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Beyond the Known I

January 3, 2018

Now, ask yourselves these questions. “Am I willing to learn? Am I willing to go beyond

what I have been taught, what I have agreed to thus far, what may be claimed by me in a higher

octave? Am I willing to learn beyond the trust I have had in the known world, the articles of faith

that have been given to me, the ways of deciding what is what and what can be.” Are you willing

to learn what may be claimed in a higher way beyond what you have thought possible?

If the answer is yes, we are here to teach you and to bring you forth to an awareness of

who you truly are beyond the known, beyond the identified, beyond what has been claimed for

you or by you in history. We are teaching you what you are, the manifestation of the Divine in

form—not who, but what. And the clarity that comes with what, the re-identification of form

itself as of God, clarifies your experience in embodiment beyond what you have believed

possible. The identification, “I am the Divine Self,” is the predecessor to this teaching, and we

will take you there in increments, those of you who are new, and invite you forth to a new

experience of embodiment and the clarification of identity that can begin to be held by one who

knows what he is, the Divine in form.

Not one of you here, nor the man before you, knows what he is. You believe you are

what you were, what you were taught to be. The heritage you claim in form and field is a limited

field supporting the limited form. And the vibration of the True Self—the who that you are, the

manifest what that you are, as well—is here to be realized and claimed beyond what you have

thought possible. The discipline required for this will be claimed by you each if you are willing

to come with us, and, by willing, we mean willing to acquiesce to a model that supersedes what
you have believed possible. By model, we mean an inherited structure that may be claimed by

each of you as the manifest self who seeks to agree to her true nature, his embodiment. The claim

“I am free,” which we will be working with here, is to claim you outside of the context, or prior

agreement, or attachment to who you believe you have been. And the form that you have taken,

which bears the encouragement of a life lived on this plane, seeks its own liberation to remedy

the past, the agreements made in fear, the things hidden behind the back that seek to be revealed

so that they may be known anew.

Each one of you who comes to us comes with an awareness of who she is, an iota of an

idea of what she may be beyond the veil, beyond the known, beyond the fear that has been

utilized to keep her at bay. But, as we sing your song for you—“We know who you are in truth,

we know what you are in truth, we know how you serve in truth”—we claim you anew. And we

lift you to the sound, to the voice of the True Self in tone, that may be claimed for you in the

vibratory field for the benefit of all you encounter.

The teaching you receive through this instruction will be operating on multiple levels.

The vibrational field, the vibratory oracle that you are, will be claimed anew by your

acquiescence to its truth. We don’t make you what you are not, we show you who you have

always been. And the vibrational field, which will support you in knowing and reclaiming

identity in form and field, is here to be supported through this teaching.

We also teach in language, and the words that we use are chosen carefully to structure

you in the energetic field you hold to a vibrational agreement. Yes, these are attunements, and

that was for him, who is asking for the descriptor. But the intonation of the language we use,

when you speak it with us, brings us into vibrational accord with the true nature of being, that

which you have always been and can only be in the high octave that we know ourselves through.
Because we do not blemish the features you hold with the ideas you hold of what is so terribly

wrong with you because we know you beyond what you’ve claimed or believed yourselves to be,

we can re-lift you to the octave you know yourself in, in a pure state, and in grace you may

encourage yourself to reside in the high octave without the fear you have used to manifest a

reality in agreement with others’ fear.

Finally, we have to say that the instruction will be taking place, not only in the classroom,

but in the lives that you will live as you partake in this teaching. Each day you will have a new

lesson by your own agreement in what needs to be resolved or re-seen, or re-known to claim

your higher identity. And the release of the old, that which has inhibited this, will be pronounced,

and perhaps seen, as you say thank you to it and send it to the light which is its infinite source as

well. The reclamation of the True Self in form, in vibration and field, has always been this work,

and the renunciation of what has never been true, but perhaps was believed to be true, is implicit

here as well. You cannot be the light and hold another in darkness, nor can you be the True Self

and decide that you are dark, or unworthy, or unmeritful, or untrue. The divine aspect of you that

we call the True Self, the eternal self, the Christed self, is the vibratory oracle, the one who

knows who you are and can announce for you the way through the darkness that may come in

this passage you encounter into a higher way of expressing the self.

