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Introduction to Mass Spectrometry for Food APPENDIX 3A

Almost a century ago, the first mass spec- turally significant fragment ions for compound
trometers were used to prove the existence of identification, and rules for structure elucida-
isotopes of the elements. During the first half tion using mass spectrometry were developed
of the 20th century, physicists and physical (for a thorough review of EI and ion fragmen-
chemists used mass spectrometers to help char- tation pathways, see McLafferty and Turecek,
acterize new elements and the fission products 1993). Biomedical and food chemistry appli-
of radioactive elements as they were created or cations of mass spectrometry were developed
discovered. Other applications included the during this time. Chemical ionization (CI),
analysis of isotopic enrichment of elements and which was developed by researchers in the
their inorganic derivatives. As this era of mass petroleum industry (Field, 1990), was quickly
spectrometry reached maturity, by the 1940s, adopted as a softer ionization alternative to EI,
the analysis of organic molecules emerged as a useful in reducing fragmentation so that mo-
new application of mass spectrometry. Begin- lecular weights could be confirmed more easily.
ning in 1945, organic mass spectrometers using CI became another standard ionization tech-
electron impact (EI) ionization became com- nique for mass spectrometry (see Figure
mercially available and were used primarily by A.3A.1 for a guide to the selection of ionization
the petroleum industry. Toward the late 1950s, techniques in mass spectrometry).
organic mass spectrometers began to be used
for the analysis of a wider variety of organic GAS CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS
molecules, and gradually became a fundamen- SPECTROMETRY (GC/MS)
tal analytical tool for the characterization of With the introduction of computerized data
synthetic organic compounds. systems for data acquisition, reduction, and
During the 1960s, high-resolution, double- storage during the 1960s, the efficiency of mass
focusing magnetic sector instruments became spectrometric analysis grew rapidly and con-
available from multiple manufacturers and tinues to grow to this day. The use of computers
were widely used in organic chemistry for exact for data reduction and analysis helped gas chro-
mass measurements and elemental composi- matography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) be-
tion analysis. EI was used for generating struc- come a practical and powerful tool for qualita-


mol. wt. < 1000 mol. wt. > 1000

volatile nonvolatile mol. wt. < 5000 mol. wt. > 5000


APCI electrospray electrospray

Figure A.3A.1 Flow chart illustrating the selection of a suitable ionization technique for the mass
spectrometric analysis of a sample. Abbreviations: APCI, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization;
CI, chemical ionization; EI, electron impact; FAB, fast atom bombardment; MALDI, matrix-assisted
laser desorption/ionization. Commonly Used
Contributed by Richard B. van Breemen A.3A.1
Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry (2001) A.3A.1-A.3A.7
Copyright © 2001 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Supplement 2
tive and quantitative analysis of compounds in DESORPTION IONIZATION MASS
mixtures. Both EI and CI were immediately SPECTROMETRY
useful for GC/MS, since both of these ioniza- During the 1970s and early 1980s, desorp-
tion methods require that the analytes be in the tion ionization techniques such as field desorp-
gas phase. When capillary GC was incorpo- tion (FD), desorption EI, desorption CI (DCI),
rated into GC/MS, this technique reached ma- and laser desorption were developed to extend
turity. The advantages of GC/MS include the utility of mass spectrometry towards the
speed, selectivity, and sensitivity. Typically, analysis of more polar and less volatile com-
GC/MS may be used to select, identify, and pounds (see Watson, 1997, for more informa-
quantify organic compounds in complex mix- tion regarding desorption ionization techniques
tures at the femtomole level. Compounds are including DCI and FD). Although these tech-
selected using a combination of chroma- niques helped extend the mass range of mass
tographic separation and mass selection, and spectrometry beyond a traditional limit of m/z
when using tandem mass spectrometry 1000 and toward ions of m/z 5000 (Fig.
(MS/MS; see discussion below), the fragmen- A.3A.1), the first breakthrough in the analysis
tation pathway may be used for additional se- of polar, nonvolatile compounds occurred in
lectivity. The speed of GC/MS is determined 1982 with the invention of fast atom bombard-
by the chromatography step, which typically ment (FAB; Barber et al., 1982). FAB and its
requires from several minutes to one hour per counterpart, liquid secondary ion mass spec-
analysis. Although GC/MS remains important trometry (LSIMS), facilitate the formation of
for the analysis of many organic compounds, abundant molecular ions, protonated mole-
this technique is limited to volatile and ther- cules, and deprotonated molecules of nonvola-
mally stable compounds (see chromatogra- tile and thermally labile compounds such as
phy/MS selection flow chart in Fig. A.3A.2). peptides, chlorophylls, and complex lipids up
Therefore, thermally unstable compounds— to approximately m/z 12,000. FAB and LSIMS
including food pigments such as carotenoids use energetic particle bombardment (fast atoms
and chlorophylls and biomolecules such as pro- or ions from 3,000 to 20,000 V of energy) to
teins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids—can- ionize compounds dissolved in nonvolatile ma-
not be analyzed in their native forms using trices such as glycerol or 3-nitrobenzyl alcohol
GC/MS (for more details regarding GC/MS and desorb them from this condensed phase
and its applications, see Watson, 1997). into the gas phase for mass spectrometric analy-
sis. Molecular ions and/or protonated mole-
cules are usually abundant and fragmentation
is minimal.


