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From the perspective of the collaborative methodology that opens space for active learning to
solve problems, propose solutions, negotiate and stimulate critical thinking, the Program of
Excellence in Basic Education (PEBE) institutional extension activity, takes place since 2014 in
the Center of Higher Education of Maringá (UNICESUMAR). In line with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), also known as Global Goals (PEBEs), in its implementation, it
makes efforts in responding how aspects related to school management and identified with the
teacher, family, and organized civil society can impact on school performance and on the quality
of basic education in the city public network. Focusing specifically on the fourth objective of the
(SDGs) that seeks quality education, (PEBE) currently serves 26 municipalities in the northwest
region of Paraná. There are 75 schools that investigate the level of learning of students of 5 th
grade and the management of the school unit in the pedagogical, administrative and
relationship with the internal and external community. The work contents are led by
collaborating professors and 188 students from different undergraduate courses at
UNICESUMAR. Given this context and in this specific work, we intend to report how it is
possible to give students, from different undergraduate courses, the opportunity to improve their
knowledge through collaborative learning in an extension program. The methodology adopted
was that of exploratory research with the direct involvement of the researcher. The interpretation
of the results was considered qualitative considering the proposed objective and the public
served. The involvement of undergraduate students in this extension activity favored the
development of their cognitive and social skills, the search for knowledge, teaching and learning
that placed them in the position of responsible for their learning.
Keywords: Extension Program; Collaborative Learning; Quality Education.



The teacher when thinking his/her planning and how to conduct the process of
teaching-learning needs to consider that the education is conceived inside and
outside the bounds of the school. That the student when he arrives in the school
space already brings with him a cultural and knowledge baggage. Pedrosa
(2007) emphasizes that the teaching-learning process is when the student acts
as the protagonist of his/her formation, a critical subject, an active processor of
social reality.
When one has the opportunity to reflect the theory from practical actions, this
approximation of the subject with the real favors the restructuring of his/her
thought and understanding of the complexity of what is being studied. The
teacher's way of acting and the strategies are of utmost importance for learning,
both for the student and for him/herself. The teacher as articulator can use
many possibilities linking teaching, research and extension, understanding that
the educational process is centered on social interaction and mediation.
In this respect Periotto and Jacovazzo (2005) emphasize that the university
environment, when proposing extension activities, enables the interdisciplinary
feature of the studies. In the academic space where the professional training of
the student happens, the opportunities for the experience of the tripod teaching,
research and extension are more evident having each one its weight. However,
it is in the activity of extension that the contact with the real and the interaction
with the social is achieved.
It is through extension activities that teaching and research complete each other
in the search and construction of knowledge favoring teachers and students
involved, say Periotto and Jacovazzo (2005). This possibility of approaching the
community outside the academic space is a great opportunity to exchange
experience and prove the theory. Teachers, students and the community served
interact in an efficient way of teaching-learning from the real practice.


Collaborative learning is a possible methodology to be adopted in different

contexts that aim at the involvement and active participation of the students
favoring the exchange of experience. In the traditional methodology, as pointed
by (TAPSCOOT, 2010, p.160). "[...] the teacher was the wise man and should
pass on knowledge to the students, who, grateful, had to write down the words
of the sage and reproduce them in exams"
In the context of the collaborative activity, there is no subdivision into
independent parts to carry it out. All participants contribute and engage in tasks
with one goal. This combined involvement ensures that the information shared
during the questioning and discussion is available to all involved being possible
to observe the relevance of its contribution and its meaning to the one who
offered it and its representation to the group.
Regarding collaborative learning, it is evident that in this methodology the
construction of knowledge has as its source the interaction and autonomy of
those involved, both teacher and student and the community that is benefited

The universe surveyed contemplates 75 schools of the public public network of
basic education in 26 municipalities belonging to the northwest region of
Paraná. Those involved are 7674 from the 5 th grade, the principal, pedagogue,
teacher and other school staff, families and organized civil society. This is an
exploratory research, since there will be the direct involvement of the
researcher. As for the procedures, it is characterized as a field research, as it
uses different resources such as action-research for data collection. (MARCONI
and LAKATOS: 2011). Regarding the approach, this is a qualitative research
considering the proposed objective and the public served.
As for the means, different actions were carried out involving 188 students from
the following courses: Master on Knowledge Management, Specialization in
School Management, Logistics Management, Internet Systems, Psychology,
Civil Engineering, Nursing, Public Management, Law, Physiotherapy,
Accounting, Biomedicine, Human Resources, Administration and Pedagogy of
The actions performed by the students under the supervision of their teachers
were: field research to identify the problems and deficiencies found in the
schools served; application of a structured questionnaire; preparation and
application of an assessment of Portuguese and mathematics; training
workshops for the director, pedagogues, teachers, other school staff; families
and organized civil society.
As atividades envolveram levantamento de dados, diagnóstico, organização de
The activities involved data collection, diagnosis, organization of thematic
workshops and training lectures, preparation of reports, interpretation and
discussion of information. This contact with the investigated public, schools,
families and representatives of organized civil society has promoted a rich
laboratory of experiences for students.