Now, if you understand what we mean here, we are taking you someplace you have not

been. Beyond the Known is the teaching, and, to move beyond the known, you must relinquish

the ability or the requirement to claim the old in service only because it’s what has been. You

have things you will carry with you—your comprehension, your intelligence, your love, your

willingness, your acceptance, and your self-worth. You will carry what you require across this

threshold to what is beyond the known, but none of what is not needed—finally, we have to
say—will be able to enter with you, because that which is not of the light, that which you fear or

have claimed in fear, will be left behind you.

Now, this is cause for celebration. You are not being divested of what you want. You are

releasing the very things that preclude your passage through the eye of the needle, and the eye of

the needle, we have to say, is what you are entering here on this path beyond the known. The

rectification of the True Self as what you are in manifestation, which means embodied, is the

fruit of the teaching and is a passage you may undergo, not only in this life, but in those that will

follow. But the release of what is unhindered, unneeded, unrequired for this journey will be met

by you, not only in sovereignty—you align to what you are at the cost of what you have never

been—but in agreement to truth.

Now, what is true is always true and will always be so, and your true nature, the Divine

as what you are, the carriage you hold, the manifest form, the eyes that see, the lips that kiss, the

hands that touch and breathe, all aspects of you are of God, but must be reclaimed in a firmament

in an agreement to the manifest self. The what that you are, the embodiment of the Divine,

actually exists in form, but in a higher octave than you have borne witness to thus far in your

experience. We have taught this prior. We will say it here as well. Everything that you can

imagine exists in multiple octaves, and the body itself may be sung in a high C or a low C. The

frequency of the body, and then what it claims in co-resonance through the field you hold and the

collective shared experience of the group field, will be manifesting itself in a new way—again,

beyond the known.

Now, the reciprocity here that you will agree to is our charge, our agreement to teach and

to support each one of you, as you can hold it, in the vibratory mandate of this agreement. “This

is a new word,” he says, “a vibratory mandate. That sounds terrible.” All it really is is an
agreement to claim who you are at the cost of what you have never been. You are not afraid, you

are not unworthy, you are not unloved, you are not even unattractive, although you claim these

things, some of you in ridiculous ways.

The embodiment of the Divine as you will actually supersede the directives you have

used to create your experience on this shared plane. And, as you are lifted by the new

agreements, the manifest self begins to operate in a high way and claim what she requires in co-

resonance. The mandate, very simply put, is that we will not play with you. We will not

encourage your fear, support your shame, pat you on the back for your frailty or your sensitivity.

We will love you in all ways. We will love your frailty or what you believe that to be. But we

will not honor the fear that you utilize to self-identify through because the moment we do this,

we go into agreement to what you are not.

Now, we have to say this for Paul, who is rather stunned in the background. “What do

you mean it’s not okay to be sensitive or to feel less than? We feel what we feel.” You are lying

to yourselves when you claim these things. You are telling a lie, not only to yourself, but to

everyone you meet. And the claim of fear, “I am unworthy, I cannot be loved or known anew,”

will encourage your vibrational field to seek its like resonance, and you will be proven right

because you are sovereign in your creations. We do not agree with what you are not because we

love you. We do not agree with what you fear because we know who you are. And the beliefs

that you hold, that you will not be safe as you undergo this passage, will be remedied by

undergoing the passage itself. Do you all hear these words? “Tell me I will be safe before I board

the airplane.” You will not know until you are in the air, and you will not know until you deplane

that you have always been safe.