mol. wt. < 1000 mol. wt. > 1000


El, Cl APCI, electrospray CF-FAB,

electrospray, electrospray
particle beam,

Introduction to Figure A.3A.2 Selection of chromatography-mass spectrometry system for the analysis of a
Mass sample. Abbreviations: APCI, atmospheric pressure chemical ionization; CF, continuous flow; CI,
Spectrometry for chemical ionization; EI, electron impact; FAB, fast atom bombardment; GC/MS, gas chromatogra-
Food Chemistry
phy/mass spectrometry; LC/MS, liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry.
Supplement 2 Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry
Introduced in the late 1980s, matrix-assisted and requires considerable operator interven-
laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) has tion, it is not ideal for the analysis of large
helped solve the mass-limit barriers of laser sample sets. Instead, more robust techniques
desorption mass spectrometry so that singly have been developed to fulfill this requirement.
charged ions may be obtained up to m/z 500,000 However, continuous-flow FAB is still in use
and sometimes higher (Hillenkamp et al., in some laboratories.
1991). For most commercially available Like continuous-flow FAB, the popularity
MALDI mass spectrometers, ions up to m/z of particle beam interfaces is diminishing, but
200,000 are readily obtained. Like FAB and systems are still available from commercial
LSIMS, MALDI samples are mixed with a sources. During particle beam LC/MS, the
matrix to form a solution that is loaded onto the HPLC eluate is sprayed into a heated chamber
sample stage for analysis. Unlike the other connected to a vacuum pump. As the droplets
matrix-mediated techniques, the solvent is evaporate, aggregates of analyte (particles)
evaporated prior to MALDI analysis, leaving form and pass through a momentum separator
sample molecules trapped in crystals of solid that removes the lower-molecular-weight sol-
phase matrix. The MALDI matrix is selected vent molecules. Finally, the particle beam en-
to absorb the pulse of laser light directed at the ters the mass spectrometer ion source where the
sample. Most MALDI mass spectrometers are aggregates strike a heated plate from which the
equipped with a pulsed UV laser, although IR analyte molecules evaporate and are ionized
lasers are available as an option on some com- using conventional EI or CI ionization. Particle
mercial instruments. Therefore, matrices are beam LC/MS is limited to the analysis of vola-
often substituted benzenes or benzoic acids tile and thermally stable compounds that are
with strong UV absorption properties. During amenable to flash evaporation and EI or CI
MALDI, the energy of the short but intense UV mass spectrometry. Therefore, this approach is
laser pulse obliterates the matrix and in the not used for polar compounds in food chemistry
process desorbs and ionizes the sample. Like such as carbohydrates, sugars, peptides, pro-
FAB and LSIMS, MALDI typically produces teins, or nucleic acids (Fig. A.3A.2).
abundant protonated or deprotonated mole- Since thermospray became the first widely
cules with little fragmentation. utilized LC/MS technique (during the late
1970s and early 1980s), this technique should
LIQUID be mentioned here. Thermospray facilitates the
CHROMATOGRAPHY/MASS interfacing of standard analytical HPLC sys-
SPECTROMETRY (LC/MS) tems at flow rates up to 1 ml/min with mass
By the time that GC/MS had become a spectrometers. Although the interface between
standard technique in the late 1960s, LC/MS the HPLC and mass spectrometer is inefficient
was still in the developmental stages. Produc- and exhibits low sensitivity for most analytes,
ing gas-phase sample ions for analysis in a thermospray has been useful for the LC/MS
vacuum system while removing the HPLC mo- analysis of many types of small molecules.
bile phase proved to be a challenging task. Early During thermospray, the HPLC eluate is
LC/MS techniques included a moving belt in- sprayed through a heated capillary into a heated
terface to desolvate and transport the HPLC desolvation chamber at reduced pressure. Gas
eluate into a CI or EI ion source, or a direct inlet phase ions remaining after desolvation of the
system in which the eluate was pumped at a low droplets are extracted through a skimmer into
flow rate of 1 to 3 µl/min into a CI source. the mass spectrometer for analysis. The sensi-
However, neither of these systems was robust tivity of thermospray is poor since there is no
enough or suitable for a broad enough range of mechanism or driving force to enhance the
samples to gain widespread acceptance. number of sample ions entering the gas phase
Since FAB (or LSIMS) requires that the from the spray during desolvation. Also, ther-
analyte be dissolved in a liquid matrix, this mally labile compounds tend to decompose in
ionization technique was easily adapted for the heated source. These problems were solved
infusion of solution-phase samples into the when thermospray was replaced by elec-
FAB ionization source, in an approach known trospray during the late 1980s.
as continuous-flow FAB. Continuous-flow During the 1990s, electrospray ionization
FAB was connected to microbore HPLC col- (ESI) and atmospheric pressure chemical ioni-
umns for LC/MS applications (Ito et al., 1985). zation (APCI) became the standard interfaces
Since this method is limited to microbore for LC/MS. Unlike thermospray, particle beam, Commonly Used
HPLC applications at flow rates of <10 µl/min or continuous-flow FAB, ESI and APCI inter- Techniques

Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry Supplement 2
faces operate at atmospheric pressure and do systems, the solvent system should contain
not depend upon vacuum pumps to remove only volatile solvents, buffers, or ion-pair
solvent vapor. As a result, they are compatible agents, to reduce fouling of the mass spec-
with a wide range of HPLC flow rates. Also, no trometer ion source. In general, APCI and ESI
matrix is required. Both APCI and ESI are form abundant molecular ion species (Figures
compatible with a wide range of HPLC col- A.3A.1 and A.3A.2). When fragment ions are
umns and solvent systems. Like all LC/MS


mass chromatogram of m /z 269



8 12 16 20 24 28
Retention time (min)
269 [M−H]−
Relative abundance

mass spectrum
at 12.4 min

100 140 180 220 260 300 340
m /z

Figure A.3A.3 LC/MS analysis of a dietary supplement consisting of extract of Trifolium pratense
Introduction to (red clover). Reversed-phase C18 HPLC and negative ion electrospray ionization mass spectrome-
Mass try were used with a quadrupole mass spectrometer analyzer (Agilent; also see Table A.3A.1). The
Spectrometry for map illustrates the abundance of information provided by this hyphenated technique with HPLC
Food Chemistry
mass chromatograms in one dimension and mass spectra in another dimension.
Supplement 2 Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry
formed, they are usually more abundant in [M+K]+ can be formed (for additional informa-
APCI than ESI mass spectra. tion on ESI, see Cole, 1997). In addition to
The APCI interface uses a heated nebulizer singly charged ions, ESI is unique as an ioni-
to form a fine spray of the HPLC eluate, which zation technique in that multiply charged spe-
is much finer than the particle beam system but cies are common and often constitute the ma-
similar to that formed during thermospray. A jority of the sample ion abundance. The relative
cross-flow of heated nitrogen gas is used to abundance of each of these species depends
facilitate the evaporation of solvent from the upon the chemistry of the analyte, the pH, the
droplets. The resulting gas-phase sample mole- presence of proton-donating or -accepting spe-
cules are ionized by collisions with solvent cies, and the levels of trace amounts of sodium
ions, which are formed by a corona discharge or potassium salts in the mobile phase. In con-
in the atmospheric pressure chamber. Molecu- trast, APCI, MALDI, EI, CI, and FAB/LSIMS
lar ions, M+. or M−., and/or protonated or de- usually produce singly charged species. A con-
protonated molecules can be formed. The rela- sequence of forming multiply charged ions is
tive abundance of each type of ion depends that they are detected at lower m/z values (i.e.,
upon the sample itself, the HPLC solvent, and |z| >1) than the corresponding singly charged
the ion source parameters. Next, ions are drawn species. This has the benefit of allowing mass
into the mass spectrometer analyzer for meas- spectrometers with modest m/z ranges to detect
urement through a narrow opening or skimmer, and measure ions of molecules with very high
which helps the vacuum pumps to maintain masses. For example, ESI has been used to
very low pressure inside the analyzer while the measure ions with molecular weights of hun-
APCI source remains at atmospheric pressure. dreds of thousands or even millions of daltons
During ESI, the HPLC eluate is sprayed on mass spectrometers with m/z ranges of only
through a capillary electrode at high potential a few thousand (for a review of LC/MS tech-
(usually 2000 to 7000 V) to form a fine mist of niques, see Niessen, 1999).
charged droplets at atmospheric pressure. As An example of the LC/MS analysis of a plant
the charged droplets migrate towards the open- extract is shown in Figure A.3A.3. In this case,
ing of the mass spectrometer due to electrostatic negative ion ESI-MS was used in combination
attraction, they encounter a cross-flow of with C18 reversed-phase HPLC separation. Ex-
heated nitrogen that increases solvent evapora- tracts of the botanical Trifolium pratense (red
tion and prevents most of the solvent molecules clover) are used as dietary supplements by
from entering the mass spectrometer. Molecu- menopausal and post-menopausal women (Liu
lar ions, protonated or deprotonated molecules, et al., 2001). The two-dimensional map illus-
and cationized species such as [M+Na]+ and trates the amount of information that may be