Results and implications

Created in 2014 by the UNESUMAR Program of Excellence in Basic Education

(PEBE) extension activity that has the proposal of investigating how the
management of school, teacher, family and organized civil society can impact
the development of quality education of the city public network has been
showing itself as a suitable space for collaborative learning.

From its foundation until this moment (PEBE) in the execution of its actions,
relies on the involvement of teachers from different areas of knowledge and
their students. In this respect, Periotto-Corredato and Vicente (2017, p. 426)
agree that "[...] quality education is a right of everyone and can not be
understood as a neutral and isolated an elemento. It is built, considering public
policy in all spheres, the actors involved and along to them their personal and
social interests."
The study universe attended by PEBE is of 26 municipalities in 75 school units
of the city public education network, specifically the 5 th grade and all of them
that make up the cast of professionals who work in the school, the director,
pedagogue, teacher, support staff, as well as the family and organized civil
society, which play a key role in the success of basic education.
In 2015, in the search for answers that could contribute to quality education for
all as listed in the (SDGs), the (PEBE) gave opportunities for reflection and
shared learning among 188 UNICESUMAR students in the following courses:
Master on Knowledge Management, Specialization in School Management,
Logistics Management, Internet Systems, Psychology, Civil Engineering,
Nursing, Public Management, Law, Physiotherapy, Accounting, Biomedicine,
Human Resources, Administration and Pedagogy and their teachers.
The participation of these students took place from the beginning of the
activities of the (PEBE) and continues until the moment alternating groups,
courses and actions. The activities already carried out and that enabled
collaborative learning, occurred with the application of the evaluation books to
find out the level of knowledge in mathematics and Portuguese plus a
socioeconomic questionnaire for 7674 students of the 5 th grade, with the
participation of students from the Management in Logistics course.
The contribution of the group was very promising, because facing such
responsibility, after arguing among their peers, they turned to a course teacher
to validate their decisions. This teacher rescued the theory and challenged them
to find an optimized solution for the distribution of materials and typing the data.
It is worth noting here interesting moments in which some of them, when
presenting their proposals, recognized that they would only succeed if there
was the complement of the suggestion of another member of the group. At the
end, this group presented two proposals named as belonging to the group and it
was the responsibility of the PEBE coordinators to decide to save time or fuel.
When conducting the execution of one of the accepted proposals, it was clear
the readiness, self-reliance and maturity with the activity. They were clear that if
any step failed the whole would be compromised. Students of the Management
course in Human Resources and Administration courses organized the teams
that would apply and collect the material accounted for the expenses and which
procedures to present them. Some students, on their own initiative, have
volunteered to take on some of their functions by getting ahead of the process.
Timely following the same proposed script for the evaluation notebooks, the
directors, pedagogues and teachers of each school also responded to a
socioeconomic questionnaire that was under the responsibility of another group.
After the application of the instruments for data collection, at closing time of that
stage, the coordinators of the (PEBE) in promoted an enlarged meeting. They
were able to listen to the individual manifestations and considerations of the
teams that were formed. There was a sense of unit, different from that of when
they began. They felt part of the (PEBE) and even rehearsed some
interpretations regarding the experienced context.
The data typing phase, a new formatting of teams was presented and it was
reformulated from the performance and commitment to the work that required a
set of requests needed for that activity. At the end of this stage, the coordinators
of the (PEBE) presented the new actions that were: devolutive and diagnostic,
organization of thematic workshops and training lectures, preparation of reports,
interpretation and discussion of information. All of them had the participation of
the students guided by teachers of the courses involved.
The collective construction of knowledge occurs from the moment the student is
in the stage of maturity to contribute and receive in an active process of
intellectual development. Participating in extension activities is to provide
opportunities for cognitive autonomy and social interaction, characteristics of
collaborative learning.
The (PEBE) by opening space for the collective construction of knowledge in its
execution, provoked the participants to seek theoretical and informational
instrumentation to fill their own learning gaps and to respond to the group's
need. They have been challenged to self-evaluate as citizens, students and
future professionals with the capacity to create and enjoy a responsible and
sustainable future.
Contact with the outside community, schools, families and representatives of
organized civil society, and involvement with extension activities as a whole,
promoted a rich laboratory of experiences. Although there is a diversity of areas
of knowledge, the integration of knowledge following the collaborative
methodology, in view of the panorama of the basic education of the city network
found in the researched field, the students participating became involved with
the project and with the group. They sought theoretical and informational
instrumentalization to fill the learning gap and to respond to the group's need.
They were provoked to self-evaluate as citizens, students and professionals
with the capacity to create and enjoy a responsible and sustainable future.


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