Here is the guarantee we offer you. Each one present tonight, each who will hear these

words at a later date, not only are you loved, you are known—capital K, known—and agreed to

by what you believe yourselves to be. And the claim of fear that you have operated with as a

collective species must now be dismantled for the higher octave that is present now to be known

as manifest.

Understand what the Kingdom is, friends. The Kingdom, as we claim it, the awareness of

the Divine in all manifestation, is an octave of expression and—as you align to it as the one who

knows who he is, who she is, what he is, what she is, and how he and she serves—is in

manifestation. The claim of the Kingdom is made known to you. You become what you claim

you are because this is who you have always been in truth.

Now, because we teach in love, we do not remedy as much as support. We claim for you

the who and the what that you truly are so that you may go into agreement with us in co-

resonance and then claim the world before you. The days of lying to the self about who and what

you are have ended. They are over. And the discomfort of this for many of you, and for him as

well, is a deep grief that what you thought you were or believed yourselves to be has never been

true. “What am I if I am not the one who was so badly wounded, or so terrified, or so angry?

Who and what am I if I am not what my mother said, or the church decided, or the lawyer said,

or the magistrate? What am I if I am not the reflection I see in the mirror.” The True Self, you

see, is here to be known, and she will sing, he will announce. And, as he does, the claims of

history, the things that you’ve believed or agreed to, will fall away, some with a breath, some

with a sigh, some with a torrent of tears, and some with great thunder.

Imagine, if you wish, a man encased in clay. He has believed himself to be the clay and it

has hardened and is brittle, but the belief that he can be free of what he has known himself to be
is incongruous to him, impossible to him to perceive. He has known himself this way for so very

long, the idea of freedom is illusory. Now, you will say this with us, if you wish, and, by this

announcement, the claim will be made to release the man in clay, the woman in clay, to her true

nature. And, as the scraps fall, as the limbs become free, as the face becomes mobile, as the eyes

perceive what could not have been perceived prior, you may begin to agree to what is not only

possible, but what is always present beyond the known, yes.

These are the words you will say, if you wish. You may speak them very gently after us:

“I know who I am in truth. I know what I am in truth. I know how I serve in truth. I am

free. I am free. I am free.”

Be received by us, each one of you here. We come, not only as a cloud, but as a rain

cloud, and, as the rain comes, the clay that you have felt, the hardened substance, the shell that

you have used to disguise your grace, your true being, will not only begin to melt, but pool away.

We will say these words for you each:

“We know who you are in truth. We know what you are in truth. We know how you

serve in truth. You are free. You are free. You are free.”

Now, the song has been sung. The announcement has been made. The encouragement

will come, not only by request, but by alignment. And, when you announce these words, for they

are your words to sing—“I know who I am, I know what I am, I know how I serve”—the
reckoning in the field that you hold will support the transformation that brings you forth to the

agreements you are making now.

We will say these words to you now. If you wish to continue with this teaching, you must

not only be prepared for change, but be willing to experience it as it wishes to come. The

changes you undergo through this teaching are under the jurisdiction of the soul. And the True

Self, the Divine within who seeks her expression as you, she knows the limitations you’ve been

under, believed yourself to be in, and she comprehends the circumstances that created them. But,

because she is who she is, because he is who he has always been, he will not agree to them as

more powerful than the true nature of the True Self, the expression of being in the claim “I know

how I serve.” Now, when you claim these words, “I know how I serve,” the vibration you hold in

emanation will actually transform your expression in fullness. And, as we engage in this

teaching, we will teach you this as well.

Paul is interrupting. “Are you going to take their questions?” We may take anything we

like. We will pause in a moment for that, yes, but we would like to attune them to the Word.

There are many new students here and we will explain the attunement as we bring it forth. These

are the words we use in the attunement to the Word. And the Word, as we claim it, is the energy

of the Creator in action. You may say this, if you wish, after we speak the words:

“I am Word through my body. Word I am Word. I am Word through my vibration. Word

I am Word. I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word. Word I am Word.”

