30 I 5 10


Figure 1. Aflatoxin M, in milk of cows fed a dairy ration containing 15% whole cottonseed naturally-contaminated with differ
levels of aflatoxin Bh



excretion rate equation, Y = -6.11 = .0102, r 2 =.999. reau, Anderson Clayton and Co., Producers Cotton Oil, Acme Gin
Under the conditions of our study, more AFB, was con- Company, Arizona Cotton Growers Association, Pima County Farm Bu-
reau, Chandler Ginning Company, United Dairymen of Arizona, Triple
verted to AFM, than would have been expected (1.6%
G Dairies, Office of the Arizona State Chemist, Arizona State Agricul-
vs 0.91%). tural Laboratories, Arizona Department of Health Services, and the
One of the explanations for these differences may be Arizona State Dairy Commissioner. Appreciation goes to Dr. Thomas
that in naturally-contaminated products, more aflatoxin is Russell, Karen Jorgensen, Michael Billotte, Janet Bessey, Mary Keefer,
absorbed through the digestive system. However, our re- and Robert Magnenat for sample collection, preparation and analysis
and to Drs. Robert Keuhl and B. L. Reid for statistical interpretations.
sults are between the average of 0.69 and 2.2% found
by investigators feeding naturally-contaminated peanut
meal (1,16). REFERENCES
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