ion b MS b
source analyzer 1 CID

compounds a and
b and impurity c MS
analyzer 2



Commonly Used
Figure A.3A.4 Scheme illustrating the selectivity of MS/MS and the process by which collision- Techniques
induced dissociation (CID) facilitates fragmentation of preselected ions.
Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry Supplement 2
acquired using hyphenated techniques such as analyte of interest during the first mass spec-
LC/MS. In the time dimension, chromatograms trometry stage. This precursor ion is essentially
are obtained and a sample computer-recon- purified in the gas phase and is free of impuri-
structed mass chromatogram is shown for the ties such as solvent ions, matrix ions, or other
signal at m/z 269. One intense chromatographic analytes. Finally, the selected ion is fragmented
peak was detected in this chromatogram eluting using CID and analyzed using a second mass
at 12.4 min. In the m/z dimension, the negative spectrometry stage. In this manner, the result-
ion electrospray mass spectrum recorded at ing tandem mass spectrum contains exclusively
12.4 min shows a base peak at m/z 269. Based analyte ions without impurities that might in-
on comparison to authentic standards (data not terfere with the interpretation of the fragmen-
shown), the ion of m/z 269 was shown to cor- tation patterns. In summary, CID may be used
respond to the deprotonated molecule of with LC/MS/MS or desorption ionization and
genistein, which is an estrogenic isoflavone MS/MS to obtain structural information such
(Liu et al., 2001). Since almost no fragmenta- as amino acid sequences of peptides and sites
tion of the genistein ion was observed, addi- of alkylation of nucleic acids, or to distinguish
tional characterization would require collision- structural isomers such as β-carotene and ly-
induced dissociation (CID) and tandem mass copene.
spectrometry as discussed in the next section. The most common types of MS/MS instru-
ments available to researchers in food chemis-
TANDEM MASS SPECTROMETRY try include triple quadrupole mass spectrome-
(MS/MS) AND HIGH RESOLUTION ters and ion traps. Less common but commer-
Desorption ionization techniques like FAB cially produced tandem mass spectrometers
and MALDI and LC/MS ionization techniques include magnetic sector instruments, Fourier
like ESI and APCI facilitate the molecular transform ion cyclotron resonance (FTICR)
weight determination of a wide range of polar mass spectrometers, and quadrupole time-of-
and nonpolar, low- and high-molecular-weight flight (QTOF) hybrid instruments (Table
compounds. However, the “soft” ionization A.3A.1). Beginning in 2001, TOF-TOF tandem
character of these techniques means that most mass spectrometers became available from in-
of the ion current is concentrated in molecular strument manufacturers. These instruments
ions and few structurally significant fragment have the potential to deliver high-resolution
ions are formed. In order to enhance the amount tandem mass spectra with high speed and
of structural information in these mass spectra, should be compatible with the chip-based chro-
collision-induced dissociation (CID) may be matography systems now under development.
used to produce abundant fragment ions from In addition to MS/MS with CID to obtain
molecular ion precursors formed and isolated structural information, it is also useful to use
during the first stage of mass spectrometry. high-resolution exact mass measurements to
Then, a second mass spectrometry analysis may confirm the elemental compositions of ions.
be used to characterize the resulting product Essentially, exact mass measurements permit
ions. This process is called tandem mass spec- the unambiguous composition analysis of low-
trometry or MS/MS and is illustrated in Figure molecular-weight compounds (mol. wt. <500)
A.3A.4. through precise and accurate m/z measure-
Another advantage of the use of tandem ments. The types of mass spectrometers capa-
mass spectrometry is the ability to isolate a ble of exact mass measurements include mag-
particular ion such as the molecular ion of the netic sector mass spectrometers, QTOF hybrid