When you claim “I am Word through my body,” you align the vibration of the Word to

the form you have taken. “I am Word through my vibration” claims the energy of the Word in
the field you hold. “I am Word through my knowing of myself” reclaims the identity, the truth of

who and what you are and have always been.

We will invite you now to claim these words to all who are present here, those who hear

these words on this night or on some other night. The vibration is present now and will be

present whenever it is heard. You may say this to your fellows:

“I know who you are in truth. (Say this, please.) I know what you are in truth. I know

how you serve in truth. You are free. You are free. You are free. I am Word through each

one present. Word I am Word.”

Thank you each for your presence. We will continue with your questions. Period. Period.


Q: I just wanted to say your teachings just they’re really opening my eyes up to so many

different aspects of the self and for about five years now, similar to when you started seeing

lights around people, I would see pillars of lights and vibrating balls of lights everywhere and

even around you, Paul, tons of energies going up and down it seems like at the speed of light,

and when I close my eyes I’m taken to a very fluid realm of existence. And I heard them in the

teaching say consciousness is very fluid and, in this realm, it seems like it’s a constant test of

fear, overcoming like, okay, what is that, what is that, what is this, and it’s almost like there’s so

much happening you shut the mind off and let the heart be your guide. And I feel like I’m

tapping into the unknown and it’s been five years since I exist in these two different realms. And

I’m wondering because I’m given this option, because I could just close my eyes and
immediately I’m there, I’m living in two different realms, but they are merging, but it’s almost

like if I close my eyes I’m fully immersed in I guess an ocean of consciousness, and the only

thing I can express in that realm is true love, but when I open my eyes, do I balance this or for

days allow myself to be in that other dimension and see what that brings?

A: Let me tune in to you. The Guides are actually talking. The young man is deciding who he is

and what he is as a vibrational being. As he continues in his path, as the higher octave plays as

him, what he begins to claim in an experiential way is the octave of experience that he has

chosen. So the days of up and down, or back and forth, actually finish because you are

maintaining the high octave by not going into agreement with that which was claimed in a lower

vibration. Each time you acquiesce to fear, you give it permission to teach you, and the lessons

of fear will always be to claim more of the same. As you see this from the high perspective, and

you understand the mechanation of fear that is driving so much of your world and you don’t

abide in it, you reclaim your world in the high octave you abide in. And this is the gift you give

to others. He is on a trampoline, still, and he is lifting high enough to comprehend that in the

high place there is peace and understanding of who and what he truly is. Period.

Q: I am in this really interesting situation. Despite the previous high frequency, I’ve been in a

state of real scarcity, which is not my normal state. I’m very good at manifesting and I’m

wondering what the lesson of this experience is so I can really process it, because I have the

higher intelligence, I’m able to channel a little bit myself as well, and I’ve kind of cut myself off,

and I think it’s because I have a deep sense of fear, but I’m wondering if you can give me a little

more insight so I can shift.

A: When I go to you, you actually come through sort of bracing yourself as if to say, “People

don’t understand me,” and then you get kind of frozen. So the idea here, oddly, is that “I’m not

being understood,” and because of this “I don’t seem to be able to receive,” which is actually

kind of interesting, like I feel like I’m doing this as opposed to allowing or to creating in that

way. So let’s see if we can shift this at all. They’re actually saying the Divine Self knows what’s

needed and she understands her position as the one who may claim. When you require something

that is in alignment with your highest good, it may be claimed by you in resonance. When you

are not manifesting what you say you want or believe you need, you may be meeting other

requirements for your learning. You all come to learn through different ways, and, while

prosperity is an honest thing to want, it is not the only way to learn or not the only experience to

have. Tell the young lady to start agreeing to what can be, begin to move to the potential of what

can be. In each claim of possibility, you open the door a bit more to what you may manifest with.

