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Course: Spanish 1

Teacher name: Annie Kelly

Unit topic/theme: Chapter 1: Hola, ¿qué tal?

STAGE 1: Desired Results

Established Goals (For the unit)

The overall goal for this unit is… for students to view Spanish as an interesting language to study with various
cultures that we should learn about in our globalized world.

It sets students up with the skills to … greet people in Spanish, say goodbye, identify yourself and others, talk about
the time of day

Acquisition of Skills

Students will know… Students will be able to…

(Content knowledge: What facts and basic (Process knowledge: Usually includes words like: explain,
concepts should students know and be able interpret, compare, contrast, distinguish, describe)
to recall?)

● Saludos y despedidas ● Compare and contrast greetings in different

● Courtesy expressions cultures
● Definite/indefinite articles ● Deduce if something is a noun and what
● 0-30 gender/number it is based on the article
● Ser--present tense ● Combine ser and #s to tell time
● Explain where Spanish comes from and its
significance in the world
● Interpret historical moments from plazas

Target standards:

STAGE 2: Evidence
Assessment Evidence
Individual Assessment: quizzes on sample sentences and culture, final exam, homework

Performance Task: Voicethread project

Other evidence: journal reflections, observations, participation

STAGE 3: Learning Plan

Daily Learning Activities and Notes

Day 0: (15 mins)

Class: Intros
HW: How you might use spanish.
Policies and Expectations.
Video on greetings.

Day 1: (50 mins)

Do now-What should I know about you? Reflect on Mandela quote.
Introduce vocab of saludos y despedidas on p. 2.
More introductions and introducing friends.
Walk around having short conversations.
Share HW from yesterday and collect.
Go over important policies and expectations and explain canvas.
HW: Review pronunciation p. 9
Study vocab on pp. 2 & 3
SAM p. 1, ej. 1-3

Day 2: (50 mins)

Class: Do now-Take out homework. Translate a few sentences.
Go over HW
Listening exercises on p. 3
Spanish presentation
Pronunciation and tongue twisters
HW: Quiz on vocab Saludos, despedidas, y cómo está
Watch video about articles:

Day 3: (80 mins)

Class: Do now-brainstorm words/toponyms w/ Spanish origin. Facts about Spanish language
Vocab review & quiz
Fotonovelas pp. 6&7, Ej. 1 on p. 8, Go over vocab, Ej. 5&6 on p. 4
Intro to articles & classroom vocab
HW: Ejercicios 1-3 en la página 3 de SAM (Reference pp 12-14 in the textbook)
Study present tense of “ser,” pp. 19-21 (12 minutes).

Day 4: (50 mins)

Class: Do now-Pull out homework. Describe the people on the screen (I am… They are…)
Check HW
Communicative ex. 3 from Andy’s unit
Kahoot of classroom vocab
Ej. 2 & 3 p. 22
HW: SAM (p. 5-6) ejercicios 2-4 (verbo “ser”) (15 minutos)
Study numbers 0-30. Watch this video:

Day 5: (50 mins)

Class: Do now- math.
Presentation on telling time.
Class is divided into two teams. The teacher shows to one team a time written on a card. A
member of that team has to produce the time correctly. Then, the same team has to say,
inserting whatever number they wish, “en _____ minutos, ¿qué hora es?” The other team
then has to give the time after that number of minutes has passed.
Explain “cuántos hay.”
Ej. 3, 4, 5 on pp. 17&18.
HW: SAM, ejercicios 1-2 pp. 7 (10 minutos) Whatever they don’t finish in class. Remind
them quiz in two days.

Day 6: (50 mins)

Class: Do-now: Write down what time it is.
Go over HW
Las ocho plazas
A. Información en el libro (p. 11)
B. Google street view de las ocho plazas
C. Actividad en clase: For their homework, students are asked to gather a bit of information
regarding two plazas and to look at images of them and surrounding areas. In class they
circulate, explaining what they found and looking at images of the plazas together. Then,
they have to match information and photos in groups of two in a Canvas quiz, with some
reward or extra credit going to the groups that get a perfect score. Then a follow-up: what
can you deduce about Latin American history from this information and these photos? Many
possibilities, but some potential key concepts: Centrality of Catholicism, Chronology: pre-
European indigenous civilizations; arrival of Spanish roughly in the 16th century;
independence in the early 19th century, other isolated historical events specific to the plazas.
HW: Study for a quiz on los sustantivos, los artículos, y hay.

Day 7: (80 mins)

Class: Do-now: practice sentences, emphasis on ser
Kahoot or line game
Celebrity. Give them vocabulary from p.23.
Ex. 3 p. 26 on telling time
Reading activity on Mafalda pp. 30-31
HW: Explore and answer the following questions with a two or more
sentences each (30 minutos):
a) Do you notice any differences between this and similar US English-language
news/entertainment sites?
b) What sorts of news and media does Univision offer?
c) Give three words whose meaning you can understand by means of context, images, or
d) Try to understand the gist of one article (i.e., what it’s about) with these same clues and
summarize it in one or two sentences in English. What cognates, images, or other clues
helped you to understand a bit of the article?

Day 8: (50 mins)

Class: Do now-Write a dialogue for these interactions. (5)
Yabla video on tú vs. usted:
Panoramas pp. 36-37 → 6 groups present (25)
Makeup quiz time/start on HW
HW: SAM 1 & 2 on p. 9

Day 9: (50 mins)

In class: Do now-practice sentences
Finish presentations
Flash cultura
Common mistakes
HW: Prepare for a quiz on all vocabulary on p. 38. The quiz will consist of translations of full
sentences! Use the quizlet Chapter 1 sentences for review. You may also find helpful the
flashcards on the Vistas Supersite. (15 minutos)

Day 10: (50 mins)

Introduce Voicethread Project

HW: Complete Voicethread project. Due before next class.

Day 11: (80 mins)
In class: Review
Day 12: (50 mins)
Test (written section)

Day 13: (50 mins)

Test (oral section)

Resources and Links

Source Link or Citation

Google Slides

Chapter 1 vEezYv5OJqUWVMkhVqrvOAJ8/edit#slide=id.g2503a759be_0_0

Andy’s guide


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