Table A.3A.1 Types of Mass Spectrometers and Tandem Mass Spectrometersa

Instrument Resolution m/z Range Tandem MS

Magnetic sector 100,000 12,000 Low resolution
Quadrupole <4,000 4,000 None
Triple quadrupole <4,000 4,000 Low resolution
TOF 15,000 >200,000 None
FTICR >200,000 <10,000 High resolution
Introduction to QTOF 12,000 4,000 High resolution
Spectrometry for TOF-TOF 15,000 >10,000 High resolution
Food Chemistry aFTICR, Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance; QTOF, quadropole time-of-flight; TOF, time-of-flight.

Supplement 2 Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry
mass spectrometers, reflectron TOF instru- Ito, Y., Takeuchi, T., Ishii, D., and Goto, M. 1985.
ments, and FTICR mass spectrometers (Table Direct coupling of micro high-performance liq-
uid chromatography with fast atom bombard-
A.3A.1). Some of these instruments permit the
ment mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr.
simultaneous use of tandem mass spectrometry 346:161-166.
and exact mass measurement of fragment ions. Liu, J., Burdette, J.E., Xu, H., Gu, C., van Breemen,
These include FTICR instruments, QTOF, and R.B., Bhat, K.P.L., Booth, N., Constantinou,
the TOF-TOF. A.I., Pezzuto, J.M., Fong, H.H.S., Farnsworth,
N.R., and Bolton, J.L. 2001. Evaluation of estro-
genic activity of plant extracts for the potential
CONCLUSION treatment of menopausal symptoms. J. Agric.
Mass spectrometry has become an essential Food Chem. 49:2472-2479.
analytical tool for a wide variety of biomedical
McLafferty, F.W. and Turecek, F. 1993. Interpreta-
applications such as food chemistry and food tion of Mass Spectra, 4th ed. University Science
analysis. Mass spectrometry is highly sensitive, Books, Mill Valley, Calif.
fast, and selective. By combining mass spec- Niessen, W.M. 1999. State-of-the-art in liquid chro-
trometry with HPLC, GC, or an additional stage matography-mass spectrometry. J. Chromatogr.
of mass spectrometry (MS/MS), the selectivity A 856:179-189.
increases considerably. As a result, mass spec- Watson, J.T. 1997. Introduction to Mass Spectrome-
trometry may be used for quantitative as well try, 3rd ed. Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, Pa.
as qualitative analyses. In this manual, mass
spectrometry is mentioned frequently, and ex- KEY REFERENCES
McLafferty and Turecek, 1993. See above.
tensive discussions of mass spectrometry ap-
pear, for example, in units describing the analy- This classic text describes fragmentation pathways
and mechanisms for ions formed using electron
ses of carotenoids (UNIT F2.4) and chlorophylls impact (EI) ionization. In addition, this edition con-
(UNIT F4.5). In particular, these units include tains additional information regarding desorption
examples of LC/MS and MS/MS and the use ionization and the corresponding related fragmen-
of various ionization methods. tation mechanisms.

Watson, 1997. See above.

LITERATURE CITED This textbook provides an overview of biomedical
Barber, M., Bordoli, R.S., Elliott, G.J., Sedgwick mass spectrometry with particular emphasis on
R.D., and Tyler, A.N. 1982. Fast atom bombard- GC/MS and quantitative methods. In addition, de-
ment mass spectrometry. Anal. Chem. 54:645A- scriptions are provided of the various types of mass
657A. spectrometers and ionization techniques that are
Cole, R.B. (ed.). 1997. Electrospray Ionization used for biomedical applications.
Mass Spectrometry. John Wiley & Sons, New
Field, F. 1990. Early days of chemical ionization. J.
Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 1:277-283.
Contributed by Richard B. van Breemen
University of Illinois at Chicago
Hillenkamp, F., Karas, M., Beavis, R.C., and Chait, Chicago, Illinois
B.T. 1991. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ioni-
zation mass spectrometry of biopolymers. Anal.
Chem. 63:1193A-1203A.

Commonly Used

Current Protocols in Food Analytical Chemistry Supplement 2

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