When you are experiencing scarcity in any area of your life, you have not aligned to the potential

that is inherent in the situation, or you are seeking to claim something that is not in honor with

your vibrational being. We will give him an example. “I want all the money in the world,” says

the one who believes she must have that. The fear-based self assumes that there must be more to

be had in order to be solvent. The one who knows she can receive what she requires and the

Source of all abundance allows the energy to come in whatever ways it seeks to and to claim

what is required for her benefit.

Please do this, yes. Say this, yes. And this is really for everybody. They taught this a few

weeks ago, while we were doing the live stream from Esalen, but it’s the mudra of creation, and

this is what they say the mudra of creation is, and they say we’re always creating, every one of
us every day is creating, and you can be creating in a high way or a low way, perhaps. So do I

take them through this? They’re saying we would like this. Would you all set this intention: “I

have a right to prosperity.” Hold your hands forward and make the claim for yourselves. “I have

the right to prosperity.” See if your hands get lighter and lift upwards. This is a high claim. You

have the right to this. And, when you are claiming in a high way, you bring the co-resonance to

you that is required. “There is never enough” is also a claim of manifestation. “I will not be

loved,” “I will not get the money,” “I will not find the mate.” As you claim at this level, you will

feel the heaviness of the claim and you begin to operate with that as your co-resonance. Claim

the higher and call it to you in an agreement that it can be so. Period. Period. Period.

[Paul explains the mudra of creation to people who may be new.]

Q: Recently I experienced a really traumatic event in my life and I felt that it shifted really

quickly and I felt I let go and let go and let go of so much. And now I’m experiencing almost

what I’d call this frequency of love. And I want to stay here, I don’t want to go back to what I

was experiencing, and if they have any advice as to how I can maintain the frequency that I’m

feeling now.

A: They’re saying be thankful for it, agree to it, and don’t be frightened of it going away. When

you fear it going away, that becomes your claim. Agreeing with it simply means to stay in

mutual accord with what you call love and abiding in it. It being as you will support its

expression and continuation. Period. Period. Period.

Q: I’m dealing with a twenty year illness and feeling very stuck in my personal life, as well, and

I’m just wondering how to work with this situation using the teachings. I’ve read all your books

except for the most recent one.

A: They’re saying claim “I am Word through my body.” I’m going to just invite everybody to do

this for you, if we may. If you will just all claim “I am Word through Ishana’s body. Word I am

Word. I am Word through Ishana’s body. Word I am Word.” I’m tracking you and I can feel the

energy working with you. So they’re saying to you, claim “I am Word through my body. I am

Word through my intestines. I am Word through my liver.” Feel the vibration as it seeks to move

through you. I’m going to do this for everybody here since there’s a lot of new people here. The

attunement to the Word is a permanent attunement, if you did the attunement when they gave it

to you, you’ve been attuned which means the energy is present and can run, so we might as well

have an experience of it for everybody. Everybody here on line just claim “I am Word through

my right hand. Word I am Word.” If you feel the energy in your right hand, just acknowledge

that. And now try “I am Word through my feet. Word I am Word.” And if you feel the energy go

to to your feet, the energy seems to go as directed.

So I’m going to go back to Isahana for a moment. The Guides are saying you have the

right to change your mind about who you are and this simply means how you’ve self identified

through this process must undergo change. You must agree to your vibrancy, to the potential for

healing, to the Divine made manifest as you. Many of you learn through your illness. It becomes

an opportunity to grow. The dismantling of an illness as a structure in the energetic field may

occur if it is not required or serving as a teacher still. When you are learning through illness, you

are taking opportunity that could not be met in another way. It becomes a teacher. If you learn its
lessons and that the Divine as you, the true nature of your being, is an eternal being, the

ramifications of illness have actually been instructive in a reclamation of identity.

[Paul talks about his experience with his back going out and his lesson from the Guides,

“The True Self cannot be persecuted.”]

They’re saying celebrate the body that you are in as it is today. That will support you

more than you know. Period.

Q: Thinking about your teachings and thinking about all the vibrations of energy, and when you

say how do you serve, for me that’s where it gets confusing and I think right now I think most of

the time is how do I serve and love?

A: [Paul explains that it’s the True Self, not the personality self, that makes the claims and

knows how she serves and that the Guides have been breaking down the meaning of “I know

how I serve” in Esalen residency and will probably go there in the coming live streams.]

They’re saying we will, and sooner than later.

I’m going to tune in to you. You just come through saying, “I need to know what I’m

doing because I don’t now and I want to know.” They’re saying you’re doing everything you can

as best you have known it, but this is the class in Beyond the Known, so get ready to forget what

you think you knew. Do you understand this, yes? You’re not going to rely upon the old

anymore. It’s done the best it could. Period.

Q: My wife and I are here watching and we have a question. Both of us have had major spiritual

enlightenments over the last little bit and there’s been lots of frustration and friction and even
clashes between us because of different paths and things that we’re doing and now it almost

seems like the Guides are, I wouldn’t say pushing us back together, but definitely assisting us in

magical ways. Some of them are really incredible. My question is when we feel this frustration

and anxiety and so on, what’s the best advice? Rather than looking for synchronistics and

looking for signs, is there a way to just be in it?

A: I’m laughing because I’m still waiting for my Guides to get me a date, so let me see what

they’re doing with your marriage. Let me go to your wife first. You actually come through like

that, which means kind of “back off,” but you do it close, your parameter is close, some people

do that way, which is “back off” from a mile away. You do that, you do basically “come to me”

and you’re a little directive with this. What it looks like is this is just a balancing trying to occur,

it’s a bit of a seesaw right now, but if you stay on it and you settle, the good news is it’s

remaining congruent, so the seesaw is actually productive, it’s working, you’re not at odds as

much as you’re almost not in balance, but this is part of a process of getting there. So I’m

actually not concerned about it. So let me see if there’s anything to be done. They’re pointing to

your wife “I need to be heard first before he decides for me” and I don’t get that that goes over

very well. Basically, it’s kind of like “I want to be heard first.” The idea here and the Guides are

starting to speak, this is really about communication more than anything else. They have to trust

each other to talk. There is no competition here and much less divergence than they think. In

fact, they are on the same path, but looking over different shoulders at times to different scenes,

different experiences, different ways of being. It is not a bad thing to turn to the one beside you

and say, “Look at what I’m discovering,” as long as it’s not at the cost of making the other

wrong. Period. Period. Period.

Q: I am here with my children and I am a widow with three teenagers, so how can I make happy

adults? I’m a tough mom, I smoke a lot of pot, so that is not going to change, so how can I make

happy adults?

A: Not by smoking pot is what I hear—it’s actually the first thing that I do here. Let me go to

you. They’re saying by trusting them to be themselves, by not having to be the one in authority,

but the one in shepherdence. You’re a shepherd, finally, of your children. To shepherd well, you

must see clearly where you are going and honor that as the mandate of the parent. We are not

speaking of the issue of smoking as much as the issue of passivity to sight. When you see clearly

before you, you can be directive for those who are behind you. And the understanding of what is

required for them will be brought to you in clear ways. Bless the children that have been brought

to you. They are yours to shepherd, yes, but to bring them to the world in joy is to celebrate them

each, to celebrate who they have become and what they will call to them in the higher octaves

they embark into. Period. Period. Period.

The Guides are saying we would like to talk. We have two things to tell them all. We

have much to teach you as you wish to learn. When we take your questions in the future, we will

take questions on your lives at times, or questions on the teaching. As we prepare each lecture to

deliver to you, the assignments for your lives will also be made clear. Paul is asking, “Is there an

assignment for those in attendance tonight.” There is one, yes. Start saying yes to what can be,

what is not known yet, what can be known beyond what you have seen, or believed to be, or
authorized, or agreed to. Start saying yes to what is beyond the known and you will begin to be

met by it. We thank you each for your presence. We will see you next